Branding: Hashmi&gropu Branding Report

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Hashmi&gropu branding report

The power of the brand in all its forms is likely to become even more deeply embedded in our cultural landscape. Dr Shirley Jenner and Stephen Taylor, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School

Hashmi&gropu branding report

Living the brand is saying that there are as many definitions of brand, as there are theories of them ,Doyel for example is using the definition A brand can be defined as a specific name ,symbols or design- or more usually ,some combination of these which is used to distinguish a particular sellers product We start our day with a morning jog in Nike athletic shoes, we go to work dressed in a Raymonds suit in a new Accent car, and stop along the way for having a cup of coffee at Cafe Coffee Day. These aren't mere shoes, clothes, cars and coffee we are talking about. These are brands, and chances are you have to choose them not only because they meet your basic requirements of clothing, transportation and sustenance, but also because the brands promise a certain quality and style that you've come to rely upon. Great brands provide a source of identification and assurance of quality. These brands simplify decision-making and communicate the value they create for their customers. And great brands make and keep their promises. These characteristics differentiate great brands and cement their leadership credentials. Branding in HR has traditionally been limited to the employment function. The HR branding has become a topic of great interest. The importance of mastering the concepts and skills behind branding have greater implications for HR professionals in the "new economy". The success of an organization relies upon excellence in execution. Historically, corporate leaders have looked to other functions, such as product development, marketing and sales, to drive corporate success, today more and more eyes are looking towards HR as the call for need. Success of the brand depends upon of awareness and relevance. If target audiences are not aware of the brand, if their internal and external customers don't notice your effort in the cacophony of messages they receive each day, then we will never have a chance to be relevant. And if they become aware of you, if you capture their attention and fail to deliver relevance, then they will learn to ignore you. In this paper, we give an overview of the importance of branding, steps involved in building a brand for the HR department. In this paper, we have also described the importance of creating a brand for the HR department to attract, motivate and retain the best and brightest in order to survive in the competitive world. Then we have analyzed the various sub systems of HR brand system which serves as the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the company to grow in a big way in the long run.

Hashmi&gropu branding report

Customers differentiate firms by their products. Marketers have traditionally used "The 4 Ps" (product, price, position and promotion) to set the products of their firm apart from those of the competitor in the market place. Employees now differentiate their jobs by HR branding .The 4 Ps of HR are People, Pay, Position and Prospects. As the functions of HR started spreading across the organization, the services rendered by the HR department to the employees can be treated as the same thing as selling services to the external customer. Hence, the HR department should care about its brand identity. For a company to be successful, it has to attract, motivate and retain the best and brightest, making it competitive in the race. As organizations are complex, open systems, single interventions are not enough. The best organizations have compelling people strategies that are perfectly aligned with the organization's business strategy. Once the people strategy is aligned with the business strategy, you can begin creating a great place to work. The HR brand has to be aligned congruently with what the company delivers to the employee, customer, public and shareholder. In today's knowledge driven economy, HR plays a strategic role in bringing in the right kind of people into the organisation. In a sense, HR is the first face of an organisation for a new prospective employee. Market research has revealed that strong brands contribute to strong competitive presence. In this way, the HR in its new avatar, the importance of branding HR follows quite as a corollary. The challenge faced while structuring the brand is to establish new deliverables to sustain strong partnerships with both internal and external customers. The ability to see the big picture and to deploy the resources to address to this big picture will be more important than ever, based on the interactions of HR department with both internal and external customers.

Internal Customer (people who have direct interaction)

Intreraction ofHR Department

External Customer (people who have indirect interaction)

Type of Branding

Hashmi&gropu branding report

The brand 'HR' can be well built by concentrating on the factors, which directly or indirectly influence the expectations of an employee. HR department should take decisions that would not discourage employees from being aligned to the brand behavior. Initially, we have to build a brand internally that is possible by making high participation of internal customers in benefit plans, training programs and company functions. Greater the acceptance of performance plans, compensation programs, and policies and procedures, employee assistance programs, meditation services lead to higher satisfaction ratings on employee attitude surveys. If an organisation wants its brand to be perceived as more strategic, more valuable, more reliable, one needs to think about what internal and external customers expect from them, how well they can deliver it, and how to progress. This isn't achieved by fancy packages, catchy slogans and name changes, either. This is achieved by thinking like a business with a product to be developed, marketed and reliably delivered to customers who want your services.

