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nee A03. DE SO 03 pHAN1: CACH PHAT AM CUA AM V] TRONG Ti Chon 01 Iya chon 6 phn gach chan phat am khde voi ihikng aes nhing Iya chgn edn Iai. 01. A. cooperate P Bb C. appropriate D. deliberate 02. A. archive - bronchus . franchis a franchise D. chronic 03. A. embed B. presume c i ie : B. protocol memoir D. renal 04. A. provincial co) Pee C. harmony D. donor PHAN 2: TRONG AM chon 01 Iya chon 6 ef erée trong fm Khe vi nhing ya chon cd I i. 05. A. testimony ae C. sovereign D. peculiar 06, A. generic B. ignorance C. maintenance eynical 07. A. confront B. patent C. imprison D. neglect 08. A. marginal B, empirical C. municipal D. autonomy PHAN 3: TU HOC CUM TU DONG NGHIA jon c6 nghia gin nhit véi ti/eym tir duge gach chin trong c Chon O1 Iya ch Hat 9, Although the company had revised the financial plan carefully its outeome was utr chaos. A. terrible B, thorough C. sheer D. complete 10, Due to his concerted effort, he scored good in the last exam. A. final B. desperate C. determined D. conscious 11. There’ been a management shake-up so things will start looking up soon. ‘A. large changes for improvement B. financial investment for a purpose C. delays in progress D, business intervention PHAN 4: TU HOAC CUM Tw | NGHIA Chon 01 Iya chon trai nghia nls: tir/eym tir duge gach chin trong cfu hoi. 12. Being an architect in this comp.5 'S far ery from his old job back home. A. similar B. comiplicated C. arduous D. distinet 13, The manager expressed her misgiving about the changes in recruitment plans. A. qualm B. certainty C. anxiety D. excitement 14, It is absolutely essential to get this parcel off today or we will lose the contract with this customer. A. dispatch. B. drop off C. unpack D. keep 3 Scanned with CamScanner PHAN 5: HOAN THANH CAU Chon 01 Iya chon ding nhét aé didn vao ché trong trong méi cau héi, 15. She was admitted to this job because her enthusiasm her lack experience. fry A. offset B, neutralized C. covered D. presej 16. I can assure you that each of your proposals will be judged A. within reason B. on its own merits C. in all honesty D. by all odds 17. He got a sneaking that we were going the wrong way. A. feeling B. intuition C. sense D. suspicion 18, Due to the political situation, the President must your invitation to toy. country. A. decline B. renounce C. snub D. reject, 19. The heavy traffic is not expected to until around 9 pm owing to a car acciden, the highway. ‘A. look up B. die down C. get through D. put off PHAN 6: DIEN TU Chon 01 Iya chon ding nbt 4 dign vao mai ché trong trong dogn yan. Civilisation and Urbanisation merely primitive early societies, seem to havea c they change the human scale of things. They usually bringing them together Early civilisations, (20) positive characteristic (21) together the cooperative efforts of large numbers of people, physically in large agglomerations ; Civilisation is usually marked by urbanization. It would be a bold individual who was willing to (22) ‘precise line atthe moment when the balance tipped ‘owards a dene pattem of agricultural villages (23) a religious centre or a market t» reveal the first true city. However, it is perfectly reasonable to say that more than (24: other institutions the city has provided the critical mass which produces civilisatic Inside the city, the surpluses of wealth produced by agriculture (25) _ other things characteristic (26) civilised life possible. They provided for the upkcop of a priestly class which elaborated a complex religious structure, leading to the construction of great buildings serving more than merely economic functions, and (27) to the writing down of literature. (Adapted from Objective Proficiency Workbook) 20. A. conceming B. as opposed to _—_C. in regards to D. in accordance with 21, A. in which B. of that C. in that D. where 22. A. draw B. form C. make D. find 26 Scanned with CamScanner 23, A. clustered around B. built with C.evolved from —_D. developed by 24. Acthe — Cone D.x 25, A. made B. kept aa Dit 26. A. with aie Dost 27. the meantime B. as a result C. aftermaths D. in due course PHAN 7: BAI DQC Doe dogn van va tra 18408 cfu h6i kém theo, Ideas about human nature are oftheir essence philosophical, They are not simply the result of scientifically established facts, but are general conceptions arrived at through rational argument. They are inevitably often controversial, but the theories produced determine our vision of ourselves. Most writing on the subject is explicitly philosophical, Since, though, philosophical assumptions about our nature le atthe root of any discipline concemed with the activities of men and women, itis not surprising that some thinkers have written primarily from the standpoint of another intellectual discipline. History, poites, Pp and social anthropology, to name only the most obvious, all proceed with some view about human nature, ‘The largest assumption of all, which should never be taken for granted, is that there is such a thing as ‘human nature’. The concept has implications, = particularly that we can assume similarities merely on the basis of membership of one biological species. We will then all have some tendencies, and some likes and dislikes, in common simply because of our common yrumanity. That notion of humanity would not be an empty one. Its in fact controversial to hold that saying someone is human already tells us alot about him orher. Many assert that belonging to.a society is far more significant because we are moulded by our society. If, however, this view is pressed very far, it becomes clear that we cannot assume any point of contact between ‘members of one society and those of another. Neither set would then be able to understand the other. As a consequence, any discipline depending on the comparison of people in different societies would find its very existence threatened History is impossible if we cannot attribute similar motives to inhabitants of the past as to ourselves. Politics cannot compare the effects of different political systems if the members of one are not fundamentally similar to those of another, Social anthropology cannot hope to grasp the strange customs of those who, on this view, would be as alien to us as the inhabitants of some distant planet in science fiction, (Adapted from New CPE Practice Test) 28, What is the main idea 0! passage? A. The arguments about buisnan nature B. The notion of human nature C. The historical development of human nature D. The biological aspect of human nature 27 Scanned with CamScanner say about ideas of human nature? define human nature through of these disciplines. ot of philosophy: B. Other disciplines wre true EXCEPT : Human nature develop D. Other disciplines ‘and human natu! lowing statements about human nai jes because of their biol n be deduced from the society ave nothing in common. of belonging to @ society. 31. All of the fol ture al 'A, People have similar logical features. B. People’s tendencies ca they belong to- om different societies hé . People ft D. Some thinkers consider human nature as the sens¢ ing statements can best be inferred from the passage? he similarities in biological aspects, ‘hich of the follow! A. Human nature shoul B, Human nature develop: between different societies. CC. Human nature should emphasize the importance of the society Pe it molds people. D. Human nature is mainly built up through a collection of facts. “The word "set” in paragraph 2 refers to which of the following? id only be implied through ty and the interaction 32. ys from the similarities within a societ ple belons 9 and how 33. A, societies B. disciplines C. contact between societies D. people in societies 34, Which of the follow e following will NOT be made redundant due to th ie prevalent belief ab out ‘human nature? A, Politics - B. Hist ao C.Biology oe . Anthropology 38, Why dos ere ee ee about human ni oer ae point the author mentions earlier ri D, To show how differences among those discipi those disciplines affect the ee 28 Scanned with CamScanner PHAN 8: HOAN THANH HOL TH Chon 01 Iya chon ding nhit 6 indie : 36. Sister: My laptop has just broken Brother: Leave it on the table, cau hoi ag i 8 didn vio chi tring. ' Can you help me to fix it? A.T'll see about it later, | ~-———____, C.P'll think of it tater, B.1'IL Look at it later. 437. John: I want to buy a dress for Daisy fo Temy: You should ask Fane, She” M*bitthd ‘A. has an eye for clothes i, C. knows her way B. knows what to do with dresses 38, Jo: Iam 0 ted should not have taken on D. gives some good judgements Chloe: That’s the price for © many units this semester. ‘A putting your heart and sou! into studying B. having a sharp tongue C. biting off more than you can chew D. losing your head 39. Woman I: Why is your child Woman 2: She wants a new toy. ‘A. throwing a tantrum iitpore C. getting his way eis fs i Id your d 7 e weather 40, Harry: What would your daughter do when you and yout wife fall out? Bob: She heron’ ‘A. takes in B. sides with PHAN 9: SAP XEP HOI THOAT Chon 01 Iya chom Ii trtty Ging nt cia ec hat ti trong hi thog 8 cho. 4. a. [did and the computer is totally fine, b, Hey, I have a Word file that I can’t open from last night ¢ Have you checked whether the computer gota virus? 4. Okay then leave it here, I will see to it tomorrow. 2 C.runs along D. gets on with A.c-abd Bebe C.b-ac-d 2. a. Did you watch the fo | atch lat night? b.Team A won. Thess 2t0 1. ¢- Oh, that’s a pity. [like > Ba little more. 4. Not the whole game, | « watched the fist half, What happened after that? A.abde B.d-c-ad Cadbe D.dbae 29 Scanned with CamScanner tunately, no, at east the last ime I checked, a. For What happened? b.No, I was so busy with the new project. ¢. Hey, Joan, did you hear the news? du There was a big earthquake downtown thi «Oh that’s good, Let me open the television to update some information is moming. £ Ohmy god, was anyone hurt? A. c-b-d-fa-e B. d-b-c-f-e-a C. c-b-e-a-d-f Me 44. I’m so sorry. I would like to, but I don’t have a license, b.I see. Do you plan to learn to drive in the future? Really? You don’t have a license? Why? 4. Yes, Ido, [will take driving lessons when I find a full-time job. . Hey Joan, Iam little tired. Would you mind driving for a while? £ Tusually take the subway or bus home after school, 50 I don"t need a car, Aefabsde B.e-a-c-fb-d Ceb-faced 45. 