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Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
1 3001 Sec 4(1)/181 MVA Driving Without valid License Below 16 Years of Age वैध अनुज्ञा्त्व्श १६ वर् वश्ख्लील वशयकीनी 5000 Not Applicable
व्हन च्लतवणी
2 3002 Sec 19 to 20/182 (1) MVA License Disqualified Driver अनुज्ञा अञ्ा च्लक 10000 Not Applicable
3 3003 Sec 39/192(1) MVA Without valid Registration Any Vehicle (Owner) तवन् वैध नोंणी - ंुच्की (म्लक ) 2000 5000
4 3004 Sec 3(1)/181 MVA Driving Without valid License वैध अनुज्ञा्त्व्श व्हन च्लतवणी 5000 Not Applicable
5 3005 Sec 146/196 MVA Without valid Insurance (Owner) तवन् वैध तवम् पम्णञा (म्लक ) 2000 4000
6 3006 CMVR 3(C)/177 MVA Driving Without L Board तवन् एल फलक च्लतवणी 500 1500
7 3008 CMVR 51/177 MVA Illegal Number Plate Similar To DADA/ MAMA/ BABA बीक्शंी त्र कम्मक फलक. उं्. म्म्,ं्ं्,ब्ब् इ. 1000 Not Applicable
8 3009 Sec 129/194(D) MVA Riding without helmet by both Driver & Pillion तवन् त्रस्ण (ही लमीट) Rs. 500 & in addition to Not Applicable
disqualification for holding
of motor driving License for
3 months.
9 3010 Sec 184 C MVA Use of mobile phone & communication device is not भमणमवनी आतण ंळणवळण्ची स्धन श्मच् व्हन 500 1500
allowed while driving च्लतवक्न् व्ञर करणश्स अनुमकी न्ही
10 3011 Sec 194 B (1) MVA Without Seatbelt तवन् बैठक सुरक् ञट् (तसटबीलट) 500 1500
11 3012 Sec 119/177 MVA No Entry in One Way एक तं्् म्र्वर पवी् बमंी 500 1500
12 3013 Sec 128(1)/194(C) MVA Drive a motor cycle in excess of seating capacity मो.स्शकलवर कीन बसलीली. Rs. 1000 & in addition to Not Applicable
disqualification for holding
of motor driving License for
3 months.
13 3014 Sec 125/177 MVA Obstruction to Driver / Front seating च्लक्स अडथळ् / ञुढील बैठक 500 1500
14 3015 MVDR 9/177A MVA Not Slowing Down at Junction and Zebra Crossing चौक ककव् ञ्ंच्री स्रणी शीथी वीर कमी न करणी 0 Non-Compoundable

15 3016 Sec 123/177 MVA Riding on Running Board Outside Vehicle व्हन्चश् ब्ही तरल फतळवर सव्र होणी 500 1500
16 3017 Sec 119/177 MVA Mandatory traffic sign boards not obeyed आज्ं््क व्हकूक तचनह फलक्ची अनुञ्लन कीली 500 1500
17 3018 Sec 186 MVA Driver unfit (Physically/Mentally) च्लक अशोगश (््रीतरकतरतश् / म्नतसकतरतश् ) 1000 2000
18 3019 MVDR 14(2)/177A MVA Overtaking from left ड्वश् ब्जूनी ओवहरटी ककर करणी 0 Non-Compoundable
19 3020 MVDR 6(1)/177A MVA Lane cutting म्ररक् छ्टणी 0 Non-Compoundable
20 3021 MVDR 4/122 177A MVA Wrong side driving चुकीचश् तं्ीनी व्हन च्लतवणी. (म्.उचच नश्श्लश 0 Non-Compoundable
तनं् ्) धोक्ं्शकतरतश् व्हन च्लतवणी

21 3022 MVDR 14(9)/177A MVA Overtaking obstructed ओवहरटी क करक्न् अडथळ् करणी 0 Non-Compoundable
22 3023 MMVR 235/177 MVA Dazzling Light पखर पक्् 500 1500
23 3024 CMVR 105/177 MVA Without Light after sunset तवन् पक्् सुश्सक्नमकर 500 1500
24 3025 CMVR 109/177 MVA Without Parking Light तवन् ञ्तककर पक्् 500 1500
25 3026 MMVR 236(1)/177 MVA Light not visible पक्् तंसक न्ही 500 1500
SN. Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
26 3027 Sec 194 F MVA Honking repeatedly in residential/silence zone area रहीव््ी / ््मकक् कीा्क कण्व्ञर व्रम व्र करणी 1000 2000

27 3028 Sec 194 F MVA Prohibition on unnecessary use of horn/no honking कण् अन्वशशक व्ञर्स मन्ई / कण् 1000 2000
व्जतवणश्स मन्ई
28 3029 CMVR 119(2)/177 MVA Vehicles fitted or using multi honed horns giving व्हन्स अनीक तवतवध आव्ज्चश् कण् जो कक््, 500 1500
harsh / shrill / loud or alarming noise / Multi-toned & रश्वश् करण्र्, मोठ् ककव् भशसूचक आव्ज ंी को
shrill horn
/ अनीक तवतवध आव्ज रश्वश् करण्र् आव्ज
करण्र् कण् घट बसतवणी ककव् व्ञरणी