Rise in Importance of HR Branding:

Pic Rise in Importance

Hashmi&gropu branding report

Brand as a System:
We can consider brand as a system. The brand system has four components which are inextricably tied and interdependent.

Brand As a System

It is the service or a group of services that the brand renders to its customers, and if the offer is complex or it is difficult to explain, then it would be very difficult to communicate the offer to the target segment. Hence, the offer should be clearly described for a brand to be successful. Example: Compensation packages, Training programs, Employee assistance programs, a good working environment, etc.

Identity is defined as every thing that assists in attracting attention, setting expectations and making an impression. Names, logos, slogans, advertising, packaging, vision and mission statement of the HR department make up the brand identity. This provides information to employees to determine an impression on the HR department.

Brand experience is the aggregate of all the perceptions that result from the interactions with a brand. But all the experiences are not equal. Employees assign different levels of importance to different facets of their experience.

Brand Image is what people think of the brand. This is primarily based on the interactions ith the HR department.

Hashmi&gropu branding report

Steps Involved in Branding

Know They Customers
The first step in creating or enhancing a brand identity is to determine who your customers are, what they need, and how they currently perceive you. Are your primary customers upper managers, line managers or the entire workforce? What products and services do they use from HR? What would they like from HR? Do they use any HR services from outside vendors, and if so, why? How do they perceive the internal HR department? To get truthful and useful information, it may be worthwhile to hire an outside specialist to conduct these interviews in private. Employees are more likely to state their true feelings about HR if they are guaranteed anonymity, and don't have to share their opinions in front of peers and co-workers. It s important to start with gap analysis .Now-a-days in companies, there are many ideas about what HR is. When one thinks of human resources, they think of training, recruitment, personal welfare, salary and bonus, the corporate environment, and a whole range of concerns which can make brand development trickier. Companies often start with structuring various activities of HR to build a prototype with acquires all the qualities of a brand. Then they acquire and divest other companies ideas, to groom themselves with new technology, converge into new brand areas and pretty soon they outgrow. Scheming a Strategy Towards Development of Mission Statement Once the needs and current perceptions of your existing customers are determined, then the way the HR department is perceived can be changed. All HR departments wish they could be strategic. But this may not be the most appropriate goal for every HR department in every company. In some companies, internal customers may want the HR department to provide great service in all the traditional HR areas. In many companies, customers may expect HR to take responsibility for productivity growth. You have to decide what brand identity works best for your particular culture and then work to create a mission statement and an organization that supports that identity. HR professionals should take time to decide what works best for their particular customers. Developing a brand is all about making tough decisions as to what you will and will not stand for. In your company, for example, it may make sense to outsource routine tasks such as payroll processing so that existing HR people can concentrate on more strategic issues. To develop a solid brand identity you shouldn't be all things to all people.