4. don’t know, I'm so confused, What do you have in mind? Diebedg, b. I think she’s into scifi novels recently. ©. A book? Good idea, Do you know what she’s been reading lately? 4. Andy, what are you preparing for Dory's birthday? © Oh, thank you for your suggestion. I'll go to the bookstore tomorrow, D. d-foen her intention is ‘agree, she is attending university, Scanned with CamScanner 47. They declared war on the pretext of dant thet ‘A. They began the war with a vi ig their territorial rights. NH a View to defending their teritorial rights rights B, The flimsy excuse for the di class erica latation of war was the defense of ther territorial i L War Was to defend their territorial ir territorial rights. torial rights, D. The defense of thei territorial “oval sight ives them th excuse for beginning th For beginning the Wa. 8, Up to a hundred thousand peopl ple were crowded into the of the games. stadium for the closing ceremony J {A.A packed crowd of at most a hundred thousand concluding ritual of the games, and was present in the stadium for the B. There must have been at least « huncred th see the games. lousand people who came to the stadium to . The stadium had room for no more th an a hundl the concluding ceremony. indred thousand people who wanted to watch _D. Hundreds of thousands of people observed the final events of th of the games. 49, He can’t have read much about the subj ject before sompletely uninformed giving his speech because he was ‘A. Since not informed of the subject, he clearly hadn’t researched it well before speak speaking, B. In the end, he didn’t have to give his speech a inyway, so he needn't eae ii. yeedn’t have read so much C. Not having read much about the subject before his s speech, he wasn't surpris i considered uninformed. surprised at being D. He had to read a lot about the topic before speaking because he knows nothing at all about it. 50, Preserving cultural identities during globalisation isa mater of great dispute. [AcItis a great dispute 2s ealtural identities shouldbe preserved during globalisation. B. No matter how great “ie dispute is, cultural identities should be preserved during globalisation. C. That the dispute of press D. The fact that cultural identities should be preserved during globalisation is greatly disputable. cultural identities during globalisation is a great matter. 31 Scanned with CamScanner PHAN 11: KET HOP CAU Chon cu ddng nghia hoje can nghia 1 51. Culture, language, facilities, or econom, and acting in daily activities are the ways oft — A. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activi knowledge transfer despite of different culture, the families. nt vi ep ew di cho trong cu hit y level of the families are different. Voca} ui he life experience knowledge transfer, es are the ways Of the life exp. language, facilities, or economy levy 5 are the ways of the life experi. ing in daily activitie B. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily a facilities, o economy jag knowledge transfer regardless of different culture, language, of the families. : C. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the Lee of the life cei knowledge transfer due to different culture, language, facilities, or economy level of families. : 4 D. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience knowledge transfer although different culture, language, facilities, or economy level of the families. 52. They prepared for the worse. They were pleasantly surprised to bypass the hurricane, A. Even if the hurricane had hit them, they wouldn’t have been affected much. B. It was such a relief when the hurricane did not strike them, though they had prepared for the worst. C. Had they not made such extensive preparations, they would have suffered even worse damage. D. While they had prepared for the hurricane, it was still a damage. hey did not suffer 53. Harry’s life is rather dull. That’s the reason why I don’t want + A. Why I don’t want to talk about Harry is due to his dull lif. B. Harry’s life is rather dull because I don’t want to talk about it C. What I don’t like to talk about is Harry’s dull life. D. Reasonably, I don’t want 0 « about Harry’s dull life. 54. The expenditure of the office -e'. ‘=< stable. The profit rose by 25%. A. The profit rose by 25% althous,.. > stabilisation of the office’s expenditure. B. The profit rose by 25% as a result . :: stabilisation of the office’s expenditure. C. The profit rose by 25% despite the stabilisation of the office’s expenditure. D. The profit rose by 25% owing to the stabilisation of the office’s expenditure. Scanned with CamScanner 55. People cut down trees for agri “The deforestat agricultural land. Wild ani ‘A. The deforestation for agricultural lang animals have less natural habitat. mn se o% F habitat. cours because wild animals have less natural B. Trees are cut down for agri habitat Sricultural and so that wild animals can have less natural C. Wild animals have less nat it D. Wild animals have less Pore Sopeople cut down res for agricultural purpose i z v tat dy . puaw 1: HOAN'THANH VAN BAN lue to the deforestation for agricultural purpose. aaa 8 aid Chon 01 lya chon ding nhat a8 ditn vio chi trong trong im 1g trong bai lugn dX cho. ‘Tourism is now among the world’s m ‘ost important industri lustries, (86) ‘At the same time, however, mass tourism can have dite eff onbaes caleees and the societies and human erie ei Pee and places i inereasingly familiar with so conments they vis increasingly f me of the worst effects of unthinki y visit, We are vearsm: previously undeveloped coastal villages hat have become ee arienaied sme sprawling, charmless towns, their seas poisoned by sewage, denuded of wildlife, the tubes of sunsoreen. (57) life, their beaches stained with litter and empty snaps 4 ‘seemingly . that proclaim, Been there, Done that. Some of the gira —— oe i environments bruise by the tourist onslaught, their most distinctive wilde driven to nea-xtinction, with wide inction, with wider environmental impacts caused by the fuel-hungry tra sport is travellers around the world and back again, port systems used to take holidaying 6 ____- perhaps, is the social dislocation unsustainable tourism can cause: once-cohesive communities disrupted as the holiday industry replaces old crafts (en any fast-food store waiters or hotel cleaners. Even the tourists are affected, the most placid and tolerant of us becoming short-tempered and exploitative. (60) , clutching our soon-to-be-discarded souvenirs and cursing late flights and anybody who doesn't speak our language, we arrive home muttering: "After that, I need a holiday!" (Adapted from New CPE Practice Tests) 56. A. requiring jobs and billion» of pounds profits B. generating jobs and ps wort billions of pounds C resulting ina number: >and making profits of billions of pounds D. costing jobs and profits: sillion pounds 57. A. Historie towns and their streets are now choked with traffic, temples, churches, and cathedrals BB. Historie towns and their streets now developed with traffic, temples, churches, and cathedrals, 33 Scanned with CamScanner C. Historic towns and their streets are now more developed with the appearance of tra; temples, churches, and cathedrals « D. Historic towns, their streets now choked with traffic, their temples, churches cathedrals 58. A. What less appreciated B. Less appreciated C. People appreciate less D. It is less appreciated 59, A. turning fishermen into tour boat operators B. to tun fishermen into tour boat operators C. in which they turn fishermen into tour boat operators D. so that they turn fishermen into tour boat operators 60. A. However B. Occasionally C. All too often D. Therefore PHAN 13: TU LUAN -Viét mét vin ban khodng 250 tir vé chit dé sau: While some school systems require students to concentraie on certs school, others allow students to study a variety of siz’ their high s both systems and give your opinion. HET Scanned with CamScanner . _. A.04. DE 86 04 pHAN 1: CACH PHAT AM CUA AM v| TRONG TY Chom 01 Iya chon c6 phin gach chin phét am khée véi nhiimg lyn chon con I 01. A. southern: B. recount C. boundary D. mountain 02. A. memorise B. expertise C. recognise. D. advertise 03. A. charismatic B. chemistry C. charitable D. chameleon (04. A. designate B. percentile C. dynamite D. versatile pHAN2: TRONG AM i" Chon 01 Iya chon 6 cu trite trong Aim khac yéi nhiing Iya chon cin lai. 05. A. relentless B. impartial C.accomplished _D. reconcile 06, A. fundamental B. manipulate C.infuriate D. provocative 07. A. allegiance B. recipe C. partially D. brevity 08, A. allegory B. facilitate C. particular D. monotonous PHAN 3: TU HOAC CUM TU DONG NGHIA Chon 01 Iya chon c6 nghia gin nhit véi tir/oum tir duye gach chan trong cit hai. (9, Although she didn’t like Jack, she had to tur to him as a lat resort. ‘A. make a call to B. pay money to C. get help from D. make friends with 10. Our research program has attracted strong adverse criticism, A. approving B. controversial C.constructive D. unfavorable 11, Nam called to say they ivw’ strived safely, which really put my mind at rest. A. reassured me B. lifted my mood C. made me happy D. helped me relax PHAN 4: TU HOAC CUM Ti! PRAT NGHIA Chon 01 Iya chon trai nghia nit véi tir/eym tir duge gach chan trong cau hoi. 12, Mundane matters like paying bills and shopping for food do not interest me at all. A. ordinary B. exciting C.regular D. dull 35 Scanned with CamScanner my shoulder and out ofthe 15, We were at a disadvantage —— ing over sapere seen y A.Nerving B. nervous . soothing D reicey 14, Just blow off his comments: etsonly king | A disregard i payarenion ignore Dattenae gf PHAN: HOAN THANE cAU jae ‘Chon O1 Iya chon inguin OE trong mbi cau hdi. ! that we did not have @ VEX good knowles oy j | language the oers were SE avin B.for coy D. with 16 was proposed tat te preside ——— for the period of 4 years. Aisles Biwaselected — C-elected D. be elected 7-This decison bas_— forehanges in employment righ for black people Apnedieway — Beeametoterns C.playeda vit role D. gave credis ta. ths company eston__pevpleoyer $0 de%an the protest waves. A. take up B. bring out C. write off D. tum around 19, All the resources and staff available were _ 10 ‘cope with the current crisis. Acton for grated B, brought into play C caught off guard PHAN 6 DIEN TU ‘Chon 01 Iya chon ding mbit a ain vio mBl ch - Itisalways hard to makea film about a real person, especially one who is in living mer ckpeocisy an fantastic characte study which both dispels and reinforce: wat have (20) around someone who many consider to be a genivs “The film offers a ap sts aie fen = Hi hes re pen 9 tars sat ub ins in is caret before prod! ach, with Pirelli gaa episodes in this life. Michael Fassbender gives to ae rae ae la his friends, alienated his ‘die e rare ec. Th cri wkd n ifs hac i and just ike that fl, Steve lbs doesn't (23) bes moby D. given he big picture trong dogn vin. smory inset and Rogen Provide vifious co-founder Wozniak ing ry xo ama may A id me 1 bets with bth fae on it may be Winse's Best facts ang lderascany, Tepeesentative of real life as inode to rate a movie hat tlss the wei he Wg breaking seed, 25) al jes; they are allegories thet iagmas’, ear lm bios were never intended to be enta me sverysay Hives ‘meanings and morals we can apply 1 OF “rhe film i also driven 20) me ing. For al the darker side we ee director's ki an aarti re Ne oi easy oma. fresh re see eilianee the man atthe hart fhe gmat wisely, the film showcases (Adapted from Gold itt B. tumed uy old experience CI) he z Come up D. taken up genofthem — B-some of thse a fa Geach vbich most of hem osial B. famously Ciao betrayed Cccompletely hurt sirongh supported strongly disapproved yp. a-setthe bar B. make it through —C. break down bees D. pull eny punches ition B-Onthe contrary Cin aA ne mages D. Asa matter of fact sot BeHaving aida” C.ta gp a-asareslt 8 C.lncontast pln my opinion 26.4.9 Bot Cowith = a7. Av the film was B. that makes it C.makingit Ditmas the film pHAN 7 BALDQC poe dogn van v9 te loi 08 ct hOF Kem theo, Choirs have been swith us a Tong time. They have ther rgins in Greek Trou and the Italian Renaissance: Fifty years ago they were ‘commonplace in our schools, workplaces and social organizations: put until recently most of ws had come associ them swith Christmas oncerts and ville halls. ae spectacular conetnck Like the rowth af ook ab and various specialist interest groups, choirs have ‘benefitted from @ renewed around the country. Friends and societies cenit 7 ies, New choirs ate popping UP Scanned with CamScanner , aie ow groups in existing choirs iy workmates are getting topethehs forming’ sy andthe new i ‘opera Company ly-launched 2%. xaos suchas Bie i wie fre ie ting coi ae bling Oi OE bi pea els and singing worse nreasingly numero vain i vs ke Last hr Standing ang | Nor tan i nest inal hings cho, yt i . ral. Gareth Malone (The Choi) wanslonme sullen schoo! Kids in! iain engl and aac | Ca cis int con Sn ready 10 take orld. v ion of soci: hi ae dat po But the sight of happys smiling 8 eee menaly concerned with Manas rt an Pi the benefit o insocial terms. According have begun to present 5 choral singing in eens body Making Muse, "OMTUN music groups. impact social Ting” and rete perfect eboney ofthe Big Society inaction’, rite aserts that singing “iS good for physical emotional and social wellbeing exer and breaking dow Bae. EY OB and more spor shoul cots be wsed tame FF individual and soa ils? ver te cents choral music as performed a ins of social functions. Most smarty, Chin taon evolved aso a6 the eavens. During the 18th century segment, an appreciation of must and ean sake emerged and secular pope sch asthe adil Soety and the original Glee Club, which later spread across the er ned Fem rund is ine communis alo bg choirs specifically 10 raise funds to build schools end hospitals oo a bat mien Involving oneself and others in choral muse enerly ws sen asa fom of selimpoveent, and a means o eeping the lower orders out ofthe pub and out of politcal intrigue. — ‘No mater how their social function has changed over the last a ice eng ace ee orange Ea choral musichas the power to lift up ab 7 everyday lives. As Hungarian composer and pedagogue Zoltin Ki Pe a Spiral food and “one ofthe most owefil 0 oltin Kodély argued, “music is powerful sores forthe ping ofmankig’ (Adapted rom hups:tfvwdndependent cok) makers, incre associations 100, to national amateur ‘cohesion, individual we BBC2's “The Choit’ wel "a5 wel as confidence, 28, What leads tothe comeback of choirs? A. The popularity of communal activities B, The development of book and debate clubs . The suppor of bis OnEaizatong athe revival of public's interes : in gg, what is NOT 38 example ofthe emt ings Mire sucess oF hoisehtes Ty gy Sm increased number shows ack of choirs? ip. The in Of choral fig cc, The emerBence of new organizations * Ge appearance oF Rc nat ean be infeed fom "Hat he vo soci OTE MAKES in pay inh of happy, ‘are also used asa therapy ‘reph 42 pois are als wed 82 Sei Gis are alo wea soc ai choirs are also used a8 social policy a. wny aoes he author cast a question tthe end of * 4. To question the therapeutic effec of chon tonne nc To support the therapeutic effets of choirs tobe inane cc. Toillustrate the therapeutic effects of choirs cee and society iphasize the therapeutic effects of choirs to both Sere society the social functions oth individuals and soci gp. What of ions performed by chi ing the Eatahene ATE spread of secu BFOUS the Enlightenment? sp The emergence of arts-for-its-own-sake movernent E-the calling to-neavens custom The airation Fr STS 3. The word voeders” in paragraph 6 closest in meaning wo A. class: pp. number sequence command 34, What is ‘the most A. The financial function moral function ‘mriling faces hasn't escaped the prominent function of hor when pop sig eli oh B. The The spiritual function . The metaphysical function 43, Why does the «7 0F QUOHE Zoltan Kolady's words in the ast paragraph? previous idea ‘A. To deserit: Scanned with CamScanner B To exemplify the previous idea . To argue with the previous idea . To reinforce the previous idea PHAN 8: HOAN THANH HOI ‘THOSE 136, Phong: “You look splendid in that dress!” nee 2 ‘A. Really? I thought I'd look beautiful! B. That's a great ideat Thanks! [t's nice of you to say 0. D.Tean’tsay no to that! 37. Katie: “Will you William: “I have to. Otherwise, T will get a mark A finish B. have finished finishing D. finished 438, Trang: “heard John was hospitalized fora stroke. Is he okay?” Taylor: “Don’t worry. He wil Avmake wp B. get by . pull through D. carry on 39, Leon: Peter: “Me, to. I promise I will, A.give B. pay Cowe D. arrange - be ‘Why brig up this sj all of sudden?” A Itjust occured to me. B. Thad a hunch about it. C-Tewas just simple thought. D. Lust dawned on it the assessment task by 23:59 Ps deduction” 'm going to miss you so much!” you a visit next summer” pHAN 9: SAPXEP HOLTHOSL ‘Chom O1 Iya chon Trey ing ne a mht ia cic ye trang hi thogl cho. a. Guess why? You look thrilled No. My Dad ust gave me anew ca 4. Did you do well on your est? Aacbd a a a. Have you asked for any ely? Unfortunatly," kind of busy With my po 1m droveing in deadlines. sen. SL haven't Can you belp me withthe Acadd Beate” oe c 3. cman D.cdad «Oh, no should rush o catch my bus now. tp But that would take at least 30 minutes, «gL will ride my bike to school, then 4. Your bus will arive in 15. «know, Mom. I just have to finish ths movie fist. But your bike is broken, dear. ef Bidobefam 6 egpererwtiaplecee ie Acad 44. fa Want to go out and grab a bite? bp You can always do that later. I guess you're right. But I'm out of money. {4.14 love to, but I'm doing my laundry. ce. 1t's a date then! Desserts are on me. A.decabt Babedef Cadbefe — D.nededf a, Tobe honest, he worked really hard. Toll me about it, Scanned with CamScanner jnchare trou? i got 10 BE p pool sing ott! : ik ns PHAN 11: KET HOP CAU it? a eset? creased D. bbc ‘chgn edu dng nghta hofe cin mga nh vi fp chu da cho trong chu Mil obewt 51. tis no eee areas else to find you a career; you must do something about gi cud cho FONE fiw hoi is eel pect aRyONE else to accept a career you aren't willing to UKE O° tvdic self. ght alt 7 ee nates B. You es heap oben eae Gel aren fro swantto hav gs voit BOBS Case oar elsehave one. on p. Youwil less you st about gett m neue cast SRP sp. tihn rove exes Me cold ave ba oo yourself ellen tS hen he was YOUN han dove scree tht Bhi someone stamps since his childhood. BB. Ethan drove recklessly, which could have hurt someone, sig ee Move ght’ Hike he may pan drove so carelessly and be hur soneane Pe veer, but she may aso seed 352 tag, 1. Ethan drove recklessly because he might have hunt someone. cat diferent fom her — , aq. rho say nek cobs tthe Gen abigh ge “lie her mother, so she's Ul ely to be a good actress. re wo disrgaized a Sty tat ten" be gen ahighgade “Amanda ses to be developing nt0 ‘very unique actress, een Fit ere more core he sey woul et ih grade, C.Unlike her motbes e to be lengthened to re sae rpc The essay need tobe lengthened to recsve a high grade The essay is so cohesive that it cant be given high grade sa she left te apariment complex. Her husband gave her call right afterwards jn the apartment complex just s her husband ald Her husband has called her before she ef the apartment building tr ge was leaving the apartment complex when her husband gave he cal 1. No sooner ha she lft the apartment bull than her husband ale gs, The show was mit tat bad ts abut endings completely pied it MA rhe show would be pretty good if tended abrpty. Provided te show ended abrupt would ot be good {.Uinless the show ends abruptly, twon'tbe haba, ‘. But for its abrupt ening, the show wouldnt be that bad PHAN 12: HOAN ‘THANH VAN BAN Chon 01 Iya chon ding mbdt dé dign