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Spring/Summer 2011




To l e d o


Grand Garden Marks 75 Years

Return of the American Elm

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SPRING/SUMMER 2011 VOL. 18, NO. 1 published by

Metroparks of the Toledo Area

5100 West Central Avenue Toledo, OH 43615-2106 419.407.9700

n Season I
A Summer Of Discovery

Board of Park Commissioners

Scott J. Savage, President Fritz Byers, Vice President Lera Doneghy, Vice President Staff: Donald R. Rettig, Jr., Director Denise Johnson, Director, Visitor Services Patty Morgenstern, Membership/Customer Service Manager Scott Carpenter, Public Relations Director/Editor Jesse Mireles, Art Direction Valerie Juhasz, Production Manager
Metroparks of the Toledo Area 2011

favorite path is good to have. When you set off down the same trail youve followed 100 times before, the familiar sounds and smells are comforting. You dont have to think about whats around the next bend; you can concentrate instead on whats on your mind or nothing at all.

A new path is good to have, too. Seeing a scenic place for the first time is refreshing, exhilarating, rewarding. After all, every well-known path was a new discovery once. There are more than 100 miles of trails in nine Metroparks for you to explore. We encourage you to do just that. This summer, a series of messages on a variety of cable television stations will give you some ideas about which parks to visit, and why. Each message will invite you to come out and play while tempting you with stunning images of places you may not have discovered on your own. Were also giving you an added incentive in the form of a fun promotion we call The Great Park Search. Each week from June 6 through the first week in August, a new set of clues is being posted on a website. Nine clues will lead you to secret locations in nine parks and chances to win prizes. The contest starts new each week. Visit or pick up a card at any Metropark for details. Not that you need the added motivation. We think youll find each new place comes with its own rewards. Have a great summer!

On the cover: Grass-pink orchids are typically vivid magenta, as the name implies, but they occasionally appear paler or even white, as you see here. State-listed as a threatened species, grass-pinks are one of the rarest of Oak Openings' showy owers. Opposite page: A runner heads down the Towpath Trail through a tunnel of redbud trees in spring bloom. The trail follows the Maumee River, connecting Farnsworth, Bend View and Providence Metroparks. photos by Art Weber

Shipman Garden
Celebrating 75 Years
By Patrick Johnston n a roundabout way, a criminal who thoughtlessly destroyed parts of a beautiful garden played an important if unintentional role in restoring a national treasure. Five years ago, a man tried to elude Toledo police by driving a stolen truck through the regions most visited Metropark, Wildwood Preserve. The 500 acre

A Milestone For The

property once belonged to Champion Spark Plug co-founder R.A. Stranahan, and included a 32,000 square foot mansion. In his haste to escape capture, the criminal crashed through a two-foot high brick wall and rampaged through the homes formal garden. The damage was unfortunate, but the incident set in motion a garden restoration project that promises to bring national recognition to the site.

The damage and restoration are even more significant when you consider the history of the garden. Had someone listed the biggest barriers to entering the landscaping profession in America at the turn of the 20th Century, Ellen Biddle Shipman could have laid claim to them all. She boasted no formal training or professional experience. She was a divorced mother of three in a society that

The Manor House garden is one of the only places you can see the work of pioneering landscape designer Ellen Biddle Shipman.

photo by Jesse Mireles

This kind gesture remained just that, until 11 years later when Louis abandoned the family and moved to England. Coincidentally, Charles Platt was in need of garden designers capable of matching his grand building designs. In this crucial moment, his mind returned to the promising garden designs of his friend Shipman. One of the foremost archi-

The garden as it looks today, after an extensive restoration. A patio and additional plantings will be added this year just outside the garden to be used for weddings and other gatherings. predominantly believed women belonged at home with their children. At over 40, she nearly doubled the age of others looking to break into the industry. The biggest hurdle of all: she was a woman trying to succeed in a mans field. Despite these challenges, Shipman became one of the most successful landscape architects in American history. At the height of her popularity, Shipman designed gardens for the wealthiest, most influential families in America. Her client list read like a whos who of prominent Progressive Era industrialists and included the likes of the Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, DuPonts, and Fords. From Maine to Louisiana, the East Coast to the West, Shipmans floral masterpieces dotted the American landscape. All told, she boasted some 650 gardens throughout the country. Sadly, today few of this pioneering landscape architects gardens remain in their original condition. Two of these rare treasures are found in Ohio. One graces the former estate of R.A. and Page Stranahan in Toledo, the other is in Akron at Stan Hywett Hall. Everything about Shipmans meteoric rise was unlikely, including the manner in which she broke into the field. In 1899, she, with her husband Louis and their three children, stayed in the home of a family friend, the renowned architect Charles Platt, during their own homes renovation. Following the Shipmans' stay, Platt discovered some garden sketches Ellen inadvertently left behind. The architect was so impressed with her work that the following Christmas he gave Shipman a drawing board, T-Square, and other drafting implements to encourage her hobby. 6

tects in the United States decided to take a chance on an untrained, inexperienced female garden designer. The industry would never be the same. Early in her career, Shipman was frustrated at how little she was allowed to do in the field. In the first decades of the twentieth century, landscaping was

considered mens work, with women relegated to choosing flower arrangements. Shipmans remarkable career revolutionized the industry and cemented womens place in the gardening profession. The relationship between Platt and Shipman was by no means one of charity. With his clients

clamoring for unique gardens to compliment their new homes, Platt needed Shipmans talents as much as she needed the work. The first major Platt/Shipman collaboration came in 1913 at the Fynmere Estate in Cooperstown, New York. Their client was James Fenimore Cooper II, grandson of the famous author. Shipman was 43 years old when

she landed her first major landscaping contract. Despite entering the field at such an advanced age, Shipmans popularity grew quickly. Unlike some other garden designers of the era, she worked closely with her clients to match the gardens

to their specific tastes. Shipman once explained, When I am planting a gardenI always feel that it should be according to the owners desire. She continued, I feel strongly that each garden that I do is like a portrait of the person and should express their likes and dislikes. This perspective on garden design made her quite popular among her wealthy clientele. Within a few years, she was in high demand. In 1920, Ellen opened her own company in New York City. As her prosperity grew, she hired a staff of her own - an all-female staff. By the time she closed her offices nearly 30 years later, Shipman

had trained dozens of female gardeners, ensuring the profession would never again be considered an exclusively male domain. Unfortunately, because Shipmans planting schemes were so complex and required constant

The garden was carefully restored according to the original drawings. Statuary was a common element in gardens of the era.

Zenk was poring over the original 1936 Shipman blueprints that are held in the Cornell University archives. After securing a grant from the Carson Family Metroparks Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation, the park district began restoring the garden to its original glory. upkeep, most of her gardens failed to remain in their original condition for long. As her masterpieces slowly disappeared over the decades, so too the memories of her remarkable career faded. It took a high-speed police chase in the winter of 2006 to resurrect the legacy of Ellen Biddle Shipman in Toledo. Soon after the incident, Metroparks Superintendent Dave In July 2008, the garden reopened to the public and remains the only Shipman garden in its original condition the public can tour for free. Visitors now stroll through the garden on their own or with a staff historian on a garden, mansion or estate tour. This year marks the 75th anniversary of Ellen Biddle Shipman beginning to sketch plans for the Stranahan Estate. Today, the family no longer lives in the home and Champion Spark Plug 9

has rolled out of town, but the stunning Shipman garden still receives thousands of visitors every year.d Ellen Biddle Shipman

Elm Seedling Survival Study Part Of FederallyFunded Project

study by the U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Stations of seedling survival rates in the Toledo area will one day help establish when ash trees should be replaced before or after theyve been killed by the emerald ash borer. The research project will also help restore Oak Openings Preserve Metropark. Thousands of trees were planted in April and May throughout the Metroparks as part of an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act project. The Northern Research Stations portion of the project involves planting 800 seedlings in restoration trial plots in Oak Openings Preserve. photo courtesy, U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station 10 Trees planted in the trial plots include pin oak, sycamore and American elm, which was a dominant tree species in the Oak Opening Preserve floodplain before being decimated by Dutch Elm Disease. The Metroparks planting marks the first time the Northern Research Station has replaced ash trees killed by the emerald ash borer, using diseasetolerant American elm on a large scale. American elm will be coming full circle in this restoration project, said Kathleen Knight, a research ecologist with the Northern Research Station.