Hashmi&gropu branding report

Once you determine what your brand identity will be, take some time to craft a mission statement that will guide you through all the improvements that need to be made. The statement should define the mission of the HR function, the values and core principles the department will uphold, and the benefits. The mission statement is important because it helps to define the future you wish to gravitate toward. We call this 'aspirational branding'. Monitor the Change Performing Gap Analysis Based on customer input, your HR department needs to do a better job by providing good services. Whether it s hiring employees or conducting team-building sessions, customers want you to be more responsive and pleasant to deal with. Because branding is about delivering a promise, we must ensure that people, practices and systems in the HR department all work to support the goal of customer service. There has to be an alignment between the brand promise and what you actually deliver. Just as the company does not hire retired men in leisure suits to sell its hip, young clothing, we should not staff people who are unwilling to go the extra mile for line managers. For a brand identity to work, the systems must provide itself with back-ups. Act the Talk In the world of consumer goods, a product without a distinctive logo, slogan and type of packaging would become standstill. For example, a can of Coors beer looks very different from a can of Coca-Cola. These companies understand that the look and feel of their products communicate strong, albeit subtle messages to consumers. Does it make sense for the HR department to create its own logo and slogan? Is the look of the HR department itself important in communicating brand identity? Packaging is an extremely valuable way to communicate and reinforce what a brand is about, but it would not work unless there is substance behind it. If your HR department has made substantial improvements, then the new look can be a way of communicating those improvements to others. For example, as told by Shiv Balan, Head of HR at GMR Group, more than 80 percent of stored memory comes from the visual sense. "What you see, you remember, more so than any of the other senses." Consumer companies understand this, and that's why they spend enormous sums developing logos with memorable type, images and color. If you think developing a separate logo for your HR department will make it stand out and get noticed, there s no harm in it. A verbal tag-line can also be an effective tool in getting your message across. But probably the most important packaging item is the HR department itself. "Branding is not just about a label, logo, name, environment or color." More to the point a service brand HR is about people. It is all about how those people act, talk and treat others. You

Hashmi&gropu branding report

could spend millions of dollars redesigning your department, developing a logo and tag-line, and communicating the new brand identity, but if the people in HR are impossible to deal with, forget it. Your accomplishment is nothing. Flatter a Lot The most important step that needs to be followed once we determined what the brand identity is, to create a system in which you can consistently deliver the brand's promise, and you have packaged the department in such a way as to subtly communicate the improvements that have been made. Now is the time to begin tooting your horn. However, unlike Pizza Hut or Nike, HR doesn't have the opportunity to use paid advertising to get its message across. A better way to communicate the new brand identity is by taking advantage of tried-and-true public-relations techniques. For example, if you want human resources to be perceived as strategic, take time to quantify the strategic impact of a recent HR decision, or find an anecdote that shows how HR contributed to the strategic direction of the company by communicating those messages in board meetings, through the company newsletter or by developing special "HR Performance Reports". The key thing is to back up the overall. Be sure to use language that employees will understand. "Don t get so caught up in HR jargon or terminology that you end up losing the audience," he warns. "Craft messages that speak to the recipient, not to you." Enhance Your Visibility Another PR technique that will help you to spread the good word about HR is to be as visible as you can - not only within your own company, but also in the larger world of human resources. Reach out to magazines and speak at HR conferences. This gives external validation for the brand changes you have made internally - and sometimes that's what it takes to get managers to pay attention. No Looking Back As HR struggles to gain a foothold in the rapidly changing world of business, the profession must regularly subject itself to self-scrutiny and be willing to make tough choices about what it will and will not stand for. The HR brand is in transition, but with careful attention the brand can harness an identity, learn to compete with external vendors and provide what customers expect. The trick is to remember that branding is not a paint job. You can't dress up the HR department in new colors and expect people to believe everything has changed. Branding is only convincing, credible and effective, if it reflects changes in substance. So pull out your Palm Pilot, PowerBook or Parker ball point and make a note to yourself - "The brand strategy works and HR can take advantage of it."

