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School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Thermal Engineering Stream
MSc in Thermal Engineering
Seminar on

Types of condenser

Prepared By: Osman Mohammed

ID No. SGSR/0446/13

Submission Date: April 14/2014 E.C

Submitted to: Dr.Venkata S. (prof.)

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................1
2. Body ..........................................................................................................................................4
2.1. Three Main and Different Types of Condenser ..........................................................................4
2.1.1. Air-cooled condenser: .......................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Water-cooled condenser: ...................................................................................................5
2.1.3. Evaporative condenser: .....................................................................................................7
2.1.4. Cooling towers ..................................................................................................................8 Factors affecting Capacity of cooling towers: .................................................................. 11
3. Discussion .................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1. Comparison of air cooled condenser and water cooled condenser .......................................... 12
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 13
References ................................................................................................................................... 14

1. Introduction
A condenser in simple terms is a cooling device. Every refrigeration system and power plant use
condenser to condense refrigerant vapors or steam and is known as a heat rejector. Actually, it
turns superheated and highly-pressurized vapor into a subcooled liquid.

In any systems with heat transfer like refrigerators, home air conditioning equipment chillers, heat
pumps and ventilators there are many parts cooperating to transfer heat out of the entire system:
but among these parts, one of them is basically known as the heat rejection and it is called
condenser. A condenser is designed to transfer heat from a working fluid (e.g. water in a steam
power plant) to a secondary fluid or the surrounding air. The condenser relies on the efficient
heat transfer that occurs during phase changes, in this case during the condensation of a vapor into
a liquid[1].

Fig1 shows [2] a) steam condenser b) refrigeration condenser

Condenser is also used in an air conditioning system as shown in fig 2 below.

The outdoor unit contains the fan, the condenser and a compressor. Both the indoor unit and
outdoor unit are required to work together to provide cool air to the rooms of your home.

C) Condenser for air-conditioning

Three different phases happen in every

condenser. The first phase is called the
desuperheating. The vapor entering into the
condenser is already superheated and super
pressurized in the evaporator and compressor.
Desuperheating means to eject the heat from the
vapor and turns it into liquid. The next level is
changing or condensation state; losing more heat
continues in this state where we reach into 10% of
refrigerant as vapor and 90% as a liquid. The third
and last phase is a sub-cooling state. The sub-
cooling state is there so as to be sure that not even
rising temperatures can bring the liquid
refrigerant into vapor again[3].

Fig 2 shows different phase changes during condensation

2. Body
2.1. Three Main and Different Types of Condenser
According to the condensing medium used, the condensers are classified into the
following three groups:
1. Air-cooled condenser
Natural Convection condenser
Forced Convection condenser
2. Water-cooled condenser
Tube in tube or Double Tube condenser
Shell and Coil Condenser
Shell and Tube Condenser

3. Evaporative Condenser
2.1.1. Air-cooled condenser:
In air-cooled condenser, condenser heat is rejected directly to the ambient air. Thus, the
condensing temperature is a function of the ambient air dry-bulb temperature. The obvious
advantage of air-cooled condensers relative to water-cooled condensers is that cooling water is not
needed. Consequently, air-cooled condensers are the common choice for heat rejection
in geothermal power plants where water is scarce, such as in the desert areas of the western United
States. The main disadvantage of air-cooled condensers relative to water-cooled condensers is
typically higher capital cost; water is a better heat transfer medium than air, and so larger heat
rejection equipment is typically needed for air-cooled power plants. Parasitic losses due to fan
power requirements are generally greater for air-cooled condensers than for water-cooled
condensers. However, to compare total operating costs of water-cooled versus air-cooled power
plants, cooling tower maintenance costs should be considered.
Since the condensing temperature is a function of the dry-bulb ambient air temperature, air-cooled
plants perform poorly in hot summer weather. Wind velocity also plays a significant role. The
distance between two parallel air-cooled condensers must be considered to avoid thermal
influence, as hot discharge air from the windward air condenser may impact the intake air of the
leeward air condenser[3].

