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The Apple International School, Dubai

Year: 7 Choice of Assessments Date: 16th May-23rd May

Sub: Science Marks: 15
Research and design a model on Structure of atoms of an element.

Etc research links -


You will be researching and creating a 3-D Structure of atom of an element. You need
to select any one element from the periodic table & Investigate the atomic structure,
Atomic number & properties of element you have chosen. Prepare a model on the
structure of atoms arranged in element (Preferably select element from first 20 elements
of periodic table). Also, Research & illustrate the uses of that element in your daily life
& what makes it different from the rest of the other elements. This project is mandatory
and will be counted as part of your Term-3.

Project Ideas for 3-D model:
Choose one of the tasks below:

You will really be able to learn, explore and share your knowledge on the Structure of
atoms in completing this activity.
1. Diorama: Create a diorama or Interactive 3-D Designed model on Structure of atoms of
any Selected element from the periodic table along with A-4 size handbook (2-4 sheets).
2. Advertise campaign: Create an advertise campaign with a group of maximum 4
students to promote awareness on Structure of atoms of any Selected element from the
periodic table. You can present it in different format (boards, posters, jpeg, ppt, video,
audio etc.) also include A-4 size handbook (2-4 sheets).
3. Scrapbook/ Handbook/ Science Magazine Article: Research on Structure of atoms of
any Selected element from the periodic table - Design or Create scrapbook/ handbook
using A-4 size sheets (minimum 14-16 sheets). Or write an article for a science
magazine on the on Structure of atoms of any Selected element from the periodic table
with detailed information. (Must Include details given below this paper)
4. Multimedia presentation with mini-Seminar)- Research on the Structure of atoms of
any Selected element from the periodic table and present using multimedia and digital
tools, as Mini Seminar/ Thesis/ symposium/TED talk. A-4 size handbook (5-10 sheets).
Be sure to include –
- Project must contain A-4 size Handbook that may include the Structure,
Properties, function, size.
- Atomic theories proposed by different scientists.
- Research on 'Down to the Atom', UAE's Science and Technology Development
Steady. How Nanotechnology has also found applications in public safety in the
- Research & illustrate the uses of your selected element in your daily life & what makes
it different from the rest of the other elements.
- Advance research is appreciated. (Optional)

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: 23rd May

Evaluation criteria:

Use of scientific vocabulary 3 pts

Scientific principles understood 3 pts
Effort put in by the students 3 pts
Design/Planning quality 3 pts
Display/ Presentation quality 3 pts
Total 15 pts

Proficient (12-15) Emerging (8-11) Beginning (4-7)
Use of scientific Effective use of Minimal use of No evidence found on use
vocabulary scientific vocabulary scientific vocabulary of scientific vocabulary
Scientific principles Shows proficient Shows adequate Shows basic understanding
understood understanding of the understanding of the of the subject matter
(0-3) subject matter subject matter

Effort put in by the Work is well written and Work shows some Work shows little
students carefully thought out. evidence of effort. evidence of any effort.

Design/Planning Identified various Identified a few scenarios Identified a few scenarios &
quality scenarios & applied critical & applied critical thinking failed to apply critical
(0-3) thinking to provide to provide feedback thinking to provide
meaningful feedback meaningful feedback

Display/ Clear and well organized. Clear and organized. Use Limited organization and
Presentation Use of inventive or of understandable irrelevant pictures. /
quality amusing pictures/ models. pictures/ models. Models. Struggle to
(0-3) Effectively communicating Communicating the ideas communicate the ideas.
the ideas with minimum errors.

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