Hashmi&gropu branding report

Employer Branding

Hashmi&gropu branding report

Employee Value Proposition: Most Indian companies shout from the rooftops about the importance they give to Employee Value Proposition (EVP) - a commonly used term to describe the characteristics and appeal of working for an organisation. That's understandable, since an EVP quotient often determines whether you are an employer of choice, and studies have shown that companies with strong and credible EVPs become as famous for the way they treat people and the quality of their people as they are for their products and services. So, talk to any CEO or HR head and an invariable claim is that one of the top priorities is to have an effective EVP since it helps manage employee expectations, facilitate communication and establish the employer brand. A majority of companies seem to think that their EVP is being communicated well and represents their position in the marketplace. The reality is different. A global survey by Towers Watson last month shows that only a third of Indian companies have a formal EVP, and even they seem to be struggling to differentiate themselves from their competition. Basically, it's a problem of the sea of sameness. Other than top performers and those with a lot of potential, an organisation's EVP does not vary

Hashmi&gropu branding report

significantly. And few Indian companies think they have changed their EVP significantly in the light of the recent economic changes.There is, however, good news. Forty-four per cent of the survey respondents say their organisations will change their EVP significantly over the next three. years. This means that attracting and retaining key talent will remain major concerns for companies. At a time when the need for superior talent that can steer through wrenching change is increasing, companies are finding it difficult to get people to run divisions and manage critical functions, let alone lead companies. So, it's no surprise that the survey shows a sharp difference in the views of employers and employees on the preferred career model. While only 14 per cent of employers say their preferred career model for employees is switching organisations whenever a better opportunity arises, 44 per cent employees feel that's the right way to go. Just a third of the employees say they would work for two to three organisations throughout their career. And working for life in one organisation is almost a thing of the past. Employers and employees also have differing views on career advancement. A huge number of employees think there are fewer promotion opportunities since companies have reduced the number of job levels and it is difficult to get a transfer or lateral movement (over a third of employees also think there are no career advancement opportunities in many roles). But employers beg to differ. However, India would do well to introspect on the hard data provided by Towers Watson. Competitive base pay and challenging work are obviously the overwhelming priorities for most employees, specially at a time when a majority of companies will continue to grow over the next three years and the key drivers of growth will be market expansion, a focus on revenue and product expansion. That is why most companies are talking about increasing their salary budgets, bonus opportunities and the budget for training and development programmes. But caution remains the watchword and that explains the recruitment preference shifting from aggressive go-getters, who can only ride the growth wave, to more stable people, who can take the company forward but not at jet speed. Clearly, the slowdown is too fresh in memory. And many companies say they are ready with a blueprint should a slowdown strike again - that includes reducing pay increases and reducing or eliminating bonuses. But 37 per cent of companies say they will increase the employee co-pay for healthcare premiums. That's roughly in line with what India Inc did during the slowdown: over 60 per cent froze hiring and 35 per cent froze salaries.


Hashmi&gropu branding report

Unlike in the West, fewer Indian companies (15 per cent) went in for layoffs. Indian companies, in fact, had a better layoff record that their Chinese counterparts - 22 per cent of Chinese companies went in for employee retrenchment. There is no doubt that Indian companies will have to align their talent policies with changing business priorities. Towers Watson has provided some guidance in this regard - companies have no option but to build an internal pipeline of talent to ensure "talent readiness" for critical roles; and managerial capabilities that need to change the most are clear goal-setting, opportunities for skill development, enabling career planning and prioritisation of maximum returns to the business.This is important since most talent management activities in Indian companies are now viewed as "somewhat effective" - that's not a very good sign for your company's EVP.

Total Reward Framework:

The bodies of knowledge associated with total rewards became more robust as practitioners experienced the power of integrated strategies. Organizational and departmental structure changes allowed for better integration, and professional understanding improved as well. Advanced literature, research and case studies accelerated visibility for total rewards beyond the HR profession, garnering notice from line managers and, indeed, the C-suite. Given this advanced thinking and the increased importance of total rewards as a core business strategy, WorldatWork convened teams of volunteers -- leading professionals in the field -- to create an enhanced view of total rewards. The result: a comprehensive model that demonstrates the context, components and contributions of total rewards as part of an integrated business strategy.