vao ché tring tuong img trong bai lugn da cho. day there sncreasing debate about how far the ars nd as subjects sould be taught sn schools. Whilst there is iereasing pressure to teach sujet that wl ead directly to jobs, B.Lfel certain that he is hiding something. many educators ($6) ____in education programmes. C.He certainly won't tll the whole truth. ‘There are several benefits to including an arts ‘education, but two of the most , What bes hiding snot certain, important ones ae the need to give students the rons, education possible and also to tive the opportunity obs ‘success in certain areas. The first of Facanse students do not leave school simpy knowing about the subject HY vrther’s appearance one wondets i SHE Can beg ‘nto pave ingly given you tiftionly Pa known you had a twisted ankle, A Astrea jst necessary te it W980 998s I gave you the lift, Pde youd ised ankle, 1 would ave gladly given you a ride, asunder cligtion to give yous li, but nevertheless did so gladly. Deu ive you ari wilingly twas convinced that you really twisted your any, 49. Thsis the fs time he abandoned such an important match. ‘A. Never before has he abandoned such an important match. He hasn't shown up to an important match for a very long time. The match being abandoned will be the most important one. D. This isthe most important match he has ever attended 50, Tkaow for fc that he has more than what he’s letting on A.Lam sure that hei always telling les. these is crucial Scanned with CamScanner i if we are to compete 3 in ei ss comping even ta i : wate in | job. Theres comnelin& 7°. yor nosing that tHe ais mtu wwe need 10 - asta ou core subj aan : - spot mentioned above os. “Te second benefit mentioned aPO*E caring academe suber My good at inclusive eduction systems NOt *eryone can be good at ean oss cape et in expressing emsel's “frough musi, painting OF drama along 9 | her broader ats subjects, (0) tis often the ease tha these gy ws | eel in he arts and hey shoud Be BYE ‘portunity 190080 ‘Undoubtedly the most eitical af giving everyone a wider eduction gp } enefit is that ‘ at subjects It is important realise tha his isthe only way co foster reality, which ea pat of acdc and DTESS SUES jg 6, Acargue tat the ats ar an importa Pi Baim bat studing ans wil improve th ether arts should be taught Cave doubts about wl Dutton he effetivenessofeaming about ats 2 1, Actelp schools deve which students B ensure hat students who are not so acade encourage students that hey Dz make sure that every student 8 A. spend much tie studying the ore subjects B. make careful preparation forthe tests go through multiple rounds of exams D havea wide understanding of diferent subjects 9. Ait B whether Cchereas D.hence 8, A. Unconditionaly B Fortunately . Unsuprisnaly D.Additionally PAN a: TW LUAN ‘Vide mgt vin ban khoding 250 tir v8 chi Sresreled 2 ese re Becoming inreas oft Wh sons con ou ges? ingly common. What do you think are the caus (Adapted from Gold experience cy of development and should always be inca, ‘cchance of getting jobs 80 it should be include 1 widely and should be included 1 iit should be included ner 95.08 S605 1, ACH PHAT AM CUA Ag, My pu iy ‘vgn OF ‘chon €6 phan gach chin aon tre oy. coat B.dragicay "HM V6 ohn ashi B. chatet Chee ee B. me c Dislither sue shitfon os B. umpire C.casuat oe yameleon : igcase : | ‘D. myndane ev ‘hing ya chon cdma. Banton B. envelop beng ae Biconmitee zamloh cise infarn0us Bisset face ace ANS! ri HOAC CUM TU DONG Nona vulnerable ne i ee ira aan rea hl tytn “rbatan eyelid when shew op. THEE anyone eas preset cin rong wh aide am ote inhig eth E gamsow any ei Bisa wink jou will EXCUSE ME tak wa yo. 1 hore 308 1 aig wae nthe Jopeorsestinens ‘my uy, although it may ia insolent tro cos Ie an noe ces mB a es ec oe arenes: sthey ned to lower sess ' Bini cyt c Performance confidence a-culture rai pian 4 TU HOSC cua TUTRAI NCHA ura chon eri ela nn vt toy i ue gah kin B. pernicious vicious D. benign thas won several professional burmanens fhe 1995 Andersen Consulting World Caio Gt iia advantageously C.booningy_D. unpoftabl not accidental or unforeseen but was due ee who 43. Lane most erative A. gainfully This discovery 8S designed the voyaEe- ‘A. imbecility Bediligence ——C.asity completeness Scanned with CamScanner AN THANH cAU Jin dé didn vao ché trong tron, pil ‘ya chon cho sin 18 mb ‘chqn ya chon eon O12 © _atthe back ofthe neck, — is sister was tka SHEDS — Oe ype Dx virtualized B.computerized —C. fantasized 1D demateralis 15. His sister Wa B. roll of fat ‘one opp | 22M B. larity ‘Acdouble chin ous ad one not 0 Be employeg « “May} 33. A.complicate simplify C. focus ee sarin any sei a8 2 dangeOHS —— Peep 34, A related B. linked C.afitited D. connecte 16. Buti rence B. interven sto invasion re C. scheme Db 25, A. interfe ion Cite Daim [te m B. quest riefing 6, A. coverage B. reportage . application D. field : ai psd dring which we did not___8 Word, Fr Acunderestiated —B. developing Cundarerved underpaid ir tec aoe B, exchange C. swap D. conven BAAN 7: BALDOC — 1 Wo 08 ch Ht kém theo, 2 faee has announced its intention to crack, on parking offences, ‘ge dogn vin va tri Lot O8 eu h6i kém theo, er B.down through Dain ‘A litle more than Year ago, Southwest Aitines was having trouble with its carg 3 ‘ the average plane 5 ce, a some Aw vod fis Gaucher jons. Even though the average plane was using only 7% of its eargo space, at SO” vee teehee saved uses ner re wast enowt CSS to aecomneateshedled lotsa igh, Kadi a B. paid Clee D. spent ajuenecks throughout Southwest's cargo routingandhandlng sytem, Avie time, employees PHAN 6: DIEN TU vrere trying 10 load freight onto the first plane going in the right direction-a seemingly 1 Iya chon trong 04 Iya chon cho sin dé dién vao ché tréng trong doan Van fasonable strategy, But because of it, workers were spending an unnecessary amount of time Chon OF Iya 7 ology has a theoretical peak speed of 20 Gbps, while the peak speed of 4, moving: cargo round and samen ling aes ede, oe 1 ee paininiel Tower (20) which can improve the performance or, Tosolei rt fem Sateen yc spi som lias aswel ote digital experiences (Such as online gaming, videoconferen tooked a te : i see Seats eae aie oi ein of i i (ah | ag bein crpn i yan an focused on ensuring connectivity, 5G (21) connectivity to the next level by detiyer Sera they wanted to send a package from Chicago to Boston, it might actually be more connected experiences from the cloud to clients. 5G networks are (22) and Softwa asa to leave it on a plane heading for Atlanta and then Boston than to take it off and put it driven, and they exploit cloud technologies. pe next ght © Boston "roviying this insight has lashed eight ase ates by as muchas 806 athe busiest Prns.dzcreasd the workload forthe people who move cargoty as much 820%, and a ically reduced the number of overnight transfers. That's allowed Southwest to cut back era go storage facilities and minimize wage cost. In addition, fewer planes are now fying ees ‘opens up significant opportunites forthe company to generate new business. sa the improvements, Southwest estimates an anal un of more than S10 milion. The SG network will also (23) mobility, with seamless. open capabilites between cellular and Wi-Fi access. Mobile users can stay (24) betven ear wicks coonetons and wires networks inside buildings without grt cy or the need for users to reauthenticate, ‘The new Wisi 6 wireless standard (also known as 802.11ax) shares tra incuting improved perfomance. Wi-Fi 6 radios ean be placed where users ‘Provide beter geographical (26) a8 they; ts with 56, weed them tg chavior of social insets has helped several companies, including and lower cost. Underyi ied ilar research into the behavior of ssfwarebised network wih advanced. automaton ca fad om WEFT 6 radios isa u oa ‘McGraw-Hill, and Capital One, to develop more efficient ways to schedule factory connectivity ‘entation. SG technology should. improy jnitever, MeGr ane ai . rth ee Rep at tin cites where demand ean oust oda's ——— Just what valuable insights do ants bees, and other sovial insects hold? Consider termites. Individually, they have meager intelligence, And they work with no supervision. Yet = nds that are engineering marvels, able to maintain ambient A collectively they build mow / 20, retardation Bday (Adept from baps:ttw-ss yy ld mens Ut ring mas © = es ws ] cm Nee raaeet or social insects teamwork is largely sel-organized, cordnated primarily through the — ia D.tin Indeed. for so revactions of individual colony members. Together they can solve difficult problems (like Scanned with CamScanner ure from myriad possible pathways) gy 108 food sor rely following the trail len, 4° coosing te s simple cone ant fai tae hes hee ith ea a FS AES bo we beavior colt Bl imelisee (Adapt rom www br 0r8/200/05/5 apy, ‘ arose in writing this passage? "ely author's Pt ss whotiste the sting animals among ng, at atte rsvade readers tt Are inh 8 S82 Ha 35 Breet se ay il 8 Des gon ‘intelligence ey compliment onthe cet ‘9: The word “bottlenecks” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ‘A. congestion B. commotion C. movement D. halt _.According o paragraph 1, whats true about Southwest Airlines? ‘A. The average plane had 93% empty cargo space. B.Itwas able to accommodate its freight. Clts cargo operations ran smoothly. D leven en oi amou oftine lading cage. 31.Wat sat nied in slo tht Soudhvest Anes came up with cr ten? A There tuna an fd he siion B.C ston pn: aden in the wrong dietion C Aree eport ergo was fund om D. Capes Bsn wan ofa Wt Sees ies ed at A. is cargo storage facilites are raised. D Menino ete 80 Decen. vrnght rans H Thepeae ts inight ip nn Sitiiealy ben reduced, ‘in paragraph 3 refers to ing the way ans find thei ty in business of some transportation eo 1 tack Puton planes heading for Atlanta, lying the new method of cargo transfesp cure remy su. The word “slashed” in paragraph 3 can be replaced by ‘Acshaved B. carved . chopped sg. which of the following was mentioned abou company Capital One? we tt took advantage ofthe fscarch nto the behaviour of social insects. py tthas become the Biggest rival of Southwest Aine. 1D. decreased Cotehas the most efficient stain all companies mentioned. (Its workers are usually required to read articles about ants. pHAN 8: HOAN THANH HOU THOAL so. stodent 1: "What is Nam's family Tike? ‘student 2:"__ ia. His family is just Tike me B. They all like films very much ¢. They are all very warm-hearted D. Oh, itis really a big one 437. Adriana: “Dos't forget to dp me a line when you settle down, oe ‘A Oh, that’s great! But T'm going to miss you, BI ook forward to hearing from you soon, Trust me. I won't. Tl keep you posted. ‘ D. All right! Good luck! A ‘38, Husband: "_____" "Wife: "Though Ha was told not to, she spent all the money. ‘A. Are you going out with her? B. Have you read her school report? C. Thanks god, she's doing very well at school, D. Why are you so angry? 