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| On the Burmester Points of a Plane 1

_ exp { - M y T T |

° ~ 1 +evi{M^\ {a >

T h e author has omitted the denominator in his analysis. O. BOTTEMA. 2

T h e authors give solution for a problem that is
T h e expression for 6 n o w bears a better semblance to boundary- undoubtedly complicated. Making use of c o m p l e x numbers and
layer solutions. For one thing, at M = 0, dd/clM = —2/7r, in following an ingenious procedure they succeed in building u p an
excellent agreement with boundary-layer theory. Also, for equation of the fifth degree, f o u r r o o t s of w h i c h c o r r e s p o n d t o the
M > 3, the reduction in heat transfer is t w i c e that previously Burmester points belonging to five arbitrary positions of a rigid
predicted. A comparison is s h o w n in Fig. 2 of this discussion. plane bod}'. Furthermore, the equation is s u c h that a computer

program can be developed to solve it numerically in each given

case. In the remarks, which follow, n o criticism or correction on

the paper c o n c e r n e d is i n t e n d e d . It mentions only an unsuccess-

ful a t t e m p t to attack the problem, a n d its p o s i t i v e value, if any,

On the Buckling of Circular Cylindrical is not more than that it g i v e s a n o t h e r f o r m u l a t i o n of the ques-

Shells Under Pure Bending 1

tion, showing t h a t i t is i d e n t i c a l with a geometrical problem of a

kind not unusual in geodesy.

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In contrast to the Russian work quoted in their paper, the au-
E. R E I S S N E R , 2 T h e authors deserve our thanks for re-examining thors start f r o m a configuration of n o m o r e t h a n six poles, b y which
a result of c y l i n d e r b u c k l i n g t h e o r y w h i c h h a s a l w a y s b e e n difficult the five positions of the plane are c o m p l e t e l y determined. Their
to understand. T h e i r w o r k is a n e x c e l l e n t i l l u s t r a t i o n of t h e pos- choice is, in the well-known notation, the sextuple Pi2, Piz, Pu,
sibilities f o r definitive a n s w e r s w h i c h n o w exist t h r o u g h t h e use cf P3i, P x , Pa, and t h i s is f u l l } ' j u s t i f i e d b y their results. T h e five
high-speed digital computation. positions can also be given by t h e s i x p o l e s Pn, P23, Psi, and Pu.
T h e deflection pattern as calculated b y the authors would seem P46, Pa 1. T h e y are the vertices of two triangles 7'i a n d T2, the
to be an indication that use of the original D o n n e l l equations for angles of w h i c h are denoted, respectively, b y a3, ai, a2, and /S 3 ,
shallow cylindrical shells is justified for the present problem. jSi, 0 2 , F i g . 1, herewith.
T h e writer w o u l d like t o raise the question as to w h a t e x t e n t use of I t is w e l l k n o w n that the motion which leads from position I to
a cylinder theory, which retains its v a l i d i t y for the oos 6, c o s 29 position II is t h e r o t a t i o n about P12 b y an a n g l e 2a3, and so on.
and cos 30-components of the radial deflection function, would T h e r e f o r e i f AT, A2, a n d A3 are h o m o l o g o u s points of the planes I,
m o d i f y the numerical results obtained b y the authors. II, and I I I , t h e r e i s a p o i n t QI s u c h t h a t A j is t h e r e f l e c t i o n o f QI
E. E. S E C H L E R . 3 This paper tends to clarify the small-deflection in PNPZU A2 that of Q, in J'NPN, and A3 that of QI in P31P23.
analysis of the instability of circular cylindrical shells u n d e r pure M o r e o v e r , if M 1 i s t h e c i r c u m c e n t e r o f A 1 A 2 A 3 , i t is e a s i l y s e e n that
bending. F r o m a p h y s i c a l r e a s o n i n g s t a n d p o i n t , if o n e a s s u m e s a <Q\PNP3I = <MIP1>IP'A, which means that QI and MI are iso-
buckle wave length which is small compared to the shell per- gonally conjugated points with respect to 7V T h e analogous
imeter, it has a l w a y s b e e n difficult to u n d e r s t a n d w h y there should property holds for the triangle T2. Hence, if A 1 is a n arbitrary
be any difference between the initial buckling stress of a shell point of position I , QI and QI i t s r e f l e c t i o n s i n P12P31 a n d PJJPBI,
under axial compression a n d o n e under pure bending. T h e paper MI and M2 the isogonally conjugated points of QI and QI with
confirms the physical reasoning. T h e w i d e s p r e a d a c c e p t a n c e of a respect to 'J\ a n d '1\, then MI is t h e c i r c u m c e n t e r o f AIA2A3 and
higher buckling stress for bending than compression is un- M2 t h a t of A1A4A5. I f MI and M2 are the s a m e point M then it
doubtedly the result of experimental evidence which is depend- is t h e c e n t e r o f a c i r c l e t h r o u g h A1, A s , A3, AI, A6 and, therefore,
ent, n o t only o n the initial b u c k l i n g point, b u t also on the nature a Burmester point. In other words, consider the product <S =
of the postbuclding behavior. This behavior is q u i t e different S&SIST of four transformations, 1S1 a n d S, being the isogonal
for the t w o loadings considered. transformations with respect to TI and T«, S2 and S3 the reflec-

