Mix Up Sentences Passages

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Word Mix-Up:

Word Lists, Sentences, Stories

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Reading Materials Version 1.6 1
Word Mix Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics
CVC SHORT VOWEL A LESSONS 1-3 ............................................................................................................................................ 3
CVC SHORT VOWEL O LESSONS 4-6............................................................................................................................................ 7
CVC SHORT VOWEL I LESSONS 7-9 ............................................................................................................................................11
CVC SHORT VOWEL U LESSONS 10-12 .......................................................................................................................................15
CVC SHORT VOWEL E LESSONS 13-15 .......................................................................................................................................19
SH DIGRAPHS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS 16-18 ............................................................................................................... 23
TH DIGRAPHS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS 19-21................................................................................................................27
CH DIGRAPHS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS22-24 ................................................................................................................31
WH/PH DIGRAPHS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS 25-27 ........................................................................................................35
S BLENDS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS 28-33 ......................................................................................................................39
L BLENDS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS 34-36 ......................................................................................................................46
R BLENDS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS 37-39 ......................................................................................................................50
N BLENDS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS 40-43 .....................................................................................................................54
OTHER ENDING BLENDS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS 43-45 ................................................................................................58
3 LETTER BLENDS WITH SHORT VOWELS LESSONS 46-48 ..........................................................................................................62
LONG VOWEL A LESSONS 49-51 ................................................................................................................................................66
LONG VOWEL O LESSONS 52-54 ...............................................................................................................................................70
LONG VOWEL I LESSONS 55-57 .................................................................................................................................................74
LONG VOWEL U LESSONS 58-60................................................................................................................................................78
R-CONTROLLED LESSONS 61-72 ................................................................................................................................................82
VOWEL TEAM EA LESSONS 73-75..............................................................................................................................................95
VOWEL TEAM EE LESSONS 76-78 ..............................................................................................................................................99
VOWEL TEAM IE LESSON 79 ....................................................................................................................................................103
VOWEL TEAM OA LESSONS 80-82 ...........................................................................................................................................105
VOWEL TEAM OW LESSONS 83-85 ..........................................................................................................................................109
VOWEL TEAM AI, AY LESSONS 86-88 ......................................................................................................................................113
VOWEL TEAM UI, EW LESSONS 89-91 .....................................................................................................................................117
VOWEL TEAM IGH, Y LESSONS 92-94 ......................................................................................................................................121
VARIANT VOWELS LONG OO LESSONS 95-97 ..........................................................................................................................125
VARIANT VOWELS SHORT OO LESSONS 98-100 ......................................................................................................................129
VARIANT VOWELS OW, OU LESSONS 101-103 ........................................................................................................................133
VARIANT VOWELS AW, AU LESSONS 104-106 .........................................................................................................................137
VARIANT VOWELS OI, OY LESSONS 107-109 ...........................................................................................................................141

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Reading Materials Version 1.6
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

CVC Short Vowel A

Lessons 1-3

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

1) CVC Short A
Letters: a, c, t, m, s,
Tam Cats and Mats
Mac Sam is a cat. Tam is a cat. I am Cam. I am
a cat too. I am at cat school. I sat on a mat.
Sam is a cat. Tam is at cat school. Mac is at school too.
Tam is a cat.
Mac met Tam at school. Mac and Tam sat on
I am Cam.
a mat. Can Sam sit on the mat too? Yes! Sam
I sat on a mat.
sat on the mat with Mac and Tam.
I am at school.
Tam is at cat school.
Can Sam sit on the mat too?
Sam sat on the mat with Mac and Tam.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics
2) CVC Short A
Letters: a, d, f, g, h, l, p, t
lap Cats and Hats
That gal is my pal. She had a hat. That
That gal is my pal. hat is a fad. I had a cat on my lap. Can I get a
She had a hat. hat for the cat? Yes! The cat had a hat.
That hat is a fad. I see a fat cat on the pad. My dad sat
I had a cat on my lap.
the fat cat on his lap. I pat the cat with a
I see a fat cat on the pad.
hat. Can I get a hat for the fat cat? Yes! The
My dad sat the fat cat on his lap.
fat cat got a hat too!
I pat the cat with my hat.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

3) CVC Short A
Letters: a, b, f, j, m, n, p, r, v, z

van Jan and the Ram
pan I am Jan. I see a ram and I ran! I ran to
the van. I had to ban the ram. The ram will
I am Jan.
not go in my van. I see a map in my van. I
I have a map in my van.
see a fan in my van too.
I see a ram and I ran.
I see a man by the ram. The ram will
The ram will zap the man.
zap the man. The man was in a jam. The
I had to ban the ram.
man had a pan and a can. The man ran! He
The man was in a jam.
hid by my van.
The man had a pan and a can.
I see a fan in my van too.
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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

CVC Short Vowel O

Lessons 4-6

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

4) CVC Short O
Letters: c, d, g, h, l, m, o, t
Tom Tom and his Dog
I am Tom. My mom got me a dog. The
I am Tom. dog is hot. He sat on a cot. I got the dog a
My mom got me a dog. log.
The dog is hot. I got a hog too. My dog can eat a lot of
He sat on the cot. cod. My dog sat on the log with the hog.
My dog can eat a lot of cod.
I got him a log.
My dog sat on the log with the hog.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

5) CVC Short O
Letters: d, g, h, m, n, o, p, t

Pop got a pot.
He got the pot hot. Pop got a pot. He got the pot hot. It
It has a top. has a top. Pop got a mop. Pop set the mop
Pop got a mop. in the pot. Pop did not mop.
Pop set the mop in the pot. I will hop on the dot. Pop will hop on
Pop did not mop. the dot.
I will hop on the dot.
Pop will hop on the dot.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

6) CVC Short O
Letters: d, g, m, n, o, p, r, t

I am Tom. Tom and Rod

He is Rod. I am Tom. He is Rod. Rod got me a
Rod got me a pop. pop. I will nod yes. I like pop. The pop has a
I will nod yes. top.
The pop has a top. I got in a pod. Rod got on top of the
I got in a pod. pod. I see him. He nods at me.
Rod got on the top of the pod.
I see him.
He nods at me.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

CVC Short Vowel I

Lessons 7-9

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

7) CVC Short I
Letters: d, f, h, i, k, l, m, s, t
him Tim
Did you see Tim? Did you see Tim? I miss him.
I miss him. I see Tim! I will sit by Tim. Tim sat on a
I see Tim! mitt. The mitt is for a game.
I will sit by him. The mitt did not fit me. The mitt fit
Tim sat on a mitt. Tim. He put the mitt on. I will sit. Tim will
The mitt is for a game. play the game.
The mitt did not fit me.
Tim will play the game.
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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

8) CVC Short I
Letters: b, g, h, i, n, p, r, t, w
rib The Pig
I see a pig with a big wig. I see a pig with a big wig. The pig
The pig has a bib on. has a bib on. It sat in a pit on a bin. The
It sat in a pit on a bin.
pig was too big for the bin.
The pig was too big for the bin.
The pig bit the bin. The pig bit the bin. The pig bit the
The pig bit the rib that was in the bin. rib that was in the bin. It hit the bin
It hit the bin with the big rib. with the big rib. The pig did not win.
The pig did not win.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

9) CVC Short I
Letters: c, d, g, i, k, l, n, p, t, z

zig Lin and Zin
I am Zin. She is Lin. We go zig zag
I am Zin. to a pit. We dig in the pit. I pick up a pin
She is Lin.
in the pit. I pick up a fig.
We go zig zag to a pit.
We dig in the pit. I see a tin. The tin is by Lin. I pick it
I pick up a pin in the pit. up for Lin. The tin hits the tip of my lip.
I pick up a fig. I lick my lip. Ow! I have to go.
I see a tin. The tin is by Lin.
The tin hits the tip of my lip.
I lick my lip.
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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

CVC Short Vowel U

Lessons 10-12

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

10) CVC Short U

Letters: d, g, h, j, l, m, r, s, t, u

rut Gus
I am Gus. I am Gus. I like to dig in the mud. I dug
I dug a rut in the mud. a rut in the mud. My mug fell in the mud.
My mug fell in the mud. Oh no! I dug it out. To sum it up, I had fun
To sum it up, I had fun in the mud. in the mud!
I lug my jug here. Then, I had to go to school. I lug my jug
I cannot have gum at school. here. I cannot have gum at school, but I will
I will hum at school. hum at school! I can hug my teacher at
I can hug my teacher at school too. school too.
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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

11) CVC Short U

Letters: b, c, d, f, g, k, l, n, t, u

nut Fun
fun Wow, what luck! I see a cub! The cub is
in a tub. I did not pet the cub. I will run from
I see a cub.
I will run from it!
Now I see a duck in the mud. I tug on it
I see a duck in the mud.
and set it on the rug.
I tug on it and set it on the rug.
I pick up a bug. I pick up a bug. I pick up a nut. The bug
The bug is for luck. is for luck. I tuck it in my hat. This is a fun
I tuck it in my hat. day!
This is a fun day!

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

12) CVC Short U

Letters: b, c, d, g, h, p, t, u, z
cup Buzz
I see a pup in the hut. He is a pug. His
I see a pup in the hut. name is Buzz. He is my bud. I see a bug on
He is a pug. him.
His name is Buzz.
I go into the hut. I set his food in a cup.
He is my bud.
Then Buzz ate the bug. What a pup! I do not
I see a bug on him.
like bugs, but I love Buzz.
I set his food in a cup.
I do not like bugs but I love Buzz.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

CVC Short Vowel E

Lessons 13-15

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

13) CVC Short E

Letters: b, e, g, l, m, n, p, t
Meg and Ned
I am Ned. I am ten. I like to pet the
I am Ned. pigs. I met all of the pigs in the pen. I let the
I am ten. pigs lick my leg. I bet if I beg my mom, I can
I like to pet the pigs. get a pig. I like the pig with a peg leg.
I met all of the pigs in the pen. I get to have a pig! I will name the pig
I let the pigs lick my leg. Meg. I pet Meg. I let my mom pet Meg. Meg
I bet if I beg my mom, I can get a pig. is a happy pig!
One of the pigs has a peg leg.
I get to have a pig!
I will name the pig Meg.
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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

14) CVC Short E

Letters: b, d, e, j, k, l, n, s, t
Jen Jen
Jen and Ken are ten. They get all set to
play. Jen has a toy jet. She lets Ken play with
They get all set to play.
Jen has a toy jet.
the jet. Then Ken had to go to bed. His mom
She lets Ken play with the jet led him to bed.
They set the jet on the bed. Jen went to play with Jed and Ben. Jed
Jed wants to play, too. and Ben are ten too. Jen let Jed and Ben
Ken has to go to bed. play with her toy jet. They set the jet on the
His mom led him to bed. bed. They had a lot of fun.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

15) CVC Short E

Letters: d, e, n, p, r, s, t, v, w
Ned and Ted
set Ned and Ted ran into the pond. Ned
and Ted are wet. Ned and Ted get a net to
Ned and Ted ran into the pond. catch the red frog. Ned and Ted set the frog
Ned and Ted are wet. on the bed. Ned and Ted pet the frog.
Ned and Ted get a net to catch the red frog.
Ned and Ted go to the vet with the
Ned and Ted pet the frog with a pen.
frog. The vet said to let the frog go. Ned and
Ned and Ted go to the vet.
Ned and Ted set the frog on the bed.
Ted let the frog go.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

sh Digraphs with
Short Vowels
Lessons 16-18

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

16) sh - Digraphs
Letters: a, c, d, f, h, i, m, n, o, p, s, w

cash Fish
I went to a pet shop. My mom got me
a fish with cash. I put a ship and dish in the
I went to the pet shop.
fish house. I mashed up his food.
I got a fish with cash.
My cat did a mad dash for the fish. I
I put a ship and dish in his house.
ran to rush and help the fish. I hit my shin,
I mashed up his food.
but the cat did not win. He did not get his
My cat did a mad dash.
wish to eat the fish!
I ran to rush to help the fish.
I hit my shin, but the cat did not win.
He did not get his wish to eat the fish!

