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for IS:800-2007

lnstituteof SteelDevelopmentandGrowth


Department of Civil Engineering

IndianInstituteof TechnologyMadras


Price: Rs.5.000/-

h"rndbookcontainstablesandexamplesshowingthe useof tatrlesthatfacilitateseaseof designof steelstruc-

accordin.q to tS 800 :2007, "Codeof Practice- GeneralConstructionin Steel".The chaptersin the
dealwith the designof tension,compression, bending,beam-column membersand designof different
or shearand momentconnections. Furthera chaptercontainingthe properliesof differenthot rolled steel
andanotherchaptercontainingequationsusefulin analysisof structuresareincluded.

.-hapterexamplesare presentedshowinghow the tablescan be usedto designstructuralelementsand

ons.Further,in an appendixat the end examplesshowingdesigncalculationsarepresentedto illustrate
drredesignprovisionsin IS 800 :2007 havebeenusedto developvaluesin the table.A few illustrationsarc
accordingto the provisionsof new IS:
=nteclin the appendixto illustratethe stepsof desiln calculations
>fiO: 2007)withoutany accompanying table.

u'ascarriedout at the IndianInstituteof Technology (IIT), Madrasin collaborationwith the Struc:

En'rneeringResearchCentre(SERC),Madrasand lnstitutefor SteelDevelopment& Growth (INSDAG),
The draft versionof the Handbookwas circulatedto a few eminentconsultancyorganizations in India
review and comments.The inputsso obtainedhavebeentakeninto consideration while finalizingthe

llv acknowledgethe tirelesseftbft to preparethe Handbookby [IT, Madras,SERC, Madtas and INS-
h-rikata.the time spentby numberof experts.inthe academicand researchinstitutionas well as industry
and reviewing the handbookand the excellentefforts of the project associateswho preparedthe

=;lion / amendments / tables,if required"would besubsequently

in calculations carriedout andpublished

ir.l0u SushimBanerjee
Director General.INSDAG
List of svmbols

w Weight per meter

A Area of the section
h Depth of the section
b Width of the section
tf Thicknessof the section
tw Thicknessof the web
Izz Moment of inertiaaboutthe major axis
Iyv Moment of inertia aboutthe minor axis
rzz Radiusof gyration aboutthe major axis
ryy Radiusof gyrationaboutthe minor axis
Zez Elasticsectionmodulusaboutthe major axis
zey Elasticsectionmodulusaboutthe minor axis
zpz Elasticsectionmodulusaboutthe major axis
zpv Plasticsectionmodulusaboutthe minor axis
Iw Warpingconstant
It Torsionalconstant
s Rivet gaugedistancein the flange
gl Rivet gaugedistancein the web
Iuu Moment of inertiaaboutthe u-u axis
Ivv Moment of inertiaaboutthe v-v axis
ruu Radiusof gyrationaboutthe u-u axis
rvv Radiusof gyrationaboutthe v-v axis
rty Productof inertiaaboutthez-z and y-y axis of the section
D Outerdiameterof the circulartubes
d Inner diameterof the circulartubes
t Thicknessof the tubularsection
R Designrupturestrength,
B Designblock shearstrength
Lcy Lengthof the connectioncorresponding to yielding
Lc Actuallengthof theconnection
Lcmin Minimum lengthof the connectionfor which grossareayieldinggovernsover rupture
Pdv Designstrengthin tcnsion
Pd Designstrengthin compression
Pdv Designstrengthin compression with respect to minoraxisbuckling
Pdz Designstrengthin compression with respectto majoraxisbuckling
PYeq Equivalentcompressive loadaboutthe minoraxisbuckling
PZeq Equivalent conrpressive loadaboutthe majoraxisbuckling
uy Coefficientusedin to find PYeq
uz Coefficientusedin to find PZeq
my Coefficientusedin to findPYeq
MZ Coefficientusedin to find PZeo

apter Table/
SectionNo Description PageNo

l. Standard steelsections- Dimensionsand properties I

l.l Rolledsteelbeams I
1.2 Narrowparallelflangebeams 6
I.-l Wide parallelflangebeams l0
l.-l Rolledsteelchannels I6
l.-5 Rolledsteelequalangles l8
1.6 Rolledsteelun-equalangles 22
1.7 Propertiesof circularsteeltubes 26
1.8 Propertiesof squaresteeltubes 30
1.9 Propertiesof rectangularsteeltubes 32
, Formulae for structural analysis- Elastic & Plasticanalysis 3t
l.l Elasticanalysisequations for beamsandframes 38
: . l.l Bea ms 38
L l.2 Frames 57
:.1.2.1 Rectangular portalframeswith fixedbase 57
I I 1.2 Rectangular portalframeswith hingedbase 6l
I 1.1.3 Gableportalframeswith fixedbase 64
l.l l.-l Gableportalframeswith hingedbase 70
I 1.1.5 Framearchwith fixedbase 74
l.l 1.6 Framearchwith hingedbase 19
I 1.1.7 Triangularframearchwith hingedbase 82
: I 1.8 Gableportalframewith hingedbase(Two bays) 84
: I Plasticanalysisequations 92
- : .I Be a ms 92
: : I Frames 92
I \Iembers under tension 97
-r) Designof angletensionmember 99
--l Designtensilestrengthof equalangles r 0l
Designtensilestrengthof un-equalangles
(Longerleg connected) r07
leg connected) l1 5
Designtensilestrengthof channelsection
(Flangeconnccted) L2T
: < Dcsign tensilestrengthof channelsection(Web connccted) r22
- " Dcsign tensilcsttengthof I-section(Flan-eeconnected) r23
. - Dcsrgntensilestrengthol-l-section(Web connected) r26
: : De'srgntensionof welded equal angles r29
: '' Dcsrgntensionof welded un-equalanqles 130
Dcsign tcnsionof channels t32
: . Tcrrsioncapacityof welded I-section(Flangcconnectcd) 133
: .I Tl'nsioncapacityof weldcd I-section(Web connected) t34
pter Table /
Section No Description Page No

4. Compression members - Design strength 137

4.0 Designexamples 138
4.O.1 Designof concentricallyloadedsingleanglesection 138
4.0.2 Design of bracingmemberusing anglein star arrangement 138
4.O.3 Design of concentricallyloadeddoubleanglesection t39
4.0.4 Designof compression memberusingI-section 139
4.1 Equalangles-concentric loading(v-v axis) t42
4.2 Equal angles-concentric loading(u-u axis) r46
4.3 Equal angles-concentric loading(z-z axis) t52
4.4 Un-equalangles-concentric loading (v-v axis) 158
4.5 Equal angles-loaded throughone.leg.Hinged-Noof bolts) 2 t64
4.6 Equal angles-loaded throughone leg. Fixed-No of bolts) 2 t70
4.7 Equal angles-loaded throughone leg. Hinged-bolts= I r76
4.8 Equal angles-loaded throughone leg. Fixed-bolts= I r82
4.9 Unequalangleloadedthroughone leg.Hinged-Noof bolts) 2 188
4.10 Unequalangleloadedthroughone leg. Fixed-No of bolts) 2 192
4.ll Unequalangleloadedthroughone leg. Hinged-bolts= 1 196
4.L2 Unequalangleloadedthroughone leg. Fixed-bolts= I 200
4.I3 ISLB (y-y axisbuckling) 204
4.14 ISLB (z-z axis buckling) 205
4.15 ISMB (y-y axis buckling) 206
4.16 ISMB (z-z axis buckling) 207
4.17 ISWB (y-y axis buckling) 208
4.18 ISWB (z-z axisbuckling) 209
4.19 ISHB (y-y axis buckling) 2to
4.20 ISHB (z-z axisbuckling) 2tl
4.21 Narrow parallelflangesection(y-y axis buckling) 212
4.22 Narrow parallelflangesection(z-z axis buckling) 2r8
4.23 Wide parallelflangesection(y-y axis buckling) 225
4.24 Wide parallelflangesection(z-z axisbuckling) 237
4.25 Channelsection(y-y axisbuckling) 248
4.26 Channelsection(z-zaxis buckling) 250
4.27 CirculartubesFy = 250 mPa 252
4.28 CirculartubesFy = 320 mPa 256
4.29 Squarehot rolled sectionF" = 240 mPa 260
4.30 Squarehot rolledsectionF" = 310 mPa 262
4.31 Rectangular hot rolledsection(y-y axisF" = 240 mPa) 264
4.32 Rectan-eululhot rolledsection(y-y axisF, = 310 mPa) 266
4.33 hot rolledsection(z-z axisF, = 240 mPa)
Rectan_eLrlul 268
4.34 Rectangulal hot rolledsection(z-z axisF, = 310 mPa) 270
4.35 Squatecold formedsectionF, = 240 mPa 272
4.36 Squarecold formedsectionF, = 310 mPa 274
4.37 Rectangular cold formedsection(y-y axisF, = 240 mPa) 276
4.38 Rectangular cold formedsection(y-y axisF, = 310 mPa) 278
pter Table /
SectionNo Description Page No

1.39 Rectangularcold formed section(z-z axisFy = 240 mPa) 280

{.40 Rectangularcold formed section(z-z axisFy = 310 mPa) 282
S.Memberssubjectedto Bending 28s
5.0. 1 Design usingrolled steelsections(laterallysupported) 286
5.0.2 Designusingrolled steelsections(laterallyunsupported) 287
5.0. 3 Designusing weldedsteelsections 289
5. 1 Designbendingand sheargtrengthof laterallysupportedbeam
(Rolled steelsection) 290
5.2 Design bending and shearstrengthof laterally supportedbeam
(Narrow parallelflangesection) 29r
5. 3 Designbendingand shearstrengthof laterallysupportedbeam
(Wide parallelflangesection) 293
_i.4 Design bendingstrengthof laterallyun-supportedbeam
(Rolled steelsection) 297
t.) Design bendingstrengthof laterallyun-supportedbeam
(Narrow parallelflangesection) 300
5. 6 DesignBendingstrengthof laterallyun-supportedbeam
(Wide parallelflangesection) 304
5.7 Design bendingand shearstrengthof laterally
supportedwelded Plate girder 310
5.E Designbendingstrengthof laterallyun-supported
weldedPlategirder 360
5. 9 Width of the intermediatetransversestiffener 376
5.1 0 Designshearstresscorrespondingto web buckling 377
6. Design of members subjected to combined compression and bending 379
6.0 Designexample 380
6.1.I Beam column table:Pyeq 382
6. t . 2 Beam column table:Pzeq 382
6.1 Valuesof 'u' 383
7. Connections 387
-.0 Connectiondesignexamples 389
-.0. 1 Concentricconnection 389
'.o.2 Frcentric connection 390
-.0.3 Frameddoubleangleshearconnection 391
--0.4 Beam to column end plate shearconnection 392
-.0.5 Beam to column end plate momentconnection 393
-l Design strengthof bolts 394
-: CoefficientsC for eccentricallyloadedbolt groups 396
-_i.l CoefficientsC for eccentricallyloadedweld groups 440
-3.2 CoefficientsC for eccentricallyloadedweld groups 442
-J . 3 CoefficientsC for eccentricallyloadedweld groups 443
- _1.4 CoefficientsC for eccentricallyloadedweld groups 445
- _1.5 CoefficientsC for eccentricallyloadedweld groups 447
-.r.t Beam to column doubleangleshearconnection4.6 grade 449
- -r.l Beam to column doubleangleshearconnection5.6 grade 454
Table I
Section No Description Page No
7.4.3 Beamto columndoubleangleshearconnection6.8 grade 459
7.4.4 Beamto columndoubleangleshearconnection8.g grade 464
7.4.5 Beamto columndoubleangleshearconnection10.9grade 469
7.5.1 End plateshearconnection(4.6 gradebolt) 474
7.5.2 End plateshearconnecrion(5.6 gradebolt) 476
7.5.3 End plateshearconnection(6.8 gradebolt) 478
7.5.4 End plateshearconnection(8.8 gradebolt) 480
7.5.5 Eid plateshearconnecrion(10.9gradebolt) 482
7.5.6 End plateshearconnection(8.8HSFG bolt) 484
7.5.7 End plateshearconnection(10.9HSFG bolt) 486
7.6 End platemomentconnections 488
7.6.1 End platemomentconnection- 4 bolts 489
7.6.2 End platemomentconnection- 8 bolts 494
7.7 Baseplates 50 1
Appendix 507
Design tensile strength s08
A.3.l Angle section 508
p^3.2 Channelsection- Flangesconnectedto gusset
,A3.3 Channelsection- Web connectedto gusset 5ll
A.3.4 I-section- Flangeportion connectedto gusset 512
A3.5 I-section- Web portion connectedto gusset 513
Design Compressivestrength 514
A4.t Equal angleconcentricconnection(v-v axis) 515
1.4.2 Equal angleconcentricconnection(u-u axis) 516
A.4.3 Equalangleconcentricconnection(z-z axis) 518
F.4.4 Equal angleeccentricconnection 520
A,4.5 l-section(y-y axis) 522
p.4.6 I-section(z-z axis) 524
A^4.7 Tubularsection(concentricloading) 526
Design bending and shear strength 528
A. 5 . l Designbendingand shearstrengthof laterallysupportedbeam 528
A5.2 Designbendingstrengthof Iaterallyun-supportedbeam 530
45.3 Designbendingstrengthof laterallysupported
weldedplategirder(slendersection) 533
A5. 4 Designbendingstrengthof laterallysupported
weldedplategirder(plasticsecrion) 536
A'5.5 Designbendingstrengthof laterallysupported
weldedplategirder(compactsecrion) 539
A5.6 Designbendingstrengthof laterallyun-supportedweldedprategirder 542
Beam column 544
,46.l Beamcolumns 544
Connections 548
A7 . l Designshearcapacityof bearingtypebolts 548
A7.2 Designbearingcapacityof bearingtype bolts s50
A7 . 3 Designtensilecapacityof bolts 5- 5 1
Chapter Table /
SectionNo Description Page No

Designsliearcapacityof frictiontype bolts 552
\-.5 CoefficientC for eccentricallyloadedbolt groups 553
\-.6 Designshearstrengthof beamto columnend shearconnection 554
\-.7 Designof the end platemomentconnection 551
A- . 8 Long handfor baseplatecalculation 559
B Fatiguedesignof plategirders 563
ts Designof lacedcolumns-flatlacing 577
ts Designof lacedcolumns-angle lacing 577
ts Designof lacedcolumns-channels backto back 580
B Designof lacedcolumns-angle lacing 584
ts Desisnof battenedcolumns 587
_ - ' VI." VIM EIIDI\ JN b
- - V, A IY U P H OP E R TIE S





