Ogl 482 Module Career Plan Template

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Miriam Lohrmann

OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Career Plan Template
Section 1: Creating your BHAG
Following the information in the “Good to Great Connections” PowerPoint presentation and all
of the additional information provided under the Module 4 content area, and taking your Personal
Mission Statement development efforts into consideration, carefully develop your own personal
long term BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world changing goal***). The timeframe for
your BHAG is 10-25 years out, however it will depend upon your age. For example, a 55 year
old person might be closer to the 10 year BHAG, whereas a 30 year old or younger person
should be considering a BHAG 25 years out. This BHAG may be related to your overall
life/lifestyle aspirations, or it could be related to some organizational, protean, or
entrepreneurial vision you have for the future. Dig deep and and go beyond the job. That is up to

Answer the following:

1) What is your BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world changing goal***)?

To impact the lives of millions of people and guide them down a path of healing and
healthy mindsets and lives.

2) Why is this your BHAG?

This is my BHAG because I have personally lived through seasons of deep and
debilitating depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety etc. I have also walked with others who
have been through some of the most horrendous trauma you can imagine. I have seen
pain, hurt, and evil in the world and I don’t believe anyone deserves to live their entire
life never experiencing relief, hope and healing. It feels like something I must do not for
the sake of fulfillment or obligation, but with the feelings of burning passion to see others
set free of their bondage.

Last Update: May 2021
Miriam Lohrmann

3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Module 4?

“I pledge myself to bring lasting change and significant healing to every person I
encounter within my ability to do so. I pledge myself to influence those without vision for
their life or future and lead them into an awakened state filled with hope.”

I do believe that my BHAG aligns with my mission statement as it connects with my

vision to bring healing and influence their lives for the better.

4) How does your BHAG align with your mission statement from Module 4?

“I am resolved to continue seeking learning and growth in every area of my life as well as
being open to feedback and criticism while maintaining boundaries and cultivating
loving, trustworthy and healthy community to keep me accountable. I am dedicated to
take risk even in the face of fear to ensure I live up to my potential.”

I believe my BHAG aligns with my mission statement since I can only help others as
much as I have helped and grown myself. My commitment to growth opens the door for
others to share and experience similar growth and healing for themselves. Having healthy
community around me keeps me accountable for my choices and actions which also
allow me to do more for those I seek to help. And the final piece correlates with this very
assignment in the setting of goals and risking big in order to achieve greatly.

5) List your top five (5) obstacles in order from number 5 being least difficult and
number 1 being most difficult you need to overcome in order to obtain your BHAG
and explain the relevance of each one.

Develop influence, connections, and knowledge to widen my net of people I can help –
This feels like the biggest obstacle since these things often take time, experience, and
connections to reach. It doesn’t feel like something I can rush even if I wanted to. There’s
not really a shortcut to developing experience and gaining knowledge.

Enter a field that offers me the ability to connect with as many people/clients as possible
– while there may be obstacles that are bigger barring me from my BHAG, this one
certainly feels daunting. I believe that any field I enter will bring me new levels of
experience and understanding, it’s hard to know what field will open the right doors.

Make network connections – being relatively new to the area in which I live, it feels more
difficult to make connections just starting out. I am an extrovert and truly enjoy
conversations and connection, but it feels awkward selling or promoting myself to others
(although I realize that’s not exactly what networking is)

Last Update: May 2021
Miriam Lohrmann

Find a position that brings financial stability – Truthfully anything would be better than
the position I currently have in financial terms, but I feels somewhat barred from doing
more and my current financial status even makes taking risk feel harder.

Complete my degree – I’m nearing the end of my time at school with just 1 class left for
the summer semester. This was the main goal I’ve had for the past few years and to some
degree, it feels like my life has been on hold since working and attending school full time
doesn’t leave much room for others things.