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

17) sh - Digraphs
Letters: a, g, h, i, l, o, p, r, s, u


I was in a rush to go to the shop. In a Rush

I fell into a rut. I was in a rush to go to the shop. I fell
I got a big gash on my lip. into a rut. I got a big gash on my lip.
My mom helps me fix the gash on my lip. I got up and went to the shop. My
Mom buys me a ship. mom helps me fix the gash on my lip. Mom
I will gush about my new ship. buys me a toy ship. Now I will gush about
I wish I had not rushed to get to the shop. my new ship. I wish I had not rushed to get
to the shop.

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

18) sh - Digraphs
Letters: a, c, d, e, h, j, k, l, o, p, s, u

My name is Josh. My name is Josh. I push open a shack
I push open a shack door. door. I see a toy ship in the shed. I see a
I see a ship in the shed. shell in the toy ship. I pick it up. Where did
I see a shell in the toy ship. the shell come from? Should I go show my
Where did the shell come from? mom? She will help me.
Should I go show my mom? I show my mom the shell. She told me
She will help me. to go put the shell back in the shed.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

th Digraphs with
Short Vowels
Lessons 19-21

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

19) th - Digraphs
Letters: a, b, e, h, m, n, p, t
path Math
bath We are good at math. After school we
do math for fun. Then, we will go play on
We are good at math. the path. We see kids playing on the path.
We see kids playing on the path. They are bigger than us. We will play with
They are bigger than us. them. Then we will all go home.
We will play with them.
I see my dad is making dinner. I see a
Then we will go home.
ham. That is a big ham! We eat the ham and
I see my dad is making dinner.
I take a bath. Then I go to bed.
I see the ham.
I take a bath.

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

20) th - Digraphs
Letters: a, d, e, h, i, n, s, t, u, w

than Thor and Thad
then This is Thad. He fell and made a thud. I
helped pick him up. Then we played a game.
This is Thad.
Now we will get pizza. That pizza is
He fell and made a thud.
I helped pick him up.
thinner than this pizza. We want the thin
Then we played a game.
pizza. We will buy the thin pizza. We will eat
Now we will get pizza. the pizza with pop. This is fun!
We want the thin pizza.
We will eat the pizza with pop.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

21) th - Digraphs
Letters: a, b, c, e, g, h, i, k, m, n, o, p, s, t, y

thing Seth and Beth
thick Seth is a fat cat. He eats the thick ham
Seth is a fat cat. in the pan. Beth is a thin cat. Beth has a
He eats the thick ham in the pan. thing on her neck. It was a moth. Seth sat
Beth is a thin cat. on the moth. Oh no!
Beth has a thing on her neck.
Seth and Beth had to go home. They
It was a moth.
Seth and Beth had to go home. found a path. There is a myth that the path
They found a path. is filled with mean dogs. That is not right!
There is a myth that the path is filled with mean dogs. Seth and Beth did not see any dogs.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

ch Digraphs with
Short Vowels
Lessons 22-24

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

22) ch - Digraphs
Letters: a, c, e, h, i, o, p, r, s, t
Chess and Chip Dip
Chet is a good chap. Chet is a good chap. He likes to play
He likes to play chess. chess. He will chat with you or me. We can
He will chat with you or me. play chess with Chet. Chet will win.
We can play chess with Chet. Chet likes to make dip. He will chop the
Chet likes to make dip. peppers and put them in the dip. I will rip
He will chop the peppers. the dill into bits and put it in too. Then we
I will rip the dill into bits and put it in too. will all eat the dip with chips. It is so rich!
It is so rich! Yum!

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

23) ch - Digraphs
Letters: c, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, s, u

much Chuck
such This is Chuck. He is a good chum. He is
a good cook.
This is Chuck.
He is a good chum.
Chuck made dip. He chopped the dill
He chopped the dill for the dip. for the dip. He put chicken in it. Chuck let
He put chicken in it. the dip chill in the freezer. Then he ate the
Chuck let the dip chill in the freezer. dip with chips. He got so much dip on his
He got so much dip on his chin. chin. It was such a mess!
It was such a mess!
Chuck got a mug. He put pop in his
Chuck got a mug.
Look at him chug. mug. Look at him chug! He loves pop.

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

24) ch - Digraphs
Letters: a, c, d, e, h, i, k, m, n, o, p, s, t, u

such Chad
Chad got chicken from the shop. Chad
Chad will chop up the chicken.
will chop up the chicken. He will check so
He will check so there are no chunks.
there are no chunks. It was such a mess. He
He will chuck the bones.
He can chant a happy song as he taps his chest. will chuck the bones.
It may be too much, but it is such fun! He can chant a happy song as he taps
his chest. It may be too much, but it is such

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

wh/ph Digraphs with

Short Vowels
Lessons 25-27

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

25) wh/ph - Digraphs

Letters: a, e, h, i, l, m, n, o, p, r, t, w


When is dinner?
What will we eat? When is dinner? What will we eat? Phil
Phil will make dinner. will make dinner. He will make pizza. He will
We will whip the pizza up quick. whip the pizza up quick. I will phone my
I will phone my friend and ask him to come over.
friend and ask him to come over.
After dinner we will play outside.
On a whim, we will take a photo. After dinner we will play outside. On a
We will take the photo with our phone. whim, we will take a photo. We will take the
photo with our phone. Where should we
take it? We will take a photo by the trees.

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

26) wh/ph - Digraphs

Letters: a, c, e, f, h, i, m, p, s, t, w, z


The horses whiz around the track. Steph

Which one will win? The horses whiz around the track.
I placed a bet on a whim.
Which one will win?
One of the other horses won.
Her name was Steph. I placed a bet on a whim. My horse did
I got to meet Steph after the race. not win. I was sad. One of the other horses
I got a whiff of the horse smell. won. Her name was Steph.
It made me whip my head around. I got to meet Steph after the race. I got
a whiff of the horse smell. It made me whip
my head around. I like Steph, but she smells

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

27) wh/ph - Digraphs

Letters: d, e, h , i, l, m, n, o, p, t, w

Phil went to the zoo with me. Phil is my friend. Phil went to the zoo with
On a whim, I got a new hat. me. On a whim, I got a new hat. Then, Phil got a
Phil and I went to see the dolphin show. new hat too.
I took photos with my phone.
Phil and I went to see the dolphin show. I
Which dolphin do I like the most?
took photos with my phone.
I like the dolphin doing flips.
I wonder when the dolphins will finish the show. Which dolphin do I like the most? I like the
After the dolphin show, we will go home. dolphin doing flips. I wonder when the dolphins
will finish the show. After the dolphin show, we
will go home.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

S Blends with Short

Lessons 28-33

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

28) S blends - st
Letters: a, d, e, g, i, j, l, m, p, s, t, u, v

mist I am Stella. I like my red vest. I must put on
my red vest and then go to school. I had a pink
I like my red vest. vest in the past. It did not last long. There were
I had a pink vest in the past. holes in the vest. Then it had too much dust on it.
I did not like that. I got rid of my pink vest.
It had too much dust on it.
It did not last long. I got a toy ship to take to school. The ship
This ship had a good mast.
had a good mast. On my way to school, there was
There was a gust of wind. a gust of wind. I felt mist in the air too. I ran to
I ran to get to school fast. get to school fast. I did not want to get wet! I will
I will not be last to school. not be last to school!

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

29) S blends – st, sn, sl

Letters: a, c, i, k, l, n, o, p, s, t
cast The Turtle
Last night I saw a turtle. I gave the turtle a
snack. Then the turtle took a snip at me. I had to
Last night I saw a turtle. stop it. I did not want the turtle to snap at me. I
I gave the turtle a snack. put the turtle in a can with a top.
How much did the snack cost? I filled my tub with water. Then I put the
It tried to snip and snap at me. turtle in the tub. It tried to snip and snap at me!
I had to stop it. So I let it slip out of my hand into the tub. He
I put the turtle in a can with a top. made a slop drop into the tub.
I let it slip out of my hand.
He made a sloppy drop.

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30) S blends – st, sp, sc

Letters: a, b, c, f, i, l, m, n, o, p, s, t, u

cab Cas
Cas I am Cas. I like to spin in my chair. I will spin
cast fast in my chair. One day I spun so fast I took a
fast spill. I fell on the floor and got hurt. I hurt my
arm. I told my mom I was okay. But that was a
I am Cas. scam. My mom said I had to go to the doctor. My
I like to spin in my chair. arm may be broke. The doctor said I need a cast
One day I spun so fast I took a spill.
for my arm. Then we took a cab home.
I told my mom I was okay.
I got a cut on my leg too. After the span of
That was a scam.
two days, the cut now has a scab. I wish I had not
The doctor said I need a cast for my arm.
spun so fast in my chair. Now I can’t play. Now I
We took a cab home.
sit on my bed and eat Spam all day.
After the span of two days, the cut has a scab.
I eat Spam all day.

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31) S blends - st, sp, sk, sw, sm

Letters: e, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, s, t, w
still I am Stacey. I like to skip. I like to run. I have
many skills. I don’t like to sit still all day.
I like to skip. I like to swim. I like to step into the pool
I don’t like to sit still all day. after school. I can swim fast and far. My skills
I can’t stop moving. stem from my mom and dad. They love to swim
I like to swim.
I have many skills.
I like the water on my skin. After I swim I step in the shower. I like the
I step into the pool. water on my skin.
My skills stem from my mom and dad.
I have the skills to swim fast and far.