tions in P u P s i a n d in P u P n , then the coincidence points of $ are

Authors' Closure the Burmester points. T h e four transformations are involutorical

W - 1).
The authors wish to thank Professors Reissner and Sechler

for their comments. Some new calculations made with a set of 1 By Ferdinand Freudenstein and George N. Sandor, published in
equations employing the modification suggested by Morley 4
the March, 1961, issue of the J O U R N A L OF A P P L I E D M E C H A N I C S , vol.
lowered the buckling coefficients only in the fourth significant 2 8 , T R A N S . A S M E , vol. 8 3 , Series E , pp. 41-49.
2 Professor, Department of Mathematics, Technological Univer-
figure and had no appreciable effect on the deflection patterns.
sity, Delft, Holland.
T h e authors tend to agree with Professor Sechler's comments on

the reason for experimental differenoes between the buckling

stress for bending and compression. W e wonder, however, if

these differences might also be related to the usual practice in

bending tests of orienting longitudinal seams along the neutral

axis of the cylinder. A n y imperfections due to the seam would

thus have little or n o effect in b e n d i n g b u t might have a signifi-

c a n t e f f e c t in c o m p r e s s i o n . It would b e of interest to investigate

this question experimentally.

By Paul Seide and V. I. Weingarten, published in the Marchj


1961, issue of the J O U R N A L O F A P P L I E D M E C H A N I C S , vol. 28, T R A N S .

ASME, vol. 83, Series E, pp. 1 1 2 - 1 1 6 .
2 Professor, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute

of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Mem. ASME.

3 Professor of Aeronautics, California Institute of Technology,

Pasadena, Calif.
' h. S. D. Morley, "An Improvement on Donnell's Approximation
for Thin-Walled Circular Cylinders," Quarterly Journal of Mechanics
and Applied Mathematics, vol. 12, part 1, February, 1959.

Journal of Applied Mechanics SEPTEMBER 1961 / 473

Copyright © 1961 by ASME


From Fig. 1 of this discussion, it follows that < A i P u M = With the increased availability of computing equipment, the

<P3iPuPn = a, and <A,P3lM = <PnPziPn = -a2. There- main b u r d e n is n o l o n g e r t h a t o f c a r r y i n g o u t c o m p u t a t i o n s , but

f o r e i f t h e f o u r p o l e s P12, P a , P u , Pis arc given together with the rather that of writing computer programs. The fact that the

angles of r o t a t i o n 2yl2, 2yn, 2ylt, 2yu, belonging to them, we have a u t h o r s h a v e b e e n a b l e t o solve the general p r o b l e m of t h e location