29 3030 MMVR 239/177 MVA Police manual signal violation ञोतलस्नी कीलीलश् इ््ऱश्ची ञ्लन न करणी 500 1500
30 3031 MMVR 239/177 MVA Police stop violation ञोतलस्मनी थ्मबवणश्स स्मतरकलश्ची उललमघन करणी 500 1500

31 3032 Sec 189 MVA Racing / Speed test violation ्श्क / वीर ञतरकण उललमघन 5000 10000
32 3033 Sec 112/183(1) MVA Speed violating by driver (Other than 2-3 wheeler) वीर मश्ं् उललमघन च्लक्वं्री (२-३ च्की ) 1000 Not Applicable

33 3198 Sec 112/183(1) MVA (Tractor) Speed violating by driver (Tractor) वीर मश्ं् उललमघन च्लक्वं्री (ट्यटर ) 1500 Not Applicable
34 3199 Sec 112/183(1) MVA (LMV) Speed violating by driver (LMV) वीर मश्ं् उललमघन च्लक्वं्री (4 च्की LMV ) 2000 Not Applicable
35 3200 Sec 112/183(1) MVA (Others) Speed violating by driver (Others) वीर मश्ं् उललमघन च्लक्वं्री ( इकर व्हन ) 4000 Not Applicable
36 3034 Sec 184 MVA Dangerous driving धोक्ं्शकतरतश् व्हन च्लतवणी 0 Non-Compoundable
37 3035 MMVR 202/177MVA Unsafe-dangerous transportation Of goods म्ल्ची असुरतकक धोक्ं्शक व्हकुक 500 1500
38 3036 CMVR 93(8)/190(2)MVA (2-3 Wheeler) Unsafe goods beyond body (2-3 Wheeler) असुरतकक म्ल व्हन्चश् भ्र्चश् ब्ही र (२-३ च्की 1000 and disqualified for 3000
) holding license for period of
3 months.
39 3194 CMVR 93(8)/190(2)MVA (Other Than Unsafe goods beyond body (Other Than 2-3 असुरतकक म्ल व्हन्चश् भ्र्चश् ब्ही र (२-३ च्की 2000 and disqualified for 5000
2-3 Wheeler) Wheeler) वशतकतरयक ) holding license for 3 month

40 3037 MMVR 226 / 177 MVA Unsafe Towing - 2-wheeler towed by another vehicle असुरतकक ओढणी - ंुसऱश् व्हन्नम ओढणी 500 1500

41 3038 CMVR 100(2)/177 MVA Tinted glasses /Black Film रम रीक क्च् / क्चीवतरल क्ळी अवरणी (तफलम ) 500 1500
42 3039 MMVR 165/177 MVA Without Mud guard तवन् तचखलरकक (मडर्ड् ) 500 1500
43 3040 MMVR 161/177 MVA Without Side mirror तवन् ब्जूच् आरस् 500 1500
44 3041 MMVR 162/177 MVA TV/video set on dashboard ड् ्बोड् वर ंुरतचाव्णी/ववहतडओ च्लवणी 500 1500
45 3042 MMVR 232/177 MVA Without Silencer तवन् आव्जपतकबमधक शमा (स्शलीनसर) 500 1500
46 3043 CMVR 94(3)/177 MVA Tyres not in good and sound condition च्की (ट्शर) च्मरलश् बळकट वसथकीक न्हीक 500 1500
47 3044 CMVR 104(1)/177 MVA Without Red Reflector तवन् ल्ल ञतरवक्क 1000 Not Applicable
48 3045 Sec 198 MVA Unauthorized Interference with vehicle व्हन्चश् समबमधीक अनतधकृक हसककीञ 1000 Not Applicable
49 3046 CMVR 101/177 MVA Driving Without Wiper तवन् झञ्ट् (व्शञर) च्लतवणी 500 1500
50 3047 Sec 178(3) MVA Refusal to ply auto Rickshaw or to carry passenger तरक् / ट् यसी भ्ड्नी ंी णश्स नक्र ंी णी 50 Not Applicable
SN. Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
51 3048 Sec 178(3) MVA Refusal to ply taxi / bus or to carry passenger ट् यसी / बस भ्ड्वर ंी णश्स नक्र ंी णी 200 Not Applicable
52 3049 MMVR 21(5)/177 MVA Stop out of stand थ्मबश्चश् ब्ही र उभ् (मोटर क्ब ) 500 1500
53 3050 MMVR 21(14)/177 MVA Insufficient fuel इमधन स्ठ् ञुरीस् न्ही.(मोटर क्ब) 500 1500
54 3051 Sec 194 A MVA Excess passenger 1 1 अतकरीयक पव्सी व्हकुक 200 Not Applicable
55 3052 Sec 194 A MVA Excess passengers 2 2 अतकरीयक पव्सी व्हकुक 400 Not Applicable
56 3053 Sec 194 A MVA Excess passengers 3 3 अतकरीयक पव्सी व्हकुक 600 Not Applicable
57 3054 Sec 194 A MVA Excess passengers 4 4 अतकरीयक पव्सी व्हकुक 800 Not Applicable
58 3055 Sec 194 A MVA Excess passengers 5 5 अतकरीयक पव्सी व्हकुक 1000 Not Applicable
59 3056 MMVR 21(7)/177 MVA Meter flag down on stand (Motor Cab) तमटर झे ड् ख्ली थ्मबश्वर (मोटर क्ब) 500 1500
60 3057 MMVR 21(10)/177 MVA Carry cleaner in permit vehicle (Motor Cab) ञरव्न्ध्रक व्हन्क सवचछक्स नीणी. (मोटर क्ब) 500 1500

