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Riding Modern Art (Pocket Edition)

Editions B42 2022 ISBN 9782490077694 Acqn 32411
Pb 13x21cm 152pp ills £20.25

This volume brings together a collection of 50 black-and-white photographs of people

skateboarding on sculptures in public spaces. Through his study of the process of appropriation
and reuse of these works of art in the public realm - challenging skateboarders to test their limits
with new manoeuvres and tricks - artist Raphael Zarka shifts the approach to a work of art in a
way that underlines the dynamism of modern urban sculpture. The idea of movement in these
often abstract and geometric pieces is made visible by the skateboarders, translated into pure
physics and raw energy. With works by Picasso, Oteiza, Volten, and more. Ten images are
missing from this collection, as sculptors have refused to see their artwork reproduced. The
spaces dedicated to those photographs remain purposely empty.

Barry McGee - Fuzz Gathering (Second Printing)

Perrotin 2022 ISBN 9791091539326 Acqn 32482
Pb 11x16cm 144pp col ills £20

This zine by Barry McGee gathers a number of his own photographs, collages, and drawings to
create a unique visual language composed of geometrical patterns and recurring symbols. It was
published on the occasion of his exhibition towards the end of 2021 at the Perrotin Gallery in
Paris. Born and educated in San Francisco, McGee produces works that are candid and insightful
observations of modern society, but always with an emphasis on contributing to marginalised
communities. He is associated with the Mission School, which emerged in the early 1990s and is
primarily influenced by urban realism, graffiti, and American folk art, with a focus on social

Ulla Wiggen
Art And Theory Publishing 2022 ISBN 9789198672060 Acqn 32500
Hb 26x30cm 116pp col ills £54

Ulla Wiggen started her career in the 60s, painting in a highly matter of fact technique the new
world of electronic components inside digital equipments - at once objective and enigmatic. In
Ulla Wiggen's new works she has shifted focus from the inside of computers to the inside of the
human brain. Her paintings in Visualities are a series of variations on the theme of the human iris,
the kernel of vision, painting, and epistemology.

Movement Making Movement

MMCA 2021 ISBN 9788963032658 Acqn 32123
Pb 140pp col ills £42.50

Presented by the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA), the
exhibition 'Movement Making Movements' introduces five artists, all of them 20th-century
pioneers of animation in film. It offers a fascinating and in-depth look at their passionate drive to
experiment, the techniques and strategies they developed, and their place in the wider canon of
film and animation history. Starting with Lotte Reiniger's early silhouette puppets, it goes on to
cover Len Lye's use of the new medium of colour film, Oskar Fischinger's art of visual music, the
special effects conjured by Karel Zeman, and the highly expressive techniques developed by
Norman McLaren.

Art(ificial) Garden, The Border Between Us

MMCA 2021 ISBN 9788963032719 Acqn 32124
Pb 272pp col ills £49

Appearing in conjunction with the eponymous exhibition at the National Museum of Modern and
Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA), this publication continues a reflection on the relationship
between humans and nature. It includes contributions by a number of specialists from various
fields - ethics, veterinary science, architecture and landscape architecture - who analyse our
current situation and call for change by suggesting ways that animals, plants, and humans can
better live together. How can the power we as humans have gained be redirected so we can
effectively coexist with our non-human counterparts? And how can we use art to visualise these

Cuentos de Cuentas
K. Verlag 2022 ISBN 9783947858323 Acqn 32449
Hb 11x17cm 216pp col ills £27.75

Between January 2021 and March 2022, artist and writer Carla Zaccagnini published a series of
textual and visual essays as online instalments. Using personal memories and appropriated
stories, she investigated the relationship to money (primarily American dollars) in Latin American
countries at a time of high inflation, political incertitude, and social insecurity. Underlying her
project is the pressing question: What do we lose in economic deals, social relations, and the
right to secret movements, when cash is banned from society and all transactions are made
through bank accounts and credit cards? An exhibition was developed in conjunction with this
book at Amant in Brooklyn, New York.