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l* /l 06 \tr0' f1 f2 D hg hz bl c c 8t Classof section Designation

mm5 mm{ m m mm deg mm mm mm mm mm mm Bending ompressior

486 5.0 t.5 9r.5t30.4 9.80 23.s0 3.00 30
0.5 45 PL SL ISJB I5O
702 .PL
5.0 t.5 9 t.5 t5 5 .C 0.00 23.40 3.t0 30 45 SL ISJB I75
t645 5.0 t.5 9r.5179.5 0.25 28.38 3.20 30
0.7 45 PL SL ISJB 2OO
490| 6 .5 t.5 9r.5201.1 t.9 5 38.t5 3.35 40
1.0 45 PL SL rsJB225
123 0.5
6.5 2.0 9 1 .5 5 l t.6 5 23.153.35 30 PL SC IS LB 75
279 l.l 7.0 3.0 9 l .5 73.C 3.50 23.00 3.50 30 50 PL SC IS LB TOO
1524 1.7 8.0 3.0 9r.5 95.4 4.80 35.30 3.70 35 50 PL SC IS LB I25
2830 2.2 9 .5 3.0 9 t.5 116.9 6 .5 5 37.60 3.90 40 50 PL SC tsLB 150
5623 2.7 9.5 3.0 9r.5 1 4 t.6 6.70 42.45 4.05 50 50 PL SC IS LB I75
t07t3 3.6 9.5 3.0 9r.5 165;1 7 .t5 47.30 4.20 55 50 PL SC ISLB 2OO
t3t94 5. 6 12.0 6.0 98.0 t80.322.3547.t0 4.45 )) )) PL SC IS LB 225
28269 6.4 t3.0 6 .5 98.0 202.623.70 59.45 4.55 65 60 PL SC tsLB 250
50844 8.6 1 4 .0 7.0 98.0 223;l 25.65 66.80 4.70 80 60 PL SC ISLB 275
79424 lt . l r5.0 7 .5 98.0 245.1 27.45 71.65 4.85 90 60 PL SC ISLB 3OO
126871 t3.8 r6.0 8.0 98.0 266.529.25 79.00 5.00 00 65 PL SC ISLB 325
l8lI 18 20.7 t6.0 8.0 9 8 .0 288.330.85 78.80 5.20 00 65 PL SC ISLB 350
268920 27.9 1 6 .0 8.0 9 8 .0 336.23t.90 78.50 5.50 00 65 PL SL rsLB 400
406496 36.2 r6.0 8.0 9 8 .0 384.033.0080.70 5.80 00 70 PL SL ISLB 450
627964 45.9 1 7 .0 8 .5 98.0 430.234.90 85.40 6.t0 00 70 PL SL ISLB 5OO
955347 59.6 l 8 .0 9.0 9 8 .04 7 6 .136.9590.05 6.45 00 70 PL SL ISLB 550
r55608674. 1 20.0r0.0 98.0 520.239.9099.7s 6.75 | 40, t0( 75 PL SL ISLB 600
878 2.0 9.0 4 .5 9 8 .0 6 5 .0 r7.5035.50 3.50 35 )) PL SL IS MB IOO
I 506 2.5 9.0 4 .5 98.0 89.2 t7.90 35.30 3.70 35 )) PL SC IS MB I25
2667 2.8 9.0 4 .5 9 8 .0 Ir3 .sr8.0537.60 3.90 40 55 PL SC ISMB I5O
5884 4.7 r0.0 5.0 9 8 .0 t34.520.25 42.25 4.25 50 )) PL SC IS MB I75
t3424 9.5 I t.0 5 .5 9 8 .0 152.i 23.6547.15 4.35 55 60 PL SC ISMB 2OO
24807 r3.9 l:.0 6.0 98.0 t73.325.85 5 1.75 4.75 60 60 PL SC ISMB 225
47160 r8.7 r3.0 6 .5 9 8 .0 t94.1 27.95 59.05 4.95 65 65 PL SC tsruB250
93859 21. 7 1 4 .0 7.0 9 8 .0241.5 29.25 66.25 5.25 80 65 PL SC IS MB 3OO
15t 570 32.4 1 4 .0 7.0 9 8 .0 288.03r.00 65.95 5.55 80 65 PL SC tsMB 350
229330 46.9 t4.0 7.0 9 8 .0 334.432.8065.55 5.95 80 70 PL SC IS MB 4OO
:i90r93 64.2 t5.0 7 .5 9 8 .0 379.235.4070.30 6.20 90 70 PL SC IS MB 450
798237 77. 5 1 7 .0 8 .5 9 8 .04 2 4 .137.95 84.90 6.60 t00 PL SL tsMB 500


/6-r tul-
\ t
I 4 t-

w A/t02 h b t1 t.. l-llot t"),/

| or ra rvv L,"ll03 zeJto'LPlll0'

Kglm mm2 mm mm mm mm mm' mm{ mm mm mm' mmJ mm t

ISMB 550 103.7t32.1 550 190 t9.3 n . 2 64894 | 834 221.6 37.3 2360 27t2 298
ISMB 600 122.6 t56.2 600 2t0 20.8 t2.0 9 r8 r3 265 I 242.4 41.2 3060 35tl 393
tslvB r50 t7.0 2t.7 t50 t00 7.0 5.4 839 95 62.2 20.9 n2 t27 30
ISWB I75 22.1 2 8 .I t7 5 r25 7.4 5.8 l 509 189 I J.J 25.9 172 194 49
tswB 200 2 8 .8 36.7 200 t40 9.0 6.1 2624 3?9 84.6 29.9 262 294 74
tswB 225 33.9 43.2 225 t50 9.9 6.4 3920 449 9s.2 32.2 348 390 93
tswB 250 40.9 52.1 250 200 9.0 6.7 5943 857 06.9 40.6 475 s27
ISWB 3OO 4 8 .I 6r.3 300 200 0.0 7.4 9822 990 26.6 40.2 o)) 731 t68
ISWB 350 56.9 72.5 350 200 t.4 8.0 15522 |76 46.3 40.3 887 995 t92
tswE 400 66.7 85.0 ,+00 200 3.0 8.6 23427 | 3E8 66.0 40.4 n7l 1290 219
tswB 450 79.4 t0t.2 450 200 5.4 9.2 35058 1707 86.3 4t. I | 558 1760 258
tswB 500 95.2 121.2 500 250 1.7 9.9 52291 2988 207.7 49.6 2092 235| 386
tswB 550 1t2.5 l43.3 5 5 0 250 7.6 r0 . 5 74906 3741 228.6 5t.l 2724 3066 458
tswB 600 t33.7 t70.4 600 250 2t.3 n.2 I 06199 4702 249.7 52.5 3540 3987 548
rswB 600 t4 i .l 1 8 4 .9 600 250 23.6 I t.8 5627 5298 250.r 53.5 3854 4342 606
I S HB I 5 O 27.1 34.5 r50 .r50 9.0 5.4 456 432 65.0 35.4 t94 216 83
I S HB I 5 0 30.6 39.0 t50 150 9.0 E.4 540 460 62.9 34.4 205 232 87
I S HB I 5 0 34.6 44.1 1 5 0 t50 9.0 I t.8 636 495 60.9 33.5 2t8 252 90
ISHB 2OO 37.3 47.5 200 200 9.0 6.1 3608 967 87.I 45.I 36r 397
ISHB 2OO 40.0 50.9 200 200 9.0 7.8 3722 995 85.5 44.2 372 4t4
I S HB 22 5 4 3 .I 54.9 225 225 9.t 6.5 5279 | 354 98.0 49.6 469 5t6
tsHB 225 46.8 59.7 225 225 9.1 8.6 5479 1397 95.8 48.4 487 542
tsHE 250 5r.0 65.0 250 250 9.7 6.9 7736 r96t t 09.1 54.9 619 679
ISHB 250 54.7 69.7 250 250 9.7 8.8 7984 20t2 107.0 53.7 639 708
ISHB 3OO 5 8 .8 74.9 300 250 0.6 7.6 12545 2194 t29.5 54.l 836 922
tsHB 300 63.0 80.3 300 250 0.6 9.4 t29s0 2247 t27.0 52.9 863 962
ISHB 350 67.4 8 5 .9 . 350 250 t.6 E.3 r9 r6 0 2451 t095 2t3
149.3 53.4
tsHB"3s072.4 92.2 350 2s0 1.6 r0 I. r9803 25l0 t46.5 52.2 |32 269
ISHB 4OO 77.4 9E.7 400 250 2.7 9.1 28084 2728 168.7 s2.6 t404 556
ISHB 4OO 82.2 104.7 400 250 2.7 r0.6 28824 2783 166.I 5t.6 1444 626
rsHa 450 87.2 I I l .l 450 250 3.7 9.8 39211 2985 187.8 5 t.8 t743 955 363
lsHB 450 92.5 n7.9 450 250 3.7 rt.3 40350 3045 r85.0 50.8 t793 203| 368


+ 9,

l-/l 06 Irl101 f1 f2 D hl h2 br C o
9r Class of section Designation

mm6 mm{ m m m m leg mm mm mm mm mm mnl BendingCompression

| 29rr90r t5.0 t8 9.0 98 467.5 4t.25 89.40 7.10 r0 0 75 ,P L SL ISMB 550

2223345t 5 8 .1 20 t0.0 98 509.7 45.t5 99.00 7.50 t40,t00 80 PL SL tsNtB 600
4846 J.U 8 4.0 96 l 1 6 .6 t6.70 47.304.20 55 )) PL SC tswB 150
13244 4.4 8 4.0 96 r 39.5 t7 .75 59.60 4.40 65 55 PL SC tswB t75
29987 8.2 9 4 .5 96 t5 8 .8 20.60 66.95 4.55 80 )) PL SC rswB 200
51889 I t.5 9 4.5 96 1 8 1.4 2r. 8 07r.80 4.70 90 55 PL SC tswB 225
12451 | r2.0 0 5 .0 96 203.823.10 96.6s 4.85 40.| 00 60 SC SC rswB2s0
208| 69 t7 .l 5 .5 96 250.I 24.95 96.305.20140. | 00 60 CO SC rswB 300
337042 25.3 a
6.0 96 295.5 27.2596.00 5.50 40.r00 60 PL SC tslvB 350
5 I 9698 37.2 J 6 .5 96 340.529.75 95.70 5.80 40,10065 PL SC ISWB 4OO
805892 5 9 .( a 7.0 96 3 8 4 .0 33.0095.40 6 .r0 40.r00 70 PL SL tswB 450
1.7591876 8 .2 5 7.5 96 431.034.50120.1 6.45 40 70 PL SL tswB 500
2650680lt0.t 6 8.0 96 473.4 38.30il9.8 6.75 40 75 PL SL tswB 550
3937094 187.2 1 8 .5 96 514.2 42.90 I t9.4 7.10 40 80 PL SL tswB 600
4400728249.3 8 9.0 96 507.9 46.05 l l 9.l 7.40 40 80 PL SL s\t/B 600
214s7 8 .C 8 4.0 94 I t2.0 r9.0072.304.20 90 )) PL SC S H B I5O
22878 0.c 8 4.0 94 I t2.0 r9.0070.805.70 90 )) PL SC S H B I5O
24598 4 .5 8 4.0 94 I t2.0 19.0069.t0 7.40 90 55 PL SC S H B I5O
88202 II
9 4 .5 94 l 5 8 .4 20.8096.95 4.55 t40,100)) SC SC S H B 2O O
907t0 2 .( 9 4 .5 94 1 5 8 .4 20.8096.1 0 5.40140,t0055 SC SC S H B 2O O
157761 3.2 l0 5.0 94 r80.5 22.20 09.3 4.75 40 )) SC SC sHB 225
t62749 5 .6 l0 5.0 94 l 8 0 .5 22.20 08.2 5.80 40 55 SC SC SHB 225
183r34 7 .8 0 5.0 94 203.523.20 2t.6 4.95 40 60 SC SC sHB 250
290409 20.5 0 5.0 94 203.523.20 20.6 5.9 40 60 SC SC IS H B 250
t 459298 23.9 5 .5 94 249.8 25.t0 21.2 s.30 40 60 SC SC IS H B 3OO
j 1704t6 2 7 .5
70I 802 32.2
5 .5 94 249.8 25.t0 20.3 6.20
6.0 94 296.0 27.00 20.9 ).6f
4Q 60
40 60
ISHB 350
7 18722 3 7 .6 1 6.0 91 296.0 27.00 20.0 6.55 40 60 SC SC IS H B 350
r 0 2 ir 2 r 4 i .6 t
7.0 94 i 4 0 .I 29.90 20.5 6.05 40 65 CO SC ISHB 4OO
| 043634 19.2 4 7.0 94 i40. I 29.90 19.7 6.80 40 65 CO SC IS H B 4O O
1420639 5_s.6 ) 7 .5 94 386.2 31.90 20.I 6.40 40 65 PL SC IS H B 450
14.190986 2 .7 ) 7.5 94 i86.2 3r.90 t9.4 7.15 40 65 PL SC ISHB 450