61 3058 MMVR 146/177 Faulty Meter (Motor Cab) तबघडलीली तमटर (मोटर क्ब) 500 1500
62 3059 MMVR 21(18)/177 MVA Cab / Taxi driver without white Uniform (Motor Cab) क्ब /ट् यसी च्लक रणवी् ञ्मढर् न्ही 500 1500

63 3060 MMVR 21(13)/177 Shouting for passenger (Motor Cab) पव्््मची लक वीधणश्स्ठी ओरडणी . 500 1500
64 3061 MMVR 21(16)/177 Driver Smoking while on duty (Motor Cab) च्लक कक्वश्वर धूमञ्न करको.(मोटर क्ब) 500 1500
65 3062 MMVR 21(18)/177 MVA RW S.O. Without Prescribed Uniform (Tourist Cab) तवन् तवहीक रणवी् - ञश्टक व्हन 500 1500
415(E) dt. 8/6/1989
66 3063 MMVR 23(1)/177 MVA Obstruction to driver for carrying animal/thing प्णी / इकर स्म्न सहच्लक्स अडथळ् 500 1500
(Goods Carrier) (म्लव्हक)
67 3064 MVDR 22(2)(n)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle alongside another parked ंुसऱश् मोट्रव्हन्ची ब्जुस व्हन उभी करणी (डबल 0 Non-Compoundable
vehicle/ Double parking ञ्तककर)
68 3065 Sec 185 MVA Drunk and Drive मदप््न करन व्हन च्लतवनी 0 Non-Compoundable
69 3066 MMVR 21(18)/177 MVA Without Uniform (Non-Meter Tourist/Cab) तवन् तवतहक रणवी् - ञश्टक व्हन 500 1500
70 3067 MMVR 228 /177 MVA Driving vehicle on Footpath/Cycle track without ञोलीस अतधक्ऱश्चश् अनुमकीत्व्श व्हन 500 1500
Permission of Police Officer ञंञथ्वर स्शकल म्र्वर च्लतवणी
71 3068 Sec 5/180 MVA Permitting Driver to Drive MV Without License तवन् अनुज्ञा च्लक्स व्हन च्लतवणश्स 5000 Not Applicable
(Owner) ञरव्नरी ंी णी (म्लक)
72 3069 Sec 39/192(1) MVA Without valid Registration Any Vehicle (Driver) तवन् वैध नोंणी - ंुच्की (च्लक ) 2000 5000
73 3070 Sec 130(1)/177 MVA Failed to Produce valid License वैध अनुज्ञा (ल्शसन) स्ंर कीली न्ही 500 1500
74 3071 Sec 146/196 MVA Without valid Insurance तवन् वैध तवम् पम्णञा (च्लक ) 2000 4000
75 3072 CMVR 139/177 MVA Failed to Produce Documents Within 15 Days of लीखी म्रणीचश् १५ तंवस्चश् आक ंसकतवज स्ंर 500 1500
Demand in Writing कीली न्हीक
76 3073 MMVR 134(1)/177 MVA Advertisement on transport MV w/o RTO permission ञतरवहन (ट्नसञोट् ) व्हन्वर ज्तहर्क तवन् आर टी 500 1500
ओ ञरव्नरी
SN. Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
77 3074 MMVR134(6)/177 MVA Using word / figure / drawing / sticker on vehicle नॉन ट््नसञोट् व्हन्वर ्बं आकृकी तचा 500 1500
(press / police / polite / advocate / etc.) on non- तचटकतवलीली (पी स, ञोलीस, ञोल्ईट, अ्डवहोकीट, इ.)
transport MV
व्ञर करणी
78 3075 CMVR 119 (2)/ 177 MVA Vehicle creating undue noise or alarming sound व्हन च्लू असक्न् अन्वशशक आव्ज ककव् 500 1500
when in motion भशसुचक आव्ज
79 3076 MMVR 239/177 MVA Jumping signal समकीकक ओल्मडणी (जम्ञर तसगनल) 500 1500
80 3077 Sec 179 (1) MVA Disobedience of Police order /direction ञोतलस आंम ् तनं् ््ची अनुञ्लन न करणी 750 Not Applicable
81 3078 Sec 190 (2) MVA ( 2-3 Wheeler) Road safety standards violation ( 2-3 Wheeler) रसकी सुरक् म्नकी भमर (२-३ च्की ) 1000 and disqualified for 3000
holding license for period of
3 months

82 3195 Sec 190 (2) MVA ( Other than 2-3 Road safety standards violation ( Other than 2-3 रसकी सुरक् म्नकी भमर (२-३ च्की वशतकतरयक ) 2000 and disqualified for 5000
Wheeler) Wheeler) holding license for period of
3 months

