Effects of Stress To ACAD PERF-Chapter 1-3

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Stress can affect the physiological and physical responses of a student such as
depression, anxiety, problems with cognitive functioning (being unable to concentrate or
learn as well as you normally would), and changes in behavior and this may bring a long-
term effect to students. This can bring negative impact of the academic performance of
each student in grade 12 senior high school. There are symptoms that we can say that a
student experience stress such as, changes in behavior like Overeating or undereating,
Angry outburst, being irritable, hostile, frustrated, Drug or alcohol misuse, Tobacco use,
Social withdrawal, and Exercising less often, and when a student shows this kind of
symptoms in his/her behavior, she/he may prone to stress.

Stress will give a negative impact towards the academic performance of a students
and there is a chance that a student will fail on his/her study if this will not cure
immediately. There are factors that can cause stress to a student like peer pressure which
she/he will be tempted to follow what his/her peers did, family problems that will always
occur unexpectedly, and financial problem, this is the most problems of a students
especially those students who are in grade 12 because they have to spend money for their
research and any other expenses at school.

Several studies had found that stress has a negative effect on students’ ability to
concentrate. If you are a student, you tend to comply with the multi-layered school
requirements simultaneously. This burden alone is enough to make you unable to
concentrate. Most students fail or struggle at school not because they don’t have what it
takes to succeed academically. The main reason is the wrong study techniques they
employ. Most students do study their lessons when the exam is fast approaching. As a
result, they tend to squeeze time to accomplish everything needed to be done. That’s why
they end up cramming. Unfortunately, cramming or multitasking is futile. The reason
being is that the brain cannot process multiple information at a single point in time. If you
cram, it is most likely that you don’t perform well in the test. It only triggers stress.
Another thing that causes academic stress is homework. If you have a heavy academic
load, chances are you have a lot to do both on campus and at home. Homework adds

stress to students. It drains the student’s energy. As a result, they perform poorly in class.
The lack of organization breeds trouble and stress. One of the reasons behind cramming
is not just procrastination. The major part of it is lack of organization. Students who are
poor in this skill often have trouble in their academic performances.

Students in secondary and tertiary education settings face a wide range of ongoing
normative stressors, which can be defined as normal day to day hassle such as ongoing
academic demands. Accordingly, secondary education (defined here as junior/lower
secondary education and senior/upper secondary education) (UNESCO, 2012) students
commonly self-report experiencing ongoing stress relating to their education, which we
refer to as academic-related stress, such as pressure to achieve high marks and concerns
about receiving poor grades. For example, the organization of economic co-operation and
development (OECD) recently conducted a survey involving 72 countries and consisting
of 540,000 student respondents aged 15-16 years.

On average across OECD countries, 66% of students reported feeling stressed about
poor grades and 59% reported that they often worry that taking a test will be difficult.
The OECD further found that 55% of students feel very anxious about school testing,
even when they are well prepared. As many 37% of students reported feeling very tense
when studying, with girls consistently reporting greater anxiety relating to schoolwork
compared to boys (OECD,2017). This data demonstrates that education and academic
performance are significant source of stress to students. The impact of this ongoing
academic- related stress to student outcomes and well-being has not been comprehensibly
explored. Therefore, the current narrative review explores the impact of academic-related
stress on students’ academic performance, mental health and well-being.

The Department of Education on Friday said it was taking as “a challenge” a report

showing that the majority of Filipino students fall below minimum proficiency levels. In
a teleradyo interview, Education Undersecretary Nepomuceno Malaluan noted that they
welcome the report and accept in as a challenge. According to the report, around 80
percent of Filipino students fall below the minimum level of proficiency for their grade
levels. The Philippines was rated last in reading, and second to the last in science and
mathematics, among 79 countries that participated in the program for International
Student Assessment. In the trends in International Mathematics and Science study in
2019, the country placed last in both mathematics and science among 58 countries in the
fourth-grading assessment. The Philippines was also in the bottom half of the 6 countries
in reading, mathematics and writing literacy in the Southeast Asia Primary Learning
Metrics in 2019.

Among 4 th year accountancy students of University of Perpetual Help System Dalta,

forms a strong relationship to the mindset of bearing this matter which is found between
stressful personal life events and pressure with academic performance as well as there is a
bond between health-related quality of life and stress.