Facing page: American elm. This page: Restoration work will include removing invasive species, allowing native species to thrive. The borer has killed virtually all ash trees in areas where it has spread. The non-native, invasive insect was first detected in Michigan in 2002 and has spread to western Pennsylvania, Canada, southern Indiana and eastern Minnesota, often carried with firewood into new areas. The Northern Research Stations research will help scientists answer a question that will become increasingly relevant: should ash trees be replaced while they are still healthy or after they die? Knight and Jim Slavicek, a research biologist with the Northern Research Station, who bred and tested the elm seedlings used in the experimental planting, are studying factors that affect seedling success. The research will compare the growth and mortality of trees in two locations. At Oak Openings Preserve in Swanton, the combination of the emerald ash borer and damaging storms created sunny open spaces in the floodplain that, over the past few years, have been taken over by invasive vegetation that may compete with tree seedlings for sunlight and moisture. In Cleveland, the emerald ash borer has not yet destroyed the citys ash trees. Stands of ash trees are still healthy and create a canopy that limits sunlight and, with it, vegetative growth in the understory. If tree seedlings can establish in this environment, they may be poised to take advantage of gaps as the ash trees die and crowd out the invasive vegetation. Research will evaluate the costs and benefits of the two planting strategies, provid11 ing information for managers as the beetle continues to spread and impact forests. Experimental plots will be planted in Cleveland later in May. Both American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding and disaster funding will help Metroparks purchase native trees from area nurseries, as well as fund seasonal positions for planting and maintaining the young trees. Metroparks has been committed to preserving the unique natural resources of this area since 1928, said Donald R. Rettig, Jr., director of the park district. We are excited to be part of research that will help our community and other communities throughout the region that will also need to restore forests damaged by the emerald ash borer.

Protected Lands Focus Of Exhibit 10,000 Acres...Protected Forever, a new exhibit featuring stunning images captured during the last year, is one of three new exhibits on display through August 28 at the National Center for Nature Photography at Secor Metropark. 10,000 Acres refers to preserves and family farms throughout northwest Ohio that have been protected in perpetuity by the Black Swamp Conservancy. The exhibit includes landscape photos as well as close-up images of plants and animals found on Conservancy properties. The Conservancy has protected farmland, meadows, wetlands, woods and other open spaces since its funding in 1993. The photo exhibit celebrates the impressive milestone of protecting more than 10,000 acres this year. Not only does the Conservancy have a similar mission to Metroparks, there have been times that those missions have overlapped. For example, in September 2004, Black Swamp protected its 25th property by placing a conservation easement on 40

Field Notes
Photo from Shirley Collins' exhibit, "How Water Speaks To Us" extraordinary images of these fascinating insects by Metroparks director of nature photography Art Weber, and guest photographers Rick Nirschl, Brian Zwiebel, George Sydlowski and others. How Water Speaks To Us: Water inspires us, revives our energy, and renews our spirit with a passion for life, said nature photographer Shirley Collins. This series of images of water in its many forms offers a look at its powerful allure. Not Too Late To Sign Kids Up For Camp Metroparks affordable summer camps place children from preschoolers to teens in some of the most educational, fun and scenic settings in northwest Ohio the Metroparks. Openings are still available for various camps, including weeklong day camps, one-day camps and specialty camps. Home base for all camps is Wildwood Preserve, 5100 W. Central Avenue. Applications for financial assistance are available for all camps. Call 419-407-9701 or see for details and registration.

acres of Oak Openings land adjacent to the Maumee State Forest. The property, now owned by Metroparks, features a mix of oak woodlands and forested wetlands.

Photo by Art Weber from the "10,000 Acres" exhibit.

Black Swamp partnered with Metroparks and Ducks Unlimited to secure grant funding to preserve the property through the Clean Ohio Fund, as well as the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. The collaborative effort is an important part of the Green Ribbon Initiative to save the Oak Openings region. Also on exhibit: Two other exhibits are open through the summer at the Photography Center: Dragonflies: Northwest Ohio has a rich diversity of dragonflies and damselflies. A new exhibit includes 12

record. (In folklore, a glooming February 2 foreshadows an early spring.) The next morning, readers of The Blade were greeted to a Groundhog Day photo of Willie waving a white flag on the front page of the newspapers Second News section.

Researcher Uses Oak Openings Data It Was A Memorable In Climate Study Valentines Day A University of Toledo proThe second annual Valenfessors study on climate change, published in a scien- tines Day program at Oak Openings Preserve was antific journal, was based partly on data collected from a tower other sold-out success especially for one couple. During at Oak Openings Preserve. The study, Recent Decline in the program, which involves Young camper examines an earthworm at last year's Nature Camp. the Global Land Evapotranspi- a leisurely evening stroll followed by chocolate tasting ration Trend Due to Limited by the warmth of a fireplace, Moisture Supply, was pubenthusiasts, who enjoyed Long-time Board participant Steve Colburn lished in Nature. extended periods of ice Member Is Now A got down on one knee and and snow cover from midParks Hall Of Famer According to the University of proposed to his date, Sandy Former longtime member and December into March. But Klein. She said yes! Toledo, evapotranspiration is president of the Board of Park the winter was tough on one the second largest flux of waMetroparks icon Wildwood Commissioners, Jack Gallon, Willie. has been inducted into the Ohio Parks and Recreation From a tower at Oak Openings, Dr Chen conducted research for a Association Hall of Fame. The Each year on February 2, study on climate change. Willie emerges from hiding induction was officially anbefore his adoring fans to nounced in February during give the much anticipated the annual OPRA conference forecast about what to expect in Cincinnati. for the remaining six weeks of winter. In addition to his service to Metroparks, Mr. Gallon has Not this year. For the first served parks and recreation time in memory, a near-blizthroughout Ohio and the zard forecast for Groundhog Midwest through his leadership in the state organization Day prompted the traditional as well as the National Recre- Metroparks childrens program to be canceled. So Wilation and Parks Association. lie issued his forecast in the Among other things, he has sponsored an annual continu- form of a prepared statement a day early. He predicted that ing education program for he was not likely to see his citizen leaders of park disshadow or much of anytricts in Ohio. thing else if the predicted snowstorm arrived. The news Willie Makes Page was a welcome relief to weary One During Storm Toledoans experiencing one It was a great winter for skiof the snowiest winters on ing, skating and sledding

ter on the planet, next to precipitation, but it historically has been nearly impossible to track on a global scale. Dr. Jiquan Chen, UT professor of environmental sciences, and a team of scientists were able to do so in their study, which also used data from towers in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Michigan, Washington and China.

October 2, 2010 through April 11, 2011 Wildlife Watching Better Because Of BP Donation The Window on Wildlife at Pearson is an active feeding station maintained for many years by Friends of Pearson. It regularly attracts raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels, the occasional deer, and a wide variety of birds. Inside, the viewing room recently underwent renovations to make it more comfortable for wildlife watchers. Mark Dangler, president of BP-Husky Refinery LLC, Oregon, presented a check for $15,000 to the Metroparks board December 22 as a donation toward improvements at Pearson and Swan Creek Preserve. The money was used to renovate the Window on Wildlife in the PackerHammersmith Center at Pearson and to plant trees at Swan Creek Preserve in Toledo. BP previously contributed significant funding for the development of Pearson North and purchased a solarpowered utility vehicle for the park district, which is currently in use at Oak Openings Preserve.

Giving Tree

Holidays in the Manor House Ice rink and fire pit with benches at Side Cut Fallen Timbers Battlefield Gifts Robert and Sarah Brown Ralph H. Johnson Lathrop House Gifts Donations by the Ohio Association of Colored Womens Club (OACWA) Northwest District and Ken Wood were made to support the restoration of the Lathrop House. Gifts Help Bring Downtown Park Closer To Realitiy The France Stone Foundation has made many generous gifts to Metroparks over the years. The Foundation's latest gift was made in support of a brand-new park near Toledo's downtown. The property, known as The Middlegrounds, will one day be a quiet retreat overlooking the Maumee River right in the heart of the city.

Gifts for Pearson Hanks Plumbing and Heating donated soil for improvements of the Pearson North Trail. John and Yolanda Szuch made a donation to support the historic Johlin Cabin at Pearson North.

The Andersons Supports Variety Of Programs, Projects The Andersons, Inc., has a long history of giving to Metroparks. The Maumee companys generous support again in 2011 will help make the following programs and special events a reality: Spring Concert at the Toledo Museum of Art The Great Park Search (summer promotion) Nature Camp MetroBarks Festival: A Day For Dogs Happy Trails 5K Race/Walk Make A Difference Day Celebrating Nature Through Photography Contest 14

Gifts for Swan Creek Volunteers in Parks donated three handicap-accessible picnic tables for Swan Creek Preserve. Oak Openings Gifts Lora Goerlich Haze McDonald Gifts for Side Cut Friends of Side Cut made a donation to purchase additional sidewalk pavers at the Window of Wildlife, and benches at the Wagener Sledding Hill and fishing line recycling stations. The Edward Lamb Foundation made a donation to support the Interpretive Signage Project at Side Cut.

