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The Internship Report On



Submitted By
Asjad Umair Shah
Roll No. 1924
Regd No. 1532-GCVS-17
DVM Session: 2017-2021



Letter of Undertaking

I Asjad Umair Shah Student of DVM (2017-2021), Regd No. 1532-GCVS-17

hereby confirm that the report I have provided is solely my own effort. I did not
copy my report partially or completely from any other student or from any other
source either against payment or free and I did not provide plagiarized material in
any section of my report. I further confirm that the documents (Internship letter)
that I have provided are genuine and have been issued by the authorized person in
the organization. If i am found of mis-stating, misleading or concealing the facts
about my activities (either academic or non-academic but relevant to this course) at
any stage. The University is authorized to take disciplinary action against me
according to University policies and regulations.

Name & Signature of Student


It is certified that Mr. Asjad Umair Shah s/o Mulazim Hussain Shah Roll No.
1924 Regd No. 1532-GCVS-2017 DVM Session 2017-2021 has successfully
completed his 18 weeks internship and submitted this internship report it is also
certified that the content of this report has been found satisfactory for the
requirement of degree of Doctor OF Veterinary Medicine (DVM).

Coordinator ________________________

Internship Advisor ________________________

Checked By ________________________

Prepared By ________________________


I would like to dedicate this work to my beloved and caring friends Dr.
Syed Muhammad Ali Ramish Shah Zaidi , My Parents , And my
Teachers with support of whom I standing at this step of my life stairs.

All praises for ALLAH Almighty that has bestow upon human beings
the crown of creation and endowed him with knowledge and wisdom.
After Allah the last prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H Who bought for us
revelation and unlimited knowledge civilized the barbarian human
I am Thankful to Allah who gave me the courage to complete this task
and my ever caring and loving parents and Teachers who helped me to
reach the stage
Besides there are many people who supported me in the formation of
this report and without their support could never be able to complete this
report successfully. In this report I am very thankful to the Farm
Manager, Doctors and staff of Sabir’s Poultry and CVH D.I.Khan , who
cooperated with me at each step of my internship. They provide me a lot
of information about many procedures and operations in very short
period of time

I did my 18 weeks internship at Sabir’s Poultry and CVH D I Khan. I
worked as an Intern from 05th Feb, 2021 to 22nd Mar, 2021, while spent
my remaining time at CVH D I Khan from 23 rd Mar, 2021 to 16th Jun,
2021. As an Intern at Sabir’s Poultry my major duties were checking
feed consumption of birds, water consumption, temperature control,
humidity control, vaccination, disease diagnosis, necropsy, and
providing medication to control infections and reduce mortality.
During my internship period at CVH D I Khan I was mostly involved in
disease diagnosis and treatment of various species of animals. Moreover,
we were assigned to work in the District Animal Census 2021.

Sabirs’ Group is the sparkling name, institutional landmark, inspiration
and a symbol of hope on the horizon of Pakistan Poultry industry.The group
carries a history that extends over many decades of experience, expertise,
patriotism and commitment to provide better nutrition to the nation. In our
region, mal-nutrition is the real challenge and its percentage especially
among children is really alarming; this distressing situation led to the
establishment of Sabirs’ Group with the devotion to ensure availability and
affordability of poultry and poultry products for the people of Pakistan, as
they are a healthy source of protein

About Company

The History of the Sabirs’ Group extends back over decades of experience, expertise,
patriotism and commitment of its leadership. It was the urge for a healthy future and to serve the
nation with animal origin protein at an affordable cost, that resulted in the establishment of a
fully independent and growing setup in the name of Sabirs’ Group of Companies


Serving the nation by provision of superior quality chicken protein at affordable cost and thus
combating the meat shortage and striving for a healthy future. Ensuring a strict compliance with
international standards in all production procedures. Training and enabling the poultry farmers to
obtain profitable results through proper management practices and vigilance in disease control.

