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OMU Administration Guide

Issue 03
Date 2014-09-10


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Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide About This Document

About This Document

This document describes software structure, working principles, product software installation,
general tasks of OMU boards.

In this document, OMU board (hardware) indicates the combination of the OMUa/OMUc board and its
operating system; OMU (logical concept) indicates the OMU board with product software.
This guide also applies to the BSC6810.

Product Version
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Product Version Solution Version

BSC6900 V900R016C00 RAN16.0

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
l Field engineers
l Shift operators

1 Change History
This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes, including function changes and editorial changes. Function changes refer
to changes in functions of a specific product version. Editorial changes refer to changes in
wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier version.
2 Introduction to OMU

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential ii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide About This Document

This chapter describes the following information about the OMU: position in the network,
software structure, working mode, OM methods, and safety instructions.

3 Working Principles of the OMU

This section has the following topics:

4 OMU Safety Information

This section describes the safety information related to the OMU operation.

5 OMU High-Risk Command List

This section describes high-risk MML commands in the Dopra Linux operating system (OS).
Exercise caution when executing these commands.

6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux)

This chapter describes how to install software and perform operation and maintenance on the
OMU running Dopra Linux. In this scenario, the OMUa or OMUc board is recommended to
carry the OMU.

7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows)

This chapter describes how to install software and perform OM on the OMU running Windows.
In this scenario, the OMUa board is used to carry the OMU.

8 Troubleshooting

This chapter describes OMU faults and troubleshooting methods.

9 Configuring OMU Security Functions

This section describes how to improve the security of the BSC6900.

Symbol Conventions

The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

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OMU Administration Guide About This Document

Symbol Description

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal

Calls attention to important information, best practices and

NOTE is used to address information not related to personal
injury, equipment damage, and environment deterioration.

General Conventions

The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in

Courier New.

Command Conventions

The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

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OMU Administration Guide About This Document

Convention Description

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions

The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operations

The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt
+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations

The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving
the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Change History..............................................................................................................................1
2 Introduction to OMU....................................................................................................................5
2.1 Position of the OMU in the BSC6900............................................................................................................................6
2.2 OMU Components..........................................................................................................................................................6
2.3 OMU Working Mode.....................................................................................................................................................9

3 Working Principles of the OMU..............................................................................................11

3.1 OMU Ethernet Adapter Configuration.........................................................................................................................12
3.2 OMU IP Address Plan..................................................................................................................................................14
3.3 OMU Networking Principle.........................................................................................................................................24
3.4 Heartbeat Detection on Active and Standby OMUs.....................................................................................................35
3.5 Synchronization Between Active and Standby OMUs.................................................................................................35
3.6 Switchover Between Active and Standby OMUs.........................................................................................................36

4 OMU Safety Information...........................................................................................................38

5 OMU High-Risk Command List...............................................................................................39
6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux).............................................................51
6.1 Initially Commissioning the OMU...............................................................................................................................54
6.1.1 Commissioning the OMU Locally............................................................................................................................54
6.1.2 Commissioning the OMU Using a USB Flash Drive................................................................................................61
6.2 Reinstalling Software Onsite........................................................................................................................................68
6.2.1 Preparations...............................................................................................................................................................68
6.2.2 Optional: Installing the Operating System and Product Software.............................................................................69 Preparing a USB Flash Drive.................................................................................................................................70 Installing the OMU Operating System Using a USB Flash Drive.........................................................................81
6.2.3 Optional: Installing the Product Software.................................................................................................................87 Obtaining Information About Product Software Installation.................................................................................88 Uploading the Product Software Installation Package to the OMU.......................................................................88 Installing the Product Software in the Active Workspace......................................................................................92 Checking the Installation Directory of Product Software.......................................................................................95
6.3 Operating and Maintaining the OMU.........................................................................................................................100

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OMU Administration Guide Contents

6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU...........................................................................................................................................100

6.3.2 Logging Out of the OMU........................................................................................................................................101
6.3.3 Managing the Operating System.............................................................................................................................102 Checking the Version of the Operating System...................................................................................................102 Changing the Administrator Password of the Operating System.........................................................................102 Querying the Mapping Between Ethernet Adapters.............................................................................................103 Querying the Configuration of the OMU Ethernet Adapters...............................................................................104 Querying Occupied OMU Ports...........................................................................................................................106 Querying the Link Mode of the External OMU Network Adapters.....................................................................106 Setting the Link Mode for External OMU Ethernet Adapters..............................................................................107 Setting RAID 1 on OMU Hard Disks...................................................................................................................109 Transferring OMU Files to a Local PC................................................................................................................115 Adjusting OMU Slots.........................................................................................................................................117
6.3.4 Managing the Product Software..............................................................................................................................120 Querying the OMU Operating Status...................................................................................................................120 Querying the Version of the Active/Standby OMU Workspaces.........................................................................121 Querying the Status of Data Synchronization Between the Active and Standby OMUs.....................................121 Checking the Data Consistency Between the Active OMU and the Standby OMU............................................122 Changing the Time Zone and OMU Time ...........................................................................................................123 Configuring Data Rates of Accessing the OMU Hard Disks...............................................................................123 Forcibly Switching Over the Active and Standby OMUs....................................................................................124 Resetting the OMU...............................................................................................................................................125 Managing the omud..............................................................................................................................................126 Querying Operating Status of the omud.............................................................................................................127 Uninstalling the Product Software......................................................................................................................127
6.3.5 Backing Up and Restoring Data..............................................................................................................................129 Starting the omu_backup_linker Tool..................................................................................................................129 Backing Up the System Data................................................................................................................................130 Restoring the System Data...................................................................................................................................131
6.3.6 Setting OMU System Parameters............................................................................................................................134 Starting the omutool.............................................................................................................................................134 Changing Users' Passwords..................................................................................................................................134 Changing the Computer Name.............................................................................................................................137 Modifying the NE Type........................................................................................................................................137 Setting the OMU Working Mode.........................................................................................................................138 Changing IP Addresses and Subnet Masks of OMU Ethernet Adapters..............................................................142 Setting the Switch Enabling a Non-Root User to Run the OMU Program..........................................................145 Setting the FtpUsr User Switch............................................................................................................................146
6.4 Obtain and Use the OMU-Related Software..............................................................................................................146
6.4.1 Obtain and Use the psftp Software..........................................................................................................................146
6.4.2 Obtain and Use the PuTTY Software......................................................................................................................148

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OMU Administration Guide Contents

6.5 Appendix: OMU-Related Information Tables............................................................................................................150

6.5.1 Information Records of OMU Software Installation...............................................................................................150
6.5.2 Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings..................................................................................................152
6.5.3 OMU Directory Operation Rights List....................................................................................................................155
6.5.4 OMU Folder Size List.............................................................................................................................................156
6.5.5 Enabled Ports on the OMU......................................................................................................................................162

7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows).................................................................163

7.1 Reinstalling Software Onsite......................................................................................................................................166
7.1.1 Optional: Reinstalling the Windows Operating System..........................................................................................166 Preparations for Reinstalling the OMU Operating System..................................................................................167 Creating the Operating System Installation Source..............................................................................................169 Creating the Installation Source of the SetWin Software and OS Patches...........................................................172 Installing the OMU Operating System Using the EasyInstall Software..............................................................173
7.1.2 Optional: Switching the OMU Operating System...................................................................................................180
7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product Software.....................................................................................................................196
7.2 OMU Operation and Maintenance After the Upgrade...............................................................................................199
7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU...........................................................................................................................................199
7.2.2 Logging Out of the OMU........................................................................................................................................201
7.2.3 Managing the Operating System.............................................................................................................................202 Checking the Version of the Operating System...................................................................................................202 Changing the Administrator Password for the Operating System........................................................................203 Querying the Configuration of the OMU Ethernet Adapters...............................................................................205 Querying Occupied OMU Ports...........................................................................................................................206 Renaming Local Area Connections on the OMU.................................................................................................207 Setting RAID 1 on OMU Hard Disks...................................................................................................................209 Setting the Link Mode of the External OMU Ethernet Adapter...........................................................................216 Setting the First Boot Device of the OMU to USB..............................................................................................220 Uploading Files to the OMU................................................................................................................................228 Transfer OMU Files to the Local Computer......................................................................................................228 Adjusting OMU Slots.........................................................................................................................................230 Uninstalling the SQL Server 2000......................................................................................................................233
7.2.4 Managing the Product Software..............................................................................................................................234 Querying the OMU Operating Status...................................................................................................................234 Querying the Version of the Active/Standby OMU Workspaces.........................................................................235 Querying the Status of Data Synchronization Between the Active and Standby OMUs.....................................236 Forcibly Switching Over the Active and Standby OMUs....................................................................................236 Manually Synchronizing the Data of the Active and Standby OMUs..................................................................237 Stopping the Synchronization of the Data of the Active and Standby OMUs.....................................................238 Checking the Data Consistency Between the Active OMU and the Standby OMU............................................238 Configuring Data Rates of Accessing the OMU Hard Disks...............................................................................239 Resetting the OMU...............................................................................................................................................240

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide Contents Managing the omud............................................................................................................................................241 Querying the Operating Status of the omud.......................................................................................................243 Uninstalling the Product Software......................................................................................................................244
7.2.5 Backing Up and Restoring Data..............................................................................................................................247 Starting the omu_backup_linker Tool..................................................................................................................247 Backing Up the System Data................................................................................................................................248 Restoring the System Data...................................................................................................................................252
7.2.6 Using the omutool...................................................................................................................................................256 Starting the omutool.............................................................................................................................................256 Changing Users' Passwords..................................................................................................................................257 Changing the Computer Name.............................................................................................................................259 Modifying the NE Type........................................................................................................................................260 Setting the OMU Working Mode.........................................................................................................................260 Changing IP Addresses and Subnet Masks of OMU Ethernet Adapters..............................................................263 Setting the FtpUsr User Switch............................................................................................................................266
7.3 Appendix: OMU-Related Information Tables............................................................................................................267
7.3.1 Record Sheet of OMU Software Installation Information.......................................................................................267
7.3.2 Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings..................................................................................................269
7.3.3 Enabled Ports on the OMU......................................................................................................................................270
7.3.4 Disabled Ports on the OMU.....................................................................................................................................270

8 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................271
8.1 Restoring the OMU Operating System in One-Click Mode.......................................................................................272
8.2 Handling Loss of the Password of User root..............................................................................................................273

9 Configuring OMU Security Functions..................................................................................275

9.1 Enhancing Security of The OMU Operating System.................................................................................................276
9.2 Disabling OMU route forwarding..............................................................................................................................276
9.3 Disabling root user login with SSH............................................................................................................................278
9.4 Configuring the Function of Running the OMU Processes as a Non-Root User.......................................................281
9.5 Enhancing Security of Time Synchronization with NTP...........................................................................................283
9.6 Enabling Function of Checking OS File Integrity......................................................................................................284
9.7 Configuring the Function of Recording OMU OS Accessing Information in Real Time..........................................285
9.8 Setting the Password Policy of the Operating System...............................................................................................286

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential ix

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 1 Change History

1 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes, including function changes and editorial changes. Function changes refer
to changes in functions of a specific product version. Editorial changes refer to changes in
wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier version.

03 (2014-09-10)
This issue incorporates the following changes:

Change Change Description


Function Added None.

Modified Updated background information in Obtain and Use the PuTTY
Software. Added description about the mapping between PuTTY
versions and Dopra Linux operating system versions.

Deleted None.

Editorial None

02 (2014-05-31)
This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description


Function Added l Added the descriptions about the OMU high-risk command list.
change For details, see OMU High-Risk Command List.
l Added the method for handling the loss of the password of user
root. For details, see Handling Loss of the Password of User

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 1 Change History

Change Change Description


Modified Updated step 9 in Installing the Product Software in the Active

Workspace. Users need to enter the virtual external IP address or
virtual external configurations based on the displayed message.

Deleted None.

Editorial Modified l Classified OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra

change Linux) > Operating and Maintaining the OMU into Logging
In to the OMU, Logging Out of the OMU, Managing the
Operating System, Managing the Product Software, Backing
Up and Restoring Data, and Setting OMU System
Parameters. Moved Setting the Link Mode for External
OMU Ethernet Adapters under Managing the Operating
l Classified OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) >
OMU Operation and Maintenance After the Upgrade into
Logging In to the OMU, Logging Out of the OMU, Managing
the Operating System, Managing the Product Software,
Backing Up and Restoring Data, and Using the omutool.
l Incorporated Starting the omud and Stopping the omud into
Managing the omud. For details, see Managing the omud.
l Incorporated Querying the Information About an OMU
Board into Querying the OMU Operating Status. For details,
see Querying the OMU Operating Status.
l Changed the title Appendix: Troubleshooting to
l Changed the title Appendix: Security FAQ to Configuring
OMU Security Functions.

Deleted Deleted OMU Installation and Maintenance Methods.

01 (2014-04-29)
This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description


Function Added None.

Modified l Added descriptions about the password complexity in the
operating system startup menu to Restoring the OMU
Operating System in One-Click Mode.
l Added step 5 (check whether the modified OMU IP address and
subnet mask are correct based on the query result) to
Commissioning the OMU Locally.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 1 Change History

Change Change Description


Deleted None.

Editorial Optimized the description of step 2 in Logging In to the OMU to help users
change select the method for logging in to the OMU based on actual conditions.

Draft B (2014-02-28)
This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description


Function Added None.

Modified l Updated sections Procedure and Example, and added the
descriptions about encrypting the backup data in section
Backing Up the System Data.
l Updated sections Procedure and Example, and added the
descriptions about restoring the system data by using the
encrypted backup file in section Restoring the System Data.
l Updated figures Add NE dialog box in section Preparing a
USB Storage Device.

Deleted None.

Editorial None.

Draft A (2014-01-27)
This is the Draft A release of V900R016C00.

Compared with issue 04 (2014-01-20) of V900R015C00, this issue includes the following

Change Change Description


Function Added l Added the Restoring the OMU Operating System in One-
change Click Mode function.
l Added the Setting the Switch Enabling a Non-Root User to
Run the OMU Program function.
l Added the Setting the FtpUsr User Switch function.
l Added the Configuring the Function of Running the OMU
Processes as a Non-Root User function.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 1 Change History

Change Change Description


Modified Changed the fixed values of Fixed internal IP address and Virtual
internal IP address in section 3.2 OMU IP Address Plan.

Deleted Deleted the content of Switching Over the Active/Standby OMU

Workspaces because this function has been incorporated into the
upgrade tool and is no longer independently used.

Editorial None.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 2 Introduction to OMU

2 Introduction to OMU

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the following information about the OMU: position in the network,
software structure, working mode, OM methods, and safety instructions.

2.1 Position of the OMU in the BSC6900

This section describes the components of the BSC6900 operation and maintenance (O&M)
network and the position of the OMU in the OM network.

2.2 OMU Components

This section describes the OMU components and dependencies of those components on each

2.3 OMU Working Mode

The OMU works in independent or active/standby mode.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

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OMU Administration Guide 2 Introduction to OMU

2.1 Position of the OMU in the BSC6900

This section describes the components of the BSC6900 operation and maintenance (O&M)
network and the position of the OMU in the OM network.

The BSC6900 O&M network is composed of the O&M terminal (LMT or U2000), OMU, SCU,
and O&M modules on the host boards. The O&M terminal communicates with the BSC6900
host boards by using the OMU.

Figure 2-1 shows the position of the OMU in the BSC6900 O&M network.

Figure 2-1 Position of the OMU in the BSC6900 O&M Network

As shown in Figure 2-1, the external network is the logical network between the OMU and the
O&M terminal (LMT/U2000), and the internal network is the logical network between the OMU
and the BSC6900 host boards.

2.2 OMU Components

This section describes the OMU components and dependencies of those components on each

The OMU consists of the OMU Hardware, OMU operating system and product software, as
shown in Figure 2-2.

l OMU Hardware
The OMU hardware is monitoring its software in real time to avoid suspension of product

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

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OMU Administration Guide 2 Introduction to OMU

l OMU Operating System

The OMU operating system, installed on the boards, can be the Dopra Linux, SUSE Linux,
or Windows Server 2003.
l Product Software
The product software runs on the bottom-level operating system and provides various
service processes.

Figure 2-2 OMU Components


l The yellow blocks in Figure 2-2 indicate OMU service monitoring entities, the blue blocks indicate
OMU service processes, the white blocks indicate OMU peripheral devices.
l The arrows shown in Figure 2-2 indicate communication between modules.

OMU Service Processes

The OMU is managed by OMU services processes. OMU service processes are logically
independent of one another. When one process fails, other processes continue to run properly.
The OMU can detect a process that stops abnormally and restart it quickly.

Table 2-1 shows the OMU service processes and the functions.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7

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OMU Administration Guide 2 Introduction to OMU

Table 2-1 OMU Service Processes

Service Processes Functions

Communication Module The communication module receives messages from the

(ems_gate) Element Management System (EMS) or Local Maintenance
Terminal (LMT), converts the messages into frames for
internal communication in the OMU, and then sends the
messages to the authentication module. Receives messages
from the OMU modules, interprets the messages, and then
sends the messages to the EMS or LMT.
The communication module receives, interprets, and sends
messages between the VNP and maintenance module.

Authentication Module The authentication module performs functions such as

(authority) authority management, log management, and command

Network Management Agent The network management agent module performs functions
Module (ems_agent) such as batch command processing, and scheduled task

Configuration Module The configuration module performs the functions of data

(configure) configuration and management for the BSC6900 host, such
as configuring data effective and ineffective modes,
formatting the data files loaded by the host, and checking data

Maintenance Module The maintenance module enables the OMU to query the
(maintain) operating status of objects such as the BSC6900host
hardware, physical/logical links, and channels. It also
enables the BAM to test and maintain objects.

Alarm Module (alarm) The alarm module handles alarms. It controls the output
mode and classification of alarms, and shields alarms.

Performance Module (stat) The performance module collects, stores, and computes the
performance measurement data of the host, and then reports
the data to the U2000.

Software Management The software management module performs functions such

Module (software) as BOOTP service for the OMU board, OMU software
management, OMU active/standby workspace management,
file synchronization between the active OMU and the
standby OMU, and version upgrade management.

OMU Management Module The OMU management module monitors the OMU hardware
(omu_manager) and software.

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OMU Administration Guide 2 Introduction to OMU

Service Processes Functions

Time Server Module (sntp) The server module performs the functions as follows:
l The time server provides time synchronization for
BSC6900 boards and the base station.
l The time client synchronizes with the upper-level time
server and provides the reference time.

FTP Module (ftp_server) The FTP module serves as an FTP server and provides the
file transfer function for the host boards, LMT, and EMS.

Exchange Module The exchange module enables the communication between

(host_gate) the OMU processes and the host.

Fault Diagnosis Module (cfa) The fault diagnosis module collects end-to-end link fault
information, periodically diagnoses faulty nodes, and
performs self-healing.

OMU Log Management The OMU log management module records and regularly
Module (debug_log) cleans up OMU logs.

LMT Module (weblmt) The LMT module performs message tracing, performance
monitoring, and device maintenance. It also provides an
interface for issuing MML commands.

Data Exportation Module The data exportation module exports the configuration data.

OMU Service Monitoring Entities

The product software perform monitoring at three levels:

l Level 1 is the hardware-level monitoring in which the watchdog monitors the omud.
A watchdog is a timer used to monitor the omud. Once the omud is abnormal and cause
the watchdog timer to overflow, the OMU will be reset automatically.
l Level 2 is the system-level monitoring in which the omud monitors the monitor.
As a service entity, the omud is registered in the operating system and automatically starts
when the operating system starts. The monitor is started when the omud starts and the omud
monitors the monitor.
l Level 3 is the application-level monitoring in which the monitor monitors service processes.
The monitor monitors the service processes in real time.

When a service process, the monitor, or the omud is faulty, three-level monitoring mechanism
ensures that the faulty service process, monitor, or omud can be restarted.

2.3 OMU Working Mode

The OMU works in independent or active/standby mode.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9

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OMU Administration Guide 2 Introduction to OMU

Independent Mode
When the BSC6900 is configured with one OMU board or one GBAM server, the OMU works
in independent mode.

In this mode, if the OMU is faulty, operation and maintenance (OM) cannot be performed on
the BSC6900. This reduces system reliability.

Active/Standby Mode
When the BSC6900 is configured with two OMU boards, the OMU works in active/standby

In this mode, the OMU board working in active mode is called the active OMU board, and the
OMU board working in standby mode is called the standby OMU board. The active and standby
OMU boards must be of the same type. Installing different types of OMU boards is prohibited.

When the BSC6900 is configured in active/standby OMU mode, the OMU can operate properly
with high reliability. Specifically, if a hardware or software fault occurs on the active OMU, the
standby OMU is automatically switched over to the active state and provides services.


l The OMU working mode is set during the product software installation.
l After the product software are installed, run the MML command DSP OMU to query the OMU working
mode, and check the value for the Operational state parameter in the command output to check the OMU
working mode. If the value is Active normal or Standby normal, the OMU works in active/standby mode.
If the value is Normal, the OMU works in independent mode.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 3 Working Principles of the OMU

3 Working Principles of the OMU

About This Chapter

This section has the following topics:

3.1 OMU Ethernet Adapter Configuration

This section describes the configuration of OMU Ethernet adapters.

3.2 OMU IP Address Plan

The OMU Ethernet adapters must follow the IP address planning principles to meet the
communication requirements of the operation and maintenance (O&M) network.

3.3 OMU Networking Principle

The internal Ethernet adapters of the OMU are connected to the SCUs in the MPS by using the
backplane, and the external Ethernet adapters of the OMU are connected to the operation and
maintenance (O&M) terminals. In this way, the OMU fulfills the communication between the
BSC6900 and the O&M terminals.

3.4 Heartbeat Detection on Active and Standby OMUs

In active/standby OMU mode, heartbeat detection is performed on active and standby OMUs to
check whether the active and standby OMUs are working properly.

3.5 Synchronization Between Active and Standby OMUs

In active/standby mode, the synchronization between the active and standby OMUs consists of
data synchronization, file synchronization, and time synchronization.

3.6 Switchover Between Active and Standby OMUs

For OMUs working in active/standby mode, there are four types of switchover: manual
switchover, fault-triggered switchover, failover, and self-healing switchover.

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3.1 OMU Ethernet Adapter Configuration

This section describes the configuration of OMU Ethernet adapters.

Configuration of Ethernet Adapters on an OMUa Board

The six Ethernet adapters on an OMUa board are described as follows:

l ETH0 and ETH1: These two Ethernet adapters are bound as an external Ethernet adapter
team. This Ethernet adapter team is used for communication in the external network. That
is, the communication between the OMU and the LMT/U2000. This external Ethernet
adapter team is also called bond1/bond1:0.
l ETH2: bond2, a debugging Ethernet adapter, is connected to a portable PC for OMU
debugging if required.
l ETH3-UPDATE: bond3, a backup channel Ethernet adapter, is used for the dedicated
backup channel between the active and standby OMUs when the BSC6900 is configured
with two OMUa boards.
l ETH4-SCU7 and ETH5-SCU6: The two Ethernet adapters are bound as an internal Ethernet
adapter team. This Ethernet adapter team is used for communication in the internal network.
That is, the communication between the OMU and BSC6900 host boards. This Ethernet
adapter team is also called bond0 (vlan1/vlan1:0).

Figure 3-1 shows the binding relationship between Ethernet adapters on the OMUa board.

Figure 3-1 Binding relationship between Ethernet adapters on the OMUa board

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l ETH0, ETH1, and ETH2 are connected to the external network by using the Ethernet ports on the panel
of the OMUa board. ETH4-SCU7, ETH5-SCU6, and ETH3-UPDATE are connected to the backplane
of the MPS, and you cannot see them on the panel of the OMUa board.
l One of bond1 and bond1:0 is reserved for the fixed external IP address, and the other is reserved for
the virtual external IP address.
l When no external fixed IP address is configured, bond1 corresponds to the external virtual IP
address, but bond1:0 does not exist.
l When an external fixed IP address is configured, bond1 corresponds to the external fixed IP address,
and bond1:0 corresponds to the external virtual IP address.
l ETH4-SCU7 and ETH5-SCU6 are bound as an internal Ethernet adapter team, that is, bond0. To enable
communication between the OMU and the SCU, a VLAN whose ID is 1 needs to be established on
bond0. vlan1 and vlan1:0 are used for the fixed internal IP address and the virtual internal IP address,

Configuration of Ethernet Adapters on an OMUc Board

The seven Ethernet adapters on the OMUc board are described as follows:

l F_ETH0 and F_ETH1: These two Ethernet adapters are bound as an external Ethernet
adapter team. This Ethernet adapter team is used for communication in the external network.
That is, the communication between the OMU and the LMT/U2000. This external Ethernet
adapter team is also called bond1/bond1:0.
l F_DBG: a debugging Ethernet adapter, is connected to a portable PC for OMU debugging
if required.
l B_UPDATE0: a backup channel Ethernet adapter, is used for the dedicated backup channel
between the active and standby OMUs when the BSC6900 is configured with two OMUc
l B_UPDATE1: a backup channel Ethernet adapter, is used for the dedicated backup channel
between the active and standby OMUs when the BSC6900 is configured with an OMUc
board and an OMUa board.
l B_ETH0 and B_ETH1: The two Ethernet adapters are bound as an internal Ethernet adapter
team. This Ethernet adapter team is used for communication in the internal network. That
is, the communication between the OMU and BSC6900 host boards. This Ethernet adapter
team is also called bond0 (vlan1/vlan1:0).

Figure 3-2 shows the binding relationship between Ethernet adapters on the OMUc board.

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Figure 3-2 Binding relationship between Ethernet adapters on the OMUc board


l F_ETH0, F_ETH1, and F_DBG are connected to the external network by using the Ethernet ports on
the panel of the OMUc board. B_ETH0, B_ETH1, B_UPDATE0, and B_UPDATE1 are connected to
the backplane of the MPS, and you cannot see them on the panel of the OMUc board.
l One of bond1 and bond1:0 is reserved for the fixed external IP address, and the other is reserved for
the virtual external IP address.
l To enable communication between the OMU and the SCU, a VLAN whose ID is 1 needs to be
established on bond0. vlan1 and vlan1:0 are reserved for the internal fixed IP address and the internal
virtual IP address, respectively.

3.2 OMU IP Address Plan

The OMU Ethernet adapters must follow the IP address planning principles to meet the
communication requirements of the operation and maintenance (O&M) network.

Definitions of OMU IP addresses

The OMU IP addresses include fixed internal IP address, fixed external IP address, virtual
internal IP address, virtual external IP address, and debugging IP address. If the BSC6900 is
configured with two OMU boards, the OMU IP addresses also include the IP address of the
backup channel between the active and standby OMU boards.

Table 3-1 provides definitions of different OMU IP addresses.

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Table 3-1 Definitions of OMU IP addresses

IP Definition and Function Correspondi Correspondi

Address ng Ethernet ng Ethernet
Adapters on Adapters on
the OMUa the OMUc
Board Board

Fixed IP address for the communication between l ETH0 l F_ETH0

external IP peripheral devices (for example, LMT/ l ETH1 l F_ETH1
address U2000) and the OMU. A user can log in to
the LMT and OMU by using the fixed
external IP address.
The fixed external IP address is
automatically configured on the OMU
external Ethernet adapter team when the
OMU operating system is being installed.
If active and standby OMUs are switched
over when a peripheral device
communicates with the active OMU by
using the fixed external IP address, the
communication between the peripheral
device and the active OMU will be

Virtual IP address for the communication between l ETH0 l F_ETH0

external IP peripheral devices (for example, LMT/ l ETH1 l F_ETH1
address U2000) and the OMU. A user can log in to
the LMT and OMU by using the fixed
external IP address.
The virtual external IP address is configured
on the Ethernet adapter team of the active
OMU when the product software are
installed. It takes effect after the product
software are started.
If active and standby OMUs are switched
over when a peripheral device
communicates with the OMUs by using the
virtual external IP address, the
communication between the peripheral
device and the OMU will be interrupted for
a while and then be recovered. During this
process, the virtual external IP address of
the original standby OMU becomes
effective, and the virtual external IP address
of the original active OMU becomes

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 15

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OMU Administration Guide 3 Working Principles of the OMU

IP Definition and Function Correspondi Correspondi

Address ng Ethernet ng Ethernet
Adapters on Adapters on
the OMUa the OMUc
Board Board

Fixed IP address for the communication between l ETH4- l B_ETH0

internal IP the active and standby OMUs on the SCU7 l B_ETH1
address internal network segment (network on l ETH5-
which information is exchanged by using SCU6
the SCUa or SCUb board).
The fixed internal IP address is
automatically configured on the OMU
internal Ethernet adapter team when the
OMU operating system is installed.
The fixed internal IP address is not used for
the communication between the OMU and
the BSC6900 host boards.

Virtual IP address for the communication between l ETH4- l B_ETH0

internal IP the active OMU and the BSC6900 host SCU7 l B_ETH1
address boards. l ETH5-
The virtual internal IP address is configured SCU6
on the internal Ethernet adapter team of the
active OMU. It takes effect after the product
software are started.
The communication between the
BSC6900 host boards and the OMU are not
interrupted even during the switchover of
the active and standby OMUs.

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IP Definition and Function Correspondi Correspondi

Address ng Ethernet ng Ethernet
Adapters on Adapters on
the OMUa the OMUc
Board Board

IP address IP address for the communication between l ETH3- l B_UPDAT

of the the active and standby OMUs on the backup UPDATE E0 (used
backup channel network segment (network on for the
channel which information is exchanged by using an communic
between Ethernet cable). ation
active and The IP address of the backup channel between
standby between the active and standby OMUs is the active
OMU automatically configured on the standby and
boards OMU Ethernet adapter when the OMU standby
operating system is being installed. OMUc
The active and standby OMUs
communicates by using the backup channel l B_UPDAT
IP address between the active and standby E1 (used
OMUs. Any fault on a host board does not for the
affect the communication between the communic
active and standby OMUs. ation
the OMUc
board and
the OMUa

Debugging IP address for operating and maintaining the l ETH2 l F_DBG

IP address OMU when a PC is connected to the debug
port of the OMU by using an Ethernet cable
at the local end.

Definition of Onsite Network

The network connecting the OMU external Ethernet adapters and the LMT or U2000 is defined
as an external network or an onsite network. If the OMU external Ethernet adapters are connected
to the LMT or U2000 routers, then the network connecting the OMU external Ethernet adapters
and the first router (gateway) is defined as an onsite network. Figure 3-3 shows an onsite

l The network between the OMU internal Ethernet adapters and host boards is defined as an
internal network. The OMU communicates with the base station by using the host boards.
l The network between the OMU external Ethernet adapters and the LMT or U2000 is defined
as an external network. The OMU is connected to the LMT or U2000 either directly or by
using multiple routers (gateways).

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Figure 3-3 Onsite network

Consider the following principles when configuring IP addresses onsite:

l When configuring a NodeB, ensure that none of the IP addresses (set by running the ADD
UNODEBIP command) that are used for O&M on the NodeBs under the BSC6900 are
located on the same network segment as the virtual external IP addresses, fixed external IP
address, IP address of the backup channel between the active and standby OMU, or
debugging IP address.
l Assume that IP routes are configured for the OMU (by running the ADD OMUIPRT
command). If IP routes to the NodeB are configured, ensure that the Forward Route
Address and Destination Network Address are not located on the same network segment
as the virtual external IP address, fixed external IP address, IP address of the backup channel
between the active and standby OMUs, or debugging IP address. If IP routes to the LMT
or U2000 are configured, ensure that the Forward Route Address and Destination
Network Address are not located on the same network segment as the virtual internal IP
address, fixed internal IP address, IP address of the backup channel between the active and
standby OMUs, or debugging IP address.

IP Addresses to Be Changed Onsite

IP addresses are configured before an OMU is delivered. For more information, see 6.5.2
Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings. The default IP addresses may fail to meet
the requirements of onsite network planning. Therefore, you are required to reconfigure some
of the OMU IP addresses.
Generally, the fixed and virtual external IP addresses need to be reconfigured according to the
customer network planning. To reconfigure the IP addresses, do as follows:
l If single OMU is configured, one fixed and one virtual external IP addresses of the OMU
must be on the same network segment.
l If active and standby OMUs are configured, the fixed external IP addresses of the active
and standby OMUs, the virtual external IP address of the active and standby OMUs (the
virtual external IP address of the active OMU and that of the standby OMU are the same)
must be configured on the same network segment.
If the fixed and virtual internal IP addresses need to be changed, do as follows:
l If single OMU is configured, one fixed and one virtual internal IP addresses of the OMU
must be on the same network segment. And their subnet masks are fixed to
l If active and standby OMUs are configured, the fixed internal IP addresses of the active
and standby OMUs, the virtual internal IP address of the active and standby OMUs (the

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virtual internal IP address of the active OMU and that of the standby OMU are the same)
must be configured on the same network segment. The subnet masks of the IP addresses
are fixed to

Table 3-2 describes the planning principles of OMU IP addresses.

Table 3-2 Onsite planning of OMU IP addresses

IP Address Planning Principle

Fixed external IP The default fixed external IP address of the active OMU is
address (
The default fixed external IP address of the standby OMU is (
Planning principle:
1. The fixed external IP address should be changed so that it is located
on the same network segment as the onsite network IP address. In
addition, the fixed external IP address cannot conflict with the onsite
network IP address. Configure the IP address of the external gateway
so that it is on the same network segment as the fixed external IP
address. In addition, the IP address of the external gateway cannot
conflict with the fixed external IP address.
2. If active and standby OMUs are configured, the fixed external IP
addresses of the active and standby OMUs must be different from each
other and located on the same network segment as the onsite network
IP address.

Virtual external Change the virtual external IP address as required. Ensure that the virtual
IP address external IP address and the fixed external IP address are on the same
network segment (This network segment is called the OMU external
network segment). In addition, the virtual external IP address cannot
conflict with other IP addresses on the network segment.
l For example, if active and standby OMUs are configured, the fixed
external IP address of the active OMU is, and that of
the standby OMU is, the virtual external IP address
can be configured as
l For example, if an independent OMU is configured and the fixed
external IP address of the OMU is, the virtual
external IP address can be configured as

IP Addresses to Be Checked Onsite

Review OMU IP addresses onsite. If the IP addresses are located on the same network segment
as the onsite network IP address, they should be reconfigured. Table 3-3 describes the principles
of configuring the IP addresses.

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Table 3-3 Onsite check of OMU IP addresses

IP Address Check Principle

Fixed internal IP The fixed internal IP address of the active OMU must be set to X.X.3.50.
address The default IP address is (
The fixed internal IP address of the standby OMU must be set to X.X.3.60.
The default IP address is (
Check principle:
1. The network segment in which the fixed internal IP address is located
cannot conflict with the onsite network segment. If they conflict, you
must change the fixed internal IP address.
2. Only the network segment where the fixed internal IP address is
located can be changed. For example, can be changed to
3. If active and standby OMUs are configured, the fixed internal IP
addresses of the active and standby OMUs must be different and on
the same network segment.
4. If an independent OMU is configured and the network segment where
the fixed internal IP address is located does not conflict with the onsite
network segment, reserve the default fixed internal IP address.
5. The subnet mask of the fixed internal IP address must be

Virtual internal 1. The virtual internal IP address must be located in the same subnet as
IP address the fixed internal IP addresses of the active and standby OMUs. This
subnet is called the OMU internal network segment. In addition, the
virtual internal IP address cannot be identical with other IP addresses
in the subnet and it should be configured as X.X.3.40 in which X must
be the same as the network segment where the fixed internal IP address
is located.
For example, if active and standby OMUs are configured, the fixed
internal IP address of the active OMU is, and that of the
standby OMU is, the virtual internal IP address can be
configured as
2. For example, if an independent OMU is configured and the fixed
internal IP address of the OMU is, the virtual internal IP
address can be configured as
3. The subnet mask of the virtual internal IP address must be

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IP Address Check Principle

Debugging IP The default debugging IP address of the active OMU is

address (
The default debugging IP address of the standby OMU is
The debugging IP address of an OMU does not change even if the active
and standby OMUs are switched over. For example, if the default
debugging IP address of the active OMU is (
and a switchover is performed, the debugging IP address of this OMU
(standby OMU after the switchover) is still (
Check principle:
1. The debugging IP addresses of the active and standby OMUs cannot
be identical with other IP addresses on the onsite network. If they are
identical, you must change the debugging IP address.
2. If active and standby OMUs are configured, the debugging IP
addresses of the active and standby OMUs must be different and on
the same network segment.
For example, the debugging IP address of the active OMU is ( and the debugging IP address of the
standby OMU can be (
3. If an independent OMU is configured and the network segment where
the debugging IP addresses is located is different from the onsite
network segment, retain the debugging IP address.

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IP Address Check Principle

IP address of the For an active OMUa board, the default IP address of the backup channel
backup channel between the active and standby OMUs must be set to X. X. X.50. The
between active default IP address is (
and standby For a standby OMUa board, the default IP address of the backup channel
OMU boards between the active and standby OMUs must be set to X. X. X.60. The
default IP address is (
For an active OMUc board, the IP address of the backup channel between
the active and standby OMUs must be set to X. X. X. 50. The default IP
address of Ethernet adapter B-UPDATE0 is
and that of Ethernet adapter B-UPDATE1 is
For an active OMUc board, the IP address of the backup channel between
the active and standby OMUs must be set to X. X. X. 60. The default IP
address of Ethernet adapter B-UPDATE0 is
and that of Ethernet adapter B-UPDATE1 is
Planning principle:
1. The network segment where the IP addresses of the channel between
the active and standby OMUs are located cannot conflict with the
onsite network segment. If they conflict, the IP addresses of the
channel between the active and standby OMUs must be changed.
2. If active and standby OMUs are configured, the IP addresses of the
channel between the active and standby OMUs on the active and
standby OMUs must be different and on the same network segment.
3. If an independent OMU is configured and the network segment where
the IP addresses of the backup channel between the active and standby
OMUs is located is different from the onsite network segment, retain
the IP addresses of the backup channel between the active and standby
4. The subnet mask of the IP address of the channel between the active
and standby OMUs must be
5. The IP address of the backup channel between the active and standby
OMUs on Ethernet adapter B-UPDATE0 and that on Ethernet adapter
B-UPDATE1 must be on different network segments.

Impact of OMU IP Address Changes

Changing IP addresses for the OMU routine maintenance impacts the working of the
BSC6900, as described in Table 3-4.

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Table 3-4 Impact of OMU IP address changes

IP Address Change Impact

Fixed external IP After the fixed external IP address is changed, the device connected to the
address external Ethernet port can access the OMU only by using the new fixed
external IP address.
The fixed external IP address can be changed remotely and takes effect
immediately after it is changed.

Virtual external After the virtual external IP address is changed, the device connected to
IP address the OMU by using the original IP address can access the OMU only by
using the new virtual external IP address.
The virtual external IP address can be changed remotely and takes effect
immediately after it is changed.

Fixed internal IP The fixed and virtual internal IP addresses must be changed at the same
address time.
The fixed internal IP address and the IP addresses of the BSC6900 host
boards have been planned. Therefore, only the network segment on which
the fixed internal IP address is located can be changed so that the fixed
internal IP address is not identical with the IP addresses of the BSC6900
host boards.
If the network segment where the fixed internal IP address is located is
changed, the BSC6900 subnet number must be changed as well.
Otherwise, the communication between the OMU and the BSC6900 host
boards will be interrupted.
The fixed internal IP address is usually changed when the OMU is
commissioned onsite to avoid negative effects caused by frequent resets
of the BSC6900 during daily maintenance.
The fixed internal IP address can be changed remotely. After it is changed,
you must reset the BSC6900 at the local end.

Virtual internal The virtual and fixed internal IP addresses must be changed at the same
IP address time.
After the virtual internal IP address is changed, reset the BSC6900 so that
the communication between the OMU and the BSC6900 host boards can
be re-established.
The virtual internal IP address is usually changed when the OMU is
commissioned onsite to avoid negative effects caused by frequent resets
of the BSC6900 during daily maintenance.
The virtual internal IP address can be changed remotely. After it is
changed, you must reset the BSC6900 at the local end.

IP address of the After the IP address of the backup channel between the active and standby
backup channel OMUs is changed, reset the OMUs so that the communication between
between active the active and standby OMUs can be re-established.
and standby The IP address of the backup channel between the active and standby
OMU boards OMUs can be changed remotely and takes effect immediately after it is

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IP Address Change Impact

Debugging IP After the debugging IP address is changed, the device connected to the
address debug port cannot access the OMU. The OMU can be accessed only by
using the new debugging IP address.
The debugging IP address must be changed by connecting the debug port.
The new IP address takes effect immediately after the change.


l The fixed internal and external IP addresses are bound to the active and standby OMUs, and the virtual
internal and external IP addresses are bound to the active OMU. For example, after the switchover of the
active and standby OMUs, the fixed internal and external IP addresses of the original active and standby
OMUs remain the same while the virtual internal and external IP addresses of the original active OMU
become the virtual internal and external IP addresses of the original standby OMU. There is no virtual internal
or external IP addresses for the original active OMU.
l Each pair of the following IP addresses must be on the same network segment: fixed and virtual internal IP
addresses, fixed and virtual external IP addresses, IP addresses of the channel between the active and standby
OMUs on the active OMU and standby OMU, debugging IP address of the active and standby OMU. The
network segments of these pairs of IP addresses cannot conflict with each other. Additionally, the IP
addresses on a network segment cannot conflict, either.
l Record the IP addresses in 6.5.1 Information Records of OMU Software Installation.
l The next hop IP address of the U2000 route must be the virtual external IP address of the OMU.

3.3 OMU Networking Principle

The internal Ethernet adapters of the OMU are connected to the SCUs in the MPS by using the
backplane, and the external Ethernet adapters of the OMU are connected to the operation and
maintenance (O&M) terminals. In this way, the OMU fulfills the communication between the
BSC6900 and the O&M terminals.

Independent OMUa/OMUc Networking Principle

Figure 3-4, Figure 3-5, Figure 3-6, Figure 3-7 show the networking topology in single-OMUa/
OMUc mode.

