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ae eee sted Test Progress Minutes Remaining Revenue and Costs, Fast Food Outlets Example 1 3 ‘What percentage of the Total Revenue was Cost of Sale in September? @& 68.5% 8 8 Millions of Dottars (US) 2 0 50 2 Months ene as & Test Minutes Progress [ll Remeining Revenue and Costs, Fast Food Outlets Example 2 ese ote 3 If 980 outlets produced the November revenue, Weta how many outlets were there in December? Revenue @ cost 400 = | & 8 8 Millions of Dollars (US) 40 vuly Aug Sept Oct ‘Months icrosoft Internet Explorer & Test in Minutes Progress MMMMUNIMNNNUNY Remaining ® Question: 1 Projected Consumer Goods Exports ‘What peroentaye of projected consumer goods exports from both countries in Y-+ is attributable to Singapore? Exchange Rates for Year Y 94,50 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) = $1 Singapore Dollar (SD) {81.60 Singapore Dollar (SGD) = $1 US Dollar (USD) ae eee sted & Test PITTI Minutes Progress MAMMUNIMNNNIUNY Remaining @ Question: 2 Projected Consumer Goods Exports ‘What is the projected percentage increase in the combined consumer goods exports far both Hong Kang and Singapore between Y and V4? Exchange Rates for Year Y 94,50 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) = $1 Singapore Dollar (SD) {81.60 Singapore Dollar (SGD) = $1 US Dollar (USD) icrosoft Internet Explorer & Test TITTY Minutes Progress MMMM Remaining ® Question: 3 Projected Consumer Goods Exports What is the projected ratio of Hong ong to Singapore consumer goods exports in Y-+42 Exchange Rates for Year Y 94,50 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) = $1 Singapore Dollar (SD) {81.60 Singapore Dollar (SGD) = $1 US Dollar (USD) 4 Online Numeracy Test ae eee sted & Test ha rrogress (MMMINMUNUNNUNMNUNAY CO Me nes Cor me pic pic EC me Ome LLC) Turavel em’) W4 1607 23 73 «600 Promteny 92339-1988 Asselsenr. 423 6401-252 27M 1904 Bebtien) a7 30 i782 908 Share Price tpence) 108.0 A724 6.0 41.3 48.7 No-ofBhaesem 0.5 a7 0934272 Minutes Remaining Question: 4 Which company has the greatest value of Assets per share? S&® -arsiow pte @ src O & @D ion @ vive 2101 xd ET eames ns 2101 xd & Tes Hanna 0000000000000 rrogress (MMM UMNNINNNNUNAY CO Me nes Cor me EC me Ome LLC) : as Tumover em) 14 1607 23073 BNO Promteny 92339-1988 Asselsenr. 423 6401-252 27M 1904 Debt ems, a7 ao 1782308 Bhare Price (pence) 1080 1721 8011.3 4B T No-ofBhaesem 0.5 a7 0934272 Minutes Remaining Question: § if someone were to sell 3,600 shares in Hardlow ple, how many shares of Aurore could they buy with the proceeds from that sale? @ 71 @O v2 @©O =m @ ve @&D 27550 ET eames ns 2101 xd & ooo MMMRANANANANANANANA CO Me nes Cor me EC me Ome LLC) : as Tumower dem, 4 1607 23 73 (600 Promteny 92339-1988 Asselsenr. 423 6401-252 27M 1904 Bebtien) a7 30 i782 908 Share Price tpence) 108.0 A724 6.0 41.3 48.7 No-ofBhaesem 0.5 a7 0934272 Question: 6 Minutes Remaining What peroentaye of IKQ Inc's Tumover is Profit? @D ux @ xx OA a @&D ax DD est: sey ET eames ns 10) x/ & Test Minutes rrogress (MMMMAM UN NNNINUIIUY Remaining DCL ST ee ee Question: 7 ree aad if four products were extended during this year, on SL ai Le Me average how many more hours were spent on each cy foes Engineering 10,000 © 4,000 +6 000 432 co) Perms) © extension in Technical Services. compared to Specifications? eal 460003700540 673 & 160 Semices: Marketing @) 6000 «3600 = 2,000 O oo ‘162 Spsciieations@ 6000 3000 2,000 33 @& u Development) 8000 5,000 1,500 324 & 166 ED ire cithese 4 Online Numeracy Test & eT ae eee sted DUCA ee Oe CU cette) St ae wc) Ce cee Resources Engineering 10,000 © 4,000 +6 000 432 peice 460003700 «9,640,673 Semices: Marketing @) 6000 3.600 = 2,000 0 Spedineations@® 6000 3000 2000 3 Dewlopment 8,000 ©5000 = 1,500 324 PEPEEEPE PEPE EY Minutes Remaining Question: 8 On average haw