, t 'I I

Designatior w Nt0' D br t* t1 R lrl10' l*/10'

ke/m mmz mm mm mm mm mm mm{ mm6
100x 55 8 .1 r0.3 00 )) 4.1 5.7 7 0.08 0.3
120x 60 0.4 t3.2 20 64 4.4 6.3 0.t4 0.8
140x 70 2.9 16.4 40 t5 4.7 6.9 7 0.20 r.8
160x 80 5 .8 20.I 60 82 5.0 7.4 9 0.28 3.6
180x 90 5 .4 19.6 77 9l 4.3 6.5 9 0.21 5. 5
180x 90 8 .8 23.9 80 9l 5.3 8.0 9 0.39 6. 8
180x 90 21.3 2 7 .1 82 92 6.0 9.0 9 0.57 7.9
200x 100 1 8 .4 23.5 97 00 4.5 7.0 2 0.28 9.8
200x 100 22.4 28.5 200 00 5.6 8.5 2 0.52 I t.9
200x 100 25.1 32.0 202 02 6.2 9.5 2 0.73 l4 .l
200x 130 2 7 .4 34.9 207 JJ 5.8 8.5 2 0.67 30.I
200x 130 3 1 .6 40.2 2t0 34 6.4 r0.0 n
r .l 36.2
200x 150 30.5 3 8 .8 t94 50 6.0 9.0 z 0.86 39.2
200 x 165 35.7 45.5 20r 65 6.2 r0 . 0 2 1.2 6t.3
200 x 165 42.5 54.I 205 66 7.2 12.0 2 2.1 74.9
200x 165 4 8 .0 6 t.l 2t0 66 6.5 l 4.5 2 3.5 90.5
220xll0 22.2 28.3 217 t0 5.0 7.7 2 0.42 17.4
220x ll0 26.2 33.4 220 t0 5.9 9.2 2 0.71 20.7
220x ll0 29.4 3 7 .4 222 t2 6.6 10.2 2 0.99 24.3
240 x l2O 26.2 33.3 237 20 5.2 8.3 5 0.56 29.0
240x 120 30.7 3 9 .I 240 20 6.2 9.8 5 0.93 34.3
240 x 120 34.3 43.7 242 22 7.0 10.8 5 t.3 39.7
250x 12 5 30.I 3 8 .4 250 25 6.0 9.0 ) 0.77 39.4
250x 150 34.I 43.4 258 46 6.1 9.2 ) 0.94 68.5
250x t50 39.8 50.7 262 47 6.6 |.2 5 t.6 85.I
250x 15 0 46.5 59.2 266 48 7.6 13.2 5 2.6 102.4
250x 17 5 43.9 5 6 .0 244 t) 7.O I t.0 5 t.8 t2l.l
270x 13 5 30.7 3 9 .l 267 35 5.5 8.7 5 0.73 55. 6
270x 135 3 6 .I 45.9 270 35 6.6 t0.2 5 1.2 65.r
270x 135 42.3 53.8 274 36 7.5 t2.2 5 2.0 79.7
300x 150 3 6 .5 46.5 297 50 6.1 9.2 5 0.99 00.4
300x 150 42.2 5 3 .8 300 )U 7.1 10.7 5 t.6 t6. 8
300x 150 49.3 6 2 .8 304 52 8.0 12.7 5 2.6 44.2
300 x 165 3 9 .9 5 0 .8 3r0 65 5.8 9.7 ) 1.2 53.3
300x 16 5 4 5 .8 5 8 .3 JIJ 66 6.6 1.2 5 t.8 80.3
300x 16 5 5 i .5 6 8 .I 3t7 67 7.6 3.2 5 3.0 2t6.3
300x 200 5 9 .6 75 .9 303 203 7.5 J- l 3.4 i49.8
300 x 200 6 6 .8 8 5 .0 ioo 201 8.5 4.6 5 4.8 395.7
300 x 200 75 .4 96.0 3r0 205 9.4 16.6 5 7.0 456.6


a- llol t."/10 fr. r z".ll0" 2",/lor z",ll0' zo,/l0r Classof section Designation
mml mm'l mm mm mmJ mmJ mm3 mmJ BendincCompression
t 7l t6 40.7 2.4 34 6 39 9 PL PL 100x 55
3r 8 28 49.0 4 .5 53 9 61 l4 PL PL 120x 60
5. 1I 45 57.4 6 .5 77 l2 88 l9 PL PL 140x 70
869 68 6 5 .8 8 .4 r09 t7 t24 26 PL PL 160x 80
I 063 82 7 3 .7 20.s t20 l8 135 28 PL PL 180x 90
ri r7 r0l 74.2 2Q . 5 146 22 t66 J) PL PL 180x 90
l_ 50 5 t1
74.5 2 0 .8 165 26 189 40 PL PL 180x 90
t _591 l7 82.3 LZ.J 162 ZJ t82 JI PL PL 200x 100
19, 13 A)
82.6 22.4 194 29 221 45 PL PL 200x 100
:1 il 69 83.2 23.0 219 JJ 249 52 PL PL 200x 100
:666 334 87.4 3r.0 258 50 288 77 PL PL 200x 130
_1t53 402 8 8 .6 3 1 .6 300 60 )J I 92 PL PL 200 x 130
: 675 507 83.0 36.2 276 68 307 t04 PL PL 200x 150
_1-l| 4 750 86.7 40.6 340 9l JII t39 PL PL 200x 165
+ t 66 9t 6 87.7 4 t.l 406 lt0 454 168 PL PL 200x 165
5LrlS I 106 90.7 4 2 .5 479 t33 535 202 PL PL 200x 165
l- : 17 t1 l 9 0 .5 24.6 214 3l 240 48 PL PL 220x l l 0
--7-) 205 9l. l 2 4 .8 252 JI 285 58 PL PL 220xl l 0
-r l-_i-l 240 9 t.6 25.3 282 43 321 67 PL PL 220xl l 0
-rlg0 240 99.4 26.8 278 40 312 62 PL PL 240x 120
_lSel 284 99.7 26.9 324 A1
367 74 PL PL 240 x 120
:-: [t; 329 0 0 .0 27.4 36r 54 4 r0 84 PL PL 240x 120
.5 294 03.9 2 7 .7 331 47 374 74 PL PL 250x 125
179 0 8 .6 33.2 )v I 66 444 02 PL PL 250x 150
: I ,',t -s95 r0.6 J +.J 473 8l 530 25 PL PL 250x 150
-:s | 715 n.7 3 4 .8 555 97 62s. 49 PL PL 250x 150
il 984 04.3 41.9 499 l t3 556 72 PL PL 250x 175
l 2 .l 30.2 368 53 413 82 PL PL 270x 135
: -*,t .120 12.3 30.2 429 62 484 97 PL PL 270x 135
. -j- _ 51 4 I 3 .6 30.9 501 76 575 l8 PL PL 270x 135
- -i 51 9 1A 1
J J.+ 483 69 542 07 PL PL 300x 150
! -::f 60.1 24.6 33.5 557 8l 628 25 PL PL 300 x 150
_'-.-_: 716 26.1 3 4 .5 658 98 5-l PI, PL 300x 150
718 3r.6 3 7 .8 ) b/ 88 631 -ro P L SC 300x 165
3-i(r )2.)
652 t03 728 s9 PL PL 300 x 165
: l0l7 r ) -4 38 .8 765 t23 858 90 PL PL J00 x 165
i 819 t0.l 4 9 .I 849 1 80 941 I /\ PL PL 300x 200
: l0r-.q | ]0 .6 49.3 e48 I(i-) l0_57 ir0 PL PL J00x 200
I i8 7 t -3 .8
1 49.9 t076 i-) -) I 205 356 Pt_ PL 300x 200
i, 1 \ S I ' I C C O C OMP AC T S C - SE M I C OMP A C T S I, S LE N D E R


Co n t in u e d . . .


flasicnofinr w A /1 0 2 D br t" t1 R Irl 10" I*/l o''
ks/m mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm4 mmo
330x 160 43.0 54.7 327 60 6.5 0.0 8 I.J 0.2
330x 160 49.2 6 ? .6 330 60 7.5 t.5 8 2.1 0.2
330x 160 57.0 I t.o JJ{ 62 8.5 3.5 8 J.J 0.2
350x 170 50.2 64.0 358 70 6.6 t.5 8 2.0 0.3
350x 170 5 7 .1 7 2 .7 360 70 8.0 2.7 8 2.9 0.3
350x 170 6 6 .0 8 4 .I 364 72 9.2 .+- t 8 4.5 0.4
350 x 250 7 9 .2 1 0 0 .9 340 250 9.0 4.0 8 5.3 0.9
400x 180 5 7 .4 t)-l 397 t80 7.0 2.0 2l 2.5 0.4
400x 180 6 6 .3 8 4 .5 400 r8 0 8.6 3.5 2l 3.7 0.5
400x 180 7 5 .7 964 404 182 9.7 5.5 2l 5.7 0.5
400 x 200 6 7 .3 8 5 .7 400 200 8.0 3.0 2l 3.6 0.6
450x 190 6 7 .2 8_i 5 447 r90 76 3.1 2l i .) 0.7
450x 190 7 7 .6 9 8 .8 450 t90 9.4 4.6 2l 5.1 0.7
450x 190 s2.4 t7.7 456 t92 I r.0 7.6 2l 8.8 0.9
500 x 200 7 9 .4 0 r.r 497 200 8.4 4.5 zl 5.0 t.l
500x 200 90.7 l_5. 5 500 200 10.2 6.0 2l 7.1 1.2
500 x 200 1 0 7 .3 367 )06 202 12.0 9.0 2l l l .9 t.l

550x 210 92.1 17 -l 210 9.0 57 AA

6.7 r. 6
550x 210 0 5 .5 - t+. + 550 210 il.1 7.2 .A
9.5 t.8
550x 210 22.5 5 6 .I )5 6 212 12.7 20.2 24 L5.2 2.1
600 x 220 07.6 370 597 220 9.8 t75 21 96
600 x220 22.s 560 600 220 t2.0 190 11
li.i 1.7
600x 220 54.5 9 6 .8 610 )a I
t5.0 240 a,l
aa 27.0 i .5
700 x 250 IJ.J 44.5 691 250 9.0 16.0 al
8.J z+.()

700x 250 28.4 63.6 69-5 250 1.5 r6.5 1l l0 8 4.1

700 x 250 + -)..{ 82.7 700 250 2.5 r9.0 1t

I _i.7 1.4

700 x 250 5 3 .9 9 6 .0 701 250 i0 lr.0 l 20.i 6.0

700 x 250 7 1 .5 2 t8 .4 709 250 .ti
23.5 ]J 28.4 o./
750 r 270 45.-.1 r85.1 7s0 l6-i )! t6.6 l7 E6 6.6
750x 270 -)
760 70 lr6 t7 253 9.1
750x 270 202. 2 5 7 .9 710 270 i 156 )6.6 t 1l -129 I r.2


t'l I

lnll04 I"Jl04 tzt r znll0' z",ll0r zo.lloJ zo,ll03 Classof section )esignatior
mmn mm n mm mm mm' mm' mm' mm- Compression
10231 685 36.7 35.4 626 86 702 133 PL PL 330x 60
11767 788 3 7 .1 3 5 .5 713 99 804 t54 PL PL 330x 60
l3910 960 3 8 .4 36.4 833 il9 943 t85 PL PL 330x 60
t 4515 944 50.6 3 8 .4 812 llt 907 t72 PL SC 350x 70
t6266 t044 49.5 3 7 .9 904 t23 019 l 9l PL PL 350x 70
19047 t25l 5 0 .5 3 8 .6 047 146 r86 227 PL PL 350x 70
2ts30 3650 46.1 60.2 267 292 402 446 PL PL 350 x 250
20293 ltT l 66.6 40.0 022 30 144 202 PL SC 400 x 180
23t28 r3l8 6 5 .5 3 9 .5 r56 46 307 229 PL PL 400 x 180
26747 r564 66.6 40.3 324 72 502 269 PL PL 400 x 180
24224 l 738 6 8 .I 45.0 2tl 74 355 269 PL PL 400 x 200
29759 I 502 8 6 .5 4 1 .9 332 58 494 246 PL SC 450 x 190
33743 1676 84.8 4 t.2 500 76 702 276 PL PL 450 x 190
40923 2085 8 6 .5 4 2 .1 795 2t7 2046 341 PL PL 450 x 190
42933 1939 206.1 4 3 .8 728 194 1946 302 PL SC 500x 200
48t 99 2142 204.3 4 3 .1 . 928 214 2194 336 PL PL 500x 200
57777 2622 205.6 4 3 .8 2284 260 26t3 409 PL PL 500x 200
59979 2432 226.1 45.5 2193 232 2475 362 PL SC 550x 210
67||6 2668 223.5 44.5 2441 254 2787 401 PL SC 550x 210
791s7 3224 225.2 45.5 2847 304 3264 481 PL PL 550x 210
82919 3r l6 246.0 4 7 .7 2778 283 3l 4l 442 PL SC 600x220
92083 3387 243.0 46.6 3069 308 35l3 486 PL SC 600 x220
r | 8302 4521 245.2 47.9 3879 404 4471 640 PL PL 600x220
I 18957 41 7 7 286.9 53.8 3428 334 3859 5r8 PL SC 700x 250
r28015 4312 279.8 5 1.3 3684 345 4220 543 PL SC 700x 250
rr5636 4966 282.3 52.1 4 t6 l 397 4766 625 PL SC 700 x 250
r59165 5489 285.0 52.9 4522 439 5l 7l 690 PL SC 700x 250
| 78390 6t46 2 8 5 .8 ) J.U 5032 492 5777 / t) PL SC 700x 250
r6r958 5r65 295.8 5 2 .8 4319 190 50r0 6t7 PL SC 750 x270
: 06i5 | 7t07 304.6 5 6 .5 5430 526 6244 827 PL SC 750 x270
:19-537 8752 3 i l .0 5 8 .3 6482 648 7431 t0l 6 PL SC 750 x270


Designation Yl Nl0" D br t* tr R Ir/10' I*/l o'" ,

kg,m mmr mm mm mm mm mm mm4 mmo
t f i) r lf i) l ? .2 1 5 .6 9l 00 4.2 5.5 2 0.t 0.1
lffi r lfi) 16.7 21.2 96 00 5.0 8.0 z 0.4 0.2
lfi) r lfl) 20.4 26.0 00 00 6.0 | 0.0 2 0.7 0.3
lf i) r lf i) 4 1 .8 53.2 20 06 12.0 20.0 2 6.1 0.6
f 20 r 120 1 4 .6 1 8 .6 09 20 4.2 5.5 2 0.2 0.4
120r 120 1 9 .9 2s.3 l4 20' 5.0 8.0 0.5 0.6
120r 120 2 6 .7 34.0 20 20 ' 6.5 I1.0 2 1.2 0.8
120r 120 52.r 66.4 4A 26 12.5 21.0 2 8.4 1.7
l{ 0 r 140 l 8 .1 23.0 28 40 4.3 6.0 2 0.2 0.9
l{ 0 x 140 24.7 3t.4 JJ 40 5.5 8.5 2 0.6 r.3
l{ 0 x 140 JJ.I 43.0 40 40 7.0 t2.0 2 t.7 1.8
l{ 0 x 140 63.2 80.6 60 46 r3.0 22.0 2 tt.2 3.8
150x 150 23.0 29.2 52 52 5.8 6.8 .8 0.4 1.9
150x l 30.0 3 8 .3 58 53 6.5 9.4 8 1.0 2.7
150x 150 5 t.u 4 7 .1 62 54 8.0 I 1.5 8 1.8 3.4
60 x 160 23.8 30.4 48 60 4.5 7.0 5 0.4 2.1
60 x 160 30.4 3 8 .8 52 60 6.0 9.0 5 0.9 2.8
60 x 160 42.6 5 4 .3 60 60 8.0 13.0 5 2.6 4.0
60 x 160 76.2 9 7 .1 80 66 r4.0 23.0 5 t4J 7.9
80 x 180 28.7 3 6 .5 67 80 5.0 t.) 5 0.6 4.2
80 x 180 3 5 .5 45.3 7l 80 6.0 9.5 5 Lt 5.3
80x t80 5 1 .2 6 5 .3 80 80 8.5 l 4.0 ) 3.6 7.9
80 x 180 8 8 .9 I l i .3 200 86 14.5 24.0 ) t8.7 t4.9
200r 200 34.6 44.1 r86 200 5.5 8.0 8 0.8
200r 200 42.3 5 3 .8 190 200 6.5 0.0 8 1.5 9.6
200x 200 5 0 .9 64.9 194 202 8.0 2.0 8 2.6 | 1.9
200x 200 6r.3 7 8 .I 200 200 99.0 5.0 8 4.9 14.5
200r 200 74.0 94.3 206 206 t0.2 8.0 8 8.6 r 8.9
200x 200 8 3 .5 t06.4 209 209 t3.0 9.5 8 I t.6 21.4
200r 200 t 03.1 13t.3 220 206 t5.0 25.0 8 23.4 26.3
220 x220 40.4 5 1 .5 205 220 6.0 8.5 8 1.0 r3.3
220 x220 50.5 64.3 2t0 220 7.0 I 1.0 8 2.2 t7.2
220 x220 7 1 .5 9r.0 220 220 9.5 16.0 8 6.5 25.I
220 l.220 n7.3 149.4 240 226 t5.5 26.0 8 28.8 ++-:

240 x 2{0 4 7 .4 60.4 224 240 6.5 9.0 2l 1.4 22.0

240r 2{0 60.3 76.8 230 240 7.5 l 2.0 2l 3.1 29.3
2{ 0 r 2{ 0 83.2 r06.0 240 240 t0.0 t7.0 2l 8.5 .lr.6
- 2J 0r 2. 10| 1 5 6 .7 199.6 270 248 18.0 32.0 2l 58.2 86.i
250r 250 1 6 7 .2 8s.6 247 252 I 1.0 t.l 24 J.J )t-a

250r 250 Tllr 9 3 .2 252 250 9.0 3.6 :a +- l 44.7

250r 250 8 -< 0 t 1 0 8 .3 253 255 t4.0 4.t 1l
6.8 19.2
250r 250 9i 0 l l l .6 260 2s6 t2.7 76 1.1
10.8 62.2


r-"1r0' t"-/10' tr. r.. z-110" z^,,1t0'z ",tr0r z,,lt05 Classof section Designatior
mm mm mm mm mm" mm' mm' mm- Bendins bomoressior
zJt 92 3 8 .9 24.3 52 l8 58 28 PL PL 100x 0l
349 134 40.6 25.1 t) 27 83 4l PL PL 100x 0l
450 167 4 t.6 25.3 90 34 104 5l PL PL 100x 0(
tt43 399 46.3 27.4 190 75 236 l t6 PL PL 100x 0{
413 159 47.2 29.3 76 27 84 4l PL PL 120x 21
606 231 48.9 30.2 r06 39 t20 59 PL PL 120x 2(
864 318 50.4 30.6 144 53 165 8l PL PL t20x 2l
20r8 703 5 5 .l 32.5 288 n2 35r 172 PL PL 120x 2(
7t 9 275 5 5 .9 34.5 n2 39 t24 60 PL PL t40x 4(
| 033 389 57.3 35.2 t5 5 56 174 85 PL PL 140x 4(
l 509 550 s9.3 3 5 .8 216 79 245 r20 PL PL 140x 4(
3291 I t4463.9 3 7 .7 4ll t57 494 241 PL PL 140x 41
t250 400 65.4 37.0 164 53 t82 80 CO PL 150x 5(
1748 561 67.6 38.3 222 IJ 248 tl 2 PL PL 150x 5{
22tO 706 6 8 .5 38.7 273 92 309 140 PL PL 150x 5(
I 283 479 6 5 .0 39.7 173 60 190 9l PL PL 160x 6(
1673 616 65.7 3 9 .8 220 77 245 il8 PL PL t60x 6(
2492 q8e 6 7 .8 40.5 312 lll 354 170 PL PL 160x 6(
s098 1759 7 2 .5 42.6 567 212 675 325 PL PL 160x 16(
t967 730 73.4 44.7 236 8l 258 124 CO PL t80 x 1 8(
25l0 925 74.5 45.2 294 t03 32s 157 PL PL 180x 18(
383r t363 76.6 45.7 426 t5t 48r 231 PL PL 180x 18(
7483 2580 8 1 .3 4 7 .7 748 277 883 425 PL PL 180x l 8 (
2944 I 069 8 1 .7 49.2 3t7 107 347 163 CO PL 200x 20(
3692 I 336 8 2 .8 49.8 389 134 430 204 PL PL 200x 20(
453I t65l 8 3 .6 5 0 .5 467 164 522 250 PL PL 200x 201
5696 2003 8 5 .4 50.7 570 200 643 306 PL PL 200x 20(
7173 2627 87.2 5 2 .8 696 255 793 389 PL PL 200x 20{
8058 2974 8 7 .0 52.9 771 285 889 436 PL PL 200x 201
10642 365r 90.0 52.7 967 355 I 135 543 PL PL 200r 20(
4170 l5l I 90.0 s4.2 407 137 446 209 CO PL 220 x22l
5410 r 955 9 t.7 55.r 515 178 569 271 PL PL 220x22l
8091 2843 94.3 5 5 .9 736 259 827 394 PL PL 220 x22l
r4605 5012 9 8 .9 57.9 t2t7 444 t4t9 679 PL PL 220x22l
5835 2077 9 8 .3 58.7 521 t73 571 264 SC PL 240 x24l
7763 2769 00.5 60.0 675 231 745 352 PL PL 240 x24l
I t259 3923 03.I 6 0 .8 938 -tzl r 053 498 PL PL 240 x24l
24289 8r53 r0.3 63.9 t799 658 2t l 7 r006 PL PL 240 x24l
9398 2970 04.8 5 8 .9 761 236 852 365 PL PL 250 x 251
I 1092 3549 09-| 6 1 .7 880 284 977 434 PL PL 250x 25(
12165 39r0 06:0 6 0 .I 962 307 | 089 476 PL PL 250x 25(
r 5030 4933 r0.3 63.2 | 1 56 385 | 306 592 PL PL 250x 25(




w Nr0' D br t. t1 R Ir I*
kg/m mm' mm mm mm mm mm mm'/10" mm6/l 0tz
250x 250 04.0 132.4 264 257 1.9 19.6 24 1.4 0.7
250x 250 t7 .6 149.8 269 259 3.5 22.1 24 2.0 0.8
250x 250 33.9 170.6 275 261 5.4 25.1 24 3.0 0.9
250x 250 48.4 r 89.0 280 263 7.3 27.6 24 4.1 l.l
260x260 54.I 69.0 244 260 6.5 9.5 24 0.2 0.4
260x260 68.2 86.8 250 260 7.5 12.5 24 0.4 0.5
260x260 93.0 r 18.4 260 260 0.0 t7.5 24 1.0 0.6
260x 260 n4.4 145.7 268 262 2.5 21.5 24 t.9 0.8
260x260 t4 1 .5 180.3 27E 26s 5.5 26.5 24 3.6 t.0
26Ox260 172.4 2t9.6 290 268 8.0 32.5 24 6.6 r.3
280x 280 6r.3 78.0 264 280 7.0 10.0 24 0.2 0.5
280x 280 76.4 97.3 270 280 8.0 13.0 24 0.5 0.7
2E0x 280 1 8 8 .5 240.2 3t0 288 18.5 33.0 24 7.4 2.0
280x 280 284.1 36t.9 280 280 105.0 8.0 24 95.2 t.0
300x 300 69.8 8 8 .9 283 300 7.5 0.5 27 0.3 0.8
300x 300 88.3 U2.5 290 300 8.5 4.0 27 0.6 l .l
300x 300 100.8 1 2 8 .5 294 300 10.0 6.0 27 0.9 t.2
300x 300 1 1 7 .0 1 4 9 .1 300 300 I t.0 9.0 27 1.5 1.5
300x 300 237.9 303.r 340 310 21.0 39.0 27 13.l J.J

320x 300 74.2 94.6 30r 300 8.0 rt.0 27 0.3 1.0
320x 300 97.6 124.4 310 300 9.0 r5 . 5 27 0.8 1.4
320x 300 126.7 16r.3 320 300 l l.5 295 27 t.9 1.8
320x 300 245.0 312.0 359 309 21.0 40.0 27 t4.0 3.8
340x 300 78.9 | 00.5 320' 300 8.5 | 1.5 27 0.4 l.l
340x 300 1 0 4 .8 r33.5 330 300 9.5 r6 5 27 1.0 t.6
340x 300 134.2 170.9 140 300 12.0 21.5 27 2.2 2.1
340x 300 247.9 315.8 377 309 21.0 40.0 27 t4.l 4.3
360x 300 83.7 | 06.6 339 300 9.0 t2.0 27 0.4 1.3
360x 300 Il2.t 142.8 350 300 10.0 17.5 27 1.2 2.0
360x 300 1 4 1 .8 180.6 360 300 12.5 22.5 27 2.5 2.5
360x 300 250.3 3r8.8 395 308 2t.0 40.0 27 t4.l 4.8
360x 370 36.2 r73.5 356 369 1.2 17.8 27 t.5 3.8
360x 370 5 0 .9 t92.2 360 370 2.3 19.8 27 2.1 4.3
360x 370 6 5 .3 210.6 364 371 3.3 21.8 27 2.8 4.8
360x 370 82.0 231.9 368 )t.t 5.0 23.8 27 )-t 5.3
360x 370 97.7 25r.8 372 J t.l 6.4 2s.8 27 4.8 5.8
400x 300 92.4 n7.7 378 300 v.) l3.0 27 0.5 1.8
400x 300 t24.8 1 5 9 .0 390 300 I 1.0 r9 . 0 27 1.5 2.6
400x 300 r55.3 t9 7 .8 400 300 13.5 24.0 27 3.1 J.J

400x 300 z)). / 32 5 .8 432 307 2r.0 .10.0 27 t4.2 6.0



ll0' t,"/10' r r z-nv" z--110" z"Jt0, z""ll05 Classof section llarianariar

mm mm mm mm mm" mmr mmr mmJ Bendins Am h t4 ctn t

16770 5556 n2.5 64.8 t27l 432 1434 661 PL PL 250x 250
r9338 6412 I1 3 .6 65.4 | 438 495 1637 758 PL PL 250x 250
22ss0 7454 | 15.0 66.1 r640 571 l 885 875 PL PL 250x 250
25419 8389 1 1 6 .0 66.6 l 8 t6 638 2t04 978 PL PL 250x 250
7981 2788 t07.6 63.6 654 2t5 7t5 328 SC PL 260x260
t0455 3668 109.7 6 5 .0 836 282 920 430 PL PL 260 1260
149t9 5 t35 1t2.2 6 5 .8 I r48 395 I 2E3 602 PL PL 260x260
18912 6456 I r3.9 66.6 t4 l I 493 1600 752 PL PL 260x260
24331 E236 116.2 67.6 t 75l 622 2015 951 PL PL 260x260
31307 t0449 I1 9 .4 69.0 2t59 780 2524 r93 PL PL 260x260
10558 3664 1 1 6 .3 68.5 800 262 873 399 SC PL 280x 280
13673 r 18.6 70.0
4763 l0l3 340 tn2 518 PL PL 2E0x 280
39547 r 3r63 128.3 74.0 2551 914 2966 r397 PL PL 280x 280
30710 9 10 6 92.1 50.2 2194 650 2941 1407 PL PL 280x 280
I 3804 4734 24.6 73.0 976 316 1065 482 SC PL 300x 300
18263 63r0 27.4 74.9 1260 421 1383 641 PL PL 3fi) r 3fi)
21046 72ll 28.0 74.9 1432 481 I 5E4 733 PL PL 300x 300
25t66 8563 29.9 7 5 .8 r678 571 I 869 870 PL PL 300x 300
59201 19403 3 9 .8 80.0 3482 t252 4078 l 9l 3 PL PL 300x 300
16447 4959 3 1 .9 72.4 r093 331 | 196 506 SC PL 320x 300
22929 6985 3 5 .8 74.9 r479 466 1628 710 PL PL 320x 300
30824 9239 38.2 7 5 .7 1927 616 2149 939 PL PL 320x 300
68135 19709 47.8 79.5 3796 t276 4435 l 95l PL PL 320x 300
t9552 5r85 39.5 7 1 .8 1222 346 l 34l 529 co PL 340x 300
27693 7436 44.Q 74.6 1678 496 r 851 756 PL PL 340x 300
36656 9690 46.5 t) .J 2156 646 2408 986 PL PL 340x 300
76372 t97tl J) .) 79.0 4052 1276 4718 1953 PL PL 340x 3lX)
23037 5410 47.0 7 t.2 l 359 361 1495 ss3 CO PL 360x 300
33090 7887 52.2 74.3 l 891 526 2089 802 PL PL 360x 300
43193 l0r4l 54.6 74.9 2400 676 26E3 033 PL PL 360x 300
i 84867 19522 63.2 78.3 4297 | 26E 49E9 942 PL PL 360x 300
42157 t4919 5 5 .9 92.7 2368 809 2605 229 P L PL 360x 370
47302 t6731 56.9 93.3 2628 904 2905 375 PL PL 360x 370
52553 18s72 s8.0 93.9 2888 100I 3206 522 PL PL 360x 370
5827| 20607 5 8 .5 94.3 3t67 I 105 3s37 682 PL PL 360x 370
639',t6 22s21 59.3 94.6 3436 1204 3858 835 PL PL 360x 370
3t252 5 8 6 t 63.0 70.6 t654 39r 1824 600 PL PL 400x 3fi)
15069 8564 6 8 .4 73.4 23tl 571 2562 873 PL PL 400x 300
57680 l0 8 1 9 7 0 .8 74.0, 2884 721 3232 It04 PL PL 400x 300
10. 11
|9 t9336 7 8 .8 77.0 4820 1260 5571 1934 P L PL 400x 300