The renovated Window on Wildlife at Pearson Metropark

Hinkle Manufacturing donated 18 weatherproof storage boxes for programs. Medical Mutual/Healthy Ohio Cities donated t-shirts and printing for the Autumn Adventure. The following gave donations to support historical programming: Anonymous Elsa Nadler Greene Leather and Fur 14th OVI/3rd Ark St. Casper Mystery Club Toledo Naturalists Association General Support The following made donations to support current expenditures at Metroparks: Anonymous Eleanor Dombrowski General Growth Properties, Inc. Richard D. and Agnes Heckman The Heymann Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hills Michael Jasinkowski Janice Krumel Martha Jane Doriot Fund Metroparks Garden Fountain Hal Munger and David Munger Arthur P. Smith Christine Turnbull Marjorie Z. Kaplin Mark Plessner donated office equipment. For the Happy Trails 5K Race St. Lukes Hospital donated 1,000 plastic bags for race packets. MetLife Insurance Company donated 25 stuffed Snoopy toys for this year's MetroBarks event. The Countryside Garden Club gave a donation to support 15

the seed nursery at the Blue Creek Conservation Area. Gifts for the Manor House Browning Masonic Community Brynwyck Garden Club Corey Woods Garden Club Dayton Womens Club Deborah Quinn Black Swamp Hosta and Daylily Society gave a gift to support the restoration of the Ellen B. Shipman Garden at Wildwood. Gifts Improve Manor House And Garden The Stranahan Foundation gave a substantial grant to support the purchase an air conditioner for the Manor House, which was originally part of a Stranahan family estate. The Carson Family Metroparks Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation gave a grant to restore the formal gardens and landscaping at the Wildwood Manor House. Matching Gifts Donations by an individual may be matched by the donors business or employer. Owens-Illinois Charities Foundation matched the following gifts to the membership program: Robert C. Hay, Sr. Kenneth W. Lovejoy

National Center for Nature Photography, Secor Metropark. Below: the Manor House, Wildwood Preserve The Prudence Lamb Trust made donations to support improvements and upgrades to the Lamb Center. Nature Photography Center Support American Frame donated gift certificates for prizes at the National Center of Nature Photographys photo contest. Scott Carpenter donated books. Leonard and Amy Hendricks donated five bird identification Guide Books. Larry Low donated an Ansel Adams DVD. Connections Breakfast Donors Metroparks held a fundraising breakfast last spring, and donations from guests continued to come in through the year. Contributions were made by: Judge and Mrs. William J. Skow Linda Sieg Brooks Insurance Agency Fifth Third Bank Funds Help Improve Wildwood Preserve Upgrades to the trail entrance were funded by a grant from the Tiffany Elise Staelin Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation. The Fund is also responsible for the beautiful new look of the Visitors Center courtyard in recent years. Stephen and Ellen Baugh made a donation to support the Window on Wildlife. Ruth Blankerts donated an American flag in memory of her husband, Justice Blankerts. The Michael Gospodarek Trust gave a gift to support Wildwood Preserve. Education Support Arthur W. Hills gave a gift to support educational programs. Ralph Johnson made a donation to support the Kathryn Johnson Scholarship Fund. The following gave donations to support special events: Fritz Byers Lera Doneghy Gary McBride Scott Savage Kingston Healthcare Company, LLC donated refreshments for an event at the Manor House.

The Inner-urban Bridge over the Maumee River, as viewed from Farnsworth Metropark. photo by Art Weber

Members Grants Awarded To Projects, Programs

Metroparks Members make the difference in many ways, including funding projects that benefit park visitors in ways large and small. In an annual grant program, $50,000 was awarded in April to 19 projects suggested by members of the park districts staff. Projects receiving funding were: A golf cart for Wildwood rangers to use to patrol trails, and to offer transportation to people who need assistance. Portable lights for use at the new Side Cut sledding hill and at other nighttime activities. Supplies for Eagle Scout candidates building bridges at Oak Openings as service projects. A snow-thrower for clearing snow from the ice skating lakes at Pearson. An auger to remove sawdust from the mill at Providence. New grills to replace aging ones at Pearson. Supplies to purchase new gates at Providence. Trees to be planted at Side Cut to replace those that have been lost. Pop-up tents to use at special events. A travelling exhibit of nature photographs that will bring beautiful images of the Metroparks to new venues. Scholarships to send children to Metroparks summer camps. A new pond to attract birds and other animals to the Window on Wildlife at Oak Openings. Supplies used by volunteers monitoring a variety of species. A new Nature Explorers program in partnership with the Toledo Hospital pediatric therapy program. A keynote speaker for the next Oak Openings Forum. A new grill for the Mallard Lake Shelter at Oak Openings Brochures to promote the rangers SAFE program, a self-defense course for women. A portable microphone system for use in the Program Department. New lighting for the Indianola shelter at Farnsworth.


Welcome ... New Members

October 2, 2010 through April 4, 2011 Thank-you - In 2010, the majority of Metroparks employees purchased memberships. Ninetytwo employees either joined or renewed their memberships during a special campaign. Andrea Anstead Defne Apul Linda Barcus Gabrielle Davis and Sharon Barnes Donald Bauman Bruce Beaudry Jennifer Berk Fred and Susan Bernheisel Kathy Berry Kenneth Bess Sherri A. Bettinger Michael Biedenbach Ronald and Stephanie Bishop II Matt Boenker Fred Borck Donald Bray Joe and Julie Brennan Constance Briel Florence Briggs Mahlon Bush Chey Call Doug and Wendy Carr Brant and Jennifer Carroll Jennifer Carter Sharon Chubner Devin and Erin Connolly Jason Diver Mary Dixon Eleanor Dombrowski Karen Wood and David Donley Joan Durham Sandy Duris Greg and LaVerne Edwards Suzanne Eich John Eikost Trina Elieff Heidi Foster Megan Fowler Denis A. Franklin Tracy and Patrick Gallagher Judith Gathard Angela Gerber Donna Glinka John W. Granger Ruth Griffin Josephine and John Grosjean Carmella Gulick Elizabeth Guthrie Marilyn Halker Paul Hamrick Robert W. Heckman


Sarah Rodgers Rochelle Roth Ashley Rybak Renee Sarra Nancy Seay Kathleen Sebetto Jessica Sewald Tim Sherman Janet Shoviak Donna Smith Pamela Smith Mike Soda Bobby Stewart Angela Stucker Marcia Szemansco Toledo Road Runners Club Kristina Varga John Virtue Elizabeth Westhoven Paul Wibbeler Barb Wilkowski Angie Williams E. James Wolff, III Karen Ranney Wolkins David and Pamela Zenk Justin and Mollie Zenz Emily Ziegler Linda Zieroff Lyndsay Zunk

Membership Renewals ...

October 2, 2010 through April 4, 2011 Madonna Henderson Dan Henry Marcel Hesseling Kimberly A. High Vaughn A. Hoblet Susan Howell Karen Hoyt Ellen and Bob Ingram Amanda Jackson Elizabeth Jackson Renee Jessen Nicole Jones Tiffany Keel Maura Kelly/Anthony Wayne Class of 1971 Gretchen and Thomas Kirk Jennifer Klempner Mary Knake Gary and Bonnie Kramer Kimberly Kubly and Campbell Family Erica Kurfis Albert and Virginia Kurth Michelle LaForest Ted Lang David Leapard Mark Lohman Donna Long Patricia Luketic Anne Marie Marlow Lindsey Martin Rachel Masters Andrea Mauter Steve and Barb Mazur Michael McDermott Pamela McMillin Marilee McSweeny Amy Measles Kurt and Donna Meyers Julie Mihalek Julie M. Miller Lori Miller Justin Mortemore Amy Muller Cynthia Myers Laura Novotny Stephen and Gretchen Oneail Owens-Illinois Charities Foundation Inc. Rex and Lucinda Palmer Nicole Peppers Susan Perry Ken and Debbie Piel Karolyn Poggi Susan Pollauf Nathan Ramsey Gary and Linda Regel Nina Rettig Ann Abate Omar and Eman Abu-Yasein Marjorie A. Achinger Sharon and Ed Ahlfors Hendricus B. and Mary C. Albregt John F. and Rosie E. Allore Pam Alspach Richard and Kay D. Amendola Judith A. Anderson Mary Jo Anderson Michael and Carol Anderson Susan J. Anderson Paul and Carol Anspach Garabed K. and Millicent M. Apardian Bruce Arnold Ruth M. Arnot Merlin J. and Antoinette B. Artz Jean E. Atkin Charles H. and Nancy Lee Atkins Robert R. and Mary Ann Atwood Gayle J. Austin B. Hillz Excavating, Inc. John and Lynn Bachelor John R. Badhorn, Sr. Dr. George J. Baibak Dorothy R. Baker Dr. and Mrs. Roger Baker