the following theorem about the unknown points Ai and M : of the Burmester points using their already existing and more
specialized program for the synthesis of path-generating mecha-
<A\P\iM = 7,2, <AiPnM = ya, n i s m s is in itself a s i z a b l e accomplishment.
<AiPuM = 7H, <AiPnM = 7is, W. MEYER ZUR CAPELLEN.5 It is a m a t t e r o f g r e a t m e r i t t h a t the
authors have concerned themselves with the B u r m e s t e r points for
M being a Burmester point and ^-li t h e c i r c l e p o i n t ( i n plane I)
five distinct positions. T h e results are pleasingly simple a n d in-
b e l o n g i n g t o it. T h e c o n f i g u r a t i o n is g i v e n b y t w e l v e independent
deed suited for practical application. It would be interesting to
generalized co-ordinates (as in the authors' case); namely, the
know whether the results of Reinhold Miiller would be reob-
four poles Pi,- a n d the four angles 71,•• The problem therefore
tained from the limiting process in going to five infinitesimal
comes to this: Four points being given construct the two un-
known p o i n t s A1 and M such that the angles by which the seg-
m e n t A\M is s e e n f r o m t h e fixed points have given values, Fig. 2 T. p. GOODMAN. This paper, which greatly extends the

of this discussion. range of applications of the authors' previously published digital-

computer program for linkage design, m a k e s a valuable addition

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to the literature of kinematic synthesis. It is r e m a r k a b l e how
Pu many additional applications for their computer program the
authors have found b y applying Roberts' theorem and the princi-
ple of kinematic inversion.

For the seven-bar linkage, the authors' five-precision-point

solution does not exploit fully the available design parameters,
since theoretically the problem in Fig. 9 of the paper could be
solved for eleven precision points if the positions of the tracer
point A were not prescribed. Nevertheless, the authors' solution
provides a first step—and the only digital-computer program
known to the writer—for attacking this formidable kinematic-
synthesis problem.

Authors' Closure
The authors are grateful for the stimulating discussions and

will offer brief c o m m e n t s o n e a c h in turn.

Fig. 2
B y means of a scholarly analysis, Professor Bottema has

discovered the relationship of Burmester theory to a problem

T h e situation where u n k n o w n points h a v e to be d e t e r m i n e d by
in geodesy. Although, as pointed out by Professor Bottema,
angles measured from given points is not unusual in geodesy.
the p r o b l e m p r e s e n t e d in his F i g . 2 m a y not be solved directly in
If there are p g i v e n p o i n t s a n d q u n k n o w n points and one knows
closed analytical form, it is amenable to indirect analytical
the angles by which the segments between the unknown points
solution by means of the methods of the present paper. One
are seen f r o m the k n o w n points, then a well-determined problem
o f t h e s e i s t o c o m p u t e t h e l o c a t i o n o f p o l e s P21, Pu, P25, a n d P 3 5 , and
exists o n l y — a s Prof. R . Roelofs informs the writer—in the cases
t h e n , w i t h t h e a i d a l s o o f p o l e s P12 a n d P n , t o a p p l y t h e equations
p = 3, q = 3 a n d p = 4, q = 2. The first o f t h e s e is t h e Sechseck-
in part 1 of the paper to determine the Burmester points. Of
problem s t u d i e d b y L a m b e r t in 1765; t h e s e c o n d is i d e n t i c a l with
these, o n e will be the " u n k n o w n " p o i n t M in Fig. 2; point Ai can
our kinematic problem. A solution seems not to be k n o w n . An
thereupon be f o u n d as the intersection of t w o straight lines.
analytical attack leads to the determination of the points of in-
A second indirect, b u t exact method, which yields simultane-
tersection of t w o c u b i c curves.
ously the co-ordinates b o t h of p o i n t M a n d of p o i n t A h i s b a s e d 011
J. D E N A V I T 3 a n d R. S. H A R T E N B E R G . 1 Previously, the t w o general
the approach presented in part 2 of the paper under discussion
methods of attack for the synthesis of planar linkages—the
and utilizes the c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m described in ref. [15]. Table
algebraic and geometric methods—had proceeded along parallel
la, which follows, lists the procedure and is believed to be
paths, thus forming separate schools of thought which did not
permit cross-fertilization. A problem could often be solved by
The authors appreciate learning of the relationship of their
either method, but rarely could the ease of visualization of the
studies to a seemingly unrelated field.
g e o m e t r i c m e t h o d b e c o m b i n e d w i t h t h e a c c u r a c y of t h e algebraic
method. The present paper, which starts from the geometric Professors Denavit and Hartenberg have called attention to

concept of the Burmester points and proceeds by algebraic several aspects of mechanisms research with which the authors

methods using complex numbers, provides a very promising con- are in complete agreement. The first refers to the value of a

