Rental Car Tender Dossier.v2

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Pemba, June 16th, 2022

Our reference: PD-PEM-000218


Dear Mr/Ms

Following your enquiry regarding the publication of the above-mentioned invitation to tender,
please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier.

Any request for clarification must be received by ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM in writing at least
fifteen (15) days before the deadline for submission of tenders. ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM will
reply to bidders' questions at least Seven (7) days before the deadline for submission of tenders.

Costs incurred by the bidder in preparing and submitting the tender proposals will not be

We look forward to receiving your tender and the accompanying tender documents at the address
specified in the Instructions to Bidders before July 15th, 2022 at 3.00 PM (local time), as stated in
the procurement notice.

If you decide not to submit a tender, we would be grateful if you could inform us in writing, stating
the reasons for your decision.

Yours sincerely,



3.3 – Procurement 2014

Call for Tender

Vehicle Rental

Publication reference:

Publication Date: June 15st, 2022


3.3 – Procurement 2014

A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ....................................................................................................... 4
1. Preamble ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Purpose of the Call for Tenders ................................................................................................. 4
3. Call for Tenders Schedule: .......................................................................................................... 5
4. Questions and Clarifications ....................................................................................................... 5
5. Technical visit ............................................................................................................................... 5
6. Eligibility ........................................................................................................................................ 6
7. Instructions to submit an Offer ................................................................................................. 6
8. Call for Tender Process ............................................................................................................... 7
9. Period of validity .......................................................................................................................... 7
10. Currency of tenders ................................................................................................................. 7
11. Language of offers and procedure ........................................................................................ 7
12. Alteration or withdrawal of tenders ...................................................................................... 8
13. Costs of preparing tenders ..................................................................................................... 8
14. Opening, evaluation of tenders and selection criteria ........................................................ 8
15. Notification award and contract signature ........................................................................... 9
16. Ownership of tenders.............................................................................................................. 9
17. Contract ..................................................................................................................................... 9
18. Cancellation of the tender procedure .................................................................................10
19. Ethics .......................................................................................................................................10
B – COMMERCIAL SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................11
20. Technical description of the Goods / Services .................................................................11
20.1 Specifications ..........................................................................................................................11
20.2 Volume of the Framework agreement................................................................................11
21. Invoicing & Payment ............................................................................................................12
Appendix A: ..................................................................................................................................................14
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................14
Appendix B:...................................................................................................................................................18
SUPPLIER QUESTIONNAIRE ..............................................................................................................18
Appendix C: ..................................................................................................................................................21
ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM ’s GOOD BUSINESS REGULATIONS .......................................21
Appendix D: ..................................................................................................................................................25
DRIVER JOD DESCRIPTION ...............................................................................................................25
Appendix E: ..................................................................................................................................................26
Price Offer Template ...................................................................................................................................26
Appendix F: ...................................................................................................................................................28


3.3 – Procurement 2014


In submitting a tender, the bidder accepts in full and without restriction the special and general
conditions governing this tender as the sole basis of this tendering procedure.
The bidder accepts ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM General Terms and Conditions of Purchase by
default, or will include its own Sales conditions in its offer.
If the bidder wishes to point out restrictions to ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM Purchase Terms
and Conditions, such reservations should be clearly explained in a letter included in the offer.

Failure to submit a tender containing all the required information and documentation within the
deadline specified may lead to the rejection of the tender.

1. Preamble
ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM is an international non-governmental organisation, private, non-
political, non-denominational and non-profit-making. ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM intervenes in
countries throughout the world. ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM ’s vocation is to save lives by
combating hunger, disease, and those crises threatening the lives of helpless men, women and

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM intervenes in the following situations:

- In natural or man-made crises which threaten food security or result in famine,

- In situations of social / economic breakdown, linked to internal or external
circumstances which place particular groups of people in an extremely vulnerable
- In situations where survival depends on humanitarian aid.

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM opened a mission in MOZAMBIQUE in 2021, to assist Internal

Displaced Person in several governorates of the country (and especially in Cabo Delgado province).

2. Purpose of the Call for Tenders

The purpose of this Call for Tenders is to solicit competitive offers for the supply of rented vehicles
with and, for all ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM projects in Mozambique.

The purpose of this Call for Tenders is to sign a twenty four (24) months Framework Agreement
on an estimated volume of approximatively 19 vehicles and drivers rented per month.
The Call for Tenders aims at selecting reliable equipment and supplier.
Total quantities mentioned in this Call for Tenders are estimations of ACTION CONTRE LA
FAIM’s needs and can in no case be considered as a firm commitment from ACTION CONTRE

Each delivery will be triggered off by a Supply Purchase Order issued by ACTION CONTRE LA
FAIM and will be submitted to the same conditions listed in the chapters below.


3.3 – Procurement 2014

A detailed description of the goods and services required by ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM is
contained in the technical specifications (see APPENDIX A – Technical specifications).