Jody Baker Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Baker Terry J. and Cynthia A. Baker Dennis and Denise Balduff Catherine Baldwin Bruce Bamber Mr. and Mrs. Jerald B. Bannister Margaret R. Baranoski Donna Jean Bardis Julie A. Barnes Bert and Sharon Barnett Glen Victor Baron Betty Ann Barron Mark E. and Christi S. Bartman Ruth Baumann Albert M. and Barbara J. Baumgartner Carole Beamer Lowell V. Beaverson Allan Sacks and June Bechthold Christopher and Stacey Beck Louise E. Bedee David and Cynthia Beekley Elsie B. Bellner Lewis and Joann Bennett Marilyn Bennett Matthew A. and Linda E. Bennett Sharon Bernhoft Ellen E. Berry Kathleen and Christopher Berry Carol Bersticker James and Maryam Berta Tom and Joyce Bettinger Jeffrey Mohlman and Korleen Bialecki Thomas C. Biebesheimer Bishop Leonard P. Blair Suzanne E. Blevins G. Barton Blossom David W. and Sandra S. Blumfeldt Katherine Blystone Morton and Susan Bobowick Patricia Bockert Louis C. and Ruth Ann Boehk Russell and Cathi Bohland

Annette L. Boice Delbert E. and Frieda Fern Bordner Ronald E. and Irene C. Boston Diane R. Bouillon Sandra L. Bowdle Theodore and Elizabeth Bowman Mary F. Boyd Rosemary Boyd Herbert W. Boyer Joanne Branks John M. and Barbara J. Brennan Norm Brettel Mary and Terry Breymaier Mable A. Bridgman Eric D. Britton and Sara J. Worley Carol A. Brockett Susan L. Brotje Peter and Paula Brown Susan Brown Eleanor F. Brunner Richard A. and Kathleen C. Brunt Gerald A. and Kathryn T. Bryant Carl and Laraine Brywczynski Doris R. Buchanan Mary and Orville Bucher Richard Buchholz Bonita Buckley Linda Buford Charles Bunner Jean Burgbacher Donna Burke Richard T. Burke Roger and Heather E. Burke Flora Rhodes Burkholder Dale S. and Robert W. Burnett Anne Burnham Keith and Susan Burwell Myrna Bush Dr. Candilee Butler Fritz and Katie Byers Donald R. and Alice U. Calabrese Constance C. Calmes Ellen Broido and Jo Campbell Jack R. and Joyce M. Carpenter

Eve Casey Andrea L. Caverly Deanna F. Cedargren Karen Centers Kathleen A. Chamberlain Harry J. Chappell James R. and Barbara M. Charvat Laurie and Mark Cherry Robert G. and Elaine M. Chrismas Felica and Timothy Clark Rita and Bob Clark John K. Clement Michael P. Clover James E. and Sandra K. Coe Selma Colony Heidi Conklin Cheryl J. Conley Robert D. Conley David F. and Candace C. Cooper Jim and Jinnie Corthell Edward and Linda Costell Paul C. and Janet R. Cothrel Geraldine Cottey Camp Carolyn C. Coven Mary Cowie Ellen S. Cramer Wallen and Suzanne Crane James A. and E. Maxine Crawford, Sr. Albert H. and Sharon L. Croci Becky Croke Joe and Mary Croy Frank W. Cubbon, Jr. Kyle Cubbon Darla Culberson Rodney and Lori Cundiff Thomas M. Daley Charles and Ann Dana Dennis and Roberta Danford Kettlie Daniels Alfred S. Dannhauser Janice E. Darah Curtis W. and Phyllis C. Davis Harriet and Martin Davis Patrick C. and Sara M. Davison Barbara DeLand Robert and Diana Delaney Marge Dembowski David Bodner and Beth Dennis

William V. A. and Jeanne S. Dennler Dr. and Mrs. Dale E. Derick William J. and Judith A. Desana Rose Marie and Donald Detlef Hazel Marie Deuble Thomas Burkstrand and Michele Devereaux Peter Dewhirst Don and Bonnie Diller Jan Dixon Steve and Debbie Dolgin Beverly A. Domalski Karen M. Domenico Donald E. Doty Shawn Dowling Patrick and Jude Downing Michael Draheim Gary E. Duden Michael and Barbara Duffey Tim Duffey Brian P. Duggan Lenore Hintz and Daniel Durliat Thomas and Nancy Durnford James and Mary Ellen Durst Shirley A. Dwyer Nichols M. and Judy Dye Donald W. Dyer Susan D. Earl Ruth Eby Alice and Richard Edwards Shirley Edwards Kevin Egan Dr. and Mrs. M. El-Shafie Fred Eldridge Paula C. Ellinger David G. and Kathryn Ellis Michael J. and Judith A. Encheff Karen D. Enis Kurt Erichsen John H. and Martha P. Esbin Norman Fairman Richard and Kathleen Faist Michael Fall Joseph and Elizabeth Fausnaugh Steven R. Federman Bernard Fegan Julia Ann Fellhauer Lori and Paul Fenton Florence Ferguson Richard and Margaret Fern


Yvonne Fey Richard and Rebecca Finch Jerry and Agnes Finfera Allison S. Fisher Mary Jane Flores Paula B. Follis Elizabeth S. Ford Janet E. Forster John and Carole A. Forte Jack and Susan Fortney Steve and Janet Foster Zella R. Fought John and Kim Frautschi William N. and Anne C. Free William Freitag Jean A. Friis Alan and Deborah Fritz Julie Fritz Jim and Florence Fuerst Becky Fuhrman and Don Leary Frank and Susan Fulkerson Viola E. Funk Scott Gage Lynda C. Gallant Hal and Maureen Gardner Jim and Judy Gates Mark E. Gentry Jeannie Geppert Robert E. and Paulette Giaimo Edgar C and Rita F. Gibson J. Spencer Gilchrist Sherrie and Jay Gilchrist Barbara H. Gilmore Audrey P. Gingras Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Glassberg Richard J. and Sandra J. Glasson Kent A. and Dolores A. Glauser Phyllis Gogel Gary, Patty and Grace Golden Barbara Gonsowski Lynne S. Goodman Donald W. and Barbara L. Gorrell Inez E. Gorsuch Dr. James and Mrs. Mary Ellen Gosman Paul W.L. and Roxanna E. Graham Anthony F. and Marianne R. Gramza

Jim Granner Roger H. and Sharon L. Grant Mike and Beverly Greene Esther Greenfield Brian and Judith Gribble Nancy Griffin Russ and Vicky Griggs Gary Grime and Cindy Siefert Patrick and Susan Grove Thomas J. and Betsy A. Gschwind George and Suzanne Gusses James V. and Kathleen M. Hahn Joan Haigh Karen Hakel Brian Hall Lance R. and Jeanne R. Halsey Glenn and Judith A. Hamburg Steven and Joy Hammer Scott and Melissa Hamner Harry L. Handley, Jr. Judith Hanes Richard L. and Gail J. Hanson Dick and Pat Hanusz Randolph R. and Sue J. Harms Danny M. and Denise M. Harvey Robert G. and Peggie L. Hausch Sandy Hauter James and Diane Hawkins Robert C. and Bonita Hay, Sr. Michael D. Haynes Bill and Sandy Heban Lyle Hecklinger Robert and Debra Hecklinger Richard D. and Agnes Heckman Donna Heer Leah I. Heimbeck Kay Heinrichs Christopher R. and Judith A. Helm Jim Helyer Marvin D. and Bonnie Jean Heminger Mary Alice Henkel Clay P. and Betty O. Hepler Beverly J. Herig Robert Herman Jean Hersland Mary J. Hertzfeld

Suzanne J. Hess Norman and Dorothy Heydinger Peter Heydinger and Virginia Keil Patricia A. Hilfinger Brenda Hill Julia Hoch Elaine Hoefflin John and Alice Hoff James and Paula Hofmann Dr. Barbara B. Holdcroft Elizabeth Holland Paul and Pamela Hollenbeck Dale F. and Patricia J. Homer Timothy and Pamela Horne Barbara Hricovsky Mary B. Hubbard Brian Hughes Robert Hull Paul and Karen Hunt Marjorie M. Hutton Jeanne Y. Hylant Glen A. and Helen H. Iossi Maureen G. Ireland and Blinn Family Cynthia Irmen Cheryl A. Jackson Frances H. Jackson Patricia A. Jackson Frances E. Jacob Angela James Bradford C. and Lorraine James Thomas Janicki Patricia A. and David D. Jankowski Paul Jednak Tom and Karen Jennings David and Jori Jex Al and Christine Johnson Carolyn K. Johnson Charles R. Johnson Ralph H. Johnson Robert B. and Patricia T. Johnson Wendy Johnson Karen Johnston Sandra U. Jones Dolores and Mel Kaitaniak Clarence H. Kalmbach Andy and Rose Kandik Samuel Z. Kaplan and Deborah E. Lipson

