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Writing Skills


Class 10
(Session: 2020-21)
Formal Letters include:

1. Letter to the Editor

2. Complaints
3. Inquiry
4. Placing orders
 Formal language must be used
 Repetition of ideas must be avoided
 Sub paragraphs should be used in an organis
ed way
 Personal outlook must be included but biase
d language should be avoided
 Word limit (100-150 words) must be kept in


The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi- 110001
Subject:- _________________________

Respected Sir/Ma’am
Body of the letter (in 3-4paragraphs)
1. Statement of the problem(Introductory)
2. Causes of the problem
3. Outcome of the problem
4. Suggestions/remedies
5. Conclusion

Yours faithfully/ Yours sincerely/ Yours truly

Sender's name
(A concerned citizen)

Q1. You are Saurabh Srivastava, a resident o

f Defense Colony Bagdogra, Siliguri. Your col
ony is facing the severe problem of inadequ
ate and contaminated water supply. You deci
de to express your views and make the auth
orities aware of the situation by writing a le
tter to the Editor of The Siliguri Times, Silig
uri. Write your letter in about 100-150 word
Defense Colony
Bagdogra, Siliguri

13 October 2020

The Editor
The Siliguri Times

Subject: Inadequate and contaminated water supply.

Respected Sir/ Ma’am

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would li
ke to draw the attention of the civic authorities to the conta
minated and inadequate supply of water in our locality.
It is unfortunate that the local civic authorities do not take care to
provide the citizens with even the basic amenities such as proper a
nd adequate water supply. In our locality, water is supplied only for
three hours in the morning. For the rest of the day the taps remain
dry. Also, the supplied water is impure. It is unhygienic and inadequ
ate. There have been cases of water borne diseases. The water bor
ne diseases may break out in the form of epidemic, if the problem i
s not properly addressed to. The RWA (Resident Welfare Association)
of our locality has filed the complaint against this issue to not only
the local Jal Board but also to the local MLA. We feel that our comp
laints have been falling on deaf ears as no action has been taken by

It is expected that instead of ignoring the issue, the authorities con

cerned will take immediate steps to ensure supply of adequate and
potable water in our locality so that we residents are able to live a
disease free and healthy life.
Yours truly
Saurabh Srivastava
Practice Question:
Q1. Write a letter to the Editor of a natio
nal daily, regarding creating awareness t
owards health and hygiene and precautio
nary measures to be taken during this pa
ndemic crisis. Sign yourself as Amrita, a r
esident of B-2, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi.
(Word limit: 100-150 words)
Letter for Placing Order


The Addressee
Company’s/Organisation’s name
Address of the addressee: M/s-

Respected Sir/Madam

Subject:- _____________________________________
Body of the letter
1. Introduction to the subject
2. Elaborate on the subject
3. Details of items
4. Conclusion

Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely

Sender's name
Sample Question
Q1. You are Satish/ Sonali, the Literary C
aptain, in charge of the school library. Yo
u have been asked to place an order for
Children's story books. Write a letter to
M/s Book Depot, Ram Nagar, Bikaner plac
ing an order for the books. Invent the ne
cessary details.
XYZ School
Ram Nagar

14 October 2020

The Manager
M/s Book Depot
Ram Nagar

Subject: Order for Children's story books

We need no introduction as we are your regular cu
stomers. We would like to place an order for Childr
en's story books for our school library. We are provi
ding a list of books that we are in need of.
Kindly deliver these books in their latest edition an
d in proper conditions. We would be pleased, if yo
u could provide us suitable discount on these book
s. The list of books with their particulars is attache
d herewith.
S. No. Book’s Title Author/Publisher Copies req
1. Arabian Nights Rupa& Co 20
2. Panchatantra Children’s Book Society 25
3. Stories for children National Book Trust 30
4. Fables Jain & Co 25
We hope timely delivery and maximum discou
If the order does not reach us in ten days, it w
ill stand cancelled.

Yours faithfully
Literary Captain
Practice Question
Q1. Mary's Convent, Delhi needs some f
urniture like office chairs, tables, almir
ah etc. for its office. The Principal asks
Mr. Verma, Head Clerk to prepare a dra
ft to place an order with M/s Trustwell
Furniture, Delhi. Write the order letter
in about 100-120 words.

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