Plasticity of The Dendritic Spine (2) - Compressed-1-25

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Progressin NeurobiologyVol. 41, pp. 281 to 321, 1993 0301-0082/93/$24.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved © 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd


Department of Anatomy, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

(Received 28 May 1992)

1. The dendritic spine 282
1.1. Introduction 282
1.2. Location and distribution 282
1.3. Shape 285
1.4. Size 286
1.5. Structure 289
1.5.1. Spine apparatus 289
1.5.2. Synapse 289
1.5,3. Cytoplasmic organisation 291
2. Function of the dendritic spine 292
2.1. Introduction 292
2.2. Connectivity 292
2.3. Electronic flow 293
2.4. Calcium regulation 294
2.5. Cytoplasmic proteins 294
2.6. Memory and learning 294
3. Dendritic spine density 295
3.1. Introduction 295
3.2. Methods of assessment 296
4. Plasticity of the dendritic spine 297
4.1. Introduction 297
4.2. Gender effects 298
4.3. Spine morphology 299
4.4. Spine density 299
5. Naturally-occurring plasticity 3OO
5.1. Introduction 3OO
5.2. Temporal variation 3OO
5.2.1. Development 3OO
5.2.2. Aging 301
5.3. Hormonal variation 302
5.3.1. Thyroid 302
5.3.2. Gonadal 302
6. Experimentally-induced plasticity 303
6.1, Introduction 303
6.2, Deprivation 303
6.2.1. Deafferentation 303
6.2.2. Visual deprivation 305
6.2.3. Malnutrition 306
6.2.4. Hypoxia 306
6.3. Stimulation 307
6.3.1. Enriched environment 307
6.3.2. Long-term potentiation 308
7. Plasticity in pathological conditions 310
7.1. Introduction 310
7.2. Disease states 310
7.2.1. Dementia 310
7.2.2. Temporal lobe epilepsy 311
7.2.3. Mental retardation states 311
7,2.4. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 312
7,2.5. Hypothyroidism 312
7.3. Chemically-induced pathology 312
7.3.1. Ethanol 312
7,3.2. Drugs and toxins 314
8. Conclusions 314
Acknowledgements 315
References 315
Addendum 321

282 C. [|. HORNER

I. THE DENDRITIC SPINE (Figs la, b) but are occasionally noted on the
perikaryon, axon hillock or proximal axon of neur-
1.1. INTRODUCTION ons, where they tend to be small and few in number
Dendritic spines are small protrusions or out- (Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970). They
growths of neuronal dendrites which vary in their usually arise individually from the dendritic stem,
density both within the dendritic field of a neuron, but a few may arise from a common stalk which
and between neuronal types in different regions of bifurcates into two stalks, each bearing a spine head.
the central nervous system, Since the discovery by Only rarely does one stalk have two end-bulbs which
Golgi of the technique (Golgi, 1873) of impregnating arise directly from the common stalk (Peters and
and staining approximately 10% of cells within the Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970). Each spine head may
central nervous system, the structure of neurons contain a spine apparatus and receive an individual
using both light and electron microscopy has been axon terminal (Jones and Powell, 1969).
elucidated in much detail. Golgi may well have seen Spine density is not consistent for all neuronal
examples of dendritic spines on neurons and re- types or for all categories of dendrite. Cortical
garded them as artifacts due to the metallic precipi- pyramidal cells are particularly rich in dendritic
tates formed by the Golgi technique, but Cajal spines (Fig. 2a) while non-pyramidal neurons have
(1891) was the first to describe and publish drawings relatively few (Cajal, 1911; Scroll, 1956; Globus and
of these protrusions admitting their definite existence Scheibel, 1967a). There are also regional differences
as real structures in normal healthy adult cerebral in Purkinje cell dendritic spines and their parallel
cortex. At electron microscopic level, Schultz et al. synaptic density (Heinsen and Heinsen, 1983). There
(1957) studying cerebral cortex, failed to recognise is agreement among researchers that there is a differ-
dendritic spines but their existence has been reconfi- ential distribution of dendritic spines in relation to
rmed by both light and electron microscopy (Gray, the different parts of the dendritic tree (Westrum
1959a,b; Jones and Powell, 1969, Peters and Kaiser- et al., 1964; Marin-Padilla and Stibitz, 1968; Jones
man-Abramof, 1970). Although identification at the and Powell, 1969; Chan-Palay et al., 1974; Horner
electron microscopic level can be difficult, internal and Arbuthnott, 1991) but disagreement on which
features of the spine help to differentiate them from dendrites have the greater density of spines. On
other neuropil (Section 1.5). apical dendrites arising at the apex of the perikaryon
Although dendritic spines vary in shape (Section there is an initial spine-free zone (Westrum et al.,
1.3) and size (Section 1.4) they are commonly de- 1964) although occasionally very small spines are
scribed as having a head carrying a synaptic contact noted in this area (Globus and Scheibel, 1967a;
(Section 1.5.2) and a relatively narrow stalk, con- Valverde, 1967). This spine-free area is proximal to
necting with the dendrite. Sometimes at the site of the origin of the first secondary dendrites known as
synaptic contact of a spine with an axon there are oblique or transverse (Peters and Kaiserman-
small protrusions called spinules (Westrum and Abramof, 1970) and is estimated to be between
Blackstad, 1962; Laatsch and Cowan, 1966) invagi- 20 and 60/~m long (Westrum et al., 1964; Chan-
hating into the axon. Their internal structure (Sec- Palay et al., 1974). Following this spine free area
tion 1.5) differs from that of the surrounding there is a gradual increase in spine numbers as the
neuropil but the only cytoplasmic organelle regularly distance from the cell body increases, in cortical
occurring in spines is the spine apparatus which (Westrum et al., 1964), hippocampal (Westrum and
consists of several flattened or distended cisternae Blackstad, 1962) and Meynert (Chan-Palay et aL,
whose function is, as yet, undetermined although 1974) neurons. This exponential increase has been
several suggestions have been made (Section 1.5.1). noted in mouse visual cortex (Valverde, 1967) and
The connecting stalk, the spine apparatus, the head human motor, auditory and parietal cortices
carrying a synaptic contact and the spinule complex (Marin-Padilla, 1967). The spine numbers reach
are all structural features characterizing spines. a maximum approximately midway along the
The function of the dendritic spine is uncertainl as apical dendrite in cortical pyramidal neurons
the many theories (Section 2) suggest. However it (Marin-Padilla, 1967; Jones and Powell, 1969;
has been well established that the dendritic spine is Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970) and then
an essential part of the postsynaptic membrane of gradually decrease in concentration (Fig. 2b). Golgi
many types of neurons in the central nervous system studies of spine distribution in hippocampal pyra-
(Cajal, 1911; Gray, 1959a, b; Hamlyn, 1962; Scheibel mids describe a parabolic distribution of spines as a
and Scheibel, 1968). Gray (1959b) showed that the function of distance from the soma along branches
spine receives a special class of presynaptic terminal of apical dendrites (Englisch et al., 1974; Minkwitz,
(Section 1.5.2) while Colonnier's study (1964) indi- 1976).
cates that spines are resorbed if the synaptic termi- The basal dendrites radiating from the base of the
nals are lost. The plasticity of dendritic spines to a
perikaryon also have an initial spine-free zone (Fig. 3)
diverse group of experimental and naturally-occur-
of 4-15 ~m (Westrum et al., 1964) but like the
ring conditions suggest that it is an important struc-
secondary and tertiary branches of apical dendrites
ture in the overall function of the central nervous
they too have many spines. According to several
system and its response to various phenomena.
authors (Jones and Powell, 1969; Westrum et aL,
1964) the apical dendrite has the maximum concen-
tration of dendritic spines while terminal and side
branches of both apical and basal dendrites, which
Spines are usually found extending from dendrites are of finer diameter, have a lower frequency of
FIc. 1. Dendritic spines protruding from the apical and oblique dendrites of rat hippoeampal (CAI)
pyramidal cells, ap--apical dendrite, ob--oblique dendrite, tt--terminal tuft, arrowheads----dendritic


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FIG. 2. (a) the adult human cerebral cortex illustrating spiny pyramidal cells. (b) A montage of an adult
human cortical pyramidal cell illustrating the apical, basal and oblique spiny dendrites, ap--apical
dendrite, b---basal dendrite, o ~ b l i q u e dendrite, arrowheads ~dendritic spines.

spines. Others disagree, claiming that secondary and round bulb (Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970).
tertiary branches of basal and apical dendrites have Within each of these categories there is some morpho-
the highest frequency of spines (Peters and Kaiser- logical variation. Jones and Powell (1969) prefer to
man-Abramof, 1970; Murphy and Magness, 1984; describe them in two main types--pedunculated or
Homer and Arbuthnott, 1991) noted on different sessile. Pedunculated spines are the classical spines
neuronal types. According to Peters and Kaiserman- found in the cerebral cortex, with a narrow pedicle
Abramof (1970) the terminal tufts of apical dendrites and a cup-like or prism-shaped bulb with a flattened
have the highest frequency of spines, but Chan-Palay side receiving the axon terminal at a synaptic contact.
et al. (1974) claim that the first part of the apical Sessile spines are those with broad pedicles with no
dendrite has the greatest density of spines although narrowing at the point of contact with the parent
the basal dendrites and terminal tuft are also highly dendrite, but both types vary greatly in shape and
spinose. size. In these two basic categories there is variation in
The differential distribution of the spines through- the shape of the spine mainly due to eversion or
out the dendritic field and within a single class of invagination of the synaptic surface, or due to differ-
dendrite is related to the extent of afferent input ent points of attachment of the spine pedicle (Jones
the cell receives (Chan-Palay et al., 1974; Marin- and PoweU, 1969). With the exception of the smallest
PadiUa and Stibitz, 1968). In the cerebral cortex spines there are three shapes of spine head--rounded,
this is most obvious where cortical cell lamination cup-like and prismatic. It appears that the peduncu-
is related to the afferents that terminate there lated spines with various head shapes classified by
(Hubel and Wiesel, 1972; Lund, 1973). Attempts to Jones and Powell (1969) correspond to the thin and
describe how spines are distributed along the shafts mushroom-shaped spines of Peters and Kaiserman-
of neurons by mathematical methods have been Abramof's (1970) classification.
devised (Ruiz-Marcos and Valverde, 1969). A 3-D The commonest type of spine in cortical pyramidal
mathematical model was used on neurons of mice of neurons is the thin, slender spine (72%). The stubby
various ages (Ruiz-Marcos and Valverde, 1969) and spine (19%) is the commonest in the proximal regions
this model was validated for the cortical cells of areas of primary apical or basal dendrites and the mush-
other than vision and in several species including room-shaped spines (9%) have the lowest frequency
hamster, cat, monkey and man (Valverde and Ruiz- (Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970). Purpura
Marcos, 1969). (1974) found similar types of spines in similar pro-
portions in human motor cortex with thin long spines
1.3. SHAPE noted mainly on basilar and distal apical dendrites
and their branches. Morphological variation of
Dendritic spines have a variety of shapes (Westrum spines has also been noted in the dentate gyrus
et al., 1964; Jones and Powell, 1969; Peters and (Laatsch and Cowan, 1966) where the dendritic spine
Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970, Crick, 1982). They have density of granule cells in the rat hippocampus varies
been classified into three basic shapes (Fig. 3)~(a) with the spine shape and location (Desmond and
stubby, which are generally short and thick, (b) Levy, 1985). Three forms of spine and three afferent
mushroom-shaped which have a rather thick stalk termination zones have been recorded and statisti-
expanding into a bulbous terminal and (c) thin, which cally significant differences in spine density were
are slender spines which expand into a small oval or found among the three spine shapes and variations in


FIG. 3. A camera lucida drawing of the perikaryon and proximal deridritic tree of a rat hippocampal (CAl)
pyramidal neuron demonstrating the spine free zone on the proximal segments of apical and basal
branches and highlighting the commonly described spine shapes, ap---apical dendrite, b--basal dendrite,
oh---oblique dendrite.