Jane Karau Mary M. Karazim Kathy Kasprzak Cheryl Kazmierczak Mark and Michelle Keeling Jacqueline D. Keim William and Joan Keister Daniel C. and Marilyn J. Keller George Kellerbauer Don and Carime Kellermeier Anita E. Kelly Rita F. Kelly James L. and Hilde M. Kennedy Judy Kerstetter and Family Janice I. Kilbride Helene M. Kilcorse Shirley Sally Kille Gerard and Sue Kincade Bridgette A. and Calvin King, Sr. Germaine Kirk Helen and Phil Kirk and Family Carole R. Kiroff Charles Kiskaddon Nancy C. and Albert W. Kleine, Jr. Barb and John Klopfenstein Joe and April Klosowski Don Klotz Paul B. and Judith A. Knapinski Donna Knodle Leo and Sharon Knox William T. and Carol Koback Jim and Kathie Koenigseker Marjorie M. Kohler Zale S. and Shirley A. Kohler Bernard A. Kokocinski Betsy and David Kolasky Frank J. and Carol R. Kollarits Joseph and Jannette Komorowski Janice Konoff Carla Konwinski Paul Kozlowski Thomas J. and Catherine A. Krall Joseph O. and Donna J. Kramer David and Susan Krantz John P. and Ana M. Kraus Paul and Carol Kraus William and Helen S. Kreutz Fred and Kathy Krout Janice Krumel


Martha and Dick Kudner Winifred Kuk Ronald P. Kustra Lawrence J. Kwiatkowski Gerald E. and Jennifer L. Lagger Lillian Lagger Thomas Landgraff Richard D. and Sally R. Lane Ronald and Susan Lang Lynn M. Langel Nancy A. and James W. Lapp Bob and Luanne Larson Frank J. Latendresse Steven A. and Paula Lauer Mark J. and Lori Le Gendre William J. Leddy Michael and Barbara Lemon Philip and Sally Lenhart Joseph W. and Claramae R. Leonard Mary Lou Leonard Gary E. Levey and Cynthia Poe Ken and Bob Levin Anita Levin and Ken Lempert John W. Lewandowski Theodore Ligibel William R. and Barbara A. Lindeman Stanley Linver Robert S. and Imelda D. Loeb Gary A. and Kathy A. Loeffler Marilyn C. Long Hubert M. and Dorothy S. Lontz Sam and Anna Lovalenti Janet S. Luallen Kathleen P. Lundberg Carl and Andrea Lundgren Peter and Corrina Lungulow Arlynn H. Lyle David J.and Haruko Lyons Patricia McConnell and Walt MacDonald Thomas F. and Ann A. Maidment Stephen & Megan Malczewski Richard R. and Kathryn C. Malone Thomas and Susan Malone Stanley and Patricia Mann Dorothy J. Manning

Catherine and Pete Marinelli Paul and Kathryn Marion David and Pam Marsh Kevin and Diane McEwen Martin Kevin W. and Mary E. Martin Mary Ann Martin Robert and Kathryn Martin John P. and Saundra K. Mason Robert J. and Carol A. Mason Howard A. Matuszewski Jack L. and Mary A. Mayer Ruth A. McClurg Daniel and Teresa McCormick Pat McGlauchlin George F. and Chris McKisson Patrick A. McLean Jacalyn K. McMahon Dr. and Mrs. Roger McNichols James and Aimee Meads, II S. Thomas and Laura Megeath Norma J. Meier John O. Meloy Thomas and Maureen Menacher Karen Menard Timothy D. and Amy L. Merkel Nancy Merriam Frank S. Merritt Debbie Metcalf Florence M. Metzger Linda Meyer Richard and Mary Meyers Carmela A. Micallef Helen Michaels Paula D. Miklovic Clifford Milios David K. Miller Joan Miller Mariellen and James Miller Norman & Nancy Miller Robert C. and Pamela P. Miller Rose M. Miller Wineva I. Miller Keith E. Miller and Bernice G. Schwartz Keith and Nancy Millinger Becky Mincheff Nancy and John Minns Jo Minogue Kristina Moazed

Susan and Bruce Modarai James and Ellen Moeller Betty Moharter David T. Mohler Mildred L. Mohr Beverly A. Mominee Joseph and Ruth Montion Ralph K. and Betty L. Moore Thomas L. and Christine Moore Harry W. Morgan Robert A. and Ruth E. Morgan Joanne Morgenstern Patty A. Morgenstern Nancy C. Morningstar Susan Muenzer and Craig W. Nilsson Joan Mulheisen Carol L. and James P. Murray Ralph E. Mussehl David and Mary Mutchler Joan S. Myers Virginia and John J. Myers Elsa Nadler Nap and Donna Nasser Dawn Ostrand Naujock Donald M. Navarre Ralph Naveaux Joan A. Neeley Susan Nelson and Family Pearl Neuhaus Harry E. and Nancy Brown Nicholson Lisle Nied Elisabeth Nigrovic Randy and Susie Nissen Fred D. and Hope Nofziger Lois Nofzinger Brian J. and Heather R. Norris Cynthia J. Nowak Peter Noyes Maurice D. and Joan L. OConnell Joseph T. and Ann P. OLeary Gail S. Odneal and Mel Honig Thomas L. and Mary A. Oess Jerry and Judith Olson Patricia A. Osborn Ray and Sheila Otto Martin and Noreen Overholt John Ozancin

David and Gwendolyn Page Tom and Kathy Page Philip Palmer Helen Palochko Beverly A. Pangle Lisa K. Papenfuss Thomas and Gloria Parker Ralph S. Parks Richard L. Parrish, Jr. Walter B. Pauly George A. Pavuk Dennis and Linda Pawlecki David M. Pawlicki Michael and Kathy Peace Jerry and Zaunda Peacock Lori K. Peake Jim and Barbara Pease Donald G. Pennell Robert O. and Mary Jean Perry William A. and Melba S. Peters Ruth Ann Petroff James and Phyllis Petty Marilyn J. Picknell John Leslie and Kay E. Pither Dan and Julie Pompa Tom and Karen Porter Lee Post Judge John W. Potter William J. Potvin and Linda Myers Maria A. Povsic Janet L. Preston Valerie J. Price Reid and Claire A. Proctor Jack and Sarah Puffenberger David W. and Karen L. Pugh Robert J. and Paula M. Pulhuj Arthur L. and Janet Purinton, II Charles and Carol Quick Margaret C. Rabideau Walter and Sharon Rager Dr. and Mrs. Suresh Ramnath Brain Ramsey Ronald and Jane S. Randall Doug and Kristina Rasik Norman J. Rasmusson Dave Rassenfoss Dr. and Mrs. James Ravin Katherine Ray Marjorie A. Reas


Ann Rechtine Richard and Penelope Reder Jeanne Reed Paul R. and Rae J. Rehfeldt Timothy & Susan Reichard Robert Reifert Vivian M. Renner David C. and Hope J. Renton Alice Robie Resnick Korki and Don Ressler Don and Sue Rettig Jack G. and Denise S. Rex Reed and Inga Reynolds Robert G. Rice David B. and Polly M. Richardson Joseph A. and Beverly Rideout Jim and Rosemary Riley Todd and Vicki Riley Chris and Natalie Rilling Warren C. and Martha L. Risher Mae Jo Ritchie Sally A. Ritter Christina M. Rizzo Carol Roach Linda L. Roberts Brian and Laura Robinson Wilma M. Robinson Beau Rochte Joan L. Roe Harold D. and Marilyn A. Roesti Geneva Roller Robert R. and Phyllis M. Romick Marcia Romstadt Thomas C. Roper Harvey and Edna Rosen Cindy and Marv Rotondo Beth and Paul Rouda Rheo D. and Sally O. Rouillard Joette M. Rozanski Michael and Karen M. Rudy Carl and Linda Ruetz Peter and Patricia Ruma Drs. Elizabeth and Richard D. Ruppert John, Sally and Hannah Russ Jason and Dayna Russeau Thomas and Phyllis Rutter John Ryan Virginia E. Ryan Richard and Anderia Ryley Nancy K. Saffer

Gary R. and Jeannette C. Samples Jason G. Sanderson Maribelle Sanzenbacher Marvin J. and Joan A. Savage Suzanne Savage Lester E. and Ana F. Savory, Sr. Eileen L. Sawyer Lewis W. and Kay T. Saxby David M. Saygers Elizabeth C. Schaefer Fred and Claire Schaefer Robert A. Schaefer Patricia Schafer Jim and Sue Scheib Janice Schemenauer Laura M. Scherer Mary S. Schlatter Robert and Mary A. Schlembach Keith and Shirley Schlender Dennis M. Schmedlen Anthony and Lynn Schmenk William C. and Bette T. Schmidlin Patricia Schmucker Bernard Schneider, Sr. Thomas J. and Nancy L. Schreiber Marlene Schultz Teri Schwartz Frederick W. and Priscilla L. Schwier Ruth E. Searles Sue Sexton Robert F. Seyfang and Susan Del Vecchio Mrs. Charlotte L. Shaffer Debra Shaffer John and Donna Sharp Coleen K. Shaw James F. and Nancy L. Shaw Stephen B. and Joyce P. Shawaker Ronald and Marilyn Sheck Thomas and Margaret Sheehan Cathy Sheets Martha Merrill Sheets Chalane and Charles Sheldon Dr. Dorinda Shelley John H. and Lois B. Shelly Adele K. Shelton