39, Manager: a ‘Claudia: "T work hard and I enjoy working with other people" ‘A. Can you do jobs on your own? B, Would you describe yourself as ambitious? CC. What are some of your main strengths? 1D. Why have you applied for this position? 40. Diane: “Our midterm exams will start next Tuesday, are you ready?” Anne: : ‘A. tim half-ready ©.‘Vhank you so much B. God save you D. Don’t mention it Scanned with CamScanner 2 a 4 «Hella, be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink? * y wsaples Good morning 1 «Don't mention 4 Gon ain Peto mest you. more than BIPPY 10 SPeak wi a gt cy ane eto meet ys PrOFESOT ines, ram doing well And you? ill be it, Hopefully, 14 " ‘Professor Austin, ow are YOU doing? cane This i im great, hank you. This is egg Se basa few questions. Wou Adedset Bddfesc C.acbdfe 4. Are you eady to onder, or do you needa few minutes? 1 bin we're ead. PU have tomato soup t star, and ess. Yes T'llave iced te, please. «. Well done please. {£How do you want the beef rare, medium, or well done? Acabbed 4. Well, Ihave a bad cough anda sore throat, [also have a headache. Bicd-bafe Codaekd About three days now. And I'm really tired, too. «What sems tobe the problem? a Hee sgt, Tak apirn ever for ‘st. Make sure you drink lots of fluids. Calle ae « How long have you had these symptoms? £0K, thanks, Acwebit Bedebel — Coadber 4 What id hey say 8 a Ts anyone hurt? Gi ey They going 10, .Lhope the man is OK. ins snl pole car ieht away, t THOAL sip XEPHONTHOR 4 cia cfc hugt lo trong hl thoai da gy, HAN. Coyne co a ‘Thank you so much for helping ys able to answer your questions! ay fiend Emma, She is thinking about app, id you mind telling us about the pro, 5D and roast beef with masheq i if you're still sick next week. ng D.dbeear D.cxta-befe Bet plenty of Didi bea "a ike to report a car accident near the post office happened. OK, thanks. BYS- eon now ets call 91. Het? dot ves Stet 1 Tooks ike man shar. Yes, ijn at car just ran are Tight and hit that tuck! B. Pb-cd-ac C. febe-a-e D. fb-e-ae ecad 45 um Yeah, that's eae Wie we'e re, e's ick up the nereiens 1b. OK, what d OK. See you «pe tecipe calls for flout, sugar and bute. Oh, and we also need eH 2m chocolate chips. Julia, why don’t you get the dairy ingredients? You'll find those i the refrigerated. Section in the back of the store. I'l get the dry ingredients — they're in the aisle. «erent! Let's meet at the checkout [Look at those deserts! How about baking some cookies today? Hey, Julia ~ A fader? B. fabtee PHAN 10: ‘vib LAr CAU HAN ing neha oe ch nla cud cho wang tN atau that te team hal rated hard forthe games as they won alt of matches. "A. The team couldn't have practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of matches. Ts team mast have practiced hard fr the games a8 they won alo of matches. be The team shoukda’t have practiced hard forthe games as they won alot of matches. Be teams might have practiced hard forthe games as they won alot of medals. “ar tstime to stop working on the library thet of Oxford University in year 1956. Ma e's time to on the Iibrary theft of Oxford University in year 1956. 1s ime to throw on the Ibrary theft of Oxford University in year 1956. CC. Ibis time to put the library theft of Oxford University in year 1956 in bad books. D.Itis time to keep an eye on the Fibrary theft of Oxford University in year 1956. 48. My sister has an obsession about her boyiiend's faithfulness, 'A. My sister takes her boyfriend’ faithfulness for granted, BB. My sister has a bee in her bonnet about her boyfriends faithfulness. ©. My sister makes an inquiry into her boyfriend's faithfulness, D. My sister makes a fuss about her boyfriend’s faithfulness, 49, All my appeals for help fell on deaf ears. 4, had deaf ears when I appealed for help. sealed for help but people were too deaf to hear. « paid attention to my appeals for help. « had sharp ears to listen to my appeals for help. jo we need? there Scanned with CamScanner ‘52. The ater stopped +50, Toe cou ais 3. The couple find it sf. Rich goverment la ‘er Bich goverment plan 10 Rich governments plan to help Ps pic goverment plan to help POO cleaning up the mes. find it ficult ict for coe exist onthe money they am. feather their nest. ard to make ends EE rouble wsing up thir MONEY. pin 11: HOAN THAN chu anghia mbit ad két hop hai cau sau diy. poorer counties. They Plan to ite Off thee g a ant elp poorer countries so that they Write off ih, ir rep poorer coun incase ty Wil of hy corer countries with a view to writing ofp ‘ee cer countries by writing fT their debts The baby dropped her cake on the fog, ve fuer ud bury cleaned up he mes than the baby dropped her cake gy The fue adn sone leaned up the mess when the baby dropped her cay. cy flor. the floor. Hardly the fhe stopped leaning up the mess when the baby dropped h rae ‘.Nosooner had the father leaned up the mess when the baby dropped her cak cake op flor. ‘4 There was no evidence agains the woman. The jury acquitted her. 2 ‘A. Being found no evidence, The evidence aginst the woman was not enough, so she was acquitted, the jury acquitted the woman. There being no evi ry acquitte oa secre pit esos acquitted her. j a ; Seen ny ened man ‘4. esnovel vas in great ie mand, The publisher decided to reprint the novel immediatel tly, ‘A Sows the demand forher Bs» atthe demand was for the book ined, novel that the publisher decided red ‘ mediately, > reprint it 5 The des of fling er 2s sme insurmountable to Abby. Se his 89 accountant Any dia have eno ne fo ihe axes so she hit an accountant vty found the ide of ling her tes insurmountable so she hired an aout {although Abby could fle he tae, she hired an asountant tay tie a acount besase she didnot exes tiling Ne pus 12: HOAN THAN VAN BAN rey ga hn tron 8H chan ho cn Ehohn hih vn bn eo people woul 2666 CH Pseg comedians wih ou past an Sdn pjotve, expel a the world eves So rap, fx that won costumes A> one ser of dine nis SO) 28 We sll “adcnittedly, historic dress plays a key role in social events such at religious rituals of ry ds hse ve a hl 7)__ suchas pul 0) rt edocs ao renin of ogi of ctu aon and sng, fr nae he Here Sn il de wich eos medieval independence Pert mst be alta OSM ae an esi ee situations, and domo a itn oi em ih ty Om altura norms (pw aah erie oy I i ne canis secondary tat 2) am a he sn it ma wef ipo cre conered an inde parle easter — have a rich heritage of egends and folklore about the birth and development of their nation, fe ih ar mies td some ig roan inh (NS English wo ut abn Hod oF Gere ats Dan fr eae) Ths sti cultural sori he pc embode porn! sys and snes fr or eel dress. ihe esrb (60) _____ining nour inion forms Si a 0 hiram ps fan sais and digs. The rn ral ox Hage mss he mea make en moe effective than Pres, wich convey no TANEUAEE ‘Overt we must recognise and welcome the use of waditonal des in elping to maintain ucts However he forms of soy at ant mae ‘wold appear tobe the diving forees jn this invaluable process. (Adapt from 6, A. but they are by no means the most Import pond they are clearly the most important © seonwover, there are no more important Factors 1 are therefore obviously the most important Scanned with CamScanner Acsppeat Se aoe imporance ofthe atmosphere ead othe sucesso 1 appear toconstitue th A However B, Therefore C. Furthermore D. Whereas a, A the significance of art and music Bi the necessiy of communication the vitality of technologies D. the essence of education PHAN 13: TY LUAN Vide vin bin khong 250 tr vé chi 8 sau: the event e central message ‘More students choose to study in another country. What are some benefits ancl dh ind dra ding his? Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks? HET PHAN E fot Iya chgn c6 phin gach chan Gra eradicate Phat dm Kinde véd nhog tya chon cn tal LA. hie C-amiuent icipate 02. A-hierarshy aMuent Danica (03. A. initial C. chivalry D. charisma, a C igloo Disa 4 A. surmise . demise D. chastise PHAN 2: TRONG AM sep iya enon 6 chu tie trong im Khe e Xe vet ahting Iya chon cba al os. imine! Dae es infamous, D. speculate che | Rerlanmy sr “caiditant Dain o7.A.exhaustible B. bureaucracy © millennium vimidate Cans RkBencin Coy nae cues Dilley PHAN 3: TU HOAC CUM TU DONG NGHTA ragn Ot Iya chon c6 neha zn ahi 6 ym te . tir durge gach chiin trong cu héi. ve aportsiinister today capitulate to ells ca (9. The spo! wee calls for his resignation. ‘A. cast aside to, The srkor mst goto great ngs ithe wants ee re Avtry very hard ieee ae Cee D. geton with others 1. Two candidate blame each other and el themseves god, " ‘A.two of them are always having arow the pot calling the kettle black, BB both just lack background knowledge their experiences are radically different Done eriticizes the other for fault both have PHAN 4: TU HOAC CUM TU TRAINGHIA apn Opa chon tr ghia abt vt tcum dye gach hn tong ch hi 12. Tougher prison sentences may serve asa deterrent io other would-be ease ‘Aan —. impediment C.acursilment Da constraint _ She was used to keeping meticulous ree sens ats wee tha ee Be et eee ti ot ‘A. considerate B. negligent C.punctiious authentic 14, It was fouch-and-go for a while but the doctors reassured that Mary would pull through, A. hazardous B. perilous