Hashmi&gropu branding report

Elements of Total Rewards Stratergy: There are five elements of total rewards, each of which includes programs, practices, elements and dimensions that collectively define an organization's strategy to attract, motivate and retain employees. These elements are:

Compensation Benefits Work-Life Performance and Recognition Development and Career Opportunities

The elements represent the "tool kit" from which an organization chooses to offer and align a value proposition that creates value for both the organization and the employee. An effective total rewards strategy results in satisfied, engaged and productive employees, who in turn create desired business performance and results. The elements, as WorldatWork has defined them, are not mutually exclusive and are not intended to represent the ways that companies organize or deploy programs and elements within them. For instance, performance management may be a compensation-function- driven activity or may be decentralized in line organizations; it can be managed formally or informally. Likewise, recognition could be considered an element of compensation, benefits and work-life. Context for Total Rewards: The WorldatWork model recognizes that total rewards operates in the context of overall business strategy, organizational culture and HR strategy. Indeed, a company's exceptional culture or external brand value may be considered a critical component of the total employment value proposition. The backdrop of the WorldatWork model is a globe, representing the external influences on a business, such as:

Legal/regulatory issues Cultural influences and practices Competition


Hashmi&gropu branding report

The Exchange Relationship: An important dimension of the model is the "exchange relationship" between the employer and employee. Successful companies realize that productive employees create value for their organizations in return for tangible and intangible value that enriches their lives.

Total Rewards Strategy

L e v e r a g i n g F i v e E l e m e n t s t o A t t r a c t , M o t i v a t e

Hashmi&gropu branding report

, R e t a i n

Compensation Benefits Work-Life

Performance and Recognition Development and Career Opportunities

The Exchange Relationship EMPLOYER PROVIDES: | Total rewards valued by employees Time, talent, effort and results EMPLOYEE PROVIDES:

Context of Total Rewards

Business Strategy Organizational culture HR strategy

External influences (competition, industry, regulation, etc. Geography (location of workforce)

How the Model is Used The current model is intended as intellectual capital to help professionals and to guide the programming and content provided by our association. WorldatWork presents this new model to:

Represent the profession's conceptual framework for total rewards Serve as a tool for practitioners to use with management in their own organizations Depict the official WorldatWork model of total rewards Serve as a foundation and guidepost for intellectual capital development in the profession Become a tool for academics, consultants and others to support their intellectual capital endeavors.


Hashmi&gropu branding report

Model Definitions Total Rewards Total rewards is the monetary and non-monetary return provided to employees in exchange for their time, talents, efforts and results. It involves the deliberate integration of five key elements that effectively attract, motivate and retain the talent required to achieve desired business results. The five key rewards elements are:

Compensation Benefits Work-life Performance and Recognition Development and Career Opportunities

Total rewards strategy is the art of combining these five elements into tailored packages designed to achieve optimal motivation. For a total rewards strategy to be successful, employees must perceive monetary and nonmonetary rewards as valuable. An Integrated Total Rewards Strategy Culture: Culture consists of the collective attitudes and behaviors that influence how individuals behave. Culture determines how and why a company operates in the way it does. Typically, it is comprised of a set of often unspoken expectations, behavioral norms and performance standards to which the organization has become accustomed. Culture change is difficult to achieve because it involves changing attitudes and behaviors by altering their fundamental beliefs and values. Organizational culture is subject to internal and external influences; thus, culture is depicted as a contextual element of the total rewards model, overlapping within and outside the organization. Source: Schein, E. (1990) Organizational Culture, American Psychologist, February, Vol. 43, no. 2, 109-119 Environment: Environment is the total cluster of observable physical, psychological and behavioral elements in the workplace. It is the tangible manifestation of organizational culture. Environment sets the tone, as everyone who enters the workplace reacts to it, either consciously or unconsciously. Because they are directly observable and often measurable, specific elements of the environment can be deliberately manipulated or changed. The external environment in which an organization operates can influence the internal environment; thus, environment is depicted as a contextual element of the total rewards model, overlapping within and outside the organization. Attraction: The ability an organization has to draw the right kind of talent necessary to achieve organizational success. Attraction of an adequate (and perpetual) supply of qualified talent is essential for the organization's survival, and it is one of the key planks of business strategy. One

