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Rossini has introduced the melody into his opera William

ages---are inhabited by Vlachs or Tzintzars, who possibly number

1899 537,447 42,526,606

Vogt) was used on the continent as the title of the lay

1889). There are also special guide-books for the use of

first of his order who continued to bear that title after

glass. It can therefore be employed, instead of that costly

as just mentioned, or, if recommended by the court in which

355-377). He blamed the king of Germany for trusting his nobles,

| |

seasons. The yields in the experimental wheat-field at

Kingdom | |_ Pteridophyta

of the Swedish embassy in London. Returning to Sweden, he

Chroolepus, which grows on rock surfaces, are comparable

common. Boars and badgers are more rarely seen. The giraffe

physiology, surgery, medicine and pathology intelligible;

in state universities; twenty-seven are separate colleges of

Byzantines, the Arabs, the Turks and the French, all came

Though Irving, Cooper and Bryant were associated with New

Acosta was imprisoned in 1592--1593; on his submission in

a mile to the south of the town, an anta and two pillars are

Elsass durch Frankreich und Ruckblick auf die Verwaltung

15, where we read ``of the destruction of Nineveh, which

ranked with the highest Portuguese nobles, and, according

29-30; A. Perez, Relaciones (Geneva, 1654), pp. 86-88.

1905): Sir F. R. Wingate, Mahdism and the Egyptian Sudan (London,

UNITED STATES The source of admiralty jurisdiction in

American general Arnold to retreat. The destruction of his

river above Para, and almost rivals it in the volume of its

cheques which, at the close of the war, were to be honoured

service of Henry II., and had undertaken a campaign to regain

H2SO4 from the diluted liquid. The dotted curve in fig.

appeared in 1902 in the Lancet on ``Brandy, its production

had led to the despatch of an embassy from Abyssinia to the

the intention from the outset that it should be permanent,

second line of the French came on, only to be engulfed in the

prolong his life, provided any one could be found to die in his

in these sanctuaries was very common, it being supposed that

and economic interests of their colonies in London, to

he held till the fall of the Commune. On the conclusion

opposed to the Omayyads, the descendants of Omayya. Throughout

(1669-1722), J. B. Winslow (1669-1760) and others, he devoted

(felspars, &c.), and in the gem-stones, topaz, beryl,

The Mesozoic belt of the southern border of the chain extends

this was the road taken by Decimus Brutus when he succeeded,

excellent soldiers under British discipline, though there

These conditions are particularly characteristic of the northern

would involve a constant shifting of attention from one part

and sun, for his French traveller fastens round his body a

sound is steadily narrowed till it becomes identical with

a trade has sprung up in artificially produced esters, sold

critics a wide circle of knowledge; and from this requirement

settled on the Northumbrian side of the Tweed, bringing with

under the kingdom of Naples, respectively bore the names

reserve, and the Vladimir regiment lost half of its numbers

America. Tremolite-schists consist essentially of white or

the eastern army corps. At Allahabad is published the

Neve minor, neu sit quinto productior actu

countess of Devon. She had two children, Thomas, who died

for the transport of cases from the front to the base, were

navigators. Some preliminary surveys have been made by the United

disinterestedness in respect of all the states of Europe which

became professor of chemistry at the Royal Military Academy in

motion. Unaware of Adams's work, he attempted a like inquiry,

Remains of a Roman thermal establishment exist near the principal

Correspondence, United States, No. 3 (1897), No. 1 (1898).

of the Academy of St Luke. Several of his most important

sea. It was founded (perhaps on the site of an early Sicanian

sun which never sets sends feeble rays that maintain a low

13. The Alps of Bavaria, the Vorarlberg and Salzburg (north of

(long, and of general interest): F. Knapp and R. L. Childe,

the relationship is less close. They constitute the

1894 the British government agreed to the South African

north, Jibuti (French), Zaila and Berbera (British) in the

4. B anan A

administration. Political topics were studiously avoided in

Survey of India, vol. xx. (1887), pp. 93-103, with map.

C6H4[CO]2N(CH2)5N[CO]2C6H4, which is finally hydrolysed

Col de Susanfe (Champery to Salvan), foot path. . . . . . . . . . . . .8,202

enclosed groups called kampongs, and buried in a forest of

in most cases other means of uniting two pieces are available.

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