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DAISY is a non-governmental, non profit, independent
civil association focusing on innovation, progress and
training at national and international level.
Our association has been created by trained educators
of different ages, social status and expertises. We have
been focusing our work on the issues like equality,
women rights, ecology and environment,
instructional/educational technology, digitalization and
social inclusion/ disadvantaged groups.
We are a group of 16 employed staff
members and more than 100 members/
volunteers that are enthusiastic and very

We work with University, many

schools, other NGOs, associations, public
enterprises and local press collaboratively
establishing good relations.
• Nature and protection of environment,
environmental education
• Promotion of the social inclusion and equality of
people with fewer opportunities
• Education and coaching, development of abilities
• ICT and digitalisation
• Instructional/educational technology
• Gender equality and women rights
• Promotion of the European integration
We mainly aim to provide individuals -
especially youth - with necessary knowledge, skill
and competences they will need to innovate and
develop in different fields.
Our mission is also to promote European
citizenship and identity on common values by
respecting and understanding cultural differences
supporting individuals to involve in Europe fully and
shape the future of it.
Besides we aim;
❖To contribute to the development of digital
skills required by the age that young people
will need in their professional and social lives.
❖To realize and disseminate contemporary and
scientific solutions for the needs of education
environments and educators in line with the
developments in the field of instructional/
educational technologies,
❖To raise awareness of individuals against
environmental problems caused by
globalization and to make them take action
against them,
❖To develop ideas that will facilitate the
participation of disadvantaged individuals in
society and business life,
❖To contribute to the economic, social and
personal development of entrepreneurial and
qualified women,
❖To introduce the members their own culture
and cultural heritage, to contribute to
intercultural tolerance and understanding by
collaborating with different cultures,
❖To acquire the idea of National/ European
citizenship, to plan activities for young people
to be involved in national and international
Our target groups are students in secondary
schools and universities (18-30), youth workers,
teachers, educators, young adults, adults from
all sectors and disadvantaged groups (with
social/ educational/ economic/ cultural /
geographical obstacles etc). We are providing
informal and non-formal learning opportunities
to young people, youth workers and adults.
We participated in the activities of planting at
the empty fields caused by forest fires.
We organized coastal clean-up activity to reduce
environmental and marine pollution.
We have prepared /distributed awareness-
raising brochures to introduce the endemic
species growing in our region and to ensure
their continuity.
We voluntarily participated in fairs
organized by local governments in order to
protect and ensure their sustainability the non-
hybrid natural seeds of organic plants specific to
our region.
In our city, we have worked to produce organic
products from olive oil, which is important for
olive cultivation

During the covid-19 quarantine time, we

organized online activities with students and
young people in order to raise awareness by
revealing how people harm nature and how the
unmanned nature tries to renew itself.
We also carried out some activities which
in youth area. We organized,
• Some course activities related to Digital
Literacy and Digital Competencies with
students and youths to improve their
acquaintanceship about 21. Century Skills.
• Activities about cinema and literature.
• Meetings where we criticize films adapted
from books to cinema with local culture and
cinema organization (SinemaTeke) that was
founded by famous film director Yüksel Aksu
from our region.
Facebook- @infoprojectdaisy
Instagram- info.project.daisy

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