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Early: The pre-school years and P1, or later for some.

LETHAM First: To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some.
Second: To the end of P7, but earlier or later for some.
PRIMARY SCHOOL A review of the attainment data for session 21-22 in May 2022 has highlighted
the following key points:

Standards & Quality Report 2021-22 Assessment data has been used across the year to measure and monitor the
impact of lockdown on children’s learning and to identify gaps in pupil
Our vision is: attainment. This data has been used to effectively target additional resources
Learning for Life and staffing to accelerate progress.

Our school aims are: In the Nursery the majority of children are on track with numeracy and literacy
and met their developmental milestones. Speech and Language,
Social/Emotional and Attention are areas where children are needing
the skills to succeed particular support.
to learn and keep on learning
to aim high In the primary school, overall, most children are now expected to achieve
Respecting appropriate levels in listening and talking and the majority are expected to
our health and well-being achieve appropriate levels in reading, writing and numeracy. This is a
significant improvement over the last 12 months as we have worked
our differences and strengths
effectively to address attainment gaps that arose during the pandemic.
our community, our environment
Believing Most of our P1 pupils are on track to achieve Early Level in Talking and
in the unique worth of every one of us Listening and Numeracy with the majority on track in Reading and Writing.
that we can make a difference
being the best we can be, honest and kind, willing to try The majority of our P4 pupils are on track to achieve First Level in Talking and
Listening, Reading, Writing and Numeracy.
Our values are:
Respect Responsibility Friendliness Almost all of our P7 pupils are on track to achieve Second Level in Talking
and Listening. Most are on track for Reading and the majority are on track for
Writing and Numeracy. This is a significant improvement on last year and
Honesty Cooperation reflects the very positive impact that our targeted catch up/ intervention work
has had.

Attainment across the school is generally strongest in Reading and T&L.

However the gap between these and Writing and Numeracy is decreasing as
attainment in Writing and Numeracy has increased in the majority of the
yeargroups. For P1-3s there is no significant gaps in attainment between the
four curriculum areas.
Our attendance for the school has decreased this session from 93.4% to access to seeing and looking after animals and better support for people in
89.54%, this is disappointing but reflects the impact of the pandemic. We the community who are struggling.
continue to work closely with our families and our Community Link Worker to
support good timekeeping and attendance. LEADERSHIP
We continue to have a strong sense of our vision, values and aims. This
This session has seen a planned introduction to re-introduce wider session the school vision, values and aims along with the GIRFEC indicators
achievement opportunities that were lost over the two-year pandemic period. have been revisited and explored with all children through Get Together
New wider achievement opportunities, after-school activities, the return of /assemblies. Our school vision of ‘Learning for Life’ has been at the centre of
ACE time activities and the use of curriculum partners has resulted in our drive to extend wider achievement opportunities for learners as part of our
increased engagement and motivation for learning. Pupil learning Covid recovery work this year.
conversations have highlighted the importance children place on these
opportunities. In the summer term we have been able to take the P7’s on The staff team is committed to an improvement agenda and teaching staff
three very enjoyable activity days to replace the Residential experience which have formed two staff working parties to focus on two of the school
was not able to go ahead. improvement plan priorities this session. This has enabled all staff to play a
role in developing and driving forward school improvement work. The Health
and Wellbeing group have reviewed the HWB curriculum across each year
group and have produced a progressive learning pathway for each aspect of
The teaching of Writing has been an improvement focus across the school. All the HWB curriculum that will be delivered through our three-year curriculum
staff have attended training on ‘Explicitly teaching text types’ with Stephen overview. This has ensured that good mental and emotional wellbeing is
Graham in February 22 and we are at the early stages of implementing these placed at the centre of the curriculum.
approaches across the school. Attainment in Writing has improved across the
school. We have taken a strategic approach to develop links with the wider Letham
community to support us in the delivery of universal and targeted approaches
Digital learning is used very effectively across the school to provide motivating to meet the needs of families.
activities that engage learners. We have started to introduce computing
science programmes and activities across the school through the use of Collegiate work with staff on reflecting on the last year and planning for the
WeDo Lego and Micro:bits and are working on a progression framework for future has identified key strengths, areas for further development and
digital learning across the school. priorities for the future.
How Good is Our School 4 – School Evaluation of Quality Indicators
This session we have continued to implement the Perth and Kinross CIRCLE 1.3 Leadership of Change: Very Good
approach across the school to further reinforce inclusive approaches to 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment: Good
meeting the needs of all learners. Staff have completed their Inclusive 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equity and inclusion: Very Good
classroom scale. This showed a positive picture across the school that 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement: Good
reflects the ethos of the school and the impact of the Positive relationships
policy and work over the last three years. The CIRCLE Individual participation
scales have been introduced for use across the school. These now form part Improvement priorities for 2021-22
of the tools that we use when planning support for individual pupils.  Further raise attainment in Writing
 Ensure all families and children have access to a co-ordinated, universal
All learners have had the opportunity to be more involved and engaged in the programme of support, with those in need receiving timely, intensive
community. All children have been involved in sharing their views and making support and intervention where required
decisions about how to make Letham the best place to grow up, with a focus  All children experience an enriched and broadened curriculum in which
on wellbeing at the heart. In partnership with Northern Star and WEALL, we they further develop their skills for learning, life and work through planned
are delivering a successful community project called ‘Love Letham’. As part of wider achievement opportunities
this children have shared key priorities for improving their community. Key
themes emerging from this piece of work included improving parks and
recreational spaces so children of all ages can use them, having better

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