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Dear (HR Name),

Due to the outbreak of COVID 19 and the guidelines shared by various authorities, my movement is restricted
within my house. I have no access to a printer to upload a physically signed  LOA (Letter of Authorization) .Hence I
hereby provide my Authorization through mail.

I Mr./Ms. -VIPPALA GOPAL REDDY- residing at -

hereby authorize _ Matrix Business Services India Pvt. Ltd to do all acts on my behalf as may be necessary
including to execute/sign application(s), make payment of applicable fees* and generally to all other acts as may be
necessary to receive, on my behalf and at my request, my Credit Information Report (CIR) from TransUnion
CIBIL Limited [Formerly known as Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited] (“TransUnion”) at the
following address/email id:_gopalreddy.v1-external@tcs.com________________________

I hereby also confirm that I have only appointed Matrix Business Services India Pvt. Ltd to be my authorized
agent/representative for collection of my CIR.

Consumer Name:vippala gopal reddy


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