The grade 12 senior high school students of Magsico National High School
experience stress in their academic performance during the second semester of the school
year. Because during this time there are lots of research projects, demands of outputs,
preparations and activities that must be perform. Also, their problems inside their house
will add the pressure they feel in school. And because of this, the students tend to feel
stress all the time and cannot focus on their academic career. Through this the researchers
wanted to identify the effects of stress of the academic performance of grade 12 SHS


This research study is established to identify the effects of stress on the academic
performance of grade 12 senior high school students in Magsico National High School,
Magsico, San Fernando, Cebu on this second semester of the school year 2021-2022. As
basis of the propose solution to propose this problem.

This specifically sought to answer the following questions:

1.How can a student deal with the academic stress?

2.What are the alternative things that can shift academic stress into a good effect?
3.What are the cause of the academic stress?
4.What is the relationship between stress and the academic performance of grade 12
senior high school students?
5.Who are the people or group of people you can lean on when you experience academic


This study focused on the effects of stress of the academic performance of grade 12
senior high school students at Magsico National High School. This study was conducted

from the month of April 2022 until June 2022 within the second semester of the school
year 2021-2022. The scope was limited only to the students in Magsico National High
School who were aware that they will be part of our research. The materials that we need
in conducting this research study are short size bond papers, ballpen, printer, paper, ink,
and computer. Not less than 500 pesos for the expenses of the research study.
In this research study we will involve 20 students in Magsico National High
School which composed of 10 males and 10 females who experience stress during
studying. I and my teammates will conduct a survey with 5 questionnaires that the
respondents will going to answer- these questions are related to the problem and they will
put a check mark on the boxes that will correspond to their answers.


The findings of the study will be beneficial to the following people:
Students. Through this research study, they can learn how to manage and deal with the
incoming stress in their academic performance. They will think easily on how they can
use this stress as an opportunity to strengthen their psysiological and physical well-being.
Additionally, this will also a guide for the grade 12 students who will benefit the most of
this research study.
Parents. This will be beneficial to the parents because they will be aware of what their
students in grade 12 experience and to be aware of the pressure that brings stress to
students. Additionally, they will also understand their children on what they are dealing
Teachers/administrators/ principal. They tend to understand and fully aware of what is
happening to their students and because they are the second parents of the students, they
can give advice and keep a student accompany.
Law makers. This can be beneficial to them because if they are fully aware of these
problems, they can implement laws that will help and protect our students.
Community. This research can help the community because they will be given factual
information that they can use to give care for the students in their community. And they
can also be a role model for the students in the community.
Future research. This research will be beneficial for the future researcher because they
can use or include this to their research study which is related to their research title. And
they can see further information in this research project. Additionally, this can be a
sample for their research study.



Stress is our body’s response to pressure. Many different situations or life events can
cause stress. It is often triggered when we experience something new, un-expected that
threatens our sense of self, or when we feel we have little control over a situation. When
we encounter stress, our body produces stress hormones, that trigger fight or flight
response and activate our immune system. It is the feeling of being overwhelmed or
unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure.

It is essential to identify the cause of the stress so that it can be addressed

meticulously and efficient interventions can be outlined. Stress is always seen as
subjective process and encompasses individual’s personal analysis and counter to a
threatening event. Stress can result in depression, anxiety and many other hazardous

Academic pressure has increased over the past few years, there are examinations,
assignments and many other activities that a student has to shuffle through. Not only the
design but teachers and parents also burden the students with a lot of pressure of getting
good grades. These expectations make the students work relentlessly and end up in
creating more stress. With academics, the parents and the institutions want the students to
participate in extracurricular activities too, the current expectations from the students is to
be an all rounder. Lack of proper channels for counseling leads to more confusion and the
students are unable to choose a career for themselves even after rigorous studying
patterns. This demanding attitude from parents and teachers leave the students bewildered
and builds up stress.

Heavy academic workloads and the feeling that you are constantly racing to meet
another deadline can be daunting. Parental pressure on children to shine in their study and

perform well in extracurricular activities is at remarkable high. Compelling need to excel

in studies, often prone to abuse, does injure the morale and is one of the greatest causes
of stress, failure and breakdown.