Work Environment

We strive hard to keep our work environment in total compliance with the internationally
recognized and recommended health and safety standards. We remain vigilant in Health, Safety
and Environment (HSE) protocols. Our Bio-Security standards are unique in Pakistan as we
humbly claim to be the only company in Pakistan with Double-Layered Bio-Security Systems
and Ultra Violet Lamps to gain access to our production units. Likewise, we have a strict
Personal Protective Equipment Protocol (PPEP) System, for further vigilance on the Safety and
occupational hazards. To remain environment friendly, we have made special arrangements for
the waste disposal as well as for recycling.

The People

We believe in sharing the knowledge and values, enabling and training people to build their
capacity to perform at their best. We have well trained and highly skilled staff in all our units,
with a complete command over their relevant subjects and assignments.

Board of Directors

A legendary figure of the Pakistan poultry industry, Dr. Faqeer Muhammad Sabir, a
veterinarian, has an experience in poultry industry spread back over three decades. He is well
known for his knowledge and understanding of the different dynamics of the poultry production
and is honored as an authority and a standard on national and international forums. His five sons
namely Mr. Muhammad Kamran, Mr. Muhammad Arslan, Mr. Muhammad Zeeshan, Mr.
Muhammad Salman and Mr. Muhammad Imran leading the organization shoulder to shoulder
with him in the capacity of the Executive Directors of the company.

The Services

Having a strong belief in sharing and enabling the people on Techniques and Technology,
we make every effort to impart the training based on the latest information, to the poultry men
entering this business. Our Technical Support network is extended throughout Pakistan with our
experts serving and supporting the Farmers round the clock. The objectives of such an extended
support team are to help the farmers reduce their cost of production, control and combat diseases
and hence their losses and improve the yield and performance to attain the production targets
through improvement in the management system. We also welcome fresh and unskilled
prospective candidates in different training programs leading to permanent employment and a
lifelong career with us. In this regard, dedicated training modules have been designed for those
interested to pursue poultry as a career.

Products of Sabirs' Poultry

The Sabirs’ Poultry is comprised of:

 Broiler Farm
 Breeder Farm
 Sabroso Processing Plant
 Feed Companies
o Sabir Feed
o Multan feed
o Shazor Feed
 Hatcheries
o Sabir Hatchery Sheikhopura
o Sabir Hatchery Multan


I did my internship at Sabirs Poultry Broiler Farm located at Nankana Sahib Village
Adampura. My internship period was of 1 months and 17 days (February 05 th , 2021 to March
22nd , 2021). I got a great experience about broiler Cage flock and seek a lot of practical work
there. Now Alhamdulillah, I can manage the farm circle from brooding to rearing and all the
perspective related to farm easily. Its all due to my sincerity and hardworking and interest in this

It is Cage type Broiler farm constructed and designed by a Chinese company Big Herds-Man.

There was 2 numbers of Shed

o Total Flock in Shed No. 1 = 63000 chicks

o Each Cage contain 130 chicks
o Total Flock in Shed No. 2 = 66000 chicks
o Each Cage Contain 138 chicks


 Control Room
 Store Room
 Electrician Room
 Shed
 Feed Room
 Worker Colony
 Doctor Colony
 Silo
 Mortality Ditch

 Automation system = Big Herdsman
 Shed length = 332 ft. Shed width = 45 ft.
 Shed height = 20 ft from Ceiling & 17 ft. from Attic


 Length = 3m
 Width = 1.8m
 Total Cage = 480cages
 Cage in 1 Conveyor = 120 ( 1 Shed contain 4 Conveyor)
 Cage in 1 line = 30


 Front Pad Length = 39.5 ft & width 6.5ft

 Side Pads Length (Both Sides) = 78.9 ft & Width =9ft.
 No. of Pads = 3


 Total fans =58 fans

 Small and Simple fans = 10
o Length = 3 ft
o Width = 3ft
o CFM = 9000
 Cone Fan = 14
o Length = 4.5 ft
o Width = 4.6 ft
o CFM = 23000
 Box Fans = 10
o Length – 4.3ft
o Width = 4.3 ft
o CFM = 21000