L. llo4 l*/l 04 f." r"" zn/70' 2""/10' 2",/10" 2""/10' Classof section
mm' mm mm mm mm- mm' mm' mm' BendineCompressior
61575 24132 59.0 99.6 3347 t234 J IJJ t876 PL PL 400x 400
72t47 28266 60.6 r00.5 3848 I 435 4329 2t83 PL PL 400x 400
79786 3 1 0 5 5 6 1 .7 t00.9 4199 1572 4752 2394 PL PL 400x 400
41888 6088 8 t.6 69.2 t9 7l 406 2',t84 624 PL PL 450x 300
63722 9465 89.2 72.9 2896 63r 3216 966 PL P L 450x 300
79888 | L 7 2 l 9 1 .4 I J.J 3 5 5I 781 3983 I t98 PL PL 450x 300
l3 r484 | 9339 9 8 .0 75.9 5 5 0I t260 633r 1939 PL PL 450x 300
54643 63t4 9.98 67.9 231s 421 2576 649 PL PL 500x 300
68968 8il6 204.3 70.1 2874 541 3t97 832 PL PL 500x 300
86975 10367 209.8 72.4 3550 691 3949 | 059 PL PL 500x 300
107176 12624 2 1 1 .9 7 2 .7 4287 842 48r5 1292 PL PL 500x 300
161929 r9r55 216.9 74.6 6 l 8l t252 7095 t932 PL PL 500x 300
72871 6767 218.4 66.5 2792 451 3 128 699 PL PL 550x 300
ltt932 r08r9 229.9 7 1 .5 4146 721 4622 l 107 PL PL 550x 300
I 3669I t3077 232.0 7 1 .7 4971 872 559I I 341 PL PL 550x 300
197984 19r58 236.4 7 3 .5 6923 1252 7933, t937 PL PL 550x 300
91872 6993 236.6 6 5 .3 3218 466 3623 725 PL PL 600x 300
t4t208 l t2 7 l 249.7 /u.) 4787 751 535| I 156 PL PL 600x 300
t 7 l04l | 3530 251.7 70.8 5701 902 6425 r391 PL PL 600x 300
237447 t8976 255.s 72.2 7660 1244 8772 l 9l 0 PL PL 600x 300
1t3944 7 2 2 1 254.6 64.1 3676 481 4160 751 PL SC 650x 300
175178 n724 269.3 69.7 5474 782 6137 t205 PL PL 650x 300
2t0616 I 3984 27t.2 69.9 6481 932 7320 t44l PL PL 650x 300
28t667 18979 274.5 7t.3 8433 1245 9657 1936 PL PL 650x 300
t42721 7973 273.4 63.4 4260 512 4840 800 PL SC 700x 300
2t5301 t2t79 287.5 68.4 , 6241 812 7032 1257 PL PL 700x 300
256888 t4441 289.6 68.7 7340 963 8327 1495 PL PL 700x 300
329278 18797 293.2 7 0 .1 9 t9 8 t237 r0539 1929 PL PL 700x 300
208882 8 1 3 4 309.2 6t.0 5426 542 6225 857 PL SC 800x 300
303442 12639 32s.8 66.5 7682 843 8700 1312 P L SC 800x 3{X)
359083 t4904 327.E 66.8 8977 994 t0229 r553 PL PL E00x 300
442598 18627 330.9 67.9 I 0 875 1230 t2488 r930 PL PL 800x 300
2539t3 7836 332.9 5 8 .5 6082 537 7009 851 PL SC 850x 300
282472 8877 336.6 59.7 6726 608 I IJZ 962 PL SC E50x 300
317377 r0230 34r.0 6t.2 7503 698 8602 |02 PL SC 850x 300
3476t3 I 1 3 9 8 344.0 62.3 8t70 775 9357 t22l PL SC 850x 300
392287 | 2833 348.4 63.0 9t34 879 10454 1382 PL SC 850x 300
30tr45 904I 345.5 59.9 6923 603 7999 958 PL SC 900x 300
422075 l 3 5 4 8 362.9 6 5 .0 9485 903 t08r2 l4 t5 PL SC 900x 300
,194065 r5816 364.8 6 5 .3 10979 | 054 I 2585 r658 PL PL 900x 300




Designation w Nl02 h b t1 t* l-1104 ly,*/l04 r4 rvv zollos zqllot

kilm mm' mm mm mm mm mmn mmn mm mm mm' mm'

rsJc r00 5.8 7.4 100 45 5.1 3.0 124 l5 40.9 t4.2 25 )
tslc 125 7.9 r0.l 125 50 6.6 3.0 270 26 5 t.8 r6.0 43 8
tstc lso 9.9 12.7 150 55 6.9 3.6 471 38 6 r. 0 17.3 63 r0
ISJC I75 n .2 t4.2 175 60 6.9 3.6 720 50 7t.l 18.8 82 t2
ISJC 2OO 13.9 1 7 .8 200 70 7.1 4.1 l l 6l 84 80.8 2 r. 8 il6 t7
ISLC 075 5 .7 7.3 75 40 6.0 3.7 66 lt 30.2 t2.6 t8 4
tsLc r00 7.9 r0.0 00 50 6.4 4.0 165 25 40.6 t5.7 JJ 7
ISLC I25 10.7 13.7 25 65 6.6 4.4 357 57 ) 20.5 57 t3
ISLC I5O t4.4 1 8 .4 50 75 7.8 4.8 697 r03 6 .6 23.7 93 20
tsLc r75 17.6 22.4 75 75 9.5 5.1 I 148 126 7 .6 23.8 l 3l 25
tsLc 200 20.6 26.2 200 75 0.8 ).) t725 t47 8 23.7 t73 28
ISLC 225 24.0 30.5 ?25 90 0.2 5.E 2548 209 9 ,4 26.2 226 32
tsLc 250 28.0 35.7 250 00 0.7 6.1 3688 298 0 .7 28.9 295 4l
ISLC 3OO 33.I 42.1 300 00 1.6 6.7 6048 346 t9.8 28.7 403 46
ISLC350 3 8 .8 49.s 350 00 2.5 7.4 9313 395 37.2 28.2 532 52
ISLC4OO 45.7 58.3 400 00 4.0 8.0 r3989 460 55.0 28.r 699 60
ISMC 075 6.8 8.7 75 40 7.3 4.4 76 t3 29.6 t2.l 20 5
ISMC IOO 9.2 n.7 00 50 7.5 4.7 t87 26 40.0 14.9 37
tsMc 125 12.7 16.2 25 65 8.1 5.0 4t6 60 50.7 19.2 67 t3
ISMC I5O t6.4 20.9 50 75 9.0 5.4 779 02 6l .l 22.1 104 l9
ISMC I75 t9.t 24.4 75 75 0.2 ).1 1223 2l 70.8 22.3 t40 23
ISMC 2OO 22.1 28.2 200 75 1.4 6.1 l 8 t9 40 80.3 22.3 r8 2 26
ISMC 225 25.9 33.0 22s 80 2.4 6.4 2695 87 90.3 23.8 239 JJ

rsMc 250 30.4 38.7 250 80 4.1 7.1 3 8 r7 219 99.4 23.8 305 38
ISMC 3OO 35.8 45.6 300 90 3.6 7.6 6363 3t I Il8.r 26.1 424 47
ISMC 350 42.1 53.7 350 100 3.5 8.1 r0008 431 t36.6 28.3 572 57
ISMC 4OO 49.4 62.9 400 100 5.3 8.6 l 5083 505 l 54.8 28.3 754 67






Cvv l1 f2 D h1 h2 brl2 c c 8t
K/l04 Classof section' l)esignatior

mm mm mm deg mm mm mm mm mm mm mm4 Bending Compression

14. 0 6.0 2.0 9 .) 77.0 t.5 21.0 4.5 25 50 0.5 .sc SC ISJC IOO
16.4 6.0 2.5 9 .) 98.9 3.1 23.5 4.5 28 50 t.l SC sc ISIC I25
16.6 7.0 3.0 9 .) 121.2 4.4 25.7 5.1 30 50 1.4 SC SC rsJc r50
17.5 7.0 3.0 9 .5 146.1 4.5 28.2 5.1 35 50 1.6 SC SC rsJcus
19.7 8.0 3.5 9 ) | 68.5 5 .8 33.0 5.6 40 50 2.1 sc SC TSJC 2OO
13.5 6.0 2.0 9 .5 50.4 2.3 | 8.2 5.2 2l 0.7 SC SC rsr,c 075
r6.2 6.0 2.0 9 5 74"3 2.8 23.0 5.5 2E 50 t.l SC SC ISLC IOO
20.4 7.0 2.5 9 5 96.(, 4.2 30.3 5.9 35 50 r. 6 SC sc ts|.c t25
23.E E.0 3.5 9 5 n7.c 6.5 35.r 6.3 40 50 2.9 SC sc tsl,c 150
24.0 8.0 4.0 9 ) l 3 8 .6 8.2 35.0 6.6 40 55 5.0 SC SC ISLC T75
23.s 8. 5 4 .5 9 ) t60.0 20.0 34.8 7.0 40 55 7.3 SC SC tst,c 200
24.6 1.0 ).) 96.0 17s.924.5 42.1 7.3 50 60 7.7 SC SC rsLc 225
27.0 1.0 ).) 96.0 r98.9 25.5 47.O 7.6 60 60 9.9 SC SC rs|,c 2s0
25.5 2.0 6.0 96.0 245.4 27.3 46.7 8.2 60 60 t3..2 sc SC rsLc 300
24. 1 3.0 6.0 96.0 291.9 29.1 46.3 8.9 60 65 17.4 SC SC ts|,c 350
23.6 4.0 7.0 96.0 337.1 3t.4 46.0 9.5 60 65 24.6 SL SL tsl,c 400
13.I 8. 5 4 .5 96.0 41.4 l 6 .E t7 .8 5.9 2l 1.2 SC SC rsMc 075
r5.3 9.0 4.5 96.0 64.0 r 8.0 'r) 1 6.2 28 50 1.7 SC SC rsMc 100
19.4 9.5 5.0 96.0 85.4 l 9 .E 30.0 6.5 35 55 2.8 sc SC ISMC I25
22.2 0.0 5.0 96.0 106.7 21.7 34.8 6.9 40 55 4.3 sc SC ISMC I5O
22.0 0.5 ).) 96.0 t28.4 23.3 34.7 7.2 40 55 6.3 SC SC tsMc t75
21.7 t.0 ).) 96.0 150.2 24.9 34.5 7.6 40 60 8.7 SC SC ISMC 2OO
23.0 2.0 6.0 96.0 170.9 27.1 36.E 7.9 45 60 I 1.9 SC sc rsMc 225
23.0 2.0 6.0 96.0 t92.5 28.7 36.5 8.6 45 65 r7 . 6 SC SC rsMc2s0
23.6 3.0 6.5 96.0 240.7 29.6 4t.2 9.1 50 65 l 9.l SC SC tsMc 300
24.4 4.0 7,0 96.0 2 8 8 I. 30.9 46.0 9.6 60 65 22.1 SC SC ISMC 350
24.2 5.0 7 .5 96.0 332.8 33.6 45.7 t0.l 60 70 31.7 SC sc ISMC 4OO






c- = €yy C"= Cyy f1 f2 \yllo4 Classof section Designation

b xdx t
mm mm mm mm mm4 Compression
4. 1 5 .9 4.0 2.5 0 SC rsA 20 20 3
5.1 6.3 4.0 2.5 0 SC tsA 20 20 4
7. 9 7 .1 4 .5 3.0 0 SC tsA 25 25 3
7. 5 7.5 4 .5 3.0 SC ISA 25 25 4
7. 1 7.9 4 .5 3.0 SC tsA 25 25 5
21.7 8.3 5.0 3.0 SC rsA 30 30 3
21.3 8 .7 5.0 3.0 SC rsA 30 30 4
20.8 9.2 5.0 3.0 SC rsA 30 30 5
25.5 9 .5 5.0 3.0 SC tsA 35 3s 3
25.0 0.0 5.0 3.0 2 SC rsA 35 35 4
24.6 0.4 . 5.0 3.0 2 SC rsA 35 35 5
24.2 0.8 5.0 3.0 a
z SC tsA 35 35 6
29.2 0.8 5 .5 3.0 2 SL rsA 40 40 3
28. 8 1.2 5 .5 3.0 J SC lsA 40 40 4
28.4 1 .6 5 .5 3.0 J SC rsA 40 40 5
28. 0 2.0 5 .5 3.0 4 SC rsA 40 40 6
J.J .20 5 .5 3.0 J SL rsA 45 45 3
3. 25 .25 5 .5 3.0 4 SC ISA 45 45 4
3.21 .29 ).) 3.0 5 SC rsA 45 45 5
3.t7 .JJ 5 .5 3.0 5 SC rsA 45 45 6
3. 68 .JL 6.0 3.0 + SL tsA 50 50 3
3.63 .Jt 6.0 3.0 5 SC fsA 50 50 4
i. 59 .4 1 6.0 3.0 6 SC sA5050 5
155 45 6.0 3.0 8 SC sA5050 6
i. 97 53 6.5 4.0 9 SC sA5555 5
i. 93 .57 6.5 4.0 0 SC sAs5s5 6
1. 85 65 6 .5 4.0 SC sA5555 8
,1 .79 72 6 .5 4.0 SC sA 55 55 l0
{._r5 65 6 .5 4.5 SC sA6060 5
{.-. I 69 6 .5 4.5 SC sA6060 6
1 .7 7 6 .5 4.5 7 SC sA6060 8
' ti
r.85 6 .5 4.5 20 SC sA 60 60 l0
t7 .7 6.5 4.5 l4 SL tsA 65 65 5
l; q lg. l 6 .5 4.5 l7 SC rsA 65 65 6
r8.9 6 .5 4.5 22 SC tsA 65 65 8
i. - 15 3 6 .5 6.5 26 SC tsA 65 65 r0
t r . .- P L \ \ T I C - -


f- :/ Continued...