3. Call for Tenders Schedule:


Date of Publication of the Tender 16 June 2022 10H00

Deadline for request for any clarifications 06 July 2022 15H00
Last date on which clarifications are 08 July 2022 17H00
Deadline for submission of tenders 15 July 2022 15H00
(receiving date, not sending date)
Tender opening session (tentative) by 18 July 2022 10H00
Notification of award to the successful Last week of Aug 2022
Signature of the contract Last week of Aug 2022

* All times are in the local time of Maputo - Mozambique

Please note all dates are provisional dates and ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM reserves the right to
modify this schedule.

Please note ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM reserves the right to pre-select some of the received
offers, based upon the criteria listed in article 14 of the present document, to enter into a
competitive dialogue with the shortlisted companies.

4. Questions and Clarifications

If ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM , either on its own initiative or in response to a request from a
prospective bidder, provides additional information on the tender dossier, such information will be
communicated in writing to all the bidders.
Bidders may submit questions in writing by email only before July 06th, 2022. Emails must be
addressed to

Any prospective tenderer seeking to arrange individual meetings with ACTION CONTRE LA
FAIM during the tender period may be excluded from the tender procedure.

5. Technical visit
The tender committee will established a shortlist of suppliers / contractors based on the
administrative and technical information provided in the questionnaire.
These shortlisted companies will be contacted for a technical visit in order to validate the quality of
the vehicles provided, the fleet capacity and the quality of the maintenance, the driver management
policy and the insurance options.
The date of the technical visit will be communicated to the shortlisted companies in due time.


3.3 – Procurement 2014

6. Eligibility
Participation in tendering is open on equal terms to any natural and legal persons or company,
registered in Mozambique.
In order to comply with some of ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM ’s donors’ rules, participants must
clearly indicate their company’s nationality.

7. Instructions to submit an Offer

7.1 – Response Format

The tender shall consist of one original paper copy placed in a sealed non-identifiable envelope, with
the words “not to be opened before the tender opening session” written in English.

This sealed non-identifiable envelope shall be titled:

Vehicle Rental tender
The supplier proposition must be personally delivered against receipt to the following address:
Zona Expansão, Bairro Alto Gingone ,,casa nr.1991, Pemba - Cabo Delgado
So that it is received no later than 16July 2022 – 3.00 PM.

NB: Late proposals will not be accepted, and will be returned to the Proponent or discarded.
Also, all proposals will be irrevocable after the Call for Tenders closing date

7.2 – Content of Tenders

The Tenderer must provide sufficient information in the proposal to demonstrate compliance with
the requirements set out in each section of this request for proposal.
All the documents must match with the same company / owner name.

The proposal MUST include ALL following documents, as a minimum:

1. The supplier’s questionnaire fully completed, stamped and signed (Appendix B)

2. The certificate of Company Registration in Mozambique
3. Alvara “ Alvara from ministry of transportation”
4. The Tax Registration Certificate “NUIT”, with tax number
5. The Action Contre la faim Good Business Regulation document, all pages must be
stamped and signed (Appendix C)
6. The name and contact details of at least 3 references.
a. Action Contre la faim reserves the right to contact these references, without
notifying the Tenderer.
7. The price offer
a. Prices shall be in Mozambican Metical
b. Prices will be mentioned with and without tax
c. Price shall be mentioned per item (for 1 unit of each item) – per day, week and
8. The detailed offer regarding the insurance coverage.
9. The detailed offer regarding the drivers policy (social security, allowance package, etc..)?
10. Detailed technical offer regarding services provided (maintenance, etc..)


3.3 – Procurement 2014

11. Proof of experience : “contracts /purchase orders/ framework agreements” with other
organizations, companies or entities for the same type of service.

The suppliers are encouraged to submit their offer with the document appearing in their file in this
order to facilitate the opening process and the document check during the opening session.

If you have difficulties to provide any of the mandatory documents above, please contact us for
guidance. During the tender process, the committee could give extra days to suppliers to submit
documents, in case it does not affect the transparency of the process. To avoid any rejection,
suppliers must provide all the requested documents from the first submission in the sealed envelope.

Failure to provide all of the above and in the formats stipulated may results in
disqualification of the Tender’s proposal.

The supplier is also invited to include extra documents such as:

1. Presentation leaflet of the company.

2. Environmental policy from the company if any
3. Other technical information, international certifications, etc..
4. Any relevant additional information

8. Call for Tender Process

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM reserves the right to negotiate, accept or reject any or all proposals
and quotations at its sole discretion and to pursue or act further on any responses it considers
advantageous. ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM does not bind itself to accept the lowest prices or
any proposal. All proposals will be irrevocable after the Call for Tenders closing date.
ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM reserves the right to select a shortlist of pre-selected suppliers,
based on the criteria announced in paragraph 14 of the present document. Further discussions and
competitive dialogue may then be conducted with the pre-selected suppliers.