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Figure 3-4 Independent-OMUa (with a single LAN switch)

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Figure 3-5 Independent OMUa networking topology (with two LAN switches)

The two internal Ethernet adapters ETH4-SCU7 and ETH5-SCU6 of the OMUa board are
connected to the active and standby SCUs in the MPS by using the backplane, respectively.

The two external Ethernet adapters ETH0 and ETH1 of the OMUa board are connected to the
O&M terminals by using network equipment such as a hub, LAN switch, or router. In this way,
the OMU fulfills the communication between the BSC6900 and the O&M terminals.

As shown in Figure 3-5, the two external Ethernet ports of the OMUa board are connected to
the two LAN switches, respectively, which improves network reliability. In this network
topology, external Ethernet ports on the OMU, ports on the LAN switches for the connection
with the OMU, and the ports on the LAN switches for the connection between LAN switches
must be in the same local area network (LAN).

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The Ethernet port marked in blue in Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5 must be enabled with the
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) function to prevent network storms.

Figure 3-6 Independent OMUc networking topology (with a single LAN switch)

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Figure 3-7 Independent OMUc networking topology (with two LAN switches)

The two internal Ethernet adapters B_ETH1 and B_ETH0 are connected to the active and
standby SCUs in the MPS by using the backplane, respectively.

The two external Ethernet adapters F_ETH1 and F_ETH0 of the OMUc board are connected to
the O&M terminals by using network equipment such as a hub, LAN switch, or router. In this
way, the OMU fulfills the communication between the BSC6900 and the O&M terminals.

As shown in Figure 3-7, the two external Ethernet ports of the OMUc board are connected to
the two LAN switches, respectively, which improves network reliability. In this network
topology, external Ethernet ports on the OMU, ports on the LAN switches for the connection
with the OMU, and the ports on the LAN switches for the connection between LAN switches
must be in the same local area network (LAN).

The Ethernet port marked in blue in Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7 must be enabled with the
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) function to prevent network storms.

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Active/standby OMUa/OMUc Networking Principle

Figure 3-8, Figure 3-9, Figure 3-10, Figure 3-11, Figure 3-12, Figure 3-13 show the network
topology in dual-OMUa/OMUc mode.

Figure 3-8 Active/standby OMUa (with a single LAN switch)

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Figure 3-9 Active/standby OMUa (with two LAN switches)

The two internal Ethernet adapters ETH4-SCU7 and ETH5-SCU6 of the OMUa board are
connected to the active and standby SCUs in the MPS by using the backplane, respectively.

The two external Ethernet adapters ETH0 and ETH1 of the OMUa board are connected to the
O&M terminals by using network equipment such as a hub, LAN switch, or router. In this way,
the OMU fulfills the communication between the BSC6900 and the O&M terminals.

The ETH3-UPDATE Ethernet adapters of the active and standby OMUa boards are connected
by using the backplane to fulfill the data synchronization and software update between the active
and standby OMUs.

As shown in Figure 3-9, the two external Ethernet ports of the active and standby OMUs are
connected to the two LAN switches, respectively, which improves network reliability. In this

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network topology, external Ethernet ports on the OMU, ports on the LAN switches for the
connection with the OMU, and the ports on the LAN switches for the connection between LAN
switches must be in the same local area network (LAN).

The Ethernet port marked in blue in Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9 must be enabled with the
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) function to prevent network storms.

Figure 3-10 Active/standby OMUc networking topology (with a single LAN switch)

Figure 3-11 Active/standby OMUc networking topology (with two LAN switches)

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 31

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OMU Administration Guide 3 Working Principles of the OMU

The two internal Ethernet adapters B_ETH0 and B_ETH1 of the OMUc board are connected to
the active and standby SCUs in the MPS by using the backplane, respectively.

The two external Ethernet adapters F_ETH0 and F_ETH1 of the OMUc board are connected to
the O&M terminals by using network equipment such as a hub, LAN switch, or router. In this
way, the OMU fulfills the communication between the BSC6900 and the O&M terminals.

The B_UPDATE0 Ethernet adapters of the active and standby OMUc boards are connected by
using the backplane. This fulfills data synchronization and software update between active and
standby OMUs.

As shown in Figure 3-11, the two external Ethernet ports of the active and standby OMUs are
connected to the two LAN switches, respectively, which improves network reliability. In this
network topology, external Ethernet ports on the OMU, ports on the LAN switches for the
connection with the OMU, and the ports on the LAN switches for the connection between LAN
switches must be in the same local area network (LAN).

The Ethernet port marked in blue in Figure 3-10 and Figure 3-11 must be enabled with the
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) function to prevent network storms.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 32

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OMU Administration Guide 3 Working Principles of the OMU

Figure 3-12 Active/standby OMUa/OMUc networking topology (with a single LAN switch)

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 33

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 3 Working Principles of the OMU

Figure 3-13 Active/standby OMUa&OMUc networking topology (with two LAN switches)

The two internal Ethernet adapters of the OMU boards are connected to the active and standby
SCUs in the MPS by using the backplane, respectively.
The two external Ethernet adapters of the OMU boards are connected to the O&M terminals by
using network equipment such as a hub, LAN switch, or router. In this way, the OMU fulfills
the communication between the BSC6900 and the O&M terminals.
The B_UPDATE1 Ethernet adapter of the active OMUc board and the ETH3–UPDATE Ethernet
adapter of the standby OMUa board are connected by using the backplane. This fulfills data
synchronization and software update between active and standby OMUs.
As shown in Figure 3-13, the two external Ethernet ports of the active and standby OMUs are
connected to the two LAN switches, respectively, which improves network reliability. In this
network topology, external Ethernet ports on the OMU, ports on the LAN switches for the
connection with the OMU, and the ports on the LAN switches for the connection between LAN
switches must be in the same local area network (LAN).

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 34

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OMU Administration Guide 3 Working Principles of the OMU

The Ethernet port marked in blue in Figure 3-12 and Figure 3-13 must be enabled with the
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) function to prevent network storms.

3.4 Heartbeat Detection on Active and Standby OMUs

In active/standby OMU mode, heartbeat detection is performed on active and standby OMUs to
check whether the active and standby OMUs are working properly.

Heartbeat refers to response messages between active and standby OMUs. In active/standby
OMU mode, active and standby OMUs send heartbeat messages to each other to ensure that they
work properly and the network connection is normal.

The principle of heartbeat detection is: The active and standby OMUs send status messages to
each other and check the messages. Based on the active/standby policy, they determine whether
they are operating as the active or standby OMU. In addition, they decide whether to perform a
switchover after negotiation. If an OMU cannot receive any messages from the other for a period
of time, the unresponsive OMU is considered faulty. If the active OMU is faulty, a switchover
is triggered.

3.5 Synchronization Between Active and Standby OMUs

In active/standby mode, the synchronization between the active and standby OMUs consists of
data synchronization, file synchronization, and time synchronization.

data synchronization
The OMU data is dynamic, which changes when the BSC6900 is working. After the standby
OMU starts, the active OMU data is fully synchronized, and the increments are synchronized.
This ensures that the OMU can work normally after a switchover.

File Synchronization
The synchronization between active and standby OMU files is mainly applicable to dynamic
files. The dynamic files include the license file, board program, BOOTROM file, DSP file, patch
file, and performance statistics file. The software management module on the standby OMU
regularly checks the active OMU files and synchronizes the dynamic files on the standby OMU
with those on the active OMU. This ensures that the files on the active and standby OMUs are
the same.

Time Synchronization
Time synchronization means that the sntp module on the standby OMU regularly synchronizes
the time with the sntp module on the active OMU. This ensures that the time on the active and
standby OMUs is the same.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 35

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OMU Administration Guide 3 Working Principles of the OMU

3.6 Switchover Between Active and Standby OMUs

For OMUs working in active/standby mode, there are four types of switchover: manual
switchover, fault-triggered switchover, failover, and self-healing switchover.


Operation and maintenance (O&M) can be performed on the LMT only after a switchover is successfully

Manual Switchover
If OMUs work in active/standby mode and data synchronization between the active and standby
OMUs is normal, you can manually switch over the OMUs as required. For example, you need
to manually switch over OMUs for software and hardware upgrade or fault rectification. To
manually switch over the OMUs, run the SWP OMU command or use the LMT. For detailed
operations, see the BSC6900 UMTS LMT User Guide. After the manual switchover, the original
standby OMU becomes the active OMU, and the original active OMU becomes the standby

Manual switchover can be performed only when the active and standby OMUs work properly.
In addition, at least one of the following conditions must be met:

l The DSP OMU command output shows that the value for Data-sync state is Data
synchronization is successful.
l The DSP OMU command output shows that the version of the active product software is
different from that of the standby product software.
l The ALM-20701 OMU Failure Switchover persists after a fault-triggered OMU switchover
is performed.

Before performing the manual switchover, do not perform an operation that may change the data
in the database. For example, do not modify configuration data or user information.

Fault-Triggered Switchover
When the active and standby OMUs operate properly, the active OMU maintains the
BSC6900 and the standby OMU monitors the active OMU. If a fault occurs on the active OMU
and persists for more than 5 minutes, the standby OMU automatically becomes active. After the
fault is rectified, the original active OMU becomes standby. If the fault is rectified within 5
minutes, the switchover does not occur.

After the fault-triggered switchover, the OMU automatically reports the ALM-20701 OMU
Failure Switchover and initiates a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). If the host data is consistent
with the OMU data, the alarm is automatically cleared. If the host data is inconsistent with the
OMU data, the alarm persists.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 36

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OMU Administration Guide 3 Working Principles of the OMU


If the DSP OMU command output shows that the values for Internal network link state, External network
state, and Backup network link state are all Breakdown, then the active OMU is faulty.

When the active OMU runs longer than the failover interval, a failover occurs. To reduce the
impact on the services, the failover usually occurs between 03: 00 and 05: 00.

You can run the SET ASWPARA command to set whether the failover between the active and
standby OMUs is allowed. You can also run this command to set the failover interval.


l The failover is functional only on an OMU running Windows.

l You should not set parameters during the failover. You can query the time when the failover occurs by
running the LST ASWPARA command.

Self-Healing Switchover
Self-healing switchover is a method of self-healing for OMUs.

The active OMU performs a self-healing switchover when any of the following conditions
l The hard disk capacity of the active OMU overflows if the remaining space is smaller than
200 MB.
l An abnormality occurred on the active OMU for 10 times within 30 minutes.
l No Ethernet cable is connected to any external Ethernet port on the active OMU.
l The virtual internal or external IP address of the active OMU is lost for more than 3 minutes.
l The standby OMU detects that the active OMU is restarted abnormally three times within
24 hours.
l The connection between the active OMU and SCU is interrupted and the connection
between the standby OMU and SCU is normal.
l A fault occurs in one or both of the internal and external networks of the active OMU while
the internal and external networks of the standby OMU are normal.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 37

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 4 OMU Safety Information

4 OMU Safety Information

This section describes the safety information related to the OMU operation.

l To ensure normal operation of the OMU, do not create or delete directories, change
directory attributes, delete backup files, modify system files, change system file attributes,
disable Ethernet adapters, modify configuration files for Ethernet adapters, or configure
l Install and run only the operating system software (including necessary drivers and
components) and product software on the OMU.
l The operation information and faults of the BSC6900 are recorded on the OMU. Therefore,
to timely and accurately locate and rectify faults, do not delete any log file from the OMU.
l When operating system commands are executed on the OMU, operating system logs are
recorded. Security risks exist when an operating system command with the plaintext
password is executed. Therefore, interactive commands are recommended.
l After changing the OMU slot by removing and installing the OMU boards, the OMU re-
detects alarms. The alarms generated from the original OMU slot cannot be automatically
cleared but must be manually cleared.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 38

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

5 OMU High-Risk Command List

This section describes high-risk MML commands in the Dopra Linux operating system (OS).
Exercise caution when executing these commands.

Command List
Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit
d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

Opera /sbin/ Hig Pro This command can be - None

ting disk_mana h hibi invoked by the system only
syste ger ted and cannot be independently
m invoked by users.
al /sbin/ Hig Pro This command can be - None
comm dl_matchp h hibi invoked by the system only
and artconf_fil ted and cannot be independently
e invoked by users.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command can be - None

dl_recover h hibi invoked by the system only
_core ted and cannot be independently
invoked by users.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command can be - None

dl_upgrade h hibi invoked by the system only
_core ted and cannot be independently
invoked by users.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command can be - None

dl_verctl h hibi invoked by the system only
ted and cannot be independently
invoked by users.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 39

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/sbin/dlcfg Hig Pro This command can be - None

h hibi invoked by the system only
ted and cannot be independently
invoked by users.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command can be - None

rtos_config h hibi invoked by the system only
ted and cannot be independently
invoked by users.

Disk /sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

and fsck.reiserf h hibi rectify file system errors.
file s ted Inappropriate use of this
syste command will cause data
m loss.
geme /sbin/fsck Hig Pro This command is used to - None
nt h hibi rectify file system errors.
ted Inappropriate use of this
command will cause data

/bin/mount Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi mount hard disk partitions.

/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

umount h hibi unmount disk devices. If
ted key partitions are
unmounted, the system will
become unavailable.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

fsck.ext2 h hibi restore disk partitions.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

fsck.ext4 h hibi restore disk partitions.

/sbin/sfdisk Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi query or modify partition
ted settings.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 40

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/sbin/fdisk Hig Use This command is used to This None

h d query or modify disk command is
with partitions. used only to
restr query disk
ictio partitions.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

tune2fs h hibi query or modify system file
ted settings.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

fsck.ext3 h hibi rectify file system errors.
ted Inappropriate use of this
command will cause data

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

mke2fs h hibi format the file system.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

mkfs.ext3 h hibi format the file system.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

mkfs.ext4 h hibi format the file system.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

mkreiserfs h hibi format the file system.

Proce /bin/fuser Hig Pro This command is used to kill - None

ss h hibi the process which occupies
mana ted a file. Inappropriate use of
geme this command will cause
nt key processes to be killed.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 41

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/bin/kill Hig Pro This command is used to kill - Use the

h hibi processes. Inappropriate use RST
ted of this command will cause OMU
key processes to be killed. MODU
nd to

/usr/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to kill - None

killall h hibi processes. Inappropriate use
ted of this command will cause
key processes to be killed.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to kill - Use the

killproc h hibi processes. RST
ted OMU
nd to

/usr/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

taskset h hibi query or modify the CPU
ted affinity of a thread.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 42

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to kill - Use the

killall5 h hibi processes. Inappropriate use RST
ted of this command will cause OMU
key processes to be killed. MODU
nd to

Netw /sbin/ Hig Use This command is used to This None

ork ethtool h d query or modify the link command is
mana with mode of network adapters. used only to
geme restr query the
nt ictio link mode of
ns network

/usr/sbin/ Hig Use This command is used to This None

iptables- h d query or modify the firewall command is
multi with of a local computer. used only to
restr query the
ictio firewall of a
ns local

/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

domainna h hibi query or modify the network
me ted domain of a local computer.

/bin/ Hig Use This command is used to This None

nisdomain h d query or modify the network command is
name with domain of NIS services on a used only to
restr local computer. query the
ictio network
ns domain of
NIS services
on a local

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 43

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/sbin/arp Hig Use This command is used to This None

h d query or modify ARP tables. command is
with used only to
restr query ARP
ictio tables.

/sbin/ Hig Use This command is used to This None

arptables h d query or modify the ARP command is
with firewall of a local computer. used only to
restr query the
ictio ARP firewall
ns of a local

/sbin/ifup Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi activate network adapters.

/sbin/ifup- Hig Pro This command is used to - None

dhcp h hibi activate network adapters.

/sbin/ip Hig Pro This command is used to - Use the

h hibi modify IP addresses. omutoo
ted Inappropriate use of this l to set
command will cause the
network disconnection. OMU

/sbin/route Hig Use This command is used to This Use the

h d modify gateways. command is omutoo
with Inappropriate use of this used only to l to set
restr command will cause query gatewa
ictio network disconnection. routing ys.
ns information.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

dhclient h hibi obtain IP addresses from the
ted DHCPD server.
Inappropriate use of this
command will cause
network disconnection.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 44

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/sbin/ Hig Use This command is used to This Use the

ifconfig h d modify IP addresses. command is omutoo
with Inappropriate use of this used only to l to set
restr command will cause query IP IP
ictio network disconnection. addresses. address
ns es.

file /bin/touch Hig Pro This command is used to - None

mana h hibi modify the file content.
geme ted
/bin/vi Hig Pro This command is used to - None
h hibi edit the file content.

/bin/rmdir Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi delete a directory. If system
ted directories are deleted, the
system will become

/bin/mv Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi move files.

/bin/cp Hig Use This command is used to This None

h d copy or cover files. command is
with used only to
restr copy files.

/bin/dd Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi modify the file content.

/bin/rm Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi delete files. If system files
ted are deleted, the files cannot
be restored.

/bin/chown Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi modify the file owner.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 45

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/usr/bin/ Hig Use This command is used to This None

scp h d copy or cover files. command is
with used only to
restr copy files.

/usr/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

dos2unix h hibi modify the file format.
ted Inappropriate use of this
command will cause files to
be unavailable.

/usr/bin/tee Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi modify the file content.

/usr/bin/tr Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi modify the file content.

/usr/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

chacl h hibi modify the permissions on
ted files or directories.

/usr/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

chroot h hibi switch the root directory and
ted modify system settings.

/usr/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

install h hibi copy a file to the specified
ted directory and specify the
owner, permissions, and
user group for the file.

/usr/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

setfacl h hibi modify the permissions on
ted files or directories.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 46

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

Syste /bin/chmod Hig Use This command is used to Use this

m h d modify permissions. If the command
mana with permissions on system files following
geme restr are inappropriately the
nt ictio modified, the system login instructions
ns may fail. Exercise caution provided in
when using the "-R" option. the product
and use

/bin/date Hig Use This command is used to This Use the

h d query or modify the OS command is DSP
with time. used only to TIME
restr query the OS comma
ictio time. nd to
ns query
the OS

/usr/bin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

ipcrm h hibi delete the shared memory.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to set - Use the

hwclock h hibi hardware time. SET
ted TIME
nd to
e time.

/sbin/init Hig Pro This command is used to run - None

h hibi the system No.1 process,
ted change the runlevel, or
restart the system.

/sbin/kexec Hig Pro This command is used to - None

h hibi switch the kernel, which
ted will cause the system to

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 47

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

modprobe h hibi insert a module.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

portmap h hibi start the portmap service. In
ted general, scanning software
considers the the portmap
service insecure. Therefore,
use this command only if

/sbin/ Hig Use This command is used to Use this None

shutdown h d power off the system. command
with only when
restr the OMU
ictio board needs
ns to be
replaced or
the OMU
needs to be
powered off
or restarted.

/sbin/sysctl Hig Use This command is used to Use this None

h d query or modify system command
with parameters. Inappropriate following
restr use of this command will the
ictio cause the system to be instructions
ns unavailable. provided in
(locating or
ng) guide.

/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

rmmod h hibi uninstall a module.
ted Inappropriate use of this
command will cause the
system to be unavailable.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 48

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/sbin/ Hig Use This command is used to Use this Use the
reboot h d restart the system. command RST
with only when OMU
restr the OMU comma
ictio board needs nd to
ns to be perform
replaced or a hard
the OMU reset.
needs to be
powered off
or restarted.

/sbin/halt Hig Use This command is used to Use this None

h d restart the system. command
with only when
restr the OMU
ictio board needs
ns to be
replaced or
the OMU
needs to be
powered off
or restarted.

/usr/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

grub h hibi modify the Start menu.

User /usr/bin/ Hig Use This command is used to Use this None
mana chage h d change the password command
geme with validity period. only for
nt restr managing
ictio external
ns login users.

/usr/bin/ Hig Use This command is used to Use this None

passwd h d change a password. command
with only for
restr managing
ictio external
ns login users.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 49

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 5 OMU High-Risk Command List

Type Comman Ris Sug Risk Description Scenario Substit

d k ges Restriction ute
Lev tio s Produc
el ns t

/usr/sbin/ Hig Pro This command is used to - None

chpasswd h hibi change a password. This
ted command has been deleted

/usr/sbin/ Hig Use This command is used to Use this None

groupdel h d delete a user group. command
with only for
restr managing
ictio the user-
ns defined user

/usr/sbin/ Hig Use This command is used to Use this None

userdel h d delete a user. command
with only for
restr managing
ictio the the user-
ns defined

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 50

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux)

6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra


About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to install software and perform operation and maintenance on the
OMU running Dopra Linux. In this scenario, the OMUa or OMUc board is recommended to
carry the OMU.


Run the LST VER command and select the installation and maintenance scenarios based on the OMU operating
system displayed in the command output.

OMU Software Structure

The OMU software consists of the operating system and the product software. Figure 6-1 shows
the OMU software structure.

Figure 6-1 OMU software structure

l Operating System
The DOPRA Linux operating system is used.
l Product Software
The product software run on the bottom-level operating system and provide various service

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 51

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux)

Scenario Overview
In the scenario of deploying the BSC6900, the OMU operating system is Dopra Linux. Figure
6-2 shows how to install product software.

Figure 6-2 product software installation scenarios

l Commissioning phase
Determine whether to reinstall product software based on the status and version of the
current product software and configure the correct OMU IP address for communication
between the LMT and BSC6900 operation and maintenance network.
l Maintenance phase
If product software cannot work properly during the maintenance phase, select one of the
following ways to reinstall the product software:
1. Use the USB flash drive. With this method, the OMU operating system and product
software will be reinstalled. For details, see 6.2.2 Optional: Installing the Operating
System and Product Software.
2. Use the product software installation file in the version package. If this way is used,
only the product software will be reinstalled. For details, see 6.2.3 Optional:
Installing the Product Software.

6.1 Initially Commissioning the OMU

This section describes the procedure for initially commissioning the OMU after delivery. For
the commissioning phase, see the chapter Setting OMU System Parameters.

6.2 Reinstalling Software Onsite

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 52

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux)

If an OMU board is damaged onsite, replace it. If the operating system fails, reinstall it along
with the product software.

6.3 Operating and Maintaining the OMU

This section describes how to perform operation and maintenance on the OMU after product
software are installed. To perform this task, log in to the OMU remotely or run MML commands.

6.4 Obtain and Use the OMU-Related Software

This section describes how to obtain and use the OMU-related software, including the psftp
software and PuTTY software. The OMU-related software is used to install the product software
and perform operation and maintenance on the OMU.

6.5 Appendix: OMU-Related Information Tables

This section describes the tables in which the OMU information is recorded during routine
operation and maintenance on the OMU.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 53

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux)

6.1 Initially Commissioning the OMU

This section describes the procedure for initially commissioning the OMU after delivery. For
the commissioning phase, see the chapter Setting OMU System Parameters.

l In the initial commissioning phase, check the installation of product software, and configure
the IP addresses, subnet masks, and OMU name of OMU Ethernet adapters based on the
onsite IP address plan. Install product software if the version number is not specified in the
BSC6900 order.
l If only the product software need to be installed, commission the OMU locally or using an
USB flash drive. If both product software and OMU operating system need to be installed,
commission the OMU using an USB flash drive.

6.1.1 Commissioning the OMU Locally

The OMU is locally commissioned by a field engineer who connects a PC to the OMU. If the
BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs, commission both the active OMU and
the standby OMU.

l The OMU is connected to the local PC using the commissioning Ethernet port.
l You have obtained the version installation package or patch installation package in the
customer version.
l You have obtained the psftp software and the PuTTY software. For details, see 6.4.1 Obtain
and Use the psftp Software and 6.4.2 Obtain and Use the PuTTY Software.

l If the product software has been installed before delivery, the active workspace of the OMU
is version_a.
l If the product software is not installed before delivery, plan items in Information Records
of OMU Software Installation, and then install the product software.
l For details about the OMU software factory settings, see Checklist for the OMU Software
Factory Settings.
l For details about how to commission the OMU locally, see Figure 6-3.

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Figure 6-3 Flowchart for commissioning the OMU locally

Step 1 Connect the PC to the OMU board.
1. Connect the PC to the ETH2 commissioning port on the OMU board by using a network
2. Set the IP addresses of the PC and ETH2 port to be on the same network segment.

The initial IP address of the ETH2 port is or, and the subnet
mask is The initial IP address of the ETH2 port is the debugging IP address.
For details about the debugging IP address, see OMU IP Address Plan.

Step 2 Set the link mode of the external OMU Ethernet adapters.
1. Log in to the OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Check whether the link mode of the external OMU Ethernet adapters is consistent with that
of LAN switches.
For details about how to query the link mode of the external OMU Ethernet adapters, see Querying the Link Mode of the External OMU Network Adapters.

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If... Then...

The link mode of the external OMU Go to Step 3.

Ethernet adapters is consistent with that of
LAN switches

The link mode of the external OMU Set the link mode of the external OMU
Ethernet adapters is inconsistent with that network adapters to be consistent with that
of LAN switches of LAN switch by referring to operations
in Procedure of Setting the Link
Mode for External OMU Ethernet

Step 3 Install the product software.

1. Run the /etc/rc.d/omud status command to check the running status of the OMU process.

If... Then...

The information displayed is running 1. Run the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command

to stop the omud process.
2. Go to Step 3.2.

The information displayed is unused Go to Step 3.2.

The information displayed is No such file 1. Install the product software in the active
or directory workspace by referring to operations in
Procedure of Installing the Product
Software in the Active Workspace.
2. Go to Step 7, Step 8 and Step 9.

2. Run the cd /mbsc/upgrade command to switch to the OMU installation directory, and then
run the ls command to query the current versions of the product software.

If... Then...

The product software versions are the same Go to Step 4.

as those required by the operator

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If... Then...

The product software versions are different 1. Uninstall the product software by
from those required by the operator referring to operations in Procedure of
Uninstalling the Product Software.
2. Upload the product software
installation package to the OMU by
referring to operations in Procedure of
Uploading the OMU Application
Installation Package to the OMU.
3. Install the product software in the active
workspace by referring to operations in
Procedure of Installing the Product
Software in the Active Workspace.
4. Go to Step 7, Step 8 and Step 9.

Step 4 Modify the OMU IP addresses.

1. Run the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command to switch to the directory where the
omutool program is located.
You can run the ./omutool -h command to view the help information of the omutool.
2. Change the fixed external IP address and subnet mask according to the plan of the operator.

Run the ./omutool extercard The external fixed IP address The subnet mask The gateway
IP address (Optional) command to change the fix external IP address and the subnet mask.
For example, you can type the following command and then press Enter.
./omutool extercard


l The following two methods show how to change the fixed external IP address if changing the
gateway IP address is required at the same time.
l Method 1: Type ./omutool extercard The external fixed IP address The subnet mask (The
gateway IP address) and then press Enter to change the fixed external IP address and gateway
IP address at the same time. The following is an example:
./omutool extercard
l Method 2: Type ./omutool gateway The gateway IP address and then press Enter to change
the gateway IP address separately. The following is an example:
./omutool gateway
l After the fixed external IP address is changed, the OMU can be connected to the operation and
maintenance (OM) network of the operator by using the ETH0 or ETH1 port. In this case, the
commissioning task can continue remotely.
3. Change the virtual external IP address and the subnet mask of the active and standby OMUs
according to the plan. Ensure that the virtual external IP address is on the same network
segment as the fixed external IP address.
Run the ./omutool extervip The external virtual IP address The subnet mask command to
change the virtual external IP address and the subnet mask. For example, you can type the
following command and then press Enter.
./omutool extervip

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When the fixed or virtual external IP address is being changed, a window is displayed to remind users
to check whether the virtual or fixed external IP address and the gateway IP address need to be
changed. In this way, users can make necessary changes to ensure that the three IP addresses are on
the same network segment.
4. Check whether the fixed internal IP address, virtual internal IP address, backup channel IP
address, and debugging IP address of active and standby OMUs are on the same network
segment as the operator's network.

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If... Then...

All IP addresses are on the same Change the IP address in conflict.

network segment as the network l Run the ./omutool innercard The internal fixed
of the operator IP address command to change the fixed internal
IP address and the subnet mask. For example, you
can type the following command and then press
./omutool innercard

l Run the ./omutool innervip The internal virtual

IP address command to change the virtual internal
IP address and the subnet mask. For example, you
can type the following command and then press
./omutool innervip
l When the fixed or virtual internal IP address is being
changed, a window is displayed to remind users to
check whether the virtual or fixed internal IP
address needs to be changed. In this way, users can
make necessary changes to ensure that the two IP
addresses are on the same network segment.
l If the network segment of the virtual or fixed
internal IP address is changed, the Subnet No. must
be changed when updating the OMU database. For
details, see Follow-up Procedure in Updating the
OMU Database to ensure that the OMU
communicates normally with the BSC6900 host.
l Change the backup channel IP address and subnet
mask of the active and standby OMUs:
– If the OMUa board is used, run the ./omutool
backupcard The IP address command. For
example, you can type the following command
and then press Enter.
./omutool backupcard

– If the OMUc board is used, run the ./omutool

backupcard_for_omuc The IP address and ./
omutool backupcard_for_omua The IP
address command. For example, you can type
the following command and then press
./omutool backupcard_for_omuc
./omutool backupcard_for_omua

l Run the ./omutool debugcard The debugging IP

address command to change the debugging IP
address and the subnet mask. For example, you
can type the following command and then press
./omutool debugcard

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If... Then...

The preceding IP addresses are Change the backup channel IP address of the standby
not on the same network OMU.
segment as the network of the l If the OMUa board is used, run the ./omutool
operator backupcard The IP address command. For
example, you can type the following command
and then press Enter.
./omutool backupcard

l If the OMUc board is used, run the ./omutool

backupcard_for_omuc The IP address and ./
omutool backupcard_for_omua The IP
address command. For example, you can type the
following command and then press Enter.
./omutool backupcard_for_omuc
./omutool backupcard_for_omua

Step 5 Type ./omutool dispipinfo and press Enter to check whether the modified OMU IP address and
subnet mask are correct based on the query result.

Step 6 Change the OMU name.

1. Run the ./omutool hostname OMU name command to change the name of the OMU.

For example, you can type ./omutool hostname omu_123 and then press Enter.


The OMU name cannot contain control characters, spaces, or any of the following characters: / \ [ ] ( ) ' :
| < > + = ; , ?, and the length of the OMU name ranges from 1 to 62 characters.

Step 7 Set the working mode of the OMU.

1. Set the OMU backup mode.
l If only one OMU board is configured, run the ./omutool dualmode single command
to set the OMU to work in independent mode.
l If two OMU boards (active and standby OMU boards) are configured, run the ./omutool
dualmode dual command to set the OMU to work in active/standby mode.
2. Set the office name.
a. Run the /etc/rc.d/omud start command to start the product software.
b. Run the MML command SET OFFICENAME to set the office name.

Step 8 Check the OMU running status.

1. Run the ps -afx command to check the running status of the OMU.
The OMU is operating properly if all OMU processes exist in the OMU active workspace
directory /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam/monitor.

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OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux)

OMU State OMU Processes that Must Exist

Active OMU host_gate, ems_gate, authority,

configure, maintain, stat, alarm,
software, ftp_server, sntp, ems_agent,
omu_manager, cfa, weblmt, debug_log,
and cfg_mirror

Standby OMU software, ftp_server, sntp,

omu_manager, and debug_log


If some of the processes do not exist, run the /etc/rc.d/omud restart command to restart the OMU
server, and then check again whether the processes exist. If some of them still do not exist, uninstall
the product software and then reinstall the product software in the active workspace by referring to
operations in Procedure of Uninstalling the Product Software and Installing the Product Software
in the Active Workspace.

Step 9 Run the exit command to stop the PuTTY and then remove the cable to disconnect from the


6.1.2 Commissioning the OMU Using a USB Flash Drive

This section describes how to commission the OMU using a USB flash drive. You can locally
insert the prepared USB flash drive to the OMU at the site and then perform OMU commissioning
with cooperation of a remote engineer.

l The preparations for installing software on site are completed. For details, see Onsite
Software Installation Preparations.
l You have obtained the planned OMU IP addresses and the OMU name, and have recorded
them in Configuration Information for Preparing the USB Flash Drive.
l The capacity of the USB flash drive is at least 2 GB. If the BSC6900 is configured with
active and standby OMUs, two USB flash drives are required.
l A USB port is available on the PC, and the USB port is not restricted. For example, there
is no CPM restriction.
l Check whether the USB flash drive is usable by referring to the DOPRA Linux USB Flash
Drive Certificate Guide under the Dopra_Linux_U tool (a tool used for preparing the USB
flash drive) directory. If the USB flash drive cannot be used, replace it with another one.
The Netac U208 (2 GB), Kingston and Sandisk USB storage devices are recommended.

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Back up the OMU data before you install the OMU operating system and product software. The
OMU hard disk will be formatted during the installation of the OMU operating system and
product software using the USB flash drive and all data will be deleted.

l This section takes the commissioning OMU in active/standby mode as an example.

Differences between operations for the OMU in independent mode and that in active/
standby mode are specified.
l Using a USB flash drive to commission an OMU involves two steps: preparing the USB
flash drive and commissioning the OMU after inserting the USB flash drive into the OMU.

Figure 6-4 Flowchart for commissioning the OMU using a USB flash drive

Step 1 Prepare a USB flash drive.
1. Double-click U_creator_eng.exe to begin installing a Dopra Linux operating system on
the USB flash drive, as shown in Figure 6-5.

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Figure 6-5 U_creator_eng window

2. Right-click NE List in the left pane of the window shown in Figure 6-5 and choose Add
NE from the shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-6.

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Figure 6-6 Add NE dialog box

3. Specify NE Name, set Operate type to Install. Then click OK. An NE is added.

l To initially install product software, select Install OMU and specify External Virtual IP Address
of the NE to be added.
l The NE name, used to identify an NE, can include only letters, numerals, dashes ("-"), and underscores
l The NE name and the virtual external IP address can be changed only after you delete the NE and then
add it again.
l To prepare multiple USB flash drives, you are advised to prepare and label the USB flash drives one
by one.
4. Double-click the added NE in the left pane. The window is refreshed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 6-7 Configuring information


l The IP addresses shown in Figure 6-7 are default IP addresses of the Dopra Linux tool. Change the
IP addresses as required. For details about the principles of changing the IP addresses, see 3.2 OMU
IP Address Plan.
l Select the link mode for external Ethernet adapters listed in Figure 6-7 as required. Ensure that the
link mode for external Ethernet adapters is consistent with that for the onsite LAN switch. Table
6-1 lists the mapping between the queried link mode for external Ethernet adapters and that selected
in Figure 6-7.
l If Install OMU? is not selected in Step 1.3, only the names of the active and standby OMUs and IP
addresses are displayed in Figure 6-7.
l In independent OMU mode, only the active OMU configuration is effective, whereas the standby
OMU configuration is ineffective.
l The new password policy is as follows:
l Passwords of admin must contain 8 to 32 characters.
l The characters must be uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, or special characters, or the
combination of two among these types.
l Special characters include spaces and the following characters ~!@#$%^&*()_+-{}|[]:<>?./

Table 6-1 Mapping between link modes of external Ethernet adapters

Queried Link Mode of External Link Mode of External Ethernet

Ethernet Adapter Adapter to Be Selected

l Auto-negotiation is on. Auto

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Queried Link Mode of External Link Mode of External Ethernet

Ethernet Adapter Adapter to Be Selected

l Auto-negotiation is off. 10Mb Full

l Speed is 10Mb/s.
l Duplex is Full.

l Auto-negotiation is off. 10Mb Half

l Speed is 10Mb/s.
l Duplex is Half.

l Auto-negotiation is off. 100Mb Full

l Speed is 100Mb/s.
l Duplex is Full.

l Auto-negotiation is off. 100Mb Half

l Speed is 100Mb/s.
l Duplex is Half.

l Auto-negotiation is off 1000Mb Full

l Speed is 1000 Mbit/s
l Duplex is Full

l Auto-negotiation is off 1000Mb Half

l Speed is 1000 Mbit/s
l Duplex is Half

5. After all the information is automatically obtained, check whether the information is correct
and enter any missing information.

l If a version or baseline patch is to be installed, select the V**R**C** directory of the version
installation package or the V**R**C**SPCX00 directory for the baseline patch installation package.
l If a non-baseline patch is to be installed, select the V**R**C**SPCXYZ or V**R**C**SPHXYZ
directory for the patch installation package.
6. Check that all the information is correct and click OK. In the displayed dialog box, check
the directory where the USB flash drive is located and start preparing a USB flash drive.
7. Perform operations by following the instructions until the system displays a message that
reads Succeed to create USB drive of OMU installation. Click Finish to finish preparing
the USB flash drive.

l If the system asks for your confirmation during preparation of the USB flash drive, insert or remove
the USB flash drive.
l If an independent OMU is configured, skip the steps for preparing the standby OMU USB flash drive.

Step 2 Commissioning the OMU after inserting the USB flash drive to the OMU
1. Insert the USB flash drive into any USB ports on the OMU board panel.

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2. Remove and then install the OMU board to reset it. For details, see sections Removing a
Board and Installing a board in the BSC6900 UMTS Site Maintenance Guide.
3. Observe the status of the indicator on the OMU panel. Determine whether the installation
is complete by referring to the following table.
l If the status of the indicators differs from this, the OMU cannot identify the USB flash
device. When this occurs, prepare another USB flash device. Alternatively, copy the
data in the original USB flash device to a new USB flash device, and then reinstall the
OMU operating system.
l After the OMU operating system and the product software are installed successfully,
remove the USB flash drive from the OMU panel. The OMU commissioning by using
the USB flash drive is complete.

Table 6-2 Status of indicators on the OMUa or OMUc board panel during the OMU
operating system and product software installation
Board Installation Successful Failed Installation
Procedure Installation

OMUa At the beginning: l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator

l The RUN indicator blinks. blinks.
blinks. l The ALM indicator l The ALM indicator
l The ALM indicator is steady on or off. blinks.
blinks. l The ACT indicator l The ACT indicator
l The ACT indicator is steady on or off. is off.
blinks. l The OFFLINE l The OFFLINE
l The OFFLINE indicator is off. indicator is off.
indicator is off.
After a certain period:
l The RUN indicator
l The ALM indicator
is off.
l The ACT indicator is
indicator blinks.

OMUc l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator
blinks. blinks. blinks.
l The ALM indicator l The ALM indicator l The ALM indicator
blinks. is steady on or off. blinks.
l The ACT indicator l The ACT indicator l The ACT indicator
blinks. is steady on or off. is off.
indicator is off. indicator is off. indicator is off.


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Follow-up Procedure
Check whether the configuration files prepared during the step Prepare the USB flash drive
are correct according to the Configuration Information for Preparing the USB flash drive
for Installation recorded during the preparations.

l If the configuration files are not correct, prepare the USB flash drive again by referring to
Prepare the USB flash drive.
l If the configuration files are correct, contact Huawei technical support by referring to
Contact the Technical Support for Assistance.

6.2 Reinstalling Software Onsite

If an OMU board is damaged onsite, replace it. If the operating system fails, reinstall it along
with the product software.

6.2.1 Preparations
Before reinstalling the OMU software onsite, gather the following items: the OMU board, a
portable PC, theBSC6900 version installation package or patch installation package, and the
Dopra_Linux_U tool.

Configuration of the OMU Board

See the hardware configuration indexes of the OMU boards described in Technical
Specifications of the OMU Board.

Configuration Requirements for the Portable PC

Table 6-3 lists the configuration requirements for the portable PC.

Table 6-3 Description

Configu Quantity Recommended Setting Minimum Configuration


CPU 1 1.66GHz or higher 866 MHz

RAM 1 512 MB 256 MB

Hard disk 1 80 GB 10 GB

Display - 1024 x 768 or higher 800 x 600


CD- 1 - -

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Configu Quantity Recommended Setting Minimum Configuration


USB 1 - -

Operatin - l Microsoft Windows XP -

g system Professional
l Microsoft Windows
Server 2003
l Microsoft Windows 7

Check that Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later has been installed on the portable PC.

To check whether Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later has been installed, choose Start >
Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs to view the components installed on
the portable PC. If Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later has not been installed on the portable
PC, run dotnetfx2.0.exe under the \tools directory of the Dopra_Linux_U tool software package.

Required Software
Ensure that the following software package is available:
l BSC6900 version installation package or patch installation package
l Dopra_Linux_U tool software package

Contact Huawei engineers who can obtain the installation package and tool by performing the
following operation:
l Obtaining the version installation package:

1. Log in to and choose Software Center > Version

Software > Wireless Product Line > SingleRAN > MBSC > BSC6900 > BSC6900
Product Version > BSC6900 Software Version.
2. Click Software Version VER to obtain the BSC6900 version installation package.
l Obtaining the Dopra_Linux_U tool:
– Log in to and choose Software Center > Version
Software > Wireless Product Line > SingleRAN > SRAN O&M tools to obtain the
Dopra_Linux_U tool.

6.2.2 Optional: Installing the Operating System and Product

If the product software cannot work properly during the maintenance, reinstall the OMU
Operating System and product software by using the USB flash drive.

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l When reinstalling the product software, re-import the OMU configuration data. You must
back up the OMU data before reinstalling the product software and restore the OMU data
after the installation. For details, see Backing Up the System Data and
Restoring the System Data.
l If the OMU data cannot be backed up because the product software cannot work properly,
obtain the latest backup data for restoration. Preparing a USB Flash Drive

This section describes how to prepare a USB flash drive to quickly install and restore the OMU
operating system.

l The following operations assume that you are preparing a USB flash drive for active and
standby OMUs. Differences are specified for preparing USB flash drives for active and
standby OMUs and for an independent OMU.
l The capacity of the USB flash drive is at least 2 GB. If the BSC6900 is configured with
active and standby OMUs, two USB flash drives are required.
l The USB flash drive is inserted in a functional USB port on the portable PC.
l The portable PC has read and write rights on the USB port.
l You have obtained the planned OMU IP addresses and the OMU name and have recorded
them in Configuration Information for Preparing USB Flash Drive.
l Before preparing a USB flash drive, verify the device by referring to DOPRA Linux USB
Disk Certificate Guide in the directory where the Dopra Linux USB flash drive is saved.
If the USB flash drive is not usable, replace it. The Netac U208 (2 GB), Kingston and
Sandisk USB flash drives are recommended.