nection between the two methods. unified treatment of algebraic and geometric theories; the
second, a point sometimes overlooked, states that a current
The mathematical skill and thoroughness exhibited by the
limitation on the use of computers frequently involves writing
a u t h o r s in t h e p a p e r are, as usual, r e m a r k a b l e , and one can only
the p r o g r a m , rather t h a n t h e c o m p u t e r itself. T o this, the authors
w i s h t h a t m o r e s p a c e w o u l d a l l o w g r e a t e r d e t a i l in t h e explanation
should like to a d d one more—limitations due to loss of accuracy
of s o m e of the steps.
in e x t e n d e d computations, rather than in t h e l e n g t h of t h e com-

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

6 Professor of Kinematics and Mechanisms Design, Technische
Northwestern University, Technological Institute, Evanston, 111.
Assoc. Mem. ASME. Hoehschule Aachen, Aachen, Germany.
4 Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern 6 Kinematics Engineer, General Engineering Laboratory, General

University, Technological Institute, Evanston, 111. Mem. ASME. Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Mem. ASME.

474 / SEPTEMBER 1961 Transactions of the A S M E


Table l a could not have been used and the approximating functions for
The Geodetic Problem the displacements o f m.i a n d m 2 would have had the form
Given: Pi,-, T i = 2,3,4,5 (see Fig. 2)
xi ~ &s = Ai c o s cot + B i s i n to/
Find: M and At suck that ZAiPijM = /-yij (1)

Method: As shown by Bottema, M and Ai constitute a Burmester

X2 ~ £2 = A % c o s coZ + B s i n co< (2)
point-pair with Pi,- as poles, M as centerpoint, and Ai as circlepoint. 2

Procedure: T h e authors state that their paper extends previous w o r k b y de-

1 Assume an arbitrary point Ti in position 1 of the moving plane. termining an approximate solution for the ease where both main
2 Using the given poles Pij and semirotations 7i/, construct the
and absorber springs are nonlinear. Actually, the extension lies
corresponding points, Tj, j = 2,3,4,5, by vector additions in an
arbitrary Cartesian co-ordinate system of axes. in the inclusion of damping, since various combinations of non-
3 Use r = O T and <Pj = 27i; as input for the computer program linear springs in u n d a m p e d s y s t e m s h a v e b e e n treated previously
#9.5.003 of Ref. [15]. as listed in the b i b l i o g r a p h y of the authors' reference [3].
4 Proceed according to Table 1 of the paper to determine the
In describing the solution of the amplitude equations, the
Burmester point-pairs, MuKu u — 1.2 or 1,2,3,4, if real.
5 By inspection of an approximate diagram, select the solution authors state that a maximum of nine possible solutions exists
Mu = M, Ku <l) = Ai, where M and A> are the points whose locations for each disturbance frequency. Actually, there are at mostonly
were to be found. three, since equations (15) and (16), or (17) and (18) are only of

the third degree in the amplitudes. It is b e l i e v e d that the ex-

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putations themselves. And finally, as the discussers have traneous solutions have arisen from the computational methods
observed, the desirability of d e v e l o p i n g a few, versatile, general- which apparently involved squaring processes and hence yield
purpose programs in the mechanisms field is b e c o m i n g increas- some roots of the squared equations that will not satisfy the
ingly evident. original equations.

Concerning the pertinent questions raised by Professor Meyer In arriving at a solution to the amplitude equations, the follow-
zur Capellen, the answer seems to us as follows: In proceeding ing procedure is suggested to avoid graphical methods and to
to five infinitesimal positions, the p o l e s all c o i n c i d e in t h e limiting permit any desired accuracy in obtaining data for plotting re-
position and the results of this paper either ieduce to trivial sponse diagrams:
identities or to indeterminate ratios, the evaluation of which
1 First, select a value for phase angle a, say a i : and use the
would constitute a formidable task. Furthermore, the theory
of this paper deals with motion in general, whereas much of

R. Midler's pioneering work dealt with the four-bar linkage. A,

An intriguing "inversion" of Professor Meyer zur Capellen's sin a = 2£?7

question is the following: Can any of R. Midler's results for

infinitesimal displacements be extended to finite displacements?