cwlY+-\ ,, ," r'

l+U --t

Designation A/102 w Io= lrrll0 luu/ | 04 l*/104 fo = fyy fuu fr" Zo= Z"ylll3
b x dx t
mm2 Kglm mm' mm4 mm4 mm mm mm mm3
m m x m mx m m .
fsA 70 70 5 6 .8 5.3 3t.l 50 t2.5 21.5 27.1 3.6 6.1
tsA 70 70 6 8 .1 6.3 3 6 .8 59 t4.8 21.4 27.0 3.6 t.J
ISA 70 70 8 1 0 .6 8.3 47.4 75 r9.3 2t.2 26.7 3.5 9.5
ISA 70 70 l0 13.0 t0.2 57.2 9l 23.7 2t.0 26.4 3.5 n.7
lsA 75 75 5 t.J 5 .7 38.7 62 t5.5 23.1 29.2 4.6 7.1
ISA 75 75 6 8 .7 6 .8 45.7 IJ t8.4 23.0 29.1 4.6 8.4
ISA 75 75 8 I t.4 8 .9 59.0 94 24.0 22.8 28.8 4.5 I r. 0
tsA 7s 7s r0 1 4 .0 I r.0 7 1 .4 il3 29.4 22.6 28.4 4.5 r3 . 5
rsA 80 80 6 9.3 t.J 5 6 .0 90 22.5 24.6 3l. t 5.6 9.6
lsA 80 80 8 2.2 9.6 72.5 t6 29.4 24.4 30.8 5.5 2.6
rsA 80 80 r0 5 .1 l 1 .8 87.7 39 36.0 24.1 30.4 5.5 ).)
tsA 80 80 12 7 .8 1 4 .0 r0t . 9 6l 42.4 23.9 30.I 5.4 8.3
rsA 90 90 6 0.5 8.2 8 0 .I 28 32.0 27.7 35.0 t-) 2.2
ISA 90 90 8 3.8 l 0 .8 04.2 66 42.0 27.5 34.7 7.5 6.0
rsA 90 90 r0 7.0 t3.4 2 6.7 202 5r.6 zt.J 34.4 7.4 9.8
fsA 90 90 12 20.2 t5 .8 4 7.9 235 60.9 27.1 34.1 7.4
I S A I O O 006 t.7 9.2 I 1.3 r78 44.5 30.9 39.I 9.5 15.2
tsA 100 008 t5 .4 2 .1 45.1 232 58.4 30.7 38.8 9.5 2Q
rsA 100 00 t0 1 9 .0 4.9 77.0 282 71.8 30.5 38.5 9.4 24.7
rsA r00 00 12 22.6 207.0 329 84.7 30.3 38.2 9.4 29.2
lsA I t0 r08 17.0 J..+
' r95.0 J tz 78.2 33.8 42.8 21.4 24.4
ISA IIO l0 l0 2 t.l 6 .5 238.4 380 96.3 33.6 42.5 21.4 30.I
tsA t l0 r0 l 2 25.0 9.6 279.6 445 13.8 33.4 ia a
21.3 35.7
ISA IIO l0 l 5 30.8 24.2 337.4 535 39.3 33.r 41.7 21.3 43.7
tsA r30 308 20.2 r5.9 328.3 525 31.4 40.3 5r.0 25.5 34.5
rsA r30 30 l0 25.1 19.7 402.7 643 62.1 40.I 50.7 25.4 42.7
I S A I 3O 30 ) 29.8 23.4 4 7 3 .8 756 9 r. 8 39.9 50.3 25.4 50.7
tsA 130 30 5 3 6 .8 28.9 574.6 914.2 235 39.5 49.8 25.1 62.3
tsA 150 50 0 29.0 22.8 622.4 995.4 249.4 46.3 58.6 29.3 56.9
I S A I 5O 50 2 34.6 27.2 735.4 t t74.8 296.0 46.1 58.3 29.3 67.7
I S A I 5O 50 5 4 2 .8 33.6 8 9 6 .8 t429.7 363.8 45.8 57.8 29.2 83.5
lsA r50 50 8 5 0 .8 3 9 .9 1 0 4 8.9 t668.2 429.5 45.4 57.i 29.1 98.7
lsA 200200 2 4 6 .6 36.6 t7 8 8 .9 2862.0 715.9 62.0 78.4 39.2 122.2
rsA 200 200 :! 5 7 .8 45.4 2 t9 7 .7 35i l .8 883.7 61.7 77.9 39.I 151.4
rsA 200 200 8 6 8 .8 5 4 .0 2 58 8.7 4 t30.8 r046.5 6 r. 3 77.5 39.0 t79.9
I S A 200 2 0 0 2 5 9_'i.8 7 3 .6 3 4 3 6.3 5460.9 t4l 1.6 60.5 76.3 38.8 :+ t --)



3; Y"=
C- = C- eu= eyy f1 l2 \ytlo4 Classof section Designation
b xdx t
mm mm mm mm' Compression
- . L;
5r.l 7 4.5 18.4 SL fsA 70 70 5
-lt 50.6 7 4.5 21.7 SC tsA 70 70 6
:r - 49.8 7 4.5 27.9 SC tsA 70 70 8
:.,: 4 9 .0 7 4.5 JJ.J SC tsA 70 70 t0
a: ' 5 4 .8 7 4.5 22.8 SL tsA 75 75 5
a:.6 54.4 4.5 27.0 SC tsA 75 75 6
:: 4 5 3 .6 7 4.5 34.8 sc ISA 75 75 8
7 4.5 41.7 SC tsA 75 75 t0
:'t 58.2 8 4.5 33.0 SL fsA 80 80 6
8 4.5 42.7 SC tsA 80 80 E
r 56.6 8 4.5 5t.4 SC IS A E0 80 r0
- -
:{ 55.8 8 4.5 59.2 SC tsA 80 E0 12
:r' 6 5 .8 8 .5 ).) 47.2 SL tsA 90 90 6
: 64.9 8 .5 ).) 6r.5 SC tsA 90 90 8
- 6 4 .1 8 .5 5.5 74.5 SC ISA 90 90 r0
-.; 5 63.4 8 .5 ).) 86.5 SC fsA 90 90 l2
:i - 73.3 8 .5 5.5 65.7 SL tsA t00 100 6
:- 5 72.4 E.5 ).) 85.8 SC tsA t00 r00 E
:s-4 7 1 .6 8.5 5.5 04.4 SC tsA t00 t00 r0
:9' 70.8 8 .5 ).) 2t.6 SC tsA t00 10012
-i0.,r 80.0 0 6 t5.l SL IS A il0 l 08
,i0 8 79.2 0 6 40.6 SC tsA lt0 | 0t0
-i f .6 78.4 0 6 64.s SC ISA il0 I 0 r2
l: . ; 7 7 .3 0 6 97.0 SC IS A n 0 I 015
i 5. 0 9 5 .0 0 6 94.2 SL rsA t30 130 8
-15.8 94.2 0 6 238.3 SL rsA r30 r30r0
i6.6 93.4 0 6 279.9 SC lsA t30 130 2
i7.8 92.2 0 6 337.8 SC IS A r30 r30 5
40. 6 09.4 2 8 368.2 SL IS A r50 t50 0
41. 4 08.6 2 8 435.0 SC IS A t50 r50 t
42. 6 07.4 2 8 529.1 SC IS A r50 r5 0 f,
43. 8 06.2 2 8 6 t6.0 SC IS A t50 r5 0 8
53. 6 46.4 5 r0 1058.9 SL ISA 200 200 )
54.9 4 5 .I ) t0 130| .2 SL tsA 200 200 5
56.r 43.9 5 t0 r530.5 SC tsA 200 200 8
58. 8 4 t.2 ) t0 20t5.7 SC rsA 200 200 25
P t ,- P LA ST IC C O - C O MP AC T SC _ S E MI C OMP A C T S L - S LE N D E R




Designation Nl02 w L,ll0t lyy/l 04 Iu,,/104 I""/104 tt rvv luu r..

b xdx t a
m m x m m x mm
mmz Kd- mm' mm4 mm{ mm mm mm mm mm
tsA 30 20 3 1 .4 I t.2 0.4 1.4 0.2 9.2 5.4 9.9 9. 9
tsA 30 20 4 r.8 4 1.5 0.5 1.8 0.3 9.2 .5.4 9.8 9. 8
rsA 30 20 5 2.3 .8 1.9 0.6 2.1 0.4 9.1 5.3 9.7 9. 7
rsA 40 25 3 1 .9 .5 J 0.9 J.J 0.5 2.5 6.8 J.J J.J

rsA 40 25 4 2 .5 .9 3.8 l.l 4.3 0.7 2.5 6.8 3.2 3. 2

rsA 40 25 5 3.0 2.4 4.6 1.4 5.1 0.8 2.4 6.7 3.1 3. 1
rsA 40 25 6 3.6 2.8 5.4 t.6 5.9 1.0 2.3 6.6 2.9 2. 9
rsA 45 30 3 2-2 1 .7 4.4 1.5 5.0 0.9 4.2 8.4 5.2 5.2
fsA 45 30 4 2.9 2.2 5.7 2.0 6.5 Ll 4.1 8.4 5.1 5. 1
rsA 45 30 5 3 .5 2.8 6.9 1A
7.9 1.4 4.0 8.3 5.0 5.0
rsA 45 30 6 4.2 J.J 8.0 2.8 9.2 1.7 3.9 8.2 4.9 4. 9
rsA 50 30 3 2 .3 t.8 5.9 t.6 6.5 t.0 5.9 8.2 6.7 6. 7
rsA 50 30 4 3.1 2.4 7.7 z.l 8.5 1.2 5.8 8.2 6.6 6. 6
rsA s0 30 5 1 .8 J.U 9.3 2.5 10.3 t.5 5.7 8.1 6.5 6. 5
ISA 50 30 6 4 .5 J.) r0.9 2.9 | 1.9 t.8 5.6 8.0 6.1 6. 4
rsA 60 40 5 4 .8 J.I 16.9 6.0 19.5 3.4 8.9 1.2 20.2 20.2
rsA 60 40 6 5 .7 .4.4 t9.9 7.0 22.8 4.0 8.8 t.l 20.I 20.I
tsA 60 40 8 7 .4 5 .8 25.4 8.0 29.0 5.2 8.6 t.0 198 198
rsA 65 45 5 5.3 4 .1 22.1 8.6 25.9 4.8 20.5 2.8 al') t1

rsA 65 45 6 6.3 4 .9 26.0 t0.l 30.4 5.7 20.4 2.7 1 1 .I 2 1 .I

sA6545 8 8 .2 6 .4 ) J.L r2.8 38.7 7.4 20.2 l5 lr.8 lr8
s47045 5 5 .5 4.3 27.2 8.8 30.9 5.1 22.2 ?.6 13.6 23.6
sA7045 6 6 .6 5.2 32.0 0.3 36.3 6.0 22.1 23 -5 23.5
sA7045 8 8 .6 b./ 4t.0 3.1 46.3 7.8 21.9 '+ 232 23.2
sA 70 45 t0 r0.5 8.3 49.3 5.6 55.4 9.5 21.6 1')
22.9 22. 9
sA7s50 5 6 .0 A1
34.l 2.2 39.4 6.9 23.8 ,l 'l
25.6 25.6
sA7550 6 7.2 5 .6 40.3 +-J 46.4 8.2 23.7 ,1.I 25.5 25.5
sA75s0 8 9 .4 7 .4 5t.8 8.3 59.4 10.6 23.5 1.0 25.2 25.2
sA 75 50 t0 I 1 .5 9.0 62.3 2r. 8 71.2 12.9 2i.-.j i .8 24.9 24.9
sA8050 5 6.3 4 .9 40.6 l :.) 45.7 7.2 25.5 4.0 270 27. 0
sA8050 6 7 .5 5 .9 48.0 14.4 53.9 6.) 25.4 3.9 26.9 26. 9
sA8050 8 9 .8 7 .7 61.9 t8.5 69.3 I r.0 l t.i 3.7 26.6 26. 6
sA 80 50 r0 t2 .0 9..1 747 22.1 83.i | .r.5 21.9 :i.6 26.3 -1().J



d ,\a
z- -.1 .- z


tan G C,. C,,, ea €r'v Class of section Designation

b xdx t
mm mm mm mm Compression
mmxmmxm m
0.43 9 .8 4.9 20.2 5.1 SC tsA 30 20 3
0.42 0.2 5.3 t9.8 4.7 SC tsA 30 20 4
0. 4 1 0.6 5 .7 19.4 4.3 SC rsA 30 20 5
0.38 3.0 J.t 27.0 9.3 SC rsA 40 25 3
0.38 3.5 6 .2 26.5 8.8 SC rsA 40 25 4
0. 3 7 3.9 6 .6 26.1 8.4 SC lsA 40 25 5
0.37 4.3 6 .9 25.7 8.1 SC rsA 40 25 6
0.44 4.2 6 .9 30.8 23.1 SC ISA 45 30 3
0.43 4 .7 t.J 30.3 22.7 SC rsA 45 30 4
0.43 5 .1 7 .7 29.9 22.3 SC tsA 45 30 5
0.42 5 .5 8 .1 29.5 21.9 SC rsA 45 30 6
0.36 6.3 6 .5 J5.t 23.s SL rsA 50 30 3
0. 3 6 6 .8 7.0 J J.J 23.0 SC rsA 50 30 4
0. 3 5 7.2 7.4 32.8 22.6 SC tsA 50 30 5
0.35 7.6 7 .8 32.4 22.2 SC ISA 50 30 6
0.44 9 .5 9.6 40.5 30.4 SC rsA 60 40 5
0. 4 3 9.9 0.0 40.l 30.0 SC rsA 60 40 6
u.t: 20.7 0.8 39.3 29.2 SC rsA 60 40 8
0. 4 7 20.7 0.8 ' 44.3 34.2 SC tsA 65 45 5
0. 4 7 2 t.l t.2 43.9 33.8 SC rsA 65 45 6
0.46 2t.9 2.0 43.1 33.0 SC tsA 65 45 8
0. 4| 22.7 0.4 47.3 34.6 SC rsA 70 45 5
0.4| 23.2 0 .9 46.8 34.1 SC fsA 70 45 6
0.40 24.0 1 .6 46.0 33.4 SC lsA 70 45 8
0. 1 9 24.8 L -.+ 15.2 Ji.O SC rsA 70 45 r0
0. 4 4 23.9 1 .6 5 l.l 38.4 SC tsA 75 50 5
0.41 1A A
2.0 50.6 38.0 SC ISA 75 50 6
0.4i ? 5 .2 2 .8 49.8 37.2 SC tsA 75 50 8
0. 4 2 26.0 3 .6 .19.0 i 6.4 SC tsA 75 50 t0
0. 3 9 2 6 .0 ta
54.0 38.8 SL rsA 80 s0 5
0.39 2 6 .4 1 .6 53.6 38.1 SC ISA 80 50 6
0. i 8 2 7 .3 14
52.7 37.6 SC lsA 80 50 8
0. i 8 2 8 .I )-: 519 _i 6.8 SC rsA 80 50 l0