83 3079 CMVR 102(2)/177 MVA Without Red Tail Lamp or light तवन् ल्ल तञछ्डी तंव् ककव् पक्् 1000 Not Applicable
84 3080 MMVR 4/177 MVA Valid Badge not in the name of HMV passenger वैध तबलल् न्व्वर नसणी - अवजड पव्सी व्हन 500 1500
carrier driver च्लक
85 3081 MVDR 22(2)(c)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle on footpath / cycle track & zebra ञंञथ्वर ंुच्की म्र्वर आतण ञ्ंच्री संरणीवर 0 Non-Compoundable
crossing व्हन उभी करणी
86 3082 MVDR22(2)(b)/177A MVA Parking Vehicle on main road where notified speed ५० तकमी वीर मश्ं् असलीलश् रसतश्वर व्हन उभी 0 Non-Compoundable
limit is 50KM per hour or more करणी
87 3083 MVDR 22(2)(l)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle opposite another MV or as ंुसऱश् मोट्रव्हन्चश् समोर व्हन उभी करणी 0 Non-Compoundable
obstruction to other vehicle
88 3084 MVDR 22(2)(s)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle in "No Parking" area ‘‘उभी कर नशी ’’ कीा्क व्हन उभी करणी 0 Non-Compoundable
89 3085 MVDR 22(2)(k)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle away from the edge of the ञंञथ्चश् तकन्ऱश्ञ्सुन ंुर व्हन उभी करणी 0 Non-Compoundable
90 3086 MVDR 22(2)(f)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle near bus stop / at educational बस थ्मब्, ्ैकतणक समसथ्, रगण्लश पवी्े्र्वर 0 Non-Compoundable
institution / hospital entry or if blocking traffic sign ककव् व्हकूक तचनह्स अडथळ् अ्् पक्री व्हन
उभी करणी
91 3087 MMVR 249/177 MVA HMV without cleaner अवजड व्हन सवचछक्त्व्श (यलीनर) 500 1500
92 3088 CMVR 51/177 MVA Registration Number or Letters Not as Per Prescribed नोंणी कम्मक तवहीक मोजम्ञ्क न्ही. 500 1500
93 3089 CMVR 50 / 177 MVA Displaying / inscribing or writing letter / word / ्बं आकृकी तचा ककव् तन््नी कम्मक फलक्वर 500 1500
figure / picture or symbol on number plate पंर्क करणी ककव् तलहणी
94 3090 CMVR 50/177 MVA Visibility of number plate on front and rear of vehicle व्हन्च् ञुढील व म्रील कम्मक फलक दृशम्नक् 500 1500
SN. Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
95 3091 CMVR 50/177 MVA Number Plate of Transport Vehicle Not Displayed at ञतरवहन व्हन्च् कम्मक फलक व्हन्चश् च्रही 500 1500
Four Places ब्जूस पंररक न्ही.
96 3092 CMVR 50/177 MVA Registration Number of Taxi Not Painted On Dash नोंणी कम्मक ट् यसीचश् ड् रबोड् वर रम रवलील् न्ही. 500 1500
97 3093 CMVR 50/177 MVA Trailers Rear Side Number Plate Not Displayed टीलरचश् ञ्ठीम्रील कम्मक फलक पंर्क न्ही 500 1500
98 3094 CMVR 50/177 MVA Number Plate Bears Personnel Name or Pictures or कम्मक फलक वैशयकीक न्व ककव् तचा ककव् 500 1500
Symbols etc. तन््णी इतश्ंी ध्री असणी
99 3095 CMVR 50/177 MVA LMV Number Plate Not at Middle with Illumination हलयश् मोट्र व्हन्च् कम्मक फलक ममश्वर न्ही 500 1500
100 3096 CMVR 50/177 MVA Rear Side Number Plate of Transport Vehicle Not ञतरवहन व्हन्च् ञ्ठीम्रील कम्मक फलक 500 1500
Illuminated पक््मश न्ही
101 3097 CMVR 50/177 MVA Number Plate Letters Not In English And Figures Not कम्मक फलक्वरील अकरी इमगजी आतण आकडी 500 1500
In Arabic Numerals अरी तबक नसलश्स
102 3098 CMVR 50/177 MVA Number Plate Broken कुटलील् कम्मक फलक 500 1500
103 3099 MMVR 229(2)/177 MVA Unsafe goods beyond body No White reflector disc & व्हन्चश् भ्र्चश् ब्ही र म्ल्ची असुरतकक व्हकूक, 1000 Not Applicable
additional Red lamp attached at the rear. ञ्मढरी ञर्वक्क चककी आतण अतकतरयक ल्ल तंव्
ञ्ठीम्री अडकतवलील् न्ही
104 3100 MMVR 20 (1) (ix)/177 MVA Failed to display valid badge(PSV other than M.CAB) वैध तबलल् ञतरध्न कील् न्ही. (स्व्जतनक सीव् 500 1500
व्हन मोटर क्ब वरळू न)
105 3101 Sec 39/56/192(1) MVA Without valid fitness certificate (Driver) तवन् वैध शोगशक् पम्णञा (ंुच्की) (ड्शवहर) 2000 5000
106 3102 Sec 39/56/192(1) MVA Without valid fitness certificate (Owner) तवन् वैध शोगशक् पम्णञा (ंुच्की) (म्लक) 2000 5000
107 3103 CMVR 50/177 MVA Number Plate with Unauthorized Colour अनतधकृक रम र्च् कम्मक फलक 500 1500
108 3104 CMVR 50/177 MVA Registration Number not In Four Digits नोंणी कम्मक च्र आकडी न्ही. 500 1500
109 3105 CMVR 50/177 MVA Number Plate of Motor Cycle Not Parallel to Handle मोट्र स्शकलच् कम्मक फलक ह् णडल ब्रल् 500 1500
Bar सम्मकर न्ही
110 3106 CMVR 93(8) (iv)/190(2) MVA ( 2-3 Load extends to height beyond Limits/projection of र्ंीवर तनध्तरक उम ची ञीक् ज्सक स्म्न लोड करणी 1000 and disqualified for 3000
Wheeler) load ( 2-3 Wheeler) (२-३ च्की) इकरा holding license for period of
3 months

