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Construction Management in

Job Costing / Contracting / Construction Management /
Progress Billing / Estimates – Bundle

* This module supports both community as well as Enterprise versions.

I. Project Job Costing (Contracting) and Job Cost Sheet ........................................................... 4
II. Job Costing Dashboard ....................................................................................................... 5
III. Project Team for Construction and Job Contracting ............................................................. 5
IV. Estimation for Jobs - Material/Labor/Overheads ................................................................. 7
V. Sales Estimate Creation from Job Cost Sheet ....................................................................... 7
VI. Create Progress Billing and Send to Your Customer ............................................................. 8
VII. Customer Invoice from Job Cost Sheet ................................................................................ 9
VIII. Material Purchase Requisition and Cost Sheet Integration
.......................................................................................................................................... 9
IX. Change Order in Job Contracting and Construction ............................................................ 10
X. Budget for Job Contracting and Construction Projects ....................................................... 10
XI. Equipment and Maintenance Request for Job Work Order
........................................................................................................................................ 11
XII. Instruction and Quality Checklist on Job Order .................................................................. 11
XIII. Job Order with Expense Employee .................................................................................... 12
XIV. Subcontracting in Job Order/Construction/Contracting ..................................................... 12
XV. Request for Information (Construction and Contracting
Business).......................................................................................................................... 13
XVI. Job Inspection .................................................................................................................. 14
XVII. Project and Task Phases.................................................................................................... 14
XVIII. Minutes of meeting for Construction and Contracting
Projects............................................................................................................................ 15
XIX. Issue Tracking System for Construction and Contracting .................................................... 15
XX. Job Drawing Construction and Contracting Business .......................................................... 16
XXI. Document Management for Job Contracting and
Construction .................................................................................................................... 17
XXII. Project Team for Construction and Contracting ................................................................. 18
XXIII. Transmittals / Submittals for Construction and
Contracting ...................................................................................................................... 18
XXIV. Construction and Contracting with Equipment &
Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 19
XXV. Job Cost Sheet Integration with Material Planning of Job
Order ............................................................................................................................... 19
XXVI. Work Package for Construction and Contracting................................................................ 20
XXVII. Repair App for Construction and Job Contracting .............................................................. 21
XXVIII.Waste Management for Construction and Contracting ...................................................... 21
XXIX. P&L for Job Costing (Profit and Loss Report) ...................................................................... 23
XXX. Material Consumption on Job Order / Work Order ............................................................ 23
XXXI. Risk Management for Construction and Contracting
Projects............................................................................................................................ 24
XXXII. Construction Daily Logs .................................................................................................... 24
Project Job Costing (Contracting) and Job Cost Sheet

➔ Allows you to manage any type of Project/Contracts with its job costing (contracting) and job
cost sheets
Job Costing Dashboard

➔ Dashboard view for job costing and contracting on project

Project Team for Construction and Job Contracting

Estimation for Jobs - Material/Labor/Overheads

➔ Send Estimation to your Customers for materials, labor, overheads

Sales Estimate Creation from Job Cost Sheet

Create Progress Billing and Send to Your Customer
Customer Invoice from Job Cost Sheet

Material Purchase Requisition and Cost Sheet Integration

➔ Integration between job cost sheet and material purchase requisition

Change Order in Job Contracting and Construction

Budget for Job Contracting and Construction Projects

➔ Create and manage budgets based on analytic account/project for job contracting and
Equipment and Maintenance Request for Job Work Order

Instruction and Quality Checklist on Job Order

Job Order with Expense Employee

➔ Allows the employee to submit expenses for a job order.

Subcontracting in Job Order/Construction/Contracting

Request for Information (Construction and Contracting Business)

➔ This screen allows you to manage "Request for Information" for Construction and Contracting
Business. Your customer/supplier can submit request online from your website and team can
response with answers. Project manager and project team can also manually create request
for information from backend in case if they want to ask questions to supplier/customer. This
way your project of construction and contracting can get assured information stored well in
database. It works like a helpdesk or customer service portal.
Job Inspection

➔ This screen allows you to have inspection feature on your Job Orders for Construction and Job
Contracting Projects. You can print job inspection report in pdf format.

Project and Task Phases

Minutes of meeting for Construction and Contracting Projects

➔ Manage meetings and meeting minutes and notes. Meeting with Project/Construction related
details. Print Meeting minutes.

Issue Tracking System for Construction and Contracting

➔ This module allow you manage Construction and Contracting Issues. Issue tracking system for
Construction and Contracting business for workers who work on site at construction and job
contracting. To raise any kind of issues related to jobs they are working on. Your customer can
also use this system to raise support tickets.

Job Drawing Construction and Contracting Business

➔ ECO and CAD-CAM engineering drawing upload of your construction projects.

Document Management for Job Contracting and Construction

➔ This module allows you to manage all your documents via a Google drive integration.
Project Team for Construction and Contracting

Transmittals / Submittals for Construction and Contracting

➔ Submittals and Transmittals documents for Construction and Job Contracting.

Construction and Contracting with Equipment & Maintenance

Job Cost Sheet Integration with Material Planning of Job Order

➔ Create/edit Job Cost Sheet from Material Planning from Job Order.
Work Package for Construction and Contracting

➔ Create and send work package to your customers for your construction and contracting
Repair App for Construction and Job Contracting

➔ Create Repair Request for any equipment/machine/item for job order of your construction
and job contracting business.

Waste Management for Construction and Contracting

P&L for Job Costing (Profit and Loss Report)

Material Consumption on Job Order / Work Order

Risk Management for Construction and Contracting Projects

Construction Daily Logs

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