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The Police Service has worked with the Speed Management Task Force, which tncludes Roads
& Tratfic Authority (RTA), NRMA and Local Governmerlt Association representation, to develop
a site selection process. The process relies upon identrfication of "black spot" locations or other
locations wrth a perceived speeding problem trat the community will accept as credible for speed
camera oPeratlons.

To meet the speed camera criteria only one value from either location table rnust be satisfied.

1. LOCATION: A speed camera site may be located where:-

. there is a history of casuatty related crashes determined using the following Table.

Based on at least 30 crashes over a three y , the formulae in Table should be used to
identity potential speed camera sites'

Severity Inder FOHMULAE Metro Country

Value 96 Value %
lniury Based (Number) of fatatrtjes + fhlumber) seri x 100 2Q% a

(Number) tolai persons tnjured

P4 Crash r 10O a5% 45%

Based (Nurnber) P4 crashes

Ntlg' Period of analYsis - total of three (3) years cumulative RTA data
Fatalities = deceased persons
SeriouslY lnjured = F)€rsons admitted to hospital
(recorded in item 51 on P4's)
Injury - any person injured but not deceased (recorded in item 47 oI P4's)

2. Locallgtg A speed camera site may be located where:-

. speeding is a problem (e.g. complaint area / potential crash area) and the 85th% percentile
speed is greater than the value indicated in the Table for the speed zone.


120 Soeed Tone 85th% Soeed

o 40 50
ul 10o
.a 90 50 ol
sE80 60 72
7A 83
70 80 94
90 105
100 116
8FB3 cl? 110 127

Sp*d Camea SiE Selactioa Critcrla (Proposed) 'Page 1


A proposal for a speed camera site shall be recommended by the respective Local Area
Commander and approved by the Region Traffic Co-Ordinator or person with the delegatron
of the Region Commander. The proposal should then be forwarded to the Traffic Services
Branch for allocation of a site location code. When thd location code is allocated for the site it is
authorised for speed camera enforcement-

Prior to submifting a proposal for a speed camera location, police should:

. contact the local RTA Road Safety Manager to ensure:

- existing speed zoning at the location is appropriate and is adequately signposted.

- area speed camera signage is in the vicrnity.

. formally advise the Local Area Tratfic Committee of the submission, in line with the
communitY consultation Process.

(3) year
Data to be analysed should be sourced frorn the RTA and cover the most rment three
period and where possible it should be aligned with the RTA route and section numbers of the
classified road nefurork .

Where the data presented satisfies either "severity Index'o or 85th% percentile speed
requirements a speed camera location can be approved, if it complies with operational

Any recommendation for a speed camera site will require completion of a VMS Camera Site
Evaluation Report which aPPears as Annexure 1.


In the RTA Sydney Region request the local Road Safety Manager or Local Council
Road Safety
Officer to develop a ipeed profile for the proposed sPeed camera location- lf the above
and apply the
resources are unavailable, police may utilise available speed detection equipment
methodology for determining the 85th% percentile speed which apPears in Annexure 2'

Any inquiries in relation to he site selection criteria should be directed to Traffic Services Branch
on-Eaglenel 7g217 or (02) 9689-7217 and not the camera unit, Infringement Processing

This site selection criteria will be reviewed by a Working Party of the Speed Management
Force as required and any amendments notified in due course.

(Proposad) ' Page 2

Speed Camera Slru Selectl'o n Criteria


This document describes the method of conductrng a short duration speed survey.
Concealment and Position of Observers
Unbiased results depend on the drivers being monitored remaining unaware a speed
survey is being conducted. For survey purposes onlv, observers should remain
inconspicuous and preferably fully concealed from the view of passing traffic.

Where concealment is not possible, the observe/s vehicle should be parked well clear of
the roadway, so that it is clearly not about to move onto the roadway.


Stationary radar or lidar units with an accuracy of +l- 1 km/h may be used. Statistical
packages for Kustom Silver Eagle / Pro laser ll units may become available in the future.