111 3196 CMVR 93(8) (iv)/190(2) MVA ( Other Load extends to height beyond Limits/projection of र्ंीवर तनध्तरक उम ची ञीक् ज्सक स्म्न लोड करणी 2000 and disqualified for 5000
than 2-3 Wheeler) load ( Other than 2-3 Wheeler) (२-३ च्की वशतकतरयक ) holding license for period of
3 months

112 3107 CMVR 125 RW S.O. 1365(E) Dt. Right side door not locked - Rickshaw तरक्च् उजव् ंरव्ज् बमं न्ही ककव् उजवश् ं्र्ल् 500 1500
19/12/2004 / 177 MVA कुलूञ न्ही
113 3108 MMVR 21(18)/177 MVA Without Cab Drivers I-Card (All Cab) तवन् क्ब च्लक ओळखञा 500 1500
SN. Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
114 3109 MMVR 21(19)/177 MVA Unclean vehicle (Motor Cab) असवचछ व्हन (मोटर क्ब) 500 1500
115 3110 Sec 66 (I) r/w Sec 192 (A) MVA Without valid permit (Driver & owner or person in वैध ञरव्नश्त्व्श (च्लक आतण म्लक ककव् 10000 Not Applicable
charge of the vehicle) व्हन्च् क्बीध्रक)
116 3111 Sec 190(1) MVA Driving of defective motor vehicle संोर मोट्रव्हन च्लतवणी 0 Non-Compoundable
117 3112 Sec 190 (3) MVA Carrying Hazardous or Dangerous Goods in मोट्र व्हन क्शं् व केंीश मोट्र व्हन तनशम श्मची 0 Non-Compoundable
contravention to the MV ACT and CMVR Provision उललमघन करन धोक्ं्शक / घ्कक वसकु व्हू न नीणी

118 3113 Sec 197 MVA Custody of Motor Vehicle without consent of Owner क्शंी त्र अतधक्र नसलश्स म्लक्चश् 0 Non-Compoundable
or Removal of Vehicle without legal authority सममकीत्व्श मोट्र व्हन्च् व्ञर करणी

119 3114 MVDR 22(2)(s)/177A MVA No Parking व्हन ल्वणश्स मन्ई 0 Non-Compoundable
120 3115 CMVR 103/177 MVA Driving Without indicator तवन् ं््क (इमतडकीटर) च्लतवणी 500 1500
121 3116 MMVR 236/177 MVA Hiding fully/partly number plate by placing भ्र ककव् इकर म्ल्मुळी कम्मक फलक ञुण्कत ककव् 500 1500
load/other goods/ अम्कत थोड्स् ंडतवणी
122 3117 CMVR 50 / 177 MVA Driving or parking vehicle on public road without कम्मक फलक ध्रण न कीलीली व्हन स्व्जनीक 500 1500
number plate ( Vehicle registered but Number तठक्णी च्लतवणी , उभी करणी.
plate not displayed.)
123 3118 MMVR134(1)/177 MVA Using word / figure / drawing / sticker on vehicle ट््नसञोट् व्हन्वर ्बं आकृकी तचा तचटकतवलीली 500 1500
(press / police / polite / advocate / etc.) on transport (पी स,ञोलीस, ञोल्ईट, अ्डवहोकीट, इ.) व्ञर करणी

124 3119 MVDR 37 (2) 177A MVA NO use of mobile phone by trainer while training त्कवू च्लक्स पत्तकक करण्ऱश् पत्कक्नी 0 Non-Compoundable
learner driver पत्कण्ंर्श्न भमणमवनीच् व्ञर कर नशी
125 3120 CMVR 3 (b)/177 MVA Learner Driver not accompanied with trainer त्क्वू च्लक्सोबक पत्कक न्ही 500 1500
126 3121 MMVR 224/190 (2) MVA (2-3 wheeler) Restrictions on driving with gear disengaged/ Driving करफ् समच (तरअर) मोकळ् ठी उन व्हन च्लतवणश्वर 1000 and disqualified for 3000
with neutral gear in ghats. (2-3 wheeler) मन्ई /करफ्समच (तरअर) मोकळ् ठी ऊन (नशुटल) holding license for period of
3 months
घ्ट्क व्हन च्लतवणी (२-३ च्की )

127 3197 MMVR 224/190 (2) MVA (Other than Restrictions on driving with gear disengaged/ Driving करफ् समच (तरअर) मोकळ् ठी उन व्हन च्लतवणश्वर 2000 and disqualified for 5000
2-3 wheeler) with neutral gear in ghats. (Other than 2-3 wheeler) मन्ई /करफ्समच (तरअर) मोकळ् ठी ऊन (नशुटल) holding license for period of
3 months
घ्ट्क व्हन च्लतवणी (२-३ च्की वशतकतरयक )