Stress is a perception of emotional or physical tension. There are number of incidents

in a person’s life that leads to negative emotions like anger, frustration and nervousness
that further develops stress in an individual. Stress is the body’s reaction to challenge or
demand. It can be positive at times; however prolonged stress can lead to severe health
conditions. Stress levels can differ on the basis of how one reciprocates to a certain
situation. Some people just do not care and do not get anxious; they perceive stress as
trivial knock and move on in life on daily basis. Others actually worry themselves more
than required and affect their health. Stress is considered as negative, behavioral,
physiological process that takes place when the person tries to adapt or compromise with
stressors (Bernstein et al. 2008). Stressors are the circumstances that disrupt, or threaten
to disrupt, individuals, ‟daily functioning and cause people to make adjustments”
(Auerbach and Grambling,1998). Malach, Pines and Keinan (2007) defined stress as the
insight of incongruity between environmental burden (stressors) and person’s ability to
fulfill these demands. Auerbach & Grambling (1998) regarded any situation that can
stimulate any kind of threat or danger to the well being can be contemplated as stress.

Reddy et al. (2018) in their study concludes that stream wise difference in stress does
exist in students. It is important to deal with stress at personal, social and institutional
level. Remedies such as feedback, yoga, life skills training, mindfulness, meditation and
psychotherapy have been found useful to deal with stress. To identify the main reason of
stress is the key to deal with it. Professionals can develop tailor made strategies to deal
with stress. The integrated well being of the students is important not only for the
individual but for the institute as well. Dimitrov (2017) in his study claimed that stress

can be addressed by ensuring that the students give utmost importance to their welfare.
Food, exercise, work, recreation are some of the areas to focus on. He also concluded that
the education system is more to do with the academic qualifications and does not
contribute enough to the holistic development of students.

Students are usually conditioned in a way that makes them fearful to take up
upcoming challenges as the focus is only the academics and not the development of a go
getter mentally. There are not many choices for the medium of education. English being
the only option available can pose as a hindrance for the students from rural background.
There are not many courses available that are employment centric. Fresh graduates need
more communication skills development for better placements.

Subramani and Kadhiravan (2017) revealed the link between academic stress and
mental health among students. He endorsed that academic stress and mental health are
correlated and that students are cramped with the academic structure. Parents and schools
pressurize the students way too much for the higher grades that disheartens the students,
further to add on there is not enough support from the parents and school in terms of
guidance. The students are mentally healthy when they perform constructively in the
academic forums. They also propounded that students from private schools are more
pressurized as compared to students from government schools due to the excess of
homework and other academic related assignments. Significant difference in mental
health of students from private and government schools was found. He asserted that
students from private schools have a different nurturing and vast exposure as compared to
government school students who belong to poor socio economic background and lack of
exposure. This is one of the reasons for the escalation of stress.

Sharma et al. (2016) in their study stated the use of various methods to curb stress.
Doing one physical exercise on daily basis can address the concern of stress. One can
also adopt to various time management tools and get involved with leisure activities

which can benefit students. Also, it was suggested that colleges should have a conducive
ambience to curtail the stress. Change in the style of delivery from teachers end and
providing mentors can bring fresh air to the teaching style.

Prabu (2015) researched on the higher secondary students and implied that male
students are more stressed than the female students. Urban student’s academic stress is
greater than the rural students. Government school student’s stress is lower than the
private school student’s stress. Students from Science stream are more stressed than the
students from Arts.

Deb et al. (2014), studied on 400 male students from five private secondary schools in
Kolkata who were studying in grades 10 and 12. 35 percent students were found to have
high academic stress and 37 percent were found to have high anxiety levels. Students
with marginal grades were said to have higher level of stress as compared to students
with better grades. Also, students involved with extra-curricular activities were noted to
be more stressed as related to those students who were not involved with it.

Kaur (2014) acknowledged that mental health of teenagers get affected due to the
academic stress. Girls with academic stress were found to have poor mental health as
compared to the boys. This was accounted on the study that parents at times put pressure
and strain on students that leads to deteriorated mental health.

Bataineh (2013) in his study measured the academic stressors experienced by students
at university. The result of the analyses showed that there is an unreasonable academic
overload, not enough time to study due to the vast course content being covered, high
family expectations and low motivation levels are some of the reasons for the stress. Fear
of failure is also the prime reason for stress. There was no significant difference found
amongst the students from different of specializations.