 Drum fan = 10
 Ceiling fans = 24
 Total LED Lights = 960 (480 x 2)
 Total Slates = 3840 ( 480 x 8)
 Total vents = 126 ( 63 + 63)
 Total Feeders = 960 (480 x 2)
 Total water nipples = 5760 ( 480 x 12)
 Total Feed Line = 16
 Total water line = 32
 Total Bulbs = 93
 Total Brooders = 4
 Chicks Plates
 Humidity Sensor
 No of generators = 3
 Fuel Tanks = 2


 Biosecurity is one of the most important pillars in management of control sheds to prevent
entry of harmful pathogens in the farm premises.
 At Sabirs Broiler farm, biosecurity measures were very strict.
 There was zero tolerance in the disciplines of biosecurity.
 Entry of unnecessary persons or vehicles was strictly prohibited.
 Everyone with ‘’NO” exception have to leave the vehicle to disinfect the hands by dipping the
hands in hand disinfectant box or by hand sanitizer, change the shoes, take the head cover, face
mask and disinfect the cell phone.
 Any type of vehicle or trucks that came in farm for feed unloading got properly tyre-washed to
remove any debris.
 Pressure water with 40% formaldehyde solution is used to disinfect the vehicles.
 Labor that came for shed work are instructed to first deposit their cell-phone for lamination and
take shower then wear well washed farm clothes & shoes, take face masks and head covers.
After that they could go to their sheds.
 Different color scheme of uniform and shoes for shed and colony to ensure biosecurity
 Foot dip (containing 0.1 to 0.2% GPC8) and hand dip (watery solution containing Dettol solution)
at the entrance of each shed.
 Regular cypermethrin spray in the boundary of sheds and insecticidal spray in boundary of
sheds, office, feed store, and colony.
 Same farm uniform for the staff, doctors special for visitors.
 Separate uniforms and shoes for colony as well as for sheds.
 Guests at farm were only allowed to sit in the office.
 No unnecessary shed visits were allowed.


Day Vaccine Route

At Hatchery MA5 Clone 30 (ND+ IBD) Spray
8th Day ND-Killed Per-Oral
18th Day ND-Killed Per-Oral


Flock Age Light Intensity lux Photo-Period

(hours of Light per day)
1-3 20 23
3-10 20 18
10-15 5 8
15-21 5 12

21-28 5 16
28-42 5 18

Day Feed
1st -10th day 9A
11th-24th Day 9B
25th -42nd Day 9S

 Initially for first seven days feeding was given in chick Plates.
 No feed Gap

Bird Weighing

Accurate weighing of enough birds in the rearing and reproductive periods is the only way to
adjust feed amounts and control bodyweight. Sample weighing should be carried out weekly starting at
day old before offering of feed.

 Weight was done on weekly basis

 Day Old chick weight was 40gms

Week Weight
1st Week 183gms
2nd week 502gms
3rd week 970 gms
4th week 1538 gms
5th week 2164 gms

Good uniformity:-

Good uniformity is a key for good peak production and maximum chick yield. Adequate feed
supply and distribution for the individual bird is sign of good uniformity

Main causes for poor uniformity are:

 Insufficient feeder space. In this case, not all birds may be able to consume enough feed  to
meet their demand.
 Uneven feed supply in the house.
 The feed supply system must be able to distribute the feed quickly so that all birds can start to
eat at the same time.
 Nutritional and disease problems. Intestinal disease problems (e.g. coccidiosis) affecting the
utilization of nutrients can also cause uniformity problems.

Taking different samples in all sheds

At the time of the placement of a new breeding flock, the day-old chicks are evaluated on different
quality parameters, including the tests for Salmonella and Mycoplasma, to ensure a disease-free vertical

Postmortem and Diseases at farm and their medication:

1. E.Coli
2. Enteritis
3. Salmonella
4. Infectious Bursal Disease
5. Hydro Pericardium Syndrome
6. Yolk Sac


1. Zoitl / Biotil

Dosage and Administration

 3ml per 10 litre drinking water for 3-5 Days (Zoitl)

 250 mg per ml (biotil)