128 3122 Sec 84 (G)r/w 177 MVA Permit Holder MV - Name and Address of the ञरव्न् ध्री पतशीक व्हन्वर सीव्च्लक्ची 500 1500
operator not painted or firmly affixed to every (ऑञरी टर) न्व व ञत् रम रतवलीली ककव् ञयक्
बसतवल् ञ्तहजी.
129 3123 MVDR 22(2)(a)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle where stopping थ्मबणी पतकबमधीक तठक्णी व्हन उभी करणी / रसतश्वर 0 Non-Compoundable
prohibited/Vehicle abandoned on road व्हन सोडु न ंी णी
130 3124 MVDR 22(2)(g)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle in a tunnel बोरद्क व्हन उभी करणी 0 Non-Compoundable
SN. Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
131 3125 MVDR 22(2)(h)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle in bus lane बस म्ररकीक व्हन उभी करणी 0 Non-Compoundable
132 3126 MVDR 22(2)(i)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle in front of entrance or exit of म्लमत् आरमन ककव् तनर्मन वं्र् समोर व्हन 0 Non-Compoundable
property उभी करणी.
133 3127 MVDR 22(2)(m)/177A MVA Parking the vehicle obstructing other vehicle or ंुसऱश् मोट्रव्हन्स अडथळ् होईल असी व्हन उभी 0 Non-Compoundable
cause inconvenience to any person ेी करणी ककव् इकर वशमयकन् असुतवध् होईल असी
व्हन उभी करणी .
134 3128 MVDR22(2)(d)/177A MVA Parking Vehicle within 50 mtr from the edge of चौक ककव् छी ं रसतश्चश् तकन्श्चश् ५० मीटर आक 0 Non-Compoundable
Junction or inter section व्हन उभी करणी
135 3129 MVDR22(2)(j)/177A MVA Park Vehicle on Continuous yellow line Painted on सलर अखमतडक तञवळश् रम र्च् ञट् आखलील् 0 Non-Compoundable
curve side on Road असक् कीथी व्हन ऊभी करणी
136 3130 MVDR 22(2)(0)/177A MVA Park Vehicle in permitted parking place beyond तनं् त्क वीळीनमकर व्हन उभी करणी 0 Non-Compoundable
permitted time limit
137 3131 MVDR 22(2) (P)/177A MVA Parked vehicle is other than permitted specified उभी कीलीली व्हन ही तवत्ृठ वर्स्ठीचश् 0 Non-Compoundable
Category ञरव्णरीञैकी न्ही.
138 3132 MVDR 22(2) (R)/177A MVA Not Parking Vehicle as designated in parking lot उभी करणश्स्ठीचश् रट्स्ठी तनं् त्क कीलश् पक्री 0 Non-Compoundable
व्हन उभी कीली न्ही
139 3133 CMVR 115 (7)/177 MVA Failed to produce valid PUCC वैध ञीशुसीसी स्ंर कीली न्ही 500 1500
140 3134 MMVR 20 (1) (xvi)/177 MVA Failed to produce valid driving license on demand वैध अनुज्ञा स्ंर कीली न्ही. ञीएसवही च्लक्स 500 1500
(public service vehicle) Driver permitted to produce अनुज्ञा स्ंर करणश्स 48 क्स्मची सवलक आही
within 48 hours of demand

141 3135 Sec. 6(1)/179 MVA Driver found with two licenses in his name च्लक्चश् न्वी ंोन अनुज्ञाी आढळु न आली 750 Not Applicable
142 3136 MVDR 14(5)(d)/177A MVA Overtaking on a bend/corner/turning वळणी / कोञर् / वळक्न् ओवहरटी क करणी 0 Non-Compoundable
143 3137 MVDR 19(2)(ii)/177A MVA Overtaking within barriers of a railway crossing री लवी ओल्मडणी पतकबमधीक कीा्क ओवहरटी क करणी 0 Non-Compoundable

144 3138 MVDR 22(1)(v)/177A MVA Stopping Vehicle on a level Crossing री लवी ओल्मडणी पतकबमधीक कीा्क व्हन थ्मबतवणी 0 Non-Compoundable
145 3139 MVDR 14(5)(e)/177A MVA Overtaking at junctions/intersections/zebra crossing चौक / छी ंरसक् / ञ्ंच्री स्रणी शीथी ओवहरटी क 0 Non-Compoundable
146 3140 MVDR 14(5)(h)/177A MVA Overtaking in School/Hospital/Construction Zone ््ळ् / रगण्लश / ब्मधक्म कीा ञतरसर्क 0 Non-Compoundable
area ओवहरटी क करणी
147 3141 MVDR 14(7)/177A MVA Giving right turn indicator to following vehicle for ओवहरटी क करणश्स्ठी उजव् ं््क ंी णी 0 Non-Compoundable
148 3142 MVDR 22(1)(ix)/177A MVA Stopping the vehicle at mandatory "No stopping" थ्मबू नशी (नो सटोकञर) श् आज्ध्रक तचनह असलीलश् 0 Non-Compoundable
sign तठक्णी व्हन थ्मबतवणी
149 3143 MVDR 20(2)/177A MVA Overtaking/U-Turn/drive backward in a tunnel बोरद्क ओवहरटी क / शु वळण / म्री च्लतवणी 0 Non-Compoundable
150 3144 MVDR 20 (3)/177A MVA Parking/Stopping vehicle in a tunnel without genuine बोरद्जवळ सबळ क्रण्त्व्श व्हन थ्मबतवणी / 0 Non-Compoundable
reason उभी करणी
151 3145 MVDR 22(1)(i)/177A MVA Stopping the vehicle at narrow road अरमं रसतश्वर व्हन थ्मबतवणी 0 Non-Compoundable
SN. Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
152 3146 MVDR 22(1) (ii)/177A MVA Stopping the vehicle near or on a sharp bend कीृण वळण्वर ककव् जवळ व्हन थ्मबतवणी . 0 Non-Compoundable
153 3147 MVDR 22(1) (iii)/177A MVA Stopping Vehicle in an acceleration /Deceleration चढण / उक्र म्ररकीक व्हन थ्मबतवणी 0 Non-Compoundable
154 3148 MVDR 22(1)(iv)/177A MVA Stopping the vehicle on 5 meters before pedestrian ञ्ंच्री स्रणी ञ्सुन ञ्च तमटर अमकर्चश् आक 0 Non-Compoundable
crossing व्हन थ्मबतवणी
155 3149 MMVR 162 / 177 MVA Driver found watching digital motion pictures/videos व्हन च्लवक्न् च्लक अमक्तमक (तडतजटल) 500 1500
while driving (Except route navigation) चलतचा तवडीओ ञ्हक्न् आढळल्

