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Department of Management




Akriti Koirala-(17080004)

Megna Agarwal-(17080034)

Remisha Maharjan-(17080053)

Ruchi Agrawal-(17080057)

Sadiksha Ghimire-(17080060)

Seema Thapa-(17080073)



Department of Management





Akriti Koirala-(17080004)

Megna Agarwal-(17080034)

Remisha Maharjan-(17080053)

Ruchi Agrawal-(17080057)

Sadiksha Ghimire-(17080060)

Seema Thapa-(17080073)







Department of Management
The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommended to Pokhara
University for acceptance, the project report titled “GYM MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM” submitted by Akriti Koirala (17080004), Megna Agarwal (17080034),
Remisha Maharjan (17080053), Ruchi Agrawal (17080057), Sadiksha Ghimire
(17080060), Seema Thapa (17080073) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the Bachelor of Computer Information System.


[Ujjwol Shakya] [Bijay Khadka],

Supervisor Internal Examiner,
[Senior Lecturer, BCIS]
[Project coordinator, BCIS]
[Apex College]
[Apex College]

________________ ________________

[Dipak Malla] [Sabin Maharjan]

[External Examiner] [External Examiner]

[CTO] [Development Manager]

Treeleaf Technologies Auxfin Development Nepal


[Yogendra Maharjan]

[External Examiner]

IT Glance pvt. ltd

The project report titled “GYM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” submitted for the
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelors of Computer
Information System to Pokhara University, comprises only original work and due
acknowledgement have been made to the materials used in this report.

Akriti Koirala (17080004)

Megna Agarwal (17080034)

Remisha Maharjan (17080053)

Ruchi Agarwal (17080057)

Sadiksha Ghimire (17080060)

Seema Thapa (17080073)

Date: 2021-04-15


We would like to acknowledge our debt to each & every person associated in this
Project Development. The Project Development required huge Commitment from
all the individuals involved in it. We would like to articulate our gratitude &
respect to our honorable teacher, project Supervisor Mr. Ujjwol Shakya, for
constant guidance, advice, encouragement & every possible help in the overall
preparation of this Project.

Furthermore, we would also like to acknowledge all the staffs for providing a
helping hand to us in times of queries & problems. The Project is a result of the
efforts of all the peoples who are associated with the “GymJankari” directly or
indirectly, who helped us to Successfully complete the project within the specified
Time Frame.

We assure you that in upcoming times we will do better and better. This report
helped us a lot to know about website development and designing.

Thank You!


Firstly, the report represents the introduction about the concept. Exercise has a
wonderful impact in your body as it offers all sorts of rewards. Physical activities
are very helpful not simply on producing people suit but also on enhancing one’s
individuality. In order to have a normal and solid body, people would need to
consider going to a gym to workout. To provide a high quality a service to people,
health gym needs to have arranged management system that could provide
convenience to their personnel to perform all their work more efficiently.

The chapter two includes Literature Review which talks about comparison of this
system with the existing systems in the market. Comparing them, analysis was
done about the deficiencies in the features of Gym Management system in Nepal.

In the system design, the basic functionalities of the “GYM JANKARI” is

mentioned. It gives the list of exercise but it surely keeps information of fitness
center members, attendance of gym employees, products on hand and the
repayment of charges of the consumers. This will help in monitoring activities in
the gym. Similarly, the gym staff will have an automatic system which will lessen
up their efforts and avoid hassle in keeping the records. Lastly, the clients will
have their privacy regarding their personal information, also they will have their
proper guidelines in performing exercises, and as a result there won’t be any
confusion regarding the workout.

The chapter four, contains the flow of the project, testing and listing the errors.
Also, includes the debugging and solution to them in order to obtain a smooth,
error-free system .

However, there is always some space for further improvements in a system.

Therefore, the final chapter includes the limitations and future enhancement for
the ongoing system.


TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................vii

LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................ix

LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................x


CHAPTER I...........................................................................................................1



1.2 Scope........................................................................................................................2

1.2.1 Project scope............................................................................................2

1.3 Project Description...................................................................................................2

1.3.1 Goals.........................................................................................................3
1.4 Objectives.................................................................................................................3

1.4.1 Academic objectives................................................................................3

1.4.2 Project Objectives....................................................................................3

1.5 Gantt Chart..................................................................................................4

CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................5

LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................................5

2.1 Literature Review.....................................................................................................5

CHAPTER III........................................................................................................8

SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION................................................8

3.1 Introduction to the System........................................................................................8

3.2 System Design..........................................................................................................8

3.2.1 Use Case Diagram....................................................................................8

3.2.2 Three-Tier Architecture..........................................................................10

3.2.3 Class Diagram........................................................................................11

3.2.4 Activity Diagram....................................................................................12

3.2.7 E-R Diagram..........................................................................................14

3.3 System Description.................................................................................................15

CHAPTER IV.......................................................................................................16

TESTING, DEBUGGING AND RESULTS......................................................16

4.1 Testing and results..................................................................................................16

4.2 Debugging..............................................................................................................17

4.3 Tools Used..............................................................................................................17

4.3.1 Frontend Development...........................................................................17

4.3.2 Backend Development...........................................................................18

CHAPTER V........................................................................................................20


5.1 Conclusion..............................................................................................................20

5.2 Limitations..............................................................................................................21

5.3 Future Enhancement/Recommendations.................................................................21



Figure 1.1 Gantt Chart Diagram..........................................................................8
Figure 3.1:Use Case Diagram: Admin..................................................................9
Figure 3.2: Use Case Diagram: User....................................................................9
Figure 3.3 Three-Tier Architecture....................................................................10
Figure 3.4 Class Diagram....................................................................................11
Figure 3.5 Activity Diagram of Admin...............................................................12
Figure 3.6 Activity Diagram of User...................................................................13
Figure 3.7 E-R Diagram.......................................................................................16


Table 4.1: Testing and Results............................................................................18












Modernization of the society has made the humans work like machine and in this
hectic schedule people are rarely giving themselves good exercises and time. They
now seek the possibilities to get a healthy lifestyle. The secret of the good health
lies in the balanced diet and healthy behaviors. Strong mind and physical fit body
are the ultimate goal of people nowadays. From the youngsters to the old people,
the craze of joining gym is increasing day by day. Many gyms are using
remarkable software’s to keep the day-to-day operational activities of the gym.
Gym jankari, also works on the same module but the difference is the user’s
accessibility. People can easily access the system wherever and whenever they
want. Traditional way of managing the gym was keeping an account book for
everything such as user, packages, attendance, payments, and more. But, the
concept of gym jankari has made all these things possible on a one step click to
the system and no need to worry about the manual mistakes and loosing of the

“GymJankari” is gym management system designed to make it easy to maintain

detailed records of the members and the membership, packages, blogs, attendance,
reports, payments. It includes the feature for smooth running of the managerial
works of the gym. It can offer complete support and assistance, improving
member retention, customer records and thus overall brand image. It can truly
bring insight to owners and managers for performing different operations in gym.
The name itself claims the concept of providing the all information about the gym
so, it helps the Management side to convey the message to the audience and carry
the business activities efficiently. However, one of the biggest challenges for the
gym operators is to keep the track of the members in the file system on day-to-day
basis. Also, the members lose their commitment towards working out and pursue
their fitness goals. So, to tackle these issues, an idea to develop gym management
“GymJankari” came into existence. It will help to solve issues at both sides
simultaneously. It is a win-win treat for everyone!

1.2 Scope
GymJankari focuses on comprehensive all-in-one gym management toolkit, full of
features a gym enterprise could ever need to grow and manage day-to-day
activities. It is an easiest and most customizable system to streamline gym
management and grow membership. Moreover, the system has the great scope in
the fitness industry which ultimately relate to gym center, yoga clubs, mediation
and other.

1.2.1 Project scope

• Easy Register and Login.

• Maintain records of members and their memberships.

• Provide complete support and assistance, improving member retention.

• Maintain records of Packages and Trainers available at gym.

• Maintain attendance of customer who have attended sessions.

• Generate overall attendance report.

• Generate payment procedure of users as per packages subscription.

• Create user-friendly blogs to keep people engaged with the system.

• Facilitate customers to choose package.

1.3 Project Description

Gym management software is one of those tools, and using the capabilities it
provides can help us differentiate our business from the competition. Besides
building and sustaining membership, the gym management systems also ensure
effective regulation of expenses, in turn ensuring more top-line revenue flows
through a bottom-line profit.

Using an effective gym management system with constant improvement would

allow a fitness-oriented business to stay on the top of significant cost centers, such
as employee staffing and inventory management while together streamlining
payment processing, scheduling and payroll management.

