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System to launch book online:

Mini Group:

Facebook group good for 12 days only

5 parts:

The excitement phase>email > 3 days

The Desire phase>email> 4 days

The buying frenzy phase>email>5 days

Step 1

Get hot traffic from Facebook creating ads

Step 2

Get buyer leads into Mini Group put buyer leads into my Mini group on Facebook

Facebook sales campaign using a model

Strategy for targeting buyer leads

Step 3

Make people excited about my product

Use the first 3 days to market book

Wild excitement= there is a 5 step method> is a super powerskill>

Step 4

Create massive desire

The 5 days of the 12 day minigroup is to build up massive desire

Offer something

Caleb offers templates and training

Must invest in mini group ads and emails

Step 5
Trigger a buying frenzy

3 step method from Caleb

So getting people into my mini group and then get excited about my book

1. Create excess demand> ask viewer to type comments or interest

2. Limit the supply> announce there are so many copies available> that sends panic to get the
book I created strong desire for
3. Create a true once in a lifetime opportunity
4. Shut the group down> explain deadline for opportunity
5. This unleashes all out buying frenzy=Caleb provides scripts, templates and group posts.

How to grow a mini group:

Profit solves all problems in business

If using a business model with small profit margin then it will take time to make money. If profit margins
are huge make more money

Caleb offers business launch model with a few hundred dollars

Make money with initial profit and then invest profits for more traffic


1. Creating a Facebook group, need to learn Facebook settings

2. Setting up an email capture funnel
3. Getting Facebook traffic
4. Don’t have the time
5. Don’t have a personal mentor= to succeed I need a personal mentor

*Find people on twitter or Facebook and offer to do a biography for them


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