156 3150 MVDR 22(1)(vi)/177A MVA Stopping Vehicle 5 Mtrs or less before light signal or ‘‘म्र् द्’’ (तरव वी) ‘‘ थ्मब् तचनह’’ (सटॉञ स्ईन) ककव् 0 Non-Compoundable
"GIVE WAY" or "STOP SIGN" पक्् समकीक (ल्ईट तसगनल) चश् ञ्च तमटर अमकर्ची
आक व्हन थ्मबतवणी .
157 3151 MVDR 22(1)(vii)/177A MVA Stopping the vehicle at bus stand when vehicle is बस थ्मबश्वर बस वशतकरीयक इकर व्हनी थ्मबतवणी 0 Non-Compoundable
other than bus
158 3152 MVDR 22(1)(viii)/177A MVA Stopping Vehicle on yellow box marked on road रसतश्वर तञवळश् ञीटीक (बॉयस) व्हन थ्मबतवणी 0 Non-Compoundable
159 3153 MMVR 237 / 177 MVA Not Stopping before stop line थ्मब् री र् (सटॉञ ल्ईन) अरोंर व्हन थ्मबतवली न्ही 500 1500

160 3154 MMVR 23(1) / 177 MVA Excess number of persons sitting in cabin of goods म्लव्हु च्लक्चश् खोलीक (क्बीन) अतकरीयक 500 1500
carriage इसम बसलीली
161 3155 MMVR 20 (1) (x)/177 MVA Unclean vehicle (public service vehicle) असवचछ व्हन (स्व्जतनक सीव् व्हन) 500 1500
162 3156 MVDR 4(5) 6(2)/177A MVA Heavy vehicles continuously driving in right lane अवजड व्हन अखमतडक उजवश् म्ररकीकून च्लतवणी 0 Non-Compoundable

163 3157 Sec 194 B (2) MVA Child up to 12 years age not provided seat with ब्र् वर्ञश्कचश् वश्चश् ब्लक्स अटक्व 500 1500
appropriate child restraint system वशवसथी सह बैठक ञुरवणश्क आलीली न्ही
164 3158 MMVR 231 (1) / 177 MVA Loud music played in vehicle व्हन्क मोठ् आव्ज्क समरीक ल्वणी 500 1500
165 3159 MVDR 6(4)/177A MVA Driver crossing white/yellow Solid lane lines at time ओवहरटी क करक्न् च्लक ञ्मढरी / तञवळी अखमतडक 0 Non-Compoundable
of overtaking री र् ओल्मडको
166 3160 MVDR 11(1)/177A MVA Turning left/right without hand signal indication ह्क्नी समकीक न करक् ड्वी / उजवी वळण घीणी 0 Non-Compoundable