Section 2: Career Vision

Consider your long-term vision for your career. Respond to the following questions, and make
connections to your personal mission statement, your BHAG(s), the themes you developed in
Module 4, and the textbook/supplemental readings (as applicable).

Answer the following:

1) Analyze the type of career you want to have, in terms of an organizational career or
a protean career, make sure it is clear you understand the concepts as outlined in
the textbook. Why?

To fully analyze this question and my feelings on the subject, I took the Career and Life
Orientation Index from Chapter 5 of our text. As I suspected, for many areas of life, my
results showed that I desire an organizational career while some showed a leaning
towards protean in life-balance and familial segments. I believe that some of my split
between the two worlds are due to my dislike of my current job and the fact that I have a
hard time imagining a career that can give me balance, but also push me to achieve
greatly. I believe my gait towards organizational is birthed in my hope to love what I do
and find personal fulfillment in my career as well as my personal life.

2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the organization
or one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself taking an
alternative career path, which one(s) sound the most likely? Why?

This is complex question as well since it would greatly depend on the organization for
which I work. If I believe in the cause and vision of the company I would desire moving
up and interdepartmentally within that organization. I do also value commitment and
loyalty, within reason, when working for a company and understand that one can grow
and develop greatly within an organization that can then move them on to bigger and
better things. I think overall, my direction would go towards moving within the same
company and developing under their leadership. This involves relational dynamics as

Last Update: May 2021
Miriam Lohrmann

well since the belief I have in the leadership, the vision and relationship I have with those
around me could make or break my desire to stay or move to a different company.

3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible work
schedule/arrangement? If so, which ones and why?

As the child of two baby boomers, I would have to say that a flexible work schedule is
more desirable to me. At this stage in my life I am unmarried and have no children so it
would be easier to invest in an organization I believe in or that I believe can help advance
my career. I do know however that that is not a long-term picture of how I desire to work.
Family is of massive importance to me now and I can’t imagine how much that will
increase one day with children and a spouse of my own. I could see myself going in the
direction of the career shifters and changing my work load to compensate for the other
choice I will prioritize or as a self-employer in order to maintain control of work hours
and location for the same reasons.

Section 3: Long-Term Strategy

Develop a strategy for moving toward your ideal future work/life situation and the realization of
your BHAG(s). Consider the timeframe for your BHAG(s). Provide a vivid description of life
“the way it will be” once your BHAG is realized.

1) Critically think about and then list out (not a narrative format) the interim steps or
milestones you have laid out for yourself that will aid you in reaching your BHAG
(you should have at least 10 to earn a rating of excellent and be referenced by time)

1. Graduate – August 9, 2022

2. Research fields and organizations of interest in the area and beyond – July 2022 to
October 2022
3. Travel to Germany – September 29, 2022 to October 16, 2022
4. Apply to positions of interest – October 2022 to November 2022
5. Get hired at new position – December 2022 – January 2023
6. Develop skills and relevant experience – January 2023 to April 2023
7. Take on more responsibilities at work – June 2023
8. Take on leadership role – January 2024
9. Facilitate growth opportunities for employees – April 2024
10. Develop, train, and equip teams of individuals who can bring growth and health to
others – April 2025

2) In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to your
career goals. Revisit your responses to the Identities Exercise that you completed in
Module 1 of the course. Based on your long-term strategy what are the 3 most

Last Update: May 2021
Miriam Lohrmann

precious things you are willing to sacrifice, besides time, to achieve your BHAG?

Money – While this is not something that I truly want to sacrifice forever, I believe this is
something that would be a worthy sacrifice if I am able to enter spheres that will increase
my experience, knowledge, networking opportunities, and personal growth. I believe in
working my up (or across if the lattice growth method would be my choice) and not
expecting to gain financial independence and complete stability quickly.

Travel – This is one of my great loves and as a single woman it is something that would
be easier for me to do a lot of in my current stage of life. If staying in a certain
geographic area moves me in the directions that I hope to go and sets before me a path of
growth, I think it’s worth it. I understand that often investing of time in people takes your
personal presence to make an impact and I never want to discount that or see it as
something insignificant.