Khan and Kausar (2013) concluded that stress definitely impacts the academic
performance in a negative way though no significant difference was found as per the
gender. The difference was evident between junior and senior students. Stress, for sure,
affects the ability to study efficiently and managing the time. Studying regularly is
important, this helps reduce the academic pressure and helps them fulfill their goals.

Busari (2012) found that stress was leading to depression among secondary school
students and is linked with affect on academic achievement. Introduction to preventive
measures, teaching life skills and other therapeutic techniques should be taken in to
serious consideration.

Nandamuri and Gowthami(2011) studied the stress among students of professional

studies and claimed that curriculum and instructions parameters were most responsible
for stress with 86 percent, followed by 63 percent for placement related issues,
assessment and team work issues accounted for 41 percent and 24 percent respectively.
The study further identified various micro issues responsible for stress, and listed twelve
sub issues related to curriculum and instruction. Once the sub issues of each parameter
are identified, it provided improved vision to the academic administrators for initiating
efforts to reduce the gravity of academic stress.

According to Agolla (2009) stress has become an important topic in academic circles.
Many philosophers have carried out considerable research on stress and concluded that
this topic needs way more attention. Radcliff and Lester (2003) studied the anticipated
stress among final year undergraduate students and acknowledged that class assignments,
not enough guidance, pressure to mingle and to get associated were the reasons for the
stress to build up. McKean et al. (2000) argue that undergraduate students experience
higher stress at expected times in each semester. Academic engagements, financial
pressures and lack of time management skills lead to building up of stress. Excessive
stress can affect well being, emotional attitude and academic performance. There upon it
becomes essential that undergraduate students establish methods to deal with stressful


DepEd Urges schools to ease burden of students and teachers. The Department of
Education has called on schools to lessen the burden of students and teachers amid the
new coronavirus, pandemic, saying they must not require them to do tasks outside
instructional management and that they need to provide psychosocial interventions.

By ensuring flexibility in teaching and learning, stress and burden of learning through
the multiple learning modalities offered by the DepEd will be reduced, even as the
learners are guided to focus on the most essential learning competencies, “ Diosdado San
Antonio Said.”

In coping with stress among students who were scrambling to finish tasks indicated in
their self-learning modules, the DepEd said schools could determine some activities
while allowing the fast learners to perform additional tasks.

Learners and home learning facilitators found to be experiencing difficulties shall be

provided additional support by the teachers or learning support aides.

The ACT reminded the DepEd not to pass the blame on students’ stress in answering
self-learning modules to schools and local offices, pointing out the templates for these
learning materials were created by the department itself.

When parents began noticing that their children were struggling to accomplish their
tasks last month, the DepEd asked schools to lessen daily assignments, saying some
activities could be made optional.

The Deped also asked schools to support the mental health and socio-emotional well-
being of teachers, students and their families by organizing group wellness sessions. In
response to the challenges in education brought about by Covid-19, the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) exposes the learners to different learning modalities,
one of which is the printed modular distance learning. Modular printed distance learning
adds to learners' workload and deprives them of good learning environments and some
students are having trouble adjusting to the new learning style. Notably, if this situation is

assumed, negative outcomes such as anxiety, concern, despair, discomfort, and trauma
would be experienced as a result of distance learning stress.

The purpose of this study is to determine the level of academic stress and the extent
of teachers’ and parents’ support to learners amidst pandemic and is significant difference
exists between the level of learners’ academic stress and the extent of support given by
their parents and teachers. This study employed a quantitative research design utilizing
descriptive and correlational approaches. Cluster sampling was used to determine the
sample size which resulted in 356 learners. Findings revealed that learners experienced
academic stress, but they felt the support of their parents and teachers. A significant
correlation between the learners’ academic stress and teachers’ and parents' support
exists. This study concluded then that learning and studying at home amidst pandemics
created stress and disturbances to the learners’ cognitive and emotional well-being. The
parents’ and teachers’ support to the children’s academic stress was evident. The extent
of teachers’ and parents’ support alleviated the learners’ academic stress. Learners were
not ready for independent learning for they needed the scaffold and guidance of their
teachers and parents.

