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● Create Bill of Quantity

1. Click on project menu.

2. Select “Bill of Quantity” Menu.

3. Click on create button to create Bill of Quantity.

Goto:- Project > Project > Bill of Quantity > Create

Cont ...
1. Give name to Bill of Quantity

2. Add Task using this button (see next screen)

Cont ...
1. Give task

2. Select product type to add product by type

3. Now product of type “Iron” display here

4 . Add Labour from here (see next screen)

Cont ...
1. Select Labour services, and give quantity, label, rate from here

2. Save
task Cont ...
1. Save “Bill of Quantity”

Cont ...
1. To Approve Bill of Quantity click “Approve”

Note: if you not confirm BoQ it will not come in any

BOQ selection fields.

Cont ...
After click “Approve” bill of Quantity stage
change to Approved.

1. Select releted BOQ task 2. Enter POW task name 3. Enter task duration(in days)
● Program of Work

- After creating BOQ, create program of work.

Goto :- Project > Project > Program of Work > Create

Cont ...
1. Give name to “Program of Work”

2. Select Bill of Quantity

3. Click on Task to assign Sub Program of

Work for BoQ (see next screen)

Note:- when selecting BOQ task automaticaly fill.

Cont ...
1.Select POW – work or sub task ( Duration and 2. Enter work start after
releted BOQ fill automaticaly) days

3. Save POW Task

Cont ...
1. Save, after adding all releted POW Task

Number of work and total days for task shows here

● Create Master Project

Goto :- Project > Project -> Master Projects > Create

3. Save Project

1. Give project name

2. Assign manager to project

● Create Sub Project

- After creating Master Project, now create sub project of master project.

Goto :- Project > Project -> Sub Projects > Create

7. Save

1. Give project name

2. Assign project manager 5. Select BOQ

3. select master project

6. Select program of work

4. Select building name

Note:- Project Task created automaticaly after BOQ assign to project

Start Date
End Date calculate automaticly from POW
All task shows here
All program of work for this project shows
1. Click on project name to see task of the project
1 .Task under progress state shows
here. Click here to open task

Task in panding or Draft state

shows here (task start automatically
base on POW)

Note:- State of task automaticaly changed based on today date and POW.
Product, price, estimated, required and used quantity total and status of
product shows here.

Note:-Material, Price, Estimated Quantity come from BOQ. Request Quantity come from Indent. Used quantity come from daily
material used.
Program of work detail shows here

Active POW show in Blue Color

● Budget Yearly

- Before confirming indent you must define budget.

- To define budget goto following menu.

-> Budget > Budget > Budget Yearly > Create

1. Select year

2. Add project budget from here (see in next

1. Select building type

2. Select related project for building type

3. Select task of project and give budget amount

4. Save project budget.

1. Save
1. Approve Budget.

Note: once budget get approved, changes in budget can not possible

After saving budget total budget of

project shows here
Budget in approved / validated state.
● Monthly Budget (Template)

- The budget you create here is work as template

- Follow the step to create monthly budget template

Goto:- Budget > Budget > Monthly Budget > Create

1. Select month

2. select year

3. Add expances from here

1. Select Project 2. Select Task 3. Enter budget amount
1. Add infrastructure item from here
1. Enter salary detail from here
2. Save

1. Add commission detail

Budget Monthly Request
- Monthly budget request is created using template

Goto:- Budget > Budget > Budget monthly Request > Create
1. Select month 2. Select Master Project
3. Validate

All line fill automaticaly from the monthly budget of this month and year.
1. Approve
Budget in approved state

- Indent is created automaticaly when project created with BOQ.

- Purchase orderd created after confirming indent

Goto:- Project > Project > Task

1. Open task.
1. View Indent
3. Save

4. confirm indent

1. Select project site location

Current month budget automaticaly selected.

After Indent approved purchase order created only for product which not available in stock.

1. Approve
1. click here to see purchase order.
Complete all purchase order, so stock of product is available.
Now transfer product to project site location

Goto:- Project > Project > Task > “click on any task” > click ”View Indent”
1.Click this buttom
1. Click “Mark as ToDo”
1. Click “Check Availability” to check product stock
1. Transfer stock from wharehouse stock to project site location

show available quantity in stock

After “Transfer” button clicked this screen appeared

1. Apply to complete stock move

Back to indent Stock move completed
1. Back to task

Indent state change to receive when issue product

stock move completed
1. Edit

After indent stock move completed required quantity show here

1. Add Labour work detail here (select name of work, labour name,
description of work, unit, quantity, rate)

2 .Enter daily work detail here [select work and worker name , start and
finished time, P.M % Completed, C.O % Completed next days
targat, ]

3. Add daily material usege

(see next screen)
1. add material and used quantity here

2. Save and close after adding used material

1. Save changes
Day number Total number of product used show here
Budget Monthly Variance

- When project is out of budget then create monthly variance budget.

- Create out of budget as you needed.

