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Short Answers and Essay Answers

The mood of the speaker in Thomas Hardy's "The Darkling Thrush."

The speaker's attitude seems to shift in "The Darkling Thrush" due to the thrush's music.

Even though the poem finishes on an enigmatic note, it may be inferred that the speaker is

experiencing various emotions of optimism or hope, which is why he admits that he is "unaware"

of why the scabies is so joyful. The thrush's album, I believe, changed the atmosphere because it

was a song of hope from the sublime that influenced him. The Darkling Thrush is a frail and

vulnerable bird that, despite these characteristics, endangered himself.

 Elements that make the poems sound more like normal speech in "Pied Beauty" by

Gerard Manley Hopkins and "Sonnet 43" by Elizabeth Barrett Browing.

Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem "Pied Beauty" turns into a lament for these strange or

unusual objects, things that might not be regarded or considered beautiful in the traditional sense.

They are everything, he declares, signs of God, which, through their variety, consistently control

us toward the unity and integrity of His vitality and drive us to "Applaud Him." In Elizabeth

Barrett Browing's "Sonnet 43," the tone is known as the aspect that expresses the emotion. The

number of possible tones is endless: sarcastic, passionate, blissful, tragic, satirical, everlasting,

angry, funny, calm, and so on. The word establishes the poem's mood, and the reader may
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connect to the sentimental notion of true love right away. The reader will appreciate the visual

image formed by the flow that derives from this hopeful and uplifting tone since the title is

repeated throughout the opening lines.

The element of death in "The Lady of Shalott" by Alred Lord Tennyson and "My Last

Duchess" by Robert

Death is often described as a curse in "The Lady of Shalott." During her gradual death,

the Lady performs a "mournful" carol while her "blood was freezing painfully and her eyes were

darkened fully". Because of the curse's negative consequences, she cannot leave her tower and

experience the outside world. On the other hand, death is depicted as an immoral act by

characters in Robert Browing's "My Last Duchess." While it is not mentioned clearly, it can

be concluded that the duchess was murdered on her husband's orders. He issued orders as he

explained to the Count's envoy in chilling, matter-of-fact words, and then all the Duchess' smiles

vanished. The duchess of My Last Duchess has disappeared, most definitely as a result of a

crime. Death has been used in both poems to portray the true image of what transpired in the


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