spine density occurred in shape category among the average diameter of the spine head and a 29%
afferent termination zones. increase in the diameter of the spine stalk in adults
The functional significance of different shapes or while no difference was noted in spine length and
types of spines has not yet been discerned. Since they only a slight correlation between the size of the spine
receive afferents which synapse on them it was head and the thickness of the stalk as noted.
thought that the different types of spine might be Laatsch and Cowan (1966) recorded variations in
responsible for reception of afferents from different the sizes of spines on dentate granule cells in the rat
sources (Laatsch and Cowan, 1966). However, with the proximal dendrite bearing short spines,
stubby spines are the only category which appear to mainly, and the terminal branches having larger ones
be confined to a particular area (proximal end of the which correlates with the observations of Jones
dendrites) (Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970) and Powell (1969) on cortical pyramidal spines.
and populations of different spine shapes exist along Dendritic spine necks in the dentate gyrus region
a dendrite (Marin-Padilla and Stibitz, 1968; Marin- are recorded as averaging 0.13pm (Fifkov~i and
Padilla e t al., 1969). In two mammalian species the Anderson, 1981). Similar values were recorded by
distribution of spines along the lengths of apical Wilson et al. (1983) using electron microscopic spine
dendrites have been resolved into a series of Gaus- reconstructions.
sian curves that correspond to different layers of the In the hippocampus Westrum and Blackstad
cerebral cortex. However, these results were not (1962) found that spines on CA1 pyramidal cells
analysed in terms of the morphological varieties of are usually 1.2-1.4/~m long. The diameter of the
spines (Marin-Padilla and Stibitz, 1968; Marin- roughly spherical heads is commonly 0.6-1.0/~m; the
Padilla et al., 1969). If not related to different affer- elongated heads having small and large diameters in
ent inputs the spine shape may be determined by the the range of 0 . 4 / l m - l . 2 # m . The stalks may be as
size of the axon terminal at the synapse which also much as 0.5/~m in diameter, but as a rule are barely
suggests a dependence on the afferent input (Peters discernible using light microscopy. On electron mi-
and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970). croscopy the stalks generally measure 0.3-0.5/~m
long but occasionally up to 1.25/~m or smaller than
1.4. Size 0.3#m. The stalks are thinnest in the middle,
measuring about 650-900 ~ in diameter and widen-
The majority of Golgi studies suggest that there is ing towards the base and head. The head was
a wide variation in the size of spines both within and roughly ovoid, frequently 0.4-0.5/~m long with a
between neurons (Crick, 1982; Jones and Powell, transverse diameter of some 0.25/~m the total dis-
1969; Marin-Padilla, 1972) although Jacobson (1967) tance from the base to top of the spines was most
declared that spines were of relatively uniform di- commonly 0.5-0.6/~m but varied up to 0.8#m
mension (approximately 2 p m long) in mammalian (Westrum and Blackstad, 1962). Similar spine neck
cortex. Crick (1982) claims that spines can be all sizes dimensions have also been reported in an electron
on both large and small diameter dendrites, the microscopic study of the rat CA1 area (Lee et al.,
tendency being for the smallest dendrites which are 1980). In a recent study of the hippocampus (Horner
normally secondary and tertiary branches of apical and Arbuthnott, 1991) spines on CA1 pyramidal
and basal dendrites, to possess large spines with the cells had an average length of 0.9 #m and a head
longest pedicles or stalks (Jones and Powell, 1969). diameter of 0.5 # m although the range of dimensions
Conversely, spines on the proximal parts of the main were wide between individual spines. Spines within
stem dendrites tend to be small. Those on the middle the stratum radiatum appear to be smaller than those
portions of apical dendrites which appear to be the described by Gray (1959a) within the visual cortex
main receptive site for extrinsic afferents (Globus and and are more like those noted on Purkinje cell
Scheibel, 1967a, b; Valverde, 1967) are variable but dendrites which Tavares et al. (1983) estimated to be
intermediate between the two extremes (Jones and 1 #m or less under normal circumstances. No sys-
Powell, 1969). In Golgi material, the spines on thin tematic variation was noted for spine dimensions in
diameter dendrites are of comparable size to the relation to either distance from the pyramidal cell
dendritic diameter and therefore give the impression layer or apical versus basilar dendritic regions in
of being longer than on thick main stem dendrites hippocampal neurons but there was considerable
where the spines appear small and inconspicuous nonuniformity, even between adjacent or nearby
compared with the wide diameter of the dendrites. spines (Turner and Schwartzkroin, 1983). They
Spines on cortical neurons have been estimated to recorded average dimensions of 0.22pro for neck
be up to 2/~m long (Gray, 1959a) with the majority width; 0.42 tim for spine neck length and 0.72/~m 2
in the l - 2 p m range (Westrum et al., 1964) while for spine head surface area for CA3 pyramids.
Valverde (1967) claims that spines in the visual Obviously, spines of different shapes will have
cortex are up to 3 # m long and Marin-Padilla (1972) different dimensions, and therefore spine size will
recorded spines of 3 - 5 # m long in human motor vary not only between neuronal types but within the
cortex. The spine stalks have been measured as dendritic field. The functional significance of size is
narrow as 0.1 p m (Gray, 1959a) and up to 1 p m in debatable and not really known. Since spines are
diameter (Marin-Padilla, 1972). The diameter of the classified into categories according to shape, com-
spine head has been recorded as between 1 #m parisons between different studies are difficult unless
(Valverde, 1967) and 1.5 #m (Marin-Padilla, 1972). one particular type is studied. However, since spines
In a study comparing the dimensions of spines found can alter their shape and size with various stimuli
in the cortical neurons of newborn and adult guinea- (Section 6), "the state of activity" of a particular
pigs, Schuz (1986) recorded a 21% increase in the spine may influence its size.
FIG. 4, An electron micrograph of rat hippocampus (CA1) illustrating a dendritic spine protruding from
its parent dendrite and its synaptic (type 1/asymmetrical) contact with an axon terminal, d--dendrite,
m--mitochondria, s---dendritic spine, t--axon terminal, arrowheads--asymmetrical synapses.

FIG. 5(a). Legend overleaf,

FIG. 5. Electron micrographs of rat hippocampus (CA1) illustrating examples of the spine apparatus (arrows). d dcndrit~.
m--mitochondria, s-~lendritic spine, t---axon terminal, arrowheads--synapses (type I or asymmetric),

FIG. 6. An electron micrograph of rat hippocampus (CA 1) illustrating the type 1 (asymmetrical) synapses (arrowheads) with
a dense postsynaptic membrane, d~dendrite, m--mitochondria, t--axon terminal.

1.5. Saxuca'o~ the neurons of the mammalian forebrain (Gray,

1982). Although usually found within the end-bulb of
Dendritic spines are unique structures (Fig. 4) dendritic spines, the spine apparatus may extend
which are distinguishable from most other neuronal beyond the stalk into the dendritic stem (Westrum
elements by several features which appear to be and Blackstad, 1962; Jones and Powell, 1969) and
characteristic of them (Gray, 1959a; Seheibel and may also occur in the inital segment of axons (Peters
Scheibei, 1968). In general, they are devoid of neuro- et al., 1968). Although possibly an artifact, its con-
tubules and neurofilaments, which are found in den- stant association with dendritic spines and type 1
drites but frequently contain granular material (Gray, synapses (Jones and Powell, 1969), and the ill-defined
1959a; Jones and Powell, 1969). However, on oc- membranous sacs and opaque material in spines
casion, microtubules of the dendritic cytoplasm have (Colonnier, 1968) confirmed its existence.
been found in the end-bulb of larger spines (Peters The function of the spine apparatus is, as yet,
and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970; Fifkovfi and Van uncertain but has been considered to be related to the
Harreveld, 1977). The floccular nature of the granular higher functions of the mammalian forebrain (Ham-
material produces a denser spinal cytoplasm than lyn, 1962). Tarrant and Routtenberg (1979) have
that of the parent dendrite and sometimes contains a shown the presence of filamentous connections and
small cluster of ribosomes which may have a role in membranous extensions between the spine apparatus,
synapse construction and modification (Steward, the synaptic spinule and the postsynaptic density,
1983). Szentagothai et aL (1966) considered the ab- leading them to propose that all these structures are
sence of mitochondria as characteristic of spines but intimately related to one another. In fact the close
this is not a constant feature, as large spines may have relationship between the spine apparatus and micro-
mitchondria. tubules, the particle-transporting structures, and the
Many spines, particularly large ones, and especially possible continuity between the spine apparatus and
those located on dendrites as opposed to the the dendritic agranular reticulum prompted Fifkov~
perikaryon, have a cisternal structure or organelle and Van Harreveld (1977) to propose that these
called the spine apparatus (Section 1.5.1) in the strucutes provide a path via which newly formed
cytoplasm (Gray, 1959a, b; Jones and Powell, 1969) proteins could reach the spine and so account for the
and may have up to two or three (Peters and Kaiser- prolonged volume change in spines following electri-
man-Abramof, 1970). Although unusual, the spine cal stimulation. The unique structure of the spine
apparatus has been noted in dendritic shafts (Fifkovfi apparatus has led several investigators to propose
and Van Harreveld, 1977). In electron microscopic that this organdie acts as a repository of both
preparations, dendritic spines are seen as isolated membrane and protein for the dendritic spine
profiles of end-bulbs or spine stalks. The bulbs are (Tarrant and Routtenberg, 1979; Rosenbluth, 1962).
usually recognisable due to the presence of a spine It is further proposed that this repository would
apparatus or synapse site. The spine stalks are more provide the necessary material for the mechanism of
difficult to identify as they are small rounded profiles synapse division (Carlin and Siekevitz, 1983).
of 0.05~.3 #m, similar to small axons. The absence
of microtubules and the floccular nature of the
cytoplasm with possibly a partial spine apparatus 1.5.2. Synapse
help to identify them (Peters and Kaiserman- The intimate junctions connecting nerve cells--the
Abramof, 1970). synapses--are morphologically specialised contacts
between neuronal processes at which information is
1.5.1. Spine apparatus transferred from one neuron to another. The mechan-
ism of transfer is usually by means of chemical
This organelle, generally found in the spine cyto- messengers---the neurotransmitters (Shepherd, 1979).
plasm, was first located in the visual cortex of rats The presynaptic process contains numerous synaptic
(Gray, 1959a) and later in the hippocampus (Hamlyn, vesicles and often mitochondria. The contact region
1962; Westrum and Blackstad, 1962), dorsal horn of between pre- and postsynaptic components shows
the spinal cord (Gray and Guillery, 1963) and fascia Iocalised density increases and thickenings (Wyckoff
dentata (Laatsch and Cowan, 1966). It consists of and Young, 1956; Westrum et al., 1964), with special
two or three clear spaces like sacs, vesicles or chan- adhesive properties (Gray, 1959b). The postsynaptic
nels, approximately 300-500/~ apart (Fig. 5). In density (PSD) is a disk-shaped subcellular organelle
between each pair of opposed membranes of these which appears as a thickening of electron-dense
"sacs" a dense line, approximately 150-200/~ wide, material attached to the postsynaptic membrane of
occurs (Gray, 1959a; Jones and Poweil, 1969). Gray synaptic junctions (Gray, 1959b) (Fig. 6). Postsyn-
(1959a) queried the possibility of the sacs intercom- aptic densities may contain one, or more, holes or
municating and Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof perforations giving them a torus or doughnut-shaped
(1970) confirmed that the sacs are not separate enti- morphology (Cohen and Siekevitz, 1978). The func-
ties but are diverticula and folds of a single complex tion of the perforations is unknown but they may
cisterna which nearly always communicates with the represent an intermediate in the process of synapse
cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the division (Carlin and Siekevitz, 1983). Gray (1959b)
cytoplasm of the parent dendrite. The long axis of the further differentiated synapses into two types--axo-
sacs of the spine apparatus are usually parallel to the somatic and axodendritic. Colonnier (1968) also re-
length of the spine stalk. ported differences in synapse types but used different
Gray (1959a) thought that the spine apparatus was criteria to that of Gray (1959b).
an organelle specific to spines and in fact specific to In type I synapses (Fig. 7) a large percentage of the

Clea sacs ' ~ "

Spine t~ I Mitochondrla

Microtubules Pre-synaptic membrane

FIG. 7. A diagrammatic representation of a type ! (asymmetrical) synapse between a prcsynaptic bouton
and a postsynaptic dendritic spine containing a spine apparatus.

length of the opposed membranes is denser and the excitatory synapses, while flattened vesicles are
postsynaptic thickening is more pronounced than the associated with inhibitory synapses (Larremendi
presynaptic density. The extraceUular area between et al., 1967; Uchizono, 1966). Hence dendritic spines
the thickened membranes contains an intermediate have excitatory contacts (Colonnier, 1968; Gray,
electron-scattering band of material which is usually 1959b, Eccles, 1964).
nearer the postsynaptic density. Type 2 synapses have In cerebral and cerebeilar cortex, only a limited
a smaller percentage of thickened opposed mem- area of the dendritic spine plasma membrane
branes with the pre- and postsynaptic thickenings of (7-10%) is occupied by the synaptic active zone
similar dimensions and a less obvious intermediate (Spacek and Hartman, 1983). In their study they
band. Coionnier (1968) prefers to classify synapses noted linear dependencies of dendritic spine surface
into asymmetrical or symmetrical types. The asym- area on dendritic spine volume, and synaptic active
metrical synapse is similar to Gray's (1959b) type 1 zone surface area on dendritic spine surface area
with a postsynaptic membrane bordered on the cyto- which implies that the synaptic active zone to
plasmic side by a dense, thick opacity corresponding dendritic spine surface ratio may be functionally
to De Robertis's subsynaptic web (De Robertis et al., important.
1961) and Van der Loos's (1965) subsynaptic or- Usually each spine has one synapse with one axon
ganelle. The symmetrical synapse (Colonnier, 1968) terminal from extrinsic afferents, the asymmetrical
has no dense, compact, cytoplasmic opacity different synapse being on the end-bulb (Jones and Powell,
from the membrane and is similar to Gray's (1959b) 1969; Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970; Crick,
type 2 synapse. Both Colonnier (1968) and Jones and 1982). However, a spine may synapse with two or
Powell (1969) further define synapse differences based more axon terminals, the second synapse being on-the
on the type of vesicle population. Spheroidal or stalk portion of the spine (Peters and Kaiserman-
slightly oval vesicles of relatively homogenous size are Abramof, 1970; Colonnier, 1968; Jones and Powell,
the commonest in the cerebral cortex and are strongly 1969). This second synapse site occurs in 10-20% of
correlated to asymmetrical synapses. In the sym- spines and can be either type I or II and may even be
metrical type of synapse there is a mixture of vesicles located on the parent dendrite and contain a second
which can be flattened or pleomorphic or small and spine apparatus (Jones and Powell, 1969). The size of
round. Despite the imperfect analogy between the the synaptic junction between the spine and the axon
two types of synapses, it is generally agreed that type terminal is variable depending on the size of the
I or asymmetrical synapses are found mainly on end-bulb. Thin and stubby spines have small end-
dendritic spines (Gray, 1959b; Colonnier, 1968; Jones bulbs with simple junctions of one or two postsyn-
and Powell, 1969). Type 2 or symmetrical synapses aptic densities. Mushroom-shaped spines have
are usually located on the neuronal soma or dendritic extensive junctions with three or four postsynaptic
trunk (Lund and Westrum, 1966). Although there has areas, the axon terminals often bulging into the
been criticism of the classification of synapses into end-bulb (Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970).
two clearly different types (Van der Lees, 1965), The edge of each synapse is surrounded by an
Colonnier (1968) has confirmed that in the main, astrocyte or axon which insulates the synapses (Peters
synalr'~es fit easily into one of the two types of and Palay, 1965).
synaptic membrane junction. Within the dendritic spine bulb, a structure termed
Type 1 synapses are thought to be excitatory while the spinute-complex, consisting of a small round or
type 2 are inhibitory (Raviola and Raviola, 1967) oval profile surrounded by a larger profile of the same
and, similarly, spheroidal vesicles are related to shape, has been noted (Westrum and Biackstad,