Selection of SurveY Site

Except where a speed survey is required to study the influence of particular site
characteristics, the site itself should not constrain or promote speed behaviour of drivers.
Site requirements are ideally as follows:-

. g€t'ler'zlly level.
- aw?V irorn curves and major intersections.
. away from the influence of other speed zones, or adjoining areas of different road or
development characteristics.
- provide a suitable inconspicuous obseryation position.
. normal geometric standards, markings and delineation for the type of road.
. away from areas of isolated development or activity'
. free from the effects of special events i.e. road maintenance, resealing, etc-
. appropriate for the purposes for which the survey is being undertaken-

Duration of SurveYs

Surveys should continue for a minimum of two hours (except part-time school zones), but
should not exceed four hours. A sample of at least 200 car speeds should be recorded.
Continuing the survey for two hours, even at higher volumes, will even out short term
fluctuations in speed distribution and help build up the sample of other vehicle VPes.

At higher volume sites, survey duration's of less than two hours, (but at least one hour),
uru when a sample of at least 300 vehicle speeds is recorded'
Tlme of SurveYs
morning or
For general purposes, speed Survey5 should be conducted only during
should generally be
after-rroon off-peak periods. Weekends, nights and holiday periods
times or
avoided, unless the data is specifically wanted at these times. Anomalous survey
unusual weather conditions should be noted on the survey.

Speed Camera Sib Setectio n Criteria Pmpsed) 'Page t

Sample Selection

Record the speeds of all free running vehicles, for which speed readings can be taken.
Free running speeds are observed when vehicles are able to travel at the driver's desired
speed and are not constrained by other tratfic. Gerierally, free running vehicles will be
isolated vehicles, or the leading vehicle of a traffic queue.

Information Recording

The following information about each survey is to be recorded:-

. Location - by distance measured from a named side street

. Date, day of week, time of day (both start and finish)
- Directions surueyed (and identified on the front of the survey form).
. Weather conditions.
- Traffic conditions (e.9. normal, light, healry, special event, etc)
" Name or obseryer
. lnstrument and serial number used.

The process involves the recording of vehicle speeds using "gate post'counting on a tally
sheet, a sample sulveY form is included with this Annexure.

Analysis of Speed Data

When two hundred vehicle speeds have been recorded:-

. starting at the highest recorded speed count backward 30 vehicle speeds. The speed
of that vehicle is the 85th% percentlle speed.
. continue counting backwards a further 70 vehicle speeds. The speed of that vehicle
denotes the median sPeed.
. the proportion of vehicles exceeding the speed limit can be determined by counting
the number of vehicles erceeding the posted speed lirnit, multiplying that number by
100 and then dividing the result by 200.

Speed Camenslre Serpction Crziterta Pnpoacil -Page 5

Location: 85th% Speed:
Date & Day: Weather:
Traffic Conditions: Observer: Instrument:

f'lira.flnn l-l irar

km/h Cnrs Trucks km/h C:rc Tn re kq
<4n <4n
10 lo
42 42
43 a3
4s 4-5
46 d,R

47 47
4g dc
50 50
51 51
52 tl
a4 s4

58 Y
59 3-Y
50 80
-/ DZ
64 64
b6 6n
69 6q
70 70
71 71
at 74
/h 76
7g 78
t3 7Sl
80 80
81 R1
n2 e2
tt.l bJ
84 84
85 c5
85 6h
87 6t
88 E6
89 89
qo 90
q2 92
93 E3
g4 94
95 95
97 97
99 g9
100 'too
> 100 >100

Speed Camen Situ Sclecdon Critcia (Prcposcd) - Page 6



Region: Patrol:

Existing Code: RTA Route No: Length:_ km

Street: Suburb:

Between: Suburb :

and Suburb:

No. Lanes: Median Strip: Yes n No n

Tick y' as ap :-

Sideof Road: N/S/E/W Direction Monitored: Depart [ & | or Approach f

House No's : Odd / Even SPeed Limits:

School zoner Yes t] No I Restriciion times:

Suitable for VMS operation in accordance with SoPS: Yes f No

Mode. Depart fl APProach fl Suitable for: Day I Night I

Additional- I nformation:

lnspected bY: Rank: Date:

Signature: RECoMMENDED: Yes ! No n

Local Area Commander RECOMMENDED: Yes I No n

Region Commander APPROVED: Yes f] No n

(Use OnlY)

Signed: Date:
Loaded by;


Sgeed CamataSite SeJecobn Cribria Propoeed)'Page 3

Speed lncrease
40 50 10 25%
50 61 11 22%
60 72 12 2Oo/o
70 83 13 19%
80 94 14 18%
90 105 15 17%
100 116 16 16%
1'10 127 17 15%

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