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32) S blends - st, sp, sc, sk

Letters: a, b, c, i, k, n, p, s, t, u

spun Stan
stun I scan the room for Stan. I see Stan. I tell
Stan Stan to come sit by me. Stan and I like to spin in
our chairs. First, I spin in my chair. Then Stan
I scan the room for Stan.
spun in his chair. I spit on the ground. Then Stan
I see a scab on my skin.
I spin in the chair. spat on the ground. I see a scab on my skin so I
Stan spun in his chair. pick it off.
I spit on the ground. Then I told Stan to scat. I need my space to
I told Stan to scat. work on the skit. The skit will be fun. The skit will
I need my space to work on the skit. stun the crowd. Stan will like the skit too.
The skit will stun the crowd.
It was not a swell day.
The road was slick.

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33) S blends - st, sp, sl, sw

Letters: c, e, i, k, l, m, n, p, s, t, u, w

slit A Bad School Day
spit It was not a swell day. First, the road was
spin slick on my way to school. I did not want to slip
My bag has a slit. but I did. My bag got a slit. My books fell out. I
I got dirt in my mouth. I spit it out. got dirt in my mouth. I spit it out.
I did not want to slip but I did. When I got to school, I saw a boy spill milk.
I saw a boy spill milk. Some of it got on me. The milk will smell bad
The milk will smell bad. soon. I was mad!
I tried to do a trick.
Then in gym I tried to do a trick. I tried to
I did not stick the landing.
do a flip. I did not stick the landing. I did not look
I forgot to study for a test
slick. I looked silly.
I forgot how to spell ten words.
Then, I forgot to study for a test. I forgot
how to spell ten words. It was a bad day!
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L Blends with Short

Lessons 34-36

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34) L blends - gl, cl, pl, fl

Letters: a, c, d, f, g, i, l, n, p, s, t
I’m glad I came to class. I’m glad I came to class. We will cook in
I put on an apron. class today. I put on an apron. I clip it in the back.
I clip it in the back. My clan made a plan to make flan. It
My clan made a plan to make flan. would cook in a flat, glass pan. The flan was very
It would cook in a flat, glass pan. good.
I call them flapjacks. Then we made pancakes. I call them
I like to flip them. flapjacks. I like to flip them as they cook. When
If so, you can clip it. we make a lot we put them in a stack. Then we
Then we put a flag on top. put a flag on the top. Yum!
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35) L blends - bl, sl, cl

Letters: a, b, c, i, k, l, o, p, s, t, u
blop (nonsense word)
cluck Hens
clack I had a flock of ten hens. My hens like to
click cluck and clack all day. They get really loud. I
I had a flock of ten hens. click my pen and they come to eat food. I like to
My hens like to cluck and clack. stand on a block. Then I can see them from up
I click my pen. high.
I like to stand on a block. I like the black hen most. She is a big blob of
I like the black hen most. feathers. She does not slack. She works hard. She
She is a blob of feathers.
lays an egg every day. I like to pick up the eggs
She does not slack.
I stuck one egg in my pocket. every day. I stuck one egg in my pocket. I stick the
I stick the other eggs in the egg carton. other eggs in the carton. I stack the cartons in the
I stack the cartons in the fridge. fridge.

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36) L blends - sl, ld, lp, lk

Letters: b, d, e, g, h, i, k, l, m, o, p, s, t

sold That is Sid. He is very bold. He likes to make
sod rugs with silk! I like to help Sid. I held the rug for
Sid him. We like to drink milk when we make the rug.
sill He puts kelp in his milk, but I don’t like kelp in my
silk milk.
milk We got done with the rug. Sid put it on the
windowsill. Everyone comes to see it. They told
He likes to make rugs with silk. him, it was so pretty! Sid sold it for three gold
I like to help Sid. He is very bold. coins. Now we will make more rugs from silk.
Sid put it on the windowsill.
I held the rug for him.
We like to drink milk.
He puts kelp in his milk.
Sid sold it for three gold coins.
Now we will make more rugs from silk.
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R Blends with Short

Lessons 37-39

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37) R blends –br, gr, pr, cr, tr

Letters: c, d, i, o, p, r, s, t
crop Gram the Horse
My name is Brad. I will take a trip. I will ride
my horse. My horse is named Gram. Gram can
My name is Brad.
trot pretty fast. Sometimes I have to prod her to
I will take a trip.
go faster. We make sure not to trod on new
I will ride my horse.
Gram can trot pretty fast.
Sometimes I have to prod her to go faster.
I feel a drop. The rainstorm begins with a
We make sure not to trod on new grass. drip and then a drop. The rain will help the crops
The rainstorm begins with a drip and then a drop. grow fast, but I do not like to get wet. We need to
We need to cross the street. cross the street. Then we can get into the barn.
It will help the crops grow fast. When the rain stops, we will keep going on our

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38) R blends - br, cr, fr, gr,

Letters: a, b, c, d, g, i, m, p, r, t
Brad and Grit
I am Brad. In grad school, I cram for tests. I
In grad school I cram for tests. have to go to class to take tests. I walk up the
I walk up the stairs to get to my classroom. stairs to get to my classroom. I grip the railing so I
I grip the railing so I don’t trip. don’t trip. I don’t like to take tests.
I have a pet crab. I have a pet crab. I named him Grit. I like to
I named him Grit. play with Grit. He likes to grab my hand. He eats a
He likes to grab my hand. gram of crab food each day. I made him a crib to
He eats a gram of crab food. play in.
I made him a crib to play in.

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39) R blends - br, cr, fr, gr,

Letters: a, b, d, f, g, i, o, p, r, t
trat (nonsense word)
grop (nonsense word) Brit is a frog. She likes to jump and play. She
grog jumps with her brother. They jump in the pond.
frog Then they jump to the dirt.
Brit can be a brat. She likes to trip her
Brit is a frog. brother. Her brother fell in the dirt. There was a
She jumps with her brother. trap in the dirt. Her brother got some grit in his
She can be a brat. eye from the dirt. They use an eye dropper to get
She likes to trip her brother. the dirt out. He had a strong grip on his sister’s
Her brother got grit in his eye from the trap. hand.
They use an eye dropper to get the dirt out.
He had a strong grip on his sister’s hand.

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N Blends with Short

Lessons 40-43

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40) n blends – nt, ng, nk

Letters: a, b, e, g, h, k, l, n, r, s, t, u

I rent a house from a friend. I went on a
hunt to get a pet. I got a pig. He was the runt of
I rent a house from my friend.
the litter. I named him Frank.
I hung a picture of Frank on the wall.
I’m happy I have this house. I hung a picture
He is the runt of the litter.
of Frank on the wall. I sank into my couch and
I sank into my couch and took a nap.
I went on a hunt to get a pet.
took a nap. I let Frank sleep next to me.
I sang so much my lungs hurt. When I woke up, I wanted to sing. I hadn’t
I hadn’t sung with my band in a long time. sung with my band in a long time! I sang so much
Frant tried to sing with me too. my lungs hurt. Frank tried to sing with me too.
He cannot sing. He went Oink Oink!

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41) n blends - ng, nd, nt, nk

Letters: d, e, g, h, i, k, l, n, r, s, t, w

The Bird
wind I went to the park on a bike. My friend lent
me her bike. I like to ring the bell on the bike. I
I went to the park. saw a bird with a hurt wing. I think he fell from
My friend lent me her bike the tree. Poor thing! The wind was too strong. I
I like to ring the bell on my bike.
dusted the bird off. He had lint on him.
Poor thing!
I saw a bird with a hurt wing. I got on my bike with the bird. I took the
The vet needed a ring to fix the wing. bird to the vet. The vet needed a ring to fix the
The wind was too strong. wing. The vet said the bird will be okay. I think I
He had lint on him saw the bird wink at me. I am sure he will sing
I think I saw the bird wink at me. again soon.
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42) n blends – ng, nk, nt, nd

Letters: b, d, g, i, k, l, n, s, t, w

Cindy and Hank
I am Cindy. I have a brother. His name is
Hank. I like to play with Hank. We link hands and
His name is Hank.
dance. Then we sing. I wink at Hank. We are silly.
We link hands and dance.
Sometimes we put on fake wings. Then we
I wink at Hank.
act like birds. We like to run in the wind. My
Sometimes we put on fake wings.
wings have a tint of pink in them. Hank’s wings
My wings have a tint of pink in them.
have a tint of red in them.
We like to run in the wind.
Bing! The buzzer went off. Our mom said
Bing! The buzzer went off.
we have to come to dinner now. Then we will put
We will put the dishes in the sink.
the dishes in the sink. We will play after dinner.

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Other Ending Blends

with Short Vowels
Lessons 43-45

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43) other ending blends – ft, mp

Letters: a, b, e, f, g, i, j, l, m, o, p, s, t, u

sift Silly
Sometimes my dog can be silly. I can be silly
too. He likes to jump. I like to jump. But my mom
told me if I jump I will bump the lamp. Then I will
have a lump on my lip and walk with a limp.
If I jump I will bump the lamp. I will lift the lamp off the table first. I put
Then I will have a lump on my lip and walk with a limp. the lamp on the floor next to my toy ship. It was a
Lift the lamp off the table first. gift. Now we can jump.
I put the lamp on the floor next to my toy ship. After jumping, I went to my room. My room
It was a birthday gift.
My room is in the loft.
is in the loft. I sift through my clothes and I put on
The bed is very soft. my shorts. It is time for bed. The bed is very soft. I
I sift through my clothes. go to sleep.

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44) other ending blends – ct, pt

Letters: a, c, e, f, k, l, o, p, s, t, w
The Pact
loft The group made a pact not to act out. Our
soft moms and dads told us when we left the loft we
must be kind. We must use kind words. We must
not be mean. We called our sect the “kind club”.
The group made a pact not to act out.
Our moms and dads told us when we left the loft we We wanted to be kind. I saw a little girl who
must be kind. was sad. She wept. I asked her if she wanted a
We called our sect the “kind club.” hug. She said, “Yes.” I gave her a soft hug. It made
She wept. me happy to have such good tact. The girl was
I gave her a soft hug. less sad. I helped her.
It made me happy to have such good tact. I told my mom and dad about my act. They
It made all of us in the group happy to be kind. said, “Good job!” It made all of us in the sect
That is a fact. happy to be kind. That is a fact!
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45) other ending blends - ct, pt, ft

Letters: a, c, f, k, l, m, o, p, s, t, u
I have a friend named Puck. When he gets
I have a friend named Puck. to my loft, we will go to the store. We make a
He will opt to get a pack of soft gum. pact to stick together. He will opt to get a pack of
We make a pact to stick together. soft gum. I opt to get an air pump for my football.
I opt to get an air pump. I can’t hide the fact that Puck is my best
He will help me pump up my football. friend. He will help me pump up my football.
I can’t hide the fact that Puck is my best friend. Then we can pass the football. I act like I am
I act like I’m good. good, but Puck is better than me. I am apt to get
I am apt to get better. better with Puck’s help.