1962). The outer membrane is an invagination of the has been shown to be present in very high concen-
cell membrane of the terminal and the inner profile a trations in the dendritic spine (Fifkovfi and Delay,
projection (spinule) from the head or stalk of a spine. 1982). This model of synapse division is attractive
Spinule complexes vary in size, but invaginations are beacuse it provides a function for three speeialis-
commonly 1,000-2500 A long, 600-1000 A wide and ations (PSD perforation, synaptic spinule and spine
the spinules are correspondingly smaller (750-1500 A apparatus) for which no definite functions have yet
long, 250-1000A wide). They do not contain the been shown to exist, except for the calcium sequester-
dark substance seen in the subsynaptic cell membrane ing ability of the spine apparatus (Burgoyne et al.,
of synapses and do not appear to arise from that area 1983).
of the dendritic spine but often arise from a point
close to such a site or even can be surrounded by the 1.5.3. Cytoplasmic organisation
dark subsynaptic area. The "spinule complexes" oc-
curring only at axo-dendritic junctions may be related The cytoplasmic organization of dendritic spines
to impulse transmission and may not be permanent was studied in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum and
structures (Westrum and Blackstad, 1962). three sets of filamentous structures were found associ-
The synaptic junction varies in size and may have ated with synaptic junctions (Landis and Reese,
more than one PSD visible, depending on the plane 1983). The dendritic spines were filled with a mesh-
of section--sections at right angles to the synaptic work of filaments (5-7 nm) which contacted the spine
junction showing multiple densities. The apparently membrane except at the synaptic junction, and ex-
separate postsynaptic densities are portions of a tended through the spine neck to the parent dendrite.
single dense plate with small perforations (Peters and The PSD subjacent to the postsynaptic membrane
Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970). Geinisman et al. (1987) consisted of a web of filaments (4-6 nm), while a
recorded that a proportion of axospinous synapses group of larger microfilaments (8-10 nm), possibly
exhibit a perforated postsynaptic density and this is made of actin, was associated with the postsynaptic
a general phenomenon shared by different types of web and extended into the rest of the spine. The
synapses. Changes in the proportion of synapses organisation of these filament structures may account
containing postsynaptic densities with perforations for the shape of the spine. Furthermore fine filaments
during periods of increased synapse formation have and irregular globular adherent proteins have been
led to a hypothesis suggesting the possible division of located in the substructure of the PSD (Landis et al.,
pre-existing synapses (Carlin and Siekevitz, 1983). 1987). The actin-like microfilaments and spectrin-like
They found that various types of stimulation result in filaments are juxtaposed to the postsynaptic density
an increased synaptic junction area where a perfor- but apparently are not continuous with the constitu-
ation forms in the enlarging synaptic junction. A ent filaments of the density, which suggests that the
synaptic spinule may then appose the perforation in PSD is composed of fine filamentous proteins that
the postsynaptic density which increases in size until insert on the postsynaptic membrane. The filaments
the synaptic junction splits into two separate junc- may form a supporting framework for globular pro-
tions within the same synaptic terminal. The dendritic teins which are found in the area of the spine with the
spine then divides, each half containing a synaptic highest concentration of ionised calcium entering
junction. This theory is supported by the fact that with the synaptic current and the greatest extent of
increases in synapse number correlate with an in- postsynaptic depolarisation (Landis et al., 1987).
crease in the proportion of synapses containing post- In further studies, proteins, and in particular the
synaptic densities with perforations (Greenough contractile protein-actin, have been localised in hip-
et al., 1978; Hattan and Ellisman, 1982); probable pocampal (Drenckhahn et al., 1984; Moshkov et al.,
intermediates for synapse division have been seen 1986) and cerebral cortex neurons (Cohen et al.,
with horseshoe-shaped or dumbell-shaped junctions 1985). Actin expresses a preferential affinity for the
appearing as two separate junctions in the same main synaptic areas, approximately the size of synap-
terminal (Vrensen and Nunes-Cardozo, 1981) and tic structures i.e. dendritic spines and presynaptic
during lesion-induced increases in synapse number terminals, suggesting a role for actin in synaptic
there is a large increase in the number of presynaptic function (Drenckhahn et al., 1984). In fact Cohen
terminals making separate synapses on two or more et al. (1985) found that actin in the PSD was continu-
separate processes of the same dendrite (Matthews ous with the subsynaptic web filaments which in turn
et al., 1976b; Field et al., 1980). Furthermore, in- was in continuity with the spine apparatus and or the
creased numbers of dendritic spines resulting from synaptic membranes adjacent to the PSD. Therefore,
rearing in a complex compared to a deprived environ- events at the synaptic zone may communicate from
ment (Volkmar and Greenough, 1972; Globus et al., the postsynaptic membrane via the PSD to the cyto-
1973; Valverde, 1971) are found to have an increased skeletal network--the subsynaptic web. Conse-
percentage of PSDs with perforations. Therefore the quently actin present in dendritic spines may play a
perforation in the PSD may be related to the for- role in changing the spine shape and synaptic curva-
mation of new synapses located on the new spines ture (Cohen et al., 1985; Moshkov et al., 1986).
(Greenough et al., 1978). It is difficult to explain how Actin filaments have also been located throughout
the just-divided synapse can transform into two dendrites in the developmental period and the highest
synapses on two dendritic spines, but y-shaped den- concentrations were found in regions of spine devel-
dritic spines have been observed (Wilson et al., 1983), opment (Markham and Fifkov/l, 1986), the actin
and one possibility is that the dendritic spine could filaments within them increasing in number as the
split in two. Actin (Section 1.5.3) could provide the developing spines became more complex. Therefore
contractile force for this type of process because actin their hypothesis, that actin plays a role in the
292 C.H. HORNEa

protrusion of spines from the dendrite, seems plaus- and endogenously-generated currents are integrated
ible. Kimura et al. (1987) also studied the postnatal and transformed into signals transmitted to other
development of the membrane associated cytosketetal cells (Miller and Jacobs, 1984). The electrical proper-
protein----calspectrin--in terms of expression and ties of spines are important since it has been shown
localisation in visual cortex neurons in rats. Calspec- that electrical stimulation of neurons produces both
trin was detectable at birth at the plasma membrane short- and long-term volume changes in the spine
and in the cytoplasm of increasing numbers of differ- (Fifkovfi and Van Harrefeld, 1977). The contractile
entiating neurons until spines were visualised. Adult proteins located at higher concentrations in spines
levels of immunoreactive calspectrin were very low (Cohen et al., 1985; Moshov et al., 1986) than in other
and spines could not be recognised. Therefore, cal- neuronal areas may enable alterations of spine shape
spectrin is most abundantly expressed in the growing to occur (Crick, 1982). All these features contribute
parts of dendrites and spines which suggests that to the suggestion that the dendritic spine is related to
calspectrin may play a role in synaptic plasticity in higher functions in mammals and in particular, learn-
development. Fifkov~i and Morales (1989) agree that ing and memory (Hamlyn, 1962).
the calcium-regulated contractile and cytoskeletal
proteins in dendritic spines may control synaptic 2.2. CONNECTIVITY
Because dendritic spines bear the majority of
synapses (Colonnier, 1968; Marin-Padflla, 1968;
Crick, 1982) it is accepted that the spines are import-
2. FUNCTION OF THE DENDRITIC SPINE ant sites of synaptic contact (Boycott, 1982; Gray,
2.1. INTRODUCTION 1982; Swindale, 1981). In fact, Swindale (1981) postu-
lated that dendritic spines are primarily morphologi-
The function of dendritic spines is the subject of cal devices for connecting axons and dendrites.
much debate. Since the first recorded observation of Increased density of spines is seen where more con-
dendritic spines by Cajal (1891) it has been repeatedly nections are required between pre- and postsynaptic
confirmed that they are sites of synaptic contact cells. Because the synaptic density in the cerebral
(Gray, 1959a,b; Colonnier, 1968; Boycott, 1982). In cortex is close to its upper limit, almost all synapses
191l, Cajal suggested that their principal function formed by spines must be with axons en passant
was to increase the receptive area of the dendrites and (Braitenberg, 1978). Similar conditions of connec-
hence permit a greater number of synaptic contacts. tivity occur in the cerebellum and hippocampus
However, although they provide a high degree of (Shepherd, 1979). Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof
connectivity (Section 7.2) this alone does not explain (1970) agree that at least for apical dendrites the axon
why spines are situated on dendrites and not on terminals running parallel to the dendrite provide
axons, nor why the spine cytoplasm differs from that boutons en passant. This explanation may be too
of dendrites and contains a spine apparatus which simple in that it does not explain why spines are
Gray (1982) maintains to be specific to the spines of located on dendritic trunks as opposed to the soma,
the mammalian forebrain. A structure similar to the nor why other neural connections are made at
spine apparatus has been located in the initial axon synapses without the presence of spines, If spines are
segments of pyramidal neurons. In both locations the removed, there is a reduced number of connections
cisternae of the apparatus are confluent with the and specificity of connections can only be maintained
smooth endoplasmic reticulum and therefore suggests at the expense of a drop in synapse density, or vice
that it is concerned with synaptic activity and seques- versa (Swindale, 1981). A solution to the problem of
tering ions (Peters et al., 1968). The ability of the reduced spines is possible if axons and dendrites
spine apparatus to sequester calcium ions (Burgoyne could be rerouted. This would be simple for axons
et al., 1983) and the proposed role of dendritic spines which could grow a short distance along the track of
in regulation of calcium ion dynamics contrasts with the previously existing spine. However, intervening
traditional approaches to spine function that have axons and dendrites would exist so that reconnection
stressed electronic properties (Zador et aL, 1990). would require substantial changes in organisation of
As spines are thought to have excitatory contacts the neuropile (Swindale, 1981). If Swindale's (1981)
only (Eccles, 1964; Gray, 1959b) while synapses on hypothesis is correct and spines do not serve any
dendritic trunks or soma may be either excitatory or additional function they should be absent in some
inhibitory, Gray (1982) suggests a possible role in the circumstances such as when a high convergence of'
selection of axons during ontogenesis. In ontogenesis connections occurs as demonstrated between basket
the inhibitory axons to other parts of the cell must and Purkinje cells where synapses are made directly
pass close to the spine which may produce a signal with the cell body and proximal shaft (Shepherd,
recognised only by excitatory axons. However, if 1979); even though they have the ability to form
spines have excitatory asymmetrical synapses with spines. In addition, spinal motor neurons lack spines
extrinsic connections, the secondary synapse with a but receive inputs from small numbers of presynaptic
symmetrical inhibitory terminal en passant with in- cells, each of which may make many contacts with a
trinsic afferents, sometimes present, possibly provides single motor neuron. Therefore, spines are absent in
an excitatory-inhibitory interaction within a single situations where they are not necessary--they are
spine (Jones and Powell, 1969). mainly connectors between nonadjacent axons and
There must be a relationship between neuronal dendrites (Swindale, 1981). Gray (1982) agrees with
structure and function. The geometry and electrical Swindale (1981) that they provide sites of connection,
properties of neurons determine how synaptic inputs however, there are extensive areas of dendrites

