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RICHARD MILLETT / SLA POESI PORES EERE SEER E LEER ELE RE RICHARD MILLETT / SLA POESI CONTENTS / SHIROI MURASAKI SILBER CANDLELIGHT ISLE REMON KORI DYSTHYMIA SHOOTING STAR NIGHTSONG NAKED IN THE SAND EMERALD CHAMPAGNE DEHYDRATED TIGER THE SUBJECT WAS ROSES SPACE FILTER ALL TITLES WRITTEN & EDITED BY RICHARD MILLETT © 2022 PUBLISHED BY FLUXLIFE INC. PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN BY KAZARI EIGO GRAPHICS FLUXLIFEINC.COM 20/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/42/14/ 0/0/0/22/0/0/66/57/61 SPECIAL THANKS TO / BRIAN “DROOG’” YOUNGOOSE TRUTH & BEAUTY x siiRot I signed the guest book to see who else had been in the Room There were only 7 other names Listed before mine One of them Was in your Handwriting Using a Nom de plume They baked bread, they baked cakes in honor of the decision, waiting for the door to open — Netanyahu & Abbas took pictures from a delivery truck after they weren't invited in | measured How fast the Water filled ae The sink and Hid my newly Cleaned brushes & blades In the soil of A potted plant Down the hallway How | could still hear some voices echoing Free weights Being dropped into swimming pool Why was the 24 name crossed out? Sneaking around & pausing sighs? JpPegsPeUrolasthslnss WuBIousU wi peta welge we s) Arowew ey i fh Seow & 6} GUIped| WEARS ME;eYS B },.USEM H PUY APSR Sei US OYFeM HOA USA OQUISUSY | LRMAAQI DYUBRAAA ADAP [PHAN AA JBSUBIORUMMSAL? HAA URES ROA MES I OK SpxeMo} ]NO peyoje.js spUBY JO (NJWOOI B JOquFSWSH | BUILOW OY} Jo 9914 & SENN! FIUNKNYY AOQuISWOY | 22a BO UPOHTOH PA HOR Wem AaeAWed | SOA ‘SAA MURA All * JIB |Lwas the quoted in your speech but later you did not recognize my face ‘You broke my concentration with your fluttering interruptions You asked if| wanted to danee than passed me off to your date ‘The dust from your eracked gasp landed on the shculders of my tuxedo jacket | could not have then expected the cholr to pull out fites ‘And spend the night trying to find a tune to sustain a 21 part harmony I could not have wanted a seat against the back wall ‘Where the wheels of the dessert cart kept rolling into me How could you forget the poster Of the pincer nosed couple With bleached flour countenance In gleaming jewelry and Full evening formal wear Helding tins of caviar Boasting they brush their Teeth with lard? RaMNON bOPI REMON KOR! “You coo so prettily on the balcony" But | can barely think about that bird this morning Instead, Im focusing on how my leg muscles feel Pedaling up this hill While | can see the horizon bobbing and weaving | don't eat breakfast until | stop Pancakes rolled around pineapple, floating in a coffee cup And | don't want to hear Any idle conversations far or near It makes me sour To hear the same phrases every other hour When | speed up going downhill Inever break and I close my eyes and Pray there's no one In my way And when | am out of the shower | measure my calves and breasts with a string I snipped off my grandmother's wedding dress | fetishize pedaling uphill Loud cars inches away from me I like seeing the horizon bobbing and weaving And then greeting me hello my downtill eves measure up close When phrases speed fo my bird Greeting |say no then shower and pecel unl my muscles stop makes my arm weave pretily Helio ime greeting then weaving ‘And bobbing hortzon the see ice me ‘Loud pedal to took a ry breasts in ery dress ons Pray and close eyes: I never break downhill age tepeed up every hour ‘ggpaesrrancaiason Pecaing muscles You Hello ‘oe hrc oon oats ‘wis Isms mses DY s THUMIA ls like I've spent years at a time wearing the same clothes, standing before an all mirror atrium the sound of fuel gushing, my bloodstream adjusting, looking down to see that I am standing on silent, even ground The Madame lives in a borderless district Mouthing impenetrable tracts and escorting Christian to the railroad tracks He's next seen walking with a cane into the Mustard Seed denying his name and the contents of his journals The Doctor explains that six of his patients have wet brains, with unnaturally grey eyes ‘they've bleached their mantlepieces and laundry rooms their raised arms are too stiff to relax Christian tells The Madame the tale of when bricks sailed through his cousin's window and buckets of chalky rocks were thrown across the alleys and gangways with leaflets taped to the front doors asking the aldermen