Plutonium, Lead-210, and Carbon Isotopes in T

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Environ. Sci. Technol.

1909, 23, 1475-1481

Plutonium, Lead-210, and Carbon Isotopes in the Savannah Estuary:

Riverborne versus Marine Sources
Curtis R. Olsen,'*+Myint Thein,$ Ingvar L. Lawen,+ Philip D. Lowry,§Patrick J. Mulholland,t
Norman H. Cutshall,+James 1.Byrd) and Herbert L. WindomII
Environmental Sciences Division and Environmental Compliance and Health Protection Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 3783 1, Department of Anesthesiology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322,
and Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, Georgia 31415

radiocesium (137Cs)and two naturally occurring radionu-

W Plutonium-238 from the Savannah River Plant labels clides, 210Pband 7Be. We show that the isotopic compo-
riverborne particles, providing a unique opportunity for sition of plutonium released from the Savannah River
tracing river-ocean exchange processes. Results indicate
that plutonium and lead-210 are enriched on estuarine Plant (SRP) and of plutonium attached to suspended
particles and that inputs of plutonium from oceanic sources particles in the Savannah River is different from that of
greatly exceed inputs from riverborne or drainage-basin oceanic (fallout) plutonium, and we have used this dif-
sources as far upstream as 30 km in the Savannah River ferente to determine that inputs of oceanic plutonium to
estuary. This is near the landward limit of seawater the Savannah estuary greatly exceed inputs from river-
penetration. Sediment resuspension in dynamic coastal borne sources. In addition, we have used the ratio of
areas, sorption onto fine particles, and landward transport short-lived 'Be to long-lived 210Pbas a new tool for
of particulate material along the bottom are the primary quantifying sediment resuspension in estuarine areas and
mechanisms for removing dissolved plutonium and lead- for examining the mechanisms responsible for enriching
210 from oceanic water and for concentrating these two radionuclides and, by analogy, other chemically reactive
radionuclides in estuarine areas. Since estuaries, bays, and contaminants on estuarine particles. Finally, we have used
intertidal areas serve as effective traps for fine particles particulate 13'Cs concentrations and carbon isotopic [a-
and associated substances, this landward transport from (13C)]data to identify the contribution of inorganic and
the ocean has important implications concerning the dis- organic particles from riverborne and estuarine or marine
posal of chemically reactive substances in oceanic waters sources. These results help provide a rational for the
off coastlines affected by a rising sea level. elevated plutonium and 210Pbconcentrations and inven-
tories that have been found to occur in fine-grained es-
Introduction tuarine and coastal sediments throughout the world
It has been well established that deposition in estuaries (10-20).
traps particles, nutrients, trace substances, and contami-
nants from land-based sources (1-4). Less well-defined
Locality Information and Geochemical Tracer
is the role of coastal estuaries in removing and trapping
materials from the oceanic water column (5-7). At the Plutonium. The SRP, located -256 km upstream from
estuarine interface, where fresh water mixes with seawater, the mouth of the Savannah River (Figure l),is the prin-
the fate of substances can be affected by river flow, tidal cipal plutonium production facility for the United States
flow, wave activity, currents, and a nontidal estuarine Department of Energy. Between 1954 and 1974, -1.4 X
circulation pattern. Estuarine circulation along submer-
gent coastlines is characterized by a lower salinity surface
layer with a net seaward flow and a denser, more saline
loll Bq (3.7 Ci) of plutonium has been released into the
atmosphere from fuel reprocessing operations, and 1.1
X 1O'O Bq (0.3 Ci) has been released to surface waters,
bottom layer with a net landward flow. This upstream or which ultimately drain into the Savannah River (21).
landward flow along the bottom causes estuaries to trap Although concentrations of %Pu and 239v240Pu in SRP soils
materials from both riverine and marine sources and to exhibit large variations as a result of proximity to points
serve as major deposition and accumulation sites for of release, microtopographicalheterogeneity in deposition,
particles and particle-associated substances (2, 6-9). and sampling error, mean soil concentrations have been
Although there is a general understanding of the pro- reported as 18 and 83 mBq/g, respectively (22). The re-