many more hours were worked per employee in Marketing than in Specifications? © «x © wu @& 208 @& @& x 2/01 x) Piet ms Mae tee sted = 2/01 x) & oo wa PU LCM Te eS CU Time Used Ft ea bf employees) ame ig Allmin Products Extensions| Resources Engineering 10,000 4,000 +6 000 432 peice 460003700 ©9640 673 Services: Marketing @) 6000 3.800 © 2,000 0 Spetineations@ 6000 3000 2,000 3 Dewlopment 8,000 ©5000 += 1,500 324 Minutes Remaining Question: 9 if available time resources in Engineering increase by 10% in the next year, how many new praducts will be launched? e: Cannot say Mae tee sted Piet ms 2/01 xd & ooo AMAMRARIAANANANANANAD Ue eC ae eo) CTD) Fe ee Netsales 7,600 2158 2,568 2,375 2508 2,709 Gaetersemee og 4.4ar toot 4,408 1.808 1,716 sald Bales inargin 511 671 88B BHT) 922893 Fed costs: 289° 411 «582578 592598 Operating ash 497 250 304288391387 Minutes Remaining Question: 10 Between which years did the largest percentage growth in Sales Margin accur? oe 1995-1995 & 1996-1997 @& 1997-1998 @& 1998-1999 fe} 1999-2000 Mae tee sted Piet ms 2/01 xd & ooo AMAMRARIANAADANANANAD Ue eC ae eo) CTD) Fe ee Netsales 4600 2158 2568 2375 2,508 2,709 Gaetersemee og 4.4ar toot 4,408 1.808 1,716 sald Bales inargin 511 671 88B BHT) 922893 Foied costs: 289° 411 «582578 592598 Operating ash 497 250 304288391387 Minutes Remaining Question: 12 Efficiency’ is the Operating Cash Flow as a percentaye of total costs (Goods Sold & Fixed Casts). What was the efficiency of IPG in 1995? SD ioore cithese rosoft Internet Explorer ose MMMARAANANLILINAL nee ® Question: 13 Regional Drug Sales: Tequental and Parnol By volume Tequental sells at twice the price of Pamol, What is the Tequental:Pamal ratio in terms of global volume sold? SD ite ofthese 3 ae => ($4,000 million) ($2,000 mitlion) pees ote ooo? fina Regional Drug Sales: Tequental and Parnol Tequentat Parnol ($4,000 million) ($2,000 mitlion) Minutes Remaining Question: 14 Approximately what percentaye of all Tequental and Paral sales (in $) isin the Korean market? & « & x @ « @& = SD one cfthese => pees ote og? finanagannMNANAAA Regional Drug Sales: Tequental and Parnol Tequentat Parnol ($4,000 million) ($2,000 mitlion) Minutes Remaining Question: 15 Approximately what percentaye of all Tequental and Paral sales (in §) are Tequental sales in Hang Kang? SD ite ofthese => ET ami eager & ooo AMAAAARARANARARANANLD Today's Exchange Rates* for the Bhutanese Ngultrum Poa) cs crs Btering «70.72 71.08 = GB70)«-+0.42—88.00 CMS TY or UBDoller 4352 4516 4362 «0.80 43.44 Euro 4601 4867 «4493 41.88 4.28 Yen o40 043 038-003 a3 "Wales are puwher of Nalin por stated curenoy Minutes Remaining Question: 16 What was the World Bank Index for Yen yesterday? @O vv & 1 Oo wv @ iv DD “er sey 2/01 xd Mae tee sted Piet ms OQ .: Today's Exchange Rates* for the Bhutanese Ngultrum Poa) cs crs Btering «70.72 71.08 = GB70)«-+0.42—88.00 CMS TY or UBDoller 4352 4516 4362 «0.80 43.44 Euro 4601 4867 «4493 41.88 4.28 Yen o40 043 038-003 a3 "Wales are puwher of Nalin por stated curenoy Question: 17 ifthe exchange rates for Sterling and ura continue Minutes Remaining y to increase every day by the same amount of Ngultrums as today, in how many more days would @ Euro buy mare Ngultrums than one pound Sterling? 10 20 a0 40 a0 2/01 xd icrosoft Internet Explorer progecs (MAMAN po ® Question: 1 European Inflation Indices for 1998 (rebased to 100 at 1st Quarter) Ifthe inflation index for Eamings at the 1st Quarter (before rebasing) was 120, what would the equivalent 2nd Quarter figure be? 121.0 121.2 121.4 121.8 None of these Hirata @ Earnings A Whoiessie q Foous => Mae tee sted Test Minutes Progress han Remaining ® Question: 2 European Inflation Indices for 1998 (rebased to 100 at 1st Quarter) lrthe average family food basket costs 100 Euros at 2nd Quarter prices, how much will it cost at Srd Quarter