This function is for quickly restoring data and rectifying faults. During the process, data is
encrypted against the risk of information leakage.

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Table 6-4 Application Scenarios of the USB Making Tool

Operation Type Application Scenario Impact on Data on the


Install Initially installing the OMU l The hard disk drive is

operating system and product formatted and the OMU
software data is erased. Therefore,
back up the OMU data
before installing the
OMU operating system
by using the USB flash
l After the OMU operating
system is installed, user
security settings
(including user
passwords and security
policies) are restored to
the factory settings.
– For details about the
password for the root
user, see section
Checklist for the
OMU Board Software
Factory Settings.
– For details about
security policies for
the root user
password, see section
Dopra Linux OS
Security in the
Disks software

Only install product l Inheriting the existing l The existing OMU

software operating system and the operating system will be
pre-configured device inherited.
certificate l If product software has
This operation type been installed in the
applies to OMU, this product
V200R003C08SPC80 software is first
and later. uninstalled and then the
product software in the
USB flash drive can be
installed. Therefore, you
need to back up data on
the OMU before this

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Operation Type Application Scenario Impact on Data on the


Recover l Restoring the corrupted l The OMU operating

OMU operating system system is restored and the
The USB flash drive product software and data
applies only to the are retained.
following scenarios: l The modified and deleted
– The OMU operating system files cannot be
system cannot start. restored.

– When the OMU

operating system
starts, a message is
displayed that
prompts you to restore
the file system.
– After the OMU
operating system
starts, a Kernel panic
error is displayed that
indicates a failure in
loading rootfs.
l If the OMU operating
system cannot be restored
using the USB flash drive,
you are advised to
reinstall the OMU
operating system using
the USB flash drive.

The duration for preparing a USB flash drive varies based the bandwidth of the network from
the PC to the equipment room, the USB protocol, and the PC performance. The duration listed
in Table 6-5 refers to the duration for preparing a USB flash drive in compliance with the USB2.0
protocol. The duration for preparing a USB flash drive in compliance with the USB1.1 protocol
takes about twice as long as preparing a USB flash drive in compliance with the USB2.0 protocol.
If the duration for preparing the device requires much longer than the listed duration, the
performance of the PC in use is poor. If this occurs, restart the PC or use a PC with a higher
level of performance.

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Table 6-5 Operation and duration

Operation Duration

Prepare a USB flash drive. The duration varies based on the bandwidth
of the network from the PC to the equipment
l If the network bandwidth is 1 Mbit/s or
– When an independent OMU is
configured, the duration is 15 to 30
– When active and standby OMUs are
configured, the duration is 30 to 50
l If the network bandwidth is 512 kbit/s:
– When an independent OMU is
configured, the duration is 25 to 50
– When active and standby OMUs are
configured, the duration is 50 to 90

Install, restore, or switch the OMU operating 20 to 40 minutes

system using a USB flash drive.

Only install the product software using a USB 20 to 40 minutes

flash drive.

l Preparing the USB flash drive for initially installing the OMU operating system and product
1. Double-click U_creator_eng.exe to begin installing a Dopra Linux operating system
on the USB flash drive, as shown in Figure 6-8.

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Figure 6-8 U_creator_eng window

2. Right-click NE List in the left pane of the window shown in Figure 6-8 and choose
Add NE from the shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 74

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Figure 6-9 Add NE dialog box

3. Specify NE Name, set Operate type to Install. Then click OK. An NE is added.

l To initially install product software, select Install OMU and specify External Virtual IP
Address of the NE to be added.
l The NE name, used to identify an NE, can include only letters, numerals, dashes ("-"), and
underscores ("_").
l The NE name and the virtual external IP address can be changed only after you delete the NE
and then add it again.
l To prepare multiple USB flash drives, you are advised to prepare and label the USB flash drives
one by one.
4. Double-click the added NE in the left pane. The window is refreshed, as shown in
Figure 6-10.

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Figure 6-10 Configuring information


l The IP addresses shown in Figure 6-10 are default IP addresses of the Dopra Linux tool. Change
the IP addresses as required. For details about the principles of changing the IP addresses, see
3.2 OMU IP Address Plan.
l Select the link mode for external Ethernet adapters listed in Figure 6-10 as required. Ensure that
the link mode for external Ethernet adapters is consistent with that for the onsite LAN switch.
Table 6-6 lists the mapping between the queried link mode for external Ethernet adapters and
that selected in Figure 6-10.
l If Install OMU? is not selected in Step 3, only the names of the active and standby OMUs and
IP addresses are displayed in Figure 6-10.
l In independent OMU mode, only the active OMU configuration is effective, whereas the standby
OMU configuration is ineffective.
l The new password policy is as follows:
l Passwords of admin must contain 8 to 32 characters.
l The characters must be uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, or special characters, or
the combination of two among these types.
l Special characters include spaces and the following characters ~!@#$%^&*()_+-{}|

Table 6-6 Mapping between link modes of external Ethernet adapters

Queried Link Mode of External Link Mode of External Ethernet

Ethernet Adapter Adapter to Be Selected

l Auto-negotiation is on. Auto

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 76

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Queried Link Mode of External Link Mode of External Ethernet

Ethernet Adapter Adapter to Be Selected

l Auto-negotiation is off. 10Mb Full

l Speed is 10Mb/s.
l Duplex is Full.

l Auto-negotiation is off. 10Mb Half

l Speed is 10Mb/s.
l Duplex is Half.

l Auto-negotiation is off. 100Mb Full

l Speed is 100Mb/s.
l Duplex is Full.

l Auto-negotiation is off. 100Mb Half

l Speed is 100Mb/s.
l Duplex is Half.

l Auto-negotiation is off 1000Mb Full

l Speed is 1000 Mbit/s
l Duplex is Full

l Auto-negotiation is off 1000Mb Half

l Speed is 1000 Mbit/s
l Duplex is Half

5. After all the information is automatically obtained, check whether the information is
correct and enter any missing information.

l If a version or baseline patch is to be installed, select the V**R**C** directory of the version
installation package or the V**R**C**SPCX00 directory for the baseline patch installation
l If a non-baseline patch is to be installed, select the V**R**C**SPCXYZ or
V**R**C**SPHXYZ directory for the patch installation package.
6. Check that all the information is correct and click OK. In the displayed dialog box,
check the directory where the USB flash drive is located and start preparing a USB
flash drive.
7. Perform operations by following the instructions until the system displays a message
that reads Succeed to create USB drive of OMU installation. Click Finish to finish
preparing the USB flash drive.

l If the system asks for your confirmation during preparation of the USB flash drive, insert or
remove the USB flash drive.
l If an independent OMU is configured, skip the steps for preparing the standby OMU USB flash

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l Preparing the USB flash drive for restoring the OMU operating system
1. Double-click U_creator_eng.exe to begin installing a Dopra Linux operating system
on the USB flash drive, as shown in Figure 6-8.
2. Right-click NE List in the left pane of the window shown in Figure 6-8 and choose
Add NE. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-11.

Figure 6-11 Add NE dialog box

3. Specify NE Name, and set Operate type to Restore. Then click OK. An NE is added.

l The NE name, used to identify an NE, can include only letters, numerals, dashes ("-"), and
underscores ("_").
l An NE name can be changed only after you delete the NE and then add it again.
l To prepare multiple USB flash drives, you are advised to prepare and label the USB flash drives
one by one.
4. Double-click the added NE in the left pane. The window is refreshed, as shown in
Figure 6-12.

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Figure 6-12 Configuration information


l The IP addresses shown in Figure 6-12 are default IP addresses of the Dopra Linux tool. Change
the IP addresses as required. For details about the principles of changing the IP addresses, see
3.2 OMU IP Address Plan.
l Select the link mode for external Ethernet adapters listed in Figure 6-12 as required. Ensure that
the link mode for external Ethernet adapters is consistent with that for the onsite LAN switch.
l In independent OMU mode, only the active OMU configuration is effective, whereas the standby
OMU configuration is ineffective.
5. After all the information is automatically obtained, check whether the information is
correct and enter the required information.
6. Check that all the information is correct and click OK. In the displayed dialog box,
check the directory where the USB flash drive is located and start preparing a USB
flash drive.
7. Perform operations by following the instructions until the system displays a message
that reads Succeed to create USB drive of OMU installation. Click Finish to finish
preparing the USB flash drive.

l If the system asks for your confirmation during preparation of the USB flash drive, insert or
remove the USB flash drive.
l If an independent OMU is configured, skip the steps for preparing the standby OMU USB flash
l Preparing the USB flash drive for only installing the product software
1. Double-click U_creator_eng.exe to begin installing a Dopra Linux operating system
on the USB flash drive, as shown in Figure 6-8.
2. Right-click NE List in the left pane of the window shown in Figure 6-8 and choose
Add NE. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-13.

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Figure 6-13 Add NE dialog box

3. Specify NE Name, and set Operate type to Only install product software. Then
click OK. An NE is added.

l The NE name, used to identify an NE, can include only letters, numerals, dashes ("-"), and
underscores ("_").
l An NE name can be changed only after you delete the NE and then add it again.
l To prepare multiple USB flash drives, you are advised to prepare and label the USB flash drives
one by one.
4. Double-click the added NE in the left pane. The window is refreshed, as shown in
Figure 6-14.

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Figure 6-14 Configuration information


l The IP addresses shown in Figure 6-14 are default IP addresses of the Dopra Linux tool. Change
the IP addresses as required. For details about the principles of changing the IP addresses, see
3.2 OMU IP Address Plan.
l Select the link mode for external Ethernet adapters listed in Figure 6-14 as required. Ensure that
the link mode for external Ethernet adapters is consistent with that for the onsite LAN switch.
l In independent OMU mode, only the active OMU configuration is effective, whereas the standby
OMU configuration is ineffective.
5. After all the information is automatically obtained, check whether the information is
correct and enter the required information.
6. Check that all the information is correct and click OK. In the displayed dialog box,
check the directory where the USB flash drive is located and start preparing a USB
flash drive.
7. Perform operations by following the instructions until the system displays a message
that reads Succeed to create USB drive of OMU installation. Click Finish to finish
preparing the USB flash drive.

l If the system asks for your confirmation during preparation of the USB flash drive, insert or
remove the USB flash drive.
l If an independent OMU is configured, skip the steps for preparing the standby OMU USB flash

----End Installing the OMU Operating System Using a USB Flash Drive
This section describes how to use a USB flash drive to install, restore the OMU operating system
or only install the product software.

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l The USB flash drive is prepared. For details, see Preparing a USB Flash Drive.
l There are USB ports available on the OMU board panel. The USB flash drive with an
indicator is inserted into the USB port. If the indicator is on, then the USB port is available.

Step 1 Insert the USB flash drive into any of the USB ports on the OMU board panel.

Step 2 Remove and then reinstall the OMU board to reset the OMU.

Press and hold the two locking buttons, flip the ejector levers out on the OMU board panel to unlock them,
and rotate them outward. The OMU board is separated from the backplane. Remove the OMU board after
the OFFLINE LED flashes fast and then is steady blue.

Step 3 Wait 1 to 2 minutes and then use the USB flash drive to install the OMU operating system. Check
the status of indicators on the OMU board panel to determine whether the OMU operating system
is installed successfully.
l If only the operating system is to be installed on the OMU, check the indicator status. See
Table 6-7.
l If the OMU operating system is to be restored, check the indicator status. See Table 6-8.
l If the operating system and product software are to be installed on the OMU, check the
indicator status. See Table 6-9.
l If only the product software is to be installed, check the indicator status. See Table 6-10

l If the status of the indicators differs from this, the OMU cannot identify the USB flash drive. When this
occurs, prepare another USB flash drive. Alternatively, copy the data in the original USB flash drive to a
new USB flash drive, and then reinstall the OMU operating system.
l For information about how much time will be consumed during the OMU operating system installation, see
Table 1 in Preparing a USB Flash Drive.
l After the OMU operating system is installed successfully, remove the USB flash drive from the OMU board
panel in a timely manner. If the operation type is Only install product software, you need to remove and
reinsert the OMU to restart the OMU operating system after removing the USB flash drive.
l After the OMU operating system is restored using a USB flash drive, the password changes to the default
l If the version of the OMU operating system is V200R003C02SPC090 or later, log in to the active OMU
as the lgnusr user, for whom the initial password is osnormal@123. Do not log in to the OMU as the
root user. After the login succeeds, you can run the su command to switch to the root user, for whom
the initial password is osadmin@123.
l If the version of the OMU operating system is earlier than V200R003C02SPC090, log in to the active
OMU as the root user, for whom the initial password is mbsc@com, 11111111, or huawei.
l If you do not know the version of the OMU operating system, try to log in to the active OMU first as
the lgnusr user and then the root user.

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Table 6-7 Status of the indicators on the OMUa or OMUc board panel during the OMU operating
system installation

Board Installation Procedure Successful Failed Installation


OMUa At the beginning: l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator is

l The RUN indicator blinks. off.
blinks. l The ALM indicator is l The ALM indicator
l The ALM indicator off or blinks. blinks.
blinks. l The ACT indicator is l The ACT indicator is
l The ACT indicator off. off.
blinks. l The OFFLINE l The OFFLINE
l The OFFLINE indicator is off. indicator blinks.
indicator is off.
After a certain period:
l The RUN indicator
l The ALM indicator is
l The ACT indicator is
indicator blinks.

OMUc l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator is
blinks. blinks. off.
l The ALM indicator l The ALM indicator is l The ALM indicator
blinks. off. blinks.
l The ACT indicator l The ACT indicator is l The ACT indicator is
blinks. off. off.
indicator is off. indicator blinks. indicator blinks.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 83

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Table 6-8 Status of the indicators on the OMUa or OMUc board panel during the OMU operating
system restore

Board Installation Procedure Successful Failed Installation


OMUa At the beginning: l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator

l The RUN indicator blinks. blinks.
blinks. l The ALM indicator is l The ALM indicator
l The ALM indicator steady on or off. blinks.
blinks. l The ACT indicator is l The ACT indicator is
l The ACT indicator steady on or off. off.
blinks. l The OFFLINE l The OFFLINE
l The OFFLINE indicator is off. indicator is off.
indicator blinks.
After a certain period:
l The RUN indicator
l The ALM indicator
l The ACT indicator is
indicator is off.

OMUc l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator
blinks. blinks. blinks.
l The ALM indicator l The ALM indicator is l The ALM indicator
blinks. steady on or off. blinks.
l The ACT indicator l The ACT indicator is l The ACT indicator is
blinks. steady on or off. off.
indicator blinks. indicator is off. indicator is off.

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Table 6-9 Status of indicators on the OMUa or OMUc board panel during the OMU operating
system and product software installation

Board Installation Procedure Successful Failed Installation


OMUa At the beginning: l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator

l The RUN indicator blinks. blinks.
blinks. l The ALM indicator is l The ALM indicator
l The ALM indicator steady on or off. blinks.
blinks. l The ACT indicator is l The ACT indicator is
l The ACT indicator steady on or off. off.
blinks. l The OFFLINE l The OFFLINE
l The OFFLINE indicator is off. indicator is off.
indicator is off.
After a certain period:
l The RUN indicator
l The ALM indicator is
l The ACT indicator is
indicator blinks.

OMUc l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator
blinks. blinks. blinks.
l The ALM indicator l The ALM indicator is l The ALM indicator
blinks. steady on or off. blinks.
l The ACT indicator l The ACT indicator is l The ACT indicator is
blinks. steady on or off. off.
indicator is off. indicator is off. indicator is off.

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Table 6-10 Status of indicators on the OMUa or OMUc board panel during only the product
software installation

Board Installation Procedure Successful Failed Installation


OMUa At the beginning: l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator

l The RUN indicator blinks. blinks.
blinks. l The ALM indicator is l The ALM indicator
l The ALM indicator is steady on or off. blinks.
off. l The ACT indicator is l The ACT indicator is
l The ACT indicator steady on or off. off.
blinks. l The OFFLINE l The OFFLINE
l The OFFLINE indicator is off. indicator is off.
indicator is off.
After a certain period:
l The RUN indicator
l The ALM indicator
l The ACT indicator is
indicator is off.

OMUc l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator l The RUN indicator
blinks. blinks. blinks.
l The ALM indicator is l The ALM indicator is l The ALM indicator
off. steady on or off. blinks.
l The ACT indicator is l The ACT indicator is l The ACT indicator is
off. steady on or off. off.
indicator is off. indicator is off. indicator is off.


Follow-up Procedure
If the version of the OMU operating system is V200R003C08SPC080 or later, the following
problem may occur when PuTTY 0.58 or earlier is used:
l Users fail to log in to the OMU using the PuTTY, as shown in Figure 6-15.

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Figure 6-15 Error information displayed upon PuTTY login failures

For details about how to obtain and use the latest PuTTY software to log in to the OMU, see
section PuTTY Software.

If the OMU operating system fails to be installed, perform the following operations:

1. Prepare a new USB flash drive. For details, see Preparing a USB Flash Drive.
Then, reinstall the OMU operating system again.
l If the OMU operating system is installed successfully, no further action is required.
l If the OMU operating system fails to be installed, Contact the Technical Support for

If you use the USB flash drive to restore the OMU operating system, check whether you should
implement the following operations:

l After the OMU operating system is restored, the setting on the original operating system
will become ineffective for the functions of disabling root user remote login. Enable the
function by referring to 9.3 Disabling root user login with SSH.

6.2.3 Optional: Installing the Product Software

If product software cannot work properly during maintenance, use the product software
installation file in the version package.

l When reinstalling the product software, re-import the OMU configuration data. You must
back up the OMU data before reinstalling the product software and restore the OMU data
after the installation. For details, see Backing Up the System Data and
Restoring the System Data.
l If the OMU data cannot be backed up because the product software cannot work properly,
obtain the latest backup data for restoration.
l When installing the product software for the first time, the product software can be installed
only on the active workspace of the OMU, and the OMU data does not need to be backed

This section uses the version installation package named V900R016C00 as an example to illustrate how to install
the product software.

Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 87

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OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux) Obtaining Information About Product Software Installation

Before installing the product software, you should obtain the password for the administrator of
the OMU operating system and the IP address of the Ethernet adapter teams.

Step 1 Before you install the product software, obtain the following information. For details, see 6.5.1
Information Records of OMU Software Installation.
l Password of the operating system administrator
l Fixed IP address of the external network, virtual IP address of the external network, and
debugging IP address of the OMU.

----End Uploading the Product Software Installation Package to the OMU

Before installing the product software, upload the product software package to the specified
directory of the OMU.

l Contact Huawei engineers who can obtain the product software installation package
including the patch installation package by performing the following operation:
You have obtained the product software installation package including the patch installation
package by accessing and choosing Software Center
> Version Software > Wireless Product Line > Single RAN > MBSC > BSC6900.
l The psftp has been obtained. For details about the psftp, see 6.4.1 Obtain and Use the
psftp Software.

l The product software installation package must be uploaded to the /mbsc/upgrade
directory of the OMU.
l The product software installation package must be named after the version number. That
is, after the product software installation package is uploaded to the OMU, the directory of
the installation package on OMU is "/mbsc/upgrade/V900R016C00."
l If patches also need to be installed, you must check whether the original patch files exist
in the patch folder in the product software installation package before installing the product
software. If yes, you must delete the original patch files in the patch folder in the product
software installation package and copy the patch installation package (for example, the
V900R01XC0XSPCXXX folder) saved on the local computer.
l If you need to delete the patch files V900R01XC0XSPCXXX in the patch directory,
navigate to the /mbsc/upgrade/V900R015C00/patch directory and then run rm -r
l During the uploading process, if the root user cannot log in to the OMU, check with the
equipment room operators to determine whether the 9.3 Disabling root user login with
SSH function has been enabled on the BSC6900. If so, you must log in to the OMU as a
lgnusr user or common user, and then continue with the uploading task.

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l As an example, this task uploads the V900R016C00 version installation package to the /
mbsc/upgrade directory of the OMU and downloads version files from http:// to local drive D.
l For the default user name, password, and active/standby IP address of the external network
adapter at a new site, see 6.5.2 Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings. For
live network maintenance, contact the device administrator.
l The operation rights of lgnusr users, common users, and root users are different, so the
operations performed by the three types of users differ slightly, as shown in Figure 6-16.

Figure 6-16 Operation procedure

l Log in to the OMU as the lgnusr user and upload the product software package to the OMU.
1. Decompress the BSC6900 version installation package to a local drive D.
2. Log in to the OMU as the lgnusr user by using psftp. For details, see 6.4.1 Obtain
and Use the psftp Software.
3. Type the lcd D:\ command and press Enter to navigate to the local directory where
version files are saved.
4. Type the cd /home/lgnusr command and press Enter to switch to the directory of the
lgnusr user.

The default direcotry of the lgnusr user is /home/lgnusr. The lgnusr user has the read/write
permissions to this directory.

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5. Type the put -r commandV900R016C00 and press Enter to upload files.

6. After files are uploaded, enter exit and press Enter to exit psftp.
7. Log in to the OMU as the lgnusr user by using PuTTY and switch to the root user
account. For details, see 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
8. Type ls /mbsc/upgrade command and press Enter to query whether there is the /
mbsc/upgrade directory on the OMU.
– If the /mbsc/upgrade directory does not exist, go to Step 9.
– If the /mbsc/upgrade directory exists, go to Step 10.
9. Type the mkdir /mbsc/upgrade command and press Enter to set up an installation
directory on the OMU.

Run the commands mkdir /mbsc and mkdir /mbsc/upgrade in sequence to create the /mbsc/
upgrade directory hierarchically.
10. Run the cp /home/lgnusr/V900R016C00 -r /mbsc/upgrade/ command to copy the
intallation package under the /home/lgnusr directory to the OMU installation
11. Enter exit and press Enter to exit PuTTY.
l Logging in to the OMU as a common user and uploading the product software installation
package to the OMU
1. Log in to the OMU as a common user by using PuTTY and switch to the root user
account. For details, see 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the path=`grep xxx /etc/passwd | cut -d:-f 6`; if [ !-d $path ] ; then mkdir -
p $path; chown xxx $path; fi command and press Enter to establish a common user
information file directory.

In the command above, xxx indicates the name of a common user.

3. Type the cat /etc/passwd command and press Enter to query all the common user
file directories.

If the queried result is omcuser:x:1001:100::/home/omcuser:/bin/bash, then the user files

directory for omcuser is /home/omcuser. In later operations, the /home/omcuser directory of the
common user omcuser is used as an example.
4. Type the exit command and press Enter to log out of PuTTY.
5. Decompress the BSC6900 version installation package to the local drive D.
6. Log in to the OMU as a common user by using the psftp software.
7. Type the lcd D:\ command and press Enter to log in to the local directory for version
8. Type the cd /home/omcuser command and press Enter to go to the user file directory
of the common user omcuser.
9. Type the put -r V900R016C00 command and press Enter to upload the product
software installation package to the OMU.
10. After the uploading is complete, enter the exit command and press Enter to exit the
psftp software.

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11. Repeat Step 1 to log in to the OMU as a common user and switch the account from
common user to root user.
12. Type the ls /mbsc/upgrade command and press Enter to query whether there is an
installation directory on the OMU.
– If the /mbsc/upgrade directory does not exist, go to Step 13.
– If the /mbsc/upgrade directory exists, go to Step 14.
13. Type the mkdir /mbsc/upgrade command and press Enter to create an installation
directory on the OMU.

Run the commands mkdir /mbsc and mkdir /mbsc/upgrade in sequence to create the /mbsc/
upgrade directory hierarchically.
14. Type the cp /home/omcuser/V900R016C00 -r /mbsc/upgrade/ command and copy
the version installation package under the /home/omcuser directory to the OMU
installation directory.
15. Type the exit command and press Enter to log out of PuTTY.
l Logging in to the OMU as a root user and uploading the product software installation
package to the OMU
If failing to log in to the OMU as a lgnusr user or a common user, log in to the OMU as a root user.
1. Decompress the BSC6900 version installation package to the local drive D.
2. Log in to the OMU as the root user by using the psftp. For details, see 6.4.1 Obtain
and Use the psftp Software.
3. Run the lcd D:\ command to go to the directory on the local PC where the version
files are saved.
4. Run the ls /mbsc/upgrade command to query whether there is an installation directory
on the OMU.
– If the /mbsc/upgrade directory does not exist, go to Step 5.
– If the /mbsc/upgrade directory exists, go to Step 6.
5. Run the mkdir /mbsc/upgrade command to create the installation directory on the

Run the commands mkdir /mbsc and mkdir /mbsc/upgrade in sequence to create the /mbsc/
upgrade directory hierarchically.
6. Run the cd /mbsc/upgrade command to go to the OMU installation directory.
7. Run the put -r V900R016C00 command to upload the product software installation
package to the OMU.

If the package fails to be uploaded, check whether any file with the same name as the package name
is in use. If there is such a file, release it.
8. After the upload is complete, enter the exit command to exist the psftp software.


Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 91

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OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux) Installing the Product Software in the Active Workspace

This section describes how to install the product software in the active workspace. If the
BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMU boards, install the product software in the
active workspace of each individual board.

l Obtained information about OMU software installation.
l Uploaded the product software installation package to the OMU.

The software integrity of the product software is checked before they are installed. The product
software can be installed only if the check passes.
The admin password is the initial password for the administrator to log in to the LMT. The FTP
password is customized. After the product software are installed, you can access the FTP service
with the FTP password.
If product software have been pre-installed on active and standby OMU boards, unintall them
before installing the product software of a correct version. To check whether product software
have been pre-installed, do as follows:
1. Log in to the OMU by using the fixed external IP address or commissioning IP address.
For details, see 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Input the cd /etc/ssh/ command and press Enter to go to the target directory.
3. Type the ls command and press Enter to navigate to the current directory.
l If the omud file is in the directory, product software have been pre-installed. Uninstall
them by following operation steps in Uninstalling the Product Software.
l If the omud file is not in the directory, product software have not been pre-installed.
Install the product software following the installation procedures.
4. Type the exit command to close PuTTY.

Step 1 Use the fixed external IP address or commissioning IP address to log in to the OMU by referring
to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU and navigate to the directory where the product software
installation package is saved.
Assume that the product software installation package is saved in /mbsc/
upgrade/V***R***C**/install/setup. Run the following command and press Enter:
cd /mbsc/upgrade/V***R***C**/install/setup

Step 2 Type the chmod +x ./ command and press Enter to obtain the permission to run
the ./ command.
Step 3 Type the ./ command and press Enter.

Step 4 The system prompts you to type the product running mode. Type the product running mode and
press Enter.
[2011-05-03 10:12:32] software integrality verify begin...
[2011-05-03 10:12:42] software integrality verify end...

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# The run mode of the product

# GO:GSM only
# UO:UMTS only
# Please select one mode to install.
Please input a valid run_mode :

Step 5 The system prompts you to type the office name. Type the office name and press Enter.
# The name of office
# The name suggest range from 5 to 32 characters.
# The characters suggest be letters, digits, "-"or "_".
Please input a valid office_name :

Step 6 The system prompts you to type the language version. Type the language version and press
# The OMU language version. eg: eng/chs
Please input a valid version :

Step 7 The system prompts you to type the admin password. Type the admin password, confirm it, and
press Enter.
# The "admin" user's password of OMU service.
# The password must range from 8 to 32(characters).The characters must be uppercase
letters, lowercase letters, digits, or special characters.
Special characters include spaces and the following characters:~!@#$%^&*()_+-{}|
The password must consist of 2 types of uppercase letter,lowercase letter,digit or
special character at least.
# Do not forget the password.
# You can change the password later, but this password should be provided first.
Please input a valid admin_password :
Please input a valid Confirm password :

Step 8 The system prompts you to type the FTP password. Type the FTP password, confirm it, and
press Enter.
# The ftp user's password of OMU service
# The password must range from 8 to 32(characters).The characters must be uppercase
letters, lowercase letters, digits, or special characters.
Special characters include spaces and the following characters:~!@#$%^&*()_+-{}|
The password must consist of 2 types of uppercase letter,lowercase letter,digit or
special character at least.
# Do not forget the password.
# You can change it later, but this password should be provided first.
Please input a valid ftp_password :
Please input a valid Confirm password :

Step 9 Type the virtual external IP address or a valid virtual external configuration based on the
displayed message.

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If... Then...

The message Please input a valid Type the virtual external IP address
virtual_extranet_ip : is displayed and press Enter. For details, see the
example for entering the virtual
external IP address.
The virtual external IP address must be
located on the same network segment
as the fixed external IP address.
The default IP address of the external
Ethernet adapter team of the active
OMU is
The default IP address of the external
Ethernet adapter team of the standby
OMU is
After the product software are
installed, you can refer to
Changing IP Addresses and Subnet
Masks of OMU Ethernet Adapters
change the IP addresses and subnet
masks of the OMU Ethernet adapters.

The message Please input a valid Type a valid virtual external

virtual_extranet_config : is displayed configuration, and press Enter. For
details, see the example for entering
the virtual external configuration.

Example for entering the virtual external IP address:

# The extranet virtual IP.

Please input a valid virtual_extranet_ip :

Example for entering the virtual external configuration:

# The extranet IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.

# example:;
Please input a valid virtual_extranet_config :

Step 10 The system prompts you to type the OMU system type. Type the OMU installation type based
on the field configuration and press Enter. Table 6-11 describes the OMU system types.
# The OMU system type. eg: Single/Dual
# Single:Install stand-alone system
# Dual:Install dual-OMU system.
The dual-OMU system can effeciently increase the reliability of the OMU system.
Please input a valid install_type :

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Table 6-11 Installation types

Parameters Description

Single When the BSC6900 is configured with one

OMU board, install the product software on
the board in single mode.

Dual When the BSC6900 is configured with two

OMU boards, install the product software on
the boards in dual mode.

Step 11 The system asks you whether to continue with the installation, as shown:
Please affirm input information. input Y to continue; input E to exit. ->

Step 12 Type Y to install the product software. When the message Install OMU succeed! is
displayed, the product software are successfully installed.

Step 13 Record the information about the product software installation in 6.5.1 Information Records
of OMU Software Installation.

----End Checking the Installation Directory of Product Software

By default, the installation directory for product software is /mbsc/bam. The product software
components, BSC6900 host software, and data used or generated by the BSC6900 are stored in
this directory.

Background Information
The default installation directory for the product software is /mbsc/bam, which cannot be

1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the cd /mbsc/bam command and press Enter to navigate to the OMU installation
3. Check whether the OMU installation directory has the same structure as is shown in Figure
6-17 or Figure 6-18.

Determining Directory Structure

l Figure 6-17 shows the directory structure of the product software when they are installed
on the active OMU workspace for the first time.
l Figure 6-18 shows the directory structure of product software when they are installed on
both the active and standby workspaces. The structures of the version_b and version_a
folders are the same.

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l Active and standby OMU workspace files are segregated by type into version_a and version_b folders.
l Run the LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU workspace information. If the Workarea
flag is version_a, the version_a folder saves active workspace files.
l Figure 6-17 and Figure 6-18 show the directory structure of the product software in different

Figure 6-17 Directory structure of product software on the active workspace

Figure 6-18 Directory structure of product software on the active and standby workspaces

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Deleting any file from the installation directory of the product software will cause an
unpredictable impact to the BSC6900.

File Folders
Table 6-12 describes the file folders in the installation directory of the product software.

Table 6-12 File folders in the product software directory

Contents Description

common/bts Stores base station board software (including patches), base

station inventory information, base station logs, and base
station RET antenna software.

common/ems Stores the U2000-related data

common/fam Stores host log files and performance statistics files

common/fam/fad Stores the last word of the host

common/fam/famlog Stores host log files, which record platform-related log

information. Users can open the files to view the

common/fam/famlogfmt Stores binary logs of the host

common/fam/famlogfmt/ Stores files that record basic information about the base
btsinfo station

common/fam/famlogfmt/ Stores basic information and logs about abnormal calls


common/fam/famlogfmt/ Stores the call history record (CHR) for the packet switched
gphr (PS) domain

common/fam/famlogfmt/ Stores files recording detailed information about each call

pchr for KPI analysis. The information includes service access,
call release, handover, and signal qualities.

common/fam/famlogfmt/ Stores special PCHR logs, including PCHR exception logs,

pchr/special PCHR logs for all VIP users, and PCHR logs for all cells.

common/fam/famlogfmt/ Stores information about severe hardware and software

sysfault faults, such as resource leakage, and equipment failure.
This information is used for network health check.

common/fam/famlogfmt/ Stores tracing files of VIP subscribers


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Contents Description

common/fam/famlogfmt/ Stores self-organizing network (SON) logs.


common/fam/mr Stores AMR measurement files

common/fam/pfm Stores the original performance statistics files that are

reported by the host to the OMU

common/fam/smlc Stores files about the locating function

common/fam/ibst_file Stores tracing files recording the TC management

information in the GSM network

common/fam/trace Stores message tracing files

common/log Stores logs of the omud, common logs of the base station,
frequency scanning logs, and site commissioning logs

common/services Stores the common programs of the active and standby

OMU workspaces

common/weblmt_cfg Stores the configuration files for the LMT

common/MeasResult Stores the performance statistics files that are aggregated

and generated by the OMU

common/reg.ini Stores registry files

version_a/bin/bam Stores the program files, configuration files, and patch files
for the OMU. Do not perform any operations on this

version_a/bin/fam Stores the program files and data files for the host. Do not
perform any operations on this directory.

version_a/data/backup Stores backup files of the OMU database

version_a/data/backup/ Stores MML-format configuration data backed up by the

data_backup/mml host

version_a/data/backup/ Stores the DB-format configuration data downloaded from

data_restore/db_data the U2000 in DB format for restoration

version_a/data/backup/ Stores the MML-format configuration data downloaded

data_restore/mml from the U2000 for restoration

version_a/ftp/bts_upgrade Stores base station upgrade files

version_a/ftp/cert Stores the digital certificates downloaded from the U2000,

such as Certificate Authority (CA) certificate files, device
certificate files, certificate request files, certificate
revocation list (CRL) files, and default certificate files.

version_a/cert Stores the active digital certificates, such as CA certificate

files, device certificate files, and CRL files.

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Contents Description

version_a/ftp/ Stores log collection results


version_a/ftp/crashfile Stores OMU breakdown logs and dump files generated

when OMU modules are faulty

version_a/ftp/DefaultMeas Stores the performance measurement task files in use

version_a/ftp/ Stores the performance synchronization task files


version_a/ftp/device_file Stores the hardware archives exported from the host

version_a/ftp/e_label Stores electronic label files exported from the host

version_a/ftp/ExportBCPFile Stores exported BCP files

version_a/ftp/ Stores files about the "configure" process. These files are
ExportCMESyncView used for the synchronization between the NE and the CME
or U2000.

version_a/ftp/export_cfgmml Stores exported MML scripts

version_a/ftp/license Stores the license files that have not been activated

version_a/ftp/MeasDefinition Stores the multi-mode performance measurement task files

and measurement definition files

version_a/ftp/licusage Stores files about license usage recorded within 24 hours.

These files are used for analyzing reports from the U2000.

version_a/ftp/operator_log Stores operation log files and security log files of the
standby OMU

version_a/license Stores the activated license files

version_a/log Stores the operation logs of the OMU

version_a/omu_shm Part of the OMU memory space is used as the hardware

space. The file containing the mapping between the OMU
memory and the hardware space is saved in this directory.

version_a/security_file Stores the configuration file of the antivirus software and

the backup configuration file for system recovery

/mbsc/weblmt Stores LMT online help files

/mbsc/upgrade Stores the software package of the version to be upgraded

/mbsc/upgrade/log Stores upgrade log files

/mbsc/upgrade/os_patch Stores operating system patch files

/mbsc/bam/common/fam/fad/ Saves the logs related to the Linux operating system in the
linuxinf/linuxproc host boards.

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Contents Description

/mbsc/bam/common/fam/fad/ Saves the logs related to process scheduling and scheduling

linuxinf stack of the Linux operating system in the host boards.

6.3 Operating and Maintaining the OMU

This section describes how to perform operation and maintenance on the OMU after product
software are installed. To perform this task, log in to the OMU remotely or run MML commands.

6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU

You can run the Secure Shell (SSH) terminal, for example, the PuTTY software, to log in to the
OMU and perform operation and maintenance (OM) on the OMU.

The PC to be used to log in to the OMU is properly connected.

l If the login fails, check whether the Disabling user root remote login function is enabled.
If the function is enabled, log in to the OMU as a common user.
For details about the Disabling user root remote login function, see 9.3 Disabling root
user login with SSH.
l Run the LST VER command to query the OMU operating system version and log in to the
OMU by using the corresponding password. For details, see 6.5.2 Checklist for the OMU
Software Factory Settings.
l It is recommended that you change the root user password upon your first login and change
the password every three months.
l If you enter the password incorrectly for three times when logging in to the OMU, the
operating system will be automatically locked for 5 minutes and then unlocked. When the
operating system is locked, do not log in to the OMU.

Step 1 Run the SSH terminal, for example, PuTTY, on the PC, and then enter the IP address of the

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l Before starting product software, enter the fixed external IP address of the OMU.
l After the product software start, enter the fixed or virtual external IP address. The former is preferred.
l If you are performing local commissioning, enter the debugging IP address of the OMU.
l If the PC cannot be connected to the OMU by using either the fixed or virtual external IP address,
connect the PC to the debugging Ethernet port on the OMU and enter the debugging IP address of the
l You are advised to log in to the OMU using the external fixed IP address, external virtual IP
address, and debugging IP address in a preference sequence.

Step 2 Log in to the OMU as the root or lgnusr user or a common user.
l If you log in to the OMU as the lgnusr user or a common user, type su and press Enter. Enter
the password of the root user to log in to the OMU as the root user.
l Log in to the OMU as the root user.

l By default, the Disabling Root User Remote Login function is enabled on newly deployed networks.
You are advised to log in to the OMU as the lgnusr user .
l In BSC upgrade scenarios, the Disabling Root User Remote Login function may be enabled or
disabled. You are advised to log in to the OMU as the root user first. If the login as the root user fails,
log in to the OMU as the lgnusr user or a common user.


The following shows an example of logging in to the OMU as the lgnusr user. The same is for
a common user.

login as: lgnusr

You are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized Users allowed.
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Last login: Mon Feb 4 09:58:11 2013 from

Hello! Welcome to DOPRALINUX!

omu ~ $ su
omu /home/lgnusr #

The following shows an example of logging in to the OMU as the root user.

login as: root

You are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized Users allowed.
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Last login: Fri Jul 13 12:14:11 2012 from

Hello! Welcome to DOPRALINUX!

omud215 ~ #

6.3.2 Logging Out of the OMU

This section describes how to log out of the OMU after you have finished operating and
maintaining the OMU by using PuTTY.

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The 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU is connected.

Step 1 Type the exit command and press Enter to close PuTTY.


6.3.3 Managing the Operating System

This section describes how to manage the Operating System. Checking the Version of the Operating System

This section describes how to check that the version of the operating system on the OMU is

You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

Step 1 Run the MML command LST VER to check whether OS type and OS service pack version
are correct.

----End Changing the Administrator Password of the Operating System

This section describes how to change the password of the operating system administrator to
ensure that the administrator account is secure.

l It is recommended that you change the root user password upon your first login and change
the password every three months.
l The password for the administrator of the operating system must comply with the password
policy queried by running the DSP OSPWDPOLICY command. The password policy can
be set by running the SET OSPWDPOLICY command.

Step 1 Log in to the OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Run the passwd root command (for example, use root as an example). A message is displayed,
prompting you to enter the password, as shown in the:
Changing password for root. New password:

Step 3 Enter a password and press Enter. The message Retype password: is displayed.

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Step 4 Retype the password and press Enter. The message Password changed is displayed, indicating
that the Linux administrator password is successfully changed.

Step 5 Record the new password in the 6.5.1 Information Records of OMU Software Installation.

----End Querying the Mapping Between Ethernet Adapters

This section describes the mapping between the physical and logical Ethernet adapters.

The product software are installed.

Step 1 Log in to the OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Optional: To query the factory settings of the Ethernet adapters of the OMUa board, type the /
root/ command and press Enter. The following shows the factory settings of
the Ethernet adapters of the OMUa board.

eth0 06,0,0 ETH4-SCU7

eth1 06,0,1 ETH5-SCU6
eth2 04,4,0 ETH2
eth3 04,4,1 ETH3-UPDATE
eth4 08,4,0 ETH0
eth5 08,4,1 ETH1


The three columns in the figure for the configuration of OMU Ethernet adapters contain the following
l The first column lists the logical OMU Ethernet adapters for software identification.
l The second column lists the Peripheral Component Identity (PCI) of the Ethernet adapters for hardware
l The third column lists the physical OMU Ethernet adapters for human identification.
The mapping between the second and third columns cannot be changed. The mapping between the first and
second columns and the mapping between the first and third columns depend on the configuration of the OMU.

Step 3 Optional: To query the factory settings of the Ethernet adapters of the OMUc board, type
the ./ command and press Enter. The following shows the factory settings
of the Ethernet adapters of the OMUc board.

eth0 02,0,0 F_ETH0

eth1 01,0,0 F_ETH1
eth2 07,0,0 F_DBG
eth3 05,0,0 B_UPDATE0
eth4 06,0,0 B_UPDATE1
eth5 03,0,0 B_ETH0
eth6 03,0,1 B_ETH1


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OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux) Querying the Configuration of the OMU Ethernet Adapters

This section describes how to query the configuration information of the OMU Ethernet adapters.
The information includes IP addresses, their subnet masks, and broadcast IP addresses.

l version_a as the main workspace of the OMU is used as an example.

l Method 1
1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.
3. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate
to the directory that contains omutool.
4. Type the ./omutool dispipinfo command and press Enter. The following shows an
example of returned information.