cesses that affect the fate of chemically or particle-reactive sultant mean 238Puto 239p240Pu ratio for soils on the SRP
contaminants in estuarine systems, it has been very dif- reservation is -0.22. Concentrations of 238Puand 2391240Pu
ficult to quantify net exchange between rivers and the in stream and pond sediments on the SRP reservation also
ocean because (1)contaminant source terms are diffuse show large variations, ranging from 0.003 to 14 mBq/g for
and poorly defined, (2) contaminant transport with par- 238Puand 0.014 to 52 mBq/g for 239,240Pu (23). Measured
ticles usually involves numerous episodes of deposition and 238Puto 2399240Pu ratios in these samples were often greater
resuspension in association with short-term events over than 0.12 and were as high as 3.3 in the sediments of Four
long periods of time, and (3) a complex suite of physical Mile Creek (23).
and biogeochemical interactions take place when fresh These plutonium isotope ratios are significantly higher
water mixes with seawater. In this paper, we present data than the 238Puto 2399240Pu ratio in fallout from atmospheric
on plutonium (23aPuand 2399240Pu) concentrations in the testing of nuclear weapons. On the basis of soil samples
Savannah River estuary and compare its distribution with collected in Raleigh, NC, Hardy and others (24) have es-
timated that -0.105 mCi/km2 (3.9 X lo6 Bq/km2) of =Pu
and 2.4 mCi/km2 (8.9 X lo7 Bq/km2) of 239,240Pu were
Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Labora- deposited as fallout to the southeastern United States.
* Environmental Compliance and Health Protection Division, Oak When extrapolated over the Savannah River drainage
Ridge National Laboratory.
5 Emory University School of Medicine.
'1 Skidaway Institute of Oceanography.
basin (27400 km2)this amounts to a total fallout delivery
of 1.07 X 10" Bq of 23aPuand 2.4 X 10l2Bq of 2397240Pu.
The recent nuclear accident at Chernobyl in the Soviet
0013-936X/89/0923-1475$01.50/0 0 1989 American Chemical Society Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 23, No. 12, 1989 1475
_ - - - \
I 137Cscan substitute for K+ in (illitic) micaceous minerals
(25). Although little is known about the kinetics of 137Cs
fixation into clay interlayer sites, previous work in the
Susquehanna River-Chesapeake Bay system has indicated
that >90% of the 137Cson bottom sediments and >70%
of the 137Cson suspended particles was irreversibly sorbed
into mineral lattices (25).
In ocean waters, however, 137Cshas a tendency to remain
in solution because of its competition with other cations
(especiallyK+) for sorption sites on particles, and because
of the paucity of inorganic particles in the marine water
column. Consequently, 13'Cs concentrations on coastal
particles and the resulting 137Csparticle to water sorption
ratios in seawater are several orders of magnitude lower
than respective concentrations and ratios in freshwater
systems. This difference in the 137Cscontent of particles
derived from the land and those derived from the marine
environment suggests that 137Csmay serve as a tracer for
the origin of recent inorganic particles at the land/ocean
interface if its desorption from riverborne particles is
relatively insignificant (27).
Lead-210 and Beryllium-7. 21Pband 'Be are naturally
0 occurring radionuclides with half-lives of 22.3 yr and 53.3
32'00' L days, respectively. zloPbis one of the daughters in the
naturally occurring 238U-226Ra-222Rn-214Pb decay series.
As an inert gas, some z2zRnmay emanate into the atmo-
sphere before its decay to zlOPb.The removal of 21Pbfrom
82'00' 81000' the atmosphere via washout by precipitation forms a
Flgure 1. Large-volume water sample collection sites in the Savannah measurable flux of "excess" 210Pb(210Pb-ex)back to the
River estuary during June 1986. The freshwater sample downstream
from the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Plant (S-301)
earth's surface. This flux ranges from -0.2 to 2.6
mBq/cm2 on a monthly basis and annually averages 15 -
was collected from the river bank. All other samples were collected
in the rlver channel, 1 m below the surface. A sediment box core
was also collected near S-0102.
mBq/cm2 along the eastern coastline of the United States
(25,28). Over the 32-yr mean life of 210Pb,this annual flux
would support an expected steady-state 210Pb-exinventory
Union has not significantlyadded to this fallout plutonium of -480 mBq/cm2 in soils and sediments. Previous work
burden. The fallout 238Puto 239p240Pu ratio calculated from has shown that zloPbis chemically and particle-reactive