prices? @D ceeves @D Few: @D eens & icws ® Coors: Hirata @ Earnings A Whoiessie q Foous => icrosoft Internet Explorer tect estes og? A eneng ® Question: 3 European Inflation Indices for 1998 (rebased to 100 at 1st Quarter) Which Quarter saw the largest percentage increase in Earnings thraugh inflation? Hirata @ Earnings A Whoiessie q Foous icrosoft Internet Explorer tect estes oo? A eneng ® Question: 4 European Inflation Indices for 1998 (rebased to 100 at 1st Quarter) lrthe Inflation Indices were rebased at 100 again at the 3rd Quarter, what would be the 4th Quarter inflation index for Foods? @O eo @O org @O vero @®D} coe SD Connor sey Hirata @ Earnings A Whoiessie q Foous => Mae tee sted Piet ms 2/01 xd & ogc HAMAD Ethiopian Economic Summary E A Pa ew 6050 50:60 -5808° 64.81 Cornet 400 ean 8B ration (8) Spe growth nerhead 44.9% 500% © © 10.0% «= 9.0% u ertate) 7a% 612.8% 10.0% 85% Bef morktoros) Minutes Remaining Question: § ‘What was the papulation of Ethigpia in the year 2000? @ :. @O @& 75m @ « @O a feta) Mae tee sted Test Progress Te Pun cf 6050 50:60 -5808° 64.81 a 1100 880988 Bor afew perhead 44.0% 20.0% 10.0% 3.0% 42.5% 100% 8.5% Question: 6 Minutes Remaining What would the GDP per working person have been in 1997, given that the population? @O w @O w @O io @© ow ® Coors: ‘workforce was 86% of the => 2/01 xd 2/01 xd Mae tee sted Test Progress Minutes Remaining Ethiopian Economic Summary Question: 7 Pa How many unemployed people were there in 1999, 000 milion) 8050 0.60 58.08 8481 Given that the workforce was 60% of the population? PD 400 ean 8B ration (8) 3,200,000, Bor afew perhead 44.0% 20.0% 10.0% 3.0% Ox 125% 100% 8.5% & 3,300,000 oo 3,400,000 & 3,800,000 ®D sire sithese Mae tee sted Test Progress ee ete soso © 50.60 «58.08 GDP per head of | Mave 4,100 880 968 11.0% -20.0% — 10.0%. 42.5% 10.0% Pun 64.81 gar 3.0% 85% Minutes Remaining Question: 8 ‘What was the percentage increase in Total GDP in 1999 over 1998? @ ix @O ucx @& 17.3% @&D ix @ ax _=/51 x! Mae tee sted & Test TITTY Minutes Progress MMMMUNIMNMNN UN Remaining | Question: 1 Projected Consumer Goods Imports 8 What is the projected ratio of USA to UK consumer Biuse | ods imports in Yd? @uK g US Dollar (million) B88 8 ¢ 2 Yer e208 Year Exchange Rates for YearY 65 =£1 Slering = £1 Sterling Mae tee sted & Test PITTI Minutes Progress MAMMUNIMNNNNIUNY Remaining ® Question: 2 Projected Consumer Goods Imports | Biusa | What is the projected peroentage decrease inthe al combined consumer goods imports for both eux countries between Y and Y+4? & 8 US Dotlar (million) B83 2 va ve YB @ « Year Exchange Rates for YearY 65 =£1 Sterling = £1 Sterling Mae tee sted & Test NA Minutes Progress MMMM Remaining ® Question: 3 Projected Consumer Goods Imports 8 Buca | ALoneitime USA's consumer goods imports were projected ta decrease at 20% per year from Y+2 @u« | onwards, According to this projection, what would be the value (in $m USD) of USA's imparts in ¥-+42 @ om oe 221m @O om @&D ven g & US Dotlar (million) B83 ve Yee 48. et @O von Exchange Rates for YearY 2 £1 Sterling = £1 Sterling ET ami eager 2/01 xd & Test ha rrogress (MMMUNMMUNIUNMUNUNAY Company Figures at the end of the current financial year Come EC me Ome Tc) : as Tumover em) 14 1607 23 73 «600 Promteny 92339-1988 Assets en 423 6401-252 2741904 Bebe) a7 30 i782 908 Share Price tpence) 109.0 A724 6.0 41.3 48.7 No-ofShaesem 0.5 a7 093272 Question: 4 Minutes Remaining ‘What peroentaye of IKQ Inc's Tumover is Profit? @D ux @ xx OA a @&D ax DD “er sey ET ami eager & heel TTT rrogress (MMMM UMUNINNNUNNAY Company Figures at the end of the current financial year Come as EC me Ome Tc) Turmavel em’) W4 1607 23 73 «600 Promteny 92339-1988 Assets en 423 6401-252 2741904 Debteny, a7 ao 782308 Bhare Pee tence 1080 1721 =D 3A No otShatesin) 05 a7 09322 Minutes Remaining Question: § Which