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Test Specifications for Semantics End-of-semester Test

(Spring 2020)

Time allowed: 60 minutes

Task Knowledge or Number Examples (Input material) Marking
skills tested of items
1. Fill each blank in the definitions Various 4 4 short sentences for semantic term definition 1/10
given below with ONE SEMANTIC Eg. … is the study of meaning in language (Semantics)
2. Give two paraphrases for each of Paraphrasing 2 2 sentences ambiguous in meaning for students to 1/10
the following ambiguous sentences (ambiguity) (for 4 paraphrase.
answers) Eg. They were looking for the grey pens.
(a. They were looking for the wounded grey pens.
b. They were looking for the grey wooden pens.)
3. Decide whether the highlighted Referring 4 4 sentences for students to identify 1/10
noun phrases in the given sentences expressions Eg. John is my best friend.
are referring expressions or not, and (John is a referring expression)
explain why if need.
4. Indicate the arguments and Predicates 4 4 sentences for students to indicate 1/10
predicator(s) in each sentence. Eg. Juan took Pablo to Rio
(predicator: take/ arguments: Juan, Pablo, Rio)
5. Underline any deictic expressions Deixis and types 4 4 sentences for students to identify 1/10
in the following sentences and state of deixis Eg. I was there yesterday.
what type of deixis each of them (I: personal, there: spatial, yesterday: temporal)
belongs to.

6. Indicate the types of sense Sense relations 4 4 sentences, each with a type of sense relations 1/10
relations existing between the Eg. Certainly, you have my deep sympathy and
following highlighted words in each profound understanding.
given sentence. (synonymy)
7. Identify the participant roles in Participant roles 4 4 sentences for students to identify 1/10
each of the following sentences. Eg. Manson sliced the fruit with a knife.
(Manson: agent, the fruit: affected, with a knife:
8. Identify whether the following Speech acts 2 2 sentences for students to identify 1/10
utterances are performative or (for 4 Eg. Thank you for coming here today.
constative, and also identify the answers) (a. performative
illocutionary acts performed in the b. thanking)
given utterances.
9. Decide whether the following Various 4 4 sentences for students to identify 1/10
statements are True (T) or False (F). Eg. “I give you supper every night.” is a performative
utterance. (false)
10. Discuss a semantic item with Various 1 sematic matter for student to discuss 1/10
examples. Eg. Distinguish between performative and constative
utterances. Give examples for illustration.
Total mark 10/10

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