these data is -0.046, which is similar to ratios that have in both fresh and marine waters, and as a consequence,
been measured in estuarine and coastal sediments along its distribution has been widely used to quantify physical
the eastern United States (3, 7, 9, 10, 15, 18, 19). This and biogeochemical processes in estuarine and coastal
suggests that the 238Puto 239,240Pu ratio on riverborne systems (13, 14, 17, 20, 25, 28).
particles (affected by releases from the SRP) may be Beryllium-7 is produced by cosmic-ray spallation of
different from the fallout plutonium ratio on coastal nitrogen and oxygen within the earth's atmosphere. Like
particles and thus may provide a unique opportunity for fallout radionuclides and 210Pb-ex,7Be is primarily re-
separating materials transported into the Savannah River moved from the atmosphere via washout by precipitation.
estuary from riverborne versus marine sources. Previous work has shown that 7Be is rapidly sorbed by
Radiocesium. Global fallout from atmospheric nuclear particulate material in aquatic systems, and exhibits a
weapons testing has also introduced 137Cs(30-yr half-life) particle to water sorption ratio similar to that of plutonium
to the Savannah River watershed, with the major influx and 210Pb-ex(25,28,29). Because of its short-half life, 7Be
occurring during the years 1962-1964. The 1950-1985 is a powerful tracer for evaluating processes that occur on
integrated and decay-corrected input of fallout 137Csto short time scales (weeks to months), relative to the longer
mid-latitude areas in the United States is -95 mCi/km2 time scales (months to decades) traced by 210Pb-ex,plu-
or 3.5 X lo9 Bq/km2 (25). When extrapolated over the tonium, and radiocesium.
Savannah River drainage basin (27 400 km2)this amounts Stable Carbon Isotopes. Stable carbon isotope ratios
to a total fallout delivery of -9.6 X 1013Bq of 137Cs. In have been widely used as biogeochemical tracers in systems
addition to global fallout, 137Cshas been introduced into with two or more isotopically distinguishable sources of
the Savannah River watershed via operations at the SRP. carbon (30-33). The stable carbon isotope imprint is the
It has been estimated that -500 Ci (1.9 x 1013Bq) of 137Cs ratio of carbon-13 to carbon-12 and is generally expressed
has been released into surface waters on the SRP reser- in the 6 notation:
vation between 1961and 1973, and that -18% of this total 6(13C) (per mil) = (Rsamp/Rstd- 1) X 1000
release or 90 Ci (0.3 X 1013Bq)has drained into the Sa-
vannah River (26). where R,, is the 13C/12Cratio in the sample and RsU is
Previous work has shown that 137Csis rapidly sorbed to the 13C/128ratioin a PDB standard. Because the 6(13C)
clay minerals in drainage basin soils and freshwater sed- value for plankton from surface ocean waters off the
iments (3) and exhibits a particle to water distribution southeastern United States (-21 per mil is heavier than
coefficient or sorption ratio of -1 X lo5 (25). Cesium the value for soil or plant carbon (-26 per mil from ter-
sorption on inorganic clay particles can occur at several restrial sources, the W3C) value on estuarine organic
sites, including (1)easily exchangeable sites on the particle materials can be used to help discern carbon derived from
surface, (2) fixed sites at the edges of the clay-mineral terrestrial drainage-basin sources from carbon produced
lattice, and (3) nonexchangeable, interlayer sites where in situ in the estuarine water column or derived from
1476 Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 23, No. 12, 1989
Table I. Dissolved and Suspended-Particulate Plutonium in the Savannah River Estuarya
dissol susp part. dissol susp part. sorptn ratio part.
salinity, susp part., 238Pu, Z38Pu, 239,240pu, 239,240pu, 2aS,240pu,b Zapu to Z39,240pu
sample L mg/L rBq/L mBq/kg &/L mB,/kg L/kg ratioc
S-301 fresh 7.5 0.7 f 0.4 93 f 11 1.9 f 0.4 285 f 26 2x 106 0.33 f 0.05
S-0101 fresh 21.9 1.5 f 0.4 100 f 15 5.2 f 0.7 235 f 30 5x 104 0.43 f 0.08
S-0107 2.1 16.4 1.9 f 0.4 44 & 7 4.8 f 0.7 350 f 30 7x 104 0.13 f 0.02
S-0102 14.5 19.0 0.4 f 0.2 26 & 4 2.2 f 0.4 545 f 44 2x 105 0.05 f 0.01
S-0116 24.6 22.0 0.4 f 0.1 30 f 4 2.2 f 0.4 665 f 52 3x 106 0.05 f 0.01
S-HH8 32.5 0.9 0.4 f 0.4 30 f 6 3.3 f 0.4 400 f 35 1x 106 0.07 f 0.02
Surface Sediment at Station S-0102 (Figure 1)
0-2 cm 14.5 sediment 15 f 4 300 f 26 0.05 f 0.01
a Statistical counting errors are expressed in terms of la. Sorption ratio, 2aS*240Pu
concentration per kg of particles/239*240Pu concentration
per L of water. CParticulatePu isotope ratio, 2aPu concentration per kg of p a r t i ~ l e s / ~ ~ ~concentration
* ~ ~ ~ P u per kg of particles.