C. auspicious: D. precarious Scanned with CamScanner axestoK8 haa oa ign vao ebb erdng erong mai cu ha, PF aang 0! jrtually untouched. niga eh and virtually cen OF kage 8 1 B. Though being strange ay sound st D. Much as strange soung Cc seangeasitmsy SOM sading futher upward pressure isinlined _— ie sans _——— C. elucidate = Aaocul {or some time now, but tis is a ogg. Py 17. These ace ——— SC of sm aes svccesfl counter B. another bite a the c ‘A. sour gores D. peaches and cream . en ithe afternoon breeze, with herhait____ her back, 1. Tae wadow ot aN i C.streaming down, eepningovee = B.fillenaway 8 . Hovey, 19, She tld les and then acted as if ae Bosalt ain 6: DIEN TO hon acon dng abl 8 dn vio mdi hd trdng trong doan vin, ‘Be whales, te work’ ages animals, have been sighted again in British way ft time in at Kast tenty yes. Manifestations that @ population of bye ype 20) the waters west of Scotland came for the frst time from the Uy Navy, whose surveillance system (21) re Arca zoologist (22) identified the blue whale song among these,” Now aie biologist, Carl Booker, has actualy seen a blue whale there 1 dnb abou what she sa, because they have 23) fins which are y wouldn't melt in her mouth, . sugar Dba’ i the songs of a lot of diffe e! erselh. She fe terse. Ste ays, ‘Worldwide they were almost extinct and it seemeg completely (24) fiom the North Atlantis, so you can imagine how seeing oe! However, itis certainly t00 soon secovery She goes on fo say, “What it does show isthe importance of this a itis to control pollution of the seas,” nan, blue whales are the largest animals i metre farwhals and bow (26) Bigger thn any dinosaur known tom on rth. blue whale is more than s ‘Resume height a all man and weighs (27) W.A living B. settling LA pices a if ep B. tuned up Pevivasy Rae "felt aca oF Popul 8 Of the ga tosay ifit is an (25) Ver 0 have lg) slong at bith and, when fully grows oe 'y grown, its hearty (Adapted from www. Jnckependent C. inhabiting D. siding . C.made up Dione up C. formerly D >recedentedy 33.A.divergent Bcommonplace C.homogencous _D.distinetive 24, A. vanished B. emerged C. loomed D. ceased 25.A. overview B. warning C. indication D. threat 36, A- evolutionary B. vigorous C. momentous D. staggering 37. far as Beasmuchas Cas wellas. Das long as PHAN 7: BAI DOC Dae doan vin Va tr 1 OF cH SH Kem the, In December 2016 Edgar M. Welch drove six hours from his home to Washington DC, where he opened fire in pizzeria with an assault rifle, He had previously read an online news sory about the resturant Being the headguarers of a group of child abusers run by Hillary ‘eipton, He decided to investigate for himself fortunately. ao one ee hawt ‘The story about Hillary Clinton is one of the most famous examples of the growing phenomenon dubbed ‘fake news. The conspiracy theory about the pizzeria began to appeat on Treosites and social networks in late October, before the US election, ‘This was, quickly Yenounced by publications such as The New York Tines and The Washingion Post. However, fhany people thought that THSe Papers Were themsalves lying for politica ends and instead OF ‘iappoaring, the fake story snowballed. Tweets rom ‘Representative Steven Smith of the 15th iarit of Georgia’ claimed that the mainsteam media were telling falechoods, Even though both this name and district were invented, the message was re-tweeted many times. A YouTube veation ofthe New York Times atl got 250,000 hit Fake news stories can be hard fo control for several reasons. Many people mistrust established news sources and others just dont read them, so the debunking ofa fake story by a Serious newspaper or TV channel has limited effect. tn addition, the Inemet is very hard to police. When users are caught misusing one media platform, they simply go to another one or Frat up a website themselves. ‘There are also various reasons why people create fake news, Some have political motives, to belitle or incriminate their opponents. Other websites, lke The Onion, deliberately publish fake news as satire ~ humorous comments on society and current affairs. Another ‘group is in it for the profit: many people clicking on entertaining fake news stories can bri a lot of advertising revenue. One man running fake news sites from Los Angeles said he was making. tup-0 USS 30,000 @ month in this way. There are also those ike the smalltown teenagers in Mazedonia who wrote fake news stories about Donald Trump, who seem tobe motivated partly by money and partly by boredom. ‘So, what can we do to stop fake news spreading? First, make sure that the websites you read are legitimate, for example by looking carefully at the domain name and the About Us seciion. Check the sources of any quotes or figures given in the story. Remember that amazing. stories about famous people will be covered by the mainstream media if they are true. Only Scanned with CamScanner ads know, tactfully, When y et your fit hs ow are rue , ! ley spare 007659" know : ‘we can turn around the post ruth odd ae ere adit fom veelearnerliOMCES se vbyaid Blea ‘Welch cause the incident in the in and commit robbery. waking ' Be once ae Tein 2 US news story. Meh boom «advocating Hillary Clinton, Peds not organization saa le oe cer anc investigating @ crime. Fea ving as 27S oti gating i" in paragraph 2 refer to The etn oft United SHES The priveged newSPHPET ¢ Thepolia! eheme ihe fake tory bout the pizzeria so, Wy ain't many people believe "The aearopbliatn denounced th pz SO? say beck he fats an found tate ales were incorect tro wane tesa the sory themselves and insted nobody {They inert hat hese newspapers ad apolitical agenda, b:Theyasume tha te newspaper hadn't provided enough evidence, {Wiatcan be inteted about Steven Smith? ‘A Heisa fittous perso, created to mislead the public. B fe isa fos politician, coming from Georgia. Heise joumatist on The New York Times! Dlleisa member ofthe US House of Representatives. 52. Thedicuies in conoling fake news ar all mentioned inthe passage EXCEPT ‘there area number of people who don't devour mainstream media ct pli docs str flor obishng them people are skeptical of the information provided by mai D. fae news instream medi posters can easly switch to other webs 58, Aconng to sites and platforms if caugh paragagh 4 which sNOT a ype of wight. lise cea motivation to create fake ing money from people wh ua B tsa vay of comment 10 pay to read the stores, eins ing on current affairs in the mod . save facing diving goat modern society. \ebmoteastinnenogeidetiong nae atid of beng jaded, Washington Post’ and "The New York 7; ie 4, what could best elace the word “egtimae™in paragraph S? ae arbitrary D. offensive A. biased as, according 10 paraeph 5. what is he utors atte towards sOPriNg fake news spreading? sa reluctant Bi sheptical se cee HAN 8: HOAN THANE HOUTHOSL gn ot Ty chon dng nit nich Naa at vo ed eng jam “Thanks for the nice Bi peter: "_____——— ‘A. You're weleomed. fact, I myself don't like it, B.U'm glad you like it 'D, But do you know how much it costs? cin sg. william: "What lovey house you have” Megan: *_ zs : ia. of course not, it's not costly. B. Ican’t agree with you more, C.No problem. D. Thank drop i z you! Hope you will drop in. 4g. qoe: “Do you think hat we should use public transportation to protect our environment?” oo ia, Wall. that's very surprising, B. Of course not. You bet! it’s an absurd idea. ’ . Yes, it's D. There’s no doubt about it. ‘Can T get another drink?” 39, Alex: per *____—— A.Noyitsnt Nal stow. C. Forget it - D. No, Pt think it over. «49, Richard: \____——" Kate: “Never mind.” ‘A, Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned 'B, Thank you for being honest with me, C. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday? 'D, Congratulations! How wonderful! PHAN 9: SAP XEP HQITHOAT ya chon 1a tet ty ding mbt cita che nrg 18 trong h9i thoai d8 cho. Chon 01h a ‘a, Meat or fish? What would you recommend? ‘b, What would you like as a main course? Scanned with CamScanner shall we? in he et c. Le’ requ eat Hose ides g.itsagoodi stent here. re p's usually exe? Well, ish Bcdaed C.d-ac-b-e Da acddae = a "Soe Whats the wildlife park like? 3. Wow their natural habitat, aor cItyou love tose animals in YOU Shoulg, b. ob its good Ivo ‘a lok at these leaflets! ty ide range of tours. Have at can I do for you sit? a Madrid and I'd Tike some advice onthe loca yg Weoffera wis <4. How do you dot W ¢, Wel i's my fist day here Aeoedd Bacobd Ceca Didacgs 4B. ; ‘4 Well thisis where I've been waiting and it's not here. ». Yes, your bag should be on carousel 3. tof i dont worry abut imsure we ca find What flight were you onp Flight number VNAIS6 from Hanoi. 