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1.what is c/s?

Client server denotes a relationship between cooperating programs in an application, composed of

clients initiating requests for service and server providing that function or user

2.upsizing & downsizing


Application that have outgrown there environment or re-engineered to run in a larger environment

When an application outgrows the current environment the capacity of the environment should be
increased or the application should be large environment without disturbing the environment can be
expanded many way

*increasing memory and strong on the server

*swapping more powerful down power to the server

*adding processors to the server

*upgrading to more robust

b.down sizing

The host based application is down based when its re-engineered to run in smaller or LAN based
environment downsizing involves porting application from main frame mid range computer to a smaller
platform or LAN based architecture benefit be downphasing is lowercost as technology improve the cost
of LAN surface and micro computer continue to drop

3.classes of client server?

• Host-based processing

• Client-based processing

• Cooperative processing system?

A comprehensive and consistent set of international information technology standards and functional
standards profiles that specify interfaces, services and supporting formats to accomplish interoperability
and portability of applications, data and people

5.Name some popular os?

• Windows

• Linux
• Android
• Mac

6.Uses of GUI?

A GUI uses a combination of technologies and devices to provide a platform that user can interact with
for the task of gathering and producing information. A series of element conforming a visual language
hava evolved to represent information stored in computer.

7.What is interface independence?

programs that use objects only according to their interface cannot observe, and therefore cannot
depend upon, the representation of those objects.

Tools that allow development on one platform and deployment on another promote this portability.
Develops and users should be able to learn and use one GUI environment.

8.Common events for GUI?

GUI are event driven (i.e. they generate events when the user of the program interact with GUI) some
common interaction are moving the mouse , clicking the mouse ,clicking a button ,typing in a text field,
selecting an item from a menu ,closing a window etc..

9.What is a server?

A server is the machine that runs the data management software that has been designed for
functionality .compared to the desktop micro server hardware has increased memory capabilities ;
increased storage capabilities ; increased processing power and improve reliability

10.What is loadable module?

Loadable modules are software modules that are loaded onto the server to improve the functionality of
the server’s operating system. Most loadable modules used in c/s computing are NetWare Loadable
Modules (NLM’s)

11.What is server Os?

A serrver operating system (OS) is a type of operating system that is designed to be installed and used
on a server computer.

It is an advanced version of an operating system, having features and capabilities required within a
client-server architecture or similar enterprise computing environment

12.what is load leveling?

Load leveling is a process of making sure the server or servers do not go above a certain percentage of
task load.

13. define file server?

In computing, a file server is a computer attached to a network that provides a location for shared disk
access, i.e. storage of computer files that can be accessed by the workstations that are able to reach the
computer that shares the access through a computer network.

14. components of client server ?

The client- The client hardware is the desktop machine that runs client software.

The server-A server is the machine that runs data management software that has been designed for
server functionally.

The Network-The network hardware is the cabling, the communication cards, and the devices Link the
server and the clients.

15.myths surrounds client server ?

• Client/server computing is easily implemented

• Current Desktop machines Are sufficient
• Minimal Training is Required
• All Data Are Relational
• Development Time is Shorter.

16.Different categories of c/s

Client/server applications can also be categorized by their support function. The architecture of
client/server computing promotes group interaction whether it us messages , mail , shared data , or
shared applications
• Office syserver
• Front end to existing systems
• Database access

17. what is fully fault tolerant machine

Fault tolerance is the ability of a component to withstand a fatal failure without corrupting data or
disrupting failure, Fully fault tolerant machines have duplicated the significant hardware, including
the processor, memory , system, disk storage , communication links , and backup power supply
18 four components of OMA ?
• Object request broker
• Object services
• Common facilities
• Application Objects

19. What are triggers?

Triggers are special stored procedures that are automatically invoked by server database software.
Stored procedures are explicitly called as triggers, which are associated with particular tables, are
executed when attempts are made to modify data in those tables

20. What is ACID Test? • Atomicity ?

In distributed transaction processing, ACID refers to the four properties of transaction known:
• Atomicity – The entire transaction must be either completed or aborted. It cannot be
partially completed.
• Consistency – The system and it’s resources go from one steady stable to another.
• Isolation – The effect of a transaction is not evident to other transaction until the
transaction is committed.
• Durability – The effects of transaction are permanent and should not be affected by
system failures.

21. What is network trend ?

The networking market is regularly adjusting its hardware and software components to
meet the growing data demands of users, both in corporate and residential settings.
Networking use cases and network solutions are expanding as the cloud computing, Internet of
Things (IoT), and edge computing markets continue to grow.

22. How to measure server hardware ?

SATA³ Faster and mire expensive than IDE. Only one Small network, with moderate
drive can be accessed at a time. use of hard drives.
Larger network with
SCSI⁴ Faster and more expensive than IDE or SATA.
extensive use of hard drives

23.List standard address 4 areas of client server computing.

• Platform
• Network
• Middleware
• Application

24. X// open source -Define.

It is working on Distributed Transaction Processing(DTP) model.

X/opens XA protocol specifies the interface between a transaction manager and multiple
heterogeneous, distributed DBMS in a OLTP environment.

25. what is event call back ?

An event callback function is a function in a script that Monitoring Scripting Client calls in
response to an event. In your event callback functions, provide code to generate statistics from
the data in events. Typically, the following types of statistics can be generated from the data in
events: Counter statistics.

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