Covid-19's global pandemic crisis has severed societies and economies (OECD, 2020),
and even educational institutions have temporarily shut down to prevent the transmission
of the virus (Esposito & Principi, 2020).

The most marginalized and vulnerable individuals in the educational system and all the
facets of their lives have also been affected, these include poor nutrition, interrupted
learning, teacher confusion and academic stress, which manifests itself in various ways:
emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and physical (Rustam & Tentama, 2020). The
educational system's approach to the pandemic's learning obstacles has been anything but
resilient. In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) developed a Basic
Education Learning Continuity Plan (BELCP) in May 2020 to provide guidance on how
to deliver education during the coronavirus disease pandemic while ensuring the health,
safety, and welfare of all learners, teachers and personnel of the agency designed to
address the challenges in basic education posed by Covid-19. Thus, learning must
continue during times of calamity, disaster, emergency, quarantine, or even war (Briones,

2020). Learners will utilize various modes of instruction in the comfort of their own
homes, ensuring that no one is left behind while prioritizing their health and safety from
an unknown virus.

The BELCP ensures that the learning continuity through K-12 curriculum adjustments,
alignment of learning materials, deployment of multiple learning delivery modalities,
provision of corresponding training for teachers and school leaders, and proper
orientation of parents or guardians of learners (DepEd Order No.12, s. 2020).

In most public schools in the Philippines, Pupils are being inundated with additional
workloads through modular printed distance learning, increasing their burden and
resulting in a lack of conducive learning environments at home (Bagayas, 2020). Some
students who lack resources have difficulty adjusting to the new mode of instruction
(Dollanganger, 2020),this situation harms the learners' mental health, and when things are
taken for granted, anxiety, worries, depression, distress, and trauma occur, consequent to
the stresses caused by distance learning (Rifareal, 2020).

Mahuro & Hungi (2016) asserted that education research integrates various academic
outcomes with parental involvement in child education. Parental involvement entails
devoting time and resources to their children's academic performance. The findings
indicate that increasing parental involvement through parenting and communication
improves learners' numeracy and literacy scores. Thus, parenting is critical in
encouraging children to increase their academic credentials. In this context, the
researchers were motivated to assess the level of learners’ academic stress and the
support provided by teachers and parents for learners who study at home from afar and
their experienced academic stress during the transition period in the so-called new normal
education delivery.The body of empirical research studies is quite consistent with their
findings on the effect of stress in the body. The consensus data suggest that stress, if not
handled properly, will cause several types of sickness. Some of the most evident
biological effects of stress are heart disease and cancer. But aside from that, stress can
also negatively affect the respiratory system. It makes breathing harder.

The effect of stress is not limited to the biological aspects but also
to psychological dimensions. A stressed person may not be able to function effectively.

For students, stress can have a very significant impact on their academic endeavors.The
effect of stress on students can be many. Several studies had found that stress has a
negative effect on the student’s ability to concentrate. If you are a student, you tend to
comply with the multi-layered school requirements simultaneously. This burden alone is
enough to make you unable to concentrate.

We already know many students—from elementary school to high school—

experience stress at school. According to whitesands tampa, stress is the major
factor which can lead students into drugs (visit miami drug rehab), it is important
that parents are always making sure that they are doing their best. The question
parents should be asking themselves is “why?”. Knowing what is causing your child
stress at school is the first step toward helping him or her overcome it.

How to better manage school stressors helps students experience less stress,
allowing them to perform to their fullest potential. According to “Oxford Learning
Center”, Many students worry about getting a good grade or simply making time to
study if there is more than one upcoming test. Test stress doesn’t just affect
struggling students, either—high-achievers usually experience a lot of stress about
doing well on tests.

When your child is overwhelmed or frustrated by homework, it makes it harder

for him or her to complete assignments. This can cause a stressful cycle where
homework piles up and your child doesn’t have the time or energy to complete it all
—leading to even more stress.

Whether it’s advanced-level classes or the amount of studying required, a heavy

workload can be a major source of stress for students. This is especially common for
older high school students as they start making their post-secondary plans.

Students with poor organizational skills tend to experience more stress in school.
This is usually because they aren’t properly prepared with the tools or the
understanding needed to learn. If those organization skills don’t improve they may
continue to fall behind, leading to more stress and frustration about school.