Sara J. Sherick Ronald P. and Myrna G. Sherrer David and Sandra Shutt Elizabeth Sido Gerald and Marilyn Siefert Jim and Becky Sillery Regina E. Silletti Mark W. and Debra M. Simmons Sharon F. Simmons & Ron Coffman Mary Simon Rona and John Simon Shirley Simon Margaret I. Sinkey Timothy J. and Laura A. Sloan Christopher P. Smalley David Smigelski James Smith Margaret and Merrill Smith Michael J. and Pat Smith Sharon Bailey and Alan Smith Stephen E. Smith John and Christy Soncrant Martha Spain Carol S. Spaulding Charles A. Sperling Christine L. Spetka Steve and Vickie Sprow Richard L. and Patricia R. Squibb Raymond J. and Patricia L. Squire Donald D. and Beverly J. St. Clair Dr. Richard A. and Mrs. Lauretta A. St. John Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Staelin Carol Stansfield Timothy M. and Mary A. Stapleton Michael and Constance Stark David S. and Judy Stead Lydia B. Steensen Howard and Dagmar Stein Susan F. Steinert Rebecca Steingass Rosetta Bessinger Steinmiller William R. and Mary E. Steitz, Jr. Raymond W. and Virginia C. Stevens Tom and Mary Ann Stibbe Charles A. and Carol M. Stocking

Michael L. and Denise M. Stokes Spencer D. a nd Prudence W. Stone Robert L. Storer and Alvera J. Brandt Joseph and Carol Stose Walter Stotz Jerry Stover K. Elizabeth Stover Robert T. Strawman Wayne and Barb Strayer Roger Streiffert Robert F. and Carol F. Streight David A. and Ann Strickler Cinda Stutzman Elizabeth Sutherland Patricia Sutherland Mary B. Sutphin Douglas Sweet Douglas Swiatecki Paul and Laurie Syring Marilyn L. Szabo Joanne Szalkowski Gerald F. and Iris E. Szelagowski Cathy Szymanowski Sandra Szymanski Mary B. Taylor Lee Teare Effi Theiss Jean R. Thieroff Bernard I. Thomas Katherine M. Thompson Mary A. Thompson Rose Thomson Rudolph L. Thoreson Jim and Peg Tichy James E. Tierney James and Bernice Tillman Dr. and Mrs. James A. Tita Fred and Jacquelyn Tito Tom and Lynnette Titus Robert E. and Helen J. Tobian John R. Toelken Toledo Area Bicyclists Elliot Tramer and Chris Manzey James Toppin and Janet Traub Joan Travis Francis E. and Constance M. Tresso Jim Troknya


Welcome New MetroBarks Members

October 2, 2010 through April 4, 2011 Darla Austermiller, Wallace Becki Braley, Daisy Mona Dokurno, Rocko, Brutus Roberta Hobbs, Bosco Jennifer Lignoski, Quincy, Carmie, Mason Jason Morris, Prada Gene Rollins, Broose Clair Ruckman, Leia, Jay-Jay Kathy Silvestri, Sparti Girl Kelly Smith, Merlin, Gretta, Lady John Starr and Carol Budzenski, Marty

Scott & Margaret Upton Trumbull Ronald G. and Pamela D. Tumblin Anton and Tamara Urbas Phyllis A. Ustaszewski John F. Valduga Thomas and Joan Van Auken Kathleen Van Der Veer Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Van Scoy Thomas W. Vandini and Hodge Family Clement J. and Elinore L. Vascik William L. and Anna Jean Vaughan Lucy C. Vernile Stephen H and Kristin B. Vessey Mary J. Villegas Christine L. Vischer James V. and Julie A. Vitale Lillian Vogel Dr. David L. Waggoner Gary and Deborah Wagner Johnell Wagoner Dr. and Mrs. Aron Wajskol Frank and Barb Wallace Hardress J. and Gertrude G. Waller Dennis Walsh Eileen Walsh Tanna Walsh Foster V. and Marcia Ann Waltz Paul E. Ward William and Norma Warejko Thomas V. and Ruth A. Warnka Richard J. and Roblynn L. Warns Gary M. and Diana F. Waugh Ernest W. Weaver, Jr. John and Lucy Jane Webster Julie Weidner David and Judy Weinberg Richard and Christine Weisfelder Richard Weisgerber Elbert J. Weller L. Jack and Carolyn C. Wells Beth Welter

Karen Welter David Westrick Gary Westrick Garnet Whaley Bruce A. and Mary E. Wharram Martha Wheeler Richard and Janice Whitaker Dr. and Mrs. Peter White Amy White and Family James R. and Lois S. Whiteman Sue Wiegand Christine and Thomas Wierman, Jr. Janet L. Wilhelm Angie Williams Charles E. Williams George and Kristi Skeel Williams Leon and Ellie Williams Linda Wills and John Koontz Susan E. Wilson George L. Winkle Jeanne Winzeler Earl N. and Phyllis R. Witzler E. James Wolff John L. Wolff Marge and Roger Woodbury Dave and Sue Woolford Lee Alfred Wright Roger E. Wyman Mark R. and Helen Meyers Wymer Virginia L. Wysong Robin K. Yarger Helen M. Yglesias Algie L. and Alma L. Young Mohamed and Fatma Youssef Nickolas Zientara Peggy Zientara Cheryl Zimmerman Judith and Bill Zimmerman Kurt Zimmerman Penny Phipps and Curt A. Zito Al and Jane Zohn Karen S. Zolg Dr. Joel P. and Mrs. Nancy J. Zrull Carin Hopps and Jennifer Zunk

MetroBarks Member Renewals

October 2, 2010 through April 4, 2011 Paul Adams and Family Sophia Balasz and Jim Kralik, Ricky, LuLu James F. and Nancy K. Bingle, Molly Russell A. and Amy Bless, Coco Jim and Kay Blue, Magic Molly Bopp, Quinn David and Kris Bottles, Mindy Mark and Sarah Bratt, Daisy Richard and Nanette Bucklew, Birdie

Constance Cameron, China, Jolie Willis and Mandy Day, Boca, Lily, IV William and Sheila Earp, Punkie Rose Edson, Sassy Ken and Jill Falls, Shure Pets Robert and Margo Gogel, Muffy, Woofie, Ruby, Bubba David O. and Linda M. Hart, Libby Jon and Kathryn Herdman, Ben Janice Hussey, Skye, Callie Scott Jaskela, Rex Paul and Nancy Jomantas, Deuce, Regis Paul and Valerie Juhasz, Cooper, Seeker Robert W. and Rebecca S. King, Sadie David and Teena Liber, Jimmy Gerald L. Lohman, Bari Arlene K. Markwood, Kissy Christine Mayer, Rudy Michael and Alissa Meyer Becky Mincheff, Alia, Bianca, Cimba Mary Moore, Duffy, Dolly Jill and Daryl Moreau, Mardi Jo Anne Nagel, Georgie, Gracie Jerold A. and Susan Noss, Abby, Jacey Gail Peery, Melvin, Ella Mae, Suzy William and Constance Poole, Lainey Heather Reynolds, Bailey Larry and Sandra Rock, Ruby Nancy Ann Segan, Kadji Dr. and Mrs. John Spiess, Shadow, Beth Brian Von Wert, Hunter, Carrie Virginia L. Wolter, Sierra Jon Zabowski, Ziggy


September 31, 2010 through March 31, 2011 The following gifts were donated to support the Silver Trail at Oak Opening Preserve Metropark in memory of Andrei Boutylkine: Dee Billau Lisa Boutylkine William and Jean Buckey Michael Croce Vyacheslav and Irina Fedorchuk Timothy and Mariann James Stacey LaPointe The McKay Hockey Group Roger and Brenda Neff Friends at Ohio Farmers Insurance Ruth Owen Ray and Judy Wilson

May 28, 2010 through March 31, 2011 The following honorarium gifts were given to support the Annual Fund Drive: Laura Klever Ann Lampkowski Alberto Leonardi Tom and Pat McGlauchlin Honorarium Benches Virginia Hoffman and Family John Hoffman Bob Zeunen From his loving family Honorarium Bricks Pearson Metropark Bay Area Credit Union Kayleigh Erin Donna Hall The following gift was given to support trail improvements in honor of John, Peggy, Dan and Joe Richey: Rev. Sarah Richey Andrew and Kristin Kiser purchased a gift membership in honor of Renee Sarra.