GymJankari is developed with an aspiration to supervise the gym management

system in a effectual way so that the users can get easy access to the system and
get a hold of necessary information regarding gym activities. The objective of

GymJankari, is to create a system where various things contained in the system
like members, trainers, packages, user’s information can be obtained by just a few
clicks unlike the paper documents which requires the serious reading for such
information. The Admin can simply find out the users who have registered into the
system, the packages users have subscribed to, keeping a track of users’ regularity
in the gym via attendance and reporting system. The payments records can be
maintained as per the package and duration. Further the trainer’s details such as
designation and description has made the system handier and more useful. Also, to
cope up with the pandemic situation the concept of blogs has been introduced so
as keep users engaged in workout and regular physical activities.

1.3.1 Goals

• To develop a system that helps both customers and owners to get the
essential information effortlessly.
• To make a system where the admin can have all the records under one
• To condense the expenditure maintenance of the gym.

• To widen the features of payment system, attendance system

• To have a Stress-free gym billing.

• To build a system that fulfills the requirements of the users in a useful


1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 Academic objectives

• To develop effective communications and interpersonal skills.

• To build up strong bond with team members while carrying out the project.

• To develop leadership skills.

• To widen the responsibility, tolerance and respect for others.

• To develop focus and increase the understanding of the activities being


1.4.2 Project Objectives

• To learn skills and techniques of responsive web design.

• To gain knowledge of web designing and development skills.

• To build the backend system using Laravel Framework.

• To build the Frontend system using Html, CSS and JavaScript.

• To gain understanding of the importance of the projects being developed.

1.5 Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a project management tool assisting in the planning and

scheduling of projects of all sizes, although they are particularly useful for
simplifying complex projects. Project management timelines and tasks are
converted into a horizontal bar chart, showing start and end dates, as well as
dependencies, scheduling and deadlines, including how much of the task is
completed per stage.

Figure 1.1 Gantt Chart Diagram

2.1 Literature Review
In 2021 fitness has become a great challenge to everyone. With the ongoing
pandemic of co-vid -19 health and fitness are people’s major lifestyle. Keeping
that in our mind we gave a thought on GYM management system and all the
problems a normal gym owner would face. After a decent research we could
collect and analyze the successful gym management strategies. Exercise has a
great impact in the organic structure as it has all kinds of benefits. Physical
activities are really helpful non-merely on doing people fit but besides on bettering
one’s personality. If they have a healthy organic structure, they can be productive
in day-to-day life.

The present system is wholly depending on manual information direction for

different activities such as recording data of client, trainers, employee etc. They
maintain different registries for assorted activities such as high awaking and
seeking information which is boring and clip devouring. In present system all
minutes are done manually with pen and paper so the frequent updating is not
possible. Besides bring further studies. Measures accurately are not possible with
current system. It utilizes a big sum of infinite for client and supplier dealing
information in paper files. Sometime manual computation may be wrong
therefore-taking to the wrong information and a big sum of information cannot be
viewed at a glimpse. No reminder for client and Purchaser. Sometime the
computation has to be done manually so it requires a batch of work. Updating is
not performed that expeditiously and may take complications. No security as
information can be misplaced or damaged.

Working with current system is rather boring, complicated and clip devouring
undertaking. It may take mistakes on certain operations such as surfing seeking.
Adding, taking entries cannot be done expeditiously. Keeping different registries
for assorted activities such as hive awaking and seeking information which is
boring and clip devouring undertaking. Generating studies measures are much
boring undertaking with new system.

Hence the gym owner needs new system with enhanced characteristics. Features
such as automatic study coevals-measure coevals, calculating complicated

computations, executing operations such as adding, canceling, updating and
seeking etc. System should be user friendly. We hereby are with
“GYMJANKARI” undertaking through this study. Our proposed system is
compute based. Which provide assorted User interfaces (Forms) for assorted
operations and therefore synergistic. The system is able to bring forth
computations measures that studies automatically. Operations such as adding,
taking, seeking clients, providers and employees can be done expeditiously and
efficaciously by GymJankari. Adding Parcels class and unit wise is possible with
the aid of this system. System can expeditiously execute assorted minutes such as
gross revenues. Purchase and maintain information after each dealing. In short
proposed system is user-friendly.