There are two types of air cooled condensers:

a) Natural convection air cooled condenser: As name suggests the movement of air in this type
condenser by natural convection. The cold air passes over the warm condenser tube and absorbs
heat from it. The temperature of air slowly increase, and hence the density of air decreases. The
lighter warm air then rises up, surrounding of hot tube then replace by fresh cold air. This continues
cycle known as natural convection.

Advantage: No fan used to air flow.

Disadvantages: Natural convection is a slow process.

Application: Domestic refrigerator, air conditioner.

b) Forced convection air cooled condenser: In forced convection air- cooled condensers, the fan
(either propeller or centrifugal) is used to force the air over the condenser coils to increase its heat
transfer capacity.

2.1.2 Water-cooled condenser:

Water-cooled condenser is one in which water is used as a condensing medium. A Water-Cooled
Condenser is a heat exchanger that removes heat from refrigerant vapour and transfers it to
the water running through it. Having the refrigerant vapour condensed on the outside of a tube
achieves this. In doing so, the vapour condenses and gives up heat to the water running inside the

Types of water-cooled condenser:

a) Tube in tube or double tube condenser:

Tube in tube type or double tube condenser consists of two tubes arranged in such a manner
that, one tube is inside the other. In this type of condenser, the hot vapour refrigerant enters from
the top side of the condenser. This vapour refrigerant is circulated through outer tubes.

Fig 5 shows water cooled condenser

The above figure shows counter flow type condenser and if necessary it may be counter flow type

b) Shell and coil condenser:

The shell condenser, or shell-and-coil condenser as it is commonly called, is a tank made of steel
with copper tubes inserted in the shell. Water circulates through the tubing and condenses hot
gases into a liquid. The bottom of the shell serves as the liquid receiver.

Fig 6 shows shell and coil condenser

c) Shell and tube condenser:
The shell and tube condenser as shown in fig below consists of a cylindrical steel shell containing
a number of straight water tubes[3].

Fig 8 shell and tube condenser

2.1.3. Evaporative condenser:

The evaporative condenser, as shown in fig below, use both air and water as condensing mediums
to condense the hot vapour refrigerant to liquid refrigerant.

Fig 8 shows evaporative condenser[4]

These condensers perform the combined functions of a water-cooled condensers and cooling
tower. In its operation, the water is pumped from the sump to spray header and sprayed through
nozzles over the condenser coils through which the hot vapour refrigerant from the compressor is
passing. The heat transfers from the refrigerant through the condensing tube walls and into the
water that is wetting the outside surface of the tubes. At the same time, a fan draws air from the
bottom side of the condenser and discharged out at the top of the condenser. The air causes the
water from the surface of the condenser coil to evaporate and absorb the latent heat of evaporation
from the remaining water to cool it. Though most of the cooling takes place by evaporation, the
air can also absorb some sensible heat from water. Since the heat for vaporizing the water is taken
from the refrigerant, therefore the vapour refrigerant condenses into liquid refrigerant.

The cold water that drops down into a sump is recirculated. In order to make up the deficiency
caused by the evaporated water, additional water is supplied to the sump. A float valve in the sump
controls the make -up supply. The eliminator is provided above the spray header to stop particles
of water escaping along with discharge air[5].

2.1.4. Cooling towers

According to the method adopted to circulate the air, cooling towers may be classified as:

1. Natural draft cooling towers

2. Mechanical draft cooling towers
1. Natural draft cooling towers: As the name indicates, the air is circulated inside the cooling
tower by natural convection. Natural draft cooling towers are frequently used in power plants. The
tower’s stack effect is responsible for producing the necessary air stream volume for
cooling. These models offer a unique economic advantage in that the energy requirement is
extremely low. This means, of course, that operating costs are minimal.

Fig 9 natural draft cooling tower [6]

2. Mechanical Draft Cooling Towers[7]: The mechanical draft cooling towers are very much
similar to that of the natural draft cooling towers. As the name indicates, air is circulated inside
the tower mechanically instead of natural circulation. Propeller fans or centrifugal fans may be

Advantages of mechanical draft cooling towers over natural draft cooling towers:

 For the same capacity used, the mechanical draft cooling towers are much smaller than the
natural draft cooling towers. This is because of the increase in cooling capacity due to
increase in volume of the air being forced out by fan.