company has the greatest value of Assets per share? ED Hardlow ple @D sarrvic @ «= @D sone @ ver 2/01 xd ET ami eager 2/01 xd & ooo MMMRARANANANANANANA Company Figures at the end of the current financial year Come EC me Ome Tc) : as Tumover em’) 4 1607 23073 BNO Promteny 92339-1988 Assets en 423 6401-252 2741904 Debteny, a7 ao 782308 Bhare Price (pence) 1080 1721 8011.3 ABT Ne.otShatesem) 0.5 a) 32 12 Minutes Remaining Question: 6 IF someone were to sell 3,500 shares in Hardiow ple, how many shares of Aurore could they buy with the proceeds from that sale? @& 22 Piet ms a Mae tee sted Test progress (Al waa Ora Ur nen uy Tet! ec RO 13,200 fer tay 8,700 21 at 0 15 0 750 6 30 78,600 a5 200 Priceperunit £415 £20,500 E287 eter eC UU CS) WCE sed 1.Jan ced ce Euro 444 4.50, 4,52 UsDola¢ toe tat = 2/01 x) Minutes Remaining Question: 10 ifthe exchange rate for the US Dollar had increased by the same proportion as the Euro did hetween 1 January and 1 April, how many US Dollars would you have got to the Pound on 1 April? @O az: @& 51.76 @O wv @O iv @D Conc sry Piet ms a Mae tee sted Test progress (Al mada Ora Ur nen uy Tet! ec RO 13,200 fer tay 8,700 21 at 0 15 0 750 6 30 78,600 a5 200 Priceperunit £415 £20,500 E287 Tee ee TT SNC! ern ce cern) Eura 4.44 1.50 1.82 Jananese Yen 2214 To1.aT 175.81 Us Dollar, 1.70. 181 al Minutes Remaining Question: 11 ‘What percentaye of the total price of the Eastlands order can be attributed ta Undercarriage Pistons? Piet ms & oo Mae tee sted Ora Ur nen uy Tet! ec RO 13,200 fer tay 8,700 21 at 0 15 0 750 6 30 78,600 a5 200 Priceperunit £415 £20,500 E287 Tee ee TT SNC! ern ce cern) Eura 4.44 1.50 1.82 Jananese Yen 2214 To1.aT 175.81 Us Dollar, 1.70. 181 al maa = 2/01 x) Minutes Remaining Question: 12 if Frontier increased their Unit Order of Turbine Blades by 7%, approximately how much would they need to pay for Turbine Blades? @& £3,580 000 oe 85,102,000 @& £6,215 000 @& £13,226 000 @& £15,235 000 Piet ms Mae tee sted & ose AMAAAAMAANAIANANIL Darwin Enterprises Financial information Yeart Year2 Rea) Turmaver em) Wd 10.6 85 92 3 id 423 287 326 aT 65 178 Prot Marain G2) 80.70 28.28 12.94 Share Prive ips) 1080 856 56.6 50 50 50 "n= milfons Question: 13 Minutes Remaining y | Darwin Enterprise's Share Price/Income ratio had remained constant from Year 1 onwards, what ‘would the Share Price have been in Year 3? @O vs @& =: © = @ «5 ® Coors: => 2/01 xd Piet ms Mae tee sted 2/01 xd & ooo AMMARARAAARARANANANAD Darwin Enterprises Financial information Yeart Year2 Rea) Turmaver em) Wd 10.6 85 92 3 id 423 287 326 aT 65 178 Prot Marain G2) 80.70 28.28 12.94 Share Prive ips) 1080 856 56.6 50 50 50 "n= milfons Question: 14 Minutes Remaining y ‘Which of the following formulae has been used to calculate Profit Margin? @®D ircornesramover 100) &®D comer oeee x 100) @& (ncome/Debt) x 100 ED reomertumovey x 100 ED None ofthese Mae tee sted Piet ms 2/01 xd & ooo MMARARAAANAAAAANANLD Darwin Enterprises Financial information Yeart Year2 Rea) Turmaver em) Wd 10.6 85 92 3 id 423 287 326 aT 65 178 Prot Marain G2) 80.70 28.28 12.94 Share Prive ips) 1080 856 56.6 50 50 50 "n= milfons Minutes Remaining Question: 15 ‘What was the smallest percentage drop in Share Price and when did it occur? Year 1 to Year2- 18% Year 1 to Year2- 21% Year to Year2- 22% Year 2 to Year3-21% Year2 to Year3-34% 60060 Piet ms Mae tee sted & ooo AMAAAARARANARARANANLD Today's Exchange Rates* for the Bhutanese Ngultrum Poa) cs crs Btering «70.72 71.08 = GB70)«-+0.42—88.00 CMS TY or UBDoller 4352 4516 4362 «0.80 43.44 Euro 4601 4867 «4493 41.88 4.28 Yen o40 043 038-003 a3 "Wales are puwher of Nalin por stated curenoy Minutes Remaining Question: 16 A trader buys Ngultrums with £18,009 Sterling at the Day's High’ rate, What is the maximum amount of Yen the trader could buy with these Ngultrums on this trading day? “Za 