[Virtual IP Information]
External virtual ip / mask : /
Internal virtual ip / mask : /

[Fixed IP Information]
External fixed ip / mask : /
Internal fixed ip / mask : /
Backup channel ip / mask : /
Debugging ip / mask : /

[Gateway Information]
Gateway :

l Method 2
1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Optional: To query the fixed internal IP address, broadcast IP address, and subnet
mask of the OMUa board, type the ifconfig vlan1 command and press Enter. The
following shows an example of returned information.

vlan1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:18:82:68:4D:0E

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::218:82ff:fe68:4d0e/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:638957 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:256271 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:705095569 (672.4 Mb) TX bytes:16423247 (15.6 Mb)

Table 6-13 Query the OMU IP addresses and subnet masks

Command Name Function

ifconfig bond1 Run the command to query the fixed external IP address,
its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address. If the fixed
external IP address is not configured, the virtual external
IP address, its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address are

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Command Name Function

ifconfig bond1:0 Run the command to query the virtual external IP address,
its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address. If the fixed
external IP address is not configured, the query result does
not contain IP addresses.

ifconfig vlan1 Run the command to query the fixed internal IP address,
its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address.

ifconfig vlan1:0 Run the command to query the internal virtual IP address,
its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address.

ifconfig bond2 Run the command to query the commissioning IP address,

its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address.

ifconfig bond3 Run the command to query the IP address of the backup
channel between the active and standby OMUa boards, the
subnet mask of that IP address, and broadcast IP address.

3. Optional: To query the fixed internal IP address, its subnet mask, and broadcast IP
address of the OMUc board, type the ifconfig vlan1 command and press Enter. The
following shows an example of returned information.

vlan1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:18:82:68:4D:0E

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::218:82ff:fe68:4d0e/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:638957 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:256271 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:705095569 (672.4 Mb) TX bytes:16423247 (15.6 Mb)

Table 6-14 Query the OMU IP addresses and subnet masks

Command Name Function

ifconfig bond1 Run the command to query the fixed external IP

address, its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address. If
the fixed external IP address is not configured, the
virtual external IP address, its subnet mask, and
broadcast IP address are queried.

ifconfig bond1:0 Run the command to query the virtual external IP

address, its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address. If
the fixed external IP address is not configured, the
query result does not contain IP addresses.

ifconfig vlan1 Run the command to query the fixed internal IP

address, its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address.

ifconfig vlan1:0 Run the command to query the internal virtual IP

address, its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address.

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Command Name Function

ifconfig bond2 Run the command to query the commissioning IP

address, its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address.

ifconfig bond3 Run the command to query the IP address of the

channel between the active and standby OMUc
boards, its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address.

ifconfig bond4 Run the command to query the IP address of the

channel between the OMUc board and OMUa board,
its subnet mask, and broadcast IP address.

----End Querying Occupied OMU Ports

This section describes how to query occupied OMU ports.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Enter the netstat -tuan command and press Enter to query the occupied OMU ports. The
following shows an example of the returned information.

omu_136 ~ # netstat -tuan

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Information following : in the Local Address column indicates the occupied OMU port

----End Querying the Link Mode of the External OMU Network Adapters
This section describes how to query the link mode of the external OMU network adapters: duplex
mode and adaptive mode.

l Check Speed, Duplex, and Auto-negotiation. Speed, Duplex, and Auto-negotiation indicate
the rate, duplex mode, and auto-negotiation mode, respectively.
l The following example assumes that the logical network adapters corresponding to the
external OMU network adapters are eth0 and eth1, respectively.

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l The OMUa or OMUb external network adapters are ETH0 and ETH1, respectively. The
OMUc external network adapters are F_ETH0 and F_ETH1, respectively. The objects of
this task are the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMU network
l Mapping between physical OMU network adapters and logical network adapters can
change. In normal cases, the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMUa
or OMUb network adapters are eth4 and eth5, respectively; the logical network adapters
corresponding to the external OMUc network adapters are eth0 and eth1, respectively.

Step 1 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Query the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMU network adapters, as
listed in Table 6-15.

Table 6-15 Querying the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMU network

Item Description

OMUa/OMUb Board Type /root/ and press


OMUc Board Run the chmod +x ./

command to obtain the permission to run the ./ command. Type ./ and press Enter.

Step 3 Query the effective link mode of the external OMU network adapters. Run the ethtool eth0
command to query the link mode of eth0. Run the ethtool eth1 command to query eth1.

Settings for eth0:

Supported ports: [ FIBRE ]
Supported link modes: 1000baseT/Full
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes: 1000baseT/Full
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 1000Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Transceiver: external
Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: pumbag
Wake-on: g
Current message level: 0x00000001 (1)
Link detected: yes

----End Setting the Link Mode for External OMU Ethernet Adapters
This section describes how to set the link mode of the external OMU Ethernet adapters so that
it is the same as that of the LAN switch.

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The link mode, duplex mode, and rate of the LAN switch have been acquired.

l If the link mode of the external Ethernet adapters of the OMUc is modified by omutool,
the network may be interrupted momently.
l If the link mode of the external Ethernet adapters of the OMU is inconsistent with that of
the LAN switch, the network may be interrupted. If the link mode of the LAN switch is
specified, the link mode of the external Ethernet adapter of the OMU should also be
l There are two link modes of the LAN switch: forced mode and auto-negotiation mode. The
link mode of the OMU external Ethernet adapter must be consistent with that of the LAN
l The following procedure assumes that the link mode of the external Ethernet adapter is
forced mode and the adapter works at 100 Mbit/s in full duplex mode.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the active workspace of the OMU.
l If active and standby OMUs are configured, perform the following steps on both the active
and standby OMUs.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process

Step 3 Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate to the
directory that contains omutool

Step 4 Run the ./omutool duplexmode 100 full off command.

Table 6-16 Command field description

Command Fields Description

100 Indicating that the rate of the Ethernet adapter is 100 Mbit/
s. The value of this field can be 10, 100, or 1000.

full Indicating that the Ethernet adapter works in full duplex

mode. The value of this field can be full or half.

off Indicating that the link mode of the Ethernet adapter is

forced mode. The value of this field can be off or on. When
the value of this field is on, the link mode is auto-
negotiation mode.

Step 5 Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud


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Follow-up Procedure
For details about how to query the link mode of the external OMU Ethernet adapters, see
Querying the Link Mode of the External OMU Network Adapters. Setting RAID 1 on OMU Hard Disks

This section describes how to set RAID 1 on OMU hard disks to ensure data synchronization
between the source and target OMU hard disks.

l The OMU is started normally.
l OMU serial cables are available. For details about the cable information, see OMU serial
cable in BSC6900 UMTS Hardware Description Hardware Description.
l The source and target hard disks are available.

One OMU hard disk serves as the source hard disk, and the other serves as the target hard disk.
Setting RAID 1 on the hard disks synchronizes the data on the source and target hard disks,
improving data security.

l The source hard disk saves backup data and files.

l The target hard disk mirrors the source hard disk.

RAID 1 cannot be set on an OMUc board because it is configured with one hard disk.

Step 1 Connect the PC to the OMU serial port using the OMU serial port cable.

If the OMU serial port cable is not available, the USB and VGA ports of the active OMU can be connected
to an external keyboard and monitor, respectively. Then starts from Step 6 to complete the configuration.

Step 2 On the PC, choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications >
HyperTerminal. The dialog box shown in Figure 6-19 is displayed.

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Figure 6-19 Connection description

Step 3 Enter the connection name and click OK. The dialog box shown in Figure 6-20 is displayed.

Figure 6-20 Confirming the connection

Step 4 Check the connection port and click OK. The dialog box shown in Figure 6-21 is displayed.

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Figure 6-21 Setting attributes for the connection port


The parameters for the connection port must be set as shown in Figure 6-21.

Step 5 Check that the parameters for the connection port are set correctly and click OK. The window
shown in Figure 6-22 is displayed.

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Figure 6-22 Connection established

Step 6 Restart the OMU.

Option Description

Windows Server 2003 operating system 1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1
Logging In to the OMU.
2. Choose Start > Shutdown, click Restart, and
click OK.

Step 7 After the OMU restarts, press F4 repeatedly until the message "Press Ctrl-C to start
LSI Logic Configuration Utility" is displayed. Then press Ctrl+C. The following
shows examples of the messages displayed.

Adapter PCI PCI PCI PCI FW Revision Status Boot

Bus Dev Fnc Slot Order
SAS1064 05 01 00 00 0.11.01-IR Enabled 0

Step 8 Press Enter. The following shows examples of the messages displayed.

Adapter SAS1064
PCI Slot 00
PCI Address(Bus/Dev/Func) 05:01:00
MPT Firmware Revision
SAS Address 500E0FC1:23456775

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NVDATA Version 25.09

Status Enabled
Boot Order 0
Boot Support [Enabled Bios & OS]

RAID Properties
SAS Topology
Advanced Adapter Properties

Press the arrow keys to select RAID Properties and press Enter. Check the value of Status to
determine whether the RAID is correct.
l If Status is Optimal, the RAID is working properly.
l If Status is Resyncing, the RAID is synchronizing data.


l If this is the first time that the RAID is being set on the OMU, go to Step 13.
l If this is not the first time that the RAID is being set on the OMU, go to Step 9.

Step 9 Select RAID Properties and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that are

Array 1 of 1
Identifier LSILOGICLogical Volume 3000
Type IM
Scan Order 2
Size(MB) 69618
Status Optimal
Manage Array
Slot Device Identifier RAID Hot Drive Pred Size
Num Disk Spr Status Fail (MB)
0 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [Yes] [No] Primary --- 69618
1 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [Yes] [No] Secondary --- 69618

Step 10 Select Manage Array and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that are

Identifier LSILOGICLogical Volume 3000

Type IM
Scan Order 2
Size(MB) 69618
Status Optimal
Manage Hot Spare
Synchronize Array
Activate Array
Delete Array

Step 11 Select Delete Array and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that are

Y Delete array and exit to Adapter Properties

N Abandon array detetion and exit this menu

Step 12 Select Y. The following shows examples of the results that are displayed.

Adapter SAS1064
PCI Slot 00
PCI Address(Bus/Dev/Func) 05:01:00
MPT Firmware Revision
SAS Address 500E0FC1:23456775
NVDATA Version 25.09
Status Enabled
Boot Order 0

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Boot Support [Enabled Bios & OS]

RAID Properties
SAS Topology
Advanced Adapter Properties

Step 13 Select RAID Properties and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that are

Creat IM Volume Create Integrated Mirror Array of 2

disks plus an optional hot spare,Data
on the primary disk may be migrated.

Create IME Volume Create Integrated Mirrored Enhanced

Array of 3 to 8 disks including an
optional hot spare.
All DATA on array disks will be DELETED!
Create IS Volume Create Integrated Striping array of
2 to 8 disks.
ALL DATA on array disks will be DELETED!

Step 14 Select Create IM Volume and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that
are displayed.

Array Type:IM
Array Size(MB): -------

Slot Device Identifier RAID Hot Drive Pred Size

Num Disk Spr Status Fail (MB)
0 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [No] [No] ------ --- 70003
1 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [No] [No] ------ --- 70003

Select the source and target hard disks with caution because the data on the source hard disk can
be lost.

Step 15 Set RAID Disk to No, move the cursor to the value for RAID Disk of the source hard disk, and
press Space. The following show examples of the results that are displayed.

M - Keep existing data, migrate to an IM array.

Synchronization of disk will occur.
D - Overwrite existing data, create a new IM array
ALL DATA on ALL disks in the array will be DELETED!!
NO Synchronization performed.

l If you press M, the data on the source hard disk is saved. The target hard disk copies the data
from the source disk.
l If you press D, the data is deleted from the source hard disk and a new RAID is created.

Step 16 Press M or D to return to the messages shown in Step 14.

The value for RAID Disk is Yes, and the value for Drive Status is Primary.

Step 17 Select the target hard disk and press Space. An alarm is generated, as shown in the following:

WARNING! Data was found on the selected disk,this data will be lost when the array
is created!
Choose Discard configuration or Cancel Exit on the next screen to abort.

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Step 18 Press C to return to the messages shown in Step 14.

The value for RAID Disk is Yes, and the value for Drive Status is Secondary.
Step 19 Press C. The following shows the results that are displayed.

Create and save new array?

Cancel Exit
Save changes then exit this menu
Discard changes then exit this menu
Exit the Configuration Utility and Reboot

Step 20 Select Save changes then exit this menu and press Enter. The screen is refreshed, as shown
in Step 12.
Step 21 Select RAID Properties shown in Step 12 and press Enter. The following shows examples of
the results that are displayed.

Array 1 of 1
Identifier LSILOGICLogical Volume 3000
Type 1M
Scan Order 0
Size(MB) 69618
Status 2% Syncd
Manager Array
Slot Device Identifier RAID Hot Drive Pred Size
Num Disk Spr Status Fail (MB)
0 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [Yes] [No] Primary --- 69618
1 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [Yes] [No] Secondary --- 69618

Step 22 Check that the RAID 1 is set correctly, and then press Esc repeatedly until the following
messages are displayed:

Are you sure you want to exit?

Cancel Exit.
Save changes and reboot.
Discard changes and reboot.
Exit the Configuration Utility and Reboot.

Step 23 Select Exit the Configuration Utility and Reboot and press Enter. RAID 1 is successfully set
on the OMU hard disks and the OMU restarts.

----End Transferring OMU Files to a Local PC

Transferring files between a local PC and the OMU by using the FTP protocol is an important
method for saving files during operation and maintenance.

l The firewall on the portable PC is disabled.
l product software are started.

Uploading the 123.xml file from the OMU to the local drive D as an example.
There are two methods for transferring files on the OMU:

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l Using the file management function on the LMT

l Running commands

Application Scenarios

l If the OMU FTP server is set to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection mode, only the
file management function on the LMT can be used to transfer files. For detailed operations,
see File Manager.
l If the OMU FTP server is not set to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection mode, both
the file management function on the LMT and commands can be used to transfer files.

Table 6-17 lists the commands used for downloading files.

Table 6-17 Commands commonly used on the FTP

Command Description Example

cd Change the current directory. cd /mbsc/upgrade

dir Query the structure of the dir

current directory.

get Upload files from the OMU get x (x indicates the file
to a local PC. name)

put Download files from a local put x (x indicates the file

PC to the OMU. name)

Table 6-18 lists the specifications of the FTP file transmission.

Table 6-18 Specifications of the FTP file transmission

Item Description

Maximum number of concurrent connections 10

for the FtpUsr user

Timeout interval for control connections 15 minutes

Timeout interval for data connections 5 minutes

l Downloading the 123.xml file on the OMU to local drive D by using the file management
function on the LMT
1. Enable the file management function on the LMT. For details, see File Manager in
BSC6900 UMTS LMT User Guide.
2. Select the files to be downloaded in the corresponding directories and click

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l Downloading the 123.xml file on the OMU to local drive D by running commands
1. On the local PC, choose Start > Run, enter cmd, and click OK.
2. Type the d: command and press Enter to go to drive D.
3. Type the ftp IP address command to connect the local PC to the OMU, where IP
address indicates the virtual external or debugging IP address of the OMU.
4. Type the user name and password of the FTP. The connection between the local PC
and the OMU is established after the certification passes.

The FTP user name has a fixed value FtpUsr. Its password is mbsc@com or set during the product
software installation. For details, see 6.5.1 Information Records of OMU Software Installation.
5. Navigate to the directory where the 123.xml file is saved by referring to commonly
used FTP commands.
6. Transfer the 123.xml file.

Command Description

Run the get 123.xml command. Upload the 123.xml file from the OMU
to the local drive D.

Run the put 123.xml command. Download the 123.xml file from the
local drive D to the OMU.

7. After the file transfer is complete, run the quit command to disconnect the FTP.


The following is an example for downloading the 123.xml file from the local drive D to the /
mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam directory of the OMU:
C:\Documents and Settings>d:

Connected to
220 ftp server ready.
User ( FtpUsr
331 Password required for FtpUsr.
230 User logged in.
ftp> cd /bam/version_a/bin/bam
250 CWD successful.
ftp> put 123.xml
200 PORT command OK.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for '/123.xml' (104 bytes)
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> quit

D:\> Adjusting OMU Slots

This section describes how to adjust the slots that accommodate the operation and maintenance
units (OMUs).

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l Before adjusting the OMU slots that accommodate the OMUs, collect information listed
in Table 6-19.

Table 6-19 Required information

Information Description

OMU Slots Query and record the slots that

accommodate the OMUs.

l Hardware requirement
– The target slots are idle. For details about the OMU slot information, see OMUa Board.
l Software requirement
– None
l License requirement
– None

Prepare the data listed in the following table.

Table 6-20 Data preparation

MO Setting Notes Data MML

Source Command

BRD Set Slot No. to an appropriate value. Internal plan ADD BRD

Step 1 Run the DSP OMU command to query the numbers of the slots that accommodate the active
and standby OMUs before the reconfiguration.

Step 2 Perform the operations listed in the following table based on the operating system of the OMU.

If... Then...

The Dopra Linux operating system is used 1. Log in to the active and standby OMUs
2. Run the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command to
stop the omud process.
3. Run the poweroff command to power off
the OMU.

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If... Then...

The Windows operating system is used 1. Log in to the active and standby OMUs
2. Choose Start > Run. In the Run dialog
box, type cmd, and press Enter. The
OMU command input dialog box is
3. In the command line, type the net stop
omud command to stop the omud process.
4. Choose Start > Shutdown. In the
displayed dialog box, select Shutdown to
shut down the OMU.

Step 3 When the OFFLINE indicator on the OMU board panel is on, remove the active and standby

Step 4 Insert the active and standby OMUs into the target slots.

Step 5 After five minutes, run the DSP OMU command to check whether the active and standby OMUs
operate properly. If not, check whether the OMUs are installed correctly.

Step 6 Run the RMV BRD command to remove the OMU boards that have been configured.

Step 7 Run the ADD BRD command to add active and standby OMU boards separately. In this step,
set Slot No. to an appropriate value.

Step 8 Log in to the LMT to check whether the OMU status displayed on the device panel is correct.

Step 9 On the LMT, click Alarm, and select Browse Alarm to view current active alarms.

Step 10 Optional: If an OMU-related alarm is displayed in the list of active alarms and the OMU slot
number is the original one, right-click the alarm, and choose Clear Alarm from the shortcut
menu to manually clear the alarm.


/*Information Recording Procedure*/
//Querying the numbers of the subracks and slots where the active and standby OMUs
reside before the slot adjustment

/*Reconfiguration Procedure*/
//Removing a board
RMV BRD: SRN=0, SN=16;
RMV BRD: SRN=0, SN=18;
//Adding boards

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Follow-up Procedure
l Verification
Run the DSP OMU command to check whether the active and standby OMUs operate
Expected result: The active and standby OMUs operate properly.
l Rollback
The rollback procedure is similar to the reconfiguration procedure, except that parameters
in the rollback procedure are set to values used before the reconfiguration.

6.3.4 Managing the Product Software

This section describes how to manage the product software. Querying the OMU Operating Status

This section describes how to query the OMU operating information, the status of OMU service
processes when the OMU is operating properly, and the OMU board information.

You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

If an OMU board becomes faulty, query the information about the OMU board for fault location.

l Querying the OMU operating information
1. Run the DSP OMU command. The OMU operating information is displayed,
including the OMU operating status, fixed IP address configuration, virtual IP address
configuration, debugging IP address configuration, status of data synchronization,
status of the internal and external networks, and status of the backup channel.
l Querying the status of OMU service processes when the OMU is operating properly
1. Run the DSP OMUMODULE command. The names and status of the OMU service
processes are displayed.
– If the status of service processes is Started, the OMU service processes are normal.
– If the status of service processes is Stopped, the OMU service processes are normal
and not started.
– If the status of the service processes is Exception, the OMU service processes are
abnormal. When active and standby OMUs are configured, the self-healing
switchover is triggered if the abnormal status persists. When an independent OMU
is configured, the OMU reports the ALM-20707 OMU Process Abort alarm.
l Querying the OMU board information
– Run the DSP OMUSRV command. The OMU board status is displayed, including the
CPU usage, memory usage, number of logical CPUs, memory capacity, total space of

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logical disks, current available space, percentage of the available space, and the time
cost by input/output (I/O) operation on the OMU hard disks.
– Run the MML command DSP OMUVER. The subrack number, slot number, OMU
type, and version information about the PCB, BIOS, BMC, CPLD, and SDR are
l Querying the OMU working environment
1. Run the MML command DSP OMUENV. The CPU inlet temperature, memory inlet
temperature, hard disk temperature, and voltage of chips are displayed.
l Querying the OMU hardware status
1. Run the MML command DSP OMUHW. The subrack number, slot number, operating
status of the hard disk, status of Ethernet adapters and Ethernet adapter teams, and
RAID of the OMU are displayed.

The OMU hardware is normal if the following conditions are met:

– The values for Primer harddisk and Standby harddisk are Online.
– The status of the Raid is Normal, and the Raid rebulid scale is 0.
– ETH0 netcard, ETH1 netcard, or both are Normal.
– In active/standby OMU mode, the value for Backup channel netcard is
Normal; in independent OMU mode, the value for Backup channel netcard does
not have impact on the OMU hardware status.
– Inner0 netcard, Inner1 netcard , or both are Normal.
– Both Inner netcard group and Extra netcard group are Normal.

----End Querying the Version of the Active/Standby OMU Workspaces

This section describes how to query the version of the active and standby OMU workspaces,
such as the workspace flag and version of the product software.

You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

Step 1 Run the LST OMUAREA command to query the version of the active and standby OMU

----End Querying the Status of Data Synchronization Between the Active and
Standby OMUs
This section describes how to query the status of data synchronization between the active and
standby OMUs.

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l You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l Active and standby OMUs are configured.

When faults occur due to network or database problems during data synchronization, OMUs
automatically rectifies the faults.

Step 1 Run the MML command DSP OMU on the active or standby OMU. The status of data
synchronization between the active and standby OMUs is displayed.

If data synchronization is abnormal, the ALM-20704 OMU Data Synchronization Failure alarm
is reported. Clear the alarm by referring to the alarm handling suggestions.

When Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful, Data synchronization not built
due to version inconsistency, or Data synchronization cannot built due to OMU failure
switchover, you are allowed to switch over the active and standby OMUs.

----End Checking the Data Consistency Between the Active OMU and the Standby
This section describes how to check the data consistency between the active OMU and the
standby OMU after a fault-triggered switchover occurs.

l You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l The OMUs work in active/standby mode.

Step 1 Run the CMP OMUDATA command to check the consistency of alarm data, performance data,
the platform data and configuration data between the active and standby OMUs.

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l If the active OMU data is inconsistent with the standby OMU data, run the STR
DATASYNC command to start the data synchronization between the active OMU and the
standby OMU. Wait 5 minutes then run the CMP OMUDATA command.
l If the active OMU is synchronizing the initial data with the standby OMU, the LMT displays
failure information.

Step 2 Run the CMP OMUFILE command to check the consistency of the license file, certificate file,
host patch file and other files between the active and standby OMUs.

----End Changing the Time Zone and OMU Time

The OMU time stops after the battery on the OMU board is exhausted. To correct it, you will
need to replace the battery, reset the OMU time, and change the OMU time zone.

l You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l You have obtained the time and the time zone.

The OMU time and time zone are set by default before the OMU board is delivered.

The OMU time indicates the time on the OMU operating system, and the OMU time zone
indicates the time zone on the OMU operating system.

l Change the OMU time zone
1. Run the SET TZ command to change the OMU time zone.
l Change the OMU time
1. Run the SET TIME command to change the OMU date and time.

----End Configuring Data Rates of Accessing the OMU Hard Disks

This section describes how to configure the data rates of accessing the OMU hard disk to prevent
a single I/O operation from consuming too many OMU hard disk resources.

You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

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The functions of uploading and downloading files through FTP, writing log files, writing traced
messages into files lead to many I/O operations. To prevent a single I/O operation from
consuming too much OMU hard disk resources, the data rates of the previous functions must be

l Configuring the maximum data rate for an external FTP user
1. Run the SET FTPSRVSPD command to configure the maximum data rate for an
external FTP user.
l Querying the maximum data rate for an external FTP user
1. Run the LST FTPSRVSPD command to query the maximum data rate for an external
FTP user.
l Querying the average data rate of an external FTP user
1. Run the DSP FTPSRVSPD command to query the average data rate of an external
FTP user.
l Configuring the maximum data rate of writing log files
1. Run the SET HOSTLOGSPD command to configure the maximum data rate of
writing log files.
l Querying the maximum data rate of writing log files
1. Run the LST HOSTLOGSPD command to configure the maximum data rate of
writing log files.
l Querying the average data rate of writing log files
1. Run the DSP HOSTLOGSPD command to query the average data rate of writing log
l Configuring the maximum data rate of writing traced messages into files
1. Run the SET TRCLOGSPD command to configure the maximum data rate of writing
traced messages into files.
l Querying the maximum data rate of writing traced messages into files
1. Run the LST TRCLOGSPD command to query the maximum data rate of writing
traced messages into files.
l Querying the average data rate of writing traced messages into files
1. Run the DSP TRCLOGSPD command to query the maximum data rate of writing
traced messages into files.

----End Forcibly Switching Over the Active and Standby OMUs

This section describes how to forcibly switch over the active and standby OMUs when the active
OMU needs to be manually shut down for a software/hardware upgrade or fault rectification.
By performing this task, the OMU services will not be interrupted.

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l You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l The OMU works in active/standby mode and the active and standby OMUs work normally
for more than 5 minutes (You can run the CMP OMUDATA and CMP OMUFILE
commands to query whether the active OMU data is consistent with the standby OMU data.
Ensure that the data on the active OMU is synchronized to the standby OMU to avoid data
loss after the switchover.)

Step 1 Run the DSP OMU command to query the operating status of the active/standby OMUs.

If... Then...

The active and standby OMUs work properly and the data Go to Step 2.
synchronization is normal,

The active and standby OMUs do not work properly or the data End this task.
synchronization is abnormal,

Step 2 Run the SWP OMU command to manually switch over the OMUs.

Step 3 Log in to the LMT again and run the DSP OMU command to query the operating status of the
active OMU after the switchover. If the active OMU works properly, the switchover is

----End Resetting the OMU

This section describes how to reset the OMU, product software, and OMU service processes.

You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

l The OMU operating system is restarted after the OMU is reset. If the OMU is reset
successfully, the faults of the OMU operating system or product software can be rectified.
l All the service processes are disrupted after the product software are reset. If the OMU is
reset successfully, the faults of the product software can be rectified.
l Resetting a specified OMU service process interrupts the service of the process for a while.

l Reset the OMU or product software
1. Run the RST OMU command.

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– If Reset Type is set to SOFT, only the product software are reset. The OMU
operating system is not restarted.
– If Reset Type is set to HARD, the OMU operating system is restarted.

l When the OMU works in single-OMU mode, set the Reset Target to ACTIVE.
l When the OMUs work in dual-OMU mode, the active OMU is reset if you set the Reset
Target to ACTIVE.
l When the OMUs work in dual-OMU mode, the standby OMU is reset if you set the Reset
Target to STANDBY.
l Reset a specified service process
1. Run the RST OMUMODULE command and specify Reset Target and Module
Name to reset the specified OMU service process.

----End Managing the omud

This section describes how to start the omud process or stop the omud process so that the OMU
can provide normal services.

Starting the omud

l If the BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs, log in to the active or standby
OMU by using the fixed external IP address or commissioning IP address.
l If the BSC6900 is configured with an independent OMU, log in to the OMU by using the
fixed or virtual external IP address or the commissioning IP address.

1. Log in to the OMU by using the external fixed IP address by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In
to the OMU.
2. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.

Stopping the omud

ContextThe omud process must be stopped before performing the following operations:
uninstalling the product software, upgrading product software, or restoring the BSC6900 data.

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l When the omud process is stopped, all the OMU service processes will also stop. In turn, the
OMU stops providing services for the BSC6900. Therefore, perform this task with caution.
l If the virtual external IP address is used to log in to the OMU, stopping the omud process
will disconnects the OMU from the peripheral devices.
l If a fixed external IP address is configured for the OMU, stopping the omud will make
the virtual external IP address ineffective. In this situation, a user can log in to the OMU
by using the fixed external IP address if an independent OMU is configured. If the OMUs
work in active/standby mode, the virtual external IP address of the original standby OMU
becomes effective after the active OMU is stopped.
l If no fixed external IP address is configured for the OMU, the virtual external IP address
is still effective after you stop the omud.

l If the BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs, log in to the active or standby
OMU by using the fixed external IP address or commissioning IP address.
l If the BSC6900 is configured with an independent OMU, log in to the OMU by using the
fixed or virtual external IP address or the commissioning IP address.

1. You have logged in to the OMU through the external fixed IP address by referring to 6.3.1
Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process. Querying Operating Status of the omud

This section describes how to query the operating status of the omud to determine whether the
OMU can provide services normally.

Step 1 Log in to the OMU by using the external fixed IP address by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to
the OMU.

Step 2 Run the /etc/rc.d/omud status command to query the operating status of the omud.

Option Description

If the operating status of the omud is running, The OMU is working.

If the operating status of the omud is unused, The OMU stops working.

----End Uninstalling the Product Software

This section describes how to uninstall the product software.

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l The product software are installed.

l If product software are installed on both the active and standby OMU workspaces, uninstall
the product software on the standby workspace before uninstalling them on the active
l When the BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs, uninstall the product
software on both the active and standby OMUs.
l If there is only the active workspace on the OMU, the system will prompt you to uninstall
only the product software on the active workspace.

l Uninstalling the product software from an OMU will cause all the data in the OMU to be lost. You are
advised to back up system data on the OMU before the uninstalling by referring to Backing Up the
System Data.

Step 1 Log in to the standby OMU by using the fixed external IP address or the debugging IP address.
For details, see 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Perform the following operations based on actual conditions.

If... Then...

Only the product software on the standby Go to Step 3.

workspace needs to be uninstalled,

The product software on both the active and Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and
standby workspaces needs to be uninstalled, press Enter to start the omud.

Step 3 Enter uninstall_bam in any directory of the OMU and press Enter.

Step 4 The message Uninstall standby area. input Y to continue; input E to exit. is displayed. Enter
Y to uninstall the product software on the standby workspace of the standby OMU.

Step 5 Type the uninstall_bam command and press Enter.

Step 6 The message Uninstall main area. input Y to continue; input E to exit. is displayed. Perform
the following operations based on actual conditions.

If... Then...

The product software on the active Enter Y to uninstall the product software on
workspace needs to be uninstalled, the active workspace of the standby OMU.

The product software on the active Enter E.

workspace does not need to be uninstalled,

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Step 7 Type the exit command to log out of the OMU.

If... Then...

The OMU is in dual-OMU mode, Go to Step 8.

The OMU is in single-OMU mode, End this task.

Step 8 Log in to the active OMU using the fixed external IP address or debugging IP address. Then
perform Step 2 through Step 7 again.


6.3.5 Backing Up and Restoring Data

This section describes how to use the omu_backup_linker tool to back up or restore the OMU
configuration data, alarm data, and performance data. When the OMU works in active/standby
mode, the omu_backup_linker tool can be used only on the active OMU. Otherwise, the OMU
data may be lost.

The omu_backup_linker tool is used in the following scenarios:
l When an OMUa/OMUc board is damaged, it needs to be replaced with a new one. The data
on the damaged OMUa/OMUc board needs to be backed up and restored on the new OMUa/
OMUc board.
l The OMU data needs to be backed up during routine maintenance.
l The latest OMU data needs to be restored after the OMU database collapses or the OMU
upgrade fails. Starting the omu_backup_linker Tool

This section describes how to start the omu_backup_linker tool.

l If an independent OMU is configured, log in to the OMU to start the omu_backup_linker
l If active and standby OMUs are configured, log in to the active OMU to start the
omu_backup_linker tool.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Type the cd /mbsc/bam/common/services command and press Enter to go to the directory
where the program of the omu_backup_linker tool is saved.

Step 3 Type the ./omu_backup_linker command and press Enter to start the omu_backup_linker
tool. The following information is displayed:

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# The backup/restore option

# backup :Backup OMU database
# restore :Restore OMU database
# Please select one option to backup or restore OMU database, if you don't know it,
consult the administrator.
Please input a valid bkp_res_type :

----End Backing Up the System Data

This section describes how to back up the BSC6900 configuration data, performance data, alarm
data, operation logs, operator account, authority information, and product information through
MML commands or the omu_backup_restore_tool. The backup data can be encrypted to ensure
the security in data storage and transmission.

l Prerequisites for performing this task using MML commands:
You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l Prerequisites for performing this task using the omu_backup_restore_tool are as follows:
The 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU is connected.


l When the OMU works in active/standby mode, the system data must be backed up on the
active OMU.
l You must back up the OMU data manually to avoid a system data backup failure before
capacity expansion, upgrade, or a software load.

l Backing up the system data through an MML command
1. Run the BKP DB command to back up the data in the specified directory on the OMU
hard disk. In this step, set Path of Backup File and Backup File Name to appropriate
values. If the backup file needs to be encrypted, set Encrypted Mode to Password
Encrypted and specify File Encryption Password.
2. Obtain the backup data file from the specified directory by referring to
Transferring OMU Files to a Local PC.
l Backing up the data by using the omu_backup_restore_tool
1. Log in to the target OMU.
2. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/common/services command and press Enter to go to the
directory where the program of the omu_backup_linker tool is saved.
3. Type the ./omu_backup_linker command and press Enter to start the
omu_backup_linker tool.

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4. Enter backup and press Enter after the Please input a valid
bkp_res_type : message is displayed.
5. Type the save path and names of the backup files and press Enter.
6. Enter the encryption mode when the Please input a valid encrypt
mode : message is displayed. If the backup file does not need to be encrypted, enter
unencrypt. If the backup file needs to be encrypted, enter encrypt. Then, press
7. If you enter encrypt in the previous step, specify File Encryption Password and
press Enter. The system starts to back up the data, and a message will be displayed
indicating that the backup succeeds or fails. If the Backup OMU database
succeed! message is displayed, the data is backed up in the OMU hard disk.
8. Obtain the backup data file from the specified directory by referring to
Transferring OMU Files to a Local PC.

Back up the OMU data to /mbsc/bam using the omu_backup_restore_tool and name the file as
omu.bak with the file encrypted. The following shows an example of the results:
omd_test_name /mbsc/bam/common/services # ./omu_backup_linker

# The backup/restore option

# backup : Backup OMU database
# restore : Restore OMU database
# Please select one option to backup or restore OMU database, if you don't know
it, please consult the administrator.
Please input a valid bkp_res_type : backup
# The backup file pathname.
# eg: d:/mbsc/bam/omu.bak, in windows;
# eg: /mbsc/bam/omu.bak, in linux.
Please input a valid backup file pathname : /mbsc/bam/omu.bak
# The backup file encrypted mode.
# unencrypt: The backup file is unencrypted.
# encrypt: The backup file is encrypted.
Please input a valid encrypt mode : encrypt
# The backup file password.
Please input a valid file password :
Backup omu database [100%]
Backup OMU database succeed!
omd_test_name /mbsc/bam/common/services # Restoring the System Data

This section describes how to restore the system data using the data backup file and using the
encrypted backup file.

The system data has been backed up.

Restoring the BSC6900 system data will interrupt services on the BSC6900. The data on the
host will be inconsistent with the data on the OMU after the system data is restored. As a result,

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the services will be greatly impacted. Therefore, you are advised to restore the system data in
the early morning hours when traffic volume is low.

As an example, the OMU in active/standby mode is used in this document. If an OMU is in

independent mode, skip operations on the standby OMU.

This chapter describes how to restore data by using the following methods:

l If an MML command is used to restore data, only the BSC6900 configuration data is
restored while other data, such as alarm data or performance data, cannot be restored.
l If the omu_backup_linker tool is used to restore data, all BSC6900 data is restored,
including configuration data, alarm data, performance data, operating logs, administrator
account, authority information, SSL configuration information, certificate information and
product information.

l Restoring the system data through an MML command
1. Run the LST BKPFILE command to query data backup files saved in the OMU
active workspace installation directory\data\backup directory.
2. Run the RTR DB command to restore configuration data on the OMU. If the backup
file is encrypted, specify Encrypted Mode and File Encryption Password.
l Restoring the system data by using the omu_backup_linker tool
1. Log in to the active and standby OMUs by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process on
the active and standby OMUs.
3. Restore data in the original active OMU using the omu_backup_linker tool.
a. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/common/services command and press Enter to go to
the directory where the program of the omu_backup_linker tool is saved
b. Log in to the OMU by referring to Type the ./omu_backup_linker command
and press Enter to start the omu_backup_linker tool.
c. Enter restore and press Enter after the Please input a valid
bkp_res_type : message is displayed.
d. Type the save path and name of the backup file and press Enter when the
Please input a valid backup file pathname : message is
e. Enter the encryption mode when the Please input a valid encrypt
mode : message is displayed. If the backup file has not been encrypted, enter
unencrypt. If the backup file has been encrypted, enter encrypt. Then, press
f. If you enter encrypt in the previous step, specify File Encryption Password
and press Enter. The system data starts to be restored. After the restoration is
complete, a message is displayed, indicating whether the restoration is
successful. If the restoration is successful, the Restore OMU database
succeed! message is displayed on the interface.
4. Copy and save the backup file to be restored in the standby OMU using the psftp
software. For details, see 6.4.1 Obtain and Use the psftp Software.

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5. Repeat Step 3 to restore data in the original standby OMU using the
omu_backup_linker tool.
6. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud on the
active and standby OMUs.
7. Log in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT in the
BSC6900 UMTS LMT User Guide.
8. Run the LCK CMCTRL command to lock the data configuration right.
9. Run the LST CFGMODE command to query whether the System Configuration
Mode parameter is set to Effective Mode for all subracks. If this parameter is set to
Ineffective Mode for any subrack, run the SET CFGDATAEFFECTIVE command
to change the value to Effective Mode.
10. Check the consistency between the BSC6900 host data and the OMU data.

After data restoration, check whether the BSC6900 host data is consistent with the OMU data.
If not, load the restored data to the BSC6900 host.

a. Run the ACT CRC command to check whether the host data is consistent with
the OMU data.
– If the data is consistent, end this task.
– If the data is inconsistent, go to 10.2.
b. Run the FMT DATA command to format the data in the OMU database so that
the data can be loaded into the host.
c. If data inconsistency occurs in only one subrack, run the RST SUBRACK
command to reset this subrack. Before running the command, set Subrack No.
If data inconsistency occurs in multiple subracks, run the RST BSC command
to reset the BSC.


Restore the OMU data by using the omu.bak.ecf file (the file name extension after encryption
is .ecf) under /mbsc/bam. The following shows an example of the results:
omd_test_name ~ # /etc/rc.d/omud stop
Shutting down mbsc daemon..........
omd_test_name ~ # cd /mbsc/bam/common/services
omd_test_name /mbsc/bam/common/services # ./omu_backup_linker

# The backup/restore option

# backup : Backup OMU database
# restore : Restore OMU database
# Please select one option to backup or restore OMU database, if you don't know
it, please consult the administrator.
Please input a valid bkp_res_type : restore
# The backup file pathname.
# eg: d:/mbsc/bam/omu.bak, in windows;
# eg: /mbsc/bam/omu.bak, in linux.
Please input a valid backup file pathname : /mbsc/bam/omu.bak.ecf
# The backup file encrypted mode.
# unencrypt: The backup file is unencrypted.
# encrypt: The backup file is encrypted.
Please input a valid encrypt mode : encrypt
# The backup file password.
Please input a valid file password :

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Restore omu database [100%]

Restore OMU database succeed!
omd_test_name /mbsc/bam/common/services # /etc/rc.d/omud start
Starting mbsc daemon

6.3.6 Setting OMU System Parameters

This section describes how to use the omutool to modify the configuration data of the active and
standby OMUs, including the OMU working mode, IP addresses and subnet masks of the internal
and external networks, and admin password. This section describes how to adjust OMU system
parameters only during the maintenance process. For the procedure for setting OMU system
parameters during initial OMU commissioning (that is, new deployment), see 6.1 Initially
Commissioning the OMU. Starting the omutool

This section describes how to start the omutool on the OMU to set OMU system parameters.

The product software are installed.

l The omutool can be used by only one type of users in the following operating systems:
Only the administrator user is allowed to use the omutool in the Windows operating system.
The created users with the same user rights as the administrator user cannot use this tool.
Only the root user is allowed to use the omutool in the Linux operating system.
l When the BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs and system parameters
need to be set on two OMUs, log in to the active and standby OMUs and start the omutool
on two OMUs, respectively.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate to the
directory that contains omutool.

Step 3 Type the ./omutool -h command and press Enter. The parameter information on the omutool
is displayed.

----End Changing Users' Passwords

This section describes how to change the passwords for users admin, root, and db_user by using
the omutool, how to change the password for user FtpUsr by using the MML command, and
how to log in to the U2000 to change its FTP user's password.

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l admin is the account for logging in to the LMT.
l db_user and root are the accounts for accessing the OMU database.
l FtpUsr is the account for uploading and downloading files to and from the OMU.
l The U2000's FTP user is used for the U2000 to access BSC6900 for file loading and
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.
l If active and standby OMUs are configured on the BSC6900, you must change the
passwords of the admin, db_user, and root user on both the active and standby OMUs.

l Single-OMU mode: Stop the omud before the change and start the omud after the change.
l Dual-OMU mode: Stop the standby omud and then the active omud before the change. Start the
active omud and then the standby omud after the change.

l It is recommended that you change the password at your first login and then change the password
every three months.
l Users root and db_usr must both contain the combination of the following:
l At least one lower-case letter
l At least one upper-case letter
l At least one digit
l At least one special character -?[]_+{}
The user password must have a minimum length of 8 characters and maximum length of 32
l User admin must both contain the combination of the following:
l At least one lower-case letter
l At least one upper-case letter
l At least one digit
l At least one special character ~!@#$%^&*()_+-{}|[]:<>?./
The user password must have a minimum length of 8 characters and maximum length of 32

Keep the password safe. You need to reinstall the OMU operating system if the password
is lost.

l Changing the admin password
1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.