Honorarium Bricks Wildwood Preserve Steve, Barb, Jake Peyton and Eli Armacost Barbara Armacost The Boening Family John and Sally Boening Sandra Cormican Samuel Z. Kaplan Steven J. Darmofal Alvin and Jan Grant The Hardings, Dave and Sandy, J.D. and Bethany Sandra Harding Nancy Katz Ken and Hazel Kim Ken Kim Arlene Markwood Chris Markwood Betsy Marlow and Tim Root Bridget Marlow Elisabeth Nace Scott and Erica Fry Jane and Jerry Sobb Brian Sobb Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2898 VFW 2898 MSG. Military Support Group

Curtis Bryan Garabed and Millicent Apardian The following gift was donated to support Wildwood Preserve Metropark in memory of Samuel and Alice Carson: Samuel G. Carson, Jr. Fawn, faithful dog Richard and Joni Prettyman The following memorial gifts were donated to support the Nature Express Fund: Lewis Heldt Eleanor Sonntag Frank Koester William and Susan Applin Nancy Benavides Bonnie Bollett Ruth A. Boschard Kenneth H. and Rebecca Fike Marvin and Doris Fike Barbara J. Henkel Lynn and June Koester Phyllis Koester Sandra and Dan Lazenby Kenneth and Debra Perry Jack and Irene Raymond Barney Steiner Margaret Youssef The following gifts were given to support Metroparks Blue Creek Conservation Area in memory of Warren Lee: Danny and Denise Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee Alice Rupp Janet Forster Mary Ann Topmoeller

The following gifts were given to support Oak Openings and Side Cut Metroparks in memory of Lyman Spitzer: Frank G. Beans and Anne E. Yager Samuel G. Carson, Jr. Walter and Lois Churchill William Cosgrove Stephen and Deborah Dolgin Paul David Frankel Kathleen Frasco John and Cynthia Finn Galbraith Jeffrey Greenblatt Robert and Shelley Julius James E. Kline Stacey and Harley Kriplee George and Stephanie LeBoutillier Ann Benjamin Matney Clinton and Pat Mauk Marvin P. Miller and Kathleen A. Kress Elizabeth Boren Millhon Perrysburg Boat Club Dr. and Mrs. James Ravin David and Kay Root Tax and Benefits Department at Ropes & Gary LLP Greg and Cindy Shumaker Rosalyn J. Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Staelin Stephen and Lynn Sutherland The following gifts were given to support Side Cut Metropark in memory of Ken Weislak: James and Mary Kulwicki Thomas and Leigh Ozuk Terri Zbikowski The following Metroparks membership was purchased in memory of Kent Estell: Teri Schwartz The following memorial gifts were given to support the Annual Fund Drive: Fran Bouillon Todd and Vicki Riley Linda Bunda Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Staelin James Crandall Judy M. Crandall Timothy Fulkerson Frank and Susan Fulkerson Charles Bud Lagger Lillian Lagger Jim Lyle Arlynn H. Lyle Louise Manchine Kurt and Lynn Franck Helen Morgenstern Joanne Morgenstern Andrew J. Rakay Cynthia A. Rakay


Marian and Dick Trumbull Scott and Margaret Upton Trumbull James Vick Joanne Vick Julia Kay Wilcox Kay S. and Larry D. Wilcox Alfred J. Wagener Brent and Carol Wagener Jerry Welter Karen Welter Memorial Benches Michael Gospodarek Gary Loeffler Ann L. Rulton Richard A. Rulton Memorial Bricks, Wildwood Preserve E.A. Durdel From her three girls Don and Peg Eaton JoAnn Lewinski Marion Gorski Nancy Gorski Dale C. Hanson Griseldis A. Hanson The Millers and the Kohlers Sharon Kohler Sylvia Ann Michalak Phyllis Imperi Jim and Pat Mutchler Dennis Coe Taylor and Shirley Taylor Memorial Lamp Posts, Wildwood Preserve Sylvia Ann Michalak Marilyn Arbaugh Hattie Augustyniak Julie and Dave Buckner Steven and Laurie Demers Bruce Denman

John and Lea Ellwood-Filkins Evans Family Stephen and Regina Ferguson Jodi L. Filby Staff and Board at Findley Davies, Inc. Goering Family Gourd Family Grewe Family Grizer Family Alan and Julie Harberson Mark and Cheryl Herr Denise and Stephen Horwitz Doug Jerzykowski and Family Greg Jerzykowski Michael Jerzykowski and Family Paul and Barbara Jerzykowski Dave Joranko Dean Kaplan Staff at Maumee Machine and Tool Corporation Matherly Family McKee Family Daniel and Annette Meade Ann Marie Mendel Mertz Family C.S. and T.C. Michalak Jeffrey and Martha Michalak Mira & Kolena Antoinette Moore Beverly and Raymond Mueller Paddock Family Brian and Faith Pauken Peterson Family Pirrone Family Tracy and John Potts Rankin Family David and Susan Reed Wilfred and Maureen Schmidt Audrey Sobecki Steinebiser Family Troyer Family The Women of the Old West End

Annual Fund Donors

October 1, 2010 through April 4, 2011 Ronald and Judie Alessi Gregory and Constance Alexander Harvard L. Armus Amir and Augusta Askari John and Lynn Bachelor Gertrude Bagrowski Dr. George J. Baibak William A. and GeorgeAnne Baldridge Melvin and Loraine Barger Mr. and Mrs. William I. Barkan Anne J. Basile Carole Beamer Terry L. Beaver Michael and Juliann Beazley Allan Sacks and June Bechthold Joyce Behner David P. and Heather D. Bellian Karen Bernard Robert W. Best Tom and Joyce Bettinger Thomas C. and Anne Marie Blank Ed Bloedow John W. and Sally O. Boening Carol Jean Bomer Sandra L. Bowdle Dorothy J. Bowe Rosemary Boyd Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Brady

John M. and Barbara J. Brennan Mable A. Bridgman Ms. Donald J. and Anne W. Britt Carol A. Brockett Mary Elizabeth Brown, Esq. Mary Ann Buchanan Mary and Orville Bucher Bonita Buckley Nancy and Mark Burton Donald R. and Alice U. Calabrese John C. and Carol Campbell Jan Caron Eve Casey Robert G. and Elaine M. Chrismas Dr. Leo and Mrs. Linda Clark Lindell S. Clemens Virginia Clifford Kathy and Gary Clinker Norman Conrad Paul C. and Janet R. Cothrel Ellen S. Cramer Judy M. Crandall Wallen and Suzanne Crane Kettlie Daniels Thomas and Jean Davis Patrick C. and Sara M. Davison William and Sara Jane DeHoff Marge Dembowski Michael Deren William J. and Judith A. Desana Edward P. Descamps Jean-Marie Deschamps Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Diehl Charles and Lera Doneghy Thomas and Nancy Durnford Jean Duston Shirley A. Dwyer


Richard J. and Jeanne Eastop Elizabeth A. Eberly Rose Edson Su Elliott Jenna Encheff Mrs. James and Barbara Facci Elizabeth H. Fackelman Ann M. Fago Richard and Kathleen Faist Rick and Martha Fansler Daniel G. and Deborah L. Farbrother Larry and Rebecca Farley Glenn R. and Judith A. Fennell Richard and Rebecca Finch Carol J. Fingerhut Irene H. Fink Judy P. Finkel Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. and Ruth Fitkin Inez Fleming Diane E. Folsom James B. and Mary M. Foote Elizabeth S. Ford Nancy Foth Zella R. Fought Kurt and Lynn Franck Dr. Robert C. Friess Jean A. Friis Jim and Florence Fuerst Frank and Susan Fulkerson John and Cynthia Finn Galbraith Lisa Gathard Dr. Pacifico S. Geronimo Charles and Patricia Gibson Barbara H. Gilmore Audrey P. Gingras Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Glassberg Mary Louise Glen Donald A. and Lynn M. Godfrey Gary, Patty and Grace Golden

Lucy and Kenneth Goodenday Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gordon Donald W. and Barbara L. Gorrell Elizabeth Gorski Neil and Patricia Green and Family Esther Greenfield Mary C. Greisiger Brian and Judith Gribble Russ and Vicky Griggs William E. Gruss Allen D. Gutchess, Jr. Miles P. and Patricia A. Hacker Karen Hakel Lance R. and Jeanne R. Halsey David Hamilton and Family Everett W. and Lana Harris Jay and Julie Harris LeAnna D. and Cris E. Hastin, Jr. C. P. and Paula Hauck Irene J. Heiber Roy A. and Joan Heinz Vicki Heminger William L. Henning, Jr. Brenda Hill Mrs. Ruth M. Hoffman Robert J. and Margaret E. Hopperton Dallas and Linda Howard Randal R. and Juli Lynn Huber Lucille C. Hurm Drs. Jeanine and Jim Huttner and Family Tim and Yvonne Hyma Charles and Betty Hyre Robert and Erma Jacksy Frances E. Jacob Anna H. James Theodore G. Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Eric Johanssen Denise and William Johnson