2,795,000 @& 2,800,000 @ Test vires i vee ANN enc ® Projected Consumer Goods Imports Suestion:2 Assuming a constant exchange rate, what is the projected approximate value of combined consumer @ux | goods imports for both countries in ¥+2 (in EUR m)? @®D arom @&D erin @&D cece ee @DD ertirm eae @®’ cone: say Exchange Rates for YearY Husa _ sll x) & Euros (EUR million) 8 6 4 2 ol 2 25) Test Progress TINT Greenco Subsidiaries “9H (2) 5) Industry Sector (no. of companies) 3) I Fovenve Bl Operating Prot Minutes Remaining Question: 4 if revenue for the Wind sector as a whole decreased by 18% between 1994 and 2000, by what percentage has Greenco's share of the Wind market grown? _ sll x) & Euros (EUR million) 8 6 4 2 ol 2 25) Progress Greenco Subsidiaries 8) or (2) 5) Industry Sector (no. of companies) Test i madaaddaadaa daa 3) I Revenue I Operating Profit Question: 5 ‘Which Industry Sector in which year generated the greatest Operating Profit per company? €66606 Tidal in 1994 Wind in 1994 Solar in 1994 Tidal in 2000 Wind in 2000 Solar in 2000 o : so plo _ sll x) @ Test vires i roses MMMMMM UU UUUUUUUUD enc @ juestion: 6 Greenco Subsidiaries * What propartian of tatal Greenca Operating Profit for 2000 was generated by the Solar sector? B 5 Euros (EUR million) 8 6 4 2 ol 2 es 8) GH (25) 20) Industry Sector (no. of companies) I Fovenve Bl Operating Prot y 5 oso! no 2/51 x) @ Test vires i ooo: mnanananAnANAaADANA enc ® 1999 Operating Performance for International Paper Goods (IPG) Question: 8 Sr) Caen nee EMRE or yhich year dd Fixed Costs constitute the Netsales 4,600 2,158 2,568 2,375 2,508 2,709 largest percentage of Net Sales? Gostof goods va 1,089 1,487 1,661 1,508 1,568 1,716 @ 4995 Sales margin S11 671 886 «BF -922 993 @& 1996 Fied costs: 289° 411682578892 596 2 1997 Doeralmgeash | 552 250 304 208391397 flow & 1998 2000 2/51 x) & Test ha Progress dada Operating Performance for International Paper Goods (IPG) Ty Fe ee Net sales 4,800 2,158 2,568 2,375 2,508 2,709 Gestofaecds 1.990 1407 1.661 1,508 1,568 1,716 Sales margin S11 671 886 «867922993 Fed costs 289 411682878 892896 Oneratingcash == 592 260 304288331387 flow Minutes Remaining Question: 9 If Net Sales increased from 1994 to 1995 by the came percentaye ag from 1996 to 1998, what was the Sales Margin (in EUR m) in 1994? 2/51 x) Test Progress ge h dada DU CMS eo ae aot) Peo! ey : is Time pf employees) Cd rte Tae) ry ies Engineering @) 432 (eetricel 16000 © 3,700 984073 Services ©) Marketing @) 600 3.600 © 2,000 0 Specifcations@ 6000 3,000 © 2,000 3 Development 8,000 6,000 1,800 328 Minutes Remaining y Question: 10 if available time resources in Marketing increase by 10% in the next year, how many new products will be launched? © wu @ » ©O wo @& 2200 LD cer say 2/51 x) a ooo, MAMAARAAIAIDINININA Today's Exchange Rates* for the Indian Rupee eS a ec rr Sterling 86.58 «86.85 54.95 40.34 UsDollar 3482 3613 3482 © -0.64 Euro 3729-3888 3594 1.34 Yen 032 034 = 0.80 -0.02 "ales are ruber of Ripee par sated curency Pa) cs mid 63.89 34.81 36.42 0.30 Minutes Remaining Question: 13 ifthe Closing Point/World Bank Index ratio is constant, what would the World Bank Index have been far Ven yesterday? 2/51 x) a ooo, MAARARARARARIUININLD Today's Exchange Rates* for the Indian Rupee eS a ec rr Sterling 86.58 «86.85 54.95 40.34 UsDollar 3482 3613 3482 © -0.64 Euro 3729-3888 3594 1.34 Yen 032 034 = 0.80 -0.02 "ales are ruber of Ripee par sated curency Pa) cs mid 63.89 34.81 36.42 0.30 Minutes Remaining Question: 14 ifthe exchange rate for Yen decreases by the same amount of Rupees tomorraw as it did today, how many Rupees would 30,000 Yen buy? © ia © 3m ©O sa @o& 9,100 ©O on @& wore h anand Today's Exchange Rates* for the Indian Rupee eS a ec rr Sterling 86.58 «86.85 54.95 40.34 UsDollar 3482 3613 3482 © -0.64 Euro 3729-3888 3594 1.34 Yen 032 034 = 0.80 -0.02 "ales are ruber of Ripee par sated curency Pa) cs mid 63.89 34.81 36.42 0.30 Minutes Remaining Question: 15 A company changes $220,000 to Rupees at the ‘Day's High’ rate to pay a debt of 8 million Rupees Approximately what amount of Rupees is leftover, or still owing, following this transaction? 