9. Period of validity
Suppliers shall be bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days from the deadline for
submission of tenders.
However, the Prices and conditions defined in the Framework Agreement that will be signed with
the selected supplier will be valid for 24 months and could not be revised before 24 months.

10. Currency of tenders

Tenders must be presented in Mozambican Metical.

Action Contre la faim MAY benefits from full tax exemptions for some of its projects.
Some projects will be charges with full tax and some without tax.

11. Language of offers and procedure


3.3 – Procurement 2014

The offers, all correspondence and documents related to the tender exchanged by the bidder and
ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM must be written in English as a FIRST Language and Portuguese
languages as a second language.

Certificate of Registration, Tax registration documents and Insurance documents will be accepted
in Portuguese language. All other documents must be written / translated in English.

For the purposes of interpretation of the tender, the English version will prevail.

12. Alteration or withdrawal of tenders

Bidders may alter or withdraw their tenders by written notification prior to the deadline for
submission of tenders referred to in Article 3. No tender may be altered after this deadline.
Withdrawals must be unconditional and will end all participation in the tender procedure.

13. Costs of preparing tenders

All costs incurred by the bidder in preparing and submitting the tender are not reimbursable. All
such costs will be borne by the bidder.
The participation to the tenders of Action Contre la faim is FREE (no money or fees of whatever
nature is due to Action Contre la faim ).

14. Opening, evaluation of tenders and selection criteria

The opening and examination of tenders is for the purpose of checking whether the tenders are
complete and whether the tenders are generally in order.

The subsequent evaluation of the tenders shall be carried out in ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM
Mozambique Office by an Evaluation Committee made up of representatives of ACTION

In the interests of transparency and equal treatment and without being able to modify their tenders,
bidders may be required, at the sole written request of the evaluation committee, to provide
clarifications within 72 hours. Any such request for clarification must not seek the correction of
formal errors or of major restrictions affecting performance of the contract or distorting

Any attempt by a bidder to influence the evaluation committee in the process of examination,
clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, to obtain information on how the procedure is
progressing or to influence ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM in its decision concerning the award of
the contract will result in the immediate rejection of his tender. No liability can be accepted for late
delivery of tenders. Late tenders will be rejected and will not be evaluated.

The offer will be analysed by the tender committee in the following phases:
Phase Estimated date Criteria Comments
Opening 18 July 2022 All the mandatory Immediate decision of
documents must be present acceptation or rejection of the
for the offer to be valid. tender.
The rejected tenderers will be
notified by email


3.3 – Procurement 2014

Administrative 19 July 2022 Evaluation of the offers The shortlisted suppliers will
check based on the supplier’s be informed by Email, in
questionnaire, the price order to schedule the next
offer and the technical phase (visit).
documents provided. The non-shortlisted suppliers
will be informed by email.
Technical 20th July 2022 Technical assessment will
check be done by checking the The technical scoring will be
Supplier visit questionnaire, technical adjusted according to the
22nd July 2022 proposal and also technical results of the site visit.
visit The feedback back on the
Reference check The shortlisted suppliers supplier questionnaire and
25th July 2022 will be visited mostly in the technical offer
order to assess their
technical capacity.
Selection 27th July 2022 The tender committee will Global Weight of each
select the best offer by criteria:
analysing together the TECHNICAL : 50%
scores of Financial and FINANCIAL : 50%
Technical criteria.
Final 28th July 2022 The preferred supplier will Signature of the contract if all
negotiation and be visited to negotiate the commitments are respected.
contract final terms of the contract.

15. Notification award and contract signature

The successful bidder will be informed in writing that its tender has been accepted as an initial award.
This award will be still subject to the approval of the tender process by ACTION CONTRE LA
FAIM HQ. Once, the tender dossier is fully approved, the selected bidder will receive a notification
as a final award through E-mail. ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM will send the signed Framework
Agreement in two original copies to the successful bidder.

Within five (5) working days following the reception, the successful tenderer will sign, date and send
back the contract. The successful tenderer will have to communicate proper bank reference for
payment matters.

If the successful tenderer fails to sign and send back the contract within five (5) working days,
ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM can consider after notification the award as null and void.

The unsuccessful tenderer will be informed in written (email) shortly after the award.

16. Ownership of tenders

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM retains ownership of all tenders received under this tender
procedure. Consequently, bidders have no right to have their tenders returned to them.

17. Contract


3.3 – Procurement 2014

The contract that will be concluded between the successful tenderer and ACTION CONTRE LA
FAIM is done according to ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM standard Framework Agreement.

18. Cancellation of the tender procedure

In the event of a tender procedure's cancellation, bidders will be notified by ACTION CONTRE
If the tender procedure is cancelled before the outer envelope of any tender has been opened, the
sealed envelopes will be returned, unopened, to the tenderers.