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3 Letter Blends with

Short Vowels
Lessons 46-48

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46) 3 letter blends - wr

Letters: a, c, e, g, h, i, k, n, o, p, r, t, w

wren Bike
I need a wrench to fix my bike. I forgot
where I put my wrench. I wrack my brain but I
can’t remember. I check under my bed. I was
wrong. It was not there. I check in my toy box. It
was not there. Then I ask my mom and we check
I need a wrench to fix my bike. by the car. Yes! There it is!
I wrack my brain but I can’t remember.
I went to fix my bike with the wrench, but I
I check in my toy box.
fell down. I hurt my wrist. I need to wrap my
I went to fix my bike with the wrench.
wrist with ice in a cloth. I sit down to rest. I see a
I fell down and hurt my wrist.
wren sitting in her nest. The cloth is now wet.
I need to wrap my wrist with ice in a cloth.
Soon I will wring out the cloth. Then I will go back
I sit down to rest.
to fixing my bike.
I see a wren sitting in her nest
Soon I will wring out the cloth.

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47) 3 letter blends - tch

Letters: a, c, d, e, f, h, i, m, p, t, u
hitch Dutch and Pam
The dog liked to play fetch. His name is
Dutch. His owner’s name is Pam. Dutch slid under
The dog liked to play fetch. the hatch of the door. He had an itch. There was
He had an itch. a bug in a patch of his fur.
There was a bug in a patch of his fur.
Pam and Dutch like to hitch rides on the
He slid through the hatch of the door.
Pam and Dutch like to hitch rides on the back of a back of a truck. Then they go to the park to play
truck. fetch. Pam will pitch the ball to Dutch. Then
Pam will pitch the ball to him. Dutch will fetch the ball and bring it back.
Dutch will fetch the ball and bring it back. Dutch and his owner are a good match. Pam
Dutch and his owner are a good match. loves Dutch very much. She even etched his name
She etched his name on a glass.
on a glass. She put the glass by his bed.

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48) 3 letter blends - scr, str, spr

Letters: a, c, h, i, k, m, n, p, r, s, t, u

scrap (start with new letters)
scram Sprinkles
We scram outside to play in the snow. We
sprint to the tree to see who would get there
We scram outside to play in the snow. first. Sprinkles, the cat, got there first. Sprinkles
We sprint to the tree to see who would get there first. went up the tree.
We strung a string with popcorn. Then we strung a string with popcorn. We
I got a guitar to strum. put the string of popcorn on the tree. I got a
She struck the drums hard.
guitar to strum. My friend got a drum. We sang
We spring up to go inside.
songs. She struck the drum hard. It was loud.
We heard Sprinkles scratch at the door.
We fed Sprinkles the extra scraps of food. We spring up and go inside. We heard Sprinkles
scratch at the door. We let Sprinkles in. We fed
Sprinkles the extra scraps of food.

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Long Vowel A
Lessons 49-51

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49) Long Vowel A

Letters: a, b, d, e, g, k, m, s, t, v, w, z

Dave Dave
save Dave likes to bake. Dave likes to bake cakes
gave and pies. Dave can bake six cakes each day. Today he
made one cake. He gave it to a friend. His friend will
Dave likes to bake. take it and save it.
Dave likes to bake cakes and pies. Dave will make one more cake after he takes a
He gave it to a friend. nap. Dave had to wade through a maze in a dream.
His friend will take it and save it. In the maze he saw many cakes. He saw many pies.
Dave will make one more cake after he takes a nap. He liked all of the cakes. He liked all of the pies.
Dave had to wade through a maze in a dream. Dave will wake in a daze. Then he will bake one
He will wake in a daze. more cake.

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50) Long Vowel A

Letters: a, c, e, f, g, k, l, m, n, p, t
fame Kate
game My name is Kate. My mom and dad let me go
name to a game. We go to gate C in the left lane for the
game. We were almost late to the game. We saw a
My name is Kate. place to park. It was right next to a lake. I saw a
ticket on the ground. I held it but saw it was fake. I
We go to gate C in the left lane for the game.
put it in the bin.
We were almost late to the game.
We got our tickets and ran to the gate. We
We saw a place to park.
went in. Just then we saw a plane race over the
I held it but saw it was fake stadium. It had the top player’s name on it. She has a
It was right next to a lake. lot of fame.
Just then we saw a plane race over the stadium. Then we went to get food. I got a plate of cake. My
It had the top player’s name on it. mom got a plate of pizza. My dad got a plate of kale.
She has a lot of fame.
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51) Long Vowel A

Letters: a, b, c, d, e, h, k, l, n, p, s, t, v

Dale and Nate
Dale is an ape. He likes to put on a cape.
Dale is an ape. Dale has a friend that is a snake. The snake is
Dale likes to put on a cape. named Nate.
His friend is a snake.
Dale and Nate went on a lunch date. They
The snake is named Nate. both ate a bale of kale. Then they got a shake.
They went on a lunch date. The shake was good.
They both ate a bale of kale.
Then Dale and Nate got ice. They shave the
Then they got a shake. ice to make a shape. Dale then ate the ice. He did
They shave the ice to make a shape. not like the shape so he ran away in his cape.
Dale ran away in his cape.

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Long Vowel O
Lessons 52-54

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52) Long Vowel O

Letters: b, c, d, e, l, n, o, r, t
tote Cole
My name is Cole. I went to get an ice cream
cone. In my tote I carried some money. It was a
My name is Cole. five dollar note. I saw a lone doe on the way. The
It was a five dollar note. doe had a long toe. Then I saw a dog. I gave the
In my tote I carried some money. dog a bone. The dog had a node on its head. It
I went to get an ice cream cone was a big bump. The dog also had a hole on her
I saw a lone doe on the way.
left ear lobe.
The doe had a long toe.
I gave the dog a bone. I ate my cone and then I wrote a code. I put
The dog had a node on its head. the code in my tote. Then I went home. I got in
The dog had a hole on her left ear lobe. my robe. I wrote a note. The note was to my
Then I wrote a code. friend to tell her about my code.
Then I went home.
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53) Long Vowel O

Letters: c, d, e, h, k, l, o, p, r, s, v, w

I woke from a bad dream. It was hard to
cope so I got up. I got in my car and drove off. I
I got in my robe and I wrote a note
I woke from a bad dream. will hope for peace. I stopped to buy a coke. I got
It was hard to cope so I got up. a rose, too. I hope the coke and rose will help me
I got in my car and drove off. cope.
I will hope for peace. I saw a hole by my car. I gave the hole a
Stopped to buy a coke and a rose. poke with a long pole and out came a bunny with
I hope the coke and rose will help me cope.
a rope! I drove the bunny home with me. I gave
I saw a hole by my car.
I gave the hole a poke with a long pole. the bunny my rose. I felt better. Then I fell back
Out came a bunny with a rope to sleep.
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54) Long Vowel O

Letters: c, e, h, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, v

chose Mole
I made a note because I must vote today. I
I made a note. will vote with hope. I chose a person who will fit
I will vote with hope. the role. She is my hope and that is why I vote.
I chose a person who will fit the role.
After I vote, I will go home. Then I will play
After I vote I will go home.
with my mole. My mole is in his hole. I will get
My mole is in his hole.
him out of his hole. I will give him a rose. Then I
I will give him a rose.
will ask my mom if I can hose him down. She will
I will ask my mom if I can hose him down.
say, “Nope.” I will put my mole back in his hole.
She will say, “Nope.”
I was sad but I did not lose hope.
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Long Vowel I
Lessons 55-57

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

55) Long Vowel I

Letters: b, d, e, h, i, k, l, m, n, s, t
mile Chloe
smile My name is Chloe. When I have free time, I
like to I hike up the hill one mile. I hike up the
When I have free time, I hike up the hill one mile. next hill for five miles. It makes me smile.
It makes me smile.
After I get done with my hike, I will bike. I
After I get done with my hike, I will bike.
like to bike, too. I like to bike in a line. I like to rest
I like to bike in a line.
by the lime trees.
After I bike, I will dine with my mom.
After I bike, I will dine with my mom. We
We will have key lime pie.
I will pay for mine with a dime.
will have key lime pie. I will pay for mine with a
dime. My mom smiles. I smile.

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56) Long Vowel I

Letters: b, e, f, h, i, k, l, m, n, p, v

Mike Mike
I am Mike. I like live music. I am in line with
people for the live music. Some people like to get
I am Mike and I like live music. out of line. People file in and look like bees in a
I am in line with people for the live music. bee hive as the doors open. We all love the live
People file in and look like bees in a bee hive as the music.
door opens. After the live music, I will ride my bike. I got
We all love the live music. my bike when I was nine. It is old. I take my bike
After the live music, I will ride my bike. with me to the forest. I see vines and pine trees.
I got my bike when I was nine. The forest is full of so many trees. Then I go home
I see vines and pine trees. by five so I can dine with my family.
Then I go home by five so I can dine with my family.
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57) Long Vowel I

Letters: d, e, f, h, i, k, l, m, r, t, w
Miles and Bella
I am Miles. My wife is Bella. I will go on a
I will go on a hike with my wife. hike with my wife today. We hike to the pine
We hike to the pine trees. trees. Then we fly a kite that is red and white. We
The kite is red and white.
like to fly the kite.
We like to fly the kite.
We hide the kite by the pine trees. We hide the kite by the pine trees. It is time
It is time to eat lunch. to eat lunch. Then we ride bikes to the sea. Soon
Then we ride bikes to the sea. the tide will come in and my wife and I like to play
My wife and I like to play in the waves. in the waves. Can we ride the waves? They are so
Can we ride the waves? wide. Yes! Life is so good!
Life is so good!

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

Long Vowel U
Lessons 58-60

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

58) Long Vowel U

Letters: b, c, d, e, f, j, k, l, n, p, t, u

flute June
lute I am June. He is Duke. I like to play a tune
on my flute. I can play the lute too. I need a cue
I am June. to start my music. I will play my flute. Then I will
I like to play a tune on my flute. play my lute. I like to play the flute with Duke.
I need a cue to start my music. Duke can play the lute too. We both are good. It
I like to play the flute with Duke. Duke can play the
is not a fluke. We practice a lot.
lute too.
It is not a fluke. My music is on the juke box. I sit on a cube
My music is on the juke box. and listen to the music play on the juke box. I will
I sit on a cube. let the tune play on. I will not mute the music.
I will not mute the music.

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59) Long Vowel U

Letters: d, e, l, m, n, r, s, t, u
Scott can be a rude dude. Scott can be a rude dude. I wish to put him
I wish to put him on mute. on mute. He broke a rule. The dude acted rude. I
He broke a rule. will make him stop. I will make him follow the
I will make him follow the rules. rules. He will not act rude to me.
He rode a mule to the dune. Scott got on a mule and rode it to the dune.
He liked to sing a tune and play the flute. He liked to sing a tune and play the flute. Scott
Scott was not acting like a rude dude then! was not acting like a rude dude then!