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3. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate

to the directory that contains omutool.
4. Run the ./omutool adminpwd command to change the admin password.
5. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.
l Changing the root password
1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.
3. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate
to the directory that contains omutool.
4. Run the ./omutool dbrootpwd command to change the root password.
5. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.
l Changing the password of the db_user user
1. Log in to the target OMU.
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.
3. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate
to the directory that contains omutool.
4. Run the ./omutool dbpwd command to change the password of the db_user user.
5. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.
l Changing the password of the FtpUsr user
1. Log in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT in the
BSC6900 UMTS LMT User Guide.
2. Run the MML command MOD FTPPWD to change the password of the FtpUsr user.
l Changing the password of the U2000's FTP user
1. Log in to the U2000.
2. Change the password of the U2000's FTP user. For details, see Setting an NE as a
Transfer Server in the U2000 version documentation.

The following shows an example for changing the admin password:

Dopra_136 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./omutool adminpwd

Enter a password or press Ctrl+C to quit:
Re-enter password or press Ctrl+C to quit:
Successfully set the admin user's password!

The following shows an example for changing the root password:

Dopra_136 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./omutool dbrootpwd

Enter a password or press Ctrl+C to quit:
Re-enter password or press Ctrl+C to quit:
Successfully set the root's password of the database!

The following shows an example for changing the db_user user password:

Dopra_136 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./omutool dbpwd

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Enter a password or press Ctrl+C to quit:

Re-enter password or press Ctrl+C to quit:
Successfully set the db_user's password of the database! Changing the Computer Name

This section describes how to change the computer name through omutool.

l If the BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs, name them differently.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.

Step 3 Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate to the
directory that contains omutool.

Step 4 Run the ./omutool hostname Computer name command to change the computer name.

For example, to change the computer name to omu_123, type the ./omutool hostname
omu_123 command and press Enter.

Step 5 Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.


Follow-up Procedure
1. Log in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT in the
BSC6900 UMTS LMT User Guide.
2. Run the DSP OMU command to query the new computer name. Modifying the NE Type

This section describes how to modify the NE type by using the omutool.

To manage BSCs uniformly on the U2000, you need to modify the NE type of upgraded BSCs.

The following procedure is for active and standby OMUs whose active workspace is
version_a. For a single OMU, ignore the steps for the standby OMU.

The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the LST
OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.

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Step 1 Log in to the standby OMU and stop the omud process on it. Then, log in to the active OMU
and stop the omud process on it. For details, see 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU and Stopping
the omud.

Step 2 Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and press Enter to go to the directory
where the omutool program is saved.

Step 3 Type the ./omutool netype command followed by the new value of the NE type parameter on
the active OMU. Press Enter to modify the NE type.

The prompt set ne type success! indicates that the NE type has been successfully modified.


To query the NE type, type the omutool netype command and press Enter.

Step 4 Start the omud process on the active OMU first and then the omud process on the standby OMU.
For details, see Starting the omud.


dopra_linux_up /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./omutool netype
Current ne type is : BSC6***
dopra_linux_up /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./omutool netype BSC6900
set ne type success! Setting the OMU Working Mode

This section describes how to set the OMU working mode by using the omutool. The OMU can
work either in independent or active/standby mode.

l You have logged in to the LMT and queried the slot No. for the OMU by running the LST
BRD command.
l You have logged in to the LMT and queried whether the OMU is in independent or active/
standby mode by running the DSP OMU command.
l You have logged in to the LMT and queried the OMU workspace information by running
the LST OMUAREA command.
l You have logged in to the LMT and queried the OMU service mode by running the LST
MBSCMODE command.

l If the working mode of the OMU is changed from independent mode to active/standby
mode, apply the settings to both the active and standby OMUs. If the working mode is
changed from active/standby mode to independent mode, apply the settings to only the new
active OMU.
l If the working mode of the OMU is changed from independent mode to active/standby
mode, ensure that the operating system, software version, and board type of the active OMU

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are the same as those of the standby OMU. In addition, the slot number of the active OMU
and that of the standby OMU have an active/standby relationship.
l If the working mode of the OMU is changed from active/standby mode to independent
mode, you should run the MML command DSP OMU to ensure that the Data-sync state
is Data synchronization is successful and run the MML command CMP
OMUFILE to ensure that Compare result is consistent.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.

l Switching the OMU from the independent mode to the active/standby mode (product
software are not installed on the OMU to be added).
1. Insert an OMUa/OMUc board into the standby slot by referring to Installing the
OMUa/OMUc/SAUa/SAUc Boards or Installing the OMUc Boards in the BSC6900
UMTS Installation Guide
2. Connect the PC to the commissioning Ethernet port of the OMU, and log in to the
standby OMU by using the commissioning IP address. For details, see 6.3.1 Logging
In to the OMU.
3. Install product software on the standby OMU. For details, see Uploading the
Product Software Installation Package to the OMU and Installing the
Product Software in the Active Workspace.

You must select active/standby mode during the process of installing the product software for the
standby OMU.
4. Change the IP addresses and subnet masks of the standby OMU to ensure that the
fixed internal IP addresses, fixed external IP addresses, and IP address of the backup
channel between active and standby of OMUs comply with the planning principle for
the IP addresses and do not conflict with each other. For details about changing IP
addresses, see Changing IP Addresses and Subnet Masks of OMU Ethernet
5. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process on
the original active OMU.
6. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate
to the directory that contains omutool on the original active OMU.
7. Run the ./omutool dualmode dual command on the original active OMU to set the
working mode of the OMU to active/standby mode.
8. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud on the
original active OMU.
9. Five minutes after the original active OMU has been started, start the omud on the
standby OMU.

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You should start the standby OMU 5 minutes after the active OMU is started to keep
the two OMUs from competing for the active state. This helps avoid data loss.

10. Change the operating system password on the standby OMU to that of the original
active OMU by referring to Changing the Administrator Password of the
Operating System.
11. Run the ADD BRD command on the LMT to add an OMU.
12. Run the MML command DSP OMU on the LMT and check whether the value for
Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful.
13. Connect an Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the added OMU.
l Switching the OMU from the independent mode to the active/standby mode. (product
software are installed on the OMU to be added.)
1. Connect the PC to the commissioning Ethernet port of the OMU and log in to the
original active OMU by using the commissioning IP address. For details, see 6.3.1
Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process on
the original active OMU.
3. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate
to the directory that contains omutool on the original active OMU.
4. Run the ./omutool dualmode dual command on the original active OMU to set the
working mode of the OMU to active/standby mode.
5. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud on the
original active OMU.
6. Insert an OMUa/OMUc board in the standby slot 5 minutes after the original active
OMU starts.

Start the standby OMU 5 minutes after the active OMU is started to avoid the two
OMUs from competing for active state, which will avoid data loss.

7. Set the working mode of the standby OMU to active/standby mode by repeating Step
1 through Step 4.
8. Change the IP addresses and subnet masks of the standby OMU to ensure that the
fixed internal IP addresses, fixed external IP addresses, and IP address of the backup
channel between active and standby of OMUs comply with the planning principle for
the IP addresses and do not conflict with each other. For details about changing IP
addresses, see Changing IP Addresses and Subnet Masks of OMU Ethernet
9. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud on the
standby OMU.

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10. Change the operating system password on the standby OMU to that of the original
active OMU by referring to Changing the Administrator Password of the
Operating System.
11. Run the ADD BRD command on the LMT to add an OMU.
12. Run the MML command DSP OMU on the LMT and check whether the value for
Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful.

If... Then...

Data-sync state is Data Reinstall product software on the

synchronization not built due to standby OMU by performing the
version inconsistency following steps:
1. Uninstall product software from the
standby OMU by referring to steps in Uninstalling the Product
2. Install product software of the
correct version on the standby OMU.
For details, see Uploading
the Product Software Installation
Package to the OMU and
Installing the Product Software in
the Active Workspace.
3. Perform Step 12.

Data-sync state is Data Go to Step 13.

synchronization is successful

13. Connect an Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the added OMU.
l Change the working mode of the OMU from active/standby mode to independent mode.
1. Run the RMV BRD command on the LMT to remove an OMU.
2. Log in to the active and standby OMUs by using the fixed external IP address by
referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
3. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process on
the active and standby OMUs.
4. Run the poweroff command on the OMU to be removed to power off the OMU.
5. Remove the OMU.
6. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate
to the directory that contains omutool on the active OMU.
7. Run the ./omutool dualmode single command on the active OMU to set the working
mode of the OMU to independent mode.
8. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud on the
active OMU.


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OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux) Changing IP Addresses and Subnet Masks of OMU Ethernet Adapters

This section describes how to change IP addresses and subnet masks of the OMU Ethernet
adapters using omutool.

The product software have been started.

For the default values of OMU system parameters, see 6.5.2 Checklist for the OMU Software
Factory Settings.

For the IP address introduction and planning principles, see 3.2 OMU IP Address Plan.

l If the OMU works in active/standby mode, change the IP addresses and subnet masks of
the Ethernet adapters on both the active and standby OMUs. You are advised to first change
the IP addresses and subnet masks of the Ethernet adapters for the standby OMU and then
change those for the active OMU.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.
l This task describes how to change all the IP addresses and subnet masks for the OMU. You
can perform these steps based on the onsite IP address plan.

l Single-OMU mode: Stop the omud before the change and start the omud after the change.
l Dual-OMU mode: Stop the standby omud and then the active omud before the change. Start the active
omud and then the standby omud after the change.

Step 1 Log in to the OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud

Step 3 Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate to the
directory that contains omutool

Step 4 The command for querying the OMU IP address and subnet mask is ./omutool dispipinfo.
For example, you can type the following command and then press Enter.
./omutool dispipinfo

Step 5 The ./omutool innercard IP address command is used to change the fixed internal IP address.
For example, you can type the following command and then press Enter.
./omutool innercard

Step 6 The ./omutool innervip IP address command is used to change the virtual internal IP address.
For example, you can type the following command and then press Enter.
./omutool innervip

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l The network segments of the fixed and virtual internal IP addresses must be the same. If the network segment
of the fixed internal IP address is changed to be different from that of the virtual internal IP address, you are
prompted to change the virtual internal IP address. If the network segment of the virtual internal IP address
is changed to be different from that of the fixed internal IP address, you are prompted to change the fixed
internal IP address.
l When you change the fixed and virtual internal IP addresses, the corresponding subnet masks are created
l If you are changing the fixed and virtual internal IP addresses for the first time, perform the following
additional steps:
1. Run the SET SUBNET command and set the BSC6900 subnet number to be consistent with the network
segment on which the fixed internal IP address and virtual internal IP address are located.
2. Remove the SCUa board from the MPS and reinstall it in the MPS. Then, reset the MPS to validate the
new fixed and virtual internal IP addresses.
After the preceding steps are performed, the OMU can communicate with the BSC6900 host normally.

Step 7 The ./omutool extercard IP address mask (gateway) command is used to change the fixed
external IP address and subnet mask.
For example, you can type the following command and then press Enter.
./omutool extercard

Before changing the fixed external IP address, virtual external IP address, and external gateway
IP address, log in to the OMU using the debugging IP address at the local end. Otherwise, remote
login in to the OMU to change the IP addresses may disconnect the OMU from its peer.

Step 8 The ./omutool extervip IP address subnet mask (gateway) command is used to change the virtual
external IP address and subnet mask.
For example, you can type the following command and then press Enter.
./omutool extervip


l After the virtual external IP address and subnet mask are changed, start the omud, run the RMV EMSIP
command and then run the ADD EMSIP command to update the virtual external IP address and subnet
mask that are recorded in the OMU database.
l The network segments of the fixed and virtual external IP addresses must be the same. If the network segment
of the fixed external IP address is changed to be different from that of the virtual external IP address, you
are prompted to change the virtual external IP address. If the network segment of the virtual external IP
address is changed to be different from that of the fixed external IP address, you are prompted to change the
fixed external IP address.
l After the fixed external IP address, virtual external IP address, and gateway IP address are changed,
communication between the OMU and peripheral equipment is interrupted. You need to use the new fixed
or virtual external IP address to reconnect the OMU and peripheral equipment.

Step 9 The ./omutool gateway gateway IP address command is used to change the gateway IP address.
For example, you can type the following command and then press Enter.
./omutool gateway

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You can change the fixed or virtual external IP address simultaneously with changing the gateway IP address.
The following are the related commands:
l ./omutool extercard IP address Subnet mask Gateway IP address for changing the fixed external IP address
and gateway IP address simultaneously
l ./omutool extervip IP address Subnet mask Gateway IP address for changing the virtual external IP address
and gateway IP address simultaneously

Step 10 Change the backup channel IP address and subnet mask of the active and standby OMUs by
using the commands listed in the following table.

Option Description

Backup channel IP address of the ./omutool backupcard IP address.

active and standby OMUs on the
For example, you can type the following command
Ethernet adapter ETH3-UPDATE of
and then press Enter.
the OMUa board ./omutool backupcard

Backup channel IP address of the ./omutool backupcard_for_omuc IP address.

active and standby OMUs on the
For example, you can type the following command
Ethernet adapter B_UPDATE0 of the
and then press Enter.
OMUc board ./omutool backupcard_for_omuc

Backup channel IP address of the ./omutool backupcard_for_omua IP address.

active and standby OMUs on the
For example, you can type the following command
Ethernet adapter B_UPDATE1 of the
and then press Enter.
OMUc board ./omutool backupcard_for_omua

Step 11 The ./omutool debugcard IP address command is used to change the debugging IP address.
For example, you can type the following command and then press Enter.
./omutool debugcard


l After you change the backup channel IP address and debugging IP address of the active and standby
OMUs, the corresponding subnet mask will be created automatically.
l To change the OMU IP addresses, you must follow the principles of IP address planning. For details,
see 3.2 OMU IP Address Plan. When entering the command, ensure that there is a space between the
IP address and the subnet mask.
l Record the new IP addresses in 6.5.1 Information Records of OMU Software Installation.

Step 12 The ./omutool delextercard command is used to delete the fixed external IP address.
For example, you can type the following command and then press Enter.
./omutool delextercard


l If the virtual and fixed external IP addresses have been configured and the fixed external IP address is planned
for deletion, use this command to delete the configured fixed external IP address.
l If ALM-20702 Active and Standby OMU Communication Link Failure is reported before you delete the
fixed external IP address and the alarm is caused by the external network, delete the alarm after you delete
the fixed external IP address.

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Step 13 Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud

----End Setting the Switch Enabling a Non-Root User to Run the OMU Program
This section describes how to use the omutool to set the switch enabling a non-root user to run
the OMU program.

l In the Linux operating system (OS), a non-root user can run the OMU program. This
enhances the OMU security.
l When the OS is Windows and Dopra Linux V100R001C03, a non-root user cannot run the
OMU program.
l In dual-OMU mode, set the switch for the function of Running the OMU Processes as a
Non-Root User for both the active and standby OMUs. Before the setting, stop the omud
process on the standby OMU then the omud process on the active OMU. After the setting,
start omud process on the active OMU and then the omud process on the standby OMU.

l If you set the switch for the function of Running the OMU Processes as a Non-Root User only
for the standby OMU, the status of this function on the standby OMU is overwritten after data
synchronization between the active and standby OMUs.
l If the status of this function on the standby OMU is overwritten after data synchronization
between the active and standby OMUs and is inconsistent before and after the overwriting, the
status after the overwriting takes effect only after the standby OMU is restarted or an active/
standby OMU switchover is performed.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.

Step 3 Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate to the
directory that contains omutool.

Step 4 Run the ./omutool privilege_restrict on/off command to set the switch enabling a non-root user
to run the OMU program.

l Turn on the switch enabling a non-root user to run the OMU program
Run the ./omutool privilege_restrict on command and press Enter.
l Turn off the switch enabling a non-root user to run the OMU program
Run the ./omutool privilege_restrict off command and press Enter.
l Query the status of the switch enabling a non-root user to run the OMU program
Run the ./omutool privilege_restrict command and press Enter.

Step 5 Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.


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OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux) Setting the FtpUsr User Switch

This section describes how to use the omutool to set the FtpUsr user switch.

l Users require that the FtpUsr user switch be turned on for FTP login.
l In BSC upgrade scenarios, the switch retains the value before the upgrade. By default, this
function is enabled for a newly deployed BSC.
l In dual-OMU mode, set the FtpUsr user switch for both the active and standby OMUs.
Before the setting, stop the omud process on the standby OMU then the omud process on
the active OMU. After the setting, start omud process on the active OMU and then the
omud process on the standby OMU.
If you set the FtpUsr user switch only for the standby OMU, the status of this function on
the standby OMU is overwritten after data synchronization between the active and standby

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.

Step 3 Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate to the
directory that contains omutool.

Step 4 Run the ./omutool ftpusruseswitch on/off command to set the FtpUsr user switch.

l Turn on the FtpUsr user switch
Run the ./omutool ftpusruseswitch on command and press Enter.
l Turn off the FtpUsr user switch
Run the ./omutool ftpusruseswitch off command and press Enter.
l Query the status of the FtpUsr user switch
Run the ./omutool ftpusruseswitch command and press Enter.

Step 5 Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.


6.4 Obtain and Use the OMU-Related Software

This section describes how to obtain and use the OMU-related software, including the psftp
software and PuTTY software. The OMU-related software is used to install the product software
and perform operation and maintenance on the OMU.

6.4.1 Obtain and Use the psftp Software

This section describes how to obtain and use the psftp software to upload the product software
installation package to the OMU.

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l The psftp software is used to upload files to the OMU hard disk. The product software can
be used only after the psftp software is installed.
l The psftp software is also used to download files from the OMU hard disk to a local PC.

Table 6-21 lists the commands commonly used on the psftp software.

Table 6-21 Commands commonly used on the psftp software

Command Description Example

cd Change the OMU directory. cd /mbsc/upgrade

ls Query the structure of the ls

current directory.

lcd Go to the local folder. lcd D:\V900R016C00\Software\setup


get Transfer files from the To transfer a file, run the get
OMU to the local PC. V900R016C00V100R016C00
To transfer a folder, run the get -r

put Transfer files from the local To transfer a file, run the put
PC to the OMU. V900R016C00V100R016C00
To transfer a folder, run the put -r

mkdir Create a directory on the mkdir /mbsc/upgrade


rmdir Remove a directory from rmdir /mbsc/upgrade

the OMU.

Step 1 Contact Huawei engineers who can obtain the psftp software by performing the following
operation: Log in to Choose Software Center >
Controlled Tool(Mini-tool Software) > Wireless Product Line > Wireless Performance &
RNP & RNO > iManager Nastar > Nastar Tools to download the psftp software.

Step 2 Double-click psftp.exe. A window is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-23.

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Figure 6-23 Logging in to the OMU using the psftp software

Step 3 Type the open IP address command ( is an example)and press Enter.

Step 4 Log in to the OMU as the root user, lgnusr user, or common user. The displayed interface is as

psftp: no hostname specified; use "open" to connect

psftp> open
login as: root
You are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized Users allowed.
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.


6.4.2 Obtain and Use the PuTTY Software

This section describes how to obtain and use the PuTTY software to log in to the OMU.

l PuTTY is an SSH client program that supports SSH and can be used for remotely logging
in to the Dopra Linux operating system.

Other client programs that support SSH can also be used.

l Dopra Linux V200R003C08SPC080 and later use the new ciphering algorithm. This
algorithm is supported by the PuTTY since PuTTY 0.58. Therefore, use PuTTY 0.58 or
later to log in to the Dopra Linux operating system of the OMU. Otherwise, the login may

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PuTTY is an SSH client program that supports SSH and can be used for remotely logging in to
the Dopra Linux operating system.


Other client programs that support SSH can also be used.

Step 1 Contact Huawei engineers who can obtain the latest PuTTY software by performing the
following operation: Log in to Choose Software
Center > Controlled Tool(Mini-tool Software) > Wireless Product Line > Wireless
Performance & RNP & RNO > iManager Nastar > Nastar Tools to download the PuTTY

Step 2 Double-click putty.exe. The PuTTY Configuration dialog box is displayed, as shown in
Figure 6-24.

Figure 6-24 PuTTY Configuration dialog box

Step 3 In the Specify your connection by host name or IP address area, specify the Host Name (or
IP address) by entering the IP address of the OMU board, and set Protocol to SSH.

The IP address is determined based on the following rules:

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If... Then...

The PC is connected to ETH2 on the OMU The IP address is the debugging IP address of
board panel through an Ethernet cable, the OMU board.

The PC is connected to ETH0 or ETH1 on the The IP address is the fixed external IP address
OMU board panel through a network device, or virtual external IP address of the OMU.

Step 4 Click Open. The window shown in Figure 6-25 is displayed.

Figure 6-25 Logging in to the OMU board through PuTTY software

Step 5 Log in to the OMU as the root user, lgnusr user, or common user.


6.5 Appendix: OMU-Related Information Tables

This section describes the tables in which the OMU information is recorded during routine
operation and maintenance on the OMU.

6.5.1 Information Records of OMU Software Installation

During OMU installation, the software records information regarding the parameter

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Information Record Sheet of OMU Operating System Installation

Item Setting Installation Engineer

Computer name (active


Administrator password
(active OMU)

Computer name (standby


Administrator password
(standby OMU)

OMU Ethernet Adapter Team IP Address Installation Information

Item Setting Installation Engineer

Internal IP address (subnet

mask) of the active OMU

External IP address (subnet

mask) of the active OMU

Internal IP address (subnet

mask) of the standby OMU

External IP address (subnet

mask) of the standby OMU

Backup channel IP address

(subnet mask) of the active

Backup channel IP address

(subnet mask) of the standby

Debugging IP address
(subnet mask) of the active

Debugging IP address
(subnet mask) of the standby

BSC local IP address (subnet


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Item Setting Installation Engineer

Virtual Local Area Network

(VLAN) ID for
communication with the

Virtual Local Area Network

(VLAN) ID for
communication with the

Default gateway

Product Software Installation Information

Item Setting Installer

Administrator (admin)

Password of the FTP user


Virtual internal IP address

Virtual external IP address

Local office name

For details, see Information Records of OMU Software Installation.

6.5.2 Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings

This section provides a checklist for the OMU software factory settings. The checklist records
the OMU software and the software configurations installed before delivery.

Checklist for the OMUa Board Software Factory Settings

Item Remarks

Setting the RAID 1 between the two SAS -

hard disks on the OMUa boards

Setting OMU BIOS l Set the first boot device of the OMU to USB.

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Item Remarks

Installing the Dopra Linux operating l If the version of the OMU operating system is
system V200R003C02SPC090 or later,
– The default root user passwords of the
active and standby OMUs are
– The default lgnusr user passwords of the
active and standby OMUs are
l If the version of the OMU operating system is
earlier than V200R003C02SPC090,
– The default root user password of active
and standby OMUs are mbsc@com,
11111111, or huawei.

Installing the IPMI driver -

Teaming the internal Ethernet adapter The default IP address of the internal Ethernet
team adapter team of the active OMU is
The default IP address of the internal Ethernet
adapter team of the standby OMU is

Teaming the external Ethernet adapter The default IP address of the external Ethernet
team adapter team of the active OMU is (
The default IP address of the external Ethernet
adapter team of the standby OMU is (

Configuring backup channel IP address The default backup channel IP addresses of the
of the active and standby OMUs active OMU is (
The default backup channel IP addresses of the
standby OMU is (

Configuring debugging IP addresses of The factory setting of the debugging IP addresses

the active and standby OMUs of the active OMU is
The factory setting of the debugging IP addresses
of the standby OMU is

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Checklist for the OMUc Board Software Factory Settings

Item Remarks

Setting OMU BIOS l Set the first boot device of the OMU to USB

Installing the Dopra Linux operating l If the version of the OMU operating system is
system V200R003C02SPC090 or later,
– The default root user passwords of the
active and standby OMUs are
– The default lgnusr user passwords of the
active and standby OMUs are
l If the version of the OMU operating system is
earlier than V200R003C02SPC090,
– The default root user password of active
and standby OMUs are mbsc@com,
11111111, or huawei.

Installing the IPMI driver -

Teaming the internal Ethernet adapter The default IP address of the internal Ethernet
team adapter team of the active OMU is
The default IP address of the internal Ethernet
adapter team of the standby OMU is

Teaming the external Ethernet adapter The default IP address of the external Ethernet
team adapter team of the active OMU is (
The default IP address of the external Ethernet
adapter team of the standby OMU is (

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Item Remarks

Configuring backup channel IP address l For the active OMU:

of the active and standby OMUs (for the
OMUc board) The default backup channel IP address of
The default backup channel IP address of
l For the standby OMU:

The default backup channel IP address of

The default backup channel IP address of

Configuring debugging IP addresses of The factory setting of the debugging IP addresses

the active and standby OMUs of the active OMU is
The factory setting of the debugging IP addresses
of the standby OMU is

For details, see Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings.

6.5.3 OMU Directory Operation Rights List

This section describes the OMU directory operation rights list. The list records the operation
rights of all OMU directories.
After product software have been installed, all the generated directories have operation rights.
For details about the OMU directory operation rights list, see the OMU Directory Operation
Rights List.

In the OMU directory operation rights list, all files indicates all the files in a specific directory. all other
files indicates all the files that are not listed in a specific directory.

OMU Directory Operation Rights Explanation

Figure 6-26 explains the OMU directory operation rights.

Figure 6-26 OMU Directory Operation Rights Explanation

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l (1) indicates the object type corresponding to the operation rights: - represents a file while
d represents a folder.
l (2) indicates the operation rights the current user has over the object: r represents that the
user has the right to read the object, w represents that the user has the right to write into the
object, x represents that the user has the right to execute the object, and- represents that the
user does not have the corresponding right.
l (3) indicates the operation rights users in the current user's group have over the object: r
represents that they have the rights to read the object, w represents that they have the rights
to write into the object, x represents that they have the rights to execute the object, and-
represents that they do not have the corresponding rights.
l (4) indicates the operation rights users who are not in the current user's group have over
the object: r represents that they have the rights to read the object, w represents that they
have the rights to write into the object, x represents that they have the rights to execute the
object, and- represents that they do not have the corresponding rights.
l (5) does not indicate anything.
l (6) indicates the current user.
l (7) indicates the user group the current user belongs to.
l (8) indicates the object.

OMU Directory Operation Rights Explanation Examples

The following are two examples of directory operation rights explanation:

drwxr-xr-x 8 root mysql mysql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root upsrvcfg.ini

l drwxr-xr-x 8 root mysql mysql indicates that the current user root has the rights to read
and write into the /mbsc/mysql folder as well as the rights to search for files in the folder;
the users in the mysql user group that the user root belongs to, and the users who do not
belong to the mysql user group have the rights to read and the rights to search for files in
the folder.
l -rw-r--r-- 1 root root upsrvcfg.ini indicates that the current user root has the rights to read
and write into the upsrvcfg.ini file in the /mbsc folder; the users in the root user group that
the user root belongs to have the rights to read the upsrvcfg.ini file in the /mbsc folder,
and users who are not in the root use group that the user root belongs to have the rights to
read the upsrvcfg.ini file in the /mbsc folder.

6.5.4 OMU Folder Size List

The OMU folder size list records the size of storage space of the OMU common directories.

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OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux)

OMU Folder Size List

Contents Specifications

Storage Saving Path Classification Maximum Size (MB) Maxim

File Type um
Only S Only

Host /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the 73G: 73G: 73G: 73G:

binary log fam/famlogfmt current 3274 4298 2250 30000
directory 146G 146G: 146G 146G:
: 16490 : 30000
7370 300G: 5322 300G:
300G 33884 300G 60000
: 500G: : 500G:
1514 56473 1093 100000
4 6
500G 500G
: :
2524 1822
1 7

Files and 73G: 9000 N/A

subdirectories hard disk space > 73
in the current GB: 27000

TC DSP /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the 73G: N/A 73G: 30000

lastword fam/famlogfmt/ current 508 508
log dspinfo directory 146G 146G
:508 :508
300G 300G
:1044 :
500G 1044
:1740 500G

System /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the 73G: 73G: 73G: 73G:

fault log fam/famlogfmt/ current 306 306 306 300
sysfault directory 146G 146G: 146G 146G:
:300 300 :300 300
300G 300G: 300G 300G:
:614 614 :614 600
500G 500G: 500G 500G:
:1024 1024 : 1000

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Contents Specifications

2G PCHR /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the 73G: N/A 73G: 30000

log fam/famlogfmt/gphr current 2048 1024
directory 146G 146G
:4096 :
300G 2048
:8417 300G
500G :
: 4208
1402 500G
8 :

2G CHR /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the 73G: N/A 73G: 73G:

log fam/famlogfmt/gchr current 3072 2048 30000
directory 146G 146G 146G:
:6144 : 30000
300G 4096 300G:
: 300G 60000
1262 : 500G:
5 8417 100000
500G 500G
: :
2104 1402
3 8

Host crash /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the 73G: 73G: 73G: 30000

log fam/fad current 1016 1016 1016
directory 146G 146G: 146G
:1016 1016 :
300G 300G: 1016
:2088 2088 300G
500G 500G: :
:3481 3481 2088

Files and 250 N/A

in the current

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OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux)

Contents Specifications

Host log /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the 73G: 73G: 73G: 73G:

fam/famlog current 508 508 508 30000
directory 146G 146G: 146G 146G:
:508 508 :508 30000
300G 300G: 300G 300G:
:1044 1044 : 30000
500G 500G: 1044 500G:
:1740 1740 500G 30000

Files and 500 N/A

in the current

3G PCHR /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the N/A 73G: 73G: 73G:

log fam/famlogfmt/pchr current 4403 2870 30000
directory 146G: 146G 146G:
9016 : 30000
300G: 5936 300G:
18525 300G 60000
500G: : 500G:
30874 1219 100000

VIP user /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the N/A 73G: 73G: 12000

tracing log fam/famlogfmt/ current 202 202
viptrace directory 146G: 146G
210 : 210
300G: 300G
431 : 431
500G: 500G
717 : 717

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OMU Administration Guide 6 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Dopra Linux)

Contents Specifications

MR log /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the 73G: 73G: 73G: 73G:

fam/mr current 1891 1891 1891 30000
directory 146G 146G: 146G 146G:
: 1898 : 30000
1898 300G: 1898 300G:
300G 3901 300G 60000
: 500G: : 500G:
3901 6502 3901 100000
500G 500G
: :
6502 6502

Files and 2000 N/A

in the current

Tracing /mbsc/bam/common/ Files in the 73G: 73G: 73G: 73G:

file fam/trace current 508 508 508 12000
directory 146G 146G: 146G 146G:
: 2048 : 12000
2048 300G: 2048 300G:
300G 4208 300G 24000
: 500G: : 500G:
4208 7014 4208 40000
500G 500G
: :
7014 7014

Files and 73G: 1000 N/A

subdirectories hard disk space > 73
in the current GB: 3000

File /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files in the 73G: 73G: 73G: 1000

exported ftp/ExportBCPfile current 52 52 52
by running directory 146G 146G: 146G
the EXP : 60 60 : 60
command 300G 300G: 300G
: 122 122 : 122
500G 500G: 500G
: 205 205 : 205

Exported /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files in the 100 N/A

U2000 and ftp/ExportCMESync- current
CME BCP View directory

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Contents Specifications

File /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files and 100 N/A

exported ftp/kpi_file subdirectories
by running in the current
the directory

Exported /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files and 100 N/A

device file ftp/device_file subdirectories
in the current

Exported /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files and 100 N/A

electronic ftp/e_label subdirectories
label file in the current

File /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files and 100 N/A

exported ftp/export_almlog subdirectories
by running in the current
the directory

File /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files in the 200 N/A

exported ftp/export_cfgmml current
by running directory
the EXP

Directory /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files and 50 N/A

exported ftp/export_logfile subdirectories
from board in the current
replaceme directory
nt logs and
e logs

Cell /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files in the 73G: 73G: 73G: 300

relocation ftp/OptMml current 22 22 22
log directory 146G 146G: 146G
:44 44 :44
300G 300G: 300G
:92 92 :92
500G 500G: 500G
:153 153 :153

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Contents Specifications

File server /mbsc/bam/common/ Files and 1500 N/A

directory ems subdirectories
in the current

Database /mbsc/bam/version_x/ Files and 300 N/A

file backup data/backup subdirectories
directory in the current

OMUa hard disk space = 73 GB, 146 GB, 300 GB
OMUb hard disk space = 73 GB, 146 GB, 300 GB
OMUc hard disk space = 500 GB
version_x indicates the active workspace of the OMU, which is either version_a or
If the FREEDISKSW parameter is set to ON by running the SET OMUPARA command,
the storage specifications of the following logs are dynamically adjusted when the disk
space on the OMU is small or insufficient: host binary log, 3G PCHR, 2G PCHR, 2G
CHR, and MR. If this parameter is disabled, each log in the preceding table takes up a
fixed disk space on the OMU. When the space is insufficient for any of these logs that
are newly generated, the corresponding type of logs will be deleted from the earliest one
until sufficient space is released for the new one.

For details about storage space of the OMU common directories, see OMU Folder Size List.

6.5.5 Enabled Ports on the OMU

This section lists the mapping between the enabled ports on the OMU and the services provided
by the product software.

For details about the communication ports on the OMU, see BSC6900 Communication Matrix.

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows)

7 OMU Installation and Maintenance


About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to install software and perform OM on the OMU running Windows.
In this scenario, the OMUa board is used to carry the OMU.


Run the LST VER command and select the installation and maintenance scenarios based on the OMU operating
system displayed in the command output.

OMU Software Structure

The OMU software consists of the operating system and the product software. Figure 7-1 shows
the OMU software structure.

Figure 7-1 OMU software structure

l Operating System
Windows Server 2003 is used.
l Product Software
The product software run on the bottom-level operating system and provide various service

Antivirus software such as Norton, Macfee, and Officescan can be installed on the OMU.

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows)

Scenario Overview
When the BSC6810 is upgraded to the BSC6900, the product software are upgraded while the
Windows Server 2003 operating system is retained.

Figure 7-2 shows OMU software installation scenarios in the maintenance phase.

Figure 7-2 Software Installation Scenarios

If the OMU operating system crashes or product software cannot work properly during the
maintenance, perform the following operations:

1. When the OMU operating system crashes and Windows is retained, use the installation
source for Windows and the product software installation file in the version installation
package to reinstall the OMU software. For details, see 7.1.1 Optional: Reinstalling the
Windows Operating System and 7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product Software,
2. When the OMU operating system crashes and is to be switched to Dopra Linux, use the
USB flash drive to switch the OMU operating system to Dopra Linux and the product
software remain unchanged. For details, see 7.1.2 Optional: Switching the OMU
Operating System.
3. When the product software cannot work properly, use the product software installation file
in the version installation package to reinstall the product software. For details, see 7.1.3
Optional: Installing Product Software.

7.1 Reinstalling Software Onsite

This section describes the software installation policies after the BSC6810 is upgraded to the

7.2 OMU Operation and Maintenance After the Upgrade

This section describes how to perform operation and maintenance on the OMU after product
software are installed. To perform this task, log in to the OMU remotely or run MML commands.

7.3 Appendix: OMU-Related Information Tables

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This section describes the tables in which the OMU information is recorded during routine
operation and maintenance on the OMU.

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows)

7.1 Reinstalling Software Onsite

This section describes the software installation policies after the BSC6810 is upgraded to the

The operating system of the BSC6810 is Windows Server 2003, and the operating system of the
BSC6900 is Dopra Linux. After the BSC6810 is upgraded to the BSC6900, Windows Server
2003 can be retained or switched to Dopra Linux.

If... Then...

The Windows Server 2003 operating system 1. Install product software by referring to
can still be used. 7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product

The Windows Server 2003 operating system 1. Reinstall the Windows Server 2003
needs to be reinstalled. operating system by referring to 7.1.1
Optional: Reinstalling the Windows
Operating System.
2. Install product software by referring to
7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product

The Windows Server 2003 operating system 1. Switch the operating system by referring
needs to be switched to the Dopra Linux to 7.1.2 Optional: Switching the OMU
operating system. Operating System.
2. Install product software by referring to
7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product
If product software can be installed during
switching of the operating system, skip 2.

7.1.1 Optional: Reinstalling the Windows Operating System

This section describes how to reinstall the Windows operating system.

After the BSC6810 is upgraded to the BSC6900, reinstall the Windows Server 2003 operating
system if it is retained.


The OMUc board supports only the Dopra Linux operating system. Therefore, the Windows operating system
can only be reinstalled on the OMUa board.

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) Preparations for Reinstalling the OMU Operating System

An OMU board, PC, EasyInstall software, and other installation source programs must be
prepared before the OMU operating system is reinstalled.

Configuration Requirements for the OMU Board

l The memory is greater than 1 GB.
l Two SAS hard disks with more than 70 GB each are configured.
l RAID 1 is set up for the two hard disks.

Configuration Requirements for the Portable Computer

Table 7-1 lists the configuration requirements for the portable computer.

Table 7-1 Configuration requirements for the portable computer

Item Quantity Recommended Minimum Configuration


CPU 1 2.8GHz or faster 866MHz

RAM 1 512MB 256MB

Hard disk 1 80 GB 10GB

Display - 1024x768 pixels or higher 800x600


CD drive 1 - -

Ethernet 1 10&100 Mbps 10&100 Mbps


Operatin - Microsoft Windows XP -

g system Professional
Microsoft Windows Server
Microsoft Windows 7

l If the operating system of the PC is Microsoft Windows XP Professional, the Windows

firewall and simple file sharing must be disabled.
l If the operating system of the PC is Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Windows 7, the
Windows firewall must be disabled.
Otherwise, the EasyInstall software and the installation of the OMU operating system may be
If the Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003, you can perform the
following operation to disable the Windows firewall:

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1. Right-click My Network Places and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. The
Network Connections window is displayed.
2. Right-click the Local Area Connection and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box is displayed.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Click Settings. A dialog box is displayed. Click the General tab then click Off. Click
OK. The firewall is disabled.

If the Microsoft Windows 7, you can perform the following operations to disable the Windows

1. Choose Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > View network status and
tasks. The Network and Sharing Center window is displayed.
2. Click Windows Firewall. The Windows Firewall window is displayed.
3. Click Turn Windows Firewall on or off. The Customize settings window is displayed.
Choose Domain network location settings > Turn off Windows Firewall.
Choose Home or work(private) network location settings > Turn off Windows
Choose Public network location settings > Turn off Windows Firewall, and then click
OK to disable the Windows firewall.

If the Microsoft Windows XP Professional, you can perform the following operation to disable
the simple file sharing:

1. Double-click My Computer. The My Computer window is displayed.

2. Choose Tools > Folder options. The Folder options dialog box is displayed.
3. Click the View tab. In the Advanced settings area, clear the Use simple file sharing
(Recommended) check box.

To configure the IP address of the Ethernet adapter of the portable computer to,
perform the following steps:

1. Right-click My Network Places and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. The
Network Connections window is displayed.
2. Right-click Local Area Connection and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. The
Local Area Connection Properties dialog box is displayed.
3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click Properties. The Internet Protocol (TCP/
IP) Properties dialog box is displayed.
4. Click Use the following IP address. Set the IP address to and the subnet
mask to

Disks and Programs to Be Prepared

Ensure that the following installation disks and programs are available:
l EasyInstall software
l Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 standard edition installation disk
l SP2 patch programs: WindowsServer2003-KB914961-SP2-x86-CHS.exe and

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows)

l Windows 2007 basic patches: win2k3_CN 2007Basic Patches.exe and win2k3_EN

2007Basic Patches.exe
l iPSI SEK SetWin software


Contact Huawei engineers who can obtain the latest EasyInstall software by performing the following operation:
Log in to Software Center > Version Software > Wireless Product Line > WCDMA-RAN > WRAN OM
Tools to download the autoinst software.
The EasyInstall installation source cannot be prepared on a PC running the Windows XP SP3 operating system. Creating the Operating System Installation Source

This section describes how to use the EasyInstall software to create the installation source of the
operating system to be installed on the OMU board.

An installation source server, a portable PC, saves programs such as the operating system.

The EasyInstall software is used to install the OMU operating system.

Step 1 Decompress the EasyInstall software package to a portable PC.
Unless otherwise specified, the software package is decompressed in the D:\autoinst directory.

Step 2 Go to the D:\autoinst\cdcopy directory.

Step 3 Double-click ISM.EXE. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-3 is displayed.

Figure 7-3 Installation Source Manager dialog box

Step 4 Select the installation source directory and click OK. The window shown in Figure 7-4 is
displayed. You are advised to select the default installation source directory. If the default
installation source directory does not exist, create one.

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Figure 7-4 Installation Source Manager window

Step 5 Click New on the toolbar or choose Source > New. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-5 is

Figure 7-5 Creating operating system installation source 1

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Step 6 Select an installation source type and click Next.

If... Then...

Windows Server 2003 R2... is selected, The dialog box shown in Figure 7-6 is displayed.

Figure 7-6 Creating operating system installation source 2

Step 7 Click Next. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-7 is displayed.

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Figure 7-7 Creating operating system installation source 3

Step 8 Insert CD1 into the CD drive on the portable PC. Click Next. A dialog box is displayed.

Step 9 Click Execute. Files in CD1 start to be copied and the progress is displayed.

Step 10 After all the files in CD1 are copied, a dialog box is displayed, prompting you to insert CD2.
Click OK. Follow the wizard to copy the remaining CDs.

Step 11 After all the CDs of the OMU operating system are copied, click Finish. The installation source
is displayed in the Installation Source Manager window shown in Figure 7-4.

----End Creating the Installation Source of the SetWin Software and OS Patches
This section describes how to use the EasyInstall software to create the installation source of the
operating system (OS) to be installed on the OMU board.

l Contact Huawei engineers to obtain the SetWin software by logging in to http:// and choosing Software Center > Controlled Tool >
Wireless Product Line > Security Tools > public.

The version of the SetWin software must be consistant with that described in the Guide to Enhancing the
BSC6900 Operating System. To obtain the Guide to Enhancing the BSC6900 Operating System, log in to and choose Software Center > Controlled Tool (Mini-tool
Software) > Wireless Product Line > Security Tools > public.