4 «pee me vebenwingattbebaggaze crouse franout. [thnk mys, Adobe Becdba Ceablc D.diteeg is a. Oh, they're making my Tife a misery. Doctor, I've been having some gum pain recently ‘c. How does it look? I can neither eat nor: ‘chew. 4 Regula sinse your mow out wih salted water. You'll fee better soon. ‘Well, we'll take a look. Please recline and open your mouth. {Wel there are some ulcers. You should apply antiseptic gel to those ones, Aachfed B.dcefab Cbdface D. be-e-fad 0h, Richard, Ihave family gathering inthe evening. Why? What did you have in ve in ming? I vas thinking of going tothe cine Y 1 hiking of ig the cinema, But if you're not available, we'll make it nay 7 Actos Koka Restaurant I'l be expecting you. a oe 7 you! When should Ibe there? onesie = Hey, 1'ébe glad to have you over and join th eee ‘was wondering if are you free this Saturday? Coafedb Dic athering feb puAN 10: VIET LALCAU ‘nga ci ddim naa hoe cin neha ahd 6} ch dk cho trong.chu hdl ‘46, My senior was well known as 2 badhtempered man, bu: he was also fat. ‘A Despite his eptation fo ein irascible, my exer asl Bit, bln spite of esl iting he rot, my senor was uit amos. t C. My senior was not only hot-tempered but also i ae ‘So iitable was my senior that he ated all of the junior until. quis esd athe 6 al emp aye age wth meg ‘People ts te ens ge ly thew rival companies ae bleed oe gong tough wih he me _Itis believed that the company has sen are pa sake eee ‘That two competitive companis are thinkng over amalgamating is disguised gene dint have ac at OU He ene ny. Living inthe urban reas is completely oof his nnd Bi. Little could he visualize his Tie vay from the Kinterland, county life seed o bein the dark fr most cope but him. D. He could’ envisage what ie would be ie oon, fice just before the whole building caught on fire. 449, We managed 10 No sooner ad we escaped than te whole builing cag on fre Nor un we sveseedd in ding th ex i he whole ung iit. tony when the building stared burning were we aoe esp 1. Under no circumslances Wer We pemied teeter the burning buling go tne em re termined 1 fits te se heer tought, ie hanging though he Fae might, team woth champions, 1 rit werent forthe competitions harsh, players wold extent the sit the players are persistent in compling tent no mater ow arts. 1. The eam ha experience so may dfcalesopaiipain he ae. eT HOP CAU oe cn nghia nhit véi cfp edu di cho trong cau héi, 1 a great strain on our etionship. Lam seriously thinking of leaving PHAN IIE ‘chgn edu dng mei '51. His gambling has put him. ‘A. So far his continua faire in gamblinis pt sn eno cur lationship 1b was considering breaking up with him on aout of being under much pressure. Scanned with CamScanner ts in my consideratio, nd ee "OF fii mu Its his gambling a jp as a consequence e — paras a #COISENUENC Oi D. We're taking along, ba ing her down in ‘gambling, “4 e's always putting her an Publig stom nt surprised se fs hailey people comes Hike a bol oy ‘A His rude behavior towards mei8 . giuation that he publicly ingyy, ty servi B Laat byes en icy sere . Frequently embarassed a sect wich dent ae . His reproach in public constam 43. The passengers slept soundly in thei. stormy A. Being aware of the coming a es B. Staying unconscious ofthe imminent 0 the passe ‘i CcInepsive othe upon gms tat yf old lp da D. The passengers were so farilit ike, The labor | workers fom going 0” St ‘Mion | 4. The managers were abl to discourage WO notbedsunded fom aking Esl @CO™ a egal action in pursuit gr ‘A. The aor union alle alte works oun ty) demands and in protest atthe harsh polices r etound owing to bitter and inherent conflicts ay B, The company has been strkeboun. yg teween employers and employees. . Nether the labor union nor the managers alk for statutory obligations and requirement The manages could stop workers fom striking, but hardly could they Talk the fp ion ut of implementing action allowed by la. 55. Te boud protesed abou the decision to sack him. Yet, his own colleagues argued reinstating im. A. Not only the bard but othe workmates advocated his dismissal on the grounds thy hhchas broken outan excessive number of arguments, The counterparts at work tongly opposed the decision ofthe board, who wanted iy vehi the previous job His co-workers insisted on geting him back tothe former position, whic ith the boat's decision of fring him, D. In accordance with te union's decision of tolerance completely fallen inthe state or, a pine. Tey had 0 GER OF HE COMIng tp, re segs were WdEANAKG in hry dhe passengers Were inthe lang gp engers took o thei beds Without gy 5d worker int illegally Breaking gy Hh contrasted laying him off, his colleagues =a tae NR CC. memoir /‘mem.watr/: hdi te Aaron fom inge ingen wins an is (8 [Price B. misgiving: to lng, hb gh se D. renal /'ri.naV/: than 3 4 D Dip nD gualm = misgiving ‘stant: chi chin ‘A. provincial /pra'vin fol/: tinh 1é vf D D. get sth off gti cdi gas i B. protocol /‘prav.ta.kol/: miu, nghi thite ngoai giao, 1é tin dispatch: gti i Pili C. harmony /"; sy hai hod drop off: ngi, giém D. donor /‘dau.nar/: nguoi quyén ting ‘unpack: mira 5 D Dip an D trong am roi vio Am tiét s6 2, cdc tir cn lai trong am ra 15 A A. offset: hod, bit vio am tiét sé 1 neutralize: v6 hig hod a A. testimony /"; sy ching nhjin Preset: dat ra trade —! Scanned with CamScanner paki eon ae invitation: tir B. ‘allocation die down: =a net oa mat Ho foh va the hap 7 ‘own meri Bon its ii on: he vain 2800: BOD an that sing. jc chin inal bom isch chin tall oddSPY ‘suspicion: nghi ngo én trie Took up: tie getthrough: vue a put off hoa iim B. as opposed ee to; lién quan dén an io, pha vl ae cae ines vech ra rou clustered aroun john 7 er Nouns bat Kc el Ke B any other a “zc mado st possible: wo dieu Kign ‘je tinh cia ci ©. charateristc of something Ta mer apy 0 (re 38a 8.80 DOO HE oul . in due course: tne) ed 2 —— 4 B Fe |—| a TB op 36 a fo | | — mn ror nd ery ogee SinsD SAS Smee th “alened. 9 LTB. a : | Will se to it tomorrow, L—t a. Did you watch the football SOPSER has implications. Thon in tong dp assume any poing = those of another» MCE between Thing tn Wong dasa ‘Thong tin Wong dam ea work on Sth iri vin gb bite off more than yous ding duge hit 8 clear that we cannot ‘members of one society and sn chew: tim ul aida vibe ma Khong cing Ut Your heart and soup Ihave a sharp tongue: 0 lye lose your head mug MM idm soat throw a tantrum: avg under the weather: mét moj side with = tke side wit png 4-1 did and the computers toally fine 4. Okay then leave it here, B | B | 4 c ai | om) a ; 5 [2A ca a sak tip bap than cum xung quan a 3 a c D B 3 x anthropology, to name only the mest obvious, all proceed with some view about human nature.” 3 é i dogn 2: “I, however, tis view is pressed very far, treme la tht we tt ie any point a contact bees members of one society and those of another, Neither set would then be able to understand the other. AS @ consequence. any discipline depending onthe comparison of people in different societies would find its very existence threatened.” 7 c Vath ast ight = [peta 5 1 “Ideas about human nature ae Rp c e aon ae 1 cy a a hole game, only watched the fist half: What happened aang don , cau sb 2: “They are not simply the realy trans mY Tsing tn ong 0 ace, but are general conceptions atved: ee oe ee stone is Pa ee - ¢. Oh, that’s a pity. [Hike team B. a little more, th nt = ~ : ese cng toga 1, ou sb 6 “History, polite, and sc ale €. Hey, Joan, did you hear the news? ‘No, was so busy withthe new project. What happened? 4. There was a big earthquake downtown this moming. £. Oh my god, was anyone hurt? a. Fortunately, no, atleast the lst time I checked. © Oh, that’s good. Let me open the television to update some information. Scanned with CamScanner jred. Would you mind drivin y are red. Would you ving ae sa ld like 10, but! d0n"” HAVE 8 Ticen “hp T wou! ; havea license? Why? } 1 or bus home after Schoo, arin s0 00 You Really a a ally take the sul i. £ Fusually x 3627 po you plan to eam to drive inthe future? bse wl ake diving fessons when I find a fy ayes, : a cy, what are you preparing for Dory 7 now. Pmso confused. What do YOU have in ming ae \dores dresses. You ss. Dory a . £. 1am thinking of a dress “a book. . A book? Good idea. ‘a b. I think she’s into sci-fi novels Sond hte wee ‘Oh, thank you for your suggestion. imal you know what she's Been reading. in| tomorrow. ‘whether ornat=even if Dich nghia: Co dy guys di ing y hay khong. = Ké 4 hhge dai hoe. oh doe da hoe mie KFS ae | ‘bd mg cb ay khong ding ¥, 66 éy ae a7 : i 0 a ; nae na Hg tayén bd chién tran tn Ii do gid t20 18 8 hg ae Lido king chinh dng cho tuyén bé Bay chign try, ciia hg a dé bdo ve chi quyén. 8 Dien ngifas Gin mot irim nghin ngui chen chic trong san van cho 18 bé mac cia thé van hei. = Mot dm dOng gan tram nghin ngygj ‘eb mat gi sin vin dGing cho 1é bé mac cia thé van hoi, 9 Dich nghia: Anh ay da khdng thé tim hiéu thém vé chit d8 46 tage ‘hi pht bigu vi anh dy khng nh duge théng bio. = Vi khéng duge thdng béo truée vé chi dé 46, anh 4: nhién d3 khong tim hiéy al vén6 tne khi phat biéu, Dich nghfa: Bio tn bin sic van hod gitta toan ci 1a mot vn dé ding bin lufn. = Van dé v8 bin se nén duge bio «+ ita toin edu hod rit ding bin lun. BR \ cee any ‘ly Ta eich king gone ha f ehigm, ‘még Vahowt ang nae ME ng ue sSneduae ng ee ESchching me en UA 22 Vit Chita ed mtg He i vdvinhaene baie ; ay gba ng, 60 Dichngha Hp angh St he gia ih Wetec dn cam ‘gve niga shies = or a 0. Niu ete’ i oman ete alah ce Dich nBhias Cube sg can pee ng musa ni anh couse séng ota anh By ‘tim bi DOW do qi so tating, HhOng mani v8 Hany wh Ding despite @abiage ee : fe an hE cheng Diich nghia: Chitisueda 7) a Lei oe ce hing niy kha bn din, Yan pha . inh, Phong ting 25% da chi Lai hunting tigu cia ho kha én Dich ghia: Navi ta ey hoang da c6 it noi sinh ea ‘Ay €€ Go ai ning nghigp. Ding va = = Dong vat hoang da 6 it noi dé thong, cha, dén, va the: Chit ngit tinh tir Dich nghia: Dieu bi danh gia thip Ménh 8 rit gon chit ngt, SV Ving Dich nghia: Du lich..., bin ex dm thanh ngudi ‘huréng dan du lie All too often: Théng thurimg, binhthuimg Scanned with CamScanner iN ayy. 5 ving dui ano ce OTE a compulsory Hy €0 SOME exteng, ‘ait subjects &* ay oficiency in a wider span of Fclds igh, ve world, thus being Better Prepared fp a ty oni aon a cy in parent that makin hy : who acauie P eed, sudan ‘about th complete rained by te 4 prehensive Xperts ee ini er siyand ii re igamlyentagy ‘once students are exposed toa wiga it, jucation system. 