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Today, we were given a scenario wherein we are asked to draw what a human would

wear (pertaining to the material or accessories) whenever or in case you are invited into

a wedding. So in my case If ever I got a chance to attend into a wedding, the 10

accessories that I would wear would be the dress itself of course from the brand Prada,

the watch that I would probably buy from Rolex, the shoes that I would probably wear is

from vans, the necklace that I would equipped would be from Louie Vuitton, while the

bracelet that I would wear would be from Pandora, it may sound weird but I like my

shoes with some socks on and that socks would be from Nike and the bag that I would

possibly bring is from Gucci. If you are wondering what’s inside of my bag it’s just my

lipstick from Fenty beauty and my phone from the apple store. Last but not the least my

water to keep myself hydrated. As you can see all the products or all the accessories

that is equipped with me is not just from a local corporation, it the products that I use or

will probably use in the near future my come from the different parts of the world, and

for me that’s what Globalization means or looks like. Research will tell you that

Globalization is the mere exchange of good between different nations and it is what it is.

Some would say that globalization is still an issue, well at some point I could not

disagree with that, however in times like this Globalization simple promotes different

kinds of interactions (like exchange of products, services, technologies and many

more)between different nations. Some may have and negative interaction but I think

more positive interactions between nations is currently happening because of


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