 Capacity control is possible in mechanical draft cooling tower. By controlling the speed of
the fan, the volume of air can be controlled, which in turn controls the capacity.

 The natural draft cooling towers can be located only in open space. As they do not depend
upon the atmospheric air, the mechanical draft cooling towers shall be located even inside
the building

Disadvantages of using mechanical draft cooling towers:

 More power is required to run the system,

 Increased running cost due to increase in maintenance of the fans, motors and its associated

According to the location of the fan, they are further classified as:

1. Forced draft cooling towers, and

2. Induced draft cooling towers.

1. Forced Draft Cooling Towers

In this system, fan is located near the bottom and on the side. This fan forces the air from bottom
to top. An eliminator is used to prevent loss of water droplets along with the forced air.

Fig 10 shows forced draft cooling towers

2. Induced draft cooling towers:

In this system, a centrally located fan at the top, takes suction from the tower and discharges it to
the atmosphere. The only between the induced draft cooling tower and forced draft cooling tower
is that the fan is located at the top in the induced draft cooling tower[3].

Fig. 11 shows induced draft cooling towers Factors affecting Capacity of cooling towers:

1. Dry bulb and wet bulb temperature of the air

2. The amount of water surface exposed to the air

3. The length of the exposure time

4. The velocity of air passing over the water droplets[5]

3. Discussion
3.1. Comparison of air cooled condenser and water cooled condenser
No Air-cooled condenser Water cooled condenser
1 Since the construction of air cooled Since the construction of water cooled
condenser is very simple, there for the
condenser is complicated, there for the initial
initial cost is less. The maintenance cost
is also low. cost is high. The maintenance cost is also high.
2 There is no handling problem with air- The water-cooled condensers are difficult to
cooled condensers. handle.
3 The air-cooled condenser does not The pipes are required to take water to and
require piping arrangement for carrying from the condenser.
the air.
4 There is no problem in disposing of used There is a problem of disposing the used
air. water unless a recirculation system is
5 Since there is no corrosion, therefore Since corrosion occurs inside the tubes
fouling effect is low. carrying the water, therefore fouling effects
are high.
6. The air-cooled condensers are have low The water cooled condensers have high heat
heat transfer capacity due to low thermal transfer capacity due to high thermal
conductivity of air. conductivity of water.
7. These condensers are used for low These condensers are used for large capacity
capacity plants (less than 5 TR). plants.
8. Since the power required to drive the fan There is no fan noise.
is excessive, therefore, the fan noise
becomes objectionable.
9. The distribution of air on condenser There is even distribution of water on the
surface is not uniform. condensing surface.
10. The air-cooled condensers have high The water cooled condensers have low
flexibility. flexibility.


A condenser is a piece of industrial equipment that acts as a heat exchanger to convert a vapor to
a liquid. It does this by reducing the vapor's temperature via thermodynamic contact with an
external fluid of lower temperature. Often, the gas to be treated is steam and the external fluid is

The most common condensers application areas include Automotive - condensers designed for use
in automotive or vehicular air conditioning systems (e.g. cars, planes, and trains), central air
conditioning for buildings, in steam power plants and in refrigeration system. However, as we have
seen in this document it focuses on condenser in refrigeration system.


[1] “condenser-coil @” [Online]. Available:

[2] “Condenser_(heat_transfer) @” [Online]. Available:

[3] “condenser @” [Online]. Available:

[4] “cooling-tower-vs-evaporative-condenser-types @” [Online].

types#:~:text=Cooling Tower vs. Evaporative Condenser The major difference,transfer
from the cooling process involves two stages.

[5] R. S. Khurmi and J. K. Gupta, “A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (2006,
S Chand & Co Ltd).” 2006.

[6] “index @” [Online]. Available:

draft-cooling-tower/index.html#:~:text=The natural draft cooling tower is an
open%2C,water is sprayed from nozzles within the tower.

[7] “mechanical-draft-cooling-tower @” [Online]. Available:


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