v fty


Designation Nto' w l-llon Ir7r0n luu/l on I*/lon fd rvv fuu rw

b x dx t
mmt Kdm mm' mmn mmn mmo mm mm mm mm
m m x mm x mm
rsA 90 60 6 8.7 6 .8 70.6 25.2 8l .5 14.3 28.6 .l 30.7 2.8
ISA 90 60 8 n.4 8 .9 9 t.5 32.4 105.3 18.6 28.4 .9 30.4 2.8
ISA 90 60 10 1 4 .0 I 1 .0 r 10.9 39.I t27.3 22.8 28.1 .7 30.I 2.7
rsA 90 60 t2 t6 .6 13.0 t29.1 45.2 147.5 26.8 27.9 6.5 29.8 2. 7
ISA 100 65 6 9.6 t.J 96.7 32.4 | 10.6 18.6 3 8 18.4 34.0 3.9
ISA 100 65 8 2.6 9.9 t25.9 4t.9 t43.6 24.2 J .6 .3 33.8 3.9
ISA r00 65 l0 5 .5 r2.2 153.2 50.7 174.2 29.7 J .4 18.I J J .) 3.8
ISA 100 7S 6 0.1 8.0 100.9 48.7 124.0 2s.6 J 5 2 r. 9 35.0 5. 9
ISA t00 75 8 3.4 1 0 .5 l 3 1.6 63.3 | 61.3 33.6 J 4 2 1.8 34.8 5. 9
rsA 100 75 l0 6 .5 13.0 r60.4 76.9 t 96.1 41.2 3 2 21.6 34.5 5. 8
ISA 100 75 12 9.6 1 5 .4 1 8 7.5 89.5 228.4 48.6 J .0 2t.4 34.2 5. 8
ISA 125 75 6 1 .7 9.2 1 8 7.8 51.6 208.9 30.5 40.I 2t.0 42.3 6.2
rsA 125 75 8 5 .4 2.1 245.5 67.2 272.8 40.0 40.0 20.9 42.1 6.1
ISA 125 75 l0 9.0 4 .9 300.3 81.6 332.9 49.1 39.7 20.7 4l .8 6.1
ISA 125 95 6 2.9 0.1 203.2 t02.1 252.3 52.9 39.7 28.2 44.3 20.3
ISA 125 95 8 7.0 J.J
'266.0 r33.3 329.7 69.6 39.6 28.0 44.1 20.2
rsA r25 95 l0 21.0 6 .5 325.8 t62.7 402.9 85.6 39.4 27.8 43.8 20.2
I S A 12 5 9 5 1 2 25.0 9 .6 382.6 t90.4 472 t0t.0 39.I 2t.6 43.5 2Q.l
ISA 150 75 8 t7 .4 5.t 407.2 70.2 432.8 44.5 48.3 20.1 49.8 r6.0
ISA 150 75 l0 21.6 6 .9 499.1 85.3 529.8 54.6 48.r 19.9 49.6 l 5.9
rsA 150 75 12 25.6 20.1 587.0 99.5 622.2 64.3 47.9 19.7 49.3 r5.8
ISA I5O I 5 8 20.6 16.2 465.7 238.9 581.2 123.3 47.6 34.1 53.I 24.5
ISA I5O I 5r0 25.5 20.0 573.3 293.4 714.3 t52.4 47.4 33.9 52.9 24.4
ISA I5O I 512 30.4 23.8 676.5 345.3 84t.4 180.4 47.2 J).7 52.6 24.4
tsA 150 1 5 1 5 3 7 .5 29.5 823.5 418.6 1020.9 221.2 46.9 33.4 52.2 24. 3
rsA 200 100l0 29.0 2 2 .8 2 1 0.0 209.2 t286.7 t32.5 64.6 26.8 66.6 21.4
I S A 20 0 1 0 0 1 2 34.6 2 7 .2 431.7 246.2 I52t.0 r56.8 64.3 26.7 66.3 2t. 3
rsA 200 100 15 4 2 .8 33.6 7"50.5 298.I 1856.7 191.9 64.0 i o.+ 65.9 zl.2
rsA 200r50 r0 34.0 2 6 .7 3 7 7 .9 669.6 t696.6 350.8 63.7 44.4 70.6 32.1
tsA 200 150t2 406 3 1 .8 634.9 793.2 20r0.8 417.2 6l .5 44.2 70.4 32.l
I S A 20 0 t-< 0!5 -50.:l 39.4 20c5.6 969.9 246t.9 5r3.6 oJ - 43.9 70.0 32.0
I S A 20 0 1 5 0 r8 5!i.8 46.9 2355.4 r t36.9 2889.5 606.9 62.8 43.6 69.5 31. 9




tan G. Classof
C,, cvv ea €vr Designation
mm mm mm mm Compression
0.44 28.7 3.9 6 t.3 46.1 SC lsA 90 60 6
0.44 29.6 4 .8 60.4 45.2 SC ISA 90 60 E
0.43 30.4 ).) 59.6 44.5 SC rsA 90 60 l0
0.42 31.2 6.3 58.8 43.7 SC ISA 90 60 t2
0.42 3r.9 4.7 68.l 50.3 SL rsA 100 55 6
0.42 32.8 5 .5 67.2 49.3 SC rsA 100 6s 8
0. 41 JJ. / 6.3 66.3 48.7 SC tsA r00 65 10
0. 55 30.1 7 .8 69.9 57.2 SL ISA 100 75 6
0.55 31.0 8 .7 69.0 56.3 SC TSA IOO 75 E
0. 55 3 1 .9 1 9 .5 68.I )).) SC tsA 100 7s l0
0. 54 32.7 20.3 67.3 54.7 SC tsA 100 75 12
0.37 40.5 1 5 .9 84.5 59.1 SL ISA 125 7S 6
0.36 4 l .5 1 6 .8 83.5 58.2 SC ISA 125 7S 8
0.36 42.4 17.6 82.6 57.4 SC ISA 125 75 10
0. 57 37.0 22.2 88.0 72.8 SL rsA 125 95 6
0.s7 38.0 23.r 87.0 71.9 SL I ISA I25 95 E
0. 57 3 8 .8 23.9 86.2 7 t.l SC ISA 125 95 l0
0. 5 6 39.6 24.7 85.4 70.3 SC tsA 125 95 12
0.27 52.3 I 5 .3 97.7 59.7 SL ISA t50 15 8
| 0. 2 6 s3.2 1 6 I. 96.8 58.9 SC rsA 150 75 l0
0.26 5 4 .I 16.9 95.9 58.I SC lsA r50 75 t2
0. 5 8 44.6 2 7 .3 l 05.4 87.7 SL ISA 150 l l 5 8
0. 5 8 45.5 28.2 104.5 86.8 SL ISA 150115 t0
0. 5 8 46.4 29.0 03.6 86.0 SC ISA r50 l l 5 t2
0. 5 7 47.6 30.2 02.4 84.8 SC ISA 150l t5 l5
0. 2 7 69.6 20.1 30.4 79.9 SL ISA 200 100 l0
0.26 70.5 2 1 .0 29.5 79.0 SL rsA 200r00 12
0. 2 6 7 t.8 2 2 .2 128.2 77.8 SC ISA 200 100 15
0. 5 6 59.9 J) . I 40.I I t4.9 SL tsA 200 lsO l0
0 -56 6 0 .8 36.0 39.2 114.0 SL ISA 200 150 t2
0. 55 62.0 37.2 t38.0 I t2.8 SC rsA 200 15015
63.3 3 8 .4 t36.7 n t.6 SC IS A 200 150 18


No mina l
Diameter, Class t w A/t 02 r l r /l o'
mm mm
mm mm mm kg/m mm'
Lieht 2.0 0.9 t.2 0.7 r. 0 5
l5 2r.3 Mediunr 2.6 1.2 1.5 0.7 l .3l
Hearry J. Z 1.4 1.8 0.6 1.54
Lisht 2.3 1.4 1.8 0.9 a i1
:.+ I

20 26.9 Mediunr 2.6 1.6 2.0 0.9 2.74

Heavl 3.2 1.9 AA
0.8 3.26
Lieht 2.6 2.0 2.5 5.56
25 33.7 Medium 3.2 1A
L .a 3.1 6.65
Heavy 4.0 2.9 )-t 8.01
Lisht 2.6 2.5 J.J 4 I t.35
32 42.4 Mediurn 3.2 J.I 3.9 4 r3.66
Heavy 4.0 3.8 4.8 4 r6.58
Lieht 2.9 3.2 4.1 .6 18.74
40 48.3 Me d i u n r 5. 2 3.6 4.5 .6 20.49
Heavv 4.0 4.4 5.6 .6 24.96
Lieht 2.9 4.1 5.2 2.0 37.15
50 60.3 Me d i u m - 3.6 5.0 6.4 2.0 45.30
Heavv o.i 7.9 2.0 55.33
Lisht i.2 5.7 /.) 2.6 83.17
65 76.1 Mediurn i6 o.4 8.2 2.6 92.82
Heavv 4 .5 7.9 r0 . l 2.5 3.92
Lisht )./ 6.7 8.6 3.0 i 3.83
80 88.9 N4ediunr 4.0 8.4 t0.7 3.0 65.00
Heavy 4.8 9.9 12.7 3.0 95.27
Lieht 3 .6 8.7 i l .1 3.5 224.93
90 | 0 1 .6 lviediunr .1.0 9.6 | 2.3 3.5 248.42
lJeavy 4.8 I t.5 14.6 J.q r94.51
'Lisht -).f) 9.8 r2.5 3.9 322 t9
100 n {.J \ lediur n 4.5 12.2 t5.5 :i.9 97.93
I leavr' -5..1 r4.5 r8.5 :i.9 471.78


Surface Outside Nominal

l,.lln,l 101 z-/ lo3 zp./ lor
External lnternal diameter,D Bore

lm cm'/m mm mm- mm' mm mm

543 0.6 0.5 .75
669 506 0.7 0.6 .92 2r.3 l5
468 0.8 0.7 t.l
700 1 .4 t.0 t.4
845 681 t.5 l.l t.5 26.9 20
644 t1
t.I 1.3 1.9
895 3.1 t.8 2.5
| 05, 857 3.6 2.1 2.9 33.7 t<
807 +-L 2.5 3.5
r68 6.5 - t. I 4.1
t332 r30 7.6 3.6 4.9 42.4 32
080 8.9 4.2 5.9
335 t0.7 4.4 5.9
l5 t 7 316 I 1 .6 4.8 6.5 48.3 40
265 r3.8 5.7 7.9
7 tl 2 1 .6 7.2 9.6
1894 667 25.9 8.6 1.6 60.3 50
6il 3 0 .9 0.2 4.0
2189 4 8 .8 2.8 7.0
2i9 I 2163 5 1 .0 4.2 8.9 76.1 65
2t07 6 5 .I 7.1 23.1
2591 7 9 .2 7.8 23.5
l7 9i 2540 96.4 2t.7 28.9 88.9 80
2490 I 1 2 .5 25.3 i 3.9
2964 |]i.3 26.3 34.5
-rlq l 2939 1 .1 6 . 3 28.8 18.I t0t.6 90
28 8 9 t7 1 .1 33.8 -{-i.0
3i 6 i 1 9 2 .0 33.6 41.1
1 5c)I :l-306 234.3 4r.0 54.3 I 14.3 r00
-i 2 5 0
11/ < ,18.0 64.1



Nom inal
Diameter, Class t w A/102 r l , I 10"
mm mm mm kg/m mm- mm mm
Lieht 4.5 3.6 t7.3 1+J.J 549.15
il0 127.0 Medium 4.8 4.5 r8.4 43.2 583.6s
Heavy 5.4 6.2 20.6 43.0 651.87
Lieht 4.5 5.0 19.I 47.8 734.s2
125 t39.7 Medium 4.8 5.9 20.3 47.7 780.92
Heaw 5.4 7.9 22.8 47.5 872.79
Lisht 4.5 6.4 20.9 s2.3 957.5|
r35 r52.4 Medium 4.8 7.5 22.2 52.2 018.29
Heavy 5.4 9.6 25.0 52.0 t38.7
Lisht 4.5 7.8 22.7 56.8 221.60
ls0 t 6 5 .1 Medium 4.8 8.9 24.2 56.7 299.45
5.4 21.3 27.l 56.5 453.8
1A 1
150 l68.3
Heavy I 5.4 2t.7 27.6 ) /.6 541.45
Heavv 2 6.3 25.2 32.0 57.3 783.74
Lieht 4.8 22.4 28.5 66.8 2t 12.23
175 193.7 M e d i u rn 5.4 25.1 32.0 66.6 2365.09
Heavv 5.9 27.3 34.8 66.4 :) /5- V)

Lieht 4.8 25.4 75.8 3070.21

200 2t9.1 Mediunr 5.6 29.5 37.5 75.5 3s62.
Heavy 5.9 3r. 0 39.5 75.4 3745.I 8
225 244.5 Heavl 5.9 34.7 44.2 84.4 5226.70
250 273.0 Heavy 5.9 38.9 49.5 94.5 7303.64
300 323.9 Heavy 6.3 49.3 62.8 I t2.0 r3067.58
3s0 355.6 Heavy 8.0 68.6 87.3 123.0 2 | 857.03


Co n t in u e d . . .


Nomin al
Diameter, Class t w A/t02 r l , / t 05
mm mm mm kS/m mm' mm mmo
Lieht 4.5 3.6 t7.3 .+J ..t 54 9. 15
il0 r27.0 Medium 4.8 4.5 r8.4 +).: 58 3. 65
Heavy 5.4 6.2 20.6 43.0 65 1. 87
Lieht 4.5 5.0 19.l 47.8 734.52
t2s 139.7 Medium 4.8 5.9 20.3 47.7 780.92
Heavv 5.4 7.9 22.8 47.5 872.79
Liqht 4.5 6.4 20.9 s2.3 95 7. 51
135 152.4 Me d i u m 4.8 7.5 22.2 52.2 0 t8. 29
Heavv 5.4 9.6 25.0 52.0 r38 .r7
Lisht 4.5 7.8 22.7 56.8 221.60
150 r65.1 Medium 4.8 8.9 24.2 56.7 299.45
Heavv 5.4 21.3 27.1 56.5 453.8
Lieht 4.5 t8.2 23.1 57.9 295.04
M edium 4.8 19.4 aA 1
5 7.8 377.64
r50 t68.3
Heaw I 5.4 2t.7 27.6 ) /.o 54 1. 45
F{eavv2 6.3 25.2 32.0 57.3 783.74
Lisht 4.8 22.4 28.5 66.8 21t2.23
175 l 9 3 .7 Me d i u m 5.4 25.1 32.0 66.6 2365.09
Heavv 5.9 27.3 34.8 66.4 2573.95
Lieht 4.8 25.4 J !- - ) 75.8 3070.24
200 2t9.1 Me d i u n r ).o 29.5 5 /.i 75.5 356 2.| 5
Heavy 5.9 3r.0 39.5 75.4 374 5. 18
?ti 241.5 Heavy 5.9 34.7 aa.: 84.4 5226.70
250 273.0 Heavl 5.9 38.9 49.5 94.5 7303.64
300 323.9 Heavy 6.3 49.3 62.8 I 12.0 1306 7. 58
J50 355.6 Heavv 8.0 68.6 87.3 123.0 2r857.03