marine sources via landward transport (34).

Sample Collection and Analysis
We measured the particulate and dissolved distribution
of 239*240Pu and 23aPuin six large-volume (850-L) water
samples collected along the salinity gradient of the Sa-
vannah River, the estuary, and the adjacent coastal marine
environment (Figure 1). Suspended-particulatematter was
removed from these samples by continuous-flowcentrifu-
gation. Dissolved plutonium was concentrated and re- a
moved from the water phase by coprecipitation with Fe- - - *O0 IPL:TONl~M-23$,240 I I fb)
(OH),. Radionuclide concentrations on the suspended
matter and in the water phase [Fe(OH), precipitate] were
analyzed separately. In addition, a sediment box core was
w m 600
k g 400 -
- g,i'2,- 6 z g qg
Z a
z -42;
collected in the Savannah estuary near station S-0102
3:- 200 - p 4 4 -2E{
(Figure 1).
The plutonium analyses involved dissolution with hy-
' I I I I I - 0
drochloric acid, coprecipitation with calcium oxalate, ra- 0
diochemical separation with ion-exchange columns, elec-
trodeposition onto stainless steel disks, and a spectrometry
with silicon surface-barrier detectors (35). The samples
were CY counted for -21 days and yields were evaluated
with a 242Putracer. 2391240Pu activities are collectively re-
ported because the energies of the CY particles produced
by the decay of 240Pu(6580-yr half-life) cannot be resolved
from those produced by the decay of 239Pu(24400-yr
half-life) by CY spectrometry.
The concentrations of 13'Cs, 210Pb,and 7Be on the sus-
pended-particulate and bottom-sediment samples were
measured by y spectrometry using low-background,high-
resolution, germanium detectors equipped with a Nuclear
Data Model 9900 microprocessor system programmed to
record y spectra in 4096 channels. All samples were
packed in 90-cm3aluminum cans or 15-cm3plastic Petri
dishes, depending on the amount of material analyzed.
The detectors were calibrated for the respective geometries
with a certified mixed standard and the calibration pro-
cedures are described elsewhere (25). The low-energy (46.5
keV) zloPb y-ray was analyzed by use of a planar in-
trinsic-germanium detector and correction for self-ab-
sorption (36). This technique has a great advantage in that
it does not require sample leaching or radiochemical sep-
aration and allows for the simultaneous determination of
both the total zloPband the 214Pb-supportedlevel. Excess
zloPb (210Pb-ex)was calculated by subtracting the 214Pb-
supported level from the total 210Pbactivity. y-Emitting
radionuclide data are reported in milliBequere1per gram
dry weight (1mBq = 0.06 dpm = 0.027 pCi) and counting
errors are f l standard deviation.
The suspended-matter and sediment samples were also
analyzed for stable carbon isotopes at Coastal Science
Laboratories Inc. (Austin, TX), by standard mass spec-
trometric procedures (27).
Table 11. Savannah Estuary Box Core LPT Collected at Station 5-0102 in J u n e 1986
radioactivity, mBq/g radioactivitv. mBo /cm2
depth: cm weight,b gm IBe '37CS 210Pb 214Pb 210Pb-ex 40K IBe 137Cs zlOP b-ex
0-2 697 17 f 1 2.8 f 0.2 92 f 5 45 f 1 46 f 5 359 f 3 18.9 3.2 52.0
2-4 65 7 f 4 2.8 f 0.4 76 f 4 40 f 1 36 f 5 388 f 9 10.1 4.0 52.6
4-6 69 1.5 f 0.4 52 f 4 23 f 1 29 f 4 400 f 10 2.4 45.2
6-8 65 3.6 f 0.5 70 f 4 27 f 1 43 f 4 407 f 11 5.2 62.4
8-10 90 4.2 f 0.3 43 f 3 21 f 1 22 f 3 391 f 9 2.5 44.7
10-12 64 2.6 f 0.4 72 f 5 24 f 1 48 f 5 375 f 9 3.7 67.7
12-14 102 0.5 f 0.2 29 f 3 17 f 1 11 f 3 329 f 6 1.1 25.7
14-16 86 1.5 f 0.3 38 f 3 16 f 1 21 f 3 336 f 6 3.0 40.7
16-18 57 3.5 f 0.5 80 f 4 32 f 1 48 f 4 447 f 1 2 4.4 60.8
18-20A 46 5.2 f 0.6 71 f 5 28 f 1 42 f 5 448 f 14 5.3 43.7
18-20B 49 5.3 f 0.4 98 f 5 32 f 1 66 f 5 421 f 7 5.8 71.9
20-24 58 4.6 f 0.5 75 f 5 30 f 1 45 f 5 410 f 11 5.9 57.3
24-28 73 4.3 f 0.4 33 f 3 23 f 1 10 f 3 371 f 10 7.0 16.4
28-32 94 1.7 f 0.3 36 f 3 21 f 1 15 f 3 347 f 8 3.5 30.2
32-36 73 2.0 f 0.4 46 f 3 23 f 1 24 f 3 376 f 10 3.3 38.3
36-40 95 0.2 f 0.3 31 f 3 19 f 1 11 f 3 304 f 7 0.4 23.8
40-44 111 0.2 f 0.3 36 f 3 18 f 1 18 f 3 304 f 7 0.6 44.3
44-48 76 3.2 f 0.4 67 f 4 28 f 1 39 f 4 393 f 7 5.4 66.4
48-52 74 1.9 f O . 4 65 1 4 21 f 1 44 =k 5 388 f 10 3.1 71.9
52-56 63 1.8 f 0.4 68 f 5 36 f 1 33 f 5 418 f 7 2.5 45.8
56-61 56 3.8 f 0.6 95 f 5 30 f 1 65 f 6 395 f 11 4.8 81.3
61-66 67 3.0 f 0.4 67 f 4 24 f 1 43 f 4 365 f 10 - 4
.4 64.3
29 >82 >1107