51,000 stil owing 5,100 still owing Na more awing or aver 5,100 left over 51 000 left over y 5 oso! me 2/51 x) & Test Minutes Progress Remaining Annual Air Traffic Sueston6 (1,000 million of passengers ) The average distance flown per passenger within Europe § years ayo was 1 000km, Today this figure has decreased by 20%. By how many percent has the total distance travelled by fights departing in Europe changed today? Qe 60% decrease @®D W. seciease oe No change S@D 0% increase 5 years ago Today SD 20% increase TUSA Ml Asie Poctic Europe Ill Rest ot word => y 5 oso! me 2/51 x) & Test Minutes Progress Remaining Annual Air Traffic Suestonte (1,000 million of passengers ) Over the last 5 years by how many passengers did the increase in European trafic exceed the increase in USA passengers? ©O oom @ com © oom Qe 6 000,000 ooo ©} conor say TEUSA [ll Asia-Pacitic [ll Europe [ll Rest of World 2/51 x) Annual Air Traffic (1,000 million of passengers ) S years ago HE Usa Ml Asio-Pacitc [il Europe [ll Rest of World Minutes Remaining Question: 18 ‘What is the percentage increase in global passenger air traffic over the last § years? @ 57% oe oOo ™ eo @®D ire oftrese => _ sll x) & US Dollar ($1,000 million) Compoil Subsidiaries 2) Ges, GO) a) Industry Sector (no. of companies) Ti Revenue Il Operating Profit mrogecs (MMMMAAANNAAMNAAANAAAD a) Question: 1 ‘What propartian of tatal Campoil Operating Profit for 1998 was generated by the Petrachericals sector? Minutes Remaining & Test fA Minutes Progress MMMMMNAMMMNANIUNNUAD Remaining @ Question: 2 Compoil Subsidiaries | - lf revenue for the Natural Gas sector as a whole decreased by 18% between 1992 and 1998, by what percentage has Compoils share of the Natural Gas market grown? US Dollar ($1,000 million) 2) Ges, GO) (2) Gastss) 8) Industry Sector (no. of companies) Ti Revenue Il Operating Profit & Test HITTIN TTT Minutes Progress MMMMMNANNAUNIUNN Remaining @ Question: 3 Compoil Subsidiaries ‘Which Industry Sector in which year generated the greatest Operating Profit per company? @ Exploration in 1992 SD pestura gas in 1392 SD Petrochernicats in 1992 SD eocration in 1958 SD eatura ses in 1386 ee ee ee ee eee @®D Petrochemicals in 1998 Industry Sector (no. of companies) US Dollar ($1,000 million) Bi Revenue [ll Operating Profit o : so plo _ sll x) @ Test vires i vesee ANN enc @ uestion: 4 Projected Consumer Goods Exports 4 At one time Hong Kang's consumer goods exparts were projected to rise at 20% per year from Y42 onwards. Accarding to this projection, what would be the value (in $m HKD) of Hong Kang's exports in Hong Kong Dollar (million) Exchange Rates for Year Y $4.50 Hong Kong Dollar (HKO) = $1 Singapore Dollar (SGD) $1.60 Singapore Dollar (SGD) = $1 US Dollar (USD) _ sll x) & Test TTT rrogress VMMAM MAN NMANAANAAUD Projected Consumer Goods Exports 200 Hong Kong Dollar (million) Yad Year Exchange Rates for Year Y $4.50 Hong Kong Dollar (HKO) = $1 Singapore Dollar (SGD) $81.60 Singapore Dollar (SGD) = $1 US Dollar (USD) Minutes Remaining Question: 5 Assuming a constant exchange rate, what is the projected value of cangumer goods exports from Singapore in V+4 (in $m SGD)? 35m 10m 15m §20m Cannot say : 2/51 x) Test Progress i ma daddaa adda Ore are Tuner uy Re Eastlands Cartgut Nippon Air Russair Frontier Price per unit@ 2425 Ty ota leet 45 a 45 200 6 30 21 84 a 145 221,500 £295 Exchange Rates for Sterling (2) cer 4.80) dapanese Yen 191.47 Us Dollar 1.85) PENoe aT 4.82 4.58 176.81 163.33 1. 