Nepal Gym Management, from this system we get to know the UI plays very
important role on attracting the customer and turning the potential audience into
one of them. UI should be able to represent the theme of the gym in a view so; we
created the attractive UI for luring the Users. User interface is important because it
can turn potential visitors to buyers as it facilitates interactions between the user
and your website or web application.  UI not only focuses on the aesthetics but
also maximizes responsiveness, efficiency, and accessibility of a website. It is
professional web design because UI makes a difference.

Association to the Sajilo our GymJankari automates the fast and efficient

environment instead of slow and error prone manual system, thus reducing
both time and man power spent in running of the system. Efficient loading of
information at justified quantity at right time plays an important role.

Gym master supports too much bulky information at the panel so, what makes
our GymJankari different is that it segments the gym functionalities in a way that
it makes the user able to operate easily. Our dashboard includes trainers, packages,
blogs, payment, reports to segregate its operability. Customer should be facilitated
to view information that interests them.

The reference from the fitness club, we experienced the problem that those
websites has it’s time loading to open the dashboard. So, we optimized codes for
faster loading of the sites. This can be done by minimizing HTTP request,
minifying and combing files, use asynchronous loading for CSS and JavaScript

Most of the gyms in Nepal such as Shapes, New Flex and Fitness, The Physique
Workshop and many more, work without any system support. The only digital
platform they use for customer attraction is social media such as Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter. They use traditional manual method for operating gym.
Neither own a website for customer interaction, nor facilitate online customer
login and payment system. Now, as we have already faced worldwide Pandemic
situation and are still coping with the after-effects, we need to focus towards
reducing face-to-face interaction and try initiating system that would help us cope
with maintaining our healthy lifestyle and continuing gym activities without
actually visiting the gym itself.



3.1 Introduction to the System

GymJankari, is a system where it works over the pillars members, trainers,
packages, users. The Admin can simply find out the users who have registered into
the system, the packages users have subscribed to, keeping a track of users’
regularity in the gym via attendance and reporting system. The payments records
can be maintained as per the package and duration. Also, to cope up with the
pandemic situation the concept of blogs has been introduced so as keep users
engaged in workout and regular physical activities. In the system, the user can
view about the packages, trainers, blogs and more in the gym website itself,
meanwhile can enroll themselves into the gym via website itself. They can pay as
per their packages, online to the gym. On the other hand, the gym admin can
manage each of these users, package, payments, blogs. It is a win-win situation for

3.2 System Design

3.2.1 Use Case Diagram
A use case diagram is a representation of a user's (actor) interaction with the
system that shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in
which the user is involved. In our system there is a presence of an actor as an

Figure 3.1: Use Case Diagram: Admin

We have two main our actors in our system. Admin is responsible for managing
the customer accounts and display the training sessions. Admin can receive the
payment made by the user and manage it. Admin can mark the attendance of user
and view the attendance report filtering the package chosen. Admin can also
register new customer who visit the gym physically and add the payment from his

Figure 1.2: Use Case Diagram: User

The user can register and login to the system. The registered user can browse the
training sessions, view blogs, and also know about the trainers available. The user
can make payment and also get a personalized profile.

3.2.2 Three-Tier Architecture

The Three-tier Architecture is divided into 3 parts;

1. Presentation Layer (Client tier)

2. Application Layer (Business tier)
3. Database Layer (Data tier)

The Presentation Layer is the topmost layer of an application.  Its main function is

to communicate with the application layer. This layer passes information which is
given by the user in terms of keyboard actions and mouse clicks to
the application layer.

The Application Layer is also known as the Business logic layer. Here’s where we

find logic controls and functionality that processes data received from the
presentation layer and database layer. The Database Layer is the layer that stores
data with the retrieval storage and execution methods made by the application
layer. It contains methods that connect to the database and performs the required
actions needed. These are Insert, update or delete

Figure 3.3 3-Tier Architecture

3.2.3 Class Diagram

A class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static

structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's
classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among
objects. Class diagram describes the attributes and operations of a class and also
the constraints imposed on the system. The class diagrams are widely used in the
modeling of object-oriented systems because they are the only UML diagrams,
which can be mapped directly with object-oriented languages. Class diagram
shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations, collaborations, and
constraints. It is also known as a structural diagram Class Diagram Illustrates data
models for even very complex information systems. It provides an overview of
how the application is structured before studying the actual code. This can easily
reduce the maintenance time It helps for better understanding of general
schematics of an application.