expected inventory from atmospheric deposition or fallout 33 320 480

aTwo samples were accidently labeled 18-20 cm. These were not supposed to be duplicate samples and we suspect that the measured
depth increments below 20 cm are off by 2 cm. A large surface sample (620 cm2) was collected from the top of the box core for plutonium

with 238Pu(Figure 2a) and that estuarine suspended par- sediment. The other sediment cores contained 238Puto
ticles are enriched in 239,240Pu (by a factor of -3) relative 239,240Pu ratios typical of fallout (or oceanic) plutonium
to respective concentrations on riverborne particles and throughout their entire length; however, inventories were
on suspended matter in the surface waters of the ocean often greater than the level expected from direct fallout
(Figure 2b). to the estuary surface (9). Although a 66-cm-longbox core
Plutonium isotopic ratios (238Puto 2399240Pu) for sus- of fine-grained estuarine sediments was also collected at
pended particles throughout the Savannah River estuary S-0102 (Figure 1)during this study, only the surface (0-2
and shelf system are also listed in Table I. In the Sa- cm) was analyzed for plutonium (Table I), because the
vannah River, the ratio of 238Puto 239@ Pu' is -0.4 (Table vertical profiles for 137Csand 210Pb-exwere relatively
I). This ratio is significantly higher than the 238Puto constant over the entire core length and did not decrease
239,240Pu ratio in fallout (0.05),but is similar to ratios that to nondetectable and supported levels, respectively (Table
have been measured previously in the soils and sediments 11). As a consequence, only minimum estimates for the
around the SRP, in the Savannah River downstream from rate of sediment accumulation (>1cm/yr) and the 210Pb-ex
the SRP, and in some freshwater sediment cores (21-23). inventory (>1100 mBq/cm2) could be made (Table 11).
The 238Puto 2399240Pu ratio on suspended particles abruptly These minimum estimates, nevertheless, indicate that
decreases to -0.13 at 2 ppt salinity (Table I). Since our sediments are rapidly accumulating at this site in the es-
data do not indicate any differential behavior between tuary and that the sediment inventory of 210Pb-exis at least
238Puand 239p240Pu, this decrease implies that riverborne 2 times greater than the 210Pb-exinventory expected from
plutonium accounts for only -25% of the total plutonium its atmospheric flux to the estuary surface (Table 11).
on suspended particles as far as 30 km upstream from the Concentrations of 210Pb-exand 7Be and 13'Cs on sus-
river mouth. In the estuary, the 238Puto 239p240Pu ratio on pended particles as a function of salinity and location in
both the suspended matter and surface sediments is similar the Savannah estuary are listed in Table I11 and illustrated
to the ratio in fallout and on particles in the adjacent shelf in Figure 3. As in the case for 239*240Pu, Savannah estuary
environment (Table I). This is conclusive evidence that particles are also enriched in 210Pb-exrelative to concen-
the plutonium presently enriching estuarine particles trations on suspended matter in the Savannah River or
(Figure 2) comes from oceanic sources rather than river- in the surface waters of the coastal ocean (Figure 3a).
borne sources. We suggest that dissolved plutonium is Since the ratio of 210Pb-exto 239~240Pu is relatively uniform
being directly removed from oceanic water by sorption onto on suspended matter throughout the Savannah River-
particles within the estuary, or that coastal particulate estuary-shelf system (Table 111),it would appear that most
material (containing marine plutonium) is being trans- of the 210Pb-exon estuarine particles also comes from
ported landward (upstream) along the estuarine bottom. oceanic sources. Input of 210Pb-exfrom the marine en-
This present-day (water-column) picture for the Sa- vironment may help explain the larger than expected in-
vannah estuary also appears to be valid for the past as ventory of 210Pb-exmeasured in the estuarine sediment
indicated by the vertical distribution of 238Puto 239,240Pu box core (Table 11).
ratios in the sedimentary record. Goldberg and others (9) In contrast to zloPband 2397240Pu, the concentration of
showed that only one out of five sediment cores collected short-lived 7Be is depleted on suspended particles in the
in the Savannah estuary and adjacent marsh environment Savannah estuary (Figure 3b). Since the particle to water
contained elevated 238Puto 2399240Pu ratios at depth in the sorption ratio for 7Beis similar to respective sorption ratios
1478 Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 23, No. 12, 1989
Table 111. Suspended-Particulate Radionuclide and Carbon Isotope Data in the Savannah River Estuary"