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60) Long Vowel U

Letters: b, c, d, e, f, l, m, p, r, s, u

Luke and the Mule
Luke is a nice due. Luke is a nice dude. He is not rude. Luke was
He is not a rude dude. due to be at a party so he put on a hat. That was
Luke was due to be at a party. the rule. I saw him in the hat with a plume. It was
That was the rule.
not a fluke! The plume was blue and long.
I saw him in a hat with a plume.
When he got to the party, he put the hat
It was not a fluke!
with the plume on a mule. The mule had a short
He put the hat with the plume on a mule.
fuse and got mad. The mule ran fast. He had no
The mule had a short fuse and got mad.
clue that the hat with the plume fell off. He kept
The mule had no clue that the hat with the plume fell
off. running. Now the mule must go back to his pen.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

Lessons 61-72

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

61) R-Controlled - ar
Letters: a, c, d, f, k, m, p, r, t
park The Farm
I am Clark. I like to play at the farm when I
stay with my grandma. The farm was far away
from the town so we take a car there. There is an
The farm was far away from town.
ark at the farm. I got on the ark and fell off. I hurt
We take a car to the farm.
my arm.
There is an ark on the farm.
I got on the ark and fell off. When it got dark, we went back to town.
I hurt my arm. We went to the park and I saw a cart. I pushed
When it got dark, we went back to town. the cart across the park.
I pushed the cart across the park. When we got home I got a card. I wrote to
When we get home I got a card. my mom. I told her how we went to a farm and
I wrote to my mom. how we went to the park. I will not tell her about
the ark!
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62) R-Controlled – ar
Letters: a, c, d, h, m, r, s, t, y
chart My Yard
In my yard I have a garden with many
plants. I have a garden chart. I made it to track
In my yard I have a garden with many plants. my plants.
I have a garden chart. During the day, I work hard to take care of
During the day, I work hard to take care of my yard. my yard. One day I cut myself and it left a scar.
One day I cut myself and it left a scar. My friend sent me a card with a good luck charm
At night, the sky is as black as tar, but he stars shine so it wouldn’t happen again! So far it is working.
brightly as I sit in my yard. At night, the sky is as black as tar, but the
I love my days in my garden.
stars shine brightly as I sit in my yard. I love my
days in my garden.

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63) R-Controlled - ar
Letters: a, b, d, h, k, m, p, r, s, t
Mark and Sparky
I am Mark. I have a pet dog and her name is
Sparky will bark if I take her to the park.
We only go to the park when it is dark.
Sparky. Sparky is a good dog, but not in the park.
I can take my dog to the shopping mart.
Sparky will bark if I take her to the park. If I take
She will not dart. her to the park when it is dark, she will not bark.
She is smart. We only go to the park when it is dark.
Because she is good at the mart, I get her a dog tart. I can also take my dog to the shopping
She has sharp teeth. mart. She will not dart and does not bark. She is
smart. Because she is good at the mart, I get her a
dog tart. The dog tart is good for her teeth. She
has sharp teeth.
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64) R-Controlled - ur, er

Letters: b, c, e, f, h, m, n, p, r, t, u, v

Burt and Curt
Burt and Curt are both cats. Burt and Curt are both cats. Burt has long
Burt had long fur. fur and Curt has short fur. Burt and Curt like to
Curt had short fur. purr and purr. They both like to sleep too. Vern is
Burt and Curt like to purr and purr. a boy who lives by Curt and Burt. He is nice to
Vern is a boy who lives by Curt and Burt. Curt and Burt. He takes turns playing with the
He takes turns playing with the cats. cats.
One day he gave Burt a perm. One day he gave Burt a perm. His fur turned
curly just like some fern. It did not hurt Burt, but
he looked funny!

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65) R-Controlled - ur, er

Letters: b, c, e, h, k, l, n, r, s, t, u, v

burn A Bad Day
As I was getting ready for church, I burnt
my hair on the curling iron. I got upset and broke
I burnt my hair on the curling iron. out in hives. I had to fix my hair. I had to take care
I got upset and broke out in hives. of the hives. It all took too much time. I did not
I burst into tears! make it to church on time. It was not a good day
Then when I got in my car after church, I hit a curb. so far. I burst into tears!
It took a big lurch to get over the curb but no one got Then when I got in my car after church, I hit
hurt. a curb. I had to take a turn because I had seen a
I needed to start this day over. cat lurking on the corner. The car hit the curb and
went round a curve. It took a big lurch to get over
the curb but no one got hurt. I drove home. I
burst into tears and ran to my bed. I needed to
start this day over.
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66) R-Controlled - ur, er

Letters: a, d, e, f, h, m, n, p, r, s, t, u

Term Paper
under I have to write a term paper for my class. I
want to do my best. I will take my time and think
about all the many things I could write about. I
I have to write a term paper for my class.
I may write about ferns. may write about ferns or about how to do a
I may write about ferns or about how to do a perm. perm. I may write about how to make a purse. I
I may write about how to make a purse. can write about how to become a nurse and help
After I write my term paper, then I can go play. those that get hurt.
I will play with my cat under the bed. After I write my term paper, then I can go
I will play with my cat in the yard and I will play with
play. I will play with my cat under the bed. I will
her in the park.
My cat purrs all day long.
play with my cat in the yard and I will play with
her in the park. She is fun to play with! My cat
purrs all day long.
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67) R-Controlled - ir
Letters: b, d, h, i, k, r, s, t, y
thirty Sir King and the Birds
My cat gave birth to six kittens. This was
her third litter. I named one of them Sir King. I put
My cat gave birth to six kittens. a shirt on Sir King but he did not like the shirt.
This was her third litter. Then we went into the yard. We played in the
I put a shirt on Sir King. dirt.
He did not like the shirt. In the yard, Sir King and I see a bird. Then
We play in the dirt. we see thirty birds! We see the birds fly to the
Then we see thirty birds. pond to get a drink. The birds must be thirsty.
We see the birds go to the pond to get a drink. After the birds drink water, we see them dig in
I think the birds are digging for worms. the dirt. I think the birds are digging for worms. I
The birds must be thirsty. hope the birds find a lot of worms.

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68) R-Controlled – ir
Letters: c, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, p, q, r, s, t, u, w

first The Role
smirk I am a girl who has a role in my school play.
I am also the first one in my family to play a bird. I
I am a girl who has a role in my school play. can chirp like many different birds. I know some
I can chirp like many different birds. people may smirk at my talent. I can’t help that I
I know some people smirk at my talent. have this quirk!
I can’t help that I have this quirk! My costume that I wear as a bird is cool.
My costume that I wear as a bird is cool. The skirt is covered in feathers. I like to twirl,
I like to twirl, whirl and swirl in it. whirl and swirl in it. I am working hard to learn
I will not shirk doing my job. my part. I will not shirk doing my job of being the
best bird in the play!

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69) R-Controlled – ir
Letters: b, c, d, f, h, i, k, m, p, r, s, t

irk A Nice Day
Kirk Kirk and I liked to take walks between the
skirt fir trees. The fir trees were very tall. We saw birds
in the trees. The birds liked to chirp and sing.
Kirk and I liked to take walks between the fir trees. Kirk and I took lots of different seeds in a
The fir trees were very tall. big pot to feed the birds. We had to stir them
The birds liked to chirp and sing. together and then we set it on the firm ground
We had to stir them together. for the birds to eat. It irked me because the birds
Then we set it on the firm ground for the birds to eat. started pecking at the ground. Then they flew
It irked me because the birds started pecking at the around and landed on my skirt. Finally, the birds
ground. ate and began to chirp a happy song.
Finally, the birds at and began to chirp a happy song.

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70) R-Controlled - or
Letters: c, f, k, m, n, o, p, r, s, t
After School
We live by a port. We live by a port. After school I watch the
My mom calls me to do my work. boats. Then my mom calls me to do my work. I
I needed to sort my socks. was torn as to what job to do first. I needed to
I also had a form to fill out for school.
sort my socks. I also had a form to fill out for
I had time to build a fort with blankets in my
school. After that, I had time to build a fort with
blankets in my bedroom. It was a big fort!
I do not eat pork so I had to eat something else.
I made some corn and green beans. After play time, it was dinner time. My
I had to throw it out. mom made pork. I do not eat pork so I had to eat
something else. I made some corn and green
beans. Then, for desert, we baked a tort that was
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71) R-Controlled - or
Letters: b, c, d, e, h, n, o, p, r, s, t, w

thorn North Shore
north I wanted to go to the North Shore because I
short was born near there. We would walk on the
shore beach. I would run in the weeds. They had long
spore thorns on them. One time my shirt got torn on
the thorns. Another time, I found an old phone
cord and then I found mushrooms and corn.
I wanted to go to the North Shore.
I was born near the North Shore. At the end of the trips to the North Shore, I
They had long thorns on them. would be worn out. It was always fun to go to
One time my shirt got torn on the thorns. the shore with my family even though some of
I found an old phone cord. the trips were too short. Maybe someday we will
Then I found mushrooms and corn. go back.
I would be worn out.
Maybe someday we will go back.

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72) R-Controlled - or
Letters: c, f, h, k, m, n, o, p, r, s, t
corn There was a big storm last night. The storm
cork tore down the field of corn. A piece of the roof
pork was torn off as well. The storm even made the car
fork horn go off.
The next day we had to sort out how we
The storm tore down the field of corn. would fix the roof. We had to sort out what to do
A piece of the roof was torn off. with the corn. My mom told me to be a good
The storm even made the car horn go off. sport. I knew it would all be okay but sometimes I
The next day we had to sort out how we would fix the
My mom helped me forget about the storm
My mom told me to be a good sport.
I ate the pork with a fork.
by baking. We made a lemon tort.
We made a lemon tort. I ate it with a fork. It was really good! Next
The cork was stuck in the bottle. time there is a storm, I hope we will bake another

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Vowel Team EA
Lessons 73-75

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

73) Vowel Team - ea

Letters: a, b, d, e, h, l, m, p, r, s, t

teal The Team
team I like to play sports. I am on the best
beam gymnastics team. We can balance on the beam.
ream We also can jump really high and do flips.
We made a deal to do our homework when
we missed school. My seat is next to my
I like to play sports.
I am on the best gymnastics team.
teammates. I read all about the teal colored birds
We can balance on the beam. in my reading book. I tell my friends about what I
We also can jump really high and do flips. learned.
We made a deal to do our homework. We also eat as a team. We make a meal
My seat is next to my teammates.
together. We fry up the meat and heat up the
We also eat as a team.
We make a meal together. cooked rice. Then we take a seat and eat. I am
We fry up the meat and heat up the cooked rice. happy to be on this team!
Then we take a seat and eat.