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows)

l Contact Huawei engineers to obtain patches for the Windows SP2 and basic patches for
the Windows 2007 by logging in to and choosing
Software Center > Controlled Tool > Wireless Product Line > Universal OS
Patches > public.

Step 1 Decompress the SetWin software package.

Step 2 Copy the pack folder under autoinst\template\pomu_mode to D:\OMU\SRC.

Step 3 Save the 2700 basic patches and the iPSI SEK Setwin.exe and License.Dat files decompressed
from the SetWin software package to D:\OMU\SRC\pack\ENU\.

Step 4 Save SP2 into D:\OMU\SRC\ and rename it ws2k3sp2.enu.exe.

The creation of the installation source for the SetWin software and OS patches is complete.

----End Installing the OMU Operating System Using the EasyInstall Software
This section describes how to run the EasyInstall software on a portable computer to install the
Windows operating system, SP2, and SetWin software on the OMU.

l The OMU board is powered on and works normally.
l The OMU is connected to the local PC through the debugging Ethernet port.
l The operating system installation source is created. For details, see Creating the
Operating System Installation Source.
l In the OMU BIOS settings, PXE corresponding to the ETH2 commissioning port is Enable.

l Other Ethernet adapters are bound before you use the EasyInstall software to install the
OMU operating system. Therefore, you can install the software in network installation
mode by using only the debugging Ethernet port. Otherwise, the installation may fail.
l The time required for the installation depends on the configuration of the portable computer
and the performance of the Ethernet adapter. Generally, installing the Windows operating
system, SP2, and SetWin software takes 60 minutes if a 100 Mbit/s Ethernet adapter is

Step 1 Go to the D:\autoinst path, open the autoinst.conf file using a text processing program and
configure parameters by changing the default values to the recommended values, as shown in
Table 7-2.

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Table 7-2 Configuration item

Item Default Value Recommended Description


SRC_PATH d:\OMU\SRC Path for saving the Save path of the installation
installation source file source file
as needed (you can use
the default path).

DHCPD_INT Local area Eth2 Name of the Ethernet port

ERFACE connection connecting the portable
computer to the OMU

IPADDR IP address of the portable

computer enabled with
DHCPD services

NETMASK Subnet mask of the portable

computer enabled with
DHCPD services

RANGE Range of the IP addresses

8.0.254 0.254 that can be assigned to the
portable computer by the
DHCPD server

Step 2 Choose Start > Run, and run the cmd command. The cmd window is displayed.
Type the following command and press Enter.
C:\Documents and Settings>cd /d D:\autoinst

Step 3 Type checkout.bat and press Enter. The POMU Easy-Install Check Result dialog box is
displayed. Check whether the ports displayed in the dialog box are used, as shown in Figure

Figure 7-8 Port status

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If the port status is Fail as shown in Figure 7-8, the port is not used. If the port status is OK, the port is
used. To release the port, quit other running programs.
1. Run the netstat -a -n -o command to query the PID of the port.
2. Open the task manager. Click the Processes tab. Choose View > Select Columns. Select PID and click
3. Query the process mapping the PID and terminate the process.

Step 4 Type install.bat and press Enter. After the DHCP and TFCP services are successfully started,
the command line returns to D:\autoinst, as shown in Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9 Starting services

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l Before running the script, ensure that ETH2 is in Link state, that the DHCP Ethernet port on
the installation source server and ETH2 (debugging Ethernet port) on the OMU board panel
are connected, and that the installation source server is powered on. The DHCP service cannot
be started if ETH2 is in Down state.
l If the system provides a prompt that states that a service failed to start, run the install.bat
program again until services are successfully started.

Step 5 Enter checkout.bat. If the four Ethernet ports are in OK state, all the services are started
Step 6 Go to the D:\autoinst\template\pomu_mode\RNC_02237123_LEFT path to check the
configuration files such as config.ini, deploy-ipconfig.ini, and third-party.ini, as shown in
Figure 7-10, Figure 7-11, and Figure 7-12.

Figure 7-10 config.ini

The configuration items in the config.ini file are described as follows:
l ostype: type of the OMU operating system (unchangeable).
l cdkey: serial No. for installing the OMU operating system (unchangeable).
l partitions: partitions of the OMU hard disk. The OMU hard disk is divided into two partitions. For
example, change c:ntfs:15000|d:ntfs:5000|e:fat32:1 to c:ntfs:15000|d:ntfs:1. Where, 1 indicates the
remaining capacity of the OMU hard disk. Only the last partition can be set to 1.
l Other configuration items can be changed as required.

Figure 7-11 deploy-ipconfig.ini

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The configuration items in the deploy-ipconfig.ini file are described as follows:
l Change the internal and external IP addresses based on the network conditions.
l End each line with a semi-colon.

Figure 7-12 third-party.ini


l If third-party software is to be installed, add the software name, save path, and commands to be executed
to the third-party.ini file.
l Delete the information about SQL2000 which is marked in red. Otherwise, the installation of the OMU
operating system may fail.

Step 7 Open the relevant file in D:\autoinst\site. Enter only the MAC address of ETH2 and the name
of the configuration file, as shown in Figure 7-13.

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Figure 7-13 Edited file


l By default, there is a # symbol preceding the value of each MAC, which is used to comment out this
statement. Delete # before the installation.
l To learn the MAC address of the ETH2, view the bar code of the MAC address on the OMU board,
for example, 0018821D0FE0-E5(6), which indicates that the MAC addresses of the six Ethernet
adapters on the OMU board are 0018821D0FE0, 0018821D0FE1, 0018821D0FE2, 0018821D0FE3,
0018821D0FE4, and 0018821D0FE5. You can write all these addresses in the file named site.

Step 8 Enter config.bat. When the script is successfully executed, all configurations on the server are
complete, as shown in Figure 7-14.

Figure 7-14 Configuring services

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l If the system provides a prompt that states that a service failed to start, run the config.bat
program again until services are successfully configured.
l After the config.bat program is executed, a symbol # is automatically added in front of the
value of MAC. Delete the symbol # before running the install.bat program again.

Step 9 Turn the ejector levers on the OMU board outwards. After the OFFLINE LED on the OMUa
board is ON, turn the ejector levers inwards until they are in the proper position. The OMU board
automatically restarts on the DHCP server, and the installation of the operating system starts.

l During the installation process, do not connect the keyboard and mouse to the portable
computer to avoid any interruption to the installation.
l The OMU board may automatically restart several times during the installation process.
l During the installation process, do not run the install.bat script. If you run the install.bat
script, the DHCP server and TFTP server will be reconfigured and the network will be
interrupted temporarily, and the installation fails.
l During the installation process, if a message reading PXE-E32:TFTP open timeout
is displayed, disable the DHCP server, TFTP server, and firewall. If the DHCP server is
enabled after you run the install.bat script repeatedly, run the install.bat stop command to
disable the DHCP service, as shown in Figure 7-15. Then, run the install.bat script again
to start the EasyInstall software.

Figure 7-15 Stopping services

Step 10 Enter checkout.bat to query the status of the OMU board installation.

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If STATUS of MAC in the displayed window is OK, the installation of the operating system is
complete. Ten seconds after the installation, the board restarts automatically. You can now
remotely log in to the OMU board.
Run the checkout.bat program. The STATUS of MAC in the displayed window indicates the installation
status of the OMU operating system.
l OK indicates that the installation is complete.
l Installing indicates that the installation is in progress.
l Waiting indicates that the client has not sent messages to the server and that the installation is not
started. If the OMUa board is in Waiting state after the board is on for ten minutes, check that the
network is connected and that the client PC is powered on.
l Failed indicates that the installation fails. For details, view the LOG.


7.1.2 Optional: Switching the OMU Operating System

This section describes how to switch the OMU operating system after the BSC6810 is upgraded
to the BSC6900.

l Before a USB flash drive used to switch the OMU operating system is prepared, the
communication between the local PC and the OMU must be normal. This ensures that the
DOPRA Linux tool can obtain the configuration information of the target OMU.
l The virtual external IP address and external subnet gateway IP address have been obtained.
l The duration for preparing a USB flash drive varies based the bandwidth of the network
from the PC to the equipment room, the USB protocol, and the PC performance. The
duration listed in Table 6-5 refers to the duration for preparing a USB flash drive in
compliance with the USB2.0 protocol. The duration for preparing a USB flash drive in
compliance with the USB1.1 protocol takes about twice as long as preparing a USB flash
drive in compliance with the USB2.0 protocol. If the duration for preparing the device
requires much longer than the listed duration, the performance of the PC in use is poor. If
this occurs, restart the PC or use a PC with a higher level of performance.

The operating system of the BSC6810 is Windows Server 2003, and the operating system of the
BSC6900 is Dopra Linux. After the BSC6810 is upgraded to the BSC6900, Windows Server
2003 can be retained or switched to Dopra Linux.
l After the OMU operating system is switched by using the USB flash drive, all the OMU
data is smoothly moved to the new operating system, including:
– License files
– Product software
– Performance configuration files
– The OMU database that stores the configuration, alarm, and platform data
– SSL certificate files
– The performance result files and log files need to be backed up to a local PC before the
OMU operating system is switched. For details about the directory where these files are

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to be backed up, see Table 1 in Checking the Installation Directory of Product
Software. You can use a file manager to back up the files. For details about the file
manager, see File Manager.
l The OMU is reset when the operating system is switched.
– In active/standby mode, the OMU reset interrupts Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
for about 5 minutes. In independent mode, the OMU reset interrupts O&M for about
20 minutes. The OMU reset does not affect ongoing services.
– The communication between the U2000 and BSC6900 is interrupted when the OMU is
reset. The periodical performance counters that are to be reported to the U2000 when
the OMU is being restarted are lost. You are advised to finish preparing a USB flash
drive for this operation before 24:00.
– If the OMU is in active/standby mode, insert the prepared USB flash drive to the
standby OMU and restart the standby OMU. Then switch over the active and standby
OMUs between 24:00 and 01:00 when performance counters are not being reported
to the U2000. This prevents the loss of performance counters.
– If the OMU is in independent mode, insert the prepared USB storage device and
restart the OMU between 24:00 and 01:00 for the same purpose.

Before preparing a USB flash drive, verify the device by referring to DOPRA Linux USB Disk
Certificate Guide in the directory where the Dopra Linux USB flash drive is saved. If the USB
flash drive is not usable, replace it. The Netac U208 (2 GB), Kingston and Sandisk USB flash
drives are recommended.

The duration for preparing a USB flash drive varies based the bandwidth of the network from
the PC to the equipment room, the USB protocol, and the PC performance. The duration listed
in Table 6-5 refers to the duration for preparing a USB flash drive in compliance with the USB2.0
protocol. The duration for preparing a USB flash drive in compliance with the USB1.1 protocol
takes about twice as long as preparing a USB flash drive in compliance with the USB2.0 protocol.
If the duration for preparing the device requires much longer than the listed duration, the
performance of the PC in use is poor. If this occurs, restart the PC or use a PC with a higher
level of performance.

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Table 7-3 Operation and duration

Operation Duration

Prepare a USB flash drive. The duration varies based on the bandwidth
of the network from the PC to the equipment
l If the network bandwidth is 1 Mbit/s or
– When an independent OMU is
configured, the duration is 15 to 30
– When active and standby OMUs are
configured, the duration is 30 to 50
l If the network bandwidth is 512 kbit/s:
– When an independent OMU is
configured, the duration is 25 to 50
– When active and standby OMUs are
configured, the duration is 50 to 90

Install, restore, or switch the OMU operating 20 to 40 minutes

system using a USB flash drive.

Only install the product software using a USB 20 to 40 minutes

flash drive.

l The BSC software version cannot be rolled back after the OMU operating system is switched
by using the USB flash drive.
l After the USB flash drive is prepared, do not modify the OMU data before switching the
OMU operating system. Otherwise, the OMU data will be inconsistent with the host data.
l To ensure data synchronization between the two hard disks of the OMU, the Redundant Array
of Independent Disks (RAID) between them must be normal. If the RAID is abnormal, do
not switch the OMU operating system. To query whether the RAID is normal, run the DSP
OMUHW command.

Step 1 Prepare a USB flash drive, portable PC, and program files.
1. Prepare a USB flash drive.

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l The capacity of the USB flash drive is at least 2 GB. If the BSC6900 is configured with
active and standby OMUs, two USB flash drives are required.
l The USB flash drive will be formatted when it is prepared. Therefore, before using the
USB flash drive, back up the data on it.
2. Prepare a portable PC.
l Check that the portable PC has the permission to read and write the USB flash drive.
In addition, check that Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later has been installed on the
portable PC.
To check whether Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later has been installed, choose Start >
Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs to view the components installed on
the portable PC. If Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later has not been installed on the portable
PC, run dotnetfx2.0.exe under the \tools directory of the Dopra_Linux_U tool software package.
l Table-2 lists the configuration requirements for the portable PC.

Table 7-4 Description

Config Quantity Recommended Setting Minimum Configuration


CPU 1 1.66GHz or higher 866 MHz

RAM 1 512 MB 256 MB

Hard 1 80 GB 10 GB

Display - 1024 x 768 or higher 800 x 600


CD- 1 - -

USB 1 - -

Operati - l Microsoft Windows -

ng XP Professional
system l Microsoft Windows
Server 2003
l Microsoft Windows 7

3. Obtain the Dopra_Linux_U tool.

Contact Huawei engineers who can obtain the Dopra_Linux_U tool by performing the
following operation: Log in to and choose Software

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Center > Version Software > Wireless Product Line > SingleRAN > SRAN O&M
tools to download the tool.
4. Download OMU-related software.

The OMU-related software, including the psftp and PuTTY software, is used to install the
product software and perform O&M on the OMU.

Contact Huawei engineers who can obtain the psftp and PuTTY software by performing
the following operation: Log in to Choose Software
Center > Controlled Tool > Core Network Product Line > Genex CN Nastar TOOL
> Tools for remote login linux to download the psftp and PuTTY software.
5. Obtain the BSC6900 version installation package or patch installation package

Contact Huawei engineers who can obtain the installation package or patch installation
package by performing the following operation: Log in to
support/ and choose Software Center > Version Software > Wireless Product Line >
SingleRAN > MBSC > BSC6900 > BSC6900 Product Version > BSC6900 Software
Version. Choose Software VersionVER to download the BSC6900 version installation
6. Prepare the OMU
l Use the OMU virtual external IP address to log in to the LMT by referring to Logging
In to and Logging Out of the LMT. On the LMT, run the BSC6900 MML command
DSP OMUVER to query the current OMU BIOS version.

If the OMU BIOS version is V013 or V031, prepare a serial cable, monitor, and USB keyboard so that
the OMU can be restarted from the USB flash drive. For details, see Setting the First Boot Device of
the OMU to USB
7. Check that the host data is consistent with the OMU data.

Before switching the OMU operating system, ensure that the host data is consistent with
the OMU data.

Use the OMU virtual external IP address to log in to the LMT and run the BSC6900 MML
command ACT CRC to check whether the host data is consistent with the OMU data. If
they are inconsistent, the alarm ALM-20736 Data Inconsistency Between OMU and Host
is reported. Clear the alarm by referring to ALM-20736 Data Inconsistency Between OMU
and Host.

Step 2 Prepare the USB flash drive for switching the OMU operating system.
1. Double-click U_creator_eng.exe to begin installing a Dopra Linux operating system on
the USB flash drive, as shown in Figure 7-16.

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Figure 7-16 U_creator_eng window

2. Select NE List in the left pane of the window, right-click the NE list, and choose Add
NE from the shortcut menu. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-17 is displayed.

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Figure 7-17 Add NE dialog box

3. Type the NE Name, select Switch from the Operate type drop-down list box, specify the
External Network Virtual IP, Password of Admin, and EMS Proxy IP Address, select
secure transmission type, and click OK. An NE is added.

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l The NE name is used to identify different NEs and only can include letter, numerals, "-", and "_."
l Password of Admin is the password the admin user uses to log in to the LMT. It is configured during
the installation of the product software.
l If EMS Proxy IP Address is specified, ensure that port 31035 on the proxy server is enabled, and is
not shielded by network devices such as firewalls.
l If an NE is accessed through the OSS whose software version is iManager U2000 V200R014C00,
iManager U2000 V200R013C00SPC200, iManager U2000 V200R012C01SPC230, iManager U2000
V200R012C00SPC220, iManager U2000 V200R011C01SPC240, iManager U2000
V200R011C00SPC240, or their later patch versions, the Access Control List (ACL) needs to be
configured for the PortTrunking service on the OSS as follows:
1. Log in to by using a Huawei engineer's user account , if the OSS whose
software version is iManager U2000 V200R014C00 or its later patch versions, choose Core
Network > Wireless-OSS > iManager U2000-II > U2000-M > V200R014C00 to obtain the
U2000 Administrator Guide (Sun, S10) . If other OSS software version, choose Core Network >
Wireless-OSS > iManager U2000-II to obtain the U2000 Administrator Guide (Sun, S10) . The
U2000 Administrator Guide (Sun, S10) or the U2000 Administrator Guide (Sun, S10) you have
obtained must be compatible with the OSS software version.
2. Log in to the LMT and run the DSP OMU command to obtain the external fixed IP addresses of
the active and standby OMUs and the OMU external virtual IP address.
3. Query the FTP port numbers based on the current version:
l If the version is BSC6900V900R011 or earlier, run the LST FTPSSRV command to obtain
the numbers of the FTP command port and the FTP source data port. The numerical range of
the FTP passive mode data port is 25001-30000.
l If the version is BSC6900V900R012 or BSC6900V900R013, run the LST FTPSSRV
command to obtain the numbers of the FTP command port and the FTP source data port and
run the LST FTPSRVPORT command to obtain the numerical range of the FTP passive mode
data port.
l If the version is BSC6900V900R014 or later, run the LST FTPSSRV command to obtain the
FTP command port number, the FTP source data port number, and the numerical range of the
FTP passive mode data port.
4. Run the ipconfig command on a PC running the USB making and protection tool to obtain the IP
address of the PC.
5. Add the PC IP address to the configuration file for source IP address rules and add the following
to the configuration file for destination IP address and port rules: OMU external virtual IP address,
external fixed IP addresses of the active and standby OMUs, and the port numbers 6000, 8000 as
well as FTP port numbers corresponding to those IP addresses. For details, see How Do I
Configure the ACL for the PortTrunking Service? in the FAQ part of the U2000 Administrator
Guide (Sun, S10) or the U2000 Administrator Guide (Sun, S10).
l The NE name, external virtual IP address, and the EMS proxy IP address can be changed only after
you delete the NE and then add the NE.
l If you want to prepare multiple USB flash drives, it is recommended that you prepare the USB flash
drives one by one, and make a mark for each one.
l Run the MML command LST SSLCONF to query the SSL configuration information of the OMU
whose operating system is to be switched.
l If Connection Type is ALL Type in the command output, determine whether the SSL connection
is required when preparing the USB flash drive for installing a DOPRA Linux operating system
based on the security requirement. If the SSL connection is not required, select No-SSL
connection as the secure transmission type in Figure 7-17. If the SSL connection is required,
determine whether the certificate file and private key file are required based on the value of
Authentication Mode.
l If Connection Type is Only SSL Connection, determine whether the certificate file and private
key file are required based on the value of Authentication Mode.

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Table 7-5 Mapping between the mode and operation

Mode Operation

Verify None You do not need to prepare the certificate file and private key file.
Select SSL connection without the certificate file and private
key file in Figure 7-17.

Verify Peer l If the preconfigured Huawei certificate file and private key file
Certificate are not used, you need to prepare the certificate file and private
key file.
1. Apply for the corresponding certificate file or private key
file from Certificate Authority (CA). For details about the
formats of certificates supported by the Dopra_Linux_U
tool, see Table 7-6.
2. Select SSL connection with the certificate file and private
key file, as shown in Figure 7-17. After this, load the
obtained certificate file and private key file. If a password is
required by the private key file, you must enter the correct
l If the preconfigured Huawei certificate file and private key file
are used, you do not need to prepare the certificate file and
private key file. Select SSL connection with the
preconfigured Huawei certificate file and private key file in
Figure 7-17.

Table 7-6 The formats of certificates supported by the Dopra_Linux_U tool

Certificate Type Format File Extensions

Certificate PEM, DER *.cer, *.crt, *.pem, *.der

Private key PEM, DER *.cer, *.crt, *.pem, *.der

4. Double-click the added NE in the left pane of the window. The window is updated, as
shown in Figure 7-18.

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Figure 7-18 Configuring information

5. After all the information is obtained automatically, check the result and select the directory
for the version package. If there is a patch, also select the directory for the patch. Then click
OK to start the preparation of the USB flash drive.

l To install the software version, select the V**R**C** directory in the version installation
package. To install the baseline software patch, select V**R**C**SPCX00 directory in the
baseline patch installation package.
l To install a non-baseline software patch, select the V**R**C**SPCXYZ or
V**R**C**SPHXYZ directory in the patch installation package.
l If the link mode of OMU external Ethernet adapters fails to be obtained, query and set it by
referring to Setting the Link Mode for External OMU Ethernet Adapters and
Setting the Link Mode of the External OMU Ethernet Adapter. Table 3 lists the mapping
between the queried link mode of OMU external Ethernet adapters and the mode of OMU external
Ethernet adapters selected in Figure 7-18.

Table 7-7 Mapping between link modes of external Ethernet adapters

Queried Link Mode of External Link Mode of External Ethernet

Ethernet Adapter Adapter to Be Selected

l Auto-negotiation is on. Auto

l Auto-negotiation is off. 10Mb Full

l Speed is 10Mb/s.
l Duplex is Full.

l Auto-negotiation is off. 10Mb Half

l Speed is 10Mb/s.
l Duplex is Half.

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Queried Link Mode of External Link Mode of External Ethernet

Ethernet Adapter Adapter to Be Selected

l Auto-negotiation is off. 100Mb Full

l Speed is 100Mb/s.
l Duplex is Full.

l Auto-negotiation is off. 100Mb Half

l Speed is 100Mb/s.
l Duplex is Half.

l Auto-negotiation is off 1000Mb Full

l Speed is 1000 Mbit/s
l Duplex is Full

l Auto-negotiation is off 1000Mb Half

l Speed is 1000 Mbit/s
l Duplex is Half

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l All the IP addresses shown in Figure 7-18 are obtained from the target OMU by the
DOPRA Linux tool.
l If any information shown in Figure 7-18 is incorrect, suspend the operations, correct
the information on the working OMU, and continue with the operation. The information
cannot be corrected in online mode on the tool.
l The IP addresses listed in Figure 7-18 must follow the principle of planning OMU IP
addresses. For details, see 3.2 OMU IP Address Plan. Change the commissioning IP
address and commissioning subnet mask according to the actual conditions.
l The software version and data of only the active OMU workspace are switched when
the OMU operating system is switched. Therefore, the BSC version cannot be rolled
back if the OMU is not upgraded after the OMU operating system is switched. The host
log files, OMU log files, and traffic statistics are not retained after the OMU operating
system is switched.
l In independent mode, focus on configurations for the active OMU. Configurations for
the standby OMU do not take effect.
l The data to be backed up includes the OMU database (which contains configuration,
alarm, and platform data), performance task configuration files, SSL certificate files,
and license files.
Device certificate files and private key files cannot be automatically backed up.
Therefore, after switching the operating system using a USB flash drive, re-apply for
device certificates and private key files. These files do not need to be re-applied for in
active/standby mode.
Configurations of the service awareness rule library cannot be automatically backed up.
Therefore, after switching the OMU operating system, contact the U2000 operator with
the SG_0 command group rights to reconfigure the service awareness library.
l A directory where the Dopra_Linux_U tool is saved will be generated when an NE is
created. The directory name is the same as the NE name.
l If NE Name for a newly created NE is a duplicate of an already existing NE, the data
backup file directory of the existing NE will be replaced. Therefore, give each NE a
unique name. Ensure that all the files have been backed up or that the files are no longer
needed if an NE is given a duplicate name.

6. After the data backup is completed, the The data backup is completed. Continue with
preparing the USB device? message is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-19.

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Figure 7-19 Operational interface

l Click Continue with preparing USB device to start preparing the USB flash drive.
Then go to Step 2.12.
l Click Save the NE backup data, select the save path for the backup file, and click
Finish. Then go to Step 2.7.

l If you just want to back up data or you cannot continue with preparing the USB flash drive because
it cannot be identified by the PC, click Save the NE backup data to save the NE backup data
to the PC for future use. Before you click Save the NE backup data, ensure that the relevant
backup file exists in the Dopra Linux\NE Name\bk_pkg directory.
l The backup file created after you click Save the NE backup data is saved in a file folder named
after the OMU virtual external IP address of the NE.
l The backup file created after you click Save the NE backup data can be saved for preparing the
USB flash drive before going to the site where the USB flash drive cannot be prepared.

l The backup file cannot be modified after being saved on the PC. Otherwise, you cannot
prepare the USB flash drive by using the local backup data of the NE.
l The saved NE data backup file does not contain information of the version or patch
installation package.

7. To prepare the USB flash drive by using the local backup data, double-click
U_creator_eng.exe to start the USB flash drive for installation of the DOPRA Linux
operating system.
8. Select NE List in the left pane of the window, right-click the NE list, and choose Add
NE from the shortcut menu. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-20 is displayed.

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Figure 7-20 Add NE dialog box

9. In the dialog box shown in Figure 7-20, type the NE name, and set Operate type to Use
the local backup data to create the USB device. Then click OK
10. Double-click the added NE in the NE list on the left pane of the window, as shown in
Figure 7-21.

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Figure 7-21 Configuring information

11. Select please select the local backup data. Then the USB flash drive will automatically
obtain the backup data. After all the data is obtained, select the version package directory
and the patch directory. Then click OK to start the preparation of the USB flash drive.
12. Check that the USB flash drive for the active OMU is inserted. If there is no USB flash
drive inserted, insert one.

l If multiple USB flash drives are required for multiple NEs, one USB flash drive for one NE is prepared
at a time. After one USB flash drive is prepared, remove it, insert a new one, and click Retry to start
the preparation of another USB flash drive.
l After the USB flash drive is prepared, remove it from the PC in secure mode to prevent the data on it
from being lost or corrupted.
13. After the preparation of the USB flash drive for the active OMU, the tool prompts you to
insert another USB flash drive for the standby OMU.

l If only one OMU is configured, the standby OMU USB flash drive does not need to be prepared.
l If multiple USB flash drives are required for active and standby OMUs or for multiple NEs, label USB
flash drives with the NE name and OMU slot number to differentiate them.
14. After the preparation of the USB flash drive for the standby OMU, click Finish. The
preparation for the USB flash drives is complete.

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Step 3 Switch the OMU operating system by using the USB flash drive.

l Switching the operating system of active and standby OMUs is used as an example. To switch the operating
system of an OMU in independent mode, perform Step 3.1, Step 3.2, Step 3.3, Step 3.4, Step 3.5, Step
3.9. In Step 3.4, you only need to check that the OMU works properly.
l In active/standby mode, the original active OMU becomes a standby OMU and the original standby OMU
becomes an active OMU after the operating systems of the OMUs are switched. This does not affect the
l Check that the USB flash drive can be written to before inserting it to a USB port on the OMU panel.
1. Insert the USB flash drive into any of the USB ports on the panel of the standby OMU

Differentiate the active OMU from the standby OMU by checking the status of the ACT indicator on their
panels. The OMU with the ACT indicator steady on is active, and the OMU with the ACT indicator steady
off is standby.
2. Restart the OMU.
a. Log in to the OMU by using the OMU fixed external IP address or the OMU
commissioning IP address. For details, see 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
b. Choose Start > Shutdown > Restart.
3. Log in to the OMU 5 minutes later to determine whether the OMU operating system has
started installing from the USB flash drive.
l If you fail to log in to the OMU, the OMU operating system has started to be installed
from the USB flash drive.
l If you log in to the OMU successfully, the OMU operating system has not started to be
installed from the USB flash drive. Prepare another USB flash drive.

4. Wait 15 to 25 minutes, check the status of indicators on the OMU board to determine
whether the OMU operating system has been installed successfully (for details about the
indicator status, see step 3 in the Installing the OMU Operating System Using a
USB Flash Drive). After the operating system has been installed, use the virtual external
IP address of the OMU to log in to the LMT. After the OMU works properly (indicated on
the device panel), run the BSC6900 MML command DSP OMU to query Data-sync
Expected result: Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful.
5. Remove the USB flash drive and restart the OMU by referring to Step 3.2.
6. Wait about 5 minutes and log in to the LMT by using the OMU virtual external IP address.
After the OMU returns to normal (indicated on the device panel), run the BSC6900 MML
command DSP OMU to query Data-sync state.
Expected result: Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful.
7. Run the BSC6900 MML command SWP OMU to switch over the active and standby
8. Wait about 5 minutes and log in to the LMT by using the OMU virtual external IP address.
Check the status of the active and standby OMUs on the device panel.
Expected result: The active and standby OMUs are normal.
9. Run the BSC6900 MML command DSP TIME to check whether the OMU system time
is correct.

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Expected result: The OMU system time is correct.

If the OMU system time is incorrect, run the MML command SET TIME to change it.
10. Insert the USB flash drive into any of the USB ports on the panel of the original active
OMU board.
11. Repeat Step 3.2, Step 3.3, Step 3.4, Step 3.8 to switch the operating system of the original
active OMU.

Expected result: The active and standby OMUs are normal.


Follow-up Procedure
1. Log in to the LMT. On the LMT, type the user name and password that are used before the
OMU operating system is switched and check that they can still be used for the login.
2. Run the MML command ACT CRC to check whether the host data is consistent with the
OMU data. If they are inconsistent, the alarm ALM-20736 Data Inconsistency Between
OMU and Host is reported. For details about how to clear the alarm, see ALM-20736 Data
Inconsistency Between OMU and Host.
3. Optional: You are advised to change the password for user root of the DOPRA Linux
operating system to ensure system security after the OMU operating system is switched.
4. Optional: After the operating system is switched, the setting on the original operating
system for disabling root user remote login and OMU route forwarding will be ineffective.
You need to re-configure those functions on the new operating system by referring to 9.3
Disabling root user login with SSH and 9.2 Disabling OMU route forwarding.

7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product Software

This section describes the policies for installing product software after the BSC6810 is upgraded
to the BSC6900.

l The administrator password of the OMU operating system and the external fixed IP
addresses that is planned on site are available.
l You have logged in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
l You have obtained the OMU version installation package and copied it to the OMU hard
disk through directory sharing of the hard disk by referring to Uploading Files to
the OMU.

l If the operating system is Dopra Linux after the BSC6810 is upgraded to the BSC6900, see
6.2.3 Optional: Installing the Product Software for the method of installing product
l If the operating system is still Windows after the upgrade from the BSC6810> to the
BSC6900, see this section for the installation method of the product software.

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l After the upgrade and before product software are reinstalled, record the IP addresses of the
live network. After product software are reinstalled, change the IP addresses or restore them
to the historical IP addresses according to onsite requirements.
l If patches have been installed, before installing product software, replace the original patch
files in the patch folder of the product software installation package with the patch
installation package (for example, the V900R01XC0XSPCXXX folder) saved on the local

If product software have been pre-installed on active and standby OMU boards, unintall them
before installing the product software of a correct version. To check whether product software
have been pre-installed, do as follows:

1. Log in to the OMU by using the fixed external IP address or debugging IP address. For
details, see 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services to check whether the
omud service is available.
l If the omud service is available, product software have been pre-installed. Uninstall
them by following operation steps in Uninstalling the Product Software.
l If the omud is service is not available, product software have not been pre-installed.
Install the product software following the installation procedures.
3. Log out of the OMU. For details, see 7.2.2 Logging Out of the OMU.

Step 1 Go to the V***R***C**\install\setup directory of the version installation package and double-
click install_bam.bat.

V***R***C** is an example of the version installation package. During installation, see the actual version.
The software integrity of the product software is checked before they are automatically installed. The product
software can be installed only if the check passes.

Step 2 Enter the product running mode and press Enter.

[2011-05-03 10:12:32] software integrality verify begin...
[2011-05-03 10:12:42] software integrality verify end...

# The run mode of the product

# GO:GSM only
# UO:UMTS only
# Please select one mode to install.
Please input a valid run_mode :

Step 3 Enter the office name and press Enter.

# The name of office
# The name suggest range from 5 to 32 characters.
# The characters suggest be letters, digits, "-"or "_".
Please input a valid office_name :

Step 4 Enter the language and press Enter.

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# The OMU language version. eg: eng/chs

Please input a valid version :

Step 5 Enter the admin password and press Enter.

# The "admin" user's password of OMU service.
# The password must range from 8 to 32(characters).The characters must be uppercase
letters, lowercase letters, digits, or special characters.
Special characters include spaces and the following characters:~!@#$%^&*()_+-{}|
The password must consist of 2 types of uppercase letter,lowercase letter,digit or
special character at least.
# Do not forget the password.
# You can change the password later, but this password should be provided first.
Please input a valid admin_password :
Please input a valid Confirm password :

Step 6 Enter the ftp password and press Enter.

# The ftp user's password of OMU service
# The password must range from 8 to 32(characters).The characters must be uppercase
letters, lowercase letters, digits, or special characters.
Special characters include spaces and the following characters:~!@#$%^&*()_+-{}|
The password must consist of 2 types of uppercase letter,lowercase letter,digit or
special character at least.
# Do not forget the password.
# You can change it later, but this password should be provided first.
Please input a valid ftp_password :
Please input a valid Confirm password :

Step 7 Enter the external virtual IP address and press Enter.

# The extranet IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.

# example:;
Please input a valid virtual_extranet_config :

The external virtual IP address must be located on the same network segment as the external fixed IP
address. The factory setting of the external fixed IP address is ( After the
product software are installed, you can change the IP addresses and subnet masks of the OMU Ethernet

Step 8 Enter the OMU installation type based on the field configuration and press Enter. Table 7-8
describes the OMU installation types.
# The OMU system type. eg: Single/Dual
# Single:Install stand-alone system
# Dual:Install dual-OMU system.
The dual-OMU system can effeciently increase the reliability of the OMU system.
Please input a valid install_type :

Table 7-8 Description

Parameter Description

Single When the BSC6900 is configured with one

OMU board, install the product software on
the board in single-OMU mode.

Dual When the BSC6900 is configured with two

OMU boards, install product software on the
board in dual-OMU mode.

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Step 9 The system asks you whether to continue with the installation, as shown:
Please affirm input information. input Y to continue; input E to exit. ->

Step 10 Enter Y to install product software. When the messageInstall OMU succeed! is
displayed, product software are successfully installed.

Step 11 Record the information about the product software installation in 7.3.1 Record Sheet of OMU
Software Installation Information.


7.2 OMU Operation and Maintenance After the Upgrade

This section describes how to perform operation and maintenance on the OMU after product
software are installed. To perform this task, log in to the OMU remotely or run MML commands.

After the BSC6810 is upgraded to the BSC6900, the OMU operation and maintenance are related
to the OMU operating system.

l If the OMU operating system is switched to Dopra Linux, perform maintenance and
operation for the OMU by referring to 6.3 Operating and Maintaining the OMU.
l If the OMU operating system is still Windows Server 2003, perform the steps in this section
for the OMU maintenance and operation.

7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU

This section describes how to log in to the OMU for the OMU operation and maintenance by
running the mstsc.exe program on a computer.

l The OMU is started normally.
l The computer for remote login to the OMU is installed with an operating system of
Windows XP or later versions.
l The computer for remote login to the OMU works normally and is connected to the OMU
external network properly.
l The fixed IP address of the external network, virtual IP address of the external network, or
debugging IP address of the OMU is obtained. For the IP addresses of the OMU, see the
Record Sheet of OMU Software Installation Information.
l The computer for remote login to the OMU and the IP addresses of OMU external network
are on the same network segment.

l The OMU can be connected to only one computer through the mstsc.exe program.
l The mstsc.exe program by running which you log in to the OMU should have the console
parameter. Otherwise, you cannot log in to the OMU.

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If the operating system of the computer for remote login to the OMU is Windows XP SP3, run the mstsc.exe
program with the admin parameter. That is, type mstsc /admin instead of mstsc /console.

Step 1 Choose Start > Run on the computer used for remote login to the OMU. The Run dialog box
is displayed.
Step 2 Type mstsc /console and click Confirm. The Remote Desktop Connection dialog box shown
in Figure 7-22 is displayed.

When typing mstsc /console, include a space between mstsc and /console.

Figure 7-22 Remote desktop connection dialog box

Step 3 Type the IP address of the OMU and click Connect.


l Before starting product software, enter the fixed external IP address of the OMU.
l After the product software start, enter the fixed or virtual external IP address. The former is preferred.
l If you are performing local commissioning, enter the debugging IP address of the OMU.
l If the PC cannot be connected to the OMU by using either the fixed or virtual external IP address,
connect the PC to the debugging Ethernet port on the OMU and enter the debugging IP address of the
l You are advised to log in to the OMU using the external fixed IP address, external virtual IP
address, and debugging IP address in a preference sequence.

Step 4 Type the administrator user name and password and click Confirm based on the interface
message. The login is complete.

It is recommended that you change the password at your first login and then change the password every three


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7.2.2 Logging Out of the OMU

This section describes how to log out of the OMU after logging in to the OMU by running the
mstsc.exe program on a computer and performing operation and maintenance on the OMU.

You have logged in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.


l Do not log out of the OMU by directly closing the desktop used for the remote login to the
OMU. Otherwise, the OMU operating system resources may not be fully released, and the
use of the OMU can be affected.
l Do not log off from the OMU directly. Otherwise, OMU processes will be abnormal.
l Shutting down the OMU will stop all the OMU services. If this occurs, you must restart the
OMU at the local end.

Step 1 Choose Start > Close. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-23 is displayed.

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Figure 7-23 Shut Down Windows dialog box

Step 2 Select Disconnect and click OK to log out of the OMU.


7.2.3 Managing the Operating System

This section describes how to manage the Operating System. Checking the Version of the Operating System

This section describes how to check that the version of the operating system on the OMU is

You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

Step 1 Run the MML command LST VER to check whether OS type and OS service pack version
are correct.


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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) Changing the Administrator Password for the Operating System

This section describes how to change the administrator password for Windows Server 2003 to
ensure security of the administrator account.

You have logged in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

For the factory setting of the administrator password for Windows Server 2003, see Checklist
for the Factory Settings of the OMU Software.


l It is recommended that you change the root user password upon your first login and change the password
every three months.
l The password for the administrator of the operating system must comply with the password policy queried
by running the DSP OSPWDPOLICY command. The password policy can be set by running the SET

Step 1 Right-click My Computer and choose Manage from the shortcut menu.

Step 2 On the left pane of the window, choose System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users.
Figure 7-24 shows the interface.

Figure 7-24 Computer Management Window

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Step 3 On the right side of Figure 7-24, right-click Administrator and choose Set Password from the
shortcut menu. Figure 7-25 shows the prompt box.

Figure 7-25 Setting the password for administrator

Step 4 Click Proceed in Figure 7-25. Figure 7-26 shows the interface.

Figure 7-26 Setting Password for administrator window

Step 5 Type the new password and confirm it. Record the password in the Record Sheet of OMU
Software Installation Information.

Step 6 Click OK on the interface to finish the operation.


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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) Querying the Configuration of the OMU Ethernet Adapters

This section describes how to query the configuration information of the OMU Ethernet adapters.
The information includes IP addresses, their subnet masks, and broadcast IP addresses.

l Method 1
1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU
3. Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud
4. Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\common\services command and press Enter to go to
the directory where the program of the omu_backup_linker tool is saved
5. Enter the ./omutool dispipinfo command and press Enter. The following shows an
example of the returned information.

[Virtual IP Information]
External virtual ip / mask : /
Internal virtual ip / mask : /

[Fixed IP Information]
External fixed ip / mask : /
Internal fixed ip / mask : /
Backup channel ip / mask : /
Debugging ip / mask : /

[Gateway Information]
Gateway :

l Method 2
1. Log in to the active OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU
3. Enter the ipconfig /all command and press Enter. The following shows an example
of the returned information.
Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : rnc-sq8diettruq

Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes

Ethernet adapter Internal Network Team:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

Description . . . . . . . . . . . : TEAM : Internal Network Team
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 78-1D-BA-CB-15-D2
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter FE(Spare):

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Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 78-1D-BA-CB-15-D5
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter External Network Team:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

Description . . . . . . . . . . . : BASP Virtual Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 78-1D-BA-CB-15-D7
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter Eth2(LocalMaintain):

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 78-1D-BA-CB-15-D4
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

4. Log in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
5. Run the DSP OMU command to query the fixed internal IP address, fixed external
IP address, IP address of the backup channel between active and standby OMU board,
virtual internal IP address, debugging IP address, and virtual external IP address.

The results from Step 3 and Step 5 show the information of all the IP addresses and subnet
masks of the OMU.

----End Querying Occupied OMU Ports

This section describes how to query occupied OMU ports.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the command mode
of the OMU

Step 3 Enter the netstat -ano command and press Enter to query the occupied OMU ports. The
following shows an example of the returned information.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netstat -ano

Active Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID

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Information following : in the Local Address column indicates the occupied OMU port

----End Renaming Local Area Connections on the OMU

This section describes how to rename the local area connections on the OMU by using a portable
computer to remotely log in to the OMU after installing the OMU operating system and binding
the Ethernet adapters. Renaming the local area connections facilitates later configuration of the
IP addresses of the Ethernet adapters and Ethernet adapter teams and facilitates queries of the
Ethernet adapters.

You have logged in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

You can use the portable computer to remotely log in to the OMU by connecting the computer
to the ETH2 port on the panel of the OMUa board. The default IP address is

Step 1 Right-click My Network Places and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. Figure 7-27
shows the pop-up interface.

Figure 7-27 Network Connections window

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The name of the external Ethernet adapter team has been displayed as External Network Team; therefore, it
does not need to be renamed.

Step 2 In the Network Connections window, rename the local area connections with the Device
Name of TEAM: Internal Network Team Internal Network Team.

Step 3 Double-click the network_identify.js tool for identifying Ethernet adapters in the C:
\DRIVERS path. An Ethernet adapter can also be called a Network Interface Card, or NIC. The
interface shown in Figure 7-28 is displayed.