radioactivity, mBq/g ratio

salinity, total supported excess 210Pb-ex/
sample %a zloPb ZlOpbb zloPb 'Be 137cs V3C), %a 239,uoPu 'Be/*loPb-ex
S-301 fresh 130 f 7 95 f 3 35 f 7 130 f 7 160 f 4 -26.6 f 0.2 125 f 27 3.7 f 0.9
s-0101 fresh 135 f 8 85 f 3 50f 8 115 f 4 120 f 2 -26.8 f 0.2 215 f 45 2.2 f 0.4
S-0107 2.1 125 f 6 55 f 2 70f7 80f6 55 f 1 -26.8 f 0.2 200 f 45 1.1 f 0.1
s-0102 14.5 115 f 7 35 f 2 80f7 90f7 15 f 1 -22.8 f 0.2 145 f 18 1.1 f 0.1
S-0116 24.6 125 f 9 35 f 3 90 f 9 105 f 9 9f1 -20.8 f 0.2 135 f 17 1.2 f 0.1
S-HH8 32.5 80 f 8 40 f 2 40 f 8 150 f 12 10 f 2 -21.2 f 0.2 100 f 38 3.8 f 0.8
Surface Sediment at Station S-0102 (Figure 1)
0-2 cm 14.5 90 *5 45 f 1 45 f 5 17 f 1 3f1 -21.2 f 0.2 150 f 22 0.4 & 0.1
astatistical counting errors are expressed in terms of lu. Radionuclide activities have been rounded to the nearest 5 mBq if the rounding
was within the statistical counting error. bThe supported zloPbwas determined from the 214Pb activity in the sample.

systems along the eastern coastline of the United States

(2, 3, 25), the trend of decreasing particulate 137Cscon-
centrations with increasing salinity (Figure 3c) is typical
of most estuarine systems throughout the world. The
relatively high concentration of 13Tson Savannah River
particles is probably a result of 13Ts releases from SRP
and the strong affinity for 13'Cs to become irreversibly
sorbed within clay mineral lattices in freshwater systems.
Although the kinetics for irreversible sorption are still
unknown, previous work in Chesapeake Bay suggests that
desorption of 137Csfrom riverborne particles during
transport into estuarine areas is not significant enough to
m account for the order of magnitude decrease illustrated in
IC 50
Figure 3c (25). We suggest that this decreasing trend in
particulate 137Csconcentrations with increasing salinity
results from the dilution of riverborne particles with
1 (Cl CESIUM-137
i particles produced in situ in the estuary, eroded from the
e estuarine margins, or transported landward from marine

