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 To inculcate godly values and virtues in the pupils, thereby redefining our societal
value system that has been perverse.
 To provoke biblical and intellectual thoughts in the participants (primary school
pupils) and by so doing, engage them positively.
 To revive reading culture and the act of studying of the Bible among them.
 To provide a unique platform for pupils interact with the Word of God.
 To foster the spirit of healthy competition.

My 100 Best-Loved Bible Stories

 Two participants represent each school.
 10 points would be awarded for each correct.
 Questions shall be answered within ten seconds, or the points shall be forfeited.
 Failed questions shall be passed to the audience only.
 First round: Participants are expected to answer five questions in this round – Old
Testament Stories
 Second round: Participants are expected to answer five questions in this round – New
Testament Stories.
 Third round: Participants are expected to answer three questions in this round (OT
and NT)
 Participants shall choose the questions to be asked in each round.
 Participants are advised to listen attentively to the questions as questions would not
be repeated more than once.
 There shall be no side talks, whispering or the usage of body language (from the
pupils and teachers) during the competition.
 Any school found cheating shall be disqualified immediately.
 Any Teacher that has issue to be clarified should pass a note to the Quiz Master and
not disrupt the flow of the competition.

 There shall be two recorders.
 The recorders shall sum up the total scores for each round.
 The total scores shall be announced to the audience and participants after each round.

 Timekeeper shall be prompt and alert.
 Timekeeper shall work with other officials to make the competition a success.

Quiz Master:
 The Quiz Master shall oversee the competition and prevent distractions from the
 The Quiz Master shall announce the result of the competition after due consultation
with other officials.