Goto:- Budget > Budget > Budget Monthly Veriance > Create
1. Select monthly budget

2. Add opex expanses if required.

1. Add construction budget if required
2. Save Budget

1. add infrastructure item budget if required

1. Validate budget
1. Approve budget
Budget Variance in approved state
Budget Performance Report

- Print budget performance report

Goto:- budget > Report > Budget Performance

1. Select Budget

2. Print report
Daily Inspection Sheet & Report

Goto : Project > Inspection > Daily Inspection Sheet > Create
1. Select project

2. Select project task 3. Enter team name

4. Enter inspection sheet data

(see next screen)
1. Write problem discription

2. Give proposed solution

3. Select Inspection time
4. Enter time frame to fix this problem

5. Save
Print daily inspection sheet report
Daily Inspection Feedback and Report

Goto: Project > Inspection > Daily Inspection Feedback > Create
1. Select Project and Task 2. Enter plot number

4. Enter team name

3. Select C.O. and P.M.

5. Add inspection feedback detail here
1. Enter Adjustment type and
time frame

2. Enter inspection percentage here

3. Save
1. Save
1. Process feedback
1. Return product
1. Select product

2. Give return qty

3. Give reason for return

4. Apply to proceed return

Note: Return stock move is created after click apply button

1. Successful feedback See return move here
Print daily inspection feedback report in PDF
Create Agent

-Agent commission calculated when sale order invoice paid

Goto: Sale > Sales > Agent > Create

1. Enter agent name

3. Enter Starting and Ending range

2. Enter commision amount (FIX)

4. Enter percentage for commission

4. Save
1. Enter scheme name

2. Enter interest rate

3. Enter payment period in month

Allocation of Plot

Goto:- Allocation > Plot > Allocation > Create

7. Save
1. Select project site, Type of Building, Building
4. Enter offer date and price

6. Enter amount paid today

5. Select status and pyment type
3. Select Phase 2. Enter Plot Number and
select customer
1. Give first approval
1. give second approval
1. Give third approval
1. Give forth approval

Download offer letter in

1. Allocate
1. If need to Create Sale Order then click
“Create Sale Order” button.

Download Provisional Letter in

1. if Sale order created for this allocation shows here, click to open it.
1. Select agent name

2. Select commission based

1. Click this button to allocate installment scheme
1. Select Installment Scheme

2. Allocate Selected Scheme

Monthly Installment list show here
1. Register Payment
1. Enter installment amount

2. Register payment
Paid amount shows here

Go to sale order and mark installment as

Sale Order

- Process sale order

Goto:- Sale > Sales > Sale Order

2. Save

3. Confirm sale order

1. Mark installment as paid

1. Click to view delivery order
1. Transfer
1. Click apply to complete move
1. Back to sale order

Transfer completed.
1. View invoice
1. Register payment
1. Select payment method

2. Register payment
1. Back to sale order

Invoice paid

Note:- After customer inovie paid agent commission is created.

Sale order completed
Agent Commission

- After paying sale order invoice, agent commission is generated

Goto:- Sale > Sales > Agent

1. Click here to view all commission
1. Validate invoice

Reference sale oder for commission shows here

1. pay invoice
1. Select payment method

2. Register payment
Commission paid
Deallocation of Plot

Goto:- Allocation > Plot > Deallocation

6. Save
4. Enter amount todate paid
1. Select project site

5. Enter agent deduction percentage and legal fee

2. Select Plot number and reason in percentage

3. select yes, if want to apply deduction

Note: When save, Plot is Deallocated and its show in “Allocation Archive” menu.
Resale and Transfer

Goto:- Allocation > Plot > Resale or Transfer

6. Save
1. Select project site and plot number
4. Enter Balcance(B/F)

5. Select yes if you want to apply deduction

3. Enter purpose
2. Select source and destination customer
Commission Report
Goto:- Allocation > Report > Commission Report
1. Select From date 2. select To date

3. Print Report

Note:- Only done sale order commission show in report.

Plot Report

Goto:- Allocate > Report > Plot Report

1. Select building

2. Print Report

Note:- Releted plot to this selected building show in report

Plot report screen
Daily Progress report

Goto:- project > Report > Daily Progress Report

1. Select project

2. Print report
Probe & Report

Goto:- Project > Project > Task > “open any task” > click on “Add Probe” buttom
1. Click here to add Probe
1. Add reason 3. Add possible effect

2. Add resoltion
4. Enter remark

Probe Report

Goto: Project > Report > Probe Report

1. Click this button to print report
Stock Transfer

1) Material Check List and Report

2) Rejection of Material and Report
3) Report of Material Delivery Form
Click here to see Material Checklist on “save” for save details

right on
Qty and
Qly by
M.M or

2. Give answer in Yes/No for all

Print Material Checklist pdf report
Click here to create Material Rejection
1.Select Material for rejection

2.Enter Rejection Qty.

3.Enter Reason of Rejection

4.Click to “Apply” for save details

Click here to see
Material Rejection
2.print report of for print report
Material Rejection
Employee Payslips

1.Contract creation for Employee

2.Employee Pasylip
1.Click here to create or
see Contracts
1.Click to create contracts
1.Enter name of contract

2.Enter the salary of


3.Select working schedule, if not available

than create it.
See how to create it is in next slide.
1.Enter Schedule name

2.Enter days
wise details

3.Click to “Save” for save

Click on ”save” to save contract
1.Click here to
create payslips
or see paylips
1.Click to create payslips this tab budget
Click on “save ” to save details

Note:if payment is out of budget than you can't confirm payslips.

Click to confirm payslips

Note:if payment is out of budget than you can't confirm payslips.

Note : Payslips create successfully.

1. Asset

2. Asset Design

3. Print Check List/Inventory

Go to: Asset -> Asset -> Asset

1. Click to Create.
3. Click to Save it.
1. Enter Items Name.

2. Enter Qty.
Go to: Asset -> Asset -> Asset Assign

1. Create Asset Assign.

3. Save it.

1. Enter Name of Team.

2. Click to Add Item List.

1. Click to Assign.
1. Click to Return.

Note: When Product is Return than Click on Return Button.

Go to: Asset -> Asset -> Print Check List/Inventory

Today Date.

1. Print Report.

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