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I, Susan, was alone, frightened, cold, and lost. That was most assuredly the worst night of my life.

It all started with that stupid boy, Jack. He called and said he wanted to study with me. He seemed like a decent guy so I agreed. He came in with a gun and left with two dead bodies, my mother and fathers. As I look back on that night, I barely feel the pain anymore. I can only remember the look on his face when he pulled me into a fierce embrace. They are dead you puny wimp. He rumpled my hair then threw me to the ground. Jack is now a famous man, he is known as Jack the Ripper II. I was not the only child whos life he ruined, but I was the first, and one of the few children he didnt kill after the parents were taken care of. Ive grown so much in the ten years. I was ten at the time. I was special to him, in fact I still am. Every once-in-a-while a letter will show up with his signature mark, a skeleton and a human embracing. The first thing it said is, Remember September 9th 1999. Though the letters haunt me I read every word and save every letter. He never said that his symbol was him, the skeleton, and me the human woman. You could say he didnt have to. I knew reason. I think he fantasized of a better world were I loved him. He did not have to change his feelings at all. He loved me to death, and that thought scared me. For that reason I never let a guy within ten feet of me. I was afraid that one day he would disappear and wind up killed by Jack. I had briefly met several guys I dreamed of getting to know, but I couldnt. I never could. That is, as far as I knew. Then when I was 17 somebody forced their way through my barrier. Someone who made me feel safe, though he never knew it. I fell in love the moment I met him. He was so kind and handsome. And he could protect me. He was different then everyone else. I tried so hard to keep him as far from me as I could, but ice melted in his gaze. You could think me a fool, but I thought I was safe forever. Well I was wrong. The image is much clearer then the others. My face was between Jacks hands. He screamed profanities at me. How could you, you are mine. His hands slid to my neck and I felt them tighten as my air vanished. I tried to speak but could not. He finally let me go. I knew he had killed David, I saw his body, his face was smashed in, huge gashes ran through his body. He was unrecognizable but I knew it was him. I ran. I dreamed of seeing David again. It was just that though a dream. I now live in fear, as I am the prey of Jacks mind. Jack planned it perfectly on September 9th 2004

Susan! Snap out of it. My thoughts ended abruptly. I looked at Rachel. What! snap out of what? Your self pitying little bubble. Today is ten, and five years, I can be in my little bubble all day!!! No you cant. You can come to dinner with me though. Rachel was one of my few friends, but at the moment I was in no mood for her ever cheerful attitude. Tomorrow. Today, and Ill pay. You dont need to pay. She knew just as well as everyone at the College that I was a millionaire fifty times over. Most people wouldnt have guessed it, but well, my parents were rich. I know but Look I dont want to go. Please Susan Ive got it all planned out already. FINE, but be prepared for me never to speak with you again! Thank you so much! Wait you dont want me to speak with you anymore? No dummy thanks for saying you would come. This is going to be great! Whatever. I shook my head and went to my next class.

I saw Rachel coming to my side. Time for dinner, Ill drive. My car? No, mine. OK. Rachel took my arm and led me to her car. Her family was well off also and Rachel drove a 2006 BMW. As soon as she left campus I could guess where she was going by the first turn. She was going to my favorite German Restaurant. Few people went to the small corner place. It wasnt in the nicest part of town, but the food was authentic and delicious. She led me in. We walked towards a table occupied by two men. One I could tell was Rachels boyfriend, though she wouldnt call him that. I couldnt tell who the

other man due to the fact that he was not looking my way. I could tell he had dark blonde hair, and from the way he sat in his chair looked tall. Michael seemed to say something and the other man turned. My heart stopped in my throat as our eyes met. His face paled and I clutched onto Rachels arm for support. Susan what is it. Her voice dimmed in my ear. I couldnt see anything but I felt myself falling. It was his voice that brought me back. Susan? My eyes fluttered open and he was there only inches from my face. I could tell he was nearly as shocked as I was. I reached up to touch him. Are you real or am I hallucinating? He put his hands behind my shoulder and lifted me to a sitting position. I was there only for a moment when he pulled me against his chest. I thought you were dead. His words shot through me like the warmth of his embrace. It was real, very real. Dont let me go David. Tears were forming in my eyes. He was alive. The embrace lasted for several minutes. David? I pulled myself away. Where have you been? I thought you were dead. I saw you, all distorted, it was horrible. I thought I saw you too, dead, your face was unrecognizable but he said it was you. I believed him because of what you told me Susan. If I would have known you were still alive I would have searched the world. He wiped a tear from my eye with his large strong hands. Okay, look Susan I dont know whats going on. I glanced at Rachel. This is David, the one I told you was dead. The one you were in love with!?! My face went crimson. I simply nodded lightly then looked at David afraid of the response he would give. You were in love with me? He had just a hint of smile on his handsome face. I nodded again ever so lightly, my eyes dropped to my hands. I guess I should have figured it out, but I was too worried about what you would think if I asked you out, to think that you actually liked me.

I did, I mean I do. You have no idea how much I missed you, but-but I thought it was permanent. I only dreamed of seeing you again. You still love me? He questioned softly. I couldnt lie. Yes. There was no, I guess, or maybe, or but. I did love him. My face was in his hands, and his lips on mine. I was shocked, ecstatic, enthralled, and at the back of my mind afraid. If David was back, would Ripper follow?

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