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Perception towards Sustainability

Sustainability, in general is a word that simply means to maintain something, it

could be a plan, or etc. into a certain or specific level. For this metacognitive reading,

we are going to talk about the challenges that we face every day, that leads or could

possibly lead to unsustainability, who are the victims? Who are the ones who get

affected the most? In the provided article, it is stated that the perceptions towards the

goal of sustainability includes democratic approaches and that is also the reason why,

the sustainable development goals, or SDG for short was created and was also


The article provided so much information that satisfied my knowledge towards

the reality of what is really happening now, that is why through the help of this article, i

have discovered three significant things. The first one would be the victims of the

unsustainability, of course we cannot deny the fact that we, the human race are also

victim of unsustainability, but right now we are going to talk about how cruel we are to

the non-human race, the ones who are really affected here are those species who are

already extinct and who are ready to face extinction, because the world is so advance,

we could not care less. We post for sympathy but in reality, we do nothing, and that’s

the ugly truth between the unsustainability. The second one would be the sustainability

of our natural resources, since we are humans and we all have are personal desires we

tend to forget what is really important, the preservation of our natural resources, little do

we know we are running out of it due to personal and greedy reasons. The last thing

that is significant is the making of the Sustainable Development Goals, with the help of
this goal, I think there is a chance that sustainability would arise, and this goal or should

I say this practice should be implemented to the different parts of the world not only to

the United Nations but we should start sharing it around the globe and we should take it


No one could ever deny the fact that the article provided clear facts and

evidences, however there are somethings that is not clear to me, or its just I am not

good at comprehension but there are things that is still unclear to me. The first one is

related to the population growth, and its connection to the sustainability, the second one

would be the egalitarianism, it’s a new word for me but the definition is still unclear, last

one would be the implementation of the sustainability in the environment.

Here is the part where my realizations would collide into one paragraph. Before

reading the article, I have always thought that we are the main victims of

unsustainability, but after reading the article, the reality slapped me, at some point we

are part of the things that have caused unbalanced evets in the world, at some point we

are the reason why unsustainability happened, and the main victims are those non-

human races. The animals, plants and the resources, they are being taken foe granted

because of human desires and greediness. In reality humans would just think of the

things that would benefit them without thinking what would happen next, and that’s what

you call selfishness.

To gather my thoughts, I therefore conclude than humans have caused

sustainability, but with the help of the Sustainable Development Goals, I do hope that

things would start to change. Lastly, I would like to propose some questions, first

question would be is sustainability really possible? Second would be with our behavior,

do we stand a chance to save the victims of unsustainability? Last question would

probably be; if sustainability really does happen, who would benefit the most?

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