Cancellation may occur where:

1. The tender procedure has been unsuccessful, namely where no qualitatively or financially
worthwhile tender has been received or there has been no response at all;
2. The economic or technical parameters of the project have been fundamentally altered;
3. Exceptional circumstances or force majeure render normal performance of the project
4. All technically compliant tenders exceed the financial resources available;
5. There have been irregularities in the procedure, in particular where these have prevented fair

Under no circumstances will ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM be liable for damages, whatever
their nature (in particular damages for loss of profits) or relation with the cancellation of a
tender, even if ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM has been warned of the possibility of

The publication of a procurement notice does not commit ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM
to implement the announced programme or project.

19. Ethics
ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM pays very careful attention to working with companies that commit
to respect basic Ethics Rules.
The tenderers have to read and understand the Good Business Regulations as defined by ACTION
CONTRE LA FAIM and introduced in the Appendix C of this tender dossier. The tenderers will
have to fill and sign the Appendix C: Declaration of compliance & commitment to respect ACTION
CONTRE LA FAIM Good Business Regulations.

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This part will serve as a basis for the establishment of the final contract.

20. Technical description of the Goods / Services

The subject of the call for tender is the provision by the supplier of the following services to

 Vehicles for rent with drivers and with fuel

 Vehicle for rent with driver but without fuel

20.1 Specifications
Please read carefully the technical specifications in Appendix A.
All prices must be submitted in MZN.
The price offer must be sent tax excluded and tax included.

The supplier will be responsible for providing ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM with vehicles and
Most of ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM needs are planned at least one week in advance. But it may
happen that some last minute requests are sent to the supplier.

 The vehicles must be in good condition and good working order.

 The full maintenance is the responsibility of the supplier (including tyres, brakes…).
 The suppliers can offer vehicles’ models as per their own fleet. The quotation shall mention
clearly the price and technical details (brand, model, age…) for each model offered.

AllLL ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM vehicles will be requested with a driver included. However,
the vehicles could be driven by any ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM staff, national or international
(holder of a valid driving license).

The drivers working hours should be flexible (within Mozambican law limitations) and ACTION
CONTRE LA FAIM will not accept any overtime charges.

The insurance is an important part of the offer. The supplier must provide proof of full coverage
and shall indicate the level of the insurance deductible.

The driver policy of the rental company should include the social security for their driver

20.2 Volume of the Framework agreement

The framework agreement will be valid for 24 months (tentatively from 1st of September 2022 to
31st of August 2024).

The current volume is of 19 vehicles per month.

However, it is not possible for ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM to guarantee a minimum volume of
vehicle rental.

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3.3 – Procurement 2014

The needs may increase or decrease, according to ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM operations in

The Framework Agreement bares no commitment from ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM to a

minimum or maximum order to be submitted per month.

21. Invoicing & Payment

24.1 Invoicing
The supplier will be requested to submit:
- one invoice for cars per month and per base

The invoices will be submitted all together to Pemba office at the end of each month.
The invoice must be in English and shall detail the services provided during the past month.

The applicant should mentioned if s/he agree with this invoicing modality

24.2 Payment
All payments will be exclusively made by cheque or bank transfer, to the supplier.

The payment of the monthly invoice will be done within 15 days after receiving and checking the

All payments will be done in Mozambican Metical, and paid in Mozambique only.

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM will not pay advance payment, or deposit.

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Appendix A: Technical Specifications

Appendix B: Supplier Questionnaire

Appendix C: ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM - Good Business Regulations

Appendix D: ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM - Driver job description

Appendix E: Price Offer Template

Appendix F: References

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3.3 – Procurement 2014

A pp en dix A:

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM is requiring prices for the following:

Please detail your price offer in order to respond to ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM needs and

Denomination Specifications Examples
Compact Car Sedan, 4 doors, 3 /4 Hyundai Elantra,
seaters + Driver Mitsubishi Lancer
Year: between 2017 and Toyota corola
2022 …
4x4 4 doors, 5/7 seaters + Mitsubishi Pajero,
Driver Nissan Patrol
Year: between 2017 and
4x4 4 doors, 10/13 seaters + Toyota Landcruiser
Driver Hardtop, …
Year: between 2017 and
SUV 2X4 SUV, 4 doors, 4/6 hyundai Tucson
seaters + Driver Kia Sportage
Year: between 2017 and …
Passenger Van Minibus 7 seaters Hyundai H1,
(minimum) + Drivers Toyota HighAce
Year: between 2017 and
Pick up Double Cab. 4x4 pick up, 4 doors, 4/5 Mitsubishi L200
seaters + Driver, Payload Mazda BT50,
of 300 Kg Minimum Toyota Hilux
Year: between 2017 and or similar
Hard top 4X4 Toyota
Two doors Fords
2 seats in the front .
2 benches on the back .
Year: between 2017 and

 The vehicles must be in good condition. Maximum 5 years old and/or 250 000 Km.
 The vehicles can be Benzene or Diesel.