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74) Vowel Team - ea

Letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, j, k, l, n, r, w

I beat my sister to school today. She is
always late. I am not late because I am fast. I
I beat my sister to school today.
I eat my beans, put on some jeans and run to class.
don’t dress up. I eat my beans, put on some jeans
The roof at school sometimes will leak.
and run to class.
The floor also will creak. The school we go to is small and the
I have to lean in to hear my teacher. building is old. The roof at school sometimes will
Today I saw a bird sitting on a leaf outside the leak. The floor also will creak. I have to lean in to
window. hear my teacher. Today I saw a bird sitting on a
The bird has a short beak. leaf outside the window. The bird had a short
It looked weak. beak. It looked weak. Maybe the bird was sick.
After school, I will go check on it.
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75) Vowel Team - ea

Letters: a, c, e, h, l, m, p, r, s, t

teal The Peach Tree
We have a peach tree in the yard. I can reach
meat for a peach when they are ripe. One day we catch a
eat boy trying to steal a peach. We teach him not to do
heat that. We have so many that we give the boy a
peach. It’s the nice thing to do.
We have a peach tree in the yard.
I can reach for a peach when they are ripe. My mom said she would teach me how to
We teach him not to do that. make peach pie. She showed me how to cut the
My mom said she would teach me how to make peach peaches and we mix them with sugar. Then we make
pie. a pie crust. We put the peach mix into the pie tin.
It gives off steam. Then we cook the pie. The pie is too hot to eat. It
We eat meat for dinner and then we are able to eat
gives off steam. We wait for it to cool off. We eat
the pie.
The next day I heat the pie for breakfast.
meat for dinner and then we are able to eat the pie.
It tasted even better! It was very good! The next day I heat the pie for
breakfast. It tasted even better!

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Vowel Team EE
Lessons 76-78

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

76) Vowel Team - ee

Letters: b, d, e, f, j, l, m, n, p, s, t
deep Music
deem Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm is going off. I
seem have seen the time and it seems like I need to get
seen up now. I need to change my alarm to music.
teen Music would be better than a beeping sound for
waking up.
Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm is going off.
I have seen the time and it seems like I need to get up I like to listen to music all the time. It makes
now. me feel good. I ask my mom to listen to music in
I ask my mom to listen to music in her jeep. her jeep. My mom doesn’t like my teen music,
I tap my feet to the music. but I do so I tap my feet to the music.
I also listen to music in the garden. I also listen to music in the garden. Today I
Today I need to plant the beet seeds. need to plant the beet seeds. I dig in the dirt, but
I dig in the dirt, but not too deep. not too deep. Then I plant the seeds as I move
along to the beat.

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77) Vowel Team – ee

Letters: d, e, f, g, k, l, n, p, s, w
need Geek
feed I feel proud to be a geek. I love the band
feel and each week I have to go to band practice. I
peel play the tuba and I need lots of air to play it!
I am also a geek about gardens. This week I
I feel proud to be a geek. will weed the garden. Sometimes water seeps
I play the tuba and I need lots of air to play it! from under the rocks in the garden. That means
I am also a geek about gardens. there is too much water. There is no need to
Sometimes water seeps from under the rocks. weep! It will be okay. I will let the garden dry out.
There is no need to weep! After I garden, I feed the dog. Then I play
After I garden, I feed the dog. hide and seek with my baby sister. She will
Then I play hide and seek with my baby sister. probably be a geek like me one day!
This week I will weed the garden.

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78) Vowel Teams – ee

Letters: c, d, e, g, h, k, l, n, p, r, s, t, w

creed Creed
greed I live by one creed. It is from my family. My
green creed is to be nice to all people and animals. I
also know greed is never good. So I will share
I live by one creed. what I have.
Greed is never good. I help out. I need to sweep the floor. After I
I will eat a sweet peach.
sweep, I will eat a sweet peach. The peach puffs
The peach puffs up my cheeks
The peach tastes very sweet. up my cheeks. What a good snack!
I need to sweep the floor. Then I will go to the creek. There is green
Then I will go to the creek. grass by the creek. I will go to sleep on the green
I will go to sleep on the green grass. grass. Sometimes when I’m on the grass, ants will
I seek peace with them. creep up on me. I don’t like ants, but I seek peace
with them. I will leave them alone.
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Vowel Team IE
Lesson 79

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79) Vowel Team - ie

Letters: b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, l, n, p, r, s, t, w, y

shield Lief the Chief
Lief is the chief of the office. I am his niece.
He wields much power in the office. Today he will
brief us on our work. I let out a shriek. We have
so much work to do!
At the office we help farmers with their
Lief was the chief of the office. field crops. Some farmers grow rice. Some
I am his niece. farmers grow wheat. Some farmers grow apples.
I let out a shriek. We help so bugs don’t steal too much of
He will brief us our work. the crops. Good grief! Sometimes bugs can be
We help farmers with their field crops. pests. They are sometimes the thief of the crop.
They are sometimes the thief of the crop.
We try to find ways to shield the crops from the
We find ways to shield the crops.
bugs. If we do, the field will yield an excellent
The field will yield an excellent crop this year.
crop this year.

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Vowel Team OA
Lessons 80-82

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80) Vowel Team - oa

Letters: a, b, c, d, g, k, l, o, r, s, t
The Boat
The boat was carrying many bins. The first bin was
full of coal. The second bin was full of dried oats. The
road third bin was full of goat meat. The fourth bin was full of
toad coats. When the boat gets to the dock, it will unload all
of the bins.
The boat was carrying many bins.
The dock was next to some big oak trees. There
The first bin was full of coal.
are many toads that croak by the dock. The boat will
The dock was next to some big oak trees. dock soon. It will dock before the rain comes.
Then they will unload the dried oats. Then the bin full A crew of ten people will unload the bins from the
of coats. boat. They will unload the goat meat first. Then they will
They will unload the bin of coal last. unload the dried oats. Then the bin full of coats. They
Next, the bins will go by road to the market. will unload the bin of coal last. Next, the bins will go by
The goal is to reach the market by five o’clock. road to the market. The goal is to reach the market by
There are many toads that croak by the dock. five o’clock.

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81) Vowel Team - oa

Letters: a, b, d, f, g, k, l, m, n, o, p, s, t

bloat The Castle Moat
There is a moat around the castle. A boat is
in the moat. The boat is made out of oak. Did you
see the turtle float in the moat? Did you see the
frog float in the moat?
I will ask to borrow the boat. If they don’t
loan me the boat I will moan. If they loan me the
There is a moat around the castle.
boat, I can catch the turtles and frogs. I don’t
A boat was in the moat.
The boat was made out of oak. mean to gloat, but I know I’m good at catching
Did you see the turtle float in the moat? them!
Did you see the frog float in the moat? I will load the turtles and frogs into the
If they don’t loan me the boat I will moan. boat. When I’m done, I will let them all go. Then I
I don’t mean to gloat. will give the boat back. I will wash my hands with
I will load the turtles and frogs into the boat.
soap and then I will soak some oats and eat them
I will wash my hands with soap.
I will soak some oats and eat them for lunch.
for lunch.

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82) Vowel Team - oa

Letters: a, b, c, f, g, h, m, o, r, s, t
coach The Odd Day
coat I had an odd day. First there was too much
coast foam in my milk. I burnt my toast, but at least my
toast throat felt better.
roast When I got to school, my coach said we
boast were going on a trip. We went up the coast. We
boat took a boat. It was cold so I had to borrow a coat.
goat There was a goat on the boat too. I saw a roach
There was too much foam in my milk. on the goat’s back. The goat seemed to like the
I burnt my toast. roach. It would roam up and down the goat’s
At least my throat felt better. back. How odd! Did anyone else see the roach?
My coach said we were going on a trip. My coach made me pet the goat. I made
We went up to the coast.
sure to watch for the roach. But then the roach
We took a boat.
I had to borrow a coat.
was on my coat! I took off the coat. I still felt the
I saw a roach on the goat’s back. roach. I ran around the boat. The roach finally got
I will roam free one day. off me.

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Vowel Team OW
Lessons 83-85

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83) Vowel Team - ow

Letters: b, f, g, h, k, l, n, o, s, w
Bubbles and Snow
I know how to blow a bubble. I was shown
how to do it by my dad. Do you want to see how
I know how to blow a bubble. to blow bubbles? Look at the bubbles flow! I can
Look at the bubbles flow! slow down to help you keep up with me.
I can slow down to help you keep up with me.
I also know how to blow the snow. I put on
I know how to plow the snow.
my own snowshoes. I have known for a long time
He can make the snow glow.
how to start up the snow blower. I push the
I own my own snowshoes.
button and it will glow as it pushes the snow.
I push the button and it will glow as it pushes the
snow. You, too, can blow bubbles and the snow if
you practice and have the right tools.

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84) Vowel Team - ow

Letters: b, c, g, h, l, m, n, o, r, s, w

show The Hair Cut
shown My mother says the grass has grown. It will
blown have to be cut so she will mow the grass. My
mom said she will show me how to mow. She will
My mom will mow the grass. go slowly up and down each row.
My mom will show me how to mow the grass. After mowing the grass, my mom looked at
My hair has grown too long. my hair and said it had grown too long so she
Many trees were blown down by the storm. took me to the barber.
A crow flew low to the ground. On the way, we passed an apple tree farm.
I told Mom to go slow. Many branches were blown down by the storm. A
I wanted them to grow. crow flew low to the ground. He was trying to eat
an apple! I told Mom to go slow. I wanted to
watch the crow. She said no because we were
late for my haircut.
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85) Vowel Team - ow

Letters: d, e, f, h, i, l, m, n, o, p, r, t, w, y

Looking Out the Window
My favorite color is yellow. Everything in
my bedroom is yellow because it makes me feel
mellow and calm. I have yellow pillows and a
yellow throw on my bed.
I looked out my window and saw below my
brother and a fellow that I did not know. They
My favorite color is yellow. were cutting on a hollow tree when all of a
I have yellow pillows and a yellow throw on my bed. sudden, my brother hit his elbow and let out a
They were cutting on a hollow tree. yell. The man throws him some ice and he sits
The man throws him some ice. down to take a rest.
He sits down to take a rest. I am glad to be in my yellow bedroom
The bird had flown right through the window. looking out my window and seeing the nice
He was a very nice fellow. fellow help my brother!

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Vowel Team AI, AY

Lessons 86-88

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86) Vowel Teams - ai, ay

Letters: a, c, d, i, l, m, n, p, r, y
pain Just Dance!
rain I love to dance. When I grow up, I want my
rail job to be dancing. I want to be paid to dance.
mail That is why I work hard every day. I hold on to
the rail at dance practice. Sometimes, my feet are
in pain after dancing. My teacher says that I
When I grow up, I want my job to be dancing.
should rest them.
I hold on to the rail at dance practice.
Sometimes my feet are in pain after dance practice.
When resting, I like to go to the beach. I lay
I lay on the sand and play with clay. on the sand and play with clay. When it rains, I
I like to collect rainwater in a pail. like to collect rainwater in a pail. I also get our
I get our mail so it does not get wet. mail so it does not get wet. I play games on my
I don’t pay for the games. mom’s cell phone, too. I don’t pay for the games,
I only play free games. I like the free ones. However, my favorite thing to
do is to dance!