sources. Assuming that 137Csdesorption from riverborne
particles is relatively insignificant, it would appear that
estuarine or marine sources contribute -40% of the
particulate material in the upper estuary to 100% in the
NEAR' FRESH 10 20 30 40
lower estuary (27).
Dilution of riverborne particles by estuarine or marine
materials is also supported by the stable carbon isotope
Flgure 3. Plot of the concentrations of 210Pb-ex,'Be, and 137Cson data in Table 111. The 6(13C) signature of freshwater
suspended particles as a function of salinity and location within the
Savannah River estuary. (a) As for 23e*240P~ (Figure 2b), 210Pb-exis
particles (-27 %o) clearly indicates a terrestrial watershed
enriched on estuarine particles relative to its concentration on sus- source, whereas particles in the estuary have 6(13C)values
pended matter in the Savannah River or in the surface waters of the typical of marine phytoplankton (-21 $Ti). Estimates for
coastal ocean. (b) In contrast, the concentration of short-lived 'Be the extent of dilution of riverborne organic materials by
on estuarine suspended matter is depleted rattier than enriched. Since in situ productivity within the estuarine or coastal envi-
the sorption behavior of 7Be is simHar to that of 239-240Pu and 210Pkx, ronment are complicated, because V3C) values for C-4
the enrichment of the latter two radionuclides must be a relatively
long-term process (years to decades), and the depletion of 7Be may
plants, such as Spartina alternaflora, which dominate the
reflect the resuspension of aged bottom sedlments. (c) The sharp flora of salt marshes, are considerably heavier (-15 %o) than
decrease in ls7Csconcentration indicates that as much as 95% of the marine or estuarine phytoplankton. Consequently, we
137Cson riverborne particles may be desorbed during transport into cannot discount the possibility that a combination of
the estuary or that riverborne particles are highly diluted with particulate terrestrial and salt marsh detritus could be responsible for
material produced in situ in the estuary or transported landward from the particulate 8(13C)values in the Savannah estuary. A
marginal and marine sources. much more detailed discussion on the sources for organic
for 210Pband 2399240Pu (3, 7, 25, 28, 29), this depletion of and inorganic particles in the Savannah River estuary is
7Be implies that the process responsible for enriching presented elsewhere, based on many more lNCs, 6(13C),and
239*240Puand 210Pb-exon estuarine particles is a relatively 6(15N)analyses for sediment samples recently collected in
long-term one and does not reflect short-term processes the estuary (27).
such as coagulation of dissolved radionuclides during fresh Sediment Resuspension and Radionuclide
water and seawater mixing (38) or changes in particle
characteristics (composition or grain size) during transport Enrichment Mechanisms
through the estuary. One possible mechanism for depleting the concentration
Concentrations of 13'Cs on suspended particles in the of 7Be and enriching the concentration of oceanic m*240Pu
Savannah River estuary are listed in Table I11 and are and 210Pb-exon estuarine particles involves radionuclide
illustrated in Figure 3c. Although the 13Tsconcentration sorption onto resuspended bottom materials during land-
on riverborne suspended particles is a factor of -2 higher ward transport into or within estuarine systems. Although
than respective concentrations in other river-estuarine plutonium, 210Pb,and 7Be are chemically and particle-re-
Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 23, No. 12, 1989 1479
active in oceanic water, the paucity of suspended matter sociation with repeated episodes of fine-particle deposition
causes these nuclides to remain in solution. For example, and resuspension, will deplete the concentration of 7Beand
when suspended-matter concentrations are less than 1 enrich the concentration of 239mPuand 21”Pb-ex(over long
mg/L (typical of the marine environment), there is lo6 time periods) on suspended particles and sediments. Net