Hashmi&gropu branding report

way an organization can address this issue is to determine which "attractors" within the total rewards programs brings the kind of talent that will drive organizational success. A deliberate strategy to attract the quantity and quality of employees needed to drive organizational success is one of the key planks of business strategy. Retention: An organization's ability to keep employees who are valued contributors to organizational success for as long as is mutually beneficial. Desired talent can be kept on-staff by using a dynamic blend of elements from the total rewards package as employees move through their career lifecycles. However, not all retention is desirable, which is why a formal retention strategy with appropriate steps is essential. Motivation: The ability to cause employees to behave in a way that achieves the highest performance levels. Motivation is comprised of two types:

Intrinsic Motivation: Linked to factors that include an employee's sense of achievement, respect for the whole person, trust, appropriate advancement opportunities and others, intrinsic motivation consistently results in higher performance levels. Extrinsic Motivation: Extrinsic motivation is most frequently associated with rewards that are tangible such as pay.

There also are defined levels of intensity with regard to motivation:

Satisfaction -- how much I like things here Commitment -- how much I want to be here Engagement -- how much I will actually do to improve business results.


Hashmi&gropu branding report

Employee Brand


Hashmi&gropu branding report Companies, today are resorting to unique ways to foster their brand image. And how are they doing it? Through large hoardings? Unique tie ups? Celebrity endorsements? No. Why spend on external resources when they can look internally for help, that too for free. Meet the new brand ambassador. YOU, the employee. Here is how you can play a significant role towards building a successful employee brand.

You are making an airline ticket booking for your next trip. And what exactly influences your decision making process while choosing a certain airline company over the rest? Would you opt for an airline that gives you full advantage of baggage allowance (after all, you do intend to carry a lot of souvenirs back home for loved ones)? Does the safety rating matter (all airlines companies undergo audits and you obviously want to steer clear of an airline that has had a history of skidding on the runway, right?) Or you simply would like to have some eye candy in the form of attractive stewardesses? The above parameters depict a few ways through which companies formulate their brand perception strategies in order to ensure a definite impact on its clients / customers both current and prospective that plays a vital role in influencing their future buying decisions. However, experts point out that in todays turbulent scenario, the best way to foster a companys brand image is by looking internally and by allowing employees to serve as brand ambassadors for they can, in ways more than one, contribute immensely towards building a successful, living employee brand. Therefore ask yourself, are you an efficient brand mule? Here we explore your role as an employee towards ensuring a flawless employee branding exercise. Firstly, lets define an employee brand? The employee brand is an image of the organization presented to an organizations customers and other relevant stakeholders by its employees. And in the employee branding process, the employee starts talking the employer brand lingo and simply put, becomes a brand ambassador for he employer. Employee branding is an indirect branding process where you as employees internalize the culture, spirit and the values of the organization and project it to the outside world through their behaviors, attitudes and actions. It is a much deeper process than employer branding. It is a measure of the value that you gain during your employment and how you project yourself to the outside world, through interactions with customers, vendors, institutions and other organizations. The advantages of this are many. Managers of such organizations are respected in the market. You are highly motivated and engaged to be associated with a strong employee brand an you arent among those whom quit for just monetary gains. Employees begin to behave in ways that are aligned with the organizations desired brand message.