t o o b t a i n Ai/s a s a f u n c t i o n o f 17. A c u r v e o f Ai/s v e r s u s ?? 2 m a y
The investigation of this question will, i t is h o p e d , be reported
be drawn immediately as the first step in plotting the response
on in joint future work. A unified treatment of both finite
diagram corresponding to the selected phase angle.
and infinitesimal displacements w o u l d certainly be advantageous.
2 Selecting a value for T; 2 , say J/;2, and its corresponding

The thoughtful comments of Dr. Goodman are in line with, (Ai/s),- use equation (15) of the paper to find at most three

and supporting of, the comments on versatility made bjr Pro- values of (A/s),(1,2.3).

fessors Denavit and Hartenberg. It is true that Roberts' 3 Use equation (16) to find a v a l u e f o r (A2/s)t-(i,2,s) correspond-
theorem and inversion—techniques which the discusser has ing to each (A/s)1(i,2.3).
applied and explained with success—indeed extend the range 4 The complete response diagram corresponding to the
of solutions in many problems involving mechanisms and con- selected phase angle m a y thus be drawn before selecting another
stitute a powerful adjunct to the imagination. The investigation phase angle and repeating the process until a set of response
of the seven-bar, two-degree-of-freedom linkage is certainly diagrams for each of as m a n y phase angles as desired is es-
far f r o m e x p l o i t i n g all a v a i l a b l e d e s i g n p a r a m e t e r s . It represents, tablished.
in fact, a m e r e beginning a n d w a s intended t o illustrate a possible
I t is of i n t e r e s t t o n o t e t h e p h y s i c a l s i g n i f i c a n c e of t h e authors'
application of the c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m as well as to encourage fur-
method c o m p a r e d w i t h t h a t of s o m e o t h e r m e t h o d s . The former
t h e r interest in its analysis.
determines an approximate solution of sinusoidal form with the
In conclusion, the authors should like to state their conviction
a p p r o x i m a t e a m p l i t u d e of such value t h a t the energy dissipation
that the discussers h a v e a d d e d to an unusual degree to the signifi-
over the approximate cycle equals the work input of the dis-
c a n c e of t h e s u b j e c t m a t t e r r e p o r t e d o n in their present study.
turbance. T h e s e c o n d R i t z m e t h o d , a Fourier series a p p r o a c h , or

a modified Duffing method applied to the same problem will

yield approximate solutions such that the coefficients of the ap-

proximating functions will have values that make the resulting

Steady-State Behavior of Nonlinear a p p r o x i m a t e solution c o m e as close as possible t o satisfying what-

Dynamic Vibration Absorber 1 ever minimum principle exists for the dynamical system being

considered—even if t h e p r i n c i p l e is unknown.
F. R . A R N O L D . N o doubt the authors have noted that the il- I n c o n c l u s i o n , it is s u g g e s t e d t h a t e q u a t i o n ( 2 6 ) c a n b e mislead-

l u s t r a t i o n in F i g . 1 is n o t a p p r o p r i a t e f o r t h e p a r t i c u l a r differential ing w i t h o u t a n e x a m i n a t i o n of t h e r e s p o n s e d i a g r a m of t h e system

e q u a t i o n s ( 1 ) a n d ( 2 ) t r e a t e d in t h e p a p e r . Fig. 1 should have the since the equation merely gives conditions for which
clamper connected between ground and mi. H a d the equations Actually, on each side of the value of yf-, f o r which Ai/s = 1,
appropriate to damping b e t w e e n m\ a n d m2 been treated, the de- the amplitude m a y even be smaller rather than larger. W h a t
vice of introducing the phase angle a in the disturbance term happens is a matter for determination from the whole response

diagram rather than from Fig. 3 alone.

' B y W. J. Carter and F. C. Liu, published in the March, 1961,
issue of the J O U R N A L O F A P P L I E D M E C H A N I C S , vol. 2 8 , T R A N S . L. F . K R E I S L E . 3 The authors are to be congratulated for extend-

ASME, vol. 83, Series E, pp. 67-70.

2 Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford Uni- 8 Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, The University

versity, Stanford, Calif. Assoc. Mem. ASME. of Texas, Austin, Tex. Mem. ASME.

Journal of Applied Mechanics SEPTEMBER 1 96 1 / 475

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