Figure 3.4 Class Diagram

3.2.4 Activity Diagram

Activity diagram is another important behavioral diagram in UML diagram to

describe dynamic aspects of the system. Activity diagram is essentially an
advanced version of flow chart that modeling the flow from one activity to another
activity. Activity Diagrams describe how activities are coordinated to provide a
service which can be at different levels of abstraction. Typically, an event needs to
be achieved by some operations, particularly where the operation is intended to
achieve a number of different things that require coordination, or how the events
in a single use case relate to one another, in particular, use cases where activities
may overlap and require coordination. It is also suitable for modeling how a
collection of use cases coordinates to represent business workflows.

Figure 3.5 Activity Diagram of Admin

ure 3.6 Activity Diagram of User

3.2.7 E-R Diagram

An ER model is typically implemented as a database. In a simple relational

database implementation, each row of a table represents one instance of an entity
type, and each field in a table represents an attribute type. In a relational database
a relationship between entities is implemented by storing the primary key of one
entity as a pointer or “foreign key” in the table of another entity.

Figure 3.7 E-R Diagram

3.3 System Description
We follow the MVC design pattern for developing our system. Model–view–
controller (MVC) is a software design pattern for implementing user interfaces on
computers. It divides a given software application into three interconnected parts,
so as to separate internal representations of information from the ways that
information is presented to or accepted from the user.

Model: The model manages the behavior and data of the application domain,
responds to requests for information about its state (usually from the view), and
responds to instructions to change state (usually from the controller).

View: The view manages the display of information.

Controller: The controller interprets the mouse and keyboard inputs from the user,
informing the model and/or the view to change as appropriate.

This Gym Management a system handles all the necessary and minute details
easily and proper database security s made accordingly to the user. stores data
about members, employees, products, payroll, receipts of members etc.
GymJankari & all transactions that occur in Gym and lock-up with graphical user
interface (GUI). We have done a project on Gym Management and database
management and transactions. GymJankari proposed to be an automate database
management & transactions. This stores employee, member, and payroll, receipts,
and products information. It also provides the facility of search & advanced search
for searching the records efficiently & immediately. This system provides data
storing & report generation with graphical user interface (GUI).


4.1 Testing and results

Table 4.1: Testing and Results

Test Action Outcome Expected Results


Validation for Submitted Please fill out Vacant field Success

vacant this field
Login Submitted This credential Unauthorized Success
unregistered does not match user
user our records.

Validation for Submitted The password Password Success

Register password and confirmation mismatch
does not match
User password Forgot your Choose an Security tokens Success
verification alternative

User CRUD CRUD with Successfully Successful Success

user done
Package CRUD CRUD with Successfully Successful Success
package done
Trainer CRUD CRUD with Successfully Successful Success
trainer done
Blogs CRUD CRUD with Successfully Successful Success
blog done
Payment testing Payment Payment update Payment Success
Processing updated

Retrieving List of Number of days Number of Success
attendance customer present as per days present
report attendance date as per date
according to

4.2 Debugging
Debugging is needed to reflect testing the results in the formal way which gives an
opportunity to estimate testing result quickly. It is a document that records data
obtained from an evaluation experiment in an organized manner, describe the
environmental and operating condition and shows the comparison of test result
with objectives. We tested the input and analysis the expected outcome with actual
output and thus found the test result quite successful.

We faced the error while adding image in trainer, package and blogs. Debugging
was done by installing the GD driver in php file.

We faced error while adding user without package and trainers. Then this was
solved by adding the depended information prior.

4.3 Tools Used

Coding tools:
Coding means using the programming language to get the computer to behave as
desired. Each line of the code is a set of instructions for the computer. A set of
codes form a script, and a set or dozens of sets, form a program.

4.3.1 Frontend Development

A frontend application is one that application users interact with directly. The
frontend is and interface between the user and the backend. IN simple words we
can understand the concept of front and back end with the help of below given
definition. In client/server application, the client part of the program is often called
the backend. While creating a frontend, different components relating to the
software development were used.