between spines which are not covered with axon isolated from other synapses since morphological
terminals and synapses (Jones and Powell, 1969; changes to the spine did not produce an effective
Colonnier, 1968; Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, change of postsynaptic potential.
1970; Gray, 1982). Gray (1982) points out that these Anatomical evidence indicates that, particularly
areas are important as sites of close apposition of for discrete dendritic inputs, a detailed segmental
astrocytes. He suggests that a further function of the model may be more appropriate than the equivalent
spines could be to "lift" presynaptic contacts so that cyclinder model. Turner (1984a) produced such a
areas of dendrite are free to come into close relation- cable model of neuronal structure, to predict the
ship with, and interact with, neuroglia. Peters and effects of discrete transient inputs on hippocampal
Kaiserman-Abramof (1970) also suggest that the neurons (CA1, CA3 pyramids and dentate granule
spines lift the synapses, and thus enable the dendrite cells). The dendritic shaft and spine input impedance
to reach out to the axon rather than changing course was computed for sites on hippocampal neurons and
and zig-zagging to reach the synapse site. This is a the spine input impedance for a typical spine ap-
very efficient means for one axon to form several pended onto a dendritic shaft averaged less than 2%
synapses with different neurons such as occurs in the higher than the dendritic input impedance values for
cerebral cortex, where the axons run parallel to the the adjacent dendritic shaft (Turner, 1984b). The
apical dendrites (Marin-Padilla, 1968). spine synaptic inputs, simulated by a brief conduc-
tance transient, demonstrated that the average spine
transient was attentuated by less than 2% in conduc-
tion across the spine neck. The same input transient
Chang (1952) coined the phrase "synaptic weight" applied to the proximal and distal sites on CAI
and stated that the electrical resistance of the neck of pyramidal cells demonstrated a clear difference be-
the spine could reduce the "weight" of the synapse, tween proximal and distal inputs at the soma as the
meaning the electrical effect which a presynaptic predicted result. Therefore, the main determinant of
activation of the synapse has on the impulse initiation passive propagation of transient electrical signals in
site of the cell. This is not a straightforward attentu- these neurons appeared to be the dendritic branching
ation effect but is due to the fact that synaptic rather than the signal attentuation through the spine
activation involves a transient change of conductance neck. Impulse propagation toward the cell body
at the synapse (Rinzel and Rall, 1974) and the extra along the dendrites is slow and decremental and the
resistance of the spine neck slows the resultant flow probability that a neuron will be discharged is mini-
of ions during synaptic activation. Subsequently Rall mal when synapses are located in the most distal parts
(1978) pointed out that the impedance of the spine of the dendrites (Eccles, 1964).
tends to match that part of the dendrite to which it Another theory proposes that if the spine head
is attached, since spines with long narrow necks are input resistances are higher than those of the parent
found more often on the distal parts of dendrites. dendrites, spines have the potential for modulating
More sophisticated calculations by Koch and Poggio many biochemical and biophysical processes that
(1983) have confirmed the theory of Rail and Rinzel might regulate synaptic efficacy (Coss and Perkei,
(Rail and Rinzel, 1973; Rinzel and RaU, 1974) that 1985). In a further cable model of the linear proper-
plausible values for a change of shape could alter the ties of dendritic spines, Wilson (1984) simulated the
weight of the synapse by a factor of two or three. effect of a synaptic conductance change by using
Recent application of cable (Turner, 1984a; analytical solutions for the voltage generated in the
Wilson, 1984) and core-conductor theory to the spine by a current impulse at the spine head. Synaptic
anatomical study of spines has led to new ideas on current produced by the conductance change was
function (toss and Perkel, 1985). One theory suggests used as an input for evaluation of the postsynaptic
that if spines are treated as tiny dendrites with much potential and current injected into the dendrite at the
higher resistances than the larger parents, then the base of the spine. Wilson (1984) found that the
high spine-stem resistance results in relative electrical primary effect of the dendritic spine was to attentuate
isolation of the spine head which produces a large synaptic current which was produced by high input
local depolarisation in the spine head. However, in impedance at the axospinous synapses, which re-
studying the electrical properties of dendritic spines in suited in giant spike-like excitatory postsynaptic po-
neurons with arbitrary geometry, Kawato and tentials that approached reversal potential of
Tsukahara (1983) treated all dendritic branches, in- synapses and therefore lowered the potential gradient
cluding spines, as cyclinders of uniform passive mem- draining the synaptic current. Although virtually all
branes and showed that the postsynaptic potential synaptic current was transferred to the dendrite, it
due to the synapse on the spine is representative of produced much smaller excitatory potentials there,
two functions. The first is the postsynaptic potential due to low dendritic input impedance. Very small
caused by the same synapse on the branching point conductance changes produced near-maximal synap-
where the spine stalk is attached to the main dendritic tic currents in dendritic spines. The current-attentuat-
trunk. The second is determined by the morphologi- ing effect of the spine was accentuated with brief
cal and electrical properties of the spine and it synaptic transients and decreased with prolonged
represents the attenuation effect of the spine. On the synaptic conductance changes. The size and shape of
assumption that the diameter of the spine stalk is the spine head, and the dendritic diameter had little
sufficiently small compared to its parent dendrite, an or no effect on the current attentuation for spines in
approximation of the second function was obtained. the "normal" size range. The diameter and length of
Kawato and Tsukahara (1983) concluded that the spine stalk and the size and location of the
synapses on dendritic spines are not effectively spine apparatus were the key morphological factors
294 ~i 1"1.HORNER

determining the synaptic currents generated by axo- 2.4. CALCIUMREGULATION

spinous synapses. Naturally occurring size and
shape differences among dendritic spines produced Until recently, theoretical investigations of spine
large differences in synaptic potency when compared function focused on the large electrical resistance
in a model spiny neuron. The differences were com- provided by the narrow constriction of the spine
parable to those produced by differences in synaptic- neck. However, the narrow constriction is also
location on the same neuron. thought to provide a large diffusional resistance.
Horwitz (1984) proposed a postsynaptic mechan- When calcium currents were activated in spines, the
ism for transforming electrical activity at the peak spine head calcium ion concentration was
synapse into structural modifications near the greater in "long, thin" spines than in mushroom-
synapse while studying the electrophoretic migration shaped or stubby spines. The same currents, activated
of charged metabolites. The potential difference be- on dendrites, produced even smaller local calcium
tween a postsynaptic potential generated at the concentration changes (Holmes, 1990).
synapse and the attenuated result gives rise to an Zador et al. (1990) devised a biophysical model of
intraneuronal electric field, and allows the electro- electrical and calcium ion dynamics which accounts
phoretic migration of charged metabolites, both for much of the phenomenology of the induction of
along the inner surface of the membrane and in the LTP at a Hebbian synapse in the hippocampus
cytoplasm. Applied to dendritic spines, theoretical (CA1). Computer simulations suggested four import-
calculations based on this mechanism show that ant functions of spines in this calcium-dependent
synaptic activity at a spine head can establish large synaptic modification.
electric fields along the spine, whereas synaptic ac- (1) Compartmentalising transient changes
tivity at the base of the spine generates very small in calcium concentration to just those
electric fields in the spine---the thinner the spine, the synapses that satisfy the conjunctive re-
stronger the field. quirement for synaptic modification.
Empirical studies have noted that spine heads (2) Isolating the spine head from changes in
increase rapidly in size after afferents are stimulated calcium concentration at the dendritic shaft.
electrically when animals have engaged in a bout of (3) Amplifying the concentration changes
important behavioural activity (Coss and Perkel, at these synapses.
1985). The spine head enlargement dilates a portion (4) Increasing the voltage dependence of the
of the spine stem without much alteration in the processes underlying LTP induction.
overall spine length. Further theoretical study Previously Gamble and Koch (1987) noted that
shows that spine-stem shortening decreases spine short high-frequency bursts of presynaptic activity
head input resistance relative to the branch input were more effective in raising levels of calcium and
resistance. Decreased input resistance can enhance especially the calcium-calmodulin complex, than sus-
the transfer of electrical charge from the spine tained low activity. Given the importance of calcium
head to the parent dendrite, especially when for long-term potentiation (LTP), the ability of spines
synaptic conductance is large relative to the spine to concentrate calcium ions may play a key role in
head input conductance. Spine-stem shortening can processes leading to learning and memory storage.
also decrease the peak transient membrane potential
in the spine head and this could delimit calcium
ion influx into the spine head via voltage-dependent
calcium channels. Modulation of calcium influx If the cytoplasm of spines contains a reasonable
by spine-stem shortening has the potential for concentration of proteins such as actin or myosin
regulating calcium sensitive enzymatic activity in (Cohen et al., 1985; Moshov et al., 1986), the time
the spine head that could affect phosphorylation needed for a muscular gel of this type to contract
of cytoskeletal proteins maintaining spine shape and the time for the ions or small organic molecules
and phosphorylation of proteins in the post- to diffuse over the small distances involved are short
synaptic density. Kawato and Tsukahara (1984) enough for the mechanism proposed by Crick (1982)
investigated the transient electrical behaviour of to work. He suggests that if actin is present in high
spines with bulbous terminals in neurons with concentrations in spines but absent, or rather low, in
arbitrary dendritic geometries. They noted that the adjacent dendritic shaft, spines may be capable
when the synaptic resistance is comparable to the of twitching rapidly during normal neural activity.
spine-stem impedance a morphologic change in Therefore, contractile proteins associated with the
the spine can induce changes in synaptic current spine cytoplasm, could allow the spine to change its
and the postsynaptic potential due to the so-called shape rapidly during neuronal activity. Therefore,
nonlinear effect to the synapse. After corticorubral heavily spinous neurons such as pyramidal or stel-
stimulation of rubrospinal neurons Kawato et al. late cells are not static objects, since many of its
(1984) noted that as the spine shortens, the spines are changing their shapes in response to
amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potential synaptic inputs.
becomes considerably larger, but the time-to-
peak value does not change markedly. If the 2.6. MEMORYAND LEARNING
unitary excitatory postsynaptic potential in
a rubrospinal cell is produced by activation of The dendritic spine has been implicated in the
several terminals, a morphological change of the mechanism of learning and memory from earlier
spine has a smaller effect on the excitatory postsyn- times. Cajal (1911) and Hebb (1949) speculated that
aptic potentials. long-term memory storage might involve changes in

synaptic size and number. Kandel and Spence (1968) main synapse bearers, synaptic connections are most
postulated that permanent changes may occur in likely involved. Following one-trial passive avoidance
synapses as a result of functional activity and that training, the spine density of neurons in the chick
these may play some part in learning and memory. intermediate hyperstriatum ventrale was increased by
Others have suggested the opposite possibility--that 89-113% in the left cerebral hemisphere and by
learning involves selective elimination of neurons and 37-69% in the right. Although minor changes oc-
or synaptic connections (Cajal, 1929; Jacobson, 1970; curred in spine dimensions there was no overall effect.
Dawkins, 1971). Eccles (1965) suggests that growth of The spine shape and density changes occurred rapidly
those synapses already present are involved in learn- (25 hr) following training. The hemispheric assymme-
ing and memory while Sperry (1965) doubts whether try in the control chicks (47% higher spine density on
morphological changes have any role. the right side) was abolished after training. In a
Rail and Rinzel (1973) suggested that memory further study, Patel et al. (1988) gave a subconvulsive
might be stored in the shape of the dendritic spines. transcranial electroshock to the chicks 5 rain after
A difficulty with this idea is that spines do not appear training, which rendered half of them amnesic. In
to be rigid in structure but vary in shape and size as those chicks that remembered the response, the spine
indicated by Fifkov/t and Van Harrefeld (1977), when density was significantly increased 24-30 hr after
they demonstrated long- and short-term volume in- training in the left intermediate medial hyperstriatum
creases in spines following stimulation. Long-term ventrale when compared with those rendered am-
memory in the human may last for decades and it nesic. This argues for a specific role for dendritic
might be expected that it resides in a more rigid spines in memory formation in chicks (Patel et al.,
structure, such as the synaptic junction itself, so that 1988).
the old could be replaced by new molecules without Synapse division provides a mechanism for func-
disturbing the overall structure (Crick, 1982). Long- tional reorganisation and may well be the method by
term memory may be stored in a distributed and which the increase in spine density occurs in memory
redundant way, as the "weights" of many synapses formation processes. Repetitive stimulation could
(Section 2.3). Therefore a new memory could be induce a greater number of synapses per neural
recorded as a small alteration to the "weights" of pathway via synapse division, thereby enhancing the
many synapses (Crick, 1982). Various rules have been ability of the first neuron to generate an action
proposed for the manner in which synaptic weights potential in the second neuron. Carlin and Siekevitz
are altered, a popular one being that a synapse is (1983) describe a possible division of preexisting
strengthened (i.e. the synaptic "weight" is increased) synapses during periods of increased synapse for-
if the presynaptic activation of the synapse is approxi- mation. This model suggests that various types of
mately coincident with the firing of the cell postsyn- stimulation result in a sequence of events leading to
aptic to the synapse (Hebb, 1949). The various rules division of the dendritic spines, with each subdivision
share in common the fact that the weight of each having the ability to function as a synapse. Physio-
synapse is either increased or decreased depending on logical responses in which synapse division may
the correlation between the presynaptic activation possibily play a role include hormone-induced neur-
and the postsynaptic activity. This type of rule would onal changes, reinnervation of dendrites after lesions
provide a great advantage in the efficient functioning and learning and memory.
of higher nervous systems (Crick, 1982). Short-term
memory is thought to depend in some way on
reverberating electrical circuits or resonance but it is
usually assumed that such memory is expressed 3. DENDRITIC SPINE DENSITY
mainly by the firing pattern of complex sets of 3.1. INTRODUCTION
neurons and involves little or no change in synaptic
weights, which are only altered appreciably when The functional significance of dendritic spines and
long-term memory is laid down (Crick, 1982). If this their morphological sensitivity to a wide spectrum of
chain of ideas has any validity then it is obvious that experimental and pathological states has led to many
the neck of the dendritic spine is ideally suited to studies in which dendritic spine density estimates
perform this function (Section 2.3). By altering its have been performed. Spine density is equal to the
shape it can contribute a suitable term to the synaptic number of dendritic spines per micrometre of den-
weight. The contraction of an elongated gel is likely drite. Some studies claim that primary dendrites have
to make it shorter and fatter and thus decrease the lower spine density than secondary or tertiary
electrical resistance of the neck (Section 2.5). The branches (Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970;
position of the neck is such that it could, by one Murphy and Magness, 1984; Homer and Arbuthnott,
mechanism or another, be influenced both by its own 1991) while others maintain that large diameter pri-
synapse and by any very recent activity of neighbour- mary dendrites have the greater spine density
ing synapses (Crick, 1982). The electrical properties, (Westrum et al., 1964; Jones and Powell, 1969).
the movement of charged metabolites, the cyto- Spine density increases with development from
plasmic contractile proteins and the plasticity of birth until a peak is reached and then falls to adult
shape and size of the dendritic spine all appear to levels (Murphy and Magness, 1984) but the rate and
interplay to produce the overall function of the pattern of increase are not uniform for all dendritic
dendritic spine. branches and spine density changes differ for specific
Recent experiments support the view that dendritic cell types. Secondary and tertiary branches differ
spines are involved in memory formation processes from primary branches in reaching their peak later
(Patel and Stewart, 1988) and hence since they are the and in stabilising at an adult level greater than that