So with busy schedules can quickly become overwhelmed because they are left
with no free time to relax. As your child progresses from elementary school to high
school, the amount and difficulty level of schoolwork increases—and students
without good time management skills can experience even more stress.

For many children, the thought of getting called on in class and speaking in
front of their classmates can be terrifying. This can be particularly true if your child
struggles to keep up in a subject or area (common examples are math and reading).

A lack of support from parents or teachers, even if it’s only perceived, can add a
lot of stress to students. They may feel that a lot is expected of them, but that they
don’t have a strong enough support system (whether emotional or practical) to
achieve their goals. This is another cause of stress can affect high-achieving
students in particular.

Making a major move can be a stressful time for many students, whether it’s
starting at a new school or making the transition from elementary school to high
school. New classes, new teachers, and new routines can all be stressful for
students, and take time to adjust to.

As they progress through school and start taking more advanced classes, the
increased difficulty can cause stress for students. This is very common for teens
entering their high school years. As classes get harder, it’s important to address
challenges early so your child can catch up before he or she falls too far behind.

A routine including dedicated homework time and a consistent sleep schedule

helps guide students through their day. When changes to the usual routine start to
happen, your child may find it more difficult to manage his or her time, leading to
more stress.

The concept of schooling was designed to prepare young people for the adult world,
not just in trade opportunities but also in maintaining relationships and dealing with other
people. While school presented an opportunity for young adults to simulate current world

scenarios, it may have unintentionally introduced another real-world concept—student

stress. This is because college life is a period of numerous adjustments for students,
which may result in heightened levels of stress

The physical and mental demands of studies often increase proportionally to a

student’s progress (Reddy et al., 2018). Additionally, external factors such as family life,
finances, friends, and mental health may either provide a supporting role or an additional
distraction to studying (Lian, 2018). In an ACHA-National College Health Assessment II
national research survey released in 2019, the majority of undergraduates reported stress
and anxiety as the top major factors that affected their academic performance negatively
(ACHA, 2019).


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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 4(10), 63-68

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Bataineh.M.Z (2013). Academic stress among undergraduate students: the case of

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Education, 2(1), 82-88.

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Students’ Performance, FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 7(2), 146-151

Busari,A.O. (2012). Evaluating the Relationship between Gender, Age, Depression

and Academic Performance among Secondary School Students, International Journal
of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies, 4(2), 6-12

Nandamuri, P.P. and Gowthami, Ch.(2011). Sources of Academic Stress-A Study on

Management Students, Journal of Management and Science,1(2), 31-42

Agolla, J.E. (2009). Occupational Stress among Police Officers, The case of
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In this part of the study carefully talks about the research methodology of a research
which includes research design/method, research participants, research instruments,
research environment, data gathering procedure and data analysis to achieved the desired
data analysis that can be used for the findings, conclusions and recommendations.

Research Design

A descriptive normative, correlation survey method was implemented in order to asks

questions about the effects of stress in the academic performance of grade 12 senior high
school students of Magsico National High School, Magsico, San Fernando, Cebu during
this second semester of the school year 2021-2022.

This study only used descriptive design method because the researchers were just
associating the connection of the variables which are stress and the academic
performance of grade 12 students thus, the researchers did not incorporate any of the said

Descriptive study is the lenient approach that we can used in collecting data that can
demonstrate the relations and describe the world.

A descriptive study can be prescribed when the researchers were using standardized
instruments such as interview and Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE).

It can be correlational in a way that the researchers want to connect the effects and the
relation of the two variables, the stress and the academic performance of the students.

A descriptive study can be a survey in the way that the researchers want to link if the
grade 12 students are negatively or positively affected by stress, through giving the
participants a survey questionnaire. Through this, the researchers can determine who

among the grade 12 students were qualified being the research participants. The
researchers set the respondents to 20 persons in which 10 among of them are females and
the other 10 were males from the different sections of grade 12 in Magsico National High

Research Participants

The participants that were involved in this study are students from the four sections of
grade 12 of Magsico National High School, 5 of the participants were from grade 12 St.
Augustine, 10 of the participants were from grade 12 St. Catherine, 3 participants were
from grade 12 St. Margaret and 2 of the participants were from grade 12 St. Therease
with a total of 20 participants.

Research Instrument

There were two research instruments utilized in this study, such as interview and
Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE).