Hashmi&gropu branding report

Heres how employees can gain through employee branding even during tough times. 1) Prospective job seekers look forward to such organization as a model employer capable of creating champions. Would not you take pride in being associated with such a company? 2) An employee who leaves the organization and becomes successful outside, indirectly enhances the erstwhile companys brand value they always remain brand ambassador, a title to be proud of and 3) It also enhances your own market value. The employee should be willing to not only enjoy the limelight of being a brand within the organization but also should be ready to shoulder equal responsibility. You should acknowledge the efforts of the employer and sustain the image. You should go beyond their usual definition of work and be willing to go an extra mile to bring sustained success to the organization. An employee actively involved in the employee branding process is an asset to the company for he / she isnt just an employee working for it, but someone enhancing it as well. Wouldnt you like to be that asset? 1) It gives you more visibility, hence increased access to more opportunities as organizations dont want to miss out on a great employee who contributes towards building the employee brand. This means that you can actually have a choice, even in this environment. 2) This also means that you will have good references from employers impressed by your employee branding strategies, which increases your chance to get a job in a competitive market. 3) You can leverage your contribution towards building the employee brand for better compensation and benefits, location, etc. 4) If an organization is retrenching an actively involved employee will not feature in that list. So, your job is much safer.


Hashmi&gropu branding report

5 Tips for the Brand New Employee

Due to these trying economic times, a fact of life is that a lot of people have lost their jobs. Hopefully, the new year will bring new opportunities and job openings for these unfortunate workers. Starting out at a new job is both a difficult and an exciting time for any of us who have been there. But we certainly have to be wary of how we are perceived by our new co-workers. We also have to learn who we can trust and who can help us in our new job. Here are 5 tips that will help you get through this tough transitional time. 1. Dont Be Too Aggressive: I distinctly remember being in a meeting with a brand new employee who made it a point to give suggestions and recommendations on any issue that came up in the conversation. Its almost like he had to hear himself speak or he wouldnt be satisfied. Little did he know that we had already discounted these suggestions during the early stages of the project to which that meeting was devoted. It is important, especially for brand new employees, to listen a lot. Try not to come across as being overly aggressive because your co-workers will be turned off, especially before they have even gotten to know you. If you are asked for your opinion, offer it. Otherwise try to lay low until you get to know your fellow employees and they get to know you. 2. Remember Names: Salespeople have this one right. They make it a point to remember someones name after meeting them for the first time. Im not sure why, but it takes me at least two times before I remember someones name. Then again, Im not a salesperson, but I think thats probably better than most. And, as far as making first impressions, we cant forget the famous quote: You get only one chance to make a first impression. Making a good impression and remembering someones name, will go a long way to getting your working relationship off to a good start. 3. Learn the Landscape: First of all, you should get a copy of the org chart from Human Resources and make it a point to learn it. Knowing who reports to whom, will help you become familiar with all of the players in the organization. Knowing where to go to get help will be essential, not only to a new employee, but to a seasoned one.

Hashmi&gropu branding report

Also, if you are aware of who reports to whom, it will help you to avoid stepping on anyones toes by inadvertently going over someones head. And you should always make yourself aware of whom the officers are in the company. Ingratiating yourself to them early on can certainly go a long way to securing your employment in the company. 4. Be Likable: Sounds pretty simple, huh? This is certainly a pet peeve of mine or maybe Im just a little too sensitive. Maybe this is more difficult for some versus others but being likable is extremely important, especially when you are just starting out at a new job. One simple way to be likable, in a new work environment, is to simply smile and say hi when passing a co-worker in the hallways. It may sound like a very simple thing but, to this day, there are people at my work who simply dont make it a point to be friendly. And when you talk to other employees they will tell you the same thing. What the heck is her problem? or Whats the deal with him? Getting back to #1, you dont want to be overly aggressive with your likability. This also happens at times. I worked with a guy once who spoke to everyone he met, within the first week, like he knew them for his whole life. This also turned people off. So, the advice is to be pleasant but dont overdo it. It may sound easy but for some people it is not. 5. Offer to Help Out Your New Co-workers: The best way that you can ingratiate yourself with your new co-workers is to offer to help them out. You were hired because you have specific skills. Chances are, those skills can be used to help out other people at your work. Maybe you have been hired to work in the Finance department. If so, you are probably adept at using Microsoft Excel. The fact is, almost every employee uses Excel to perform their job functions. If you can leverage your skills in Excel to help out your co-workers, you are well on your way to fostering a positive working relationship. The employee you just helped may help you learn who you can trust and who you cant at your new job. These may seem like simple tips for the new employee, but youd be surprised at how many people fail to follow these guidelines. A little common sense and a little likability can go a long way to getting you off on the right foot at your brand spanking new job.