times more water than suspended matter in a liter. As a
consequence, only 10% of a particle-reactive radionu-
clide (having particle to water distribution coefficient or
landward transport along the bottom traps inorganic and
organic materials from marine sources and causes coastal
bays and estuaries to serve as major deposition and ac-
sorption ratio of -lo5) will be associated with the sus- cumulation sites for marine, as well as riverborne sub-
pended matter and the remaining 90% will be in the water stances. These results are consistent with previous studies
phase. Previous work has shown that more than 90% of that have shown elevated 2399240P~ and 210Pb-exconcen-
the fallout plutonium delivered (primarily in the mid- trations and inventories in fine-grained sediments along
1960s) to the surface ocean is still in the water column, but the coastlines of England (5), France (11), and various
that dissolved concentrations of plutonium decrease other locations around the world (!9-20). Since other
sharply as you approach the coastal zone (10,18). Nutrient chemically or particle-reactive trace substances may also
loading, and wave and current action in estuarine and be scavenged from oceanic waters by sorption in turbid
coastal areas, increase suspended-matter concentrations coastal areas and, subsequently, transported landward to
by 1-2 orders of magnitude by enhancing biological pro- accumulate within estuarine systems, it is important to
duction and sediment resuspension. We suggest that quantify the magnitude of this process in models that
plutonium, 210Pb,and 7Be are being continually removed simulate the transport and biogeochemical fate of river
from the oceanic water phase by sorption onto particles inputs to the ocean. To date, inputs of carbon, synthetic
in turbid estuarine and coastal areas. This removal organic compounds, trace metals, and radionuclides from
probably occurs over long time periods as bottom sedi- oceanic sources have largely been ignored in models sim-
mentary materials undergo repeated episodes of resus- ulating the fate of contaminants in estuaries. In addition,
pension during landward transport on the inner shelf and these results have extremely important implications for
upstream transport in the estuary. Sorption onto particles the landward transport and accumulation of chemically
during repeated episodes of sediment resuspension would reactive substances disposed of in oceanic waters off
enrich the concentration of long-lived 239i240puand 210Pb-ex coastlines affected by a rising sea level.
on estuarine particles (Figures 2b and 3a) but would dilute
the concentration of short-lived 7Be (Figure 3b) by re- Acknowledgments
suspending older materials from the bottom that have been We thank E. D. Goldberg of Scripps Institute of
depleted in 7Be by radioactive decay. Oceanography, G. R. Helz of the University of Maryland,
These results also imply that the ratio of short-lived 7Be P. Santschi of Texas A&M University, K. L. Von Damm
to long-lived 210Pb-ex(Table 111)can be used as a new tool and T.-H. Peng of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and
for quantifying the amount of resuspended material in the G. Saunders of the U. S. Department of Energy for their
estuarine water column. Because of its short half-life and reviews and comments on earlier drafts of this paper.
because of its dilution with older sediment particles, the C.R.O. would also like to thank H.J. Simpson of Columbia
concentration of 7Be on surface bottom sediments is much University and R. F. Bopp of Barnard College for their
less than its concentration on suspended particles, whereas advice regarding the use of geochemical tracers for es-
the concentration of long-lived 210Pb-exis nearly the same tuarine processes.
on fine-grained sediments and suspended matter. The 7Be
to 210Pb-exratio on surface bottom sediments in the Sa- Registry No. 238Pu,13981-16-3; 239Pu,15735-80-5; 240Pu,
vannah estuary is 0.4, which is an order of magnitude lower 40K, 13966-00-2;13C,14762-74-4.
than the 7Beto 21”Pb-exratio on planktonic-rich suspended
matter (-3.8) in the Savannah River and in surface water Literature Cited
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Savannah estuary has a 7Be to 210Pbratio of 1.0 (Table
111). If we assume that the suspended particles in the
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Modeling and Field Evidence of Pressure-Driven Entry of Soil Gas into a

House through Permeable Below-Grade Walls
Karina Garbed' and Richard G. Sextro
Indoor Environment Program, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720

that soil is the primary source of indoor radon in single-

Modeling and field evidence are presented that indicate family houses in the United States ( I ) . Pressure-driven
that soil gas can enter houses with basements at significant flow is a principal means by which soil gas enters houses;
rates through permeable below-grade walls. Entry via this it is expected to be the predominant source of radon in
pathway could result in elevated indoor concentrations of houses with elevated concentrations (2-4). Recent studies
radon and other pollutants. By use of artificial depres- indicate that entry of volatile organic contaminants via the
surization of the basement (-25 to -30 Pa), field mea-
surements were made of pressure coupling between a soil-gas pathway could pose a public health risk in resi-
basement and the surrounding soil and of soil-gas entry dences located near landfiis, even those designed to accept
into the house. A two-dimensional, steady-state finite only nonhazardous waste (5, 6 ) .
element model of fluid flow through porous media was Pressure-driven flow of soil gas into houses results from
used to simulate the experimental conditions, assuming the depressurization of the substructure of the hquse with
air flow occurs through permeable substructure walls. respect to the surrounding soil. There are three principal
Given a basement wall permeability consistent with prior causes of basement depressurization: thermal differences
experimental research, the model predicts 32 5% pressure between indoors and outdoors, wind loading on the
coupling 0.5 m from the basement wall at a depth of 0.5 building superstructure, and imbalanced building venti-
m, in agreement with pressure coupling measured a t the lation ( 2 , 4 ) . Field measurements have shown that under
site. Under the same conditions the model predicts a normal operating conditions of houses during the winter
soil-gas entry rate of 2.5 m3 h-l, within the range estimated the temperature effect alone can result in consistent sub-
by tracer-gas measurements. The presence of a horizontal, structure underpressures of between 2 and 6 Pa (7, 8).
low-permeability soil layer just above basement floor level Other factors being equal, pressure-driven entry is likely
explains the high pressure coupling observed at 3-m depth to be most important in houses with basements because
even out to 14 m west of the house. they provide a large interface with the soil. Soil-gas entry
due to basement depressurization has been experimentally
demonstrated by Turk et al. (9) and Nazaroff et al. (10).
Introduction Significant pressure-driven entry of radon from soil has
Soil gas is an important source of indoor air pollution. also been reported for houses with crawl spaces (11). Entry
Research on sources of human exposure to radon indicate pathways have been assumed to be penetrations, gaps, or
0013-936X/89/0923-1481$01.50/0 0 1989 American Chemical Society Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 23, No. 12, 1989 1481

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