2. Bromo 05/ Bromo-Z

Dosage and Administration

1 ml per 5 litr drinking water for 3-5 days

Care: 1ml 10 litre of Drinking water

3. Stressfort

Dosage and Administration

5 litre

4. Calgophos

Dosage and Administration

1-2ml per litre of Drinking water

5. Enrolist

Dosage and Administration

1ml per 4 litre of drinking water

6. Linmoxi

Dosage and Administration

Treatment dose: 1gm per 2 litre

Preventive Dose: 1gm per 4 litre

7. Doxinill:

Dosage and Administration

0.5-1.0 ml per litre of drinking water

8. Love qas

Dosage and Administration

1ml per 2 litre of drinking water

9. Selvit-E

Dosage and Administration

Treatment; 1ml per 12 litre of drinking water

Preventive “ 1 ml per 15 litre of drinking water

10. Bkovit

Dosage and Administration

10-15ml per 1000litre in drinking water

11. Amoxicillin

Dosage and Administration


Ventilation Management:-

 Ventilation is considered as one of the most important tools for the best performance of flock.
 Not only average temperature but individual sensor reading is also very important. Difference
between front and back sensor should not be more than 1-2oC.
 If difference is more than this, we must manage according to external temperature and shed
 Proper ventilation means proper temperature, air flow, no stagnant air, no smell of gases, and
no suffocation inside the shed.

 Ventilation is removing old air from the shed and replacing it with fresh air. In control sheds,
ventilation is maintained using control panel.

 Set point, minimum or maximum air flow, pad on & off temperature, pad timers, side fan
timers, front fan timers and inlet diameter opening, or closing are the things we can alter to get
the targeted ventilation.
 Set point in control panels indicates average temperature we want in the shed. Set point works
with number of fans. Pad ON & OFF Temperature: It is set according to need of a shed on basis
of external temperature and humidity.
 Both ON & OFF temperature for the pad working is set in the panel. It can made to work
automatically or manually according to circumstances. It is only used in summers. Even after
setting ON & OFF temperature of a pad, it also works on a timer in both auto and manual mode.
 In auto mode when temperature of a shed falls from OFF temperature of a pad set on a panel it
cut downs the timer and pads are OFF.
 But in manual it totally works on a timer. Timer can be changed.
 Vents are open in winters according to pressure and temperature.
 Nights of winter are cold, so we have to critically observe the birds repeatedly.
 We manage inlets, side fans and front fans one by one until we get the targeted ventilation and
temperature of the shed.
 We have to keep an eye on humidity that it should not be less than 40 %. At Sabirs breeder
Farm, I visit the shed during day, I found the environment comfortable for the birds.
 Transitional Ventilation is actually a mixed type of ventilation.
 Using both summer and winter strategies in a way that shed temperature and environment
remains in an ideal range.
 There were only two options Till 24oC outside temperature, system works on minimum
ventilation by addition of front fans as operational

My Routine Work at Farm

 Regular feed offering to birds under my supervision

 Regular monitoring of temperature & humidity
 Regular monitoring of ventilation
 Regular monitoring of watering of birds.
 Feed sampling which is offered for next day.
 To observe health status of birds.
 To ensure lighting schedule of sheds
 To ensure labor is working efficiently and maintaining the cleanliness of farm.
 To report Assistant Farm Manager regarding all above mentioned tasks.
 Vaccination under supervision of me.

Over all conclusions, Suggestion & Recommendations for future Internee’s.

 Your attachment with manager should be good.

 Your academic should be enough good.
 Deal with workers strictly and some time you should be cool mind.
 You should be well developed personality.
 Your attitude should be fully professional.
 Seek everything in shed either from workers, block incharge or supervisor etc.
 Your relationship with organization should be good.
 Your working should not like an internee but should be like a responsible person of farm.
 Bio-security protocol should be more enough than earlier.
 Monthly meeting of all manager staff for suggestion and recommendation in front of owner
Special incentives also be given to Head on Eid and on other special days should be given to the
 Medical facilities at farm.
 Employees be paid extra for the work which they done after working hours.
 Giving more facilities to manager staff.
 Location of farm should be more attractive than earlier.
 Sign board of poultry in whole farm.
 Welcome to more internees with stipend.
 On main road there should be big board of farm with company monogram.
 Best wishes for Sabirs’ company.


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