The first instrument used in this study was a survey questionnaire where we can
conduct the survey by handling them a survey questionnaire and see the feedback of the

Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE) is the second research instrument used in this
research study and it is a 10-item scale that measures global self-worth by measuring both
positive and negative feelings about ourselves. The scale is believed to be uni-
dimensional. All items will be answered using a 5-point likert scale format ranging from
strongly agree to strongly disagree.

Research Environment

This study includes the grade 12 senior high school students of Magsico National High
School, Magsico, San Fernando, Cebu. Magsico National High School is a public school
that has a 769 students enrolled of the school year 2021-2022.

San Fernando is bounded by the municipality of Naga in the North part,

Pinamungahan in the West part, Carcar City in the South and Cebu straight on the East.
The municipality of San Fernando is located in the south eastern cost of Cebu and about
29 kilometers. It is also a class municipality of Cebu Province. San Fernando is divided
into 21 barangays in which Magsico is part of. It is where the Magsico National High
School is builds.

A man with a kind heart who is a resident in this area is the one who donated the lot
with an area of 6500 square meters.

Magsico National High School is under the division of Cebu Province in the district 1
and has a school ID of 303049. The location of the school is near the San Augustine de
Hippo Parish Church.

The school was composed of 769 students— 432 junior high school and 337 senior
high school , 1 principal and 29 teachers with 2 school guards. Magsico National High
School was composed of 17 instructional classrooms, 1 computer laboratory, 1 science
laboratory, 1 clinic, 1 principal’s office and 1 isolation room. The school can be reached
through barangay Ilaya, barangay Tabionan, barangay Tananas, barangay Tonggo.

The school was established for the youngsters to build their confidence, skills,
knowledge and capabilities that will be guided by the teachers. It starts with a few
populations of students and end up to have more than a hundred of enrolled students.

The specific setting for our research study was in Magsico National High School. The
relevant participants was the grade 12 students.

Data Gathering Procedure

In this part, the researchers discussed how will the data were gathered and how these
were treated after the results had been tract and tabulated.

The study were focused on the effects of stress in the academic performance of grade
12 senior high school students in Magsico National High School.

The researchers personally asked permission to the grade 12 students who are the
participants in this study to get involved in the ongoing research study. Survey
questionnaire and Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE) was conducted when the
researchers were approved. The interview is the first instrument to be conducted, after
they answered their survey questionnaire that we prepared, they will proceed to the
second research instrument which is the RSE. But before the respondents fill in with the
questionnaires that the researchers prepared, they undergo briefing and instructions in
answering the questionnaires.

The survey was directed to the respondents by section so that the researchers will not
experience difficulties in managing the survey very well. After all the participants
answered the interview and RSE, the researchers will collect the answers and tabulated
all the gathered data. The result will be the key to identify the effects of stress in the
academic performance of grade 12 senior high school students.

After the collection of data was gathered efficiently and subjected to appropriate
statistical tools to answer the main issues and the sub-problems of this study. The result
was tabulated after gathering the data. The analysis were figured and interpreted.
Afterwards, will have to formulate the summary of findings, conclusions, and

Data Analysis

The gathered data were treated with statistical tools and being interpreted. The
following were statistical measures conducted to analyze the data gathered by the

The data were gathered from grade 12 senior high school students through the use of
the two standardized instruments name interview and Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE).
And this study both utilized the descriptive and inferential statistics.

The first sub-problem discussed about is the profiling of the researcher’s participants.
The researchers were going to identify the percentage of the following sub-problems
using descriptive statistics.

The second sub-problem discussed is about how stress affects the day to day living of
the students. The researchers utilized the descriptive statistics to identify the percentage
of the students who experienced stress.

The third sub-problems discussed about what is the level of grade 12 student’s
behavior who is exposed to stress and their self-esteem. To get the level of grade 12
student’s behavior who is exposed to stress and the level of their self-esteem, the
researcher conducted the descriptive statistics in which the researchers get the mean to
determine the answer to the sub-problem.

The fourth sub-problem discussed about the effects of stress in the academic
performance of grade 12 senior high school students. In order to determine the effects of
the stress in the academic performance of grade 12 students, the researchers made the

inferential statistics in which the researchers uses the Pearson’s Product moment
Correlation or Pearson’s r as the correlation technique in this research study.

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