167 3161 MVDR 16(4)/177A MVA Driving slowly without good and sufficient reason to सबळ क्रण्त्व्श व्हन हळू च्लवून व्हकूतकस 0 Non-Compoundable
impede normal traffic flow अडथळ् कील्
168 3162 MVDR 17(2)/177A MVA Applying sudden brake without genuine reason तवन् क्रण अच्नक रकी रोधक्च् (बी क) व्ञर 0 Non-Compoundable
169 3163 MMVR 233/177 MVA Restrictions on driving backwards/in reverse व्हन ञ्तठम्री घीणश्ब्बक तनबकध. उलट तं्ीनी 500 1500
170 3164 MMVR 233/177 MVA Driving backwards/in reverse direction on road/in a रसतश्क / उभी कीलीलश् तठक्णी / स्व्जतनक तठक्णी 500 1500
parking/any other public place व्हन ञ्ठीम्री उलट तं्ीनी च्लवणी
171 3165 CMVR 109 / 177 MVA Driving vehicle with parking light on व्हन उभी करणश्ची तंवी पतंदक असक् व्हन 500 1500
SN. Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
172 3166 MMVR 108/177 MVA Carriage of persons in goods vehicle म्लव्हू व्हन्कून इसम्मची व्हकूक 500 1500
173 3167 MMVR 163/177 MVA Dangerous projection धोक्ं्शकतरतश् ञुढी आलील् भ्र 500 1500
174 3168 MMVR 168/177 MVA Use of military/ police colours & registration mark तमतलटरी/ञोलीस रम र आतण नोंणी तचनह श्मचश् 500 1500
prohibited व्ञर्स मन्ई
175 3169 MMVR 21(17)/177 MVA Misbehaviour towards passenger & others (motor पव््ी व इकर्मसोबक रैरवक्नुक (मोटर क्ब) 500 1500
176 3170 CMVR 109 / 177 MVA Restrictions to carry dangerous स्व्जतनक सीव् व्हन्कून धोक्ं्शक ञं्थ् / 500 1500
substances/explosive/highly inflammable substance सफोटकी/अतकजव्ल्गही ञं्थ् व्हू न नीणश्वरील
on Public Service Vehicle
177 3171 MMVR 20 (1) (i)/177 MVA Allowing any person animal or thing to be in the व्हक्स आरतकक ज्रीक प्णी ककव् इकर वसकू 500 1500
space reserved for driver (PSV other than M.CAB) ठी वणश्स अनुमकी ंी णी. (स्व्जतनक सीव् व्हन मोटर
क्ब वरळू न)
178 3172 MMVR 20 (1) (ii)/177 MVA Shouting for passenger (PSV other than M.CAB) पव्््मस्ठी ओरडणी (स्व्जतनक सीव् व्हन मोटर 500 1500
क्ब वरळू न)
179 3173 MMVR 20 (1) (vi)/177 MVA Smoking while on duty (PSV other than M.CAB) कक्वश्वर धूमञ्न करणी (स्व्जतनक सीव् व्हन 500 1500
मोट्र क्ब वरळू न )
180 3174 MMVR 20 (1) (vii)/177 MVA Misbehaviour towards passenger & others (PSV पव््ी व इकर्मसोबक रैरवक्नुक (स्व्जतनक सीव् 500 1500
other than M.CAB) व्हन मोटर क्ब वरळू न)
181 3175 MMVR 20 (1) (viii)/177 MVA Driver without Khaki uniform (PSV other than च्लक तवन् ख्की रणवी् (स्व्जतनक सीव् व्हन 500 1500
M.CAB) मोटर क्ब वरळू न)
182 3176 MMVR 20 (1) (xii)/177 MVA Unnecessarily delay the journey (PSV other than पव्स्क अन्वशशक तवलमब कील् (स्व्जतनक सीव् 500 1500
M.CAB) व्हन मोटर क्ब वरळू न )
183 3177 Sec 120/177 MVA Motor Vehicle with left hand drive without ड्व् ह्क च्लक मो.व्हन तवन् श्माीक ककव् 500 1500
displaying mechanical or signalling device board at स्मकीकीक उञकरण फलक ञ्ठीम्री (म्लक व
the rear side (owner & driver both)
च्लक ंोनही)
184 3178 MMVR 24 (2)/177 MVA Failed to display Badge (HMV passenger carrier) तबलल् पंर्क कील् न्ही. एच एम वही पव्््मची 500 1500
185 3179 Sec 122/177 MVA RW Sec 127 MVA Causing danger, obstructions or undue स्व्जतनक तठक्णी लोक्मन् धोक्, अडथळ् ककव् 500 1500
(Towing) inconvenience to other users of public place or to रैरसोश होईल अ््पक्री र्डी उभी कीलश्मुळी र्डी
the passengers by allowing the vehicle to be
कीन नी ओढू न नीणी
abandoned or to remain at rest on any public place.
186 3185 CMVR 43/177 MVA Form No. 19 duplicate copy not produced. फॉम् कम्मक १९ ची ंुयशम पक स्ंर न करणी 500 1500
187 3186 CMVR 40/177 MVA Identification card Issued by Dealer not produced तडलरे्री पसकुक कीलीली ओळखञा कञ्सणीस्ठी 500 1500
स्ंर कीलीली न्ही
188 3187 CMVR 39 (2)/177 MVA Original T.C. Not produced मूळ तटसी स्ंर न करणी 500 1500
189 3188 CMVR 117/177 MVA Speedo Meter Wire fraud detected सञीडो मीटर म्ीन ञ्सून सञीडो मीटर व्शर वीरळी 500 1500
कीलश्ची आढळली
SN. Sec ID offense section offense name - English offense name - Marathi 1st Fine 2nd Fine & Onwards
190 3189 MMVR 54 (3)/177 MVA F.T. Form not submitted to local RTO within seven मह्र्ृट्क पवी् कीलश्चश् स्क तंवस्चश् आक 500 1500
days of arrival in M.S. (Only White Number Plate) सथ्तनक आरटीओ ल् एफ टी नमुनश्क
आरमन्ब्बक कळतवली न्ही. (कीवळ सवीक कम्मक
दलीट )
191 3190 MVDR 22(2)(s)/177A MVA NO PARKING (Clamping) व्हन ल्वणश्स मन्ई(ञकडणी ) 0 Non-Compoundable
192 3191 Section 122/177 MVA Causing danger, obstructions or undue स्व्जतनक तठक्णी लोक्मन् धोक्, अडथळ् ककव् 500 1500
inconvenience to other users of public place or to रैरसोश होईल अ््पक्री र्डी उभी करणी
the passengers by allowing the vehicle to be
abandoned or to remain at rest on any public place.

193 3192 Sec 194 E MVA Not providing way for emergency vehicles (Fire अतशमक तनकडीचश् (आरीच् बमब ककव् रगणव्तहक्) 10000 Not Applicable
service or ambulance). र्डश्मन् ज्णश्स ज्र् न ंी णी
194 3193 Sec 182 (1) MVA Driving the vehicle by a person who is disqualified व्हन च्लतवणश्स्ठी ल्रण्ऱश् अनुज्ञा् स्ठी 10000 Not Applicable
for holding or obtaining driving license. अञ्ा असलीलश् वशयकीनी व्हन च्लतवणी

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