Living on my own – This answer coincides with money in some areas. I would love to
live in my own space and be able to make decisions and moves that benefit me without
having to adjust for roommates. I do know however that in this economic climate and if
the sacrifice of money should come up that it’s not a realistic goal for the near future. I
also understand that living with lower rent can set me up in ways that paying expenses by
myself cannot afford me.

Last Update: May 2021
Miriam Lohrmann

Section 4: The one to two year plan

Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best
practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be
related to your long-term BHAG. The other may be related to some other aspect of your career
development or career-life integration. Both of these goals need to be things that you are
passionate about accomplishing.
Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the module)
should be structured based on a one to two-year timeline. It should include specific milestones,
action items, sub-tasks as well as task-related interdependencies as applicable. With respect to
each goal, critically think about what specifically are the things you will do in the next one to
two years to achieve these goals.

Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, with facilitating goals and steps/actions required
to accomplish your selected goals. It should be evident, by looking at the format and structure
of your plan, that you have developed some significant skills respect to project management.
Include Gantt charts (T) or other visual project representations as you see fit, and be sure to
address your approach to tracking/measuring your progress (M).

1) #1 Goal: Get a job at an organization that relates to my overall vision

a. Specific: I currently work for Starbucks and my hope is to leave my position there
as soon as possible after graduation since my reason for staying is their tuition
program. I have worked in food service for about 12 years so while my
experience in things like customer service, flexibility and adapting quickly are
excellent, I lack the hard skills that relate to my field of interest. The other aspect
is that there are many fields in which I could enter that would relate to the OGL
major and relate to the goals I have personally. The many assessments we have
taken over this course are ones which I plan to use in my search to compare
against different organizations in my search.

b. Measurable: The measurement of this seems straightforward in that I hope to be

hired and begin working for a different organization. I’m not sure if the
enjoyment and satisfaction should be a measurable factor since I believe any
gained experience will be helpful and relevant to my goals.

c. Attainable: This is possible because even with the economy in a decline, there are
many companies in dire need of employees and professionals.

d. Relevant: I don’t feel fulfilled in my current position since it was a sort of

placeholder until I graduated with my degree. I deeply desire to work in a position
that develops me in directions that match my passions and vision for life and can
be a catalyst towards my BHAG.

Last Update: May 2021
Miriam Lohrmann

e. Time-Based: I plan to apply to positions right after graduation since I’ll be taking
a somewhat lengthy trip to Germany and can’t imagine telling a company that I’ll
need 3 weeks off before I can start is a great opening line. October at the latest is
the plan to begin applications and my hope is to be hired in the weeks following

7/1 – 9/1 Research fields and organizations of interest

8/9 Graduate

9/29 – 10/16 Trip to Germany

10/17 – 11/6 Apply to positions

11/8 – 11/15 Interviews

11/ 25 Hired

12/1 Begin work at new organization

2) #2 Goal: Develop skills and experience in new position

a. S: Ask questions from manager, fellow employees. Research field and read books
on the clients, goals, and vision of company and marketplace. Practice skills from
day to day and reflect on them at the end of each day (what went right, what went
wrong) and find someone who can teach you and help you grow in each category

Last Update: May 2021
Miriam Lohrmann

b. M: You feel confident in the position you’re in and set higher and higher goals
until you need a new position to push you further

c. A: I believe more people than not are willing to help and teach others especially if
they come with a genuine curiosity to learn and if the person teaching is
knowledgeable in that area.

d. R: I believe the things I will seek out will be relevant to the field in which I’ll

e. T: If I can meet my goal of beginning work by December, I hoped in 6 months I

would feel confident in what the job would entail. Since this is more of a vague
and overarching goal however, it’s hard to put dates to it.

Last Update: May 2021

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