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 The price shall include the full maintenance, insurance and all extra costs. The
maintenance of the vehicle will be preferred on Saturdays to do not impact the activities.
In case, it has to be done during week days, a vehicle of the same type needs to provided.
 All Cars should be Equipped with First Aid kit, tool box and fire extinguishers
 All Cars should be Equipped with GPS System
 Use for the cars will be for unlimited Mileage conditions
 The owners of vehicles commit to cover vehicles with a full insurance policy. Insurance
costs must be included in the rental price. Furthermore, rented vehicles must be registered
with an authorized and/or well-established insurance company. ACF in any case will not
be responsible to cover any cost related to an accident or loss of the vehicle due to theft or
natural disaster..
 The flexibility to have cars and drivers available locally in some areas such as Macomia and
Quissanga, Mueda, Pemba,
 The price shall be given per day, per week and per month (long-term rental) and
include all the fees.

To give an idea of what ACF is expecting in terms of maintenance for the vehicles, here is an example that can be

Service "A" (mini): every 3000 km

- Clean the engine
- Change the engine oil
- Clean and drain the water separator
- Clean the air filter
- Check the oil level: gearbox, transfer box, differentials, axles
- Check for water in the axles (if water mixed in, change the oil)
- Clean the axle breathers union and hose
- Grease the transmission and steering system (8 nipples).
- Check the condition of the suspension: insulators (rubber bushes), spring blades and shock absorbers.
- Check the condition of the rear and the front engine mountings.
- Check the condition of the exhaust pipe and the insulators (rubber mountings).
- Check the condition and tension of the belt
- Check the different warning lights of the dashboard

Service ‘B’ (Filter): every 6 000 km

! Service ‘A’, plus:
- Change the diesel filter
- Change the oil filter
- Check the clearance in front wheel hubs and front axle swilling boxes by shaking strongly the front wheels.
- Check the clearance in the steering system.
- Check the pads or shoes of the front breaks and correct if necessary

Service "C" (Complete): every 12 000 km

! Service ‘B’, plus:
- Change oil in gearbox, transfer box, axle
- Check rear brake shoes
- Grease hinges and locks of doors
- Grease tilt mechanic of steering system
- Change the tyres if necessary

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The supplier must be able to mobilize a pool of drivers as most of ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM
’s vehicles will be requested with drivers included.

 Minimum 21 years old

 The drivers shall have a valid driving license and proven driving experience for both
automatic and manual gearbox vehicles.
 The driver have Visual tests report or certification from Hospital – Fit for driving
 Basic knowledge of mechanics
 The drivers must be based close to ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM base of operations.
o This can includes (but not limited to) Pemba, Maputo, Mueda, Macomia,
 The drivers shall have a minimum level of English and should be fluent in Portuguese
 General working hours are from 07H30 to 15H30, from Monday to Sunday
 Night shift working hours from 15H30 to 23H.30 from Monday to Sunday
o Flexibility is required as working hours can be adjusted according to operational

Please provide a clear proposal regarding the Drivers, which include the following details

Provide the minimum salary for drivers, per day, per week and per month.
What is the full Package for the drivers? Do you pay transportation allowance? Health insurance?
Social security? Etc…..
Provide the breakdown of the driver salary
Explain how you recruit and manage drivers.
Explain what kind of training you provide to drivers (if any).
Explain how you will ensure drivers are available to respond ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM
Explain how you will ensure drivers are available at ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM offices
locations every morning (transportation provided ?, emergency replacement available ?…).
Explain what kind of contract you provide to drivers.

The vehicles should be covered by a full comprehensive insurance. The supplier is encouraged to
detail the insurance coverage:
 What does the insurance exactly covers and within which limitation.
o Does these limitations are compliant with Mozambican regulations or above
Mozambican regulations?
 Does the coverage apply for any driver (Action Contre la faim Employees, Supplier’s
drivers) ?

The supplier is requested to precise the insurance deductible that applies to his vehicles. This will
be criteria for choosing the supplier.

Provide all insurance documentation and proof of coverage.

Explain how the vehicles, drivers, passengers and third parties are covered by your insurance.
Provide the amount of insurance deductible, and the conditions for this deductible to apply or not.

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Be as specific as possible as the insurance coverage is an important point of the global assessment.

Summary of the selection criteria:

The following criteria will be used by ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM to select the best offer.