 HTML: HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to

design the front-end portion of web pages using a markup language.
HTML is the combination of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext
defines the link between the web pages. The markup language is used to

define the text documentation within the tag which defines the structure of
web pages.
 CSS: Cascading Style Sheets fondly referred to as CSS is a simply
designed language intended to simplify the process of making web pages
presentable. CSS allows you to apply styles to web pages. More
importantly, CSS enables you to do this independent of the HTML that
makes up each web page.
 JavaScript: JavaScript is a famous scripting language used to create magic
on the sites to make the site interactive for the user. It is used to enhancing
the functionality of a website to running cool games and web-based

Frontend Frameworks and Libraries: 

 Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a free and open-source tool collection for creating

responsive websites and web applications. It is the most popular HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first
 jQuery: jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies the
interactions between an HTML/CSS document, or more precisely the
Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript. Elaborating the terms,
jQuery simplifies HTML document traversing and manipulation, browser
event handling, DOM animations, Ajax interactions, and cross-browser
JavaScript development.

4.3.2 Backend Development

Backend is the server-side of the website. It is the part of the website that
you cannot see and interact with. It is the portion of software that does not
come in direct contact with the users. The parts and characteristics
developed by backend designers are indirectly accessed by users through a
front-end application. Activities, like writing APIs, creating libraries, and
working with system components without user interfaces or even systems
of scientific programming, are also included in the backend. 
 PHP: PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web
development. Since PHP code executed on the server-side, so it is called a
server-side scripting language.

 JavaScript: JavaScript can be used as both (front end and back end)
programming languages.
 MySQL: It is the most popular application for MySQL database
management. We can create, update, drop, alter, delete, import, and export
MySQL database tables by using this software. phpMyAdmin also
supports a wide range of operation like managing databases, relations,
tables, columns, indexes, permissions, and users, etc., on MySQL and
MariaDB. These operations can be performed via user interface, while we
still have the ability to execute any SQL statement.

Back End Frameworks: 

 Laravel:
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.
We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be
truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by
easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as
authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.

5.1 Conclusion
With the fitness goals of the contemporary world almost on the top of their priority
list, there comes the need for an efficient gym management system. Especially,
during and after the pandemic scenario, people expect a system with no social
contacts and easily available on their smart phones. Therefore, a system especially
designed for well- functioning of a gym/fitness club comes into demand.

The gym management system plays a crucial role in overall working of a gym,
with proper management of payments, membership information, record of
employees, list of equipment as well as accounting and marketing. This system
would boost the professionalism and all-round development of the gym, with
constant risk management and insurance. It would also make sure of the client’s
trust with understanding and overcome competition with other gyms.

With the pandemic and people avoiding social contact in a large scale, a proper
gym management like this would enhance the proper functioning and systematized
record of information of the gym, along with customer satisfaction. Such software
solutions would help fitness businesses that offer memberships and classes keep
track of their members, their employees and their schedules.

Therefore, a proper gym management system would serve as a platform designed

to increase club member acquisition, making transactions of data and fund safer
and easier, hence more reliable. Convenience is now the currency that drives
customer loyalty, and with an acceptable system like this, gyms and fitness clubs
will be able to find more ways to make gym more user-friendly and convenient for
the members.

5.2 Limitations
Nevertheless, we have encountered few limitations after the completion of our
project. The limitation that we faced while conducting our project is that the
analysis approach of the system cannot be performed on any transactions with
format other than defined in our algorithm.

• The system operates in English language which might not be suitable for
diversity of user.
• The system cannot perform all operation expected by manager such as
keeping record of diets plans, exercises and maintenance.
• We were only able to perform analysis on fewer transactional data due to
limited availability of real-world data.
• The system can be mainly applicable in the small or convenience gyms.
And is mainly designed for the manager in a way so as to update user
information and manage transactions & maintain record of packages and
their respective duration.
• There are lack of features and attributes to apply in large scale gym

5.3 Future Enhancement/Recommendations

The project has been developed in a very short period of time and all efforts have
been taken so that this project efficiently execution, there is still much room
available for improvement in the project. The project has a very vast scope in

• Bar code Reader based attendance system

• Real time chat bot option for members and trainers, so that members can
directly enquiry their trainers any time.
• Automated fitness suggestion by enquiring the condition of their health.
• Video conversation option for trainers and members.
• Application of the project can be implemented more user friendly and
• More security measures can be taken.
• Implementing actual payment gateway.
• More security measures can be taken.


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Gym management Software Benefits , pp. 15-20.

Reddy, D. C. (2016, December). Smart Gym management system. (N. Moneer,

Ed.) Ums Digital Library , pp. 10-15.


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