1. What were the names of Elkanah’s wives?
Ans: Hannah and Peninnah (30.58)
2. What was the punishment to Adam and Eve by God after they ate the fruit?
Ans: God thrown them out of the Garden of Eden forever, live on the earth where
they must take care of themselves, and will no longer be able to speak with God face
to face (3.11)
3. What were the names of the three sons of Noah?
Ans: Shem, Ham and Japheth (4.12)
4. When the rain stopped falling after forty days and nights, the ark built by Noah
touched dry ground on the side of a mountain, called ………………..?
Ans: Ararat (6.14)
5. After the flood, and God said that everybody can leave the ark, why did Noah build
an altar?
Ans: To worship God and thank him for keeping his family and all the animals (4.15)
6. What happened to Moses one day that was of great importance for him the rest of his
Ans: As he was out watching his sheep grazing near a mountain, he saw a very
strange bush on the mountain. The bush was on fire, but it did not burn up (18.37)
7. Who adopted Esther as a child?
Ans: Mordecai (47.91)
8. Why did Jonah not go to Nineveh as sent by God?
Ans: Because he was afraid to go and tell them about the warning from God (49.95)
9. Why did many people gather in a city and said: “Let us build a tall building that will
reach to heaven?
Ans: So that they will always be remembered in the future as the greatest and most
magnificent people who ever have lived on the earth (7.16)
10. What was Joseph first dream?
Ans: He dreamt that he and his brothers were cutting stalks of grain. They tied the
grain into bundles. But the brothers’ bundles all bowed down in front of Joseph’s
bundle (14.28)
11. When the people complained in the desert that they did not have enough food, in
what special way did God send food to them?
Ans: Each morning, pieces of sweet bread call Manna, were lying on the ground when
they woke up. Later in the afternoon, God sent quail into the camp that the Israelites
could easily catch and eat (21.42)
12. Why was the plan to build a tall building (tower) never completed?
Ans: Because God stopped them by giving all the people new languages (Everybody
was confused because they suddenly did not understand what each other said. They
could not work together anymore and not understand what one another said and had
to give up (7.16)
13. What was Joseph’s interpretation of the king’s dreams?
Ans: First, Egypt will have seven good years with plenty of food to eat. But then,
there will be seven very bad years where no food will grow at all (15.31)
14. What was Joseph’s interpretation of one of the prisoner’s dreams?
Ans: (In the past, you were the king’s special servant). Your dream means that you
will be his servant again very soon (15.30)
15. What instruction did Moses give to the twelve spies he sent to the land of Canaan?
Ans: To go and find out if the land was a good place and to see if their armies were
strong (23.46)
16. What was the first sign Gideon asked God to give to him to proof that God really
wanted him to be a leader?
Ans: Gideon put a piece of wool on the ground and said to God: Tonight, while I
sleep, make this wool wet with dew. But keep the ground dry (25.49)
17. What did God instructed that each soldier selected to fight the Midianites must carry?
Ans: A torch, a clay pot, and a horn (26.50)
18. What did Eli tell Samuel to say when next he heard the voice calling him?
Ans: Speak, Lord, I am your servant. I am ready to listen (31.60)
19. What did the King of Egypt do when he heard about Jacob’s father and brothers
coming to Egypt?
Ans: He gave them a wonderful piece of land in Egypt (16.33)
20. Why was David recorded as a good king?
Ans: Because he followed and listened to God (35.68)
21. Why did some men in the palace not like Daniel?
Ans: Because they were jealous that the kings trusted him with so much (44.84)
22. What did Haman do in order to get to Mordecai?
Ans: He tricked the king into passing a law making it alright to kill all Israelites
23. Though, it was scary and dark in the belly of the whale, Jonah still prayed to God,
Ans: Because Jonah knew that God could still hear him (51.99)
24. What did Abraham’s trusted friend who was to help to get a wife for Isaac prayed to
God to show him the girl who is the right wife for Isaac?
Ans: Let it be the woman who is offering me and the camels water to drink (10.21)
25. Esau and Jacob were twins, but they do not like alike why?
Ans: Because Esau had long thick hair in his arms and legs. Jacob’s skin was fine and
smooth. (Esau liked to live outdoors and hunt while Jacob enjoyed staying close to
home) (11.22)
26. How did Rebekah help Jacob to make Isaac into believing that Jacob was Esau?
Ans: Jacob put on Esau’s clothes and she too hair from a small goat and put the hair on
Jacob’s arms (to make the skin feel like Esau’s) (11.22)
27. David was skilled in many things, mention three of them?
Ans: A great warrior, fantastic poet, musician, song writer. (35.68)
28. David wrote songs about ---------------------?
Ans: God’s love and trusting God in difficulties we meet in our life (35.68)
29. What did God tell Elijah to go and tell king Ahab?
Ans: That they (the Israelites) should begin to obey God and stop worshipping Baal
30. How did God punish king Ahab and the Israelites for not caring about God?
Ans: By not letting rain fall in Israel for a very long time.
31. What was the contest between Elijah and king Ahab to determine who is the real
and living God?
Ans: Build two altars (one for each G(g)od and place wood on the altars without
setting the wood on fire and they would pray to their gods, and they will believe the
god that sends fire from heaven. (37.72)
32. King Nebuchadnezzar built a huge idol and sent message out to the whole city that as
soon as they hear the sound of 1………, 2………… 3………., 4…………..,
5…………., 6…………… and 7……………… they must fall down and worship the
image of gold. Mention at least four
Ans: Horn, Flute, Zither, Lyre, Harp, Pipes and all kinds of music (42.81)
33. When Nehemiah was sent to help rebuild Jerusalem, what was the first thing he did
and why?
Ans: He built a thick wall around the city to keep the people safe from their enemies


Who said these words and to whom?
1. I regretted that I created people and I want to start all over again. I am going to send a
big flood over the world, but you and our family will be safe
Ans: God to Noah (4.12)
2. Come and fight me if you dare
Ans: Goliath to Saul’s army (Israel’s soldiers) (32.63)
3. Now, you must throw me into the sea. Then God will make the storm go away
Ans: Jonah to the sailors (50.96)
4. Next year, at this same time, you and your wife will have a son
Ans: Three men to Abraham (9.19)
5. I am an old man, and it is time for someone else to lead the family. Take your
weapons and go hunting. Bring back some meat and fix me a good meal. After the
meal, I will bless you and make you the leader of our family.
Ans: Isaac to Esau (11.22)
6. Why do you still worship Baal? Let us have a contest between the true living God and
your Baal who is no god at all. This will prove for good which God is real
Ans: Elijah to king Ahab (37.72)
7. Why don’t you make a new law that for the next thirty days, people can only pray to
Ans: Some men in the palace to the king (44.84)
8. What can I do for you, dear Queen? I will give you whatever you ask, up to half my
Ans: The king (of Persia) to Esther (48.93)