to please go away Meanwhile upstairs, a séance had sterted But was soon aborted by the Precinct Captain When a piercing ringing confused the Medium “the enemy of my enemy shall forever be a stranger to me” The Doctor carefully writes in his notes _ LAO oks es) SpSbsles DO = @ BPs eon ae a mn =3 = i { ity a — ah re C7777 nA NAKED I THe SAND Standing in the shower, listening to The Reporter on the radio recount the details of how he wrote his latest run of well respected articles “Silly things that were said ‘What you'd normally forget are what we used to create something we coined a "forensic resurrection” Nobody knows how to tie the simple knots that | know what they thought was evidence of a UFO were just streaks of antifreeze in the snow The Reporter reiterated that one successful story can take As much as three years’ time and that there's no greater gratification than being honored by your peers on awards night They found him naked in sand Vaseline smothering his left hand He'd already blown hundreds Tipping strippers and thousands on room service meals and hushed deals to keep the front desk girl quiet about what he'd done with the towels As a saint he could never realize that how you spend one night doesn't determine your way of life “reverse gentrification, that’s so stupid” The Reporter said While wearing a denim Shirt under a suede vest “That's what used to pass for journalistic integrity, | guess” 2h bb bb Ob bbb bb ot bt bt The translation of the what the guy was singing in the exhausted chanson was “any stick you want to beat me with is fine / | don’t mind” The Reporter said “I'm only out for one thing, someone Whose head is round as a Bowling ball, and Smokes their shame” Before getting hung up on By two inconspicuous guys notable only for their new sharp suits And what was obviously pasted on novelty facial hair He used his winnings to lease a car he had covered in polka dots though when the auditor pressed him for specifics he couldn't remember whether it was his or not They apprehended him naked in the sand While he was arguing with his bank about how much he was getting charged by onlyfans his ignored lunch being consumed by birds and ants TOO tO KK I 2 tb bb bt 2b et bt ob The Reporter dipped his thumb in iodine, wiped it on his sweatshirt, and said “What in the hell, did | do that for?” then he took another sip of his coffee that tasted like crayons hoping to have some luck looking through locks He stared longingly at the contents of his underwear drawer wishing he had a black mask and could march with Antifa he yearned to field donation calls on behalf of PBS, and resented being stuck making crumpets and tea for BBC US And unfortunately, he was fingered on their steps while his students wept in silent disappointment and his great aunt sucked on a Bit-O-Honey pursing her lips in evident judgement and surreptitious enjoyment They apprehended him naked in the sand at least that's what his long time agent said he was fumbling for a cigarette and muttering that “these idiots have no respect for talent” What else can be said, but they found him naked in the sand making demands in a country whose laws he could never understand getting taken off past a hail of flashes sending smirking knowing glances to the twerking girls making a fortune selling their asses COOCOOKKKKKKOE DAWYDRATO TIGR Sliding across a brass floor while shadows dissolve into sickly, withered branches loose teeth of the wolfhead jaw that bites me lips pursed to play a trombone before yelling at the doorman "don't you know who | am?" "don't you know who | am?" "don't you know who | am?" "don't you know who | am?" the brass floor is tarnished by evaporated concentric clouds that rotated in circles disused aqua black screws make a murky lake 2 ivory women stand on either side of a portal with a swirling center of rushing bubbles they hand over a burning cloth napkin and invite you to take off your shirt shave your arms wrap your chest in bandages safety pin your money to your waist the napkin drops to the ground and impassively flames out | carried my accountant’s rolodex | carried my uncle's quest for revenge | carried a burlap bag of plywood violins | carried a suitcase full of crosses to Libertyville | carried a depiction of the bishop's liver stitched into linen | carried the governor's wobbling index finger Julius Caesar The grace of humanity an invasion of Britain moonlit searches for