1.80) Minutes Remaining yy Question: 7 if Lufgut increased their Unit Order of Turbine Blades by 7%, approximately how much would they need to pay for Turbine Blades? @& #£3,580,000 @& 5,102,000 & £7 348,000 @o& 8,413,000 & 13,226,000 2/51 x) & Test baanaaa Progress ill ada Ore are Tuner uy Ty Re leet ota Eastlands 45 a Cartgut 45 200 ‘Nippon Air 6 30 Russair 21 84 Frontier a 145 Price perunit@ £425 £21,500 £295 Exchange Rates for Sterling (2) one pound (£) = cer) PENoe er Euro 4.80) 4.82 4.58 dapanese Yen 191.47 176.81 163.33 Us Dollar 1.85) il 1.80) Minutes Remaining Question: 8 ‘What percentage of the total price of the Frontier order can be attributed ta Undercarriage Pistons? y 5 oso! no 2/51 x) @ bel TTT NTI vires i Progress wd Remaining ® Operating Performance for International Paper Goods (IPG) Question: 13 Sr) Cee nen cee MME nat was the average annual percentage growth in Netsales 4600 2,158 2,568 2,375 2,508 2,709 Net Sales for 1999 and 20007 Gostof goods va 1,089 1,487 1,661 1,508 1,568 1,716 @ 3.2% Sales margin S11 671 886 «BF -922 993 @& 48% Fied costs: 289° 411682578892 596 2 5.6% Operating cash Hee 222° 260 304288331397, @ ix y 5 oso! no 2/51 x) & Test Minutes Progress Remaining Operating Performance for International Paper Goods (IPG) Question: 14 Ty Fe ee Expressing Sales Margin as a percentage of Net Net sales 4600 2188 2868 2375 2808 2,709 Sales, what was the change in this percentage from 1907 to 1986? Gestofaecds 1.990 1407 1.661 1,508 1,568 1,716 a we on oD Kom Fixed costs: 2eo 411682678 «692 698 @D % 005 flow @® » Ks: @D® vv i y 5 oso! no 2/51 x) @ Test vires Bi Prog’ h LPPPPE TT Remaining ® Operating Performance for International Paper Goods (IPG) Question: 15 Ty Fe ee Ifthe percentage decrease in Operating Cash Flow Néteales 4,600 2.158 2868 2373 208 2.703 for 1997 to 1998 continued at the same rate, how nee en many more years would elapse before it fell below Gestofaecds 1.990 1407 1,661 1,508 1,568 1,716 1996 levels? Sales margin S11 671 886 «867922993 Fixed costs 280° «411-682-578 692 88 Operating cash 222 260 304 «289 «331-397 flow. 4 Cannot say y 5 oso! no 2/51 x) & Test Minutes Progress Remaining Today's Exchange Rates” for the Indian Rupee Question: 16 a rd Which currency loses the greatest proportional its value against the Rupee when using the World PPT cose sees | aoe | 038 © sa'80 Bank Index instead of today's closing exchange eS a ec rr rate? Usbolar 3482 9613 3402-088 3481 P= ering Euro 37.29 38.86 36.94 +134 36.42 &D ss doi Yen 0.32 0.34 0.30 0.02 0.30 Tales ae numero Rapes por dated sareney OC iw o « @®’ cone: say 2/51 x) o& Today's Exchange Rates* for the Indian Rupee Sterling Us Dollar Euro Yen ooo, MAaRARARARARARANAILD eS a ec rr 6658 8685 «4.98 40.34 3482 3613 3482-084 3729-3888 8.94 4134 032 034 = 0.80 -0.02 "ales are ruber of Ripee par sated curency Pa) cs mid 63.89 34.81 36.42 0.30 Minutes Remaining Question: 18 Using the World Bank Index, haw many US Dollars would buy the sare amount of Rupees as 862 800 5700 16,700 67,000 75,000 None of these 2/51 x) Ce a a ee) Total GDP GDP per head of fouecon 1ig0 990 1,881,200 Sop arowinperhesd io0% -100% 200% 1.0% Unemployment rate Minutes Remaining Question: 20 What was the GDP per Head of Population in 1996? $1,000 $1010 $1,100 1,110 Cannot say 60000 2/51 x) Ce a a ee) Total GDP GDP per head of fouecon 1ig0 990 1,881,200 Sop arowinperhesd io0% -100% 200% 1.0% Unemployment rate Minutes Remaining Question: 21 in which year was the greatest number of people unemployed in the Philippines? 