1. When Jesus came to the tree where Zacchaeus was, he stopped, looked up and
said: _________________
Ans: Zacchaeus, come down. Today I want to eat dinner at you house (78.153)
2. When Mary did not understand Angel Gabriel’s message, what question did she
ask the Angel?
Ans: How can this happen? I am not married, so how should I be able to give birth
to a child? (53.104)
3. What was Jesus’s disciples to some men that asked them this question: Why are
you taking the colt? It is not yours?
Ans: The Lord needs the colt, and he will soon bring it back again (79.155)
4. What did the disciples put on the back on the colt before Jesus sat on it?
Ans: Their coats (80.156)
5. Why did the people celebrate Jesus entering into Jerusalem?
Ans: Because they were hoping that he would be their king and throw out the
Roman soldiers (80.157)
6. How did the people celebrate Jesus entering into Jerusalem?
Ans: They cut leafy branches from palm tree and waved the branches like flags.
Lay their coats and garment across the road before him and put other branches on
the path (80.156/157)
7. Mary was happy that she was going to have a child, but she was also very afraid.
Why was she afraid?
Ans: Because of what Joseph would say about it (53.105)
8. The Passover was a time for __________________________
Ans: People to remember how God had helped Moses and the Israelites escape
from Egypt (81.158)
9. When Jesus said to Judas: Go and do what you have to do. What did Judas do
immediately without saying a word?
Ans: He got up from his seat, left the room and went into the night (81.159)
10. On the way to Jairus house, whose daughter was very sick, a man came running to
them and said that the little girl was dead and there was no need for Jesus to come
over to the house. What was Jesus’ response to Jairus?
Ans: Don’t be afraid. Just trust that I can still help you (67.130)
11. What does the good shepherd do every evening when he returns home with the
Ans: He carefully count all his sheep before he locks them behind fences so they
were safe from the wild animals for the night (68.132)
12. Which people did Judas tell where they could find and arrest Jesus?
Ans: Jewish leaders (82.161)
13. After Judas kissed Jesus and the soldiers grabbed Jesus, what did Peter do in order
to defend Jesus?
Ans: He (drew his sword and) hit one of the soldiers and cut off his eat (82.161)
14. What was the reason Jesus died in the way he did?
Ans: Because God allowed it and decided it (84.164)
15. It was not easy for Paul to be a Christian; he had many enemies. What were the
things the enemies did to him?
Ans: They lied against him, beat him up and did all kinds of evil things to him
16. Who touched Saul’s eyes that made him to see again?
Ans: Ananias (92.181)
17. What were Paul and Silas doing when they were thrown into prison?
Ans: They continued to tell (people) about God, and they were signing about God
and praying in their prison cell (93.182)
18. When John was looking into heaven, and there was a very special city where
everything was covered with ________ and ________
Ans: Gold and Pearl (100.192)
19. What would happen when people eat of the wonderful fruits growing on the trees
in the special city seen by John
Ans: They will live forever (100.192)
20. Paul, Peter, and John wrote many letters to different churches. What was the
essence of the letters?
Ans: To teach other Christians about Jesus, his life, death and resurrection
21. What was the strange thing Jesus said while having a very special meal with his
Ans: One of you has made an evil plan against me and is going to help my enemies
22. Who gave the order that made Joseph and Mary to travel to the town of
Bethlehem to be counted?
Ans: The Roman Emperor (54.106)
23. Jesus told his disciples at the garden of Gethsemane to stay awake and pray with
him, but they fell asleep? Why did they fall asleep?
Ans: Because they were tired (82.160)
24. Saul changed his name to Paul to make it clear to everyone that --------------
Ans: He had now started out a new life as Christian (92.181)
25. Why was it that when Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, they could not find
a place to stay as no one in the town had a room available to rent that they could
Ans: Because they were poor (54.106)
26. The new star saw by the wise men means………………?
Ans: That a king has been born in Judah (56.110)
27. When the people asked John if he was the messiah, what was his response?
Ans: No, I am not him, but I am preparing everything for him (58.115)
28. When Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized, John told him: Jesus, you
don’t need to be baptized. It is I who needs to be baptized by you. What was Jesus’
Ans: I want you to baptize me. This is how it must be (59.116)
29. Mention the names of Jesus’ first four disciples
Ans: Peter, Andrew, John, and James (60.118)
30. What did everyone at the wedding in Cana who tasted the water that was turned
into wine say about the wine?
Ans: That the wine was the best they had ever tasted (61.120)
31. When Jesus said to the paralytic man, your sins are forgiven, what did the people
Ans: Only God can forgive sins (63.125)
32. In the parable of the beautiful pearl, what did the man who bought and sold pearls
aid he was going to do with the very special pearl that caught his eyes?
Ans: This pearl will not be for sale, but I will keep it for myself (73.142)
33. Why did the Jews dislike people from Samaria?
Ans: Because they were not real Jews (75.147)
34. What did Mattha say would have happened to her brother Lazarus if Jesus had
been there in Bethany?
Ans: That Lazarus would not have died (76.148)
35. When Jesus noticed that the disciples were trying to send the children away after
some women brought them for Jesus to put his hands on them and bless them,
what was his response to the disciples?
Ans: No! You must not hinder these little children to come to me. I tell you this: If
you are not going to be like these small children, you will never understand God’s
kingdom (77.151)


