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Previous Year Questions

IIT-JAM Previous Year Questions fcc structure is ofthe

tetrahedral holes are occupied at a he type

1. The structure obtained when all the

(d) ZnS
(a) NaCl (b) CsCI (c) CaF
the unit cell of
The unit cell of diamond can be obtained from
(d) AgCI
(a) ZnS (b) NaCI (c)CsCI are
3. The coordination number of Cs' and CF ions in the CsCI structure, respectively

(a) 4, 4 (b) 4, 8 (c)6, 6 (d)8, 8.

Å will produce diffracted beam from the
4. At what angle(s) of incidence, X-rays ofwavelength 5.0
10 A
(10) planes in a simple cubic lattice with a

(a) 6.8° (b) 10.2 (c) 20.70 (d) 45.0

In a diffraction experiment with X-rays of wavelength 1.54A, a diffraction line corresponding to
20 20.8° is observed. The inter planar separation in A is,
6. The potential energy of interaction between two ions in an ionic compound is given by

U=1389.4 mo, Assuming that CaCl, is linearmolecule of length 5.6 A, the poten-
tial energy for CaCl, molecule in kJ mo' is
1. The ionic radii of Cs and Chions are 181 and 167 pm, respectively. The born exponents for the

He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe/configurations are 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12 respectively. Ifthe value of ANe
4 isIS
2.45x 104 J m, the lattice energy (in kJ mok) of CsCI according to Born-Lande equation is

8. A first order reflection from (111)plane is observed for LiX with 20 24.6° (X-ray of wavelength
1.54 Å). Assuming LiX to be a cubic crystal system, calculate the length ofthe side ofthe unit cell
in A.
9. Silver crystallizes in a face-centered cubic lattice. The lattice parameter
of silver (in picometer)1s
Given: Avogadro's number =
6.023 x
1043 molFl, molar mass of silver
density of crystal = 10.5 g cm] =
107.87 g mo and
10. The separation of 123 planes (in nm) in
0.75 nm is
orthorhombic cell with a =0.25
nm, b 0.5 nm and c

(final answer should be rounded off to two-decimal

11. The number of crystal places)
systems and the number of Bravais
(a) 14 and 7 lattices are,
(b) 7 and 32 (c) 32 and 14 respectively,
(d) 7 and 14

144 Solid State

IIT-JEE Previous Year Questions
12. In a solid 'AB' having the NaCI
structure, A' atoms occupy the corners ofthe cubic unit cell. If
all the face-centred atoms
one ofthe axes are removed, then the resultant stoichiometry of
the solid is
(a) AB, (b) A,B (c) A,B (d) A,B,
13 A substance
AB, crystallizes in
face centred cubic (fcc) lattice in which atoms 'A'
corner of the cube and atoms 'B' occupy the centres ofeach face ofthe cube. Identifyoccupy
the correct
composition of the substance AB,
(a) AB (b) AB, ()A,B
(d) composition cannot be specified
14. The structur of rock salt consists of
(a) a cubic close-packed array of anions with cations in all the octahedral sites
(b) a cubic close-packed array of cations with anions in all the tetrahedral sites
(c) a hexagonal close-packed array of anions with cations in all
the octahedral sites
(d) a cubic close-packedarray of anions with cations in all the tetrahedral sites
15. The angle between the two
planes represented by the Miller indices (110) and
cubic lattice is (Ill) in a simple
(a) 30 (b) 35 (c) 60
16. A metal
(d) 90
crystallizes in fcc structure with a unit cell side of 500
1.33 g/cc, the molar mass pm. If the density of the crystalis
of the metal is close to
(a)23 ()24 (c) 25
17. Crystal A diffracts from (111) and (200) planes but notd) 26
from (110) plane, while the
diffracts from (110) and (200) crystal B
planes but not from the (111) plane. From the
conclude that we above, may
(a) A has fcc lattice while B has bec lattice
(b) A has bec lattice while B has fcc lattice
(c) A and B both have fcc lattice
(d) A and B both have bec lattice
18. Ametal crystallizes into two cubic
phases, face centred cubic (fec) and body centred
whose unit cell lengths are 3.5 and 3.0
A, respectively. Calculate the ratio cubic (bcc),
bcc. of densities of
fcc and
CSIR-NET Previous Year
A compound of M and X atoms has a fubic unit cell. M atoms
position and X atoms are at face centre positions of the are at the corners and body centre
compound is- cube. The molecular
formula of the
(a) MX (b) MX,
(c) M,X, (d) M,X,
The interplanar distance
(A) for (100) plane in a cubic structure with the
lattice parameter
of 4A
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8

Solid State 145

IT-JAM/M.Sc. Entrance
21. When Frenkel defects are created in an otherwise perfect ionic crystal, the
density of the in.
crystal ionic
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains same
(d) Oscillates with the number of defccts
22. The lattice
parameter of an element stabilized in a fcc structure is 4.04A. The atomic
the element is of
(a) 2.86 A (b) 1.39A (c) 4.29 A (d) 5.72 A
23. A metal
crystallizes in fcc structure with a unit cell side of 500 pm. If the density of the crystal is
L.33 g/cc. The molar mass of the metal is close to
(a) 23 (b) 24 (c) 25 (d) 26
24. An element exists in two
the densities
crystallographic modification with fcc and bcc structures. The ratio of
of the fcc & bcc modifications in terms of the volumes of their unit cells
(a) V Vte (b) 2VV (c)V2V (d) Vhc 2Ve
25 The interplanar spacing of (110) planes in cubic
(a) 3A
cell with lattice parameter a =4.243 Å is-
(b) 6A (c) 7.35 A (d) 2.45A
26. A compound A B, has a cubic structure with A atoms
all the face center occupying all the corners of the cube
positions. The B atoms occupy four tetrahedral voids. The values of as well

respectively, are x and y

(a) 4, 4 (b) 4, 8
27. The angle at which the first order
(c)8,4 (d) 4,2
unit cell of side 3.238 A, when
Bragg reflection is observed from
(110) plane in sîmple cubic
chromium K, radiation of wavelength 2.29 Å is used is
(a) 30 (b) 45 (C) 60
28. A (d) 90°C
plane of spacing d shows first order Bragg diffraction at angle 0. A
a) shows Bragg diffraction at 20 plane of spacing 2d-
(b) shows Bragg diffraction at
() shows Bragg diffraction at sinSIn

(d) shows Bragg diffraction at sin|

146 Solid State

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