Quality of the offer All the requested documents are present.
submitted The Supplier’s Questionnaire is fully completed and clearly
The offer is clear and gives prices for all requested items
The offer is detailed and supported by supplier’s explanations
Capacity to provide Proven experience for same type of request, during a similar period
vehicles Vehicles are delivered to ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM offices.
The supplier provides short and long term rental.
Delivery lead time for regular request and emergency request.
Capacity to provide replacement car immediately, if needed (especially
to cover maintenance time).
Capacity to provide Experienced drivers
drivers Recruitment process and type of contract provided.
ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM must have the possibility to refuse one
or several driver (at its sole discretion).

Quality of the fleet Several models are available in each category.

Brand and models provided.
Vehicles are less than 5 years and 250 000 km.
Vehicles are in good working condition.
Maintenance is included, with a monitoring / scheduling system in
Insurance of the fleet Type of insurance (full comprehensive is provided).
The vehicle, the passengers, the driver and any third party must be
covered by the insurance.
The vehicles are covered when driven by the supplier’s driver or
ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM employees (national and international).
Amount of the insurance deductible
The insurance deductible is not applicable when the vehicle is driven by
the supplier’s drivers.
Price offer Best ratio Price / Quality
Possible options (different model and prices) for each category and per
24 month price commitment.

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A pp en dix B:
Publication reference: PD-021-00260

Company Name:
Company Address:

Contact Name:
Contact Position / title:
Contact Details Phone:
Contact Details Email:

Company Information:
1 Date of company registration ?
2 Is your company part of an international company?
3 Do you have other offices in the country ? Where ?
4 How many employees work for your company in-country ?
5 Company turnover in 2019, 2020 and 2021 (in MZN)
Customer References:
Have you worked in the past with ACTION CONTRE LA
FAIM (if Yes, Which year) ?
In a separate document,
Please provide names and contacts of 3 customers (preferably with explanations
7 Humanitarian NGOs) to whom you have recently provided the regarding the volume of
same kind of products / services vehicles rented and the
length of the contract.
Technical Capacity (vehicles):
8 What is your core activity ?
9 What other services do you provide ?
Do you plan to subcontract vehicle rental to fulfil the needs of
10 ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM (maintenance is not to be
taken into account in this question) ?
Can you deliver the vehicles to Action Contre la faim office
(new rent or return from maintenance) ?
How long (in days) do you need to provide a car for long term
rental (preparation time) ?
How long (in days) do you need to provide a car in case of
emergency / last minute / short notice request ?
14 How many vehicles do you have in Mozambique ?
Do you provide a tracking system with the cars? Is it included
with the rent? (If not, thanks to include it in your price offer)
Technical Capacity (drivers):
How many drivers are currently working for your company in
Mozambique ?

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Do you provide training to drivers (please explain) ? drivers will

17 be asked to submit their certificate when hired otherwise they
will be rejected
Do you have a pool of available drivers or do you recruit the
drivers on demand from the client ?
Can you ensure that Action Contre la faim can return a driver
19 without condition, in case this driver is not bringing full
satisfaction ?
What type of contract do you usually provide to your drivers ?
20 Do you pay the Social Security for your drivers ? (if under
condition, please explain).
Warranty & Maintenance:
Do you commit to provide Action Contre la faim with vehicles
less than 5 years old and less than 250 000 Km ?
Can you confirm that the maintenance is fully included in the
22 price ?
If not, explain what is not covered ?
23 Do you have your own garage for maintenance of the fleet?
If ‘’No’’ was answered to the above question, do you have a
24 contract with a third party garage for the maintenance of the
fleet ?
Do you have maintenance follow up / scheduling mechanism
in place ? for Mueda and Pemba
Do you provide replacement vehicle during maintenance
operations ? for Mueda and Pemba
27 What is the standard insurance coverage of your fleet ?
What is the insurance deductible you will apply to ACTION
CONTRE LA FAIM contract ?
Does the deductible apply when the vehicle is driven by one of
your driver (company’ seconded driver) ?
Are your vehicles covered in case they get stolen ?
30 Are your vehicles covered in case they get damaged while
parked in the street (vandalism) ?
Does the insurance apply in case the driver is an Action Contre
31 la faim Employee ?
Is there any restrictions ?
Are your driver benefiting from the social security or a
medical insurance?
Financial Conditions:
Can you provide a detailed invoice (in English) for each vehicle
if requested?
34 Can you apply detax if applicable
Do you accept monthly invoicing and no advance payment /
35 deposit ?
If not please, explain what are your conditions.
Do you accept payment by cheque or bank transfer , within 15
36 days after invoicing ?If not, please explain what are your

ACTION AGAINST HUNGER – Kit Log V3_3 19 / 28

3.3 – Procurement 2014

What is the validity of your offer ? (minimum 90 days if

If you get awarded on this tender, will you offer fixed prices
the entire duration of the contract (24 month) ?
If not, what is the maximum price variation you can commit on
(no more than 5% price increase, for instance) ?
Would you please explain the measurements you put in place in
order to prevent the sexual exploitation and abuse

ACTION AGAINST HUNGER – Kit Log V3_3 20 / 28

3.3 – Procurement 2014

A pp en dix C:
These Good Business Regulations are the ground for a professional working relationship
between ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM and the suppliers.