7 a b pelpofanaincusve ce wn ihe development f personal skills. sycp ata sae ithe work . % ‘management 10 COPC main some noticeable M28 jn the curriculum tha, ie there remain So! a nd, (on the other band, stadents to excel nal dS: «Acquiring expertise in fave to allocate time toot subjects that are n ame ing to prepare for: ibjects tI 10 ine ortvasting : «Furthermore, it would be a levant to their future occupation. Being abl t 4° te enn cam a en ol ace eating a? az i i ta sein fart domains bata fils ets would be overwhelming fr stdeyy, too many subj vocational training, peal Pattime hr cvs such ety B. recount ‘kaon ky C. boundary /"baon dori D. mountain aon agi ent (Céc phon én cn Ig A. memorise/'memarau! ghi shi C. recognise tek agnat/ hin ra D. advertise ed.vota! quing co ip én: C. sharable Yer otaba ihe Cée phuomg én edn ti: ‘A. charismatic / ers’ metal ning ding B. chemistry "kema.sti hod hge D. chameleon km: tian con ki nhing ‘Dap dn: A. designate 'dezignei chi dinh (Cae phuromg én cén Ig: B. percentile /pa'sen.tail/ phin trim C. dynamite /“dauna.mat thude ni D. versatile va sata da ning ‘ap dn: D. reconcile rekan sal gii hod Cae phuong dn bn Iai: ‘ A. relentless /r'lent tos! khéng ngimg Scanned with CamScanner apo rung HP a trong am roi vaio dim tidt thir nha, cag te ei va am tit tal = «1 mental /Tan-do°men ta nén tang an lai fi cc tt B. manip pn Guosriew tam ai tie gin Cina eine voKaate/ mang tinh Khoi go D. provocative trong dm roi vio am tit thi ba, e€€ phys, 2 hog vo im Iai trong dm roi vo dm HE Gmroi vio am rig ir nba = vance (ai dgons! Hong tun iB ere cing thie (nd in) pally (pel mot D brevity revs ngn gm, Sie UA “eA og im ri vo im tet thi i, ede phony pg ae i vio dm it thi a rategryel2gas chuygn ng neon Lt ernie 2 io i = . ou 18 Jan song biéu ah? sibs tht ngadi tn So mb Ba chip tk jolt! de bis oe at = (Che phrong én edn i: Bring out: sin xuit sin phim 4 Bmp accompli > Phsong 4 igi ong A na | ap an: 3 a thir, ede phtong in gpyy 6 li Dap in A tron Am roi vio am Dip dn: pave the wa . Way for smu: go di Cie Poop ren "oditu ign cho cig ifn ra Come to terms: chip nin eg Play a vital role i = Y & vital role: dng vai quan Give (6) credits for (am: = . particular . monotonous /ma' don aud ie 08 Kong hich ack, ph tim 16 anh ng i cho ra mi ‘i phi cubi cing — cho ra mit turn to somebody = get help from somebody: nhi ai gitip dy Take ups ula en ete ey Siti — Cu i Chong sink nin cc eng 16 thu taking SAC Up: Dit du ma sb thc, ti quen Wi ehitrich gay git Adverse = unfavorable: bit oi, e6 ha n fa (Ciu d8 bai: Nam goi dign néi ring ho da dén noi an toan, digu nay tye sy khién tm tri t6i nghi ngoi. Putsb’s ind in rest reasssue sb: chan an ai, im ai bét lo Hing n |B (Clu dé bai: Cac van d& nhim chén nh than ton h take smt for | coi ai wt ranted: coi ai 118 dong nis sim hye phim khng lim ti quan tim chiit nao. mae catch off sb guard: lim ai bit ng Mundane >< exciting: nhim chin, gt >< thi vj | : s guard: Lim ai bit gd ig oo —— —__] give the big picture: dua ra mt bie tanh ting thé, Khai quit ‘gid thip aj (Cae phuong én cn i Scanned with CamScanner 2 aban dn quan dE, HEHE mg, urge de ci ras a Th hige wrong nga phsp ménh d€ quan he jich” “ach of whicl = Dip dn: Famous bey his Cie zon én cI Completely hurt: on tol ee oe Strongly disapprove: manh | Sn a pnchen bt tng, nt di og po | Nox pal any pone: wi logs n6i tit i eb ap hic budn S cphumeancd8 i: a aothép) ext tar hgh 68080 ia = Make it through: ob ging wut a jo can (git hai thir di lap, kg s phi vo ro cin (gia thé, Break down bres: ph shit) Far Ava mater of fac: sth i the 8 ip dn: As a mat Ce phyong én cn Iai: In adition(to:thém vo d6 ‘On the contrary: nguge fai In retrospect: min Ii qua kh 2 26 2 ‘ip: Having said that me db vy Ce phuong ncn: ‘Asa result: két qua 1d Inconntngwe i tumy opinion: tong kn ca 8 ° Making it. ménh d8 quan hé rt gon “Like the growth of book clubs, debating. societies and varia specialist interest groups, choirs have benefitted from interest in communal atvitis.” (Goan 2 ding 1, 2,3) renewed 30 3 32 4 m6 tong cae oat |_| Khong duge ‘hie aba . ‘wyng nhims Khong thodt kid sychij can |___ Dich Ginga Iuan va cae. rE : duge hong ii yy ne Bata Soh cie Aho tran Comeback sy vay, plone pin cog dbng, w Phuong in A duge pens Tike Last Chr gente 0s ey re 2 The cyatte Sse of TY shows icimen et” that have most clearly mie NSN al kings choral” (dogn 3 demonstrated the dong 1,2) Phuong in c 4, Ean Paton etme, OMS the 18th century 7 see leaming forts own s inal Geet Be eh eine rio ake ovina Glee Cab, wpa eal Society and the (oan 5 ding ans Spread across the US, were formed.” Phuong in D duge nhj the country” (4o9n 2 ding 3) “But the sight. of happy social policy makers” Dich: Nhung cénh, "S¥ choirs are popping up around "Sain thes hah eeaped ie Menlo a Kbuin gu = ea “ss g00d for physical, enog ‘confidence, self. nia “steer and breaking ‘anh phi, tuoi cut vin hogeh dinh chin sich x8 hai and Social wellbeing” as well as more importantly shoud sng ee OM” DS But ean, and and social ils? oan 4 bg ci 88aremedy for our individual - ‘ba ding cud Dich tt cho st kno th chit, ci nie Vand hi cing nhu sur ty tin, Yong ty trong va phi vo cle ro an ‘Nhung 6 thé, va quan trong hon, cfc din hop xuing 06 thé duge siz dung nh mot phuong thube cho ‘cae bénh cf nhan va xi i ci, hing ta khong? (Cu hoi cubi tign quan dé cy hia true “During the 18th cen Scanned with CamScanner Fi Madrigal vi Clu he b9 Glee bay aa Hep ay c ng khdp Hoa Ki, =“ lip. [+5 Command = 0p 1 Gods the at oF making pa ete tes is he immersive, almost magical expeyen® re pat sake, or simply ers, choral musi has the power tolin meh in a ty lives” (doan 7 dong 2 dén 5) * oat . Seema 1 cham ti Ch, inh dng ta Diets a cia n6, hoe don gidn Ia trdi nghigm nhgy ™ai oh ii orela vige hit hot hep voi ngudi be A ate hops sie mann ning ching t Hn tén cuge sng ed mhan, pape ro nding ta. = fae composer and ees pe Koda = tle “music isa spiritual food’ v8 ‘one 0 Pore tomes kame a age vl nha su pham gui Hungary a Dic: Nia a ne nbgc a morn Bn tink thbn Va eee g adelannstilog honcahe ahd login ty mae eee idea: ciing ¢6 ¥ 6 phia trrée Reint = pr been a spiritual or metaphysical dimension to Choirs onaae chidu kich tim linh hode siéu hinh cho ep in gy ee tolift us up above our individual, everyday lives» (Sie manh a8 ning ching ta Ién trén cuge s6ng cé nhan, hing nei cca chiing ta) 36 «|C Splendid: an tong, dep 37 «[B ‘Mark deduction: tri diém ; Assessment task: nhiém vy danh gia Hign tong ngit phap sir dung: twong lai hoan thanh 38 IC ap dn: Pull through: vugt qua (khé khan) ice phuong én khée: Stroke: d6t quy Canty on: tiép tue Get by: 6 ging séng dua vio (tién it di) 3 |B Pay someone a visit: thim ai aaa | B 45 46 'm drown in deal a. Have you ag 4. Thaven’t. Can you ey b. Unfortunately, tm king of ty ee Ca 4 Your bus wil vei tg ee ©. T know, Mom. jus have finish ». But that woutd tke at tea 6. Lil ide my bike to schol, then £ But your bike is broken, dear. a. Oh, no. + should sho catch my bs now 4. Td love to, but Pm, doing my lauy ‘b. You can always do. that later, ¢. L guess you're right, But I'm, f. Desserts are on me, ¢. It's a date then! £. Isn't Mike the worst boss ever? b. Tell me about it, ©. How come he gett be the one in charge, though? a. To be honest, he worked rally had, ©. What if just quit? this movie first, 30 minutes, ut of money, 4. Then good luck living off instant noodles. Jack bait du sin thm tem tiki anh hoi tudi tho. Scanned with CamScanner a ay kign loa 3) —— 4 bir xe. (dieu es anh dy bd qua mot tin du quan trong a | 1 py i lin a gi bo qua mot tran ddu quan trong nh ya, Fara nin moe dién vie gidi, mic ayy we ‘an i= Aan ign vien Fea mbt — 3 thanh COM iad xe nn 1b ban Bi 30 ban dim dit cf chan, t6i d2 sin tgp, i ban bi erat ho, = Néu nr! “Aig ndira ciel a. Teton: tt I, noi ra. 6 nhiéu hon nhiimg gi anh dy ns; dt chic ring ah Ay eo ne ay Tei be roan dy dang i did gi chic chin i. d6 tim sue mBhigp cho by 7 ai vong aid tim sx nghigp cho tan, po Djeh: That vo dune n° gid c6 mot cdng vige néu bay ng jam g d= Bon SE KONE a ein mal bit seston ing tl aac ee bic aby ob 066 Bi ia 8 Diets ia 1855 ib a xe, cit bE ann bing ménh 4 __ oat rn id NB ng 8 et dm any . Dc Bi un pag) nén Kg thé dat diém cao, ie Bl ag gu ti in (89) 61 ON thei gg MEBs : a iT cng Chine B91 cho ob By ag io Dic a i chung cgay khi ching eb dy go osone pat pret han past imple: ME su Ki vig we eth com a vge Hike ay ea (B80 mgt ei cfu ie se a oe 5 Dj i i hing wa i. CHAE ta olny hing = Néu Kg pi vi efi Kt tng, busi didn 4 Khe inviy. Clu id ign opi 2 % Dich: Tiong hi ngiy cing o6 miu dp Ive yéu edu phai day ning smn oe lén quan tye tgp dn ede nghé nghigp, nhiéu nha gido dye Ini cho ring cdc mn nghé that I mt phin quan trong trong sy pit. trién va ludn edn duge cho vio, Whilst clause 1, clause a 3 7 hag fy hes ‘nhing min hoe cs | ‘gh§ thujt gido dye, Eng mnie 288 HL nhe chu a hoe ce ane ‘dng dd ehc chin in WHE mio 46 ung heS conti dé thin ‘cong @ ning | Vek Dich: Cé moi 18 ching th Camb tranh tan ci, gyre 9 phys Hn th ching ac 1 neu ah in hoc vainé diag ai op oS cin 6 idg aree ChGNG ta ab ° : vce bigu bide rng ri v8 nib may vw DOME Mines cing, SHEL gephine Inclusive educa Chon “evi net NS thdog pido a YE neha Dh gp (aye Se? He Khdng phan big 00d at.) > 45, vio ciy y impe nin rane re Bido dye Kha; vin big ‘Unsurprisingly: Vy duong hién, — ‘Unconditionally: 8 did ukign systems: hg Fortunately: may thay Additionally: thém vig ya vio "Eh ca ct dip in ing unsurprising singly ‘« Due to the increasingly fast-paced life these days, ca eee noe ak ig. Tha, tye ee ea king for longer hours or choosing a yell as, a = ‘Paid yet der job withor er! relaxing and taking care of themselves, manding ob without properly > Consequently, physical and mental tension them mor rons 9 ah bens sha epee ae he, making + Besides, the escalating popularity of sres. an upsurge in negative media covera plethora of upsetting news everyday, itself is terrifying, DAs a result of experiencing such constant fear ‘and anxiety, they are more vulnerable to psychological disorders like paranoia and ani isociality Scanned with CamScanner more st jal that people PaY ce cess aan people and puts them in 2 goog i vent fn sizes ial ace coer veto rest and recharge instead gp aa + sying P stention thsi sig " is le to take better care te his problem is for people aa health. + This can be d with loved nes. + Moreover, spending 7 help them to relieve sre m ‘put not least, people $ ec eins in g the amount of time at work and Spending in jone by reduc onetime engaging themselves in their hobby, some alon id distance themselves from negative 5, = and calming state of mind. ve | —tp Dip én: D. chameleon SUL quyd C. linear tina thuge cue D. slither /'sti8 at! train, rag ‘Milian the ke Cée phuong én cin ig = A. chic /fi: ‘K/ thanh lich B. chalet /fee.ev nha 88 nh trén ni C. chiffon ’fiton vi youn Lp —Stsé«dW apne disease i'zizi tah gy ‘Céc phurong an on k A. vision /'vig.on/ tim nin B. measure ‘mes a/v) do, (©) bin php C- casual kes ul binh thing Dép an: A. 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