for primary dendrites (Murphy and Magness, 1984). Palay et al., 1974; Bradley and Berry, 1976; Feldman
Therefore, spine density is a function of age and and Peters, 1979) developed geometrical equations
although it cannot be assumed that spines in imma- (Eqns 2-4) in an attempt to overcome the underesti-
ture neurons necessarily make functional synaptic mation with visible spine counts.
contacts (Sotelo, 1975), spine development is a major
feature of postnatal maturation of cortical neurons. Equation I
Such a time-course correlates well with indices of Dendritic spine density = n/Dl
functional maturation (Boothe et al., 1979; Juraska
and Fifkov~i, 1979). The characteristic alteration in where n = number of visible spines, DI = dendritic
spine density with age may correlate with other length over which spines are counted
factors determining the plasticity of an individual
neuron's functional determination. In some cortical Equation 2 (Feldman and Peters, 1979)
areas a plateau follows while in others a significant N = nn[(Dr + SI): - (Dr + Sd)2]/
decrease occurs from peak to adult levels.
The assumption that dendritic spines are postsyn- [O/90r~(Dr + SI) z] - 2[(Dr + Sl)SinO(Dr + Sd)]
aptic structures, which, in heavily spined neurons where N = an estimate of the total number of spines,
such as the cortical pyramidal cell, mediate the n = number of visible spines, Dr = dendritic radius,
majority of the neuron's synaptic input (Colonnier, SI = spine length, Sd = diameter of spine head,
1968) has led to many studies in which dendritic spine Cos0 = Dr + Sd/Dr + SI, DI = dendritic length over
counts are determined as a feature of neuronal mor- which spines are counted. Therefore: Dendritic spine
phology and cell type differentiation (Feldman and density = N / D l
Peters, 1979). The change in dendritic spine density to
experimental (Valverde, 1967; Globus and Scheibel, Feldman and Peters (1979) consider that the mag-
1967b,c), pathological (Marin-Padilla, 1974; Pur- nitude of underestimation of spine density correlates
pura, 1974) and naturally-occurring conditions (Feld- positively with dendritic shaft diameter and nega-
man and Dowd, 1975) has also resulted in dendritic tively with spine length and they include these par-
spine quantification being used as a good indicator of ameters in their formula. Their equation (Eqn 2) is
neuronal plasticity. based on several assumptions including the consist-
ency of the dendritic shaft diameter, the concentricity
3.2. METHODSOF ASSESSMENT of the area into which spines project, that spines are
at least as long as the spine head diameter and that
Dendritic spine density can be assessed by several they are randomly distributed over the entire den-
methods. Until recently, spine density was estimated dritic surface. The assumption of random distri-
by counting the number of visible spines along a bution of spines was tested and found to be
length of dendrite which was also estimated using an acceptable regardless of dendritic diameter size (Pe-
ocular micrometer (Eqn 1). Many studies have ters and Walsh, 1972), although shaft diameter has
recorded spine densities of apical, basal and oblique been correlated with the density of visible spines
or transverse and terminal tuft dendrites in a variety (Feldman, 1976; Feldman and Dowd, 1975). When
of cell types. This type of estimate is a useful indicator measuring spine density on the same designated
of spine density within the same dendritic type of the segment of dendrite in a specific dendritic type, e.g.
same cell type from the same species. In its favour, is a 50 pm length of basal dendrite starting 20 #m from
the fact that it is a simple measurement performed by its origin, there should not be a problem with this
light microscopy involving less time than more soph- equation. However, in a recent study (Homer and
isticated methods. However it has several drawbacks Arbuthnott, 1991) ratios of spine density estimates
when comparing densities across dendritic or cell recorded using visible spine numbers and the
types or species (Horner and Arbuthnott, 1991). This equation were compared between dendritic types. If
simple method of estimation totally under-represents the spine distribution is random throughout the
the true density of spines on any dendrite (Chan- dendritic field of a particular cell type then the
Palay et al., 1974; McConnell and Berry, 1978; equation should result in proportionately greater
Feldman and Dowd, 1975) in that, due to the cyclin- spine densities in dendrites of greater diameter i.e.
drical shape of dendrites most spines are made invis- apical spine density should be much greater than
ible by the dark impregnation of the Golgi method basal. Although spine densities recorded using the
used for these quantitative studies. Since dendrites equation were substantially larger than estimates
vary in diameter, thicker ones are underestimated to using visible spine counts, and apical dendrites did
a greater extent than those of smaller diameter, have the greatest spine density when corrected using
although this to some extent depends on the distri- the formula (Feldman and Peters, 1979), the magni-
bution of spines being similar throughout the tude of the difference between dendritic types was not
dendritic field. Therefore, comparisons between den- as expected when dendritic diameter was taken into
drites, or even between segments of the same dendrite consideration (Horner and Arbuthnott, 199t). This
are not always valid. The tortuosity of the dendrite does not agree entirely with Feldman (1976) who
over which the spines are counted also makes it records spine densities which correlate positively with
difficult to acheive an accurate measurement of den- dendritic shaft diameter.
dritic length. Other than slow serial electron mi- The equation devised by Feldman and Peters
crosopic sectioning and rebuilding of spines, no (1979) gives spine density results accurate to within
efficient and relatively accurate assessment of spine 10% of the actual number which they corroborated
density was available until several researchers (Chan- by testing on dendrites where the absolute spine

number was known. This relatively-accurate method the derivation of, the correction factor used is not
of assessing spine density is more time-consuming explained nor the evidence of its validity proven.
than the counting of spines only, but is performed
relatively quickly with the use of semi-automatic Equation 4 (McConnell and Berry, 1978)
image analysis. It is not free of problems in that the
spines in visible zones may not be truly representative Correction factor = (2r x arc cos(r/r + ))- i.
of the population, and the dendritic shaft diameter
may not be the true average if the shaft is at all Total spine counts can be made directly although
flattened in the area measured. Due to differences in these are difficult as routine procedures. They were
judgement between observers, it is necessary that used by Feldman and Peters (1979) as methods of
whatever method is used the same observer should validating their formula. One method is that of
perform all measurements to ensure that consistent reconstruction of the dendrites from serial thin sec-
criteria are applied. tions oriented in a plane transverse to the dendrite
Other attempts at estimating the total number of axis. Obviously, limited numbers of dendrites and
dendritic spines were made by Chan-Palay et al. abbreviated lengths of dendrites can be analysed in
(1974) and Bradley and Berry (1976). Cban-Palay this way. It is also difficult to specify unequivocally
et al. (1974) made estimates of spine density on the identity of the dendritic segment. A second
Meynert cells in the primary visual cortex. In an method of performing total counts is by light
attempt to estimate the actual number of spines, they microscopy of longitudinally orientated Golgi-
also assumed that they were distributed uniformly impregnated dendrites which have been subjected
over the surface of that segment of dendrite to deimpregnation (Fairtn et al., 1977). This method
measured. They claim that half the observed number allows assessment of greater numbers and longer
of spines per 100/am unit length multiplied by the lengths of dendrites but requires effort to obtain a
number of 100/zm units in the total dendritic length sufficient number of suitably deimpregnated
assessed would give the linear number of spines in examples (Feldman and Peters, 1979). For the pre-
any particular zone. The linear number calculated sent, the most reliable, tested method of estimating
multiplied by the fraction of the circumference of total dendritic spine numbers with reasonable
dendrite to the distance between spines would give efficiency, in relatively large samples is by the formula
the total number of spines (Eqn 3) in any particular devised by Feldman and Peters (1979).
dendritic zone. Chan-Palay et al. (1974) did not take
into account the spine length, an important factor,
which appears to be extremely variable both between
different spine shapes and neuronal types. This cor- 4. PLASTICITY OF THE DENDRITIC SPINE
rection formula also presents difficulties in appli- 4.1. INTRODUCTION
cation to various cell types. If the distance between
dendritic spines is greater than the circumference of Plasticity is defined as "the capability of being
the dendrite the formula is not applicable and poses formed or moulded". Lynch et al. (1978) suggest that
difficulties with small diameter dendrites with widely in neuroplasticity the cells demonstrate the capability
spaced spines. for persistent change or adjustment. It is unlikely that
there is a single major mechanism responsible for
plasticity, but rather that it results from a number of
Equation 3 (Chan-Palay et al., 1974) mechanisms (Carlin and Siekevitz, 1983). Functional
Linear number of spines = n/2 and morphological changes resulting in modification
of the response of a stimulated pathway by preceding
(number of 100 #m units in the total DI) activity are likely to underlie neuronal plasticity
N = Linear number of spines (Fifkov/t and Van Harreveld, 1977).
Dendritic spines may alter in size, shape or internal
(Dc/distance between spines)
structure. Changes in dendritic spine density are
where N = estimate of the total number of spines, important in that the dendritic spines possess the vast
n =visible number of spines per 100/zm seg- majority of synaptic contacts, and therefore form the
ment of dendrite, DI-~ dendritic length assessed, main electrical circuits. The density of spines on
Dc = dendritic circumference. neuronal dendrites can increase or decrease depend-
ing on the experimental conditions. Early findings on
plasticity of dendrites and their spines are noted by
In studies on deafferentation (Bradley and Berry, Monti (1895), Demoor (1898) and Querton (1898).
1976) and undernutrition (McConnell and Berry, More recently, many studies have confirmed the
1978) a correction formula (Eqn 4), to try to over- remarkable plasticity of spines. Very rapid (mins)
come the inadequacies of visible spine counts, was alterations in the morphology of dendritic spines
used. They too presumed an even distribution of have been observed with behavioural manipulations
spines over the entire dendritic surface and hence the in the honey bee (Brandon and Coss, 1982) and the
greater the diameter of the dendrite, the smaller the jewel fish (Burgess and Coss, 1983), In the developing
proportion of the total spines visible. The correction chick brain, visual experience results in changes in
factor takes into account the radius of dendrite and dendritic spines that correlate with increased neur-
the mean spine length which when formula gives an onal excitability in the same brain region (Bradley
estimate of the total number of spines per unit area and Horn, 1979; Brown and Horn, 1979). In the
of the entire surface. However, the rationale for, or hippocampal formation, electrical stimulation of

afferent pathways modulates dendritic spine mor- Plasticity is even evident in transplanted neural tissue.
phology and correlates with long-lasting changes in Zemanick et al. (1987) assessed spine density in 35
neuronal physiology (Fifkov~i and Van Harreveld, day old neostriatal transplants. Transplanted neurons
1977; Chang and Greenough, 1984). Studies which had decreased spine densities and numbers of proxi-
have associated changes in dendritic spines with mal dendrites. It may be that the differences are due
experience and/or altered neuronal physiology, have to aberrant maturation of transplanted neurons~
led to the repeated suggestion that dendritic spines
are a site of plasticity that could be involved in 4.2. GENDEREFFECTS
processes of learning and memory (Diamond et al..
1971; Crick, 1982; Patel and Stewart, 1988). The structure of the brain is, in part, a function of
Plasticity has been demonstrated in many regions the environment in which an animal has been raised.
of the brain and probably occurs throughout the Rats raised in a complex environment have been
entire central nervous system, the extent varying with noted to have higher dendritic spine density (Globus
the experimental factor being tested. Commonly et al., 1973) and longer synapses (MoUgaard et al.,
studied sites include the cerebellum (Pentney, 1982; 1971) than those reared in socially deprived or iso-
Chen and Hillman, 1980; Sotelo et al., 1975), the lated environments. However, there appears to be
cerebral cortex, particularly the visual (Valverde, sexual dimorphism in the extent of plasticity found.
1967; Parnavelas et al., 1973 and Uylings et al., 1978) Juraska (1984) noted a greater male vulnerability to
and auditory (Ryugo et al., 1975) sensory cortices. the environment during development and suggested
Many studies have used the hippocampus which is that the neuronal response to experience might be
regarded as a suitable model because its circuitries sexually dimorphic. The female visual cortex is not
possess a remarkable capacity for both functional simply a smaller version of the male, but has a
and structural change (Alger and Teyler, 1976; Lynch different pattern and the degree of difference is depen-
et aL, 1978; McWilliams and Lynch, 1978; Lee et al., dent on the environment. In further studies in hippo-
1980; Chang and Greenough, 1984). In adult mam- campal (CA3) tissue, Juraska et al. (1989) noted sex
malian hippocampal formation both physiological differences within the dendritic tree of neurons and
(Bliss and Lomo, 1973; Diamond et al., 1989) and between the neuronal type which also responded
morphological (Desmond and Levy, 1988; Gould differently to the particular rearing environment. The
et al., 1990b) changes have been observed in neurons differences between the sexes were more prominent in
in response to a variety of experimental manipula- those from the enriched or complex environment. The
tions and naturally-occurring phenomena. This mechanisms for the occurence of such sex differences
plasticity is particularly intriguing in that the hippo- and the functional significance of them are not yet
campus has been shown to be involved in cognitive understood but are not simply due to hormonal
processes such as learning and memory (Olton, 1983; differences (Juraska et al., 1989). Although these sex
Squire, 1983), which undoubtedly stem from changes differences reported by Juraska et al. (1989) were
at the cellular level (Woolley et al., 1990). In so far based on dendritic tree measurements, Gould et al.
as neuronal structure has been shown to influence (1990a) noted sex differences in both number of
neuronal physiology (Kawato et al., 1984) it seems primary dendrites and spines on apical dendrites of
highly likely that morphological changes observed in hippocampal (CA3) cells in rats. Females had
the hippocampus have physiological and ultimately, more primary dendrites and males had more apical
functional consequences (Woolley et al., 1990). excrescences.
Animal models are used, not only for ethical Male-female differences have been recorded in
reasons, but because their environment may be con- other areas of the central nervous system--the medial
trolled to a greater extent. However, evidence of amygdala--following lesioning of the posterior corti-
neural plasticity in the human exists in conditions cal nucleus (Nishizuka and Arai, 1983). Post-lesion-
such as chronic alcoholism (Ferrer et al., 1986), senile ing the number of degenerating axon terminals in the
dementia and Alzheimer's disease (Scheibel et aL, ventral molecular layer was statistically greater in
1975; El Hachimi and Foncin, 1990), temporal lobe males compared with females. Later (10 days), intact
epilepsy (Scheibel et al., 1974), chromosomal abnor- synapses on spines of the ventral molecular layer were
malities (Marin-Padilla, 1972, 1974) and mental re- significantly reduced in males compared with con-
tardation states (Purpura, 1974). trois, while females were not significantly altered. The
Plasticity of the dendritic spine has been noted number of axon terminals in the male, originating
both in neonates and adults (Chen and Hillman, from the lesioned area was greater than in the female
1980, 1982a,b; Gray, 1982), under experimental ma- and the number of synapses in the molecular layer of
nipulation (Chen and Hillman, 1980; Fifkov~ and the unoperated male was statistically greater than
Van Harreveld, 1977) and surgical disconnection of that in the female. The sex differences in synaptic
their afferents (Chen and Hiilman, 1982a,b), and number became undetectable 10 days after operation.
implicated in learning (Crick, 1982; Fifkov~i and Van Sex differences also occur during the period of
Harrefeld, 1977; Gray, 1982) and several other func- development. In pyramidal cells of the visual cortex
tions (Swindale, 1981). An example of their plastic the number of spines increased from 10-20 days
nature in the adult brain is shown by their behaviour postnatally in both sexes but in females where the
following axon lesioning. The synaptic terminal on spine numbers were already significantly greater than
the dendritic spine degenerates and is phagocytosed males the absolute difference increased with increas-
by astrocytes with part of the spine head (Colonnier, ing age until a maximum occurred at 20 days. The
1964), but the spine stump can regrow and make number of spines then decreased in females between
synapses with adventitious axons (Gray, 1982). 20 and 60 days, while they increased in males until