k- b----+l
Designation Outer Surface
t A/1 0 2 w L.,= lr, / l0i f u.= frr 2",:2", ll0' t, / l 0{
dx b Area oer m
mm mm mm2 ke/m mm mm mm- mm mz
t.6 1 .4 t.l 1.28 9.4 1.02 t.96 0.092
2.0 t.7 1.4 1.48 9.2 l.l9 2.29 0.090
25.0x 25.0
2.6 2.2 t .7 1.72 8.9 1.38 2.68 0.087
3.2 2 .5 2.0 t.89 8.6 l.5l 2.96 0.084
2.0 z.J t.8 3:i 6 2.1 2.t0 5.30 0. l 8
32.0x 32.0 2.6 ', 2 .9 2.3 4.02 1.6 2.51 6.45 0. t5
3.2 3 .4 2.'7 4.54 1.5 2.84 7.41 0. l 2
2.0 2 .8 2.2 5.88 4.6 3.t0 9.31 0 ^.,
2.6 3.5 2.8 7.14 4.3 3.76 i l .51 0. 39
36.0x 36.0
1t AA
a-- J.J 8.r8 4.0 4.30 r3.45 0. 36
4.0 5 .0 4 .0 9.26 3.6 4.87 15.67 0. 3l
2.6 J-t 2.9 8.45 5.1 4.22 r3.63 0. 47
2.9 4 .1 3.2 4.9 4.56 r4.85 0. 45
{0.0x 10.0
3.2 4 .5 3.5 9.72 4.8 4.86 16.00 0. 44
t.0 5 .4 4 .2 | 1.07 4.4 5.54 18.75 0 39
2.6 4 .7 3.7 16.91 9.0 6.83 27.19 0 85
2 .9 5 .2 4 .1 18.37 8.8 7.42 29.81 0. 83
49.5x 49.5
3.6 6.3 4.9 2t.42 8.5 8.66 35.54 0 79
4.5 7 .6 6.0 24.64 8.0 9.96 42.15 0 75
2 .6 5 .8 4.6 3r.33 !) -J 0.44 50.08 0.227 I
2 .9 6 .4 5.0 ) +- z I :J- | r.40 56.12 0.225
60.0x 60.0 1? 23.0 z.3l 60.02 0 224 \
7 .0 5.5 36.9.1
4.0 8 .6 6 .7 43.55 22.6 4.s2 1a .l I
0 2t9
4.8 t0 .0 7 .9 49.22 )') ) 6.41 8-i .86 0.2t5
3.2 8 .5 o./ 66.32 27.9 8.42 r06.8r 0.272
12.0x 72.0 4.0 l 0 .5 8.2 79.03 27.5 2l 95 t29.8-5 0.267
4.8 12.3 9 .7 27.1 25.09 t5 | .5-5 0.263




Designation OuterSurfacr
t A/1 0 2 w Lrr= 1",/ l0' l"rr= f) y 2".= Zn ll03 l0'l
dxb Area rrer m
mm mm mm kg/m mm'l mm mm3 mm m2
3.2 9 .6 t-J 93 3l.t ZJ t49 0.304
80.0x 80.0 4.0 r.8 9.2 ll 30.7 28 l 8l 0.299
4.8 3.9 t0.9 28 30.4 32 212 0.295
3.6 2.3 9.7 57 35.6 34 251 0.347
91. 5x 9 1 .5 4.5 5 .1 t.9 88 35.2 4l 307 0.343
5.4 70 4.0 216 34.8 47 360 0.338
113. 5x 1 1 3 .5
4.8 20.3 5.9 393 44.0 69 637 0.429
5.4 22.6 7.7 433 43.8 76 709 0.426
4.8 2 3 .8 6.7 634 5l .6 96 018 0.503
x 132.0
5.4 2 6 .6 20.9 700 5 t.3 06 t34 0.500
4.0 JJ.U t8.0 808 59.3 08 !t) 0.579
5.0 28.4 !z.J 982 s8.9 3l 569 0.574
150.0x 150.0 6.0 33.6 26.4 146 58.4 53 856 0.569
7.0 i 8 .8 30.4 299 57.9 t) 2135 0.564
8.0 4 3 .8 34.4 443 57.4 92 2406 0.559
4.0 2 7 .8 2 r. 8 Aa a
71.6 58 2224 0.699
5.0 -)+-c 27.0 7t.l 93 2748 0.694
180. 0x 1 8 0 .0 6.0 4 0 .8 32.1 2037 70.6 226 3259 0.689
7.0 i1 a
37.0 2321 70.1 258 3759 0.684
8.0 5 3 .4 4t.9 2591 69.7 288 4246 0.679
4.0 34.2 26.6 2639 87.9 240 4099 0.859
5.0 42.4 i 3.3 3238 87.4 294 5076 0.854
220.0 x220.0 6.0 5 0 .4 39.6 38r3 87.0 ) +I 6035 0.849
7.0 58 .4 45.8 4366 86.5 397 6975 0.844
8.0 oo-i 52.0 4895 86.0 445 7897 0.839
,t.0 39.0 30.6 3907 t00.2 3 r3 6045 0.979
5.0 18.4 38.0 480s 99.7 384 7495 0.974
250.0x 250.0 6.0 ) /.() 4) .: 5672 99.2 454 8920 0.969
7.0 6 6 .8 544 6509 98.7 52r 10323 0.964
8.0 7 5 .8 59.5 7316 98.2 585 | | 702 0.9 59



t A /1 0 2 w a- | l0r / lo{
I),,, fu frl
dx b
mm mm mm' kslm mm' mm' mm mm
2.0 2.7 2.2 8.4 2.8 7.5 t0.I
2.6 3.5 2.7 t0.2 3.4 7.1 9.9
50x 15
3.2 4 .1 t-z | 1.6 3.8 6.8 9.6
4.0 5.0 3.9 ti . I 4.2 6.3 9.2
2.6 4 .8 5.t 22.8 2.1 21.9 5.9
2.9 ) .J 4.1 24.7 3.1 2t.7 5.8
3.6 6 .4 ).u 28.9 5.2 2 r. 3 5.5
4.5 7 .7 6.0 33.3 7.4 20.8 5.1
2.6 4 .7 J .t 2s.2 8.4 23.1 3.4
2.9 5.2 4.1 27.3 9.1 22.9 J.J
56x 33
3.6 6.3 4.9 31.9 0.5 22.5 2.9
4.5 7 .6 6.0 36.6 t.9 22.0 2.5
2.6 5 .8 4.6 46.6 ).t 28.4 6.5
2.9 6 .4 5.0 50.9 7.1 28.2 6.3
80x 40 3.2 7 .0 ).) 54.9 8.4 28.0 6.2
4.0 8 .6 6.7 61.8 2 r. 5 27.5 5.9
.t.8 r0.0 7.9 73.? ?4.0 27.1 5.5
3.2 8.5 6.7 98.6 J J.J 34.0 9.7
96x 48 4.0 0.5 8.2 I 17.5 39.3 33.5 9.4
.1.8 2.3 9.7 r34.4 44.6 33.0 9.0
3.6 9.7 232.6 78.8 43.4 25.3
t22 )t 6l 4.5 5 .1 I t.9 278.9 9-1.8 42.9 24.9
5.4 7 .9 t4.0 320.8 r07.0 42.4 ?4.5
3.2 0.9 8.5 199.9 68.0 42.9 25.0
129x 60 3.6 2.1 9.5 220.8 74.8 42.7 24.8
4.5 4 .9 t.7 264.5 88.9 42.2 24.4
4.8 20.3 5.9 555.2 228.5 52.3 13.6
l{ 5 x 62
5.4 22.6 7.7 6 t0.9 250.6 52.0 JJ.J

4.8 23.8 8.7 917.1 346.9 62.0 38.2

172x 92
5.4 26.6 20.9 r0r2.5 i8 r.7 61.7 37.9


l.- b--'l
Duter Surfacr
2", I lDt z"j I lo3 zo. I lor ze! | lot lrl l0{ t dxb
Area oer m
mm' mm' mm' mm' mm' m- mm mm
3.4 2.3 4.0 2.7 6.8 0. 4 2.0
4.1 2.7 4 .9 3.2 8.3 0. 4 2.6
4.7 3.0 5.6 5.t 9.5 0 J 3.2
5.3 3.4 6.3 4.1 t0.9 0 J 4.0
7 .6 6 .1 8 .9 7.1 25.6 0 9 2.6
8.3 6.6 9 .6 7.7 28.0 0. 9 2.9
60x 40
9.6 7.6 n .2 8.9 JJ.J 0. 8 3.6
I t.l 8 .7 I 3.0 10.2 39.3 0. 8 4.5
7 .6 5 .1 9.0 6.0 20.8 0. 9 2.6
8.3 5 .5 9 .8 6.5 22.7 0. 8 2.9
9.7 6.4 | 1 .4 7.5 26.7 0 8 3.6
l t.r 7.2 t3.l 8.5 3t.2 0 8 4.5
lt . 7 7.9 t4.0 9.4 38.5 0.23 2.6
t2.7 8.6 | 5.3 t0.3 42.2 0.23 2.9
13.7 9.2 r6.5 l t.t 45.8 0.22 3.2 80x 40
16.2 t0.7 19.4 t2.9 54.8 0.22 4.0
r 8.3 12.0 22.0 t4.4 62.8 0.22 4.8
20.5 r3.9 24.7 t6.6 82.l 0.27 3.2
24.5 16.4 29.4 t9.7 99.l 0.27 4.0 96x 48
28.0 r8.6 33.6 22.3 114.8 0.26 4.8
39 .I 2 5 .8 4 7 .0 3t.0 r93.9 0.35 3.6
45.7 i 0 .8 54.9 36.9 235.4 0.34 4.5 122x 6l
52 .6 3 5 .I 6 3 .I 42.1 274.3 0.34 5.4
JJ.J 2 2 .7 40.3 27.4 r 65.8 0.34 3.2
36 .8 24.9 44.5 30.I 184.1 0.34 3.6 129x 60
44.1 29.6 53.3 35.8 223.3 0.34 4.5
76.6 )). / 93.3 67.9 534.3 0.43 4.8
145x 62
84 .3 6 1 .I 102.7 74.5 592.7 0.43 5.4
r06.6 7 5 .4 127.1 89.9 826.0 0.50 4.8
172x 92
|l7.7 83.0 | 40.3 98.9 9r8.I 0.50 5.4


t- b - l
t Al 102 w L. | 101 l)../ | o{ fr. rrl
dx b
mm mm mm2 ke/m mmn mmo mm mm
4.0 23.0 r8 . 0 | 200 4ll 72.3 42.3
5.0 28.4 22.3 I 459 497 7 t.7 4t.9
200x 100 6.0 33.6 26.4 | 703 577 71.2 41.4
7.0 3 8 .8 30.4 1932 65t 70.6 4 r. 0
8.0 4 3 .8 34.4 2146 7t9 70.0 40.5
4.0 2 7 .8 2t.8 r893 948 82.6 58.4
5.0 34.4 27.0 .:JIJ r55 82.r 58.0
220x 140
6.0 40.8 32.1 2714 1352 81.5 57.5
7.0 A1 a
37.0 3095 1537 81.0 57.1
4.0 2 7 .8 2l .8 2i l 1 725 87.2 5t.I
5.0 34.4 27.0 2580 882 86.7 50.7
6.0 4 0 .8 32.I 3026 030 8 6 .I 50.2
240 x 120 7.0 A1 a
37.0 3450 t70 85.5 49.8
8.0 5-;.1 41.9 3852 300 84.9 49.3
9.0 5 9 .5 46.7 4232 422 84.4 48.9
r0.0 6 5 .4 51.4 459? 536 83.8 48.5
4.0 34.2 26.8 3358 9t7 99.2 74.9
5.0 Aa .l
JJ.J 4t2l 2350 98.6 74.5
260x 180
6.0 5 0 .4 39.6 4856 2763 98.I 74.0
7.0 5 8 .4 45.8 5562 3 t60 97.6 73.6
4.0 3 5 .0 27.4 4t97 | 147 09.6 64.4
5.0 +J.q 34.0 5r53 t77| 109.0 63.9
6.0 5 r.6 40.5 6074 2080 08.5 63.5
300x 150 7.0 5 9 .8 46.9 6958 2374 07.9 61.0
8.0 6 7 .8 53.2 7808 2654 r0 7 . 3 62.6
9.0 75 .7 59.4 8623 2921 t06.7 62.1
r0.0 8 3 .4 6_5.5 9404 i l 7.l 06.2 61.7
4.0 39.0 30.6 5073 27 7 4.1 83.8
5.0 4 8 .1 i 8.0 6241 -)-)o I - t.o 83.4
6.0 5 7 .6 +) . 1 7370 395l :t.r 82.9
J00 r 200 1.0 6 6 .8 <1 t
846I .1-i-lI 2.6 82.5
8.0 7 5 .8 59.5 s5t4 5097 2.0 82.0
9 .0 84.7 56.5 r0529 |
_s63 t.5 8l .6
| 0 .0 9 i .4 / -).-) I 1507 6l-ll t.0 8t.l



Outer Surface
2". | 103 z"t I lo3 zp. (lo3 zp, | 103 l,/ lo{ t dxb
Area oer m
mm' mm' mm' mml mm m' mm mm
20 82 t44 99 991 0.58 4.0
46 99 175 t9 t2t7 0.57 5.0
70 t5 204 38 t434 0.57 6.0 200x 100
93 30 232 56 1643 0.56 7.0
2r5 44 258 IJ t844 0.5'6. 8.0
172 35 202 59 2000 0.70 4.0
210 65 246 93 2468 0.69 5.0 ,
220 x l4O
24 7 93 289 226 2923 0.69 6.0
28 1 220 330 257 3366 0.68 7.0
17 6 21 2 tl 145 t736 0.70 4.0
2t5 47 258 t77 2138 0.69 5.0
252 TL 303 206 2528 0.69 6.0
287 95 345 234 2906 0.68 7.0 240 x 120
321 217 385 260 J:IJ 0.68 8.0
353 237 423 284 3628 0.67 9.0
383 256 459 307 3972 0.67 10.0
25 8 -:lJ 300 248 3823 0.86 4.0
31 7 261 369 303 4730 0.85 5.0
260x 1 80
37 4 307 434 5)l 5620 0.85 6.0
428 351 497 408 6491 0.84 7.0
280 r93 336 232 3435 0.88 4.0
344 lio 412 283 4245 0.87 5.0
40 5 277 486 JJJ 5035 0.87 6.0
464 3t7 557 380 5806 0.s6 7.0 300x 150
52 1 354 625 425 6559 0.86 8.0
57 5 389 690 467 7294 0.85 9.0
()_/ 423 752 508 80t2 0.85 | 0.0
.r-.t6 274 392 319 )))6 0.98 4.0
|6 3i6 485 392 5883 0.97 5.0
+sl _-r96 573 462 8 r86 0.-58 6.0
56 1 .15.1 658 530 e466 0.57 7.0 300x 200
() t{ 5r0 740 595 10723 0.57 8.0
701 56i 8r9 657 I t975 0.56 9.0
/ l) | 6lJ 895 717 t3t70 0.56 r0.0

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