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87) Vowel Teams - ai, ay

Letters: a, i, l, n, r, s, t, v, w, y
tail The Hike
wail My family and I went on a hike. Dad told us to
wait stay on the trail. It was very beautiful. We passed
vain some train tracks and lots of trees. We even saw a
train squirrel with a funny tail! We walked a lot. My sister
trail let out a wail because she was tired. Mom said we
should wait and eat some food.
My sister spilled her food and her shirt had a
Dad told us to stay on the trail. big stain on it. I did not spill my food since I used a
We passed some train tracks. tray. I helped my sister clean her shirt. Mom said we
We even saw a squirrel with a funny tail. should start walking again. She said not to stray too
Her shirt had a big stain on it. far from the trail.
My sister let out a wail. We hiked for a long time. I was tired too, but
The walking was not in vain. the walking was not in vain. We saw so many things!
Mom said we should wait. A river, colorful birds and a deer were a few of the
She said not to stray too far from the trail. things that were by the trail. It was the best hike
It was the best hike ever! ever!

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88) Vowel Teams - ai, ay

Letters: a, b, d, g, i, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, y

grain The Train Trip
My friends and I are going on a trip by train. We
drain are learning about how to travel by train. We talk
train about the things we may see, like the grain in the
trail fields that is ready to harvest. My brain is full of new
plain facts.
The day of the trip has come. I am very excited. I
My friends and I are going on a trip by train look up to the sky, but it is not bright. It is dark and
My brain is full of new facts. gray. It may rain! My father packs me my favorite
The sky is dark and gray. plain cheese sandwich for lunch. He tells me not to
The grain in the fields is ready to harvest. drain my juice box too fast when we eat lunch!
My father packs me my favorite plain cheese I have to go so that I am not late. My mother
sandwich for lunch. tells me about a trail that is a shortcut to the station. I
My mother tells me about a trail that is a shortcut to thank her and meet my friends outside. We run to the
the station. train station. We reach it just before the rain. We are
We run to the train station. now ready to board. My friends and I say, “Hooray!”
My friends and I say, “Hooray!”

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Vowel Team UI, EW

Lessons 89-91

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89) Vowel Teams - ui, ew

Letters: b, c, e, f, h, k, l, n, r, s, t, w

My Birthday
skew Today is my birthday. I am having a party. I
stew knew that the rain could stop my party. I was sad
because I had planned a pirate game to play. I
I am having a party. would be the pirate of the ship and my friends
I was sad because I had planned a pirate game to play. would be the crew.
I would be the pirate of the ship and my friends the Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came. It
blew the new ship over! Bang! It made a lot of
Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came.
noise. My parents gave me a hug. We knew it was
It blew the ship over!
too windy for my party to be outside.
We knew it was too windy for my party to be outside.
My parents knew I was sad.
My parents knew I was sad! Mom said she
Mom said she will brew some hot tea.
would brew some hot tea and we could chew
We could chew my Dad’s yummy chicken stew. Dad’s yummy chicken stew. I felt a lot better. It
was still going to be a good birthday.
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90) Vowel Teams - ui, ew

Letters: b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, r, s, t, u, w

grew Tom Spills the Juice
My best friend is Tom. He loves to drink fruit
juice. One day at lunch, Tom dropped juice all over
He loved to drink fruit juice.
his suit. He did not want the juice to ruin his suit. He
He did not want the juice to ruin his suit.
ran to the bathroom.
He had a big bruise on his leg.
In his hurry, he fell down. He had a big bruise
The juice stain also grew bigger.
on his leg. The juice stain also grew bigger. He was
I decided to brew him tea.
upset. I decided to brew him tea to make him feel
I told him we could cruise around town.
better. I told him we could cruise around town, so I
I drew him a map of all the things we would see.
drew him a map of all the things we would see.
The fluid in the beaker was not mine.
After seeing the map, he smiled. He said that I
am a good friend.

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91) Vowel Teams - ui, ew

Letters: b, c, e, f, h, i, r, s, t, u, w
screw River Cruise
We went on a river cruise! The crew was in
stew charge of the ship. The captain wore a white suit. The
suit food they gave us was very yummy. For breakfast we
fruit ate lots of fruit, eggs and bread.
One day they gave me a banana that had a
The crew of the ship was in charge of the cruise.
bruise on it. I did not want to eat it. Mom told me that
The captain wore a white suit.
it would taste just fine. I tried it and she was right!
For breakfast we ate lots of fruit
For lunch, we had a spicy meat stew. The meat
They gave me a banana that had a bruise on it.
was hard to chew, but it tasted good. At tea time, we
We could brew our own coffee or tea
could brew our own coffee or tea. I also ate many
I made sure to screw the lid of the cookie jar shut.
cookies. I made sure to screw the lid of the cookie jar
We threw all our trash in the bins.
The meat was hard to chew.
The crew told us to keep the ship clean. So we
threw all our trash in the bins. We had so much fun
cruising on the river!

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Vowel Team IGH, Y

Lessons 92-94

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92) Variant Vowels – igh, y

Letters: f, g, h, i, l, n, s, t, w, y
fly The Sly Fox
sly I had stayed too long at my friend’s house,
shy so I was glad it was a short walk home. It was
why getting dark fast. I looked up and saw a bird fly
high in the sky. She was all alone in the night sky.
I looked up and saw a bird fly high in the sky.
No other birds were in sight. I wondered why.
No other birds were in sight.
Maybe the bird did not have friends because it was
Maybe the bird did not have friends because it
shy like me. was shy like me. I let out a big sigh.
I let out a big sigh. The street light turned on and it was very
The street light was turned on and it was very bright. bright. I saw a fox run into the bushes. It hid from
I saw a fox run into the bushes. me. When I got home, I told my mom about the
What a sly fox. fox. She said the same fox had eaten a chicken
She was happy that I reached home safely. from our farm! What a sly fox! My mom hugged
me. She was happy that I reached home safely.

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93) Variant Vowels - igh, y

Letters: b, g, h, i, k, l, m, p, r, s, t, y

sky The Fun Day
sight I went to my best friend Kim’s house and we
sigh skipped rope. My thighs hurt from all the jumping.
thigh Kim will come home to play at my house. We might
spy on my sister.
My best friend Kim might come home to play. The sky on the way home is bright. It is
My thighs hurt from all of the jumping. summer so there is a lot of light. It will get dark by
We might spy on my sister. nine o’ clock. Kim and I turned right onto my street.
The sky on the way home is bright. My house was in sight. Mom was home early. She
It is summer so there is a lot of light. let out a sigh. She was tired after a long day at work.
It would only get dark by nine o’clock. Kim and I made her a cup of coffee. She smiled
Kim and I turned right onto my street. and thanked us. We ran upstairs. My sister’s door
Mom was home early. She let out a sigh. was shut. She was not at home! Oh no, we could not
She was tired after a long day at work. spy on her! Never mind, we played with my toys

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94) Variant Vowels - igh, y

Letters: b, c, d, f, g, h, i, l, p, r, t, y
flight The Math Test
blight One day, I got a D in math. I was upset and
bright wanted to cry. My friend said I was a ‘dummy’, so
right I got angry. I said that I would fight him. My
plight teacher heard us. She told me to dry my tears.
She said that it was okay to cry sometimes, but
I was upset and wanted to cry. not to fight. She also said that if I try hard, I could
I said that I would fight him. get an A.
She told me to dry my tears. I came home with a sad face. My mom saw
My mom saw my plight and hugged me. my plight and hugged me. She said that the
The teacher was right. teacher was right. I had to try harder. She called
He was on a flight back home. up my dad. He was on a flight back home.
I had to try harder.
At night, Dad gave me a bright smile. He
He even let me fry the bacon.
said that he would help me with math. The next
Dad gave me a bright smile.
day I helped him make breakfast. He even let me
fry the bacon! I promised to do my best in math.
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Variant Vowels Long

Lessons 95-97

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95) Variant Vowels – long oo

Letters: c, f, h, l, m, n, o, p, s, t
Camping Weekend!
stool We did not have school, so Dad and I
stoop decided to go camping. We took my little brother
scoop with us. We used tools to set up the tents. My
little brother was of no help. He ran around and
acted like a fool. He made Dad and me laugh.
We used tools to set up tents. It was very hot! I wished there was a pool
My brother pointed at the moon.
nearby to swim. At night, Dad gave us a scoop of
He ran around and acted like a fool.
chocolate ice-cream. I sat on a camp stool and
I wished there was a pool nearby to swim.
ate the cool ice cream. My brother pointed at the
Dad gave us a scoop of chocolate ice cream.
moon. It was very bright.
I sat on a camp stool and ate the cool ice cream.
We went to bed soon after. The tent was
The tent was not tall, so I had to stoop to enter.
We would leave the next day around noon.
not tall, so I had to stoop to enter. We would
leave the next day around noon.

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96) Variant Vowels – long oo

Letters: b, l, m, n, o, p, t, z
boom An Eventful Day
boo Today was such a fun day! We went to a
too petting zoo and swam in the pool.
tool We saw many animals in the zoo including
pool sheep, rabbits and cows. The cows went Moo! It
was fun petting the rabbits too.
We went to the petting zoo and swam in the pool. In the pool, I scared my little sister. “Boo!” I
It was fun petting the rabbits too. said behind her back. She acted like a loon. She
In the pool, I scared my little sister. splashed so much water on me!
“Boo!” I said behind her. At night, we saw fireworks too. Boom! They
At night, we saw fireworks too.
were so loud. The full moon seemed to loom in
The full moon seemed to loom in the sky.
The fireworks made the sky light up even brighter. the sky. The fireworks made the sky light up even
We did so many fun things today! brighter. I was tired. We did so many fun things

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97) Variant Vowels – long oo

Letters: b, d, h, l, m, n, o, p, s, t
Farming is Hard Work!
I live on a farm. For breakfast, I eat cereal with
lots of milk. I like to use a big spoon to eat it.
I help my parents with the farm work. I wear
big boots when I feed the chickens. At noon, I feed
the pigs. They act like such loons. They always make
mood funny noises when I feed them.
At the end of the day, I was in a good mood. I
I help my parents with the farm work. had worked so hard! My shirt had a hole in it. I used
I wear big boots when I feed the chickens. a spool of thread to fix it. Then I played with the hula
At noon, I feed the pigs. hoop before going to bed.
I was in a good mood. At night as I lay in my bed, I hear the barn owl
I used a spool of thread to fix it. hoot. It helps me sleep. I am so lucky to live on a
I played with the hula hoop before bed. farm!
At night as I lay in my bed, I hear the barn owl hoot.