at 60 days the numbers were similar in both sexes types--pyramidal, Purkinje, stellate---increase and
(Munoz-Cueto et al., 1990). In cases where ovari- decrease with different experimental conditions and
ectomy had been performed on females at 30 days, procedures (Parnavelas et al., 1973; Ryugo et al.,
the decrease in spines was prevented, suggesting that 1975) but normal aging (Feldman and Dowd, 1975;
spine development in rat visual cortex is dependent Feldman, 1976) and gender (Juraska et al., 1989;
on sex and that sex hormones may have a role in Nishizuka and Arai, 1983; Munoz-Cueto et al., 1990)
pyramidal cell maturation. (Section 4.2) also play a part in the response.
Towards the end of the 19th Century several
4.3. SPINEMORPHOLOGY conditions including starvation, freezing, shock and a
variety of drugs were known to lead to a loss of spines
The dendritic spine may demonstrate its plasticity (Monti, 1895; Demoor, 1898; Querton, 1898). These
either purely in terms of its structureor alterationin researchers explained their results using a "theory of
density of spines.In 191 I, Cajal noted that soporifics protoplasmic plasticity" of neurons based on the
and other drugs had effectson the morphology of notion that physiological stimulation of neurons was
spines. The spines along the apical dendrites of accompanied by retraction of its spines and dendrites.
cortical cells represent a sequence of postsynaptic Since then a vast number of studies have confirmed
structures highly sensitive to any damage to the plasticity of the dendritic spine in terms of
(Colonnier, 1964; Globus and Scbeibel, 1967b, c; density.
Valverde, 1968), or the functional state (Valverde, Why do spine numbers change? Is it a direct result
1967), of their afferent fibres. Electron microscopy of the experimental condition? Are increases in spine
study of synapses (axosomatic and axodendritic) density in one area a compensatory mechanism for
following extreme exposures to phenamin, alcohol deficits due to deprivation of sensory input, e.g.
intoxication, local tetanus, shock and radiation iesioning of an afferent pathway, or do they reflect
trauma revealed destructivechanges to synapses and increased synaptic contacts to meet a demand for
spinesmanifested by dissociationof pre- and postsyn- integration of greater sensory input? Many studies
aptic parts and disorganisationof the spine apparatus have demonstrated that dendritic spines are especially
(Turmanov, 1984). Malnutrition has produced giant sensitive to sensory deprivation. A decrease in the
spines and elongated synapses (Chen and Hillman, number of dendritic spines occurs following sensory
1980). deprivation, caused either by modifications of the
In normal physiologicalstatessuch as hibernation, normal environment (Globus and Scheibel, 1967d;
Querton (1898) noted different dimensions in den- Valverde, 1967) or by manipulation of the sensory
dritic spines between hibernating and awake alpine pathways (Colonnier, 1964; Globus and Scheibel
marmots. Confirmation of morphological changes in 1967b,c; Valverde and Esttban, 1968). In broad terms
spines between hibernating and awake states in the spine losses attributable to aging can be seen to
ground squirrels (citellis lateralis, citellis tridecemlin- be of the same magnitude as those produced in young
eatus) were noted by Boycott (1982). The postsyn- animals in experimental conditions. Feldman (1976)
aptic knobs were larger in hibernators and though the queries the temporal relationship between the loss
necks of spines were the same length they were thicker of a spine and the loss of the synapse on that spine
than in awake animals. The maximum diameter of during the aging process. He claims that it is
knobs was 1 pm in hibernators and < 0.5 #m in unknown whether the loss of a spine is a transneu-
awake animals. The complete changes from a hiber- ronally-induced occurrence--an intrinsic phenom-
nating to an awake spine occurred within 12-24 hr. enon that secondarily leads to degeneration of the
In material from aged rats, a fragmented and axon terminal--or whether the two processes are
darkened spine apparatus in spines is seen occasion- initiated by unrelated events. Since deafferentation
ally (Feldman, 1976). It is not known whether these results in a reduction of pyramidal dendritic spines
features are related to age but one such feature does (Gruner et al., 1974; Globus and Scheibel, 1967b, c;
appear to represent dendritic membranous inclusions Valverde and Est~ban, 1968; Ben Hamida et al., 1970)
in the shaft. These inclusions ( > 0 . 5 # m and it seems likely that spine loss is transneuronally
< 1.0#m in diameter) are heteromorphic and induced. Valverde (1967) maintains that the spine loss
increase in frequency with age. The significance of the following sensory deprivation is due to experience
inclusions is not clear but they may be related to deprivation while Scheibel et al. (1974) suggest that
lost spines (Feldman, 1976). Many other examples of degenerative processes or transynaptic degeneration
changes in spine morphology exist but the structural produce loss of dendritic spines.
changes are often concurrent with fluctuations in the Conversely, increased spine densities have been
spine density. demonstrated in rats reared under "enriched" en-
vironmental conditions (Globus et al., 1973; Schapiro
4.4. SPINEDENSITY and Vukovich, 1970). Electron microscopic studies
have emphasised the importance of such observations
Dendritic spine density is not a constant feature in showing that dendritic spines are postsynaptic
between or within cell types, the density varies be- specialisations and major sites of synaptic input to
tween locations of the dendritic field--the dentate cortical pyramidal cells (Colonnier, 1964; Gray,
gyrus cells display greater variation along the den- 1959a,b). Current evidence suggests that spine density
drite than other limbic neurons. Different cell types changes may reflect modifications in synaptic input.
also vary greatly in their density, cortical pyramidal If it is assumed that synaptic inputs of different types
ceils being particularly spiny while nonpyramidal are associated with specific portions of the dendritic
cells are less so. Spine density of various neuronal tree (Globus and Scheibel, 1967a, b,c; Valverde,

J]PN 4L/3~B

1968), then synaptic loss is not limited to any one neuronal change and development in hippocampal
afferent system. pyramidal cells. In the early postnatal period, post..
A more detailed report of the plasticity of spine synaptic structures (spines) appeared in small bu~
morphology and density in both naturally occurring increasing numbers but the initial segment of the
phenomena such as aging and hormonal cycles and in apical dendrite remained free of spines, At 20 days
experimentally induced states such as deafferentation postnatally, following the spine-free initial zone there
or stimulation of pathways as well as in certain was a rapid increase in spine numbers reaching a
pathological states, now follows. maximum approximately midway along ~hc ~pical
dendrite which then slowly decreased. At rials .~tage,
the basal dendrite acquired its adult complement of
spines while the oblique or lateral dendrites were
5.1. INTRODUCTION expected to increase further as were the apical end
tufts which however did not reach the values of other
The dendritic spine appears to be sensitive to dendrites. In the period of development and aging
naturally-occurring phenomena as well as experimen- from the 21 day embryo to the 20 day animal the
tally-induced conditions. With the passage of time spine numbers increase from 20 to 3000 which is
from the embryonic period to old age (Section 5.2) equivalent to 0.02~).55 spines per m~crometer
the spine density fluctuates, The development and (Minkwitz, 1976).
maturation of the central nervous system is also In all studies of the mammalian visual cortex there
affected by hormones, particularly thyroid and go- is an increase in spine density during the early
nadal. Physiological fluctations of these hormones postnatal period (Boothe et al., 1979; Juraska and
are reflected in changes in spine density (Section 5.3). Fifkovfi, 1979), although the rate and pattern of
Other naturally-occurring conditions such as hiber- increase of spines is not uniform across all branches.
nation (Querton, 1898; Boycott, 1982; Sanchez- Secondary and tertiary branches peak later and the
Toscano et al., 1989) and temperature change peak is followed by a plateau but more often a
(Boycott, 1982) have concurrent changes in synaptic significant decrease to adult levels (Murphy and
function through altered structure of synapses on Magness, 1984). Study of the somatosensory (Galofre
spines and changes in spine density. Therefore, it and Ferrer, 1987) and sensorimotor (Petit et al., 1988)
seems that spine density reflects the functional status cortices showed similar trends with dramatic in-
of neurons. creases in spine density at an early stage followed by
a decrease, mainly on proximal dendrites; the density
5.2. TEMPORALVARIATION continuing to increase on terminal branchesl The time
period during which spine density peaks above adult
The dendritic spines and their synapses appear to levels may coincide with and provide a morphological
change continually during life even in regions with correlate of, the critical period (Murphy and
highly stable neuronal populations (Bondareff and Magness, 1984).
Geinisman, 1976). Lifelong change in spine density is In human neocortex the number of dendritic spines
consistent with the view that the adult brain readily on apical dendrites has been shown to increase from
demonstrates plasticity especially under experimental 460 in an 8 month foetus, to 498 in a premature
conditions. The continuous change in spine number infant, to 1412 in a newborn infant. The increase
also indicate that caution is necessary in defining continues to 1874 in a 45 day old and 2100 in a 60
"normal" or "adult" spine densities. During develop- day old baby (Marin-Padilla, 1967). Michel and
ment the spine complement increases but an adult Garey (1984) also studied spine development in hu-
level is reached soon after birth. Spine development man visual cortex from the 33rd foetal week to 30
is thought to be an essential part of the physiological years postnatally. They recorded spine densities of
maturation of the brain (Ruiz-Marcos and Valverde, 30/50#m in late foetal life and 50/50/~m in the
1969; Juraska and Fifkowi, 1979) and the spine neonate. By 5 months old a maximum spine density
density varies significantly as a function of age of approximately 80/50/~m was attained alter which
(Murphy and Magness, 1984). In the first stages of spine numbers decreased back to 50/50 #m by 2 years
development the growth and maturation of the ner- and maintained this level into adulthoood
vous system are influenced closely by thyroid hor- Morphological modifications were also noted
mones. Deficiencies at this stage can lead to decreased during development. The mushroom-shaped, stubby
numbers of synaptic spines (Mussa et al., 1989). and short-thin spines in one month old rats replaced
Subsequently the process of normal aging gradually long thin pedicled spines of earlier development.
reduces the dendritic spine density (Bondareff and Between 3 and 6 months there was variability in
Genisman, 1976; Feldman, 1976; Feldman and density and individual variability with regard to the
Dowd, 1975). percentage of different types of spine on apical den-
drites among cells in the same animal (Galofre and
5.2.1. Development Ferrer, 1987). More detailed study of the dendritic
spine with age has revealed that the calcium distri-
Spines appear slowly during development in associ- bution in dendritic spines of dentate granule cells
ation with the increasingly complex behavioural and varies as a function of age (Fifkov~i and Cullen-
neurophysiological changes (Scbeibel and Scheibei, Dockstader, 1986). Postnatally, the percentage of
1968). In the study of the ontogenetic development of spines with a spine-apparatus containing calcium
dendritic spines, Minkwitz and Holtz (1975) used precipitates decreased significantly. Conversely the
dendritic spine estimations as an indicator of percentage of spines with precipitates in the spine