They are general regulations valid unless others particular conditions are mentioned in the
contract. In case of conflicting terms within documents, the conditions of the contract or
tender dossier will prevail on these Good Business Regulations.

I. Principles of the procurement procedures

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM has transparent procedures to award markets. Essential principles
– Transparency in the procurement process
– Proportionality between the procedures followed for awarding contracts and the value of the
– Equal treatment of potential suppliers

Usual criteria to select a supplier are:

- Authorisation to perform the market
- Financial and economic capacities
- Technical expertise
- Professional capacities

Usual criteria to award markets are:

- Automatic award (the cheapest offer complying with all requirements)
- Best value for money (price/quality ratio)

II. Misbehaviour, ineligibility and exclusion

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM considers the following misbehaviour as a valid ground for
a systematic exclusion of an awarding market procedure and for the termination of all
working relationship and contracts:

- Fraud defined as any intentional act or omission relating to:

 The use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which
has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of ACTION CONTRE
LA FAIM or institutional donors funds
 Non-disclosure of information, with the same effect
 The misapplication of such funds for purposes other than those for which they were
originally granted
- Active corruption: to deliberately promise or give an advantage to an official for him/her to
act or refrain from acting in accordance with his duty in a way which damages or is likely to
damage ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM or institutional donors financial interests
- Collusion: the co-ordination of firms competitive behaviour, with the likely result that prices
rise, output is restricted and the profits of the colluding companies are higher than they would

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otherwise be. Collusive behaviour does not always rely on the existence of explicit agreements
between firms, but can also be tacit.
- Coercive practice: harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons, or their
property to influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect the execution of a
- Bribery: to offer ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM employees monetary or in kind gifts in order
to gain additional markets or to continue a contract
- Involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity established by a
judgement, by the US Government, the European Union, the United Nations or any other
donor funding ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM .
- Immoral Human Resources practices: exploitation of child labour and the non-respect of
basic social rights and working conditions of employees or subcontractors

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM will exclude from a procurement procedure any candidate
or tenderer falling into one of the following cases:

- To be bankrupt or to be wound up, to have affairs administered by the courts, to have enter
into an arrangement with creditors, to have suspended business activities, to be the subject of
proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar
procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations
- To have been convicted of an offence concerning professional conduct by a judgement that
has the force of res judicata
- To have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means that ACTION
CONTRE LA FAIM can justify
- To have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or
the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are
established or with those of the country where ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM mission is
operating or those of the country where the contract is to be performed
- They have been the subject of a judgement that has the force of res judicata for fraud,
corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to
the Communities' financial interests
- To have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their
contractual obligations in another previous procurement procedure

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM will not award contracts to candidates or tenderers who,
during the procurement procedure:
- Are subject to a conflict of interest
- Are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required ACTION
CONTRE LA FAIM as a condition of participation in the contract procedure or fail
to supply this information

III. Administrative and financial sanctions

In the event a supplier, candidate or tenderer is engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM will impose:
- Administrative sanctions:
Administrative sanctions are the official notification of the misconduct to the relevant civil or
commercial authorities and the immediate termination of all existing working relationships.
- Financial sanctions:

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ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM will request the reimbursement of the cost linked directly and
directly to the conduct of a new tendering process or market award. If any, the tender or
performance guarantee will be kept by ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM .

IV. Information of and access for the Donors

ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM will inform immediately the Institutional Donors and will provide
all the relevant information in the event a supplier, candidate or tenderer is engaged in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices.
Furthermore, the contractors agree to guarantee a right of access to their financial and accounting
documents to the representatives of ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM ’s institutional donors for the
purposes of checks and audits.

V. Documents to be a supplier
Hereafter is the minimal documentation a contractor working with ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM
will have to provide:
- Personnel national ID document of the supplier/company representative
- Status and registration of the company
- Mission order or power of attorney authorising the representative to contact
Important note: Additional documentation may be required for a particular market.

In addition the contractor must have the capacity to issue invoices, receipts and waybills (or delivery
notes), to provide a tax clearance certificate and certify documents with an official stamp.

VI. Anti-Corruption Policy

If you believe that the action of anyone (or a group of people) working or volunteering for
ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM programs is responsible for violating the above rules, you should
file a report through the Whistle-blower Email Hotline.
In order to enable the treatment, reports should give as precise information as possible; your name
and contact are optional but encouraged. All reports are treated confidentially to the extent
permissible by law. ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM will use all reasonable efforts to preserve the
confidentiality of the whistle-blower and to protect whistle-blowers against any possible retaliation.
Reports are to be sent as follows:
 By email at

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I, undersigned …………representative name………. representative of …company name………

certified that I have read and understood these regulations.
On behalf of the company I act for, I accept the terms of ACTION AGAINST HUNGER
Good Business Regulations and I commit to achieve the best performances in the event
………….company name………… is awarded a market.