Who said these words and to whom?
1. Don’t worry, everyone is still here. No one has escaped
Ans: Paul to the man in charge of the prison (93.183)
2. Let me hunt down these people who say they believe in Jesus, let me have them
arrested and put away.
Ans: Paul to the Rulers (91.179)
3. A special child has been born tonight in Bethlehem. You will find him in a stable,
wrapped in a cloth and laid in a manger
Ans: The Angels to the Shepherds (55.108)
4. Come, let us go to Israel and fine the new king
Ans: The wise men to each other (56.110)
5. We have been so worried about where you were and have looked for you
everywhere. Why did you stay here?
Ans: Mary to Jesus (57.113)
6. Come and follow me and I will teach you how to fish for men
Ans: Jesus to Peter, Andrew, John and James (60.118)
7. I have found out that the wine has run out and they don’t have more to serve. Can
you help them?
Ans: Mary to Jesus (61.120)
8. I have wasted your money and I do not deserve to be your son anymore. But can I
be one of the servants here in our house?
Ans: The lost (prodigal) son to his father (74.144)
9. Take care of this man. I will pay whatever it costs for him to get well
Ans: The good Samaritan to the owner of the place where travelers stay (75.147)


Spell the word:

1. Nebuchadnezzar
2. Zacchaeus
3. Gethsemane
4. Magdalene
5. Pharaoh
6. Philistines
7. Nehemiah
8. Mordecai
9. Frankincense
10. Myrrh
11. Capernaum
12. Genesareth
13. Shipwreck


Multiple Answers

1. Mention the first three commandments (22.44)

1. Worship God only
2. Do not worship anyone or anything else. (2. Do not make any idol or picture to
3. My name is holy

2. Mention the fourth to sixth commandments (22.44)

4. Keep day number seven holy and do your work in six days
5. Honour your father and mother
6. Do not kill

3. Mention the seventh to ninth commandments (22.45)

7. Do not break the promises you make when you marry
8. Do not steal
9. Do not tell lies

4. Mention the first three plagues God sent over Egypt (19.38)
1. Turned water into blood
2. Covered the land with frogs
3. Gnats that came out of the ground

5. Mention the fourth to sixth plagues God sent over Egypt (19.38)
4. Swarms of flies
5. All Egypt’s farm animals became sick (and many even died)
6. Sores (that covered the Egyptians’ bodies)

6. Mention the seventh to ninth plagues God sent over Egypt (19.39)
7. Terrible storm with huge hailstones
8. Swarms of locusts
9.Thick darkness covered Egypt for three days

7. Mention the things God created on the first three days (1.6)
1. Light
2. Mountains, Valley, Lakes, and Rivers
3. Green grass (tall trees and beautiful flowers)

8. Mention the things God created on day four to six (1.7)

4. Sun, moon, and the stars
5. Fish in the seas and rivers and birds to fly through the sky
6. Animals of every kind (to live on the dry land of the earth) and man (woman)

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