cytoplasm increased significantly. In the absence of a (1983) recorded a 50% decrease in dendritic spines
spine-apparatus loss, this suggests an age-related between the ages of six months and two years in mice,
decrease in the calcium-sequestering capacity by the but most of the spine loss occurred by one and a half
spine apparatus. The parameters improved by the years. Hippoeampal (CA1) pyramidal cells had sig-
thirtieth postnatal day and approximated the early nificantly reduced spine densities of approximately 12
values (day 3). and 10.5% on basal and apical dendrites respectively
The spine formation and maturation of type I in aged (27 month) animals (Nunzi et al., 1989). The
synapses has been studied on several cell types in the cortical pyramidal cell spine losses due to aging were
visual cortex of rabbits (Muller et al., 1984), macaque at least as severe in visual cortex of the rat as those
monkeys (Mates and Lund, 1983) and cats due to sensory deprivation (Feldman and Dowd,
(Kakabadze, 1985). On spiny stellate cells of the 1975). This holds true for comparisons of spine loss
striate visual cortex, Mates and Lund (1983) noted in other species and cortices (Valverde and Estrban,
that 95% of type I synaptic contacts were originally 1968; Valverde, 1967; Globus and Scheibel, 1967b, c)
found on dendritic shafts, and appeared to be carried although undercut cat cortex produced significantly
out on spine outgrowths. In the adult, the type I greater spine reductions (Rutledge et al, 1972). The
contacts were only found on spine tips. During later main correlate of variability among apical dendritic
maturation, the spine bearing type I contacts may be spine density was the dendritic diameter (Feldman,
lost, since profiles of the neuropil illustrated shrink- 1976). Feldman (1976) found that thicker dendrites
age and detachment of type I axon terminals and have greater spine densities than thinner dendrites
postsynaptic dendritic spines in normal maturation, and the relative spine loss with age differed between
which may explain the marked increase and decrease thick and thin apical dendrites, being 20% for thick,
in spine population on these neurons during normal 36% for medium and 31% for thin diameter
maturation noted by Boothe et al. (1979). In the early dendrites.
postnatal period, synapses on pyramidal cells were Since spines are postsynaptic specialisations, neur-
occasionally immature in appearance, characterised ons with spine depletion also probably undergo alter-
by poorly defined postsynaptic densities that were not ations of synaptic complement. Synapses may
easily defined as type I or II (Muller et al., 1984). disappear or new synapses might form on remaining
Distinction between types became easier and in adults spines on dendritic shafts. Cragg (1975) failed to
the postsynaptic density of asymmetrical (type I) demonstrate any age-related change in the number of
synapses was much thicker and spines were found to neocortical synapses in human brain but Bondareff
have only type 1 synapses which increased in fre- and Geinisman (1976) disagree having recorded a
quency. Kakabadze (1985) also recorded that asym- 27% decrease in synapses on molecular cells of the
metric (type I) synapses appeared at a later stage in dentate gyrus in 25 month old compared to 3 month
cat visual cortex. old rats. The actual loss of synapses involved a 26%
In developing motor cortex in the monkey, the first decrease in those on spines which was less than that
synapse was noted on day 53 of the embryonic period on shafts in senescent animals. Feldman (1976) also
(Zecevic et al., 1989). By midgestation (day 89) there recorded a loss of 20% of total synapses on shafts
were synapses observed over the entire width of the and spines in rat visual cortex pyramids over a 3 year
cortical plate at a density of 5/100/~m 3. In the last 2 period, the synapses on spines decreasing by 26%
months gestation the density increased eight-fold to which produced a relative shift in the proportions of
40/100/tin3 at birth (day 165). The increase in density spine and shaft synapses with age. There was no
continued postnatally until the end of month 2 when evidence of increased numbers of synapses on surviv-
it reached 60/100 #m 3, which is twice the adult level. ing spines. A postnatal study of synapses on hippo-
It then decreased gradually until sexual maturity at campal cells in rats showed no significant difference
3 years and then more rapidly to adult level of in the density of synapses and postsynaptic dendritic
30/100/zm 3, when it remained relatively stable. The spines between three and twenty four months (Lolova
decline after the peak in infancy was predominantly et al., 1989). However the area of the presynaptic
at the expense of asymmetric synapses. Therefore the terminals and the postsynaptic spines was decreased
initial overproduction was followed by selective elim- significantly and the overall size of the synaptic
ination and structural alterations. contact zones was decreased in the older animals. The
synaptic density may not vary between these two age
5.2.2. Aging groups because the older group are passed the peak
stage and the numbers have reverted to levels similar
The distribution and density of synapses is of direct to those found prior to the peak. Since degenerative
functional significance in aging. While Feldman and processes usually lead to regeneration or axonal
Dowd (1974) recorded losses of dendritic spines, sprouting (Lynch et al., 1978) loss of synapses in
Scheibel et al, (1975) noted a reduction in dendritic senescent brain suggests a relationship to regener-
arborisation in aged cortex. Age-related spine loss ation phenomena which determines the functional
affects the entire neuron but not necessarily all neur- recovery of the central nervous system after lesions
ons. No selective depletion of any particular spine (Bondareff and Geinisman, 1976).
type occurs and the variability in loss is not under- The charhcteristic alterations in spine density with
stood. Spine losses ranging from 24% on terminal age may correlate with other factors determining the
tufts to 40% on oblique branches on pyramidal cells plasticity of an individual neuron's functional deter-
of rat pyramidal cortex were noted between three ruination (Murphy and Magness, 1984). Age not only
month and three year old animals, with an average of affects the density and morphology of spines and
one third of all spines lost (Feldman, 1976). Leuba their synaptic contacts but also affects the response of

these structures to other experimental conditions. their highest levels, dendritic spine density values are
Vaughan and Cahill (1984) sectioned the corpus also greatest. Intermediate oestradiol levels during
callosum of rats aged 3, 12 and 24 months and dioestrus correlate with the intermediate spine den-
examined the auditory cortex. They found age- sity values and the lowest hormone levels in the
related differences in the morphological response oestrus accompany the lowest spine density. How-
to partial deafferentation. Normally the apical den- ever the significant differences observed in apical
drites lose spines and become thinner with age dendritic spine density were not found in the basal
(Feldman, 1976). In lesioned animals the apical tree of these cells but a trend towards a decrease was
spine density decreased in one layer (III) while it evident in the oestrus phase of the cycle compared to
increased in another (IV). The spine densities varied the proestrus phase. Also, the changes noted in CAI
with age, being highest in layer III apical dendrites in cells were not found in either CA3 pyramids or
older animals and highest in layer IV in the younger dentate granule cells. These results demonstrate nat-
rats. urally occuring structural plasticity in a specific
population of neurons in the adult mammalian hip-
pocampal formation. Fluctuation of the spine den-
sity during the oestrus cycle was confirmed in a study
5.3.l. Thyroid of VMN (hypothalamic) neurons in rats (Frankfurt
et al., 1990). That dendritic spines are remarkably
Thyroid hormones play an important rote in nor- plastic is shown by a decrease of over 30% during
mal development and maturation of the nervous approximately 24hr between the proestrus and
system and in particular the cortical pyramids and oestrus (Smith et al., 1975). It then fluctuates from
Purkinje cells. Purkinje cell maturation in the frog low values during oestrus to high values in proestrus
cerebellum during thyroxine-induced metamorphosis within a period of days. Longer-term differences in
was studied by Hauser and Gona (1984). Following hormone levels may result in a greater degree of
treatment of premetamorphic bullfrog tadpoles with morphologic variation. On-going morphologic plas-
thyroxine, both populations of Purkinje cells showed ticity has been observed within the CA1 hippocam-
rapid maturational change and developing Purkinje pal pyramids, where changes in apical spine density
cell spines formed synapses with parallel fibres. The have been observed in developing male mice during
dramatic nature of thyroxine action in inducing the puberty and with castration (Meyer et al., 1978).
complex series of detailed maturational changes in In ovariectomized rats, a profound decrease in
the cerebellum was 1-2 years ahead of schedule. dendritic spine density of CAI hippocampal pyra-
Thyroxine-induced Purkinje cell maturation is more mids was noted when compared with those on re-
rapid than that seen during spontaneous metamor- placement treatment with oestradiol or oestradiol
phosis and therefore maturation during metamor- and progesterone (Gould et at., 1990). Again
phosis is largely dependent on thyroxine. Gould et al. although the CA1 area was affected, CA3 showed no
(1990a) found that neonatal treatment with thyroid change with ovariectomy or replacement therapy.
hormone produced long lasting and dramatic Adult rats who had undergone ovariectomy had
changes of CA3 cells in adults which were sexually significantly reduced spine densities in hypothalamic
dimorphic. The thyroid treatment significantly in- neurons when compared with intact females or those
creased the numbers of primary dendrites and apical who had received oestrogen or oestrogen plus pro-
excrescences but the treatment differences occurred gesterone therapy (Franfurt et al., 1990).
in both sexes and were of equal magnitude regardless The modulation of dendritic spine density may be
of sex. However the hippocampal region (CA1) a direct effect of ovarian steroids on CA1 pyramids,
did not show any sex differences with or without in that Loy et al. (1988) reported that pyramidal cells
treatment. of CA1 accumulate oetradiol while only a few CA3
Hypothyroidism results in decreased numbers of pyramids and no granule cells do, and oestrogen-in-
synaptic spines and internuncial connections (Mussa ducible progesterone receptors have been reported in
et al., 1989): the maturation process is incomplete, the CA1 region (Parsons et al., 1982). However since
resulting in impairment in content and organisation CA I apical and basal dendrites are differentially
of the intra-cytoplasmic microtubulin and biochemi- sensitive to variations in the levels of ovarian hor-
cal maturation of synaptosomes. mones, there must be an inherent difference in their
morphologic plasticity or an indirect factor involved
5.3.2. Gonadal (Woolley et al., 1990).
Change in spine density due to fluctuating ovarian
Gonadal steroids are known to influence hippo- steroid levels may result in alteration in number
campal physiology in adulthood. Woolley et al. and/or organisation of excitatory synapses and
(1990) studied the structural mechanisms that may thereby modulate the excitatory input to CA1 pyra-
underlie hippocampal function in the normal adult midal neurons. Oestradiol appears to regulate
brain by identification of the endogenous factors that synapse density in the stratum-lacunosum molecu-
mediate naturally occurring, as opposed to exper- lare of the CA1 region (Woolley and McEwen,
imentally induced, neuronal plasticity. "l'he pattern of 1990). If increased dendritic spine density does reflect
change in dendritic spine density of hippocarnpal increased excitatory input, which could, in turn,
(CA1) cells during the oestrus cycle correlates well increase neuronal activity, then the results of Wool-
with the changing levels of oestradiol and progester- Icy et aL (1990) could present a possible structural
one (Smith et aL, 1975; Wooiley et al., 1990). During mechanism to explain the effects of ovarian steroids
proestrus, when oestradiol and progesterone are at on hippocampal neuronal excitatibility.

6. EXPERIMENTALLY-INDUCED PLASTICITY (Benhamida et al., 1970), but a significant loss in the

number of spines from the basilar and apical den-
6.1. INTRODUCTION drites of pyramidal cells in each layer was noted.
However, a large number of spines remained and
The morphology and density of dendritic spines in
the cerebral cortex reflect environmental conditions, showed intracortical synaptic connections. The loss
the sensory systems of animals being sensitive to of the spines was attributed to the degeneration of
experimental manipulations. These changes may in afferent fibres to the pyramidal cells which may be
turn reflect modifications in synaptic input (Ryugo retrograde or transynaptic.
et al., 1975). Multiple experiments have tested the Rutledge et aL (1972) confirmed that a significant
plasticity of the dendritic spine to varying sensory loss of dendritic spines occurs following denervation
information. Both invasive and noninvasive pro- of the cerebral cortex in both kittens and adult cats.
cedures have been used. In terms of invasive pro- As young animals have not fully developed, the
cedures, pathways have been stimulated electrically effects of denervation upon spines would be very
and sensory input has been interrupted by important and should reflect alterations of develop-
deafferentation. Noninvasive experiments have em- ment and extent of persistence of synaptic contacts.
ployed varying degrees of sensory stimuli through the Dendritic spines are increasingly vulnerable to the
environment in which the animals are maintained i.e. effects of denervation as the brain matures, the
either deprived of sensory stimuli such as light or maximum loss being 50% in adult undercut cortex.
stimulated by a variety of sensory stimuli using a The loss of spines in both young and mature animals
complex environment. argues against the maintenance of functional connec-
tions if they are established following denervation at
any stage since axonal collateral proliferation did not
6.2. DEPRIVATION result in any maintenance of synaptic spine contacts
Several experiments testing the effects of depri- (Rutledge et al., 1972).
vation confirm the significant loss of dendritic spines. At the acute stage (36-48 hr following deafferenta-
In monkeys deprived of somatosensory-motor ex- tion of the cortex), the majority of dark degenerating
perience, apical dendritic spine densities of primary boutons still had contact with dendritic spines but at
motor and somatosensory cortices were reduced but the chronic stage (30--46 days postdeafferentation)
visual cortex was spared since these animals had axon terminals decreased by 20--30% and the large
visual access of the colony. The control colony and majority of boutons lost were those formerly synaps-
a second group who had visual but no tactile access ing with dendritic spines. Therefore denervation leads
to the colony, and who had cage equipment which to a loss of afferents, loss of dendritic spines and
provided tactile stimuli, produced similar results neuronal atrophy. A further feature was an increased
(Bryan and Riesen, 1989). In addition, as other number of spine-apparatuses located in an extra-
dendritic parameters were unchanged the measure- spinous position in dendritic profiles (Gruner et al.,
ment of spine density seems to be a more direct 1974). Following callosal deafferentation of the audi-
measure of early environmental deprivation. tory neocortex in the rat both callosal and thalamic
afferent synapse sites were examined (Vaughan and
Peters, 1985). Asymmetric synapses were distributed
6.2.1. Deafferentation with 84% on spines and 16% on shafts. Callosal
Dendritic spines disappear when the synaptic ter- (93%) and thalamic (78%) afferents prefer to synapse
minals impinging on them are destroyed. Terminal on spines. In a previous study Vaughan and Foundas
synaptic sites of axonal projections can be mapped by (1982) noted that 3 months after callosal lesioning of
interrupting the afferent system. Globus and Seheibel 1 month old animals, additional thalamic axons grow
(1967c) recorded a loss of dendritic spines (approxi- and proliferate in the auditory cortex. In the long-
mately 30%) limited to the oblique branches of apical term callosally lesioned rats, thalamic axons did
dendrites in the parietal cortex of 30 day old rabbits exhibit specificity. After proliferation into the callosal
after sectioning of the corpus callosum at birth. The domain, 80% of degenerating terminals synapse with
limitation of the changes in the spine count to the dendritic spines and 20% with shafts which is like the
oblique branches suggested that the callosal afferent normal distribution of thalamic axons in this region.
system, coming largely from the homotopic locus in Benshalom (1989) investigated the effects of neural
the contralateral cortex terminated on these branches degeneration of presynaptic thalamo-cortical affer-
and since the spine loss was partial other afferent ents on dendritic spines of spiny stellate ceils in mouse
systems must also synapse along these oblique somatosensory cortex. The mean width of the spine
branches. Colonnier (1964) also recorded the disap- head increased significantly by 11% and the length of
pearance of spines following deafferentation, which the spine stalk by 25% in spines receiving thalamo-
he reported to be resorbed when the presynaptic cortical afferents. The mean spine stalk width at its
influx is compromised or destroyed. narrowest cross-section was 0.12 #m which was not
The concentration of spines upon apical dendrites significantly different between these spines and those
has been proven to be a reliable measure for dis- with unidentified afferents. As structural features,
tinguishing denervated from intact cortex (Rutledge, typifying transneuronal degeneration were not ob-
1969). A quantitative study of the spine density of served along the spines examined, it was speculated
cortical pyramids of the suprasylvian gyrus of the cat that morphological differences between spines may
following isolation showed a similar distribution of result in part from degeneration-induced synaptic
spines in both isolated and nonisolated gyrus inactivity of thalamo-cortical axospinous synapses
304 (. H. HORNER