Larry W. and Sharon E. Johnson Dolores and Mel Kaitaniak Merl and Joan Kardatzke Judy Kasper Kathy Kasprzak Cheryl Kazmierczak Don Klotz Bernard A. Kokocinski Paul J. and Lois Kolasinski Mary E. Konicki Lawrence W. and Susan M. Kowalski John P. and Ana M. Kraus Mr. Chuck Kreutz Janice Krumel Sandra Laas Lillian Lagger Ann Lampkowski John W. Landin Ronald and Susan Lang Marty Lantz Steve Latsch Nancy and Fred Leetch Jerald and Lydia Lenning Vivian J. Lijewski Jana Lintz Noryne Lockwood Elmer P. Lotshaw Sam and Anna Lovalenti Richard W. and Sharon A. Luedtke Ronald E. Lukasiewicz Andrew and Karen Lyke Arlynn H. Lyle David J. Lymanstall Alice F. Lynch Richard Maas Stephen and Megan Malczewski Deepak and Judith Malhotra Benjamin and Martha Marsh Robert and Kathryn Martin Robert J. and Carol A. Mason Clinton and Pat Mauk Jack L. and Mary A. Mayer

Mary L. Mazziotti Gary and Beverly McBride Kathleen McCarthy Pat McGlauchlin Beth J. McGowan Jacalyn K. McMahon Paul E. Mechling John F. and Ann Meier Karen Menard Frank S. Merritt Ned E. and Louise Miklovic Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Miller Fred and Kathryn Miller James L. and Sandra L. Miller Jim and Deborah Miller Norman and Nancy Miller Keith E. Miller and Bernice G. Schwartz Jo Minogue Carl and Judy Mock Johnny and Lynne Moffett James E. and Denise E. Mollenkopf Raymond Montague Mr. Robert F. Monti John H. and Mary Pat Moor Joanne Morgenstern Nancy C. Morningstar Donald and Julie Moul David and Mary Mutchler Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Myers Walter D. and Susan D. Myers Jack H. and Doris M. Myers, Stanley Mathew and Jennifer Naujock and Family Pearl Neuhaus Patricia Newman Bob and Barbara Nichols, Sr. Lawrence and Carol Nichols Nan Heckel Nicholson Nancy K. Nielsen Elsie J. Olszewski Ruth Ormsby


Peter R. Orser Dorothy R. Otis Nancy Pahl Billy and Mary Ann Parker Paul Parrick Walter B. Pauly Rodney and Patti Pearson Charles T. and Luann J. Perzynski Barbara J. Peternel Richard S. Phalin, Sr. Gail J. Phipps Flora Poad Pauline A. Polderman Harvey and Beatriz Popovich Tom and Karen Porter Jack R. Prettyman Paige M. Price Ashley Pryor David W. and Karen L. Pugh Curt and Pat Pulcini Bill and Amanda Rader Walter and Sharon Rager Cynthia Rakay Ann Ray Jane F. Rayman Marjorie A. Reas Patrick A. and Lori J. Reddington Professor David Reed George William Reed Margot M. Reichert Steve and Lori Reinbolt David and Carole Reinhardt Robert and Gloria Remy Carol S. Repass Alice Robie Resnick Gregg M. and Susan J. Rice James J. Richard Judge and Mrs. Reno R. Riley Todd and Vicki Riley Patricia Rizzi Christina M. Rizzo

Beau Rochte Harold D. and Marilyn A. Roesti Sandra F. Romanoff Robert R. and Phyllis M. Romick Howard and Ann Rosenberg John and Elizabeth Roth Catherine Rourke Kelli Routsong Joette M. Rozanski Brad and Julie Rubini Robert S. and Gladys R. Rudolph Michael and Karen M. Rudy Drs. Elizabeth and Richard D. Ruppert Thomas and Phyllis Rutter John Ryan Virginia E. Ryan Jay and Sue Ryno Debbie and Bill Saba Dorothy M. Saloff Gregory and Margaret Sammons Robert and Patricia Sands Charles G. and Nancy A. Sattler Marvin J. and Joan A. Savage Ernest R. and Virginia B. Saylor John C. and Marilyn Scarlett Robert A. Schaefer Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schafer Dr. Uta Schaub Jim and Sue Scheib Heinz K. and Doris L. Scheller Dennis M. Schmedlen Diana L. Schwind Timothy W. and Janice Harroun Scovic Robert R. Seeman and Karin A. Jacobson Pamela Segur Nancy J. Shea Donald and Marilyn Shefferly Chalane and Charles Sheldon Francis R. Sidle

James P. Sigrist Sharon F. Simmons and Ron Coffman Jean M Simon Jean Sites Michael and Kathy Skaff Lewis O. and Peggy Smith, III Theresa M. Smrekar Marlene J. Snyder Eleanor Sonntag Michel J. and Karen A. Soubeyrand Christine L. Spetka Jennifer Sader and Jesse Squire Quinton A. St. John Joseph Starkey, III Mr. Herman P. Steele Susan F. Steinert Mark V. and Barbara Stender Family Randall and Rose Stephenson Janet Sternfeld Charles A. and Carol M. Stocking Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Stump Ruthie and David Summers Richard L. and Marilyn Suter Elizabeth Sutherland Darrell and Antonia Talley Mary A. and Michael J. Tate Norman R. Thal, Jr. Rose Thomson Doris Titgemeyer Toledo Area Bicyclists Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Torchia Robert J. Towles Susan Trares Neal Troy

Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Van Scoy Vaivo and Marilyn Vannak Roger and Sharon Veitch Joanne Vick Eugenia R. Vogel Brent and Carol Wagener Russell C. Waite Richard and Shelly Walinski Nathan C. Wallace Jeanette Waller Dennis Walsh Robert A. and Deborah J. Walters Tim and Andrea Walters Harry Ward Suzanna Wells Karen Welter Henry C. Wente Gary Westrick Morris C. Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. Peter White Melvyn E. and Annette W. Wicks Kay S. and Larry D. Wilcox Charles E. Williams George and Kristi Skeel Williams Marc and Carol Williams-Young Gerald L. and Joyce E. Willier Jeanne Winzeler Catherine S. Witker Dave and Sue Woolford Margaret Wroblewski Joan Wuest Jon Zabowski Norman G. and Connie Zemmelman Dr. Joel P. and Mrs. Nancy J. Zrull


Find Your Place

Now Available For Rent
The Farmhouse At Wildwood
Make a difference... become a volunteer!
Learn more about how to get involved. Call 419-407-9703. elp preserve and protect the natural heritage of northwest Ohio a rewarding way to contribute to the community. What youll get in return is a greater understanding of the areas nature, history and culture. The view is pretty good, too!
Administrative Opportunities | Volunteer Trail Patrol | Manor House | History | Nature Programming | Special Events | Stewardship & Beautification

Whether youre planning a board meeting or a baby shower, a team banquet or a family reunion, Metroparks offers a variety of meeting rooms and open shelters to suit your needs. Metroparks members receive a 20 percent discount on the cost of all facility rentals, any day of the week. Other discounts may be available on weekdays only for non-profit and senior citizens organizations, and other government agencies. Only one discount per rental may be applied.

Manor House
Reserve the Wildwood Manor House for your wedding or other special occasion. The Manor House has several unique wedding packages to choose from. Call 419-407-9784 for details.

Outdoor Weddings
Weddings are welcome in Metroparks public areas by reservation. For reservations, availability and complete terms and regulations, call the Metroparks reservations number: Rent this historic Farmhouse 419-407-9710 or visit at Wildwood Reservations can be made online. Preserve

for your special occasion. Available for weddings, showers, parties, meetings, family get-togethers.

Remember Summer Camp?

Your kids will, too.
Registration is now open for Metroparks day camps.

Drift Back to 1876

Authentic, mule-drawn canal boat Working water-powered mill on the scenic Maumee River Special events and demonstrations
Call ahead for times: 419.407.9741
Nature Camp (Ages 7 to 12) Five-day sessions starting week of June 20 through week of August 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fee: $95

Providence Metropark 25 miles southwest of Toledo off US Rt 24 or 65

Metroparks Explorers (Ages 5 to 6) August 8-12 or August 15-19, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fee: $95 Nature Quest (Ages 12 to 16) June 13-17, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fee: $125 New one-day camps available, too!

Details & Registration: | 419-407-9701


Nature Shots
Stunning SceneryScenery captured by local photographers Captured by Local Photographers Stunning

A Wandering Glider Dragony Photos selected by the National Center for Nature Photography at Secor Metropark. Visit the center Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 5 pm.

Photo by Rick Nirschl


Metroparks of the Toledo Area 5100 West Central Avenue Toledo, OH 43615-2106

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Your Clean, Safe, Natural Places To Be

Members Make a Difference

Become a member. Call 419-407-9700.
Join Today! By becoming a member, you place yourself in the elds and forests protecting wildlife; help restore natural areas; assist naturalists in classrooms and workshops to educate children and teachers. Memberships make great gifts. Metroparks members receive two issues per year of Metroparks Magazine and four issues of the Program Guide mailed to their home, plus discounts on facility and program reservation fees and invitations to special members-only events.

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