Re Exam Paper CL 5

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Re Exam Paper

Class 5
Social Studies

MM : 30 marks

1. Tick the correct option. (6)

A. Fastest means of communication
A Letter
B Telephone
C Fax
D Newspaper
B. Means of communication that has sound and visual
A radio
B television
C Newspaper
D letter
C. Person to person means of communication
A Telephone
B television
C radio
D Film
D. Popular means of Mass communication
A Newspaper
B Magazine
C Radio
D television
E. Inventor of Radio
A Marconi
B James watt
C Graham bell
D Guttenberg
F. Phone with many features
A Cordless phone
B Smartphone
C Telex
D Telephone
2. Match the following (6)
1. Television Mark Zuckerberg
2. Telegraph Ray Tomlinson
3. Telephone Jack Dorsey
4. Twitter Graham bell
5. Mobile phone Samuel Morse
6. Facebook J L Baird

3. True and False (6)

A. Personal Communication is the exchange of messages between individuals.
B. Speed post service is used for speedy and quick delivery of letters.
C. Radio is a blessing for blinds and illiterates.
D. Drumbeats were used for communication in Africa.
E. Fax is also called telex.
F. Magazine is a means of mass communication.

4. Complete Analogies (6)

A. Air transport;____________ :: Water transport; Cheap
B. _____________; Door to door service :: Rail transport; Free from traffic jam
C. Aeroplane ; ____________ :: Steam engine; James Watt
D. STD; Within countries :: ISD; _____________
E. Cinema; _____________ :: Post card; Personal Communication

5. Give two examples (6)

A. Express trains :
B. Social Media platforms :
C. English Newspaper :

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