Fausto Gilberti - Louise Bourgeois

Corraini Edizioni 2022 ISBN 9788875709969 Acqn 32463
Pb 20x20cm 40pp col ills £18

Continuing Fausto Gilberti's series of books which amusingly recount the work of the great
protagonists of contemporary art, he writes how Louise was afraid of the dark and of many other
things, but she had no fear of spiders. She felt protected by them because they ate mosquitoes
during the summer, but most of all because they reminded her of her mother, who was a weaver.
This thread runs through Gilberti's tale of the prolific French-American artist Louise Bourgeois
(1911-2010). In the style of a children's book, he revisits important episodes in the artist's life,
especially celebrating the fact that, at 87 years of age, she returned to her childhood affinity for
spiders - on a very large scale.

Bas Kosters - 100MJ

Bas Kosters Studio 2022 ISBN 9789083235905 Acqn 32431
Hb 24x34cm 116pp col ills £40

'100MJ' concerns an intuitive and personal drawing project about identity by Dutch artist Bas
Kosters. The book shows a series of a hundred full page drawings based on the image of Michael
Jackson. It is about how people are shaped trough the eyes of others, the reach of recognizability
and identity. It plays with the ideas about visual culture and recognizability. In hundred portraits
drawn on ephemera Kosters shows, in a poetic manner, man in all their strength.

The Delusions Of Care

Archive Books 2022 ISBN 9783948212506 Acqn 32436
Pb 11x19cm 144pp ills £15.50

This book is a manifesto in which love and crisis imbue each other with the spirit of care.
Bonaventure Ndikung calls on those in its belly to seize the means of the production of caring
from the beast of state power and corporate greed. -Arjun Appadurai

Despite Dispossession - An Activity Book

K. Verlag 2022 ISBN 9783947858163 Acqn 32470
Pb 20x26cm 258pp col ills £29.25

As transnational extractivism, neo-fascist politics, and economies of abandonment and

disposability expand around the world, can we facilitate situated practices of storytelling and
worldmaking that enliven futures propelled by the forces of indignation, desire, and relationality?
This book aims to restore and reinvent bonds of reciprocity with the land, humans, and non-
humans, while envisioning transformative and shared horizons. A collaborative endeavour, its
point of departure is the contested realities and public struggles of the dispossessed.

Neo Matloga - along came your eyes

Abn-Amro Awards 2022 ISBN 9789081671361 Acqn 32512
Pb 22x32cm 44pp col ills £26.50

South African artist Neo Matloga is the winner of the tenth ABN AMRO Art Award in the
Netherlands. After relocating to Amsterdam in 2016, he began using ink, charcoal, and
photographs to create "collage paintings" that provide a glimpse of an everyday world, a Black
family and community surrounded by a sense of security. Matloga's new works act as extensions
of his curiosity around image-making. As he explores an expanding lexicon of figuration, he
places emphasis on crafting micro-narratives that are heavily laden with tension. At times
unsettling, the figures may act as reminders of the problems that South Africa continues to face.
With a text by curator Azu Nwagogu.

Art and Computation

V2_publishers 2022 ISBN 9789082893557 Acqn 32515
Pb 11x17cm 128pp ills £13

What is computational art? How does it involve us in unprecedented aesthetic relationships,

making us part of works and even transforming them? This book looks at how computation
causes an ontological shift that turns dynamics, causality, and cognition into central components
of art, artistic practices, and aesthetics. Computational art is more conceptual than perceptual; it
is performative, experiential, situated, experimental, creative, and intersubjective. Computational
art is unstable, generative, and irreducible, and as such, it has unique transformative potential.
'Art and Computation calls attention to computation as a tool, material, medium, and art. It calls
for developing aesthetic experiences predicated on our engagement with and attunement to the
computational core of art.

Angela Lyn - On the Edge of Time (Villa Arconati)

Vexer Verlag 2022 ISBN 9783907112557 Acqn 32519
Pb 23x30cm 416pp col ills £60.25

Three elements make up Angela Lyn's book On the Edge of Time: a personal search for traces,
documentation of her exhibition at the Villa Arconati-FAR near Milan and an overview of a multi-
layered oeuvre. Rounded out with her own texts, short comments from companions and
collectors as well as reflective classifications and conversations, Lyn's complex cosmos is fanned
out with the help of historical photos, installation photos of the exhibition and illustrations of her
artistic works. The book conveys a comprehensive impression of the artist who, with precise yet
sensitive interventions in the baroque villa, makes reference to what is already there, while
opening up new horizons. Her ability to combine different cultural influences is derived from her
biography: the daughter of a Chinese father and an English mother, Angela Lyn lived in Great
Britain, the USA and Taiwan before settling in Switzerland.

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