rather than exclusively from any direct effects of the axons from the contralateral striate cortex affected by
degenerative process. enucleation have also been recorded (Valverde and
Ryugo et al. (1975) looked at changes occurring Estrban, 1968). Therefore, enucleation on one side,
within a sensory system that was an intact modality affects the distribution of dendritic spines on the
following deafferentation of another sensory system. apical shafts of pyramidal cells of the cortex on the
After enucleation, no change was noted in spine same side, presumably in response to the involvement
densities within the somatic sensory cortex but de- of the contralateral striate area.
creased numbers (30%) of spines on apical dendrites Chemical destruction of the inferior olive in adult
in the rat visual cortex were found. Fifkovfi (1970) rats (Sotelo et al., 1975) produced not only mainten-
found a similar decrease (28%) in a similar exper- ance of all spiny branches but also an unexpected
imental group following early lid suture. Alterna- increase in the number of spines emerging from
tively after vibrissae removal, Ryugo et al. (1975) secondary and tertiary thick Purkinje cell dendritic
noted that the visual cortex remain unchanged but trunks. The newly formed spines were already numer-
decreased spine numbers were recorded in the so- ous in rats which survived for 2 weeks and were still
matosensory cortex. This suggests that spine losses present at 3 months post chemical injection. In this
following deafferentation are restricted to the cortical study the fate of the Purkinje cell dendritic spines
area of the affected sensory modality. Ryugo et al. contrasts with those reported by Hamori (1973). In
(1975) questioned what happened in the remaining this chronic experiment the Purkinje cells were totally
cortical areas following deafferentation of both visual deafferented from climbing fibres and some of the
and somatosensory cortex and discovered a possible new spines occupied abnormal positions on thick
compensatory increase in spine density in an intact dendritic trunks. Therefore, climbing fibres are not
sensory area. Increased spine densities (22% in the necessary for the maintenance of dendritic spines but
enucleated and 20% in those with vibrissae removal) on the contrary their absence induces spine for-
were demonstrated in the auditory cortex of these mation. The formation of new synaptic contacts
animals following either form of deafferentation. This demonstrates the plasticity occurring in the reorgan-
apparent sensitivity of pyramidal cells of the auditory isation of the cerebellar circuitry in abnormal con-
cortex suggests an increase or redistribution of ditions (Sotelo, 1975; Sotelo and Arsenio-Nunes,
synapses on auditory cortex cells following damage to 1976).
other sensory systems. The reason for this effect is In a further study (Chen and Hillman, 1982a), a
unknown. Ryugo et al. (1975) suggested that it may marked plasticity of Purkinje cell dendrites in adult
be a response to some "trophic factor" released by animals occurred following a combination of granule
the deafferentated area or that the increased spine cell reduction and parallel fibre sectioning. Modified
incidence reflects increased use of the auditory sys- Purkinje cell dendritic trees with high densities (5-fold
tem. Therefore blinding or vibrissae removal may be increase) of vacated spines on terminal branches as
interpreted as a form of auditory "enrichment". In well as on large dendrites were located in the thin
these rats deprived of somatic or visual sensory input molecular layer. Ultrastructural analysis of synapses
via deafferentation the auditory system may assume on Purkinje cell spines (Chen and HiUman, 1982b)
greater importance with increased utilisation of the revealed degeneration with vacating of postsynaptic
auditory modality. This increased use may be sites within 6 hr. Reactive synaptogenesis from re-
reflected in spine density increments and in this sense maining parallel fibres occurred even before degener-
may resemble responses in rats reared in "enriched ating parallel fibres had vacated postsynaptic sites. In
environments" (Globus et al., 1973; Schapiro and addition, new synapses formed between the shafts of
Vukovich, 1970) (Section 6.3.1). Purkinje cell branchlets and parallel fibres. Sprouting
Both enucleation and lesioning of the lateral gen- of parallel fibres occurred as small extensions without
iculate body unilaterally (interruption of the specific tubules while Purkinje cell spines reacted by forming
sensory radiation to the visual cortex) in the newborn elongated and multiple heads which contacted differ-
rabbit leads to changes in dendritic spine numbers ent parallel fibres. After 5 days, degenerating boutons
only on apical shafts of pyramidal cells in the visual were rarely found. Enlarged spine heads were each
cortex (Globus and Scheibel, 1967a). With enucle- capped by a proportionally enlarged parallel fibre
ation, the diminution in spines was 30% or more bouton and joined by an elongated synaptic junction
while a more severe loss was noted with lesioning of to parallel fibres. Therefore, the formation of pre-
the lateral geniculate body ( > 65%), although the and postsynaptic sites take precedence over reoccupa-
distribution of loss was similar for both. The normal tion of original contacts and multiple synapses on
appearance of other cell types in the visual cortex individual spines are eliminated to give rise to single
indicated that the changes on the pyramidal cells were contacts with boutons. This elimination results in
direct rather than transneuronal which is the case enlargement of synaptic contact areas between Purk-
with enucleation. The sensitivity of postsynaptic com- inje cell spines and parallel fibres by taking over
ponents to changes in level of presynaptic input postsynaptic sites from some vacated and eliminated
demonstrates the accuracy of the dendritic spine as an boutons.
index of presynaptic geometry providing an effective In a study of the long-term effects of mossy fibre
measure of terminal axonal patterns throughout the degeneration in the rat, the primary response to
nervous system. deafferented fibres was transneuronal degeneration of
Valverde (1968) found a similar result in the striate the granule cell system, followed by secondary
cortex. A significant decrease in the mean number of transneuronal degeneration of Purkinje and molecu-
spines in portions of apical dendritic shafts of pyra- lar layers (Anderson and Flumerfelt, 1984). There
midal cells of the striate cortex receiving commissural was an overall decrease in spine numbers on terminal

branches and several existing spines increased their Raisman and Field, 1973), optic system (Lund and
length by as much as two-fold. When spines increased Lund, 1971) and cerebellum (Chen and HiUman,
their length, the Purkinje cells acquired new synaptic 1982b). This evidence shows that after partial
contacts. deafferentation, certain spared afferents can establish
The effects of unilateral lesions of deep cerebellar synaptic connections on denervated neurons
nuclei on the corticoeortical projection from the (Cotman and Nadler, 1978). However, whether or
somatosensory to the motor cortex in cats was stud- not these postsynaptic sites are reutilised is ques-
ied (Keller et al., 1990). The number of corticocorticai tioned. Raisman and Field (1973) suggested that
synapses/unit area in the experimental motor cortex postsynaptic sites are permanent and are reoccupied
was significantly increased over controls. This was by sprouting afferents but Smolen (1981) claims that
due mainly to an increase of axon terminals synaps- contacts are made on entirely new synaptic sites.
ing with spines belonging to pyramidal neurons. This Chen and Hillman (1982b) suggest that the mechan-
suggested that lesions of the cerebellar nuclei induce ism for the enlargement of synapses is the takeover of
sprouting of axon terminals in the motor cortex to vacated sites by newly-formed synapses as well as
establish a new function. This is evidence for gener- synapse elimination. The ability of new synapses to
ation of new synapses in the adult CNS which is not form in a very short time period, even before synaptic
induced by elimination of existing synapses. sites are vacated, strongly supports a turnover
Denervation of some neurons may lead to pro- mechanism.
gressive degeneration leading to cell death or in The rapid occurence of synaptogenesis indicates
others there may be compensatory new growth with that the postsynaptic element contains the potential
axonal proliferation. Whether proliferation occurs to form synapses with afferents which are in direct
depends upon such critical factors as neuronal age, contact. Postsynaptic structures can reorganise to
type and location of neurons and whether shift the position and size of synaptic connections,
deafferentation has been partial or complete possibly by returning to an immature-like state (Chen
(Rutledge et al., 1972). Surgical removal of a collec- and Hillman, 1982b). A second stage of postsynaptic
tion of afferents and measuring the response of control over reactive synaptogenesis was the elimin-
residual inputs to the presence of newly denervated ation of multiple synapses on spines and the ultimate
dendritic space has been used to study possible incorporation of postsynaptic membranes into en-
anatomical growth in the circuitries of the adult larged sites. The principle underlying compensatory
hippocampus where it has been shown that the enlargement through elimination, may be dictated by
remaining afferents undergo a growth response the postsynaptic neuron in its effort to maintain a
("sprouting") and reinnervate the vacated territory constant level of synaptic contact area (Hillman and
(Lee et al., 1977; Matthews et al., 1976b). Unilateral Chen, 1981).
removal of the hippocampus results in a 2 5 0 loss in
the terminal and synaptic population of the inner 6.2.2. Visual deprivation
molecular layer of the remaining, contralateral, den-
tate gyrus. Six weeks later, the deafferented zone Light deprivation causes changes in the spine num-
possesses an essentially normal population of termi- bers in the visual cortex of mouse (Valverde, 1967),
nals and synaptic connections (McWilliams and rabbit (Globus and Scheibel, 1967d) and rat (Fifkov~i,
Lynch, 1978). In a study where the entorhinal cortex 1970) whereas enriched conditions produce increased
has been removed, as much as 90% of the terminals spine densities. Continuous exposure to light for 35
of the middle molecular layer are lost, but 5--6 days days produced increased spine densities on all den-
after the lesion the terminal and synaptic population dritic segments but particularly the apical dendrites in
is replaced, so that 5 days after sprouting has begun the visual cortex of rats (Parnavelas et al., 1973). If
nearly 20% of the normal synaptic bouton density is each spine is the site of a synapse there will be
recovered (Lee et al., 1977). There is strong evidence increased intracorticai connections and, thus, the
that these "replacements" come from branches, emit- hyperstimulation-induced spine density increase may
ted from the intact axons found in the lower part of reflect a greater demand for processing of infor-
the dendritic tree (Lynch et al., 1977), the growth of mation. Valverde (1967) remarked that mice reared in
the sprouting response being more vigorous in darkness (22-25 days) had structural changes in the
younger animals. These experiments show that the visual cortex including decreased apical spine den-
adult brain retains the ability to increase the number sities which were as a result of experience deprivation,
and distribution of synaptic contacts formed by the result being a reduction in the effective contacts
specific afferents and there is evidence that the new of the dendritic spines. Although these values were
circuitries formed in this fashion are functional (West lower than controls the same exponential relationship
et al., 1975; Tsukahara and Fujito, 1976). between the number of spines per segment and the
Degenerating endings and terminal growth profiles distance from the cell body was maintained. Valverde
were found in the brains of"normal" rats (Sotelo and (1967) suggested that the diminution of spines was
Palay, 1971) which suggested that sprouting may be primarily a consequence of the arrested function of
a continuous process which strengthens the possi- the specific afferent fibres. The mechanism of spine
bility that physiological (long-term potentiation) and loss in this case was not thought to be related to
behavioural change might be due to the use of the processes inducing transneuronal changes after le-
capacity for growth in brain circuits (Lynch et al., sioning such as deafferentation (Matthews and Pow-
1978). Reactive synaptogenesis through sprouting ell, 1962), since the normal function of specific
has been demonstrated in the hippocampus afferents must be necessary for the maintenance of
(Matthews et al., 1976a, b), septum (Field, et al. 1980; the dendritic spine complex.

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