Figure 7-28 Interface for identifying the Ethernet adapters (example)


NIC Name in Figure 7-28 indicates the name of each local area connection in the Network
Connections window.

Step 4 Rename the local area connections according to the rules shown in Table 7-9.

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Table 7-9 Table containing renaming rules

NIC Type New Name

ETH1 Eth1(External)

ETH0 Eth0(External)

ETH5-SCU6 Intel0(Internal)

ETH4-SCU7 Intel1(Internal)


ETH2 Eth2(LocalMaintain)

Step 5 Click Close to close the interface of the tool.

Figure 7-29 shows the Network Connections window after the renaming is complete.

Figure 7-29 Network Connections window after the renaming

----End Setting RAID 1 on OMU Hard Disks

This section describes how to set RAID 1 on OMU hard disks to ensure data synchronization
between the source and target OMU hard disks.

l The OMU is started normally.
l OMU serial cables are available. For details about the cable information, see OMU serial
cable in BSC6900 UMTS Hardware Description Hardware Description.
l The source and target hard disks are available.

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One OMU hard disk serves as the source hard disk, and the other serves as the target hard disk.
Setting RAID 1 on the hard disks synchronizes the data on the source and target hard disks,
improving data security.

l The source hard disk saves backup data and files.

l The target hard disk mirrors the source hard disk.

RAID 1 cannot be set on an OMUc board because it is configured with one hard disk.

Step 1 Connect the PC to the OMU serial port using the OMU serial port cable.

If the OMU serial port cable is not available, the USB and VGA ports of the active OMU can be connected
to an external keyboard and monitor, respectively. Then starts from Step 6 to complete the configuration.

Step 2 On the PC, choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications >
HyperTerminal. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-30 is displayed.

Figure 7-30 Connection description

Step 3 Enter the connection name and click OK. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-31 is displayed.

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Figure 7-31 Confirming the connection

Step 4 Check the connection port and click OK. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-32 is displayed.

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Figure 7-32 Setting attributes for the connection port


The parameters for the connection port must be set as shown in Figure 7-32.

Step 5 Check that the parameters for the connection port are set correctly and click OK. The window
shown in Figure 7-33 is displayed.

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Figure 7-33 Connection established

Step 6 Restart the OMU.

Option Description

Windows Server 2003 operating system 1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1
Logging In to the OMU.
2. Choose Start > Shutdown, click Restart, and
click OK.

Step 7 After the OMU restarts, press F4 repeatedly until the message "Press Ctrl-C to start
LSI Logic Configuration Utility" is displayed. Then press Ctrl+C. The following
shows examples of the messages displayed.

Adapter PCI PCI PCI PCI FW Revision Status Boot

Bus Dev Fnc Slot Order
SAS1064 05 01 00 00 0.11.01-IR Enabled 0

Step 8 Press Enter. The following shows examples of the messages displayed.

Adapter SAS1064
PCI Slot 00
PCI Address(Bus/Dev/Func) 05:01:00
MPT Firmware Revision
SAS Address 500E0FC1:23456775

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NVDATA Version 25.09

Status Enabled
Boot Order 0
Boot Support [Enabled Bios & OS]

RAID Properties
SAS Topology
Advanced Adapter Properties

Press the arrow keys to select RAID Properties and press Enter. Check the value of Status to
determine whether the RAID is correct.
l If Status is Optimal, the RAID is working properly.
l If Status is Resyncing, the RAID is synchronizing data.


l If this is the first time that the RAID is being set on the OMU, go to Step 13.
l If this is not the first time that the RAID is being set on the OMU, go to Step 9.

Step 9 Select RAID Properties and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that are

Array 1 of 1
Identifier LSILOGICLogical Volume 3000
Type IM
Scan Order 2
Size(MB) 69618
Status Optimal
Manage Array
Slot Device Identifier RAID Hot Drive Pred Size
Num Disk Spr Status Fail (MB)
0 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [Yes] [No] Primary --- 69618
1 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [Yes] [No] Secondary --- 69618

Step 10 Select Manage Array and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that are

Identifier LSILOGICLogical Volume 3000

Type IM
Scan Order 2
Size(MB) 69618
Status Optimal
Manage Hot Spare
Synchronize Array
Activate Array
Delete Array

Step 11 Select Delete Array and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that are

Y Delete array and exit to Adapter Properties

N Abandon array detetion and exit this menu

Step 12 Select Y. The following shows examples of the results that are displayed.

Adapter SAS1064
PCI Slot 00
PCI Address(Bus/Dev/Func) 05:01:00
MPT Firmware Revision
SAS Address 500E0FC1:23456775
NVDATA Version 25.09
Status Enabled
Boot Order 0

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Boot Support [Enabled Bios & OS]

RAID Properties
SAS Topology
Advanced Adapter Properties

Step 13 Select RAID Properties and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that are

Creat IM Volume Create Integrated Mirror Array of 2

disks plus an optional hot spare,Data
on the primary disk may be migrated.

Create IME Volume Create Integrated Mirrored Enhanced

Array of 3 to 8 disks including an
optional hot spare.
All DATA on array disks will be DELETED!
Create IS Volume Create Integrated Striping array of
2 to 8 disks.
ALL DATA on array disks will be DELETED!

Step 14 Select Create IM Volume and press Enter. The following shows examples of the results that
are displayed.

Array Type:IM
Array Size(MB): -------

Slot Device Identifier RAID Hot Drive Pred Size

Num Disk Spr Status Fail (MB)
0 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [No] [No] ------ --- 70003
1 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [No] [No] ------ --- 70003

Select the source and target hard disks with caution because the data on the source hard disk can
be lost.

Step 15 Set RAID Disk to No, move the cursor to the value for RAID Disk of the source hard disk, and
press Space. The following show examples of the results that are displayed.

M - Keep existing data, migrate to an IM array.

Synchronization of disk will occur.
D - Overwrite existing data, create a new IM array
ALL DATA on ALL disks in the array will be DELETED!!
NO Synchronization performed.

l If you press M, the data on the source hard disk is saved. The target hard disk copies the data
from the source disk.
l If you press D, the data is deleted from the source hard disk and a new RAID is created.

Step 16 Press M or D to return to the messages shown in Step 14.

The value for RAID Disk is Yes, and the value for Drive Status is Primary.

Step 17 Select the target hard disk and press Space. An alarm is generated, as shown in the following:

WARNING! Data was found on the selected disk,this data will be lost when the array
is created!
Choose Discard configuration or Cancel Exit on the next screen to abort.

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Step 18 Press C to return to the messages shown in Step 14.

The value for RAID Disk is Yes, and the value for Drive Status is Secondary.
Step 19 Press C. The following shows the results that are displayed.

Create and save new array?

Cancel Exit
Save changes then exit this menu
Discard changes then exit this menu
Exit the Configuration Utility and Reboot

Step 20 Select Save changes then exit this menu and press Enter. The screen is refreshed, as shown
in Step 12.
Step 21 Select RAID Properties shown in Step 12 and press Enter. The following shows examples of
the results that are displayed.

Array 1 of 1
Identifier LSILOGICLogical Volume 3000
Type 1M
Scan Order 0
Size(MB) 69618
Status 2% Syncd
Manager Array
Slot Device Identifier RAID Hot Drive Pred Size
Num Disk Spr Status Fail (MB)
0 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [Yes] [No] Primary --- 69618
1 FUJITSU MAY2073rc D109 [Yes] [No] Secondary --- 69618

Step 22 Check that the RAID 1 is set correctly, and then press Esc repeatedly until the following
messages are displayed:

Are you sure you want to exit?

Cancel Exit.
Save changes and reboot.
Discard changes and reboot.
Exit the Configuration Utility and Reboot.

Step 23 Select Exit the Configuration Utility and Reboot and press Enter. RAID 1 is successfully set
on the OMU hard disks and the OMU restarts.

----End Setting the Link Mode of the External OMU Ethernet Adapter
This section describes how to set the link mode of the external OMU Ethernet adapters so that
it is the same as that of the LAN switch.

The link mode, duplex mode, and rate of the LAN switch have been acquired.

l If the link mode of the external Ethernet adapters of the OMUc is modified by omutool,
the network may be interrupted momently.
l If the link mode of the external Ethernet adapters of the OMU is inconsistent with that of
the LAN switch, the network may be interrupted. If the link mode of the LAN switch is

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specified, the link mode of the external Ethernet adapter of the OMU should also be
l There are two link modes of the LAN switch: forced mode and auto-negotiation mode. The
link mode of the OMU external Ethernet adapter must be consistent with that of the LAN
l The following procedure assumes that the link mode of the external Ethernet adapter is
forced mode and the adapter works at 100 Mbit/s in full duplex mode.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the active workspace of the OMU.
l If active and standby OMUs are configured, perform the following steps on both the active
and standby OMUs.

Step 1 Connect the PC to the debugging Ethernet port of the OMU and log in to the OMU by using the
debugging IP address. For details about the debugging IP address, see 7.2.1 Logging In to the

Step 2 Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Network Connections. The Network
Connections window is displayed.

Step 3 Double-click Eth1(External). The interface shown in Figure 7-34 is displayed.

Figure 7-34 Eth1(External) status

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Step 4 Click Properties. The interface shown in Figure 7-35 is displayed.

Figure 7-35 Eth1(External) properties

Step 5 Click Configure in the General tab. The Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2
Properties interface is displayed.

Step 6 As shown in Figure 7-36, click the Advanced tab and choose Property > Speed & Duplex on
the left.

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Figure 7-36 Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2 properties

Step 7 Select the same link mode as that of the LAN switch from the Value list box and click
Confirm to end the setting.
The value is the link mode for external Ethernet adapters of the OMU, which can be set to Auto, 10 Mb
Full, 10 Mb Half, 100 Mb Full, and 100 Mb Half.

The link mode of a Gigabit Ethernet adapter must be auto-negotiation. Setting the link mode to
1000BASE-TX, however, is invalid.

Step 8 Choose Start > Run. Type cmd in the displayed dialog box and press Enter. The Command
Prompt window is displayed.

Step 9 Type shutdown -r and press Enter to restart the OMU.


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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) Setting the First Boot Device of the OMU to USB

Before installing the Dopra Linux operating system using a USB storage device, ensure that the
first boot device of the OMU is USB.

l The OMU starts normally.
l The OMU is locally configured with a keyboard and monitor.
l The OMU serial cable has been obtained. For details about the OMU serial cable, see OMU
serial cable.
l The USB storage device has been inserted to the USB port on the OMUa board.

l This section is designed for OMUa board and uses the OMUa board as an example. An
OMUc board is started from a USB port by default.
l There are two methods for starting the OMU:

1. Connecting the OMU to a PC through the HyperTerminal program on the PC.

2. Directly connecting the OMU to the keyboard and monitor.

l Connecting the OMU to a PC through the HyperTerminal program on the PC

1. Connect the PC to the OMU serial port through the OMU serial cable.
2. On the PC, choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications >
HyperTerminal. The dialog box shown inFigure 7-37 is displayed.

Figure 7-37 Connection description

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3. Enter the connection name and click OK. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-38 is

Figure 7-38 Confirming the connection

4. Check the connection port and click OK. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-39 is

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Figure 7-39 Setting the attributes of the connection port


The parameters for the connection port must be set as shown in Figure 7-39.
5. Check that the parameters of the connection port are correct and click OK. The
window shown in Figure 7-40 is displayed.

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Figure 7-40 Connection established

6. Restart the OMU.

– If the OMU is installed with Windows Server 2003 operating system,
a. Install the OMU operating system from a USB storage device by referring to
7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
b. Choose Start > Shutdown, click Restart, and click OK.
7. After the OMU is restarted, switch to the window shown in Figure 7-40. Press F4 or
S repeatedly until the window is updated, as shown in Figure 7-41.

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Figure 7-41 BIOS information

8. Press the arrow keys to select Boot. The window is updated, as shown in Figure

Figure 7-42 Boot setting

9. Press the arrow keys to select Boot Device Priority and press Enter. The window is
updated, as shown in Figure 7-43.

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Figure 7-43 Setting the boot device priority

10. Press the arrow keys to select 1st Boot Device and press Enter. The window is
updated, as shown in Figure 7-44.

Figure 7-44 Setting the 1st boot device

11. Press Esc, select Exit, and press Enter. The window is updated, as shown in Figure

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Figure 7-45 Saving changes and exit

12. Press the arrow keys to select Save Changes and Exit and press Enter. The changes
are saved. Exit the setting.
l Connecting the OMU to the keyboard and monitor directly
1. Directly connect the keyboard to the USB port and the monitor to the VGA port on
the OMU.
2. Log in to the LMT. Run the RST OMU command to set Reset Type to HARD. Then
reset the target OMU. The BIOS Setup screen is displayed on the monitor, as shown
in Figure 7-46.

Figure 7-46 BIOS Setup

3. Press DEL to enter the BIOS Setup screen.

4. Press the arrow keys to select Boot, as shown in Figure 7-47.

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Figure 7-47 Boot tab page

5. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select Boot Device Priority and press Enter.
6. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select 1st Boot Device and press Enter. Set
the first boot device of the OMU operating system to USB, as shown in Figure

Figure 7-48 Selecting the 1st boot device

7. Press F10 to save the settings and exit.


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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) Uploading Files to the OMU

This section describes how to upload files on a local PC to the OMU by using file sharing. This
task is applicable only to the OMU running the Windows operating system.

l The OMU is started normally.
l The version installation package has not been installed on the OMU.
l The fixed IP address of the external network, virtual IP address of the external network, or
debugging IP address of the OMU are available. For the IP addresses of the OMU, see the
Record Sheet of OMU Software Installation Information.

This task uploads the version installation package from a local PC to the OMU.

Step 1 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Set up a new folder on the OMU. Right-click the folder and choose Sharing and Security. The
Program Files Properties dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 In the Program Files Properties dialog box, select Share this folder and click OK.

Step 4 Choose StartRun on the local PC. Enter \\IP address of the OMU, input the user name and
password, and click OK.

Step 5 Copy the files to be uploaded to the target OMU directory that holds the files.

----End Transfer OMU Files to the Local Computer

Transferring files between a local PC and the OMU by using the FTP protocol is an important
method for saving files during operation and maintenance.

l The firewall on the portable PC is disabled.
l product software are started.

Uploading the 123.xml file from the OMU to the local drive D as an example.

There are two methods for transferring files on the OMU:

l Using the file management function on the LMT
l Running commands

Application Scenarios

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l If the OMU FTP server is set to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection mode, only the
file management function on the LMT can be used to transfer files. For detailed operations,
see File Manager.
l If the OMU FTP server is not set to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection mode, both
the file management function on the LMT and commands can be used to transfer files.

Table 7-10 lists the commands used for downloading files.

Table 7-10 Commands commonly used on the FTP

Command Description Example

cd Change the current directory. cd /mbsc/upgrade

dir Query the structure of the dir

current directory.

get Upload files from the OMU get x (x indicates the file
to a local PC. name)

put Download files from a local put x (x indicates the file

PC to the OMU. name)

Table 7-11 lists the specifications of the FTP file transmission.

Table 7-11 Specifications of the FTP file transmission

Item Description

Maximum number of concurrent connections 10

for the FtpUsr user

Timeout interval for control connections 15 minutes

Timeout interval for data connections 5 minutes

l Downloading the 123.xml file on the OMU to local drive D by using the file management
function on the LMT
1. Enable the file management function on the LMT. For details, see File Manager in
BSC6900 UMTS LMT User Guide.
2. Select the files to be downloaded in the corresponding directories and click
l Downloading the 123.xml file on the OMU to local drive D by running commands
1. On the local PC, choose Start > Run, enter cmd, and click OK.
2. Type the d: command and press Enter to go to drive D.

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3. Type the ftp IP address command to connect the local PC to the OMU, where IP
address indicates the virtual external or debugging IP address of the OMU.
4. Type the user name and password of the FTP. The connection between the local PC
and the OMU is established after the certification passes.

The FTP user name has a fixed value FtpUsr. Its password is mbsc@com or set during the product
software installation. For details, see 7.3.1 Record Sheet of OMU Software Installation
5. Navigate to the directory where the 123.xml file is saved by referring to commonly
used FTP commands.
6. Transfer the 123.xml file.
Command Description

Run the get 123.xml command. Upload the 123.xml file from the OMU
to the local drive D.

Run the put 123.xml command. Download the 123.xml file from the
local drive D to the OMU.

7. After the file transfer is complete, run the quit command to disconnect the FTP.

The following is an example for downloading the 123.xml file from the local drive D to the /
mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam directory of the OMU:
C:\Documents and Settings>d:

Connected to
220 ftp server ready.
User ( FtpUsr
331 Password required for FtpUsr.
230 User logged in.
ftp> cd /bam/version_a/bin/bam
250 CWD successful.
ftp> put 123.xml
200 PORT command OK.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for '/123.xml' (104 bytes)
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> quit

D:\> Adjusting OMU Slots

This section describes how to adjust the slots that accommodate the operation and maintenance
units (OMUs).

l Before adjusting the OMU slots that accommodate the OMUs, collect information listed
in Table 7-12.

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Table 7-12 Required information

Information Description

OMU Slots Query and record the slots that

accommodate the OMUs.

l Hardware requirement
– The target slots are idle. For details about the OMU slot information, see OMUa Board.
l Software requirement
– None
l License requirement
– None

Prepare the data listed in the following table.

Table 7-13 Data preparation

MO Setting Notes Data MML

Source Command

BRD Set Slot No. to an appropriate value. Internal plan ADD BRD

Step 1 Run the DSP OMU command to query the numbers of the slots that accommodate the active
and standby OMUs before the reconfiguration.

Step 2 Perform the operations listed in the following table based on the operating system of the OMU.

If... Then...

The Dopra Linux operating system is used 1. Log in to the active and standby OMUs
2. Run the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command to
stop the omud process.
3. Run the poweroff command to power off
the OMU.

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If... Then...

The Windows operating system is used 1. Log in to the active and standby OMUs
2. Choose Start > Run. In the Run dialog
box, type cmd, and press Enter. The
OMU command input dialog box is
3. In the command line, type the net stop
omud command to stop the omud process.
4. Choose Start > Shutdown. In the
displayed dialog box, select Shutdown to
shut down the OMU.

Step 3 When the OFFLINE indicator on the OMU board panel is on, remove the active and standby

Step 4 Insert the active and standby OMUs into the target slots.

Step 5 After five minutes, run the DSP OMU command to check whether the active and standby OMUs
operate properly. If not, check whether the OMUs are installed correctly.

Step 6 Run the RMV BRD command to remove the OMU boards that have been configured.

Step 7 Run the ADD BRD command to add active and standby OMU boards separately. In this step,
set Slot No. to an appropriate value.

Step 8 Log in to the LMT to check whether the OMU status displayed on the device panel is correct.

Step 9 On the LMT, click Alarm, and select Browse Alarm to view current active alarms.

Step 10 Optional: If an OMU-related alarm is displayed in the list of active alarms and the OMU slot
number is the original one, right-click the alarm, and choose Clear Alarm from the shortcut
menu to manually clear the alarm.


/*Information Recording Procedure*/
//Querying the numbers of the subracks and slots where the active and standby OMUs
reside before the slot adjustment

/*Reconfiguration Procedure*/
//Removing a board
RMV BRD: SRN=0, SN=16;
RMV BRD: SRN=0, SN=18;
//Adding boards

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Follow-up Procedure
l Verification
Run the DSP OMU command to check whether the active and standby OMUs operate
Expected result: The active and standby OMUs operate properly.
l Rollback
The rollback procedure is similar to the reconfiguration procedure, except that parameters
in the rollback procedure are set to values used before the reconfiguration. Uninstalling the SQL Server 2000

After the BSC6810 is upgraded to the BSC6900, the SQL Server 2000 will not be used; however,
it still occupies operating system resources and is a potential safety hazard. As a result, you are
required to uninstall the SQL Server 2000 after the version is stable.

If active and standby OMUs are configured, uninstall the SQL Server 2000 on both active and
standby OMUs.

Exit all the applications including Windows NT event viewer and register editor. You are advised
to perform the operation during off-peak traffic hours.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 On the OMU, choose Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, the Add or Remove
Programs window will be displayed.

Step 3 Select Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and click Change/Remove to finish the installation, as
shown in Figure 7-49.

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Figure 7-49 Add or Remove Programs window


7.2.4 Managing the Product Software

This section describes how to manage the product software. Querying the OMU Operating Status

This section describes how to query the OMU operating information, the status of OMU service
processes when the OMU is operating properly, and the OMU board information.

You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

If an OMU board becomes faulty, query the information about the OMU board for fault location.

l Querying the OMU operating information
1. Run the DSP OMU command. The OMU operating information is displayed,
including the OMU operating status, fixed IP address configuration, virtual IP address

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configuration, debugging IP address configuration, status of data synchronization,

status of the internal and external networks, and status of the backup channel.
l Querying the status of OMU service processes when the OMU is operating properly
1. Run the DSP OMUMODULE command. The names and status of the OMU service
processes are displayed.
– If the status of service processes is Started, the OMU service processes are normal.
– If the status of service processes is Stopped, the OMU service processes are normal
and not started.
– If the status of the service processes is Exception, the OMU service processes are
abnormal. When active and standby OMUs are configured, the self-healing
switchover is triggered if the abnormal status persists. When an independent OMU
is configured, the OMU reports the ALM-20707 OMU Process Abort alarm.
l Querying the OMU board information
– Run the DSP OMUSRV command. The OMU board status is displayed, including the
CPU usage, memory usage, number of logical CPUs, memory capacity, total space of
logical disks, current available space, percentage of the available space, and the time
cost by input/output (I/O) operation on the OMU hard disks.
– Run the MML command DSP OMUVER. The subrack number, slot number, OMU
type, and version information about the PCB, BIOS, BMC, CPLD, and SDR are
l Querying the OMU working environment
1. Run the MML command DSP OMUENV. The CPU inlet temperature, memory inlet
temperature, hard disk temperature, and voltage of chips are displayed.
l Querying the OMU hardware status
1. Run the MML command DSP OMUHW. The subrack number, slot number, operating
status of the hard disk, status of Ethernet adapters and Ethernet adapter teams, and
RAID of the OMU are displayed.

The OMU hardware is normal if the following conditions are met:

– The values for Primer harddisk and Standby harddisk are Online.
– The status of the Raid is Normal, and the Raid rebulid scale is 0.
– ETH0 netcard, ETH1 netcard, or both are Normal.
– In active/standby OMU mode, the value for Backup channel netcard is
Normal; in independent OMU mode, the value for Backup channel netcard does
not have impact on the OMU hardware status.
– Inner0 netcard, Inner1 netcard , or both are Normal.
– Both Inner netcard group and Extra netcard group are Normal.

----End Querying the Version of the Active/Standby OMU Workspaces

This section describes how to query the version of the active and standby OMU workspaces,
such as the workspace flag and version of the product software.

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You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

Step 1 Run the LST OMUAREA command to query the version of the active and standby OMU

----End Querying the Status of Data Synchronization Between the Active and
Standby OMUs
This section describes how to query the status of data synchronization between the active and
standby OMUs.

l You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l Active and standby OMUs are configured.

When faults occur due to network or database problems during data synchronization, OMUs
automatically rectifies the faults.

Step 1 Run the MML command DSP OMU on the active or standby OMU. The status of data
synchronization between the active and standby OMUs is displayed.

If data synchronization is abnormal, the ALM-20704 OMU Data Synchronization Failure alarm
is reported. Clear the alarm by referring to the alarm handling suggestions.

When Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful, Data synchronization not built
due to version inconsistency, or Data synchronization cannot built due to OMU failure
switchover, you are allowed to switch over the active and standby OMUs.

----End Forcibly Switching Over the Active and Standby OMUs

This section describes how to forcibly switch over the active and standby OMUs when the active
OMU needs to be manually shut down for a software/hardware upgrade or fault rectification.
By performing this task, the OMU services will not be interrupted.

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l You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l The OMU works in active/standby mode and the active and standby OMUs work normally
for more than 5 minutes (You can run the CMP OMUDATA and CMP OMUFILE
commands to query whether the active OMU data is consistent with the standby OMU data.
Ensure that the data on the active OMU is synchronized to the standby OMU to avoid data
loss after the switchover.)

Step 1 Run the DSP OMU command to query the operating status of the active/standby OMUs.

If... Then...

The active and standby OMUs work properly and the data Go to Step 2.
synchronization is normal,

The active and standby OMUs do not work properly or the data End this task.
synchronization is abnormal,

Step 2 Run the SWP OMU command to manually switch over the OMUs.

Step 3 Log in to the LMT again and run the DSP OMU command to query the operating status of the
active OMU after the switchover. If the active OMU works properly, the switchover is

----End Manually Synchronizing the Data of the Active and Standby OMUs
This section describes how to manually synchronize the data of the standby OMU with that of
the active OMU.

l You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l The OMUs work in active/standby mode.

After running the CMP OMUDATA command, you can manually synchronize the data of the
standby OMU with that of the active OMU if the data is inconsistent.

Step 1 Run the STR DATASYNC command to start synchronizing the data of the standby OMU with
that of the active OMU.

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Successful running of the command only indicates a successful start to the data synchronization procedure
between the active and standby OMUs. To check whether the data synchronization succeeds, run the DSP
OMU command and query Data-sync state.

----End Stopping the Synchronization of the Data of the Active and Standby OMUs
This section describes how to manually stop synchronizing the data of the standby OMU with
the active OMU.

l You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l The OMUs work in active/standby mode.
l The data of the standby OMU is being synchronized with that of the active OMU.

Step 1 Run the STP DATASYNC command to stop the data synchronization between the active and
standby OMUs.

Running this command leads to asynchronous data between the active and standby OMUs. Even after an OMU
switchover, the data between the active and standby OMUs can be still asynchronous. You can restart data
synchronization only by running the STR DATASYNC command.

----End Checking the Data Consistency Between the Active OMU and the Standby
This section describes how to check the data consistency between the active OMU and the
standby OMU after a fault-triggered switchover occurs.

l You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l The OMUs work in active/standby mode.

Step 1 Run the CMP OMUDATA command to check the consistency of alarm data, performance data,
the platform data and configuration data between the active and standby OMUs.

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l If the active OMU data is inconsistent with the standby OMU data, run the STR
DATASYNC command to start the data synchronization between the active OMU and the
standby OMU. Wait 5 minutes then run the CMP OMUDATA command.
l If the active OMU is synchronizing the initial data with the standby OMU, the LMT displays
failure information.

Step 2 Run the CMP OMUFILE command to check the consistency of the license file, certificate file,
host patch file and other files between the active and standby OMUs.

----End Configuring Data Rates of Accessing the OMU Hard Disks

This section describes how to configure the data rates of accessing the OMU hard disk to prevent
a single I/O operation from consuming too many OMU hard disk resources.

You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

The functions of uploading and downloading files through FTP, writing log files, writing traced
messages into files lead to many I/O operations. To prevent a single I/O operation from
consuming too much OMU hard disk resources, the data rates of the previous functions must be

l Configuring the maximum data rate for an external FTP user
1. Run the SET FTPSRVSPD command to configure the maximum data rate for an
external FTP user.
l Querying the maximum data rate for an external FTP user
1. Run the LST FTPSRVSPD command to query the maximum data rate for an external
FTP user.
l Querying the average data rate of an external FTP user
1. Run the DSP FTPSRVSPD command to query the average data rate of an external
FTP user.
l Configuring the maximum data rate of writing log files
1. Run the SET HOSTLOGSPD command to configure the maximum data rate of
writing log files.
l Querying the maximum data rate of writing log files
1. Run the LST HOSTLOGSPD command to configure the maximum data rate of
writing log files.
l Querying the average data rate of writing log files

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1. Run the DSP HOSTLOGSPD command to query the average data rate of writing log
l Configuring the maximum data rate of writing traced messages into files
1. Run the SET TRCLOGSPD command to configure the maximum data rate of writing
traced messages into files.
l Querying the maximum data rate of writing traced messages into files
1. Run the LST TRCLOGSPD command to query the maximum data rate of writing
traced messages into files.
l Querying the average data rate of writing traced messages into files
1. Run the DSP TRCLOGSPD command to query the maximum data rate of writing
traced messages into files.

----End Resetting the OMU

This section describes how to reset the OMU, product software, and OMU service processes.

You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

l The OMU operating system is restarted after the OMU is reset. If the OMU is reset
successfully, the faults of the OMU operating system or product software can be rectified.
l All the service processes are disrupted after the product software are reset. If the OMU is
reset successfully, the faults of the product software can be rectified.
l Resetting a specified OMU service process interrupts the service of the process for a while.

l Reset the OMU or product software
1. Run the RST OMU command.
– If Reset Type is set to SOFT, only the product software are reset. The OMU
operating system is not restarted.
– If Reset Type is set to HARD, the OMU operating system is restarted.

l When the OMU works in single-OMU mode, set the Reset Target to ACTIVE.
l When the OMUs work in dual-OMU mode, the active OMU is reset if you set the Reset
Target to ACTIVE.
l When the OMUs work in dual-OMU mode, the standby OMU is reset if you set the Reset
Target to STANDBY.
l Reset a specified service process
1. Run the RST OMUMODULE command and specify Reset Target and Module
Name to reset the specified OMU service process.


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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) Managing the omud

This section describes how to start the omud process or stop the omud process so that the OMU
can provide normal services.

Starting the omud

l You have logged in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
l The product software are installed. For details, see 7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product

l To start the omud using commands, perform the following:
1. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU.
2. Run the net start omud command to start the omud.
l To start the omud using menus, perform the following:
1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel to enter the control panel interface.
2. Double-click Administrative Tools > Services to enter the Services interface, as
shown in Figure 7-50.

Figure 7-50 Services window (for starting the omud)

3. Select omud.

4. Click the icon on the toolbar to start the omud.

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5. When the Status of omud is Started, close the Services interface.

Stopping the omud

l You have logged in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
l The product software are installed. For details, see 7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product


ContextThe omud process must be stopped before performing the following operations:
uninstalling the product software, upgrading product software, or restoring the BSC6900 data.

l When the omud process is stopped, all the OMU service processes will also stop. In turn, the
OMU stops providing services for the BSC6900. Therefore, perform this task with caution.
l If the virtual external IP address is used to log in to the OMU, stopping the omud process
will disconnects the OMU from the peripheral devices.
l If a fixed external IP address is configured for the OMU, stopping the omud will make
the virtual external IP address ineffective. In this situation, a user can log in to the OMU
by using the fixed external IP address if an independent OMU is configured. If the OMUs
work in active/standby mode, the virtual external IP address of the original standby OMU
becomes effective after the active OMU is stopped.
l If no fixed external IP address is configured for the OMU, the virtual external IP address
is still effective after you stop the omud.

l If the BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs, log in to the active or standby
OMU by using the fixed external IP address or commissioning IP address.
l If the BSC6900 is configured with an independent OMU, log in to the OMU by using the
fixed or virtual external IP address or the commissioning IP address.

l To stop the omud through commands, do as follows:

1. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU.
2. Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud.
l To stop the omud through menus, do as follows:

1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel to enter the control panel interface.
2. Double-click Administrative Tools > Services to enter the Services interface, as
shown in Figure 7-51.

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Figure 7-51 Services window (for stopping the omud)

3. Select omud.

4. Click the icon on the toolbar to stop the omud.

5. When the Status of omud is blank, close the Services interface. Querying the Operating Status of the omud

This section describes how to query the operating status of the omud to determine whether the
OMU can provide services normally.

l You have logged in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
l The product software are installed. For details, see 7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product

l To query the operating status of the omud using commands, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU.
2. Run the sc query omud command to query the operating status of the omud.
l To query the operating status of the omud using menus, perform the following steps:
1. Log in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel to enter the Control Panel interface.
3. Double-click Administrative Tools > Services to enter the Services interface.

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Figure 7-52 Services interface

4. Check the Status of omud to see whether the OMU is providing services.

If... Then...

If the Status of omud is Started, It shows that the OMU is working.

If the Status of omud is blank, It shows that the OMU stops working.

----End Uninstalling the Product Software

This section describes how to uninstall the product software.

l The product software are installed. For details, see 7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product

l If product software are installed on both the active and standby OMU workspaces, uninstall
the product software on the standby workspace before uninstalling them on the active
l When the BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs, uninstall the product
software on both the active and standby OMUs.

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l If there is only the active workspace on the OMU, the system will prompt you to uninstall
only the product software on the active workspace.

Uninstalling the product software from an OMU will cause all the data in the OMU to be lost. You are advised
to back up system data on the OMU before the uninstalling by referring to Backing Up the System

Step 1 Log in to the standby OMU by using the fixed external IP address or the debugging IP address.
For details, see 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Perform the following operations based on actual conditions.

If... Then...

Only the product software on the standby Go to Step 3.

workspace needs to be uninstalled,

The product software on both the active 1. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd
and standby workspaces needs to be command and press Enter to enter the
uninstalled, command mode of the OMU.
2. Run the net start omud command to start
the omud.

Step 3 Click Start > Run and the Run interface is displayed.

Step 4 In the Run interface, run the uninstall_bam command and clickOK.

If... Then...

The product software are installed in only the As Figure 7-53 shows, an interface is
active workspace, displayed.

The product software are installed in both As Figure 7-54 shows, an interface is
the active and standby workspaces, displayed.

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Figure 7-53 cmd interface for uninstallation 1

Figure 7-54 cmd interface for uninstallation 2

Step 5 EnterY, and press Enter until the Uninstall OMU succeed! message is displayed.

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If... Then...

The product software are installed in only Uninstalling the product software on the
the active workspace, standby OMU is finished.

The product software are installed in both 1. Go to Step 4 after uninstalling the product
the active and standby workspaces, software in the standby workspace.
2. Perform Step 5 to finish uninstalling the
product software in the active workspace.
Then uninstalling the product software on
the standby OMU is finished.

Step 6 Log in to the active OMU using the fixed external IP address or debugging IP address. Then
perform Step 2 through Step 5 again.


7.2.5 Backing Up and Restoring Data

This section describes how to use the omu_backup_linker tool to back up and restore the data
related to the OMU configuration, alarms, and performance. When the OMUs work in active/
standby mode, the omu_backup_linker tool can be used only on the active OMU. Otherwise,
the data may be lost.

The omu_backup_linker tool is used in the following scenarios:
l When an OMU board is damaged, it needs to be replaced with a new one. The data on the
damaged OMU board needs to be backed up and restored on the new OMU board.
l The OMU data needs to be backed up during routine maintenance.
l When the OMU database collapses or an OMU upgrade fails, the latest OMU data is
restored by using the omu_backup_linker tool. Starting the omu_backup_linker Tool

This section describes how to start the omu_backup_linker tool.

l If an independent OMU is configured, log in to the OMU to start the omu_backup_linker
l If active and standby OMUs are configured, log in to the active OMU to start the
omu_backup_linker tool.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the command mode
of the OMU.

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Step 3 Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\common\services command and press Enter to go to the directory
where the program of the omu_backup_linker tool is saved.

Step 4 Type the omu_backup_linker.exe command and press Enter. As Figure 7-55 shows, an
interface is displayed.

Figure 7-55 Starting the omu_backup_linker Tool

----End Backing Up the System Data

This section describes how to back up the BSC6900 configuration data, performance data, alarm
data, operation logs, operator account, authority information, and product information through
MML commands or the omu_backup_restore_tool. The backup data can be encrypted to ensure
the security in data storage and transmission.

l Prerequisites for the backup by using MML commands:
You have logged in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.
l Prerequisites for the backup by using the omu_backup_restore_tool:
You have logged in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

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l When the OMU works in active/standby mode, the system data must be backed up on the
active OMU.
l You must back up the OMU data manually to avoid a system data backup failure before
capacity expansion, upgrade, or a software load.

l Backing up the system data through an MML command
1. Run the BKP DB command to back up the data in the specified directory on the OMU
hard disk. In this step, set Path of Backup File and Backup File Name to appropriate
values. If the backup file needs to be encrypted, set Encrypted Mode to Password
Encrypted and specify File Encryption Password.
2. Obtain the backup data file from the specified directory by referring to
Transfer OMU Files to the Local Computer.
l Backing up the data by using the omu_backup_restore_tool
1. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU.
2. Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\common\services command and press Enter to go to
the directory where the program of the omu_backup_linker tool is saved.
3. Type the backup command and press Enter in the interface, as shown in Figure

Figure 7-56 Backing up the system data

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4. Enter the save path and names of the backup files, and then press Enter.

Figure 7-57 Entering the save path and names of backup files

5. If the backup file does not need to be encrypted, enter unencrypt. If the backup file
needs to be encrypted, enter encrypt. Then, press Enter, as shown in Figure 7-58.

Figure 7-58 Specifying encryption mode of the backup file

6. If you enter encrypt in the previous step, specify File Encryption Password and
press Enter, as shown in Figure 7-59.

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Figure 7-59 Entering the file encryption password

7. The system data starts to be backed up. After the backup is complete, a message is
displayed, indicating whether the backup is successful. If the backup is successful, the
"Backup OMU database succeed!" message is displayed on the interface,
as shown in Figure 7-60. The system data is backed up in the OMU hard disk.

Figure 7-60 Backup result indication

8. Press any key to exit.


Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 251

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) Restoring the System Data

This section describes how to restore the system data using the data backup file and using the
encrypted backup file.

Restoring the BSC6900 system data will interrupt services on the BSC6900. The data on the
host will be inconsistent with the data on the OMU after the system data is restored. As a result,
the services will be greatly impacted. Therefore, you are advised to restore the system data in
the early morning hours when traffic volume is low.

As an example, the OMU in active/standby mode is used in this document. If an OMU is in

independent mode, skip operations on the standby OMU.

This chapter describes how to restore data by using the following methods:

l If an MML command is used to restore data, only the BSC6900 configuration data is
restored while other data, such as alarm data or performance data, cannot be restored.
l If the omu_backup_linker tool is used to restore data, all BSC6900 data is restored,
including configuration data, alarm data, performance data, operating logs, administrator
account, authority information, SSL configuration information, certificate information and
product information.

l Restoring the system data through an MML command
1. Run the LST BKPFILE command to query data backup files saved in the OMU
active workspace installation directory\data\backup directory.
2. Run the RTR DB command to restore configuration data on the OMU. If the backup
file is encrypted, specify Encrypted Mode and File Encryption Password.
l Restoring the system data by using the omu_backup_linker tool
1. (Optional) If the OMUs work in active/standby mode, stop the data synchronization
between the active and standby OMUs by referring to Stopping the
Synchronization of the Data of the Active and Standby OMUs
2. Log in to the active and standby OMUs by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the
3. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU on the active and standby OMUs.
4. Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud on the active and standby OMUs.
5. Restore data in the original active OMU using the omu_backup_linker tool.
a. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU.
b. Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\common\services command and press Enter to
go to the directory where the program of the omu_backup_linker tool is saved.
c. Enter the omu_backup_linker.exe command and press Enter to start the
omu_backup_linker tool.
d. Enter the restore command and press Enter on the interface, as shown in Figure

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Figure 7-61 Restoring the system data

e. Enter the save path and names of the backup files, and then press Enter.

Figure 7-62 Entering the save path and names of backup files

f. If the backup file is not encrypted, enter unencrypt. If the backup file is
encrypted, enter encrypt. Then, press Enter, as shown in Figure 7-63.

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Figure 7-63 Entering the mode of the backup files to be restored

g. If you enter encrypt in the previous step, specify File Encryption Password
and press Enter, as shown in Figure 7-64.

Figure 7-64 Entering the file encryption password

h. The system data starts to be restored. After the restoration is complete, a message
is displayed, indicating whether the restoration is successful. If the restoration is
successful, the Restore OMU database succeed! message is displayed
on the interface, as shown in Figure 7-65.

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Figure 7-65 Result indication of restoring the system data

i. Press any key to exit.

6. Copy and save the backup file to be restored in the standby OMU using file sharing.
For details, see Uploading Files to the OMU.
7. Repeat Step 5 to restore data in the original active OMU using the omu_backup_linker
8. Managing the omud on the active and standby OMUs.
9. Log in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT in the
BSC6900 UMTS LMT User Guide.
10. Run the LCK CMCTRL command to lock the data configuration right.
11. Run the LST CFGMODE command to query whether the System Configuration
Mode parameter is set to Effective Mode for all subracks. If this parameter is set to
Ineffective Mode for any subrack, run the SET CFGDATAEFFECTIVE command
to change the value to Effective Mode.
12. Check the consistency between the BSC6900 host data and the OMU data.

After data restoration, check whether the BSC6900 host data is consistent with the OMU data.
If not, load the restored data to the BSC6900 host.

a. Run the ACT CRC command to check whether the host data is consistent with
the OMU data.
– If the data is consistent, end this task.
– If the data is inconsistent, go to 12.2.
b. Run the FMT DATA command to format the data in the OMU database so that
the data can be loaded into the host.
c. If data inconsistency occurs in only one subrack, run the RST SUBRACK
command to reset this subrack. Before running the command, set Subrack No.

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If data inconsistency occurs in multiple subracks, run the RST BSC command
to reset the BSC.
13. (Optional, required only for Step 1) Run the MML command STR DATASYNC to
start data synchronization between the active and standby OMUs.


7.2.6 Using the omutool

This section describes how to use the omutool to modify the configuration data of the active and
standby OMUs, including the OMU working mode, IP addresses and subnet masks of the internal
and external networks, and admin password. This section describes how to adjust OMU system
parameters only during the maintenance process. For the procedure for setting OMU system
parameters during initial OMU commissioning (that is, new deployment), see 6.1 Initially
Commissioning the OMU. Starting the omutool

This section describes how to start the omutool on the OMU to set OMU system parameters.

l The product software are installed. For details, see 7.1.3 Optional: Installing Product

l The omutool can be used by only one type of users in the following operating systems:
Only the administrator user is allowed to use the omutool in the Windows operating system.
The created users with the same user rights as the administrator user cannot use this tool.
Only the root user is allowed to use the omutool in the Linux operating system.
l When the BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs and system parameters
need to be set on two OMUs, log in to the active and standby OMUs and start the omutool
on two OMUs, respectively.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the command mode
of the OMU.