breeding material alongside the banks of tributaries staring at a map of Persia learning to pronounce the months of the year in Farsi Julius Caesar turning a burning eye to the battlefield preparing bribes exchanging mothers with 3 or 4 children for 2 stout ditch diggers Jesus Christ unmasked three days after being carried away with the boulder being rolled back into place slipped out of the stocks and hidden at a farm whispers of appearances to doubters and believers words taken out picked apart and left among coins and dust in the road living with the knowledge, the knowledge of what he is and shall always be | carried the cardinal’s diseased mind in oily butcher's paper | carried the robes and golden cables out of the carnival | carried the eye shadow of an electrician's wife | carried stale bread to Whittier | carried typewriter ribbons worn clear with revisions | carried a hypnotist's digital watch to Marina City Dog skeleton taped down to the tarnished brass floor to mark the last spot where it fell over Dog skeleton rabies still wound loosely and stranded within its DNA Mark broke into her house Laid down on a matted maroon throw rug in the dining room Took out a pen and wrote his name on his arm Noticed the dynamite sticks piled up in the corner Now he knows what he can no longer do Dog skeleton Locked in a refrigerator piles of straw and a rusted belt buckle striking flint against it Dynamite sticks rolling aimlessly then dropping from a table individually numbered carved by hand and sourced from a private home where they are no longer necessary here, look outside there's an unusually tall man using a push broom to knock down a tree branch that was struck by lightning its needles still clinging there brown and disloyal he's been there all day, screaming without a ladder THC SUBJCCE WAS ROSES You were in a swamp had all your clothing wrapped up wondering how you'd survive the torrential downpour While | was in car unwilling to start feeling the clanking motor make my wrists ache my ankles were already shaking and I've got no directions anyway Heel like I'm a jackal my chin is fixed my teeth are yellow wandering the plains and eating birds out of holes in the ground and you are your own last cigarette stubbed out and smudged, flicked ashes ruining your raspberry leatherette purse Iresent the past and the ice that is trapped leaking out only one crip every year Your head's turned back 80 far it could crack and the more time passes, you know that after me all that's left are empty glasses | burst from the waterfall sprung and partially grown a proud green thorn sticking out from a brass & leather crown You were always an eyebrow with a gold hoop pushed through colorless scar tissue you paid a surgeon to remove Iwill be the key etched and preserved immaculately in spite of the claims you'd be more helpful as a cloud of steam You have a cataract and can only react to the terms of a contract by hiding it under handfuls of untraceable hairs | said that | am a fact and can no longer reflect on frames speeding so fast they appear for years as closing motions of wavering poses SUBJECT WAS ROSES, THE SPACE ALTO He was one of these fuckers with a television face Long thin membraned fingers, four foot legs And grey veins You could see the channel change When his skin was peeled His accent was badly pixilated tornadoes flown in from Old movie posters They love like miraculin spiking the water supply She reads her monthly statements, in hopes she'll get a surprise She wins a hula hoop contest And sprinkles talcum powder in her eyes Lies when interviewed in a sterile room By a queen without a kingdom, crown & jewels Festooned in a barren womb, carriage wheels on layaway Her pussy is waxed on the tenth moon She threatens to sue over any ingrown hairs She bites the heads off sparrows on her morning runs Then keels over and gets A warning for flashing a school bus Their love is like the time they sprayed DDT into a restored chapel She urinates, then masturbates with the corner of a biography about Ivan Boesky Dr. Weather surveys the results And reports to the board “After careful observation and consideration she finally Found the holes in the thinking she'd been hiding and that's When I knew she was pretending, she was pretending to understand, she was pretending, pretending to be a man” Dr. Frann makes a casting call gating all casting call easting call easting call 6asting call