Hashmi&gropu branding report


Training Process: Pre-training Questionnaire is sent 15 days before training Execution of the Training Post-training evaluation after 1-3 months of training

Past and current clients compriseing the following industries: IT Companies, Hotels & Resorts, Facility Providers, Courier/Cargo, Security Services, Education Institutions, Overseas Recruitment, Healthcare, Financial Services, Construction and Public Sector Units Training methodology: - during the sessions, training may happen but learning may not. To avoid this contradiction, I take up the role of a learning facilitator by making training sessions interative, customising training programmes that meet clients requirements. In addition to this, my learning sessions include psychometric tests. Psychometric tests give insight to the learners on the development that they require.

Competitio n

Performance Culture Change Management

Change Management

Train to Develop the Employer Brand

External Reputation


Policies & Procedures

Customer Focus


Hashmi&gropu branding report

CASE STUDIES Pub Date Teaching Note Organization Industry Countries Abstract: This case is about the employer branding strategies adopted by McDonald's Corporation, one of the largest fast food chains in the world. Since the 1980s, entry-level jobs at McDonald's had come to be associated with low-paying dead end jobs. The term 'McJobs' had become synonymous with low-prestige, low-benefit, no-future jobs in the service or retail sector particularly at fast food restaurants and retail stores. Though the term was coined to describe jobs at McDonald's, it was later used to refer to any low-status job where little training was required and workers' activities were strictly regulated Because of its common usage, the term appeared in the online version of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) in March 2001 and the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (MerriamWebster Dictionary) in 2003. The case discusses how McDonald's systemically tried to redefine the term 'McJobs' and improve its employer brand since the early 2000s. According to McDonald's, this negative interpretation of McJobs was not only inaccurate but also demeaning to the thousands of people working in the service sector. As employer branding was a critical management tool for companies to attract the right talent, McDonald's decided to try and revise the image associated with McJobs. This it did by taking various initiatives that also included advertising campaigns aimed at showcasing the benefits of working at McDonald's and bridging the divide between people's perceptions of the McJob and the real employment experience of people actually working for the fast-food chain. Experts felt that these were some of the best examples of a company successfully planning and implementing an employee branding strategy. However, the case also highlights the challenges faced by McDonald's in attracting new talent as derogatory comments continued to be made about McJobs and this could discourage prospective employees from taking up such jobs. Issues:

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2009 Available (3 pages) McDonald's Corporation Fast food UK; Europe; USA

Understand the importance of employer branding and its relationship with the ability of a company to attract talent. Understand the issues and challenges in planning and implementing an employer branding initiative. Understand the strategic role of Human Resource Department.


Hashmi&gropu branding report

Evaluate the initiatives taken by McDonald's to bridge the gap between people's perceptions of McJobs and the real employment experiences of people actually working at its restaurants. Explore strategies that McDonald's could adopt in the future to enhance its employer brand.

Benefits of Building a Brand for HR Department

1. It improves credibility and strengthens the bonds of trust between HR department and the employees. 2. It acts as a catalyst for pushing change. 3. It is communications shorthand for getting the message out.

1. Employees perception at all times is not same. . 2. There is no appropriate method for prioritizing things. 3. People may not have proper knowledge towards branding. 4. Marketing and branding always overlap and create confusion.

Why do we go for brands? The answer is simple -.reliability. Its the popular brands which provide this reliability. Attracting knowledge workers has become a Herculean task for the HR department. Only the best practices and the best environment can assure their interest in working for your organisation. The practices and policies of the HR department and its outlook create a certain brand for the HR. The better the brand, better are the chances that you attract the best talent. The focus in our paper outlines all that are required to make HR the best brand.


Hashmi&gropu branding report



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