Step 3 Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to the

directory where the program of the omutool is saved.

Step 4 Type the omutool.exe command and press Enter to start the omutool.

Step 5 Enter the omutool -h command and press Enter to view the help information.


Issue 03 (2014-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 256

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) Changing Users' Passwords

This section describes how to change the passwords for users admin, root, and db_user by using
the omutool, how to change the password for user FtpUsr by using the MML command, and
how to log in to the U2000 to change its FTP user's password.

l admin is the account for logging in to the LMT.
l db_user and root are the accounts for accessing the OMU database.
l FtpUsr is the account for uploading and downloading files to and from the OMU.
l The U2000's FTP user is used for the U2000 to access BSC6900 for file loading and
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.
l If active and standby OMUs are configured on the BSC6900, you must change the
passwords of the admin, db_user, and root user on both the active and standby OMUs.

l Single-OMU mode: Stop the omud before the change and start the omud after the change.
l Dual-OMU mode: Stop the standby omud and then the active omud before the change. Start the
active omud and then the standby omud after the change.


l It is recommended that you change the password at your first login and then change the password
every three months.
l Users root and db_usr must both contain the combination of the following:
l At least one lower-case letter
l At least one upper-case letter
l At least one digit
l At least one special character -?[]_+{}
The user password must have a minimum length of 8 characters and maximum length of 32
l User admin must both contain the combination of the following:
l At least one lower-case letter
l At least one upper-case letter
l At least one digit
l At least one special character ~!@#$%^&*()_+-{}|[]:<>?./
The user password must have a minimum length of 8 characters and maximum length of 32

Keep the password safe. You need to reinstall the OMU operating system if the password
is lost.

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l Changing the admin password
1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU.
3. Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud.
4. Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to
the directory where the program of the omutool is saved.
5. Run the omutool adminpwd command to change the admin password.
6. Run the net start omud command to start the omud.
l Changing the root password
1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU.
3. Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud.
4. Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to
the directory where the program of the omutool is saved.
5. Run the omutool dbrootpwd command to change the root password.
6. Run the net start omud command to start the omud.
l Changing the password of the db_user user
1. Log in to the target OMU.
2. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU.
3. Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud.
4. Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to
the directory where the program of the omutool is saved.
5. Run the omutool dbpwd command to change the password of the db_user user.
6. Run the net start omud command to start the omud.
l Changing the password of the FtpUsr user
1. Log in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT in the
BSC6900 UMTS LMT User Guide.
2. Run the MML command MOD FTPPWD to change the password of the FtpUsr user.
l Changing the password of the U2000's FTP user
1. Log in to the U2000.
2. Change the password of the U2000's FTP user. For details, see Setting an NE as a
Transfer Server in the U2000 version documentation.

The following shows an example for changing the admin password:

D:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam>omutool adminpwd

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Enter a password or press Ctrl+Break to quit:

Re-enter password or press Ctrl+Break to quit:
Successfully set the admin user's password!

The following shows an example for changing the root password:

D:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam>omutool dbrootpwd
Enter a password or press Ctrl+Break to quit:
Re-enter password or press Ctrl+Break to quit:
Successfully set the root's password of the database!

The following shows an example for changing the db_user user password:

D:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam>omutool dbpwd
Enter a password or press Ctrl+Break to quit:
Re-enter password or press Ctrl+Break to quit:
Successfully set the db_user's password of the database! Changing the Computer Name

This section describes how to change the computer name through omutool.

l If the BSC6900 is configured with active and standby OMUs, name them differently.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the command mode
of the OMU.

Step 3 Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud.

Step 4 Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to the

directory where the program of the omutool is saved.

Step 5 Run the omutool hostname Computer name command to change the computer name.

For example, to change the computer name to omu_123, type the omutool hostname
omu_123 command and press Enter.

Step 6 Choose Start > Shut Down. In the displayed dialog box, select Restart and click OK to restart
the operating system on the OMU.


Follow-up Procedure
1. Log in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT in the
BSC6900 UMTS LMT User Guide.
2. Run the DSP OMU command to query the new computer name.

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows) Modifying the NE Type

This section describes how to modify the NE type by using the omutool.

To manage BSCs uniformly on the U2000, you need to modify the NE type of upgraded BSCs.

The following procedure is for active and standby OMUs whose active workspace is
version_a. For a single OMU, ignore the steps for the standby OMU.

The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the LST
OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.

Step 1 Log in to the standby OMU first and stop the omud process on it. Then, log in to the active OMU
and stop the omud process on it. For details, see Logging In to the OMU and Stopping the

Step 2 Choose Start > Run on the active OMU. Type the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU.

Step 3 Type the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to navigate to the
directory where the omutool program is saved.

Step 4 Type the omutool netype command followed by the new value of the NE type parameter on
the active OMU. Press Enter to modify the NE type.

The prompt set ne type success! indicates that the NE type has been successfully modified.


Type the omutool netype command and press Enter to query the NE type.

Step 5 Start the omud process on the active and standby OMUs separately. For details, see
Managing the omud.


D:\mbsc\bam\version_b\bin\bam>omutool netype
Current ne type is : BSC6***
D:\mbsc\bam\version_b\bin\bam>omutool netype BSC6900
set ne type success! Setting the OMU Working Mode

This section describes how to set the OMU working mode by using the omutool. The OMU can
work either in independent or active/standby mode.

l You have logged in to the LMT and queried the slot No. for the OMU by running the LST
BRD command.

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l You have logged in to the LMT and queried whether the OMU is in independent or active/
standby mode by running the DSP OMU command.
l You have logged in to the LMT and queried the OMU workspace information by running
the LST OMUAREA command.
l You have logged in to the LMT and queried the OMU service mode by running the LST
MBSCMODE command.

l If the working mode of the OMU is changed from independent mode to active/standby
mode, apply the settings to both the active and standby OMUs. If the working mode is
changed from active/standby mode to independent mode, apply the settings to only the new
active OMU.
l If the working mode of the OMU is changed from independent mode to active/standby
mode, ensure that the operating system, software version, and board type of the active OMU
are the same as those of the standby OMU. In addition, the slot number of the active OMU
and that of the standby OMU have an active/standby relationship.
l If the working mode of the OMU is changed from active/standby mode to independent
mode, you should run the MML command DSP OMU to ensure that the Data-sync state
is Data synchronization is successful and run the MML command CMP
OMUFILE to ensure that Compare result is consistent.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.

l Switching the OMU from the independent mode to the active/standby mode (product
software are not installed on the OMU to be added).
1. Insert an OMUa/OMUc board into the standby slot by referring to Installing the
OMUa/OMUc/SAUa/SAUc Boards or Installing the OMUc Boards in the BSC6900
UMTS Installation Guide.
2. Log in to the standby OMU using the fixed external IP address by referring to 7.2.1
Logging In to the OMU.
3. Install product software on the standby OMU. For details, see 7.1.3 Optional:
Installing Product Software.

You must select active/standby mode during the process of installing the product software for the
standby OMU.
4. Change the IP addresses and subnet masks of the standby OMU to ensure that the
fixed internal IP addresses, fixed external IP addresses, and IP address of the backup
channel between active and standby of OMUs comply with the planning principle for
the IP addresses and do not conflict with each other. For details about changing IP
addresses, see Changing IP Addresses and Subnet Masks of OMU Ethernet
5. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU on the original active OMU.
6. Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud on the original active OMU.

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7. Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to

the directory where the program of the omutool is saved on the original active OMU.
8. Run the omutool dualmode dual command on the original active OMU to set the
working mode of the OMU to active/standby mode.
9. Run the net start omud command to start the omud on the original active OMU.
10. Five minutes after the original active OMU has been started, start the omud on the
standby OMU.

You should start the standby OMU 5 minutes after the active OMU is started to keep
the two OMUs from competing for the active state. This helps avoid data loss.

11. Change the operating system password on the standby OMU to that of the original
active OMU by referring to Changing the Administrator Password for the
Operating System.
12. Run the ADD BRD command on the LMT to add an OMUa or OMUc board.
13. Run the MML command DSP OMU on the LMT and check whether the value for
Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful.
14. Connect an Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the added OMU.
l Switching the OMU from the independent mode to the active/standby mode (product
software are installed on the OMU to be added).
1. Log in to the original active OMU by using the fixed external IP address by referring
to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU on the original active OMU.
3. Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud on the original active OMU.
4. Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to
the directory where the program of the omutool is saved on the original active OMU.
5. Run the omutool dualmode dual command on the original active OMU to set the
working mode of the OMU to active/standby mode.
6. Run the net start omud command to start the omud on the original active OMU.
7. Insert an OMUa/OMUc board in the standby slot 5 minutes after the original active
OMU is started.

You should start the standby OMU 5 minutes after the active OMU is started to keep
the two OMUs from competing for the active state. This helps avoid data loss.

8. Set the working mode of the standby OMU to active/standby mode by repeating Step
1 through Step 5.
9. Change the IP addresses and subnet masks of the standby OMU to ensure that the
fixed internal IP addresses, fixed external IP addresses, and IP address of the backup

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OMU Administration Guide 7 OMU Installation and Maintenance (Windows)

channel between active and standby of OMUs comply with the planning principle for
the IP addresses and do not conflict with each other. For details about changing IP
addresses, see Changing IP Addresses and Subnet Masks of OMU Ethernet
10. Start the omud on the standby OMU.
11. Change the operating system password on the standby OMU to that of the original
active OMU by referring to Changing the Administrator Password for the
Operating System.
12. Run the ADD BRD command on the LMT to add an OMUa or OMUc board.
13. Run the MML command DSP OMU on the LMT and check whether the value for
Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful.
14. Connect an Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the added OMU.
l Change the working mode of the OMU from active/standby mode to independent mode.
1. Run the RMV BRD command on the LMT to remove an OMUa or OMUc board.
2. Log in to the active and standby OMUs by using the fixed external IP address by
referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.
3. Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the
command mode of the OMU on the active and standby OMUs.
4. Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud on the active and standby OMUs.
5. Run the poweroff command on the OMU to be removed to power off the OMU.
6. Remove the OMUa/OMUc board to be removed by referring to step 2 to step 5
inScenario: Old and New OMU Boards Running the Same OS.
7. Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to
the directory where the program of the omutool is saved on the active OMU.
8. Run the omutool dualmode single command on the working OMU to set the working
mode of the OMU to single-OMU mode.
9. Run the net start omud command to start the omud on the active OMU.

----End Changing IP Addresses and Subnet Masks of OMU Ethernet Adapters

This section describes how to change IP addresses and subnet masks of the OMU Ethernet
adapters using omutool.

l If the OMU works in active/standby mode, change the IP addresses and subnet masks of
the Ethernet adapters on both the active and standby OMUs. You are advised to first change
the IP addresses and subnet masks of the Ethernet adapters for the standby OMU and then
change those for the active OMU.
l The following procedure assumes that version_a is the OMU active workspace. Run the
LST OMUAREA command to query the OMU active workspace.
l This task describes how to change all the IP addresses and subnet masks for the OMU. You
can perform these steps based on the onsite IP address plan.

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l Single-OMU mode: Stop the omud before the change and start the omud after the change.
l Dual-OMU mode: Stop the standby omud and then the active omud before the change. Start the active
omud and then the standby omud after the change.

Step 1 Log in to the OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

Step 2 Choose Start > Run. Then enter the cmd command and press Enter to enter the command mode
of the OMU.

Step 3 Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud.

Step 4 Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to the

directory where the program of the omutool is saved.

Step 5 The omutool dispipinfo command is used to query the IP address and subnet mask of the OMU.
For example, enter the following command and press Enter to delete the fixed external IP
omutool dispipinfo

Step 6 The omutool innercard IP address command is used to change the fixed internal IP address.
For example, enter the following command and press Enter to delete the fixed external IP
omutool innercard

Step 7 The omutool innervip IP address is used to change the virtual internal IP address.
For example, enter the following command and press Enter to delete the fixed external IP
omutool innervip


l The network segments of the fixed and virtual internal IP addresses must be the same. If the network segment
of the fixed internal IP address is changed to be different from that of the virtual internal IP address, you are
prompted to change the virtual internal IP address. If the network segment of the virtual internal IP address
is changed to be different from that of the fixed internal IP address, you are prompted to change the fixed
internal IP address.
l When you change the fixed and virtual internal IP addresses, the corresponding subnet masks are created
l If you are changing the fixed and virtual internal IP addresses for the first time, perform the following
additional steps:
1. Run the SET SUBNET command and set the BSC6900 subnet number to be consistent with the network
segment on which the fixed internal IP address and virtual internal IP address are located.
2. Remove the SCUa board from the MPS and reinstall it in the MPS. Then, reset the MPS to validate the
new fixed and virtual internal IP addresses.
After the preceding steps are performed, the OMU can communicate with the BSC6900 host normally.

Step 8 The omutool extercard IP address subnet mask (gateway IP address) command is used to
change the fixed external IP address and subnet mask.
For example, enter the following command and press Enter to delete the fixed external IP
omutool extercard

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Before changing the fixed external IP address, virtual external IP address, and external gateway
IP address, log in to the OMU using the debugging IP address.

Step 9 The ./omutool extervip IP address subnet mask (gateway IP address) command is used to
change the virtual external IP address and subnet mask.
For example, enter the following command and press Enter to delete the fixed external IP
omutool extervip


l After the virtual external IP address and subnet mask are changed, start the omud, run the RMV EMSIP
command and then run the ADD EMSIP command to update the virtual external IP address and subnet
mask that are recorded in the OMU database.
l The network segments of the fixed and virtual external IP addresses must be the same. If the network segment
of the fixed external IP address is changed to be different from that of the virtual external IP address, you
are prompted to change the virtual external IP address. If the network segment of the virtual external IP
address is changed to be different from that of the fixed external IP address, you are prompted to change the
fixed external IP address.
l After the fixed external IP address, virtual external IP address, and gateway IP address are changed,
communication between the OMU and peripheral equipment is interrupted. You need to use the new fixed
or virtual external IP address to reconnect the OMU and peripheral equipment.

Step 10 The omutool gateway gateway IP address is used to change the IP address of the gateway.
For example, enter the following command and press Enter to delete the fixed external IP
omutool gateway


You can change the fixed or virtual external IP address simultaneously with changing the gateway IP address.
The following are the related commands:
l omutool extercard IP address Subnet mask Gateway IP address for changing the fixed external IP address
and gateway IP address simultaneously
l omutool extervip IP address Subnet mask Gateway IP address for changing the virtual external IP address
and gateway IP address simultaneously

Step 11 Change the backup channel IP address of the active and standby OMUs by using the commands
listed in the following table:

Option Description

Backup channel IP address of the omutool backupcard IP address.

active and standby OMUs on the
Example: enter the following command and press
Ethernet adapter ETH3-UPDATE of
Enter to delete the fixed external IP address:
the OMUa board omutool backupcard

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Option Description

Backup channel IP address of the omutool backupcard IP address.

active and standby OMUs on the
Example: enter the following command and press
Ethernet adapter B_UPDATE0 of the
Enter to delete the fixed external IP address:
OMUc board omutool backupcard_for_omuc

Backup channel IP address of the omutool backupcard_for_omua IP address.

active and standby OMUs on the
Example: enter the following command and press
Ethernet adapter B_UPDATE1 of the
Enter to delete the fixed external IP address:
OMUc board omutool backupcard_for_omua

Step 12 The omutool debugcard IP address command is used to change the debugging IP address.
For example, enter the following command and press Enter to delete the fixed external IP
omutool debugcard


l After you change backup channel IP address and debugging IP address of the active and standby OMUs,
the corresponding subnet mask will be created automatically.
l To change the IP addresses of the OMU, you must follow the principle of IP address planning. For
details, see 3.2 OMU IP Address Plan. When entering the command, ensure that there is a space
between the IP address and the subnet mask.
l Record the new IP addresses in 7.3.1 Record Sheet of OMU Software Installation Information.

Step 13 Run the net start omud command to start the omud.

----End Setting the FtpUsr User Switch

This section describes how to use the omutool to set the FtpUsr user switch.

l Users require that the FtpUsr user switch be turned on for FTP login.
l In BSC upgrade scenarios, the switch retains the value before the upgrade. By default, this
function is enabled for a newly deployed BSC.
l In dual-OMU mode, set the FtpUsr user switch for both the active and standby OMUs.
Before the setting, stop the omud process on the standby OMU then the omud process on
the active OMU. After the setting, start omud process on the active OMU and then the
omud process on the standby OMU.
If you set the FtpUsr user switch only for the standby OMU, the status of this function on
the standby OMU is overwritten after data synchronization between the active and standby

Step 1 Log in to the target OMU by referring to 7.2.1 Logging In to the OMU.

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Step 2 Run the net stop omud command to stop the omud.

Step 3 Enter the cd /d d:\mbsc\bam\version_a\bin\bam command and press Enter to go to the

directory where the program of the omutool is saved.

Step 4 Run the omutool ftpusruseswitch on/off command to set the FtpUsr user switch.

l Turn on the FtpUsr user switch
Run the omutool ftpusruseswitch on command and press Enter.
l Turn off the FtpUsr user switch
Run the omutool ftpusruseswitch off command and press Enter.
l Query the status of the FtpUsr user switch
Run the omutool ftpusruseswitch command and press Enter.

Step 5 Run the net start omud command to start the omud.


7.3 Appendix: OMU-Related Information Tables

This section describes the tables in which the OMU information is recorded during routine
operation and maintenance on the OMU.

7.3.1 Record Sheet of OMU Software Installation Information

During OMU installation, the software records information regarding the parameter

Record Sheet of OMU Operating System Installation Information

Item Setting Information Installation Personnel

Computer name (active


Administrator password
(active OMU)

Computer name (standby


Administrator password
(standby OMU)

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Records of the IP Addresses of the OMU Ethernet Adapter Teams

Item Setting Information Installation Personnel

Internal IP address (subnet

mask) of the active OMU

External IP address (subnet

mask) of the active OMU

Internal IP address (subnet

mask) of the standby OMU

External IP address (subnet

mask) of the standby OMU

Backup channel IP address

(subnet mask) of the active

Backup channel IP address

(subnet mask) of the standby

Debugging IP address
(subnet mask) of the active

Debugging IP address
(subnet mask) of the standby

Default gateway

Records of the Product Software Installation Information

Item Setting Information Installation Personnel

Administrator (admin)

Password of the FTP user


Internal virtual IP address

External virtual IP address

Local office name

For details, see Record Sheet of OMU Software Installation Information.

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7.3.2 Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings

This section provides a checklist for the OMU software factory settings. The checklist records
the OMU software and the software configurations installed before delivery.

Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings

Item Status

RAID 1 between the two SAS hard disks on Set

the OMUa board

Windows Server 2003 Installed with the administrator passwords of

the active and standby OMUs set to 11111111

License for Windows Server 2003 Activated

IPMI driver program Installed

Memory diagnosis driver program based on Installed


Routing and Remote Access service Started with the Start Type set to
The processes DHCP Relay Agent and
NAT/Basic Firewall are removed by default
before the OMU is delivered. If the processes
are started during the OMU maintenance,
they must be removed by choosing Start >
All Programs > Administrative tools >
Routing and Remote Access.

Windows Time service Disabled

Computer Browser service Disabled

Terminal Services Started with the Start Type set to


Remote login property Enabled

Intel 82571 Ethernet adapter binding driver Installed


BACS Ethernet adapter binding driver Installed


Debugging IP addresses of the active and Set

standby OMUs The default setting of the debugging IP
addresses of the active OMU is
The default setting of the debugging IP
addresses of the standby OMU is (

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Item Status

iPSI SEK SetWin software Installed

For details, see Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings.

7.3.3 Enabled Ports on the OMU

This section lists the mapping between the enabled ports on the OMU and the services provided
by the product software.

For details about the communication ports on the OMU, see BSC6900 Communication Matrix.

7.3.4 Disabled Ports on the OMU

For the sake of OMU security, the OMU automatically closes the ports that are not used.

Protocol Port No. Service Description

TCP 135 Port 135 is used for the services that comply with
the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol and
for the Distributed Components Object Mode
(DCOM) services.

UDP 138 Port 138 is used for the browsing of NetBIOS. It

is used to display all the PCs in the network.

UDP 139 Port 139 is used for the NetBIOS Session

Service, that is, the Windows file and printer
sharing and the Samba service in the Unix
system. To share Windows files in the LAN, the
service must be used.

UDP 445 Port 445 is used for the NetBIOS Session

Service, that is, the Windows file and printer
sharing and the Samba service in the Unix
system. To share Windows files in the LAN, the
service must be used.

For details, see Disabled Ports on the OMU.

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OMU Administration Guide 8 Troubleshooting

8 Troubleshooting

About This Chapter

This chapter describes OMU faults and troubleshooting methods.

8.1 Restoring the OMU Operating System in One-Click Mode

This section describes how to use a keyboard and monitor to restore the OMU operating system
(OS) when the OMU OS is faulty.

8.2 Handling Loss of the Password of User root

This section describes how to handle the loss of the password of user root.

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OMU Administration Guide 8 Troubleshooting

8.1 Restoring the OMU Operating System in One-Click

This section describes how to use a keyboard and monitor to restore the OMU operating system
(OS) when the OMU OS is faulty.

l The OMU OS is Dopra Linux V200R003C08SPC080 or later.
l The keyboard connected to the USB port and the monitor connected to the VGA port have
been obtained.

The OMU OS can start the startup menu for logging in to the OS. Otherwise, this feature cannot
be used to restore the OS.

Step 1 Connect the keyboard and monitor to the OMU.
1. Connect the keyboard to the USB port on the OMU.
2. Connect the monitor to the VGA port on the OMU.

Step 2 Start the server.

1. Reset the OMU using the two ejector levers.

l To reset the OMU, do as follows: Turn outwards the ejector levers until the OFFLINE indicator
is ON steady. Then, turn inwards the ejector levers to restart the OMU
l Do not use the RESET button and SHUTDOWN button on the OMU panel to reset or power off
the OMU.
2. The OMU enters the startup menu of the OS.
After the OMU enters the startup menu of the OS, startup options such as
V200R003C08SPC080.****** and V200R003C08SPC080.******.recover are

l V200R003C08SPC080 in the startup menu title of the OS is the version of the OS. The version
varies depending on the actual OS.

Step 3 Restore the OS.

1. Use arrow keys or the Page Up and PageDown keys to select recover. For example, select
2. Enter the user name root and its password (default password: osadmin@123). OS
restoration starts after about 5s.
After OS restoration, the restored OS is automatically displayed.

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OMU Administration Guide 8 Troubleshooting


l If you do not manually select the startup option, the default OS is displayed after 10s.
l If the arrow keys cannot be used, use the Page Up and Page Down keys to select the required options.
l After the OS is restored, the user name and password are restored to factory settings. The password of
user lgnusr is osnormal@123 and the password of user root is osadmin@123.
l After the OS is restored, the computer name is restored to the factory settings as follows:
l The default computer name of the OMUa, OMUb, or OMUc boards is Jasper.

Step 4 (Optional) Set the startup menu password of the OS again.

1. After the OS is started, log in to the OMU using the PuTTY.

2. Run the grub-sha512-crypt command to change the startup menu password of the OS.
The password complexity must meet the following requirements:
l The password must contain at least eight characters.
l The password must contain at least two types of the following characters: uppercase letters,
lowercase letters, digits, and other characters.


Exception Handling
Step 1 Log in to the OMU by using the PuTTY. If the login fails, a fault that cannot be rectified using
the feature is generated. In this case, use the USB flash drive to reinstall the OS or replace the

Step 2 Restart the OMU software process and check whether the OMU software can be successfully
started. If not, reinstall the OMU software.

Step 3 Log in to the LMT to check whether the server data is consistent with the LMT data. If not,
configure the BSC based on correct data.


8.2 Handling Loss of the Password of User root

This section describes how to handle the loss of the password of user root.

For the Dopra Linux OS, if the password of user root is lost, you cannot log in to the OMU.

To ensure system security, the password of user root cannot be retrieved once it is lost. In this
situation, reinstall the OMU OS.

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OMU Administration Guide 8 Troubleshooting

Step 1 Check that the password of user root is lost, and reinstall the Dopra Linux OS. For details, see
Preparations and Optional: Installing the Operating System and Product Software.


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OMU Administration Guide 9 Configuring OMU Security Functions

9 Configuring OMU Security Functions

About This Chapter

This section describes how to improve the security of the BSC6900.

9.1 Enhancing Security of The OMU Operating System

This section describes the method of enhancing the security of the OMU Operating System.

9.2 Disabling OMU route forwarding

This section describes how to disable OMU route forwarding to security-harden the BSC6900.

9.3 Disabling root user login with SSH

This section describes how to disable root user login with SSH to security-harden the

9.4 Configuring the Function of Running the OMU Processes as a Non-Root User
This section describes how to configuring the function of running the OMU processes as a non-
root user. OMU security is improved if OMU processes are executed by non-root users.

9.5 Enhancing Security of Time Synchronization with NTP

The security of time synchronization with Network Time Protocol (NTP) is enhanced for the
BSC6900 after NTP messages are authenticated.

9.6 Enabling Function of Checking OS File Integrity

This section describes how to enable the function of checking the operating system (OS) file
integrity. This function is for monitoring the security of the OMU OS.

9.7 Configuring the Function of Recording OMU OS Accessing Information in Real Time
This section describes how to configure the function of recording OMU operating system (OS)
accessing information in real time when users log in to or out of the OMU OS. This function
helps monitor the OMU OS security.

9.8 Setting the Password Policy of the Operating System

This section describes how to set the password policy of the operating system to improve the
security of the BSC6900.

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OMU Administration Guide 9 Configuring OMU Security Functions

9.1 Enhancing Security of The OMU Operating System

This section describes the method of enhancing the security of the OMU Operating System.

Step 1 Visit and log in using the account of a Huawei engineer. Choose
Software Center > Controlled Tool (Mini-tool Software) > Wireless Product Line >
Security Tools > public to obtain Guide to Enhancing the BSC6900 Operating System.

Step 2 Enhance system security by referring to Guide to Enhancing the BSC6900 Operating System.


9.2 Disabling OMU route forwarding

This section describes how to disable OMU route forwarding to security-harden the BSC6900.

l The currently-running software version is BSC6900V900R013C00SPH529 or later.
l The OMU is running properly.

This operation only applies to Dopra Linux V2.

version_a as the OMU active workspace is used as an example in this operation. To query the
current OMU active workspace, run the LST OMUAREA command.

l Disabling OMU route forwarding

l If NodeBs are maintained by using the U2000 remotely in the live network, do not disable the OMU
route forwarding. Otherwise, the remote operation and maintenance (O&M) channels for NodeBs fail.
l The OMU route forwarding is enabled by default.
1. Log in to the OMU. For details, see 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and press Enter to go to the
directory where the script is saved.
3. Type the chmod +x command and press Enter to make the script executable.
4. Type the ./ disable command and press Enter to disable the OMU
route forwarding.
l Enable OMU route forwarding.
1. Log in to the OMU.

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2. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and press Enter to go to the

directory where the script is saved.
3. Type the chmod +x command and press Enter to make the script executable.
4. Type the ./ enable command and press Enter to enable the OMU route
l Querying the status of OMU route forwarding
1. Log in to the OMU.
2. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and press Enter to go to the
directory where the script is saved.
3. Type the chmod +x command and press Enter to make the script executable.
4. Type the ./ status command and press Enter to query the status of
OMU route forwarding.

Parameter description
l Configuration status indicates the status of OMU route forwarding to be configured.
l Actual status indicates the current status of OMU route forwarding.
l enabled indicates that OMU route forwarding is enabled. disabled indicates that OMU route
forwarding is disabled.


The following is used as an example for disabling OMU route forwarding.

omucc_68 ~ # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # chmod +x
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./ disable
Disabling ip forward done

The following is used as an example for enabling OMU route forwarding.

omucc_68 ~ # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # chmod +x
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./ enable
Enabling ip forward done

The following is used as an example for querying the status of OMU route forwarding.

omucc_68 ~ # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # chmod +x
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./ status
Configuration status: enabled Actual status: enabled

Follow-up Procedure
1. Record the status of OMU route forwarding.

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OMU Administration Guide 9 Configuring OMU Security Functions

9.3 Disabling root user login with SSH

This section describes how to disable root user login with SSH to security-harden the

l The currently-running software version is BSC6900V900R013C00SPH529 or later.
l The OMU is running properly.

This operation only applies to Dopra Linux V2.

version_a as the OMU active workspace is used as an example in this operation. To query the
current OMU active workspace, run the LST OMUAREA command.

l Disabling root user login with SSH

l Ensure that a new common user account has been created before disabling root user login with SSH.
Otherwise, the operation fails.
l After root user login with SSH is disabled, the current user will not be logged off automatically. A
new login will be disabled.
l If the OMU operating system version is V200R003C02SPC090 or later, the root user is forbidden by
default while the lgnusr user is added as the default account. To query the OMU operating system
version, run the LST VER command.
1. Log in to the OMU as a root user. For details, see 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and press Enter to go to the
directory where the script is saved.
3. Type the chmod +x command and press Enter to make the script executable.
4. Type the ./ disable command and press Enter. The message Disable
root user login, are you sure? [y/n]: is displayed. Enter y and press Enter to disable
root user login.
l Adding a common user account
1. Log in to the OMU as a root user.
2. Type the useradd -m User Name command and press Enter to add a common user
3. Type the passwd Password command and press Enter to set the password.
4. Confirm the password. The common user account is added.

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Save information about the added non-root user account promptly for future use. If
this information is lost and the root user login with SSH has been disabled, you cannot
log in to the OMU remotely. In this situation, you must connect a keyboard with a
USB port to the USB port of the OMU and log in to the OMU as the root user to add
a common user, or use a USB flash drive to reinstall the operating system.

l Changing password for common user or lgnusr user

1. Log in to the OMU as a common user or lgnusr user.
2. Type the command passwd and press Enter. You are prompted to type the password.
3. Type the common user password. The user password is changed.

l It is recommended that you change the root user password upon your first login and change the
password every three months.
l The password for the administrator of the operating system must comply with the password
policy queried by running the DSP OSPWDPOLICY command. The password policy can be
set by running the SET OSPWDPOLICY command.
l Switching from a common user account or a lgnusr user account to a root user account
1. Log in to the OMU as a common user or lgnusr user.
2. Type the command su and press Enter. You are prompted to type the password.
3. Type the root user password and press Enter to switch the user account from common
user or lgnusr user to root user.
l Querying user information on the OMU
1. Log in to the OMU as a common user, lgnusr user or root user.
2. Type the cat /etc/passwd command and press Enter to query the information of all
l Deleting a common user account

l To delete a common user account, you must have a root user account.
l A common user account cannot be deleted while in use.
l If there is not any common user who is allowed for login with SSH, the lgnusr user is not allowed to
be deleted.
1. Log in to the OMU as a common, lgnusr user or root user.

If you have logged in as a common user or lgnusr user, re-log in as a root user before deleting a
common user account.
2. Type the userdel -r User Name command and press Enter to delete the account.
l Enabling root user login with SSH
1. Log in to the OMU as a common user or lgnusr user.
2. Switch the account of a common user or lgnusr user to that of a root user.
3. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and press Enter to go to the
directory where the script is saved.

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4. Type the chmod +x command and press Enter to make the script executable.
5. Type the ./ enable command and press Enter. The message Enable
root user login, are you sure? [y/n]: is displayed. Enter y and press Enter to enable
root user login.
l Querying the status of the root user login
1. Log in to the OMU as a root user.
2. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and press Enter to switch the
current directory to the directory where the script is saved.
3. Type the chmod +x command and press Enter to make the script executable.
4. Type the ./ status command and press Enter to query the status of the
root user login with SSH.

Parameter description
l Configuration status indicates the root user status to be configured.
l Actual status indicates the current root user status.
l enabled indicates that the root user login with SSH is enabled. disabled indicates that the root
user login with SSH is disabled.


The following is used as an example for disabling root user login with SSHn to the OMU.

omucc_68 / # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # chmod +x
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./ disable
Disable root user login, are you sure? [y/n]:y
Disabling root user login done

The following is used as an example for creating a common user omu123 account.

omucc_68 / # useradd -m omu123

omucc_68 / # passwd omu123
Changing password for omu123.
New UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password:

The following is used as an example for changing password for common user or lgnusr user.

omucc_68 / # passwd
Changing password for eric.
Old Password:
New Password:
Reenter New Password:
Password changed.

The following is used as an example for switching an account from common user or lgnusr user
to root user.

omucc_68 / $ su

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OMU Administration Guide 9 Configuring OMU Security Functions

omucc_68 / #

The following is used as an example for querying user information on the OMU.

omucc_68 / # cat /etc/passwd


The following is used as an example for deleting a common user account.

omucc_68 / # userdel -r omu123

The following is used as an example for enabling root user login with SSH to the OMU.

omucc_68 / $ su
omucc_68 / # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # chmod +x
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./ enable
Enable root user login, are you sure? [y/n]:y
Enabling root user login done
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam #

The following is used as an example for querying the status of the root user login with SSH.

omucc_68 / # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # chmod +x
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./ status
Configuration status: enabled Actual status: enabled

Follow-up Procedure
1. Record the information of the new common user and the status of the root user login with

9.4 Configuring the Function of Running the OMU

Processes as a Non-Root User
This section describes how to configuring the function of running the OMU processes as a non-
root user. OMU security is improved if OMU processes are executed by non-root users.

l The OMU board runs the Linux operating system except Dopra Linux V100R001C03
operating system.
l Users cannot add a user-defined user omuser that does not belong to the non-root user group
to the Linux operating system.

l In dual-OMU mode, set the switch for the function of Running the OMU Processes as a
Non-Root User for both the active and standby OMUs. Before the setting, stop the omud
process on the standby OMU then the omud process on the active OMU. After the setting,
start omud process on the active OMU and then the omud process on the standby OMU.

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l If you configure the function of running the OMU processes as a non-root user only for the
standby OMU, the status of this function on the standby OMU is overwritten after data
synchronization between the active and standby OMUs.
l If the status of this function on the standby OMU is overwritten after data synchronization
between the active and standby OMUs and is inconsistent before and after the overwriting, the
status after the overwriting takes effect only after the standby OMU is restarted or an active/
standby OMU switchover is performed.
l After this function is enabled, user omuser of the Linux operating system is automatically
added. User omuser, which belongs to the root user group, can be used to run the OMU
processes but not to log in to the OMU.
l After this function is enabled, the omud, monitor, omu_manager, software, and sntp
processes can only be executed by user root. Other processes can be executed by user
l If non-root users run OMU processes, they do not have file operation rights only authorized
for user root, thereby improving system security.
l If users upload the license file or MML script in sftp mode to the OMU as user root of the
Linux operating system, they must run the chmod command to add rights authorized for
the root user group to a file. For example, run the chmod 770 /mbsc/bam/version_a/ftp/
license/lic.dat command to add the right to the lic.dat license file. If the rights are not added,
users cannot perform some operations in OMU processes, such as license activation and
MML script execution.
If users modify the permission to modify a file stored in the OMU software installation
directory as user root of the Linux operating system, the OMU software cannot work
l If the value of The Type of FTP Server Command Port is changed from
CUSTOMPORT(Custom Port) to DEFAULTPORT(Default 21 Port) for the FTP
server by running the SET FTPSSRV command, the ftp_server process automatically
resets to allow the setting to take effect.
l In upgrade scenarios, this function remains the status before the upgrade. By default, this
function is disabled for new networks.

l Enable the function of running the OMU processes as a non-root user.
1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.
3. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate
to the directory that contains omutool.
4. Run the ./omutool privilege_restrict on command and press Enter.
5. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.
l Disable the function of running the OMU processes as a non-root user.
1. Log in to the target OMU.
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.
3. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate
to the directory that contains omutool.

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4. Run the ./omutool privilege_restrict off command and press Enter.

5. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.
l Query the status of the function of running the OMU processes as a non-root user.
1. Log in to the target OMU.
2. Type the /etc/rc.d/omud stop command and click Enter to stop the omud process.
3. Type the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and click Enter to navigate
to the directory that contains omutool.
4. Run the ./omutool privilege_restrict command and press Enter.
5. Enter the /etc/rc.d/omud start command and press Enter to start the omud.


Enabling the function of running the OMU processes as a non-root user

omucc_68 ~ # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./omutool privilege_restrict on
User right verification is passed.
Successfully set the privilege restrict flag on!

Disabling the function of running the OMU processes as a non-root user

omucc_68 ~ # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./omutool privilege_restrict off
User right verification is passed.
Successfully set the privilege restrict flag off!

Querying the status of the function of running the OMU processes as a non-root user

omucc_68 ~ # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
omucc_68 /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./omutool privilege_restrict
User right verification is passed.
Current privilege restrict flag is OFF.

9.5 Enhancing Security of Time Synchronization with NTP

The security of time synchronization with Network Time Protocol (NTP) is enhanced for the
BSC6900 after NTP messages are authenticated.

l The peer equipment supports NTP and NTP message authentication.
l The IP address, NTP server port number, and key index of the peer equipment have been

Before sending a synchronization request to an NTP server, the OMU, as an NTP client, encrypts
the request and attaches a key index and encryption information to the request. The NTP server
decrypts the request and sends a synchronization response to the NTP client. After receiving the

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response, the NTP client checks whether the encryption information in the response is consistent
with that calculated locally. If yes, the time synchronization between the NTP client and server

If multiple NTP servers are configured for the time synchronization with the OMU (NTP client),
the OMU automatically selects the best NTP server as the clock source.

When OMU of the BSC6900 is used as an NTP client, the OMU supports the NTP-based time
synchronization in plaintext or in cipher.

When OMU of the BSC6900 is used as an NTP server, the OMU only provides NTP plaintext
in internal network.

Step 1 Log in to the LMT by referring to Logging In to and Logging Out of the LMT.

Step 2 To add the information of an NTP server connected to the OMU, run the ADD
SNTPSRVINFO command and set the following parameters as required: IP Address, Port,
NTP Authentication Mode, Key ID, Encryption Algorithm, Key, Confirmation Key.

Repeat Step 2 to configure multiple NTP servers available for the time synchronization with the OMU.


9.6 Enabling Function of Checking OS File Integrity

This section describes how to enable the function of checking the operating system (OS) file
integrity. This function is for monitoring the security of the OMU OS.

The OMU OS File Integrity Checklist is available.

l The OMU OS File Integrity Checklist is used to specify the OS files to be checked. This
list must be in .txt format and file path information for a maximum of 5000 files can be
provided in the list. File path information for each file occupies one line and must include
the file name. The following is the example of file path information corresponding to Linux,
respectively: /etc/sysctl.conf and C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe.
l After the function is enabled, the OMU checks the integrity of specified files every 12
hours. If the check fails, the ALM-20723 File Loss or Damage is reported. In the scenarios
of version upgrade, driver upgrade, and OS upgrade, if the ALM-20723 File Loss or
Damage is reported after a monitored file is changed, clear the alarm by following the alarm
handling procedures.
l After an OS switch, this function will be automatically disabled and the OMU OS File
Integrity Checklist will be deleted. To enable this function, the OMU OS File Integrity
Checklist must be created and loaded again.

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l It is recommended that the files to be checked must be important and will not be changed
by the NE automatically. If the OMU is using Linux, files in the following directories are
recommended to be checked: /bin, /boot, /etc, /sbin, and /sys

If the OMU is in active/standby mode, enable or disable this function on both active and standby OMUs.

l Enabling this function
1. Upload the OMU OS File Integrity Checklist into the ftp/integrity_cfg directory in
the OMU active workspace. For details, see File Manager.
2. Run the ACT FILEINTEGRITYPRO command to enable this function.
l Disabling this function
1. Run the DEA FILEINTEGRITYPRO command to disable this function.
l Querying the function status
1. Run the LST FILEINTEGRITYPRO command to query the status of this function.


9.7 Configuring the Function of Recording OMU OS

Accessing Information in Real Time
This section describes how to configure the function of recording OMU operating system (OS)
accessing information in real time when users log in to or out of the OMU OS. This function
helps monitor the OMU OS security.

l The OMU OS is Dopra Linux.
l The peer equipment OS is Linux or Unix.

With this function, the OMU automatically records a user's information and reports the
information to the peer equipment by using the syslog service when the user logs in to or out of
the OMU OS. The reported user information includes the user name, user IP address, and the
number of the port through which the user accesses the OMU.

Multiple OMUs can be enabled with this function. Once enabled, they report their users'
information to the peer equipment simultaneously.

For example, the version information for the active OMU workspace is version_a. You can run the LST
OMUAREA command to query the version information for the current active OMU workspace.

l Enabling the function of recording OMU OS accessing information in real time

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OMU Administration Guide 9 Configuring OMU Security Functions

1. Log in to the target OMU. For details, see 6.3.1 Logging In to the OMU.
2. Run the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command to switch the directory where
the script is saved.
3. Run the ./ IP address PORT command to enable the function of
recording OMU OS accessing information in real time.

l IP address represents the IP address of the third-party server.

l PORT represents the number of port through which the third-party server receives OMU OS
accessing information. The recommended value for this parameter is 514.
For example, you can run the ./ 514 to enable this function.
l Disabling the function of recording OMU OS accessing information in real time
1. Log in to the target OMU.
2. Run the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command to switch the directory where
the script is saved.
3. Run the ./ disable command to disable the function of recording
OMU OS accessing information in real time.
l Checking whether the function of recording OMU OS accessing information in real time
is enabled
1. Log in to the target OMU.
2. Run the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command to switch the directory where
the script is saved.
3. Run the ./ l command to query whether the function of recording
OMU OS accessing information in real time is enabled.


9.8 Setting the Password Policy of the Operating System

This section describes how to set the password policy of the operating system to improve the
security of the BSC6900.

This operation applies only to the Windows and Dopra Linux operating systems except the Dopra
Linux operating system of V100R001.

Step 1 Run the MML command SET OSPWDPOLICY to set the password policy for the current
OMU operating system.

The password policy takes effect only when the OS Password Policy Switch is set to on in this parameter.

Step 2 Run the MML command DSP OSPWDPOLICY to query whether the password policy takes


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