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Variant Vowels Short

Lessons 98-100

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98) Variant Vowels - short oo

Letters: b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, o, s, t

hook The Ride to School
It is so cold today! My hoodie is too thin, so
I put on the hood on my coat to keep me warm. I
stood at the bus stop and looked at my books. In
one of them I saw a horse! The horse had one
My hoodie is too thin, so I put on the hood on my coat hoof painted red. It looked so silly!
to keep me warm. In my other book it was full of pictures of
I stood at the bus stop and looked at my books. desserts. The chocolate cake looked yummy. I
I wished I knew how to cook. wish I knew how to cook. Then I could make this
Then I could make this cake. cake.
Our bus driver had a hook for a hand. Finally, the bus came, and I took it to
He was a good man. school. Our bus driver had a hook for a hand! He
There were no empty seats, so I stood. was not scary at all. He was a good man. There
The horse had one hoof painted red.
were no empty seats, so I stood. School was only
five minutes away.

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99) Variant Vowels - short oo

Letters: b, c, d, f, h, k, l, o, r, s, t, w

Marley and the Cook
Marley was a good dog. He was always on the
look-out for the man with the hook. This man was
The cook took Marley on walks. our cook. When Marley saw the cook, he would go,
He would read a book. “Woof, Woof!’ He loved the man very much.
The cook made Marley a wool sweater for the cold. Marley also helped collect firewood. His nose
He looked so cute! would be covered in soot. He looked so cute! The
When Marley saw the cook he would go, “Woof, cook took Marley on walks. He would read a book
Woof!” and Marley sat close to him.
Marley also helped collect fire wood. The cook even made Marley a wool sweater
His nose would be covered in soot. for the cold. They were best friends. The cook loved
It was right next to his foot! to play chess. One day, he lost a rook. Marley found
it for him. It was right next to his foot!
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100) Variant Vowels - short oo

Letters: b, c, d, f, g, h, k, n, o, r, s, t

brook The Storybook
shook I like to read my books in the nook by the
hook window. One book was about a crook. The crook
hoof took money from a cook. He was not a good man.
hood The cook was very sad.
good The next part of the book was about the
hero. She rode a horse and liked wearing a hood.
I like to read my books in the nook by the window.
One book was about a crook.
The hero saw the thief next to a brook. She told
The crook took money from a cook. him to stop. Her horse stomped his hoof on the
He was not a good man. mud. The crook started to run. The hero took out
The hero saw the thief next to a brook. her sling shot. She aimed at the thief. She caught
The horse stomped his hoof on the mud. him!
The hero took out her sling shot. The crook had to give the cook back the
The crook had to give the cook back the money. money. The hero took the crook to jail. It was
such a fun book to read!

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Variant Vowels OW,

Lessons 101-103

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101) Variant Vowels - ow, ou

Letters: a, b, c, d, h, n, o, r, s, t, u, w

Mary the Cow
about Mary was a funny cow. People loved to talk
ouch about her. She liked to run downtown into the
couch street. The men would shout at Mary to go back.
They asked her how she got out of her shed.
Mary was a funny cow. Mary would just moo.
People loved to talk about her.
Once, Mary bumped into a car. Ouch! That
She liked to run down town into the street.
had to hurt. She saw a couch on the street and
Men would shout at Mary to go back. How did the
sat on it. The towns’ people laughed. How did the
cow sit get on that couch?
cow sit on that couch? Mary moo-ed. It was time
Ouch! That had to hurt.
to go back. She had lots of fun and she was tired
They asked her how she got out of her shed.
She was tired now.
She will come down to our town again. Next week she will come down to our town
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102) Variant Vowels - ow, ou

Letters: b, c, d, e, f, h, l, n, o, r, s, u, w
crowd I am a Clown!
I will dress up as a clown! Clowns make
people laugh. I want to make a big crowd laugh at
my jokes. I will hold a show in my house and call
all of my friends. I even found a big round nose
I will dress up as a clown. for my clown costume. It looks brown because it
I want to make a big crowd laugh at my jokes. is dusty. Once I clean it, the nose will be red!
I even found a big round nose for my clown costume. The day of the show has come! The sky is
It looks brown because it is dusty. clear. There is not one cloud in the sky. All my
The day of the show has come! friends have come to see me. They love my loud
There is not one cloud in the sky. noises and jokes. The whole crowd laughs. They
They love my loud noises and jokes. give me a crown that says “Best Clown in First
They give me a crown. Grade!” I am so happy!

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103) Variant Vowels - ow, ou

Letters: c, e, f, h, l, m, n, o, r, t, u, w

hour The Clown Show
The clown’s show was so funny! She had a
flower and an owl on her head. She even had a
ouch cow in the show. The clown and cow sat on the
couch couch together. We don’t know how the cow did
The clown had a flower and an owl on her head. After the show my sister and I baked a cake.
The clown and cow sat on the couch together. We used flour. Some of the flour flew into my
We don’t know how the cow did that. mouth. It was so dry, and I choked. “Ouch!” After
We used flour. an hour, the cake was cool, so we ate it!
The flour flew into my mouth.
It was so dry, and I choked.
After an hour, the cake was cool, so we ate it.

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

Variant Vowels AW,

Lessons 104-106

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

104) Variant Vowels - aw, au

Letters: a, c, f, h, j, l, p, r, s, u, w

Paul and Saul
caw Paul saw a rabbit with small black paws.
claw Paul had a cat named Saul. Saul had long claws.
flaw He saw the rabbit too. Saul jumped on the rabbit.
Paul saw the rabbit in the cat’s jaw. The rabbit
Paul saw a rabbit with small black paws. had died.
Saul had long claws.
Paul’s mom said that they should not waste
They would take the raw rabbit meat and cook it.
Paul’s job was to haul the wood to the campsite.
the meat. They would take the raw rabbit meat
Paul saw the rabbit in the cat’s jaw. and cook it. They would cook the meat on a
Their plan was to cook the meat but the plan had one campfire. Paul’s job was to haul the wood for the
flaw. fire.
They forgot the matches to light the fire. When they reached the campsite, Paul was
very hungry. Their plan was to cook the meat, but
the plan had one flaw. They forgot the matches
to light the fire!
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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

105) Variant Vowels -aw, au

Letters: a, c, d, e, f, h, l, n, r, s, t, u, w

fault Saul and the Fawn
Saul was a young boy. He loved to paint and
cook. Yesterday, he had helped his dad make a
pasta sauce! It was yummy.
Saul liked to draw trees. He had a forest
behind his house. Every day he would haul his
painting tools to the forest. He liked to draw the
Yesterday he had helped his dad make a pasta sauce. trees. One day there was an awful storm. Saul
He liked to draw the trees. could not go paint. The next day he went out at
He saw a small fawn eating grass. dawn to paint.
It was the storm’s fault that it was separated from its In the forest, he saw a small fawn eating
mother. grass! It was the storm’s fault that it was
Every day he would haul his painting tools to the separated from its mother. Saul wanted to draw
it. At the end of the hour, the fawn’s mother
He had already drawn the beautiful fawn.
found it. Saul was very happy. He had already
drawn the beautiful fawn.

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

106) Variant Vowels - aw, au

Letters: a, h, j, l, n, p, r, s, t, u, w, y
haw The Picnic
My brother Paul and I went to visit the
lawn park. We wanted to have a picnic. Paul had to
yawn haul our picnic basket all the way to the park. The
park had beautiful lawns. There was a sign that
The park had beautiful lawns. said, ‘Do not step on the grass’. I did not like this
Paul had to haul our picnic basket all the way to the law. I liked to lay on the grass and sleep.
park. We found a space where we put down our
I drank my juice with a straw. blanket. I ate the raw carrots and I drank my juice
I ate the raw carrots. with a straw. It was a warm day so I felt sleepy.
We found a space where we put down our blanket. Paul was sleepy too. I saw him yawn so wide his
I saw him yawn so wide his jaw made a ‘pop’ sound. jaw made a ‘pop’ sound! It was so funny!
We even saw a cat with small paws.
It was a very nice picnic. We even saw a cat
with small paws. Finally it was time to go home. I
thanked Paul for taking me to the park.
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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

Variant Vowels OI, OY

Lessons 107-109

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

107) Variant Vowels - oi, oy

Letters: b, c, i, j, l, n, o, r, s, t, y
The Boy Who Loved Cars
soy Roy was a boy who loved cars. They filled
Roy him with joy. He read about how cars work. He
knew about all the little coils in the engine of a
Roy was a little boy.
car. He would help his mom to fix their car. He
They filled him with joy.
even knew how to change the oil!
He knew about all the little coils in the engine.
Roy also had many toy cars. They were
They were shiny, just like a new coin.
Roy had many toy cars.
shiny, just like a new coin! I liked to play with
His sister would join us. Roy. We took his cars out into the garden. They
They would get dirty in the soil. would get dirty in the soil, but his mom didn’t
We would drink soy milk shakes together. mind. After playing, his sister would join us and
He even knew how to change the oil! we would drink soy milk shakes together.
I loved playing cars with Roy.

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Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

108) Variant Vowels - oi, oy

Letters: b, c, f, i, j, l, n, o, p, t, y
coy The Coin Mystery!
I found a coin on the ground. It was
wrapped in foil! There was a little boy standing
nearby. I asked him if the coin was his. He shook
his head. He was very coy. I told him to join me
and we would find the coin owner together.
There a little boy standing nearby
I found a coin on the ground. We walked around the park. I saw an old
It was wrapped in foil. woman on a bench. I asked her if the coin was
She said that she would boil us some tea as a thank hers. I made sure to point to the coin.
The old woman said, “Yes! It is mine!” She
I found a coin on the ground.
He was very coy said that she would boil us some tea as a thank
Finding the old lady had been a joint effort. you. I said no because I was late for school. I
I made sure to point to the coin. shook hands with the little boy because finding
the old lady had been a joint effort. The mystery
was solved!

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Reading Materials Version 1.5
Word Mix-Up Word Lists, Sentences, Stories Phonics

109) Variant Vowels - oi, oy

Letters: b, c, e, i, j, l, n, o, r, s, t, v, y

soy Roy and His Toys
Roy liked to cook. It gave him a lot of joy.
He helped his mother, but she would not let him
fry food in oil. “Only grownups can do that,” she
said. Roy’s sister asked him to help her plant
some trees. He said no. He did not want to toil in
I put oil on my popcorn. the field all day.
I did not want to toil in the field all day. He decided to play with his toy cars. Beep!
I wanted to play with my toy. Beep! Boy, his toys sure made lots of noise. His
The toy made lots of noise. mother told him to shush. He did not hear her.
I heard a voice over all of the noise. She hushed him again. She said he was being
Roy was a very noisy boy. noisy. He listened to his mom. He had not even
Do you eat soy beans? heard her voice the first time!

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Reading Materials Version 1.5

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