By signing, I certify that ………….company name………… has not provided, and will take all
reasonable steps to ensure that it does not and will not knowingly provide material support or
resources to any individual or entity that commits, attempts to commit, advocates, facilitates, or
participates in fraud, active corruption, collusion, coercive practice, bribery, involvement in a
criminal organization or illegal activity, or immoral Human Resources practices, such as the use
of Child labour or overriding basic social rights and work conditions or the standards defined
by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), particularly in terms of non-discrimination,
freedom of association, payment of the legal national minimum wage, no forced labour, and the
respect of working and hygiene conditions .

Last, I hereby certify that ………….. company name …..……. is not involved in any pending
lawsuit, claim or action in the Company’s name, or on behalf of any other person or entity,
against the Company, regarding fraud, corruption, bribery or any illegal activity, and has not
been convicted guilty of such practices at any time.

Name: Date:

Position: Stamp:


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A pp en dix D:
Publication reference: PD-PEM-000218

Title of post: Status : Hierarchy:

DRIVER Technician Supervised by: Logistics Officer
Level 1 (T2 level)
Supervises: n/a
Missions : Means :
To transport people and equipment, and to ensure the maintenance of General: available vehicles
the vehicle under his responsibility Special: Log books and follow-
up tools
Diploma / Level of studies: School leaving certificate or equivalent – Driver’s licence
Required skills: Mechanical skills – Negotiating ability – Rigour – Punctuality

Objective 1 : Transport people and equipment under good According to procedures

security conditions:
- When transporting ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM employees,
respect the country’s circulation rules and follow the logistician’s
planning and instructions; According to the planning
- In case of an accident, immediately get in touch with the closest
police station and duly inform the logistics department;
- Follow the instructions of the manufacturer and the ACTION Under the supervision of the
CONTRE LA FAIM rules when using the vehicle; logistician
- Regular check of vehicle / personal documents validity

Objective 2 : Ensure maintenance of the vehicle:

- Solve minor technical problems;
- Inform the logistics department of any major repairs to be carried
out; Together with the logistics
- Carry out daily checks before starting up the motor; department
- Keep the vehicle clean;
- Ensure communication (phone) with logistics department
- Note down fuel consumption in the record book in the morning
and at the end of the day as well as any information concerning According to the record book list
the maintenance of the vehicle;

Objective 3 : Prepare & ensure specific trips :

Activities: Together with the manager
- Inspect and prepare the vehicle the day before departure so as to responsible for the trip
be on time; (for special trips outside of the
- Prepare additional equipment to be brought along according to usual working area, or for trips
needs (fuel, stickers, flags, tools, medical kit). with specific (non-routine)
- Prepare road itinerary and check weather forecast & security purposes).

Appendix E:
Price Offer Template

Vehicles - Price Offer

Prices Vehicles with Prices Vehicles with
Driver Driver and with Fuel
Unit Price
Vehicle without Price with Price with Price with Price with
Model Year tax tax tax tax tax
Compact Day
Car: 2017 Week
- Month
- 2018 Week
- Month
- Day
2019 Week
4X4 (5/7 Day
seaters): 2017 Week
- Month
- 2018 Week
- Month
- Day
2019 Week
4x4 (10/13 Day
seaters): 2017 Week
- Month
- 2018 Week
- Month
- Day
2019 Week
SUV 2x4 : Day
- 2017 Week
- Month
- 2018 Week
- Month
2019 Week

van: 2017
- 2018

Pick Up
double 2017
- 2018

Regarding the price offer with Fuel please consider the following:
 Submitting a price offer with fuel means that you will manage the fuel and you will
ensure that the cars are full with all the time.
 Based on the price you will offer, the cars will be used for unlimited mileages inside
the concerned district
 When the car is moving between two districts, ACF will consider the vehicle rental
cost, is its cost without fuel, then it will add the fuel cost per KM
 ACF is renting a car in Pemba district, if ACF decided to rent the car with fuel on
monthly basis, then ACF will pay you the cost for the full package “
car+driver+fuel” as per you offer
 ACF is renting a car in Pemba district, but this car will move from Pemba to
Macomia, then ACF will pay you
Rental cost for the Car+ driver , then will add the cost of the fuel per KM
The distance between Pemba and Macomia is around 396 KM “round trip” then
the fuel cost will be 396 X “fuel cost per km”

Please provide us with the fuel cost per KM ?

** Fuel cost per KM may change based on Fuel cost in the market

ACF will decide after studying the provided prices, which option they will go with

A pp en dix F:
Refer en ces

Name Company Contract (year) Email Phone

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