1997 198 1999 2000 Cannot say y 5 oso! me 2/51 x) @ Test vires i ose agaaananaaaaaaaananad enc ® Question: 4 Mobile Phone Networks: Commnet & Intercall 100% 1 5 By how many users does Commnet exceed Mi Rest Intercall in Germany and France combined? of Europe Bitay mux Qo. i France Os Germany 2 1.2m @ iz: &®D cori sy => ‘Commnet Intercall (10 million users) (S million users) y 5 oso! me 2/51 x) & roo: MMNAANAMAAMNANIANAA wens @ Question: 5 Mobile Phone Networks: Commnet & Intercall 00% 5° 5 lf Commnet has 1.5 times the number of business Mi Rest customers as Intercall, how many non-business ot Europe: customers does Intercall have in Europe? italy mux @O orn iFrame 2 i: Wi cermany Oo: ‘Commnet Intercall => (10 million users) (S million users) 2/51 x) Mada Mobile Phone Networks: Commnet & Intercall 100% Mi Rest of Europe Hiay mux France I Gormany Intercall (6 million users) ‘Commnet (10 million users) Minutes Remaining Question: 6 in which region does Commnet not have more users than Intercall? EP Rest of Europe &o y 5 oso! no 2/51 x) ge ose AMMRARANUAAAAAAANANIA vie ® CL USE SC AU Ree Wt bc Question: 7 Dee pic pic | Xtang’s Tumover is down 7% ftom the last financial Timestamp 114 1607 «23°~=«7.3~=«00 year, what was the Turnaver for that year? pC me Oem coc) Profan) 92 193093 Assets em") 423 6401 252 211301 eo aU-58m: Debi en ara BD sm Share Price ence) 108.0 1721 60 113 487 No.ofShares(m 0.5 270938272 eo 247m ee @O om &®D cori sy y 5 oso! no 2/51 x) & woo: MMNMMNALAAMIANIANAA wens ® CL USE SC AU Ree Wt bc Question: 8 Cee pC me Oem coc) aC Which company has the lowest Turnover per share? Tumover gm") 444 160.7 23 73 60.0 Proften) a2 1a a0 a8 @& Hardlow ple Assets ém) 423 640.1 26.2 271 1301 be rr ir e D orre Share Price pence) 108.0 A724 60 44.3 48.7 oe Xiang No. of Shares om’ 06 at ag 32 72 a ss Qon "m= millions @ Online Numeracy Test ede es =10) x} &> Test Minutes prosress {Will Remaining CMa ee SU CRU Ra Wt Rie Question: 9 Cr mee pm Lame! ple plc ‘Which company has the highest TumoveriAssets Tumover em Wd 7360.0 ratio? Proiitceme) 2 3093 ‘Assets tem) 423 6404252 27A 1304 Debtien a7 aMo | 617) 82308 SharePriceGens) 1080 1721601138 No ofSharesim) 05 at 083272 J Online Numeracy Test - Microsoft Internet Explorer =10) x} Progress Sterling Euro Yen Today's Exchange Rates* for the Indian Rupee ee eT) ST CLD 5658 86.85 «54.96 40.34 USDollar 3482 3613 3482-064 3729 38BR 3594 1.34 032 034 030 © -0.02 "ales are number oY Ropee par tated curenoy MAAAAAAAINAUNdAL Pa) cons fed 53.89 34.81 36.42 0.30 Minutes Remaining Question: 13 ifthe exchange rates for Sterling and Eura continue to increase every day by the same amount of Rupees as today, in how many more days wauld a Euro buy more Rupees than one paund Sterling? Ee wavs) [eco ‘The allowing wast assessas your ably s9 use and reacon vith charts, oraohs, and tables eartaining Fufnenea! formation. Zach char areph, of tabic is faleytod yor augstiens that ean be gngvered Using the dnfarmatan given. 1ou must avodce the corres: snsvtar tram tha sir oan ara ieed) 1, What store hae the biagest increase in turrover botyroan 1998 and 1999 ®) arma Bade 1B Pantone © wort records {D) Brenthams (© Pater's South-East & erent ®© waler Which reaion had the lowest arajected sales per staff member in 19987 southwest ® widands Gina > a southeast & ® Worth-wost ® wates ee Snegen wie of hese nwo years was there she eat porsreage rere In =| @ assess @ wesw a5 Sy asss-ase6 > @® 1906-1997 © 1997-1998 @ 1999-2000 Curreney Exchange Rates Date August 2000 | August 2000 | August 1999 Gurrency Per £100 Per $100 Per $100 French Francs 1088 748 645 German Marks 320 220 192 Irish Punts 130 87.50 77.50 Italian Lira 316,000 215,000 190,000 Japanese Yen 16,000 10,800 2,640 Spanish Pesetas 27,000 18,000 15,900 Pounds Sterling 100 67.50 60.50 Which of the following is worth the least in dollars (¢)? 210 punts (au @) 150 (aug 1999) 2000) . © e157 (aug 2000) Y © BEB Pesetss aug © 325700 tra aug ere taco) An American nusmessweman bought 1/,4H4,BUU Yen in Aug 1¥¥Y, How much 1ess (In $) | would she have to pay cn Aug 2000 to uy the same amount of yan? < (A) $414 $741 © $1558 5 © $7480 © $10620 © $aia00

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