They talk in breathless circles About a saxophone player who won't blow a note Without making double scale They stand under paisley awnings in the spring rain THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK \d upand upand upand up They go up and up and up and up and ujsnd upand upAn Uren pe They pay attention to what the sky tells them They have regression therapy From the bottom of the ocean She says to Dr Fran “the ocean is the most wonderous large indefinite amount of all” The ocean makes Dr. Frann shiver Does it make him shiver? Shivers? Shiver? Does he believe that the water will withstand His rubber raincoat? She complains to Dr Weather “the water is dry beyond belief” ‘To Which Dr. Weather replies “Down, down, down into the darkness of the water” He slides gently, the wet wedding, the scorpion palms Gently it goes, the numbers fall and rise, the checkerboard needs its companionship The wonderous pigment of the ocean ever changing She is destroyed in a moment she immediately forgets Dr Weather regrets never answering his phone Dr Frann mourned the lonely, little, large lake She cums on the faucet and askes “Does the lake make you shiver? Does it?” The first time she was shown a dick, she asked if she could touch it, and he started singing “A Whole New World”, to which she laughed viciously and delightedly He sees billboards that sicken him despite his noblest ideals Dr Weather comforts him that it's alright to get sickened Why would you think nautical navigation is neutral? when navigation is the wettest waterfall of all Down, down, down into the tangled purple of the pigments Gently it goes, tearless and quite possibly rainless She runs her finger against the chrome Presses it into her wetness Take a selfie next to the blurry fingerprints And captions it ‘the wet water bottle spilled at 9am” Dr. Frann drives to the banks of the little, large lake And calls for someone who can deliver some hard boiled eggs Her legs are the pigment of the ocean The wondrous rushing white of her cheerleading days Protein gets out protein but she always remembers To trace an Outline from the stains Dr. Weather can watch overdubbed movies all night The blue lights reflect into his eyes. He recites Down, down, down into the darkness of the water ‘What will they find there? An underground shower? ‘The nurse and the maid in a tangle of limbs and tongues? They look so much alike they'd need a third To offset the symmetry She rides a steed into the mists of the morning And cries “I've never seen the dew glistening such as this” It makes her shiver, like when her Dr mis-pronounces the name of her vulva The antique baths on display at the exhibition make her shiver He uses his hands when the lens gets fogged up They go up and up, up and up He can't believe what passes in polite conversation Dr. Weather does not celebrate when the law allows for callow calls She feels her nipples stiffen when her name is announced over the sound system She brushes against the support beam, she moves her shoulders and shivers Why would you think nautical navigation is neutral? when navigation is the wettest waterfall of all Down, down, down into the tangled purple of the pigments Gently it goes, tearless and quite possibly rainless LOVE GOD NOT WORSHIP MONEY OTHER TITLES IN THIS SERIES / RADAR/GRAIN / TRACING THE DIM SIGNAL / WATER B/W FINGERNAIL IN MY SALAD / SCATTER / SCATTER/ MILD LIFE/T. & W. / LIFE ISN'T HARD B/W MILD LIFE / THE ALUMINUM FARM / THE ZEN TRANSFERENCE MANUAL / IT WENT RED / THE FIRST FOUR YEARS / SPLISH! / THE SPLISH! SUPPLEMENT / SPLISH RECONSIDERED / SWIM TO THE CENTER / ORANGES / PRESENT / COMMUNISM IS GRAND / THE SAMPLER / STATEMENTS ANTI STATEMENTS / SUNRISE ON THE CAINA ISLANDS / REMEMBER B/W THANK YOU / YOUR FUTURE YOUR FREEDOM / THIS IS WHAT FREEDOM LOOKS LIKE / GOD BLESS THE GUESTS AT THE BANQUET / SALT OR LIGHT / LAUGHTER AT THE WAKE B/W 49 DAY PROCESS / ALWAYS, ALL THE TIME B/W MISS YOU IN THE MORNING / SACRIFICE THE SATELLITE B/W MILKY SKIES / THE FEMALE PERSPECTIVE / OUTSIDER ENVY / ANACHRONISMS / SUNSPOTS B/W TELECONVERTER / FOLD DOWN PARTS 1 & 2 / FOLD DOWN PARTS 3 & 4 / SOURCE MISSION B/W THE NEEDLES / CITIZENSHIP / APPLES & ICE SWIMMING TOGETHER IN SOAPY WATER / WRITHING SHADOWS OF THE CURLING FLAME / SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE / THE 56™ BOOK (2509 Adé \ TTSIM GAAHOIA eee ee ee ee aes

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