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Main Number : 16.04.01254
Student’s Registration Number :

2021 A.D/1442 H

TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................... 1
A. Background of Study ....................................................... 4
B. Statmemt of Study ........................................................... 6
C. Reasons of Choosing The Title........................................ 8
D. Objective of Study ........................................................... 8
E. Significance of Study ....................................................... 9
F. Assumption and Hypothesis. ............................................ 9
G. Organization of Writing .................................................. 10

CHAPTER II THEORITICALREVIEW .................................................. 12

A. Effctiveness ..................................................................... 15
B. Electronic Dictionary ....................................................... 18
C. Translation ...................................................................... 22
D. Kind of Text ................................................................... 25
E. Descriptive Text ............................................................... 34

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH .............................................. 37

A. Population and Sample .................................................... 37
B. Data, Source of data, and Technique of Data
Collecting ......................................................................... 48
C. Basic Framework of Research ......................................... 52
D. Technique of Data Processing and Analysis ................... 50
E. Research Procedure .......................................................... 64

CHAPTER IV REPORT OF RESEARCH RESULT ............................... 66

A. General Description of Research Location...................... 66
B. Data Presentation ............................................................. 69
C. Data Analysis ................................................................... 70

CHAPTER V CLOSURE ............................................................................. 81

A. Conclusion ....................................................................... 81
B. Suggestion........................................................................ 81

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 82


A. Background of Study

Educational issues are always interesting to talk about. This is because

education is a very complex problem and humans themselves are the object of

study. As the development of science and technology is rapidly increasing,

education also experienced a significant shift in terms of the process of

achieving its goals. This has an impact on the quality of education that is

demanded to always be in tune with the times. Education is a basic and

conscious effort made in order to play a role in various aspects of the

environment precisely in the future.

As explained in the national education system law, No. 20 of 2003

Chapter I article 1 states that:

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of

learning and the learning process so that students actively develop their
potential to have religious spiritual power, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by themselves, society,
the nation and the State.1

In principle, such conditions we must be able to create and develop

various new breakthroughs in the world of education including the change in

the mindset of the teaching staff. Teachers should not just distribute their

knowledge without anticipating where that knowledge will be implemented by


An effective and innovative learning approach from a teacher must be

present to make a learning process more enjoyable. Both from the point of


view of a teacher or from the point of view of a mandatory participant. In

various subject areas, both at school and on campus the teaching-learning

process created is a key to success or failure in the world of education.

One of the subject areas that we often encounter in school or on campus

is English. English subject is a main subject, the proof is that in recent years

English subjects are often included in the UN for school level and English is

also an important material for college level, the proof of the existence of

TOEFL test to measure the feasibility of language skills English a student in

English. And thus English subjects are very important in the world of


But as we all know, English subjects in Indonesia have been taught

from the high school level to the tertiary level. But in the teaching-learning

process does not really provide an increase in the quality of English language

abilities on the object of the learner. Because of this, we as servants in the

world of education need to examine and examine whether the problem is

causing this.

Based on data English Proficiency Index 2018, Indonesia is only able to

rank 51st in English proficiency. This ranking is still far behind
Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and even Vietnam.2

Actually first we must understand together, there are many factors that

cause the existence of the problem. The lack of or the least improvement in the

quality of English in Indonesia, especially in young people and school children.


There are 3 most basic factors causing the failure to improve quality in

the realm of education for English language subjects or others, including the


1. problems with the teacher.

2. problems with students.

3. problems with teaching material.

In this research, we might only approach and analyze one problem

area, which is a problem for students. The problem for students here is

specifically in understanding and knowledge about learning English. In

learning English we often encounter the phenomenon of the use of

dictionaries by students or learners.

The basic problem that we want to raise in this research is the use of

dictionaries. In the middle age to the modern age, we have encountered two

phenomena that are very helpful in the process of language learning for

students, namely;

a. The use of a book dictionary (manual dictionary)

b. The phenomenon of the use of an electronic dictionary (modern of


In this study we will compare the two forms of the dictionary in the

process of learning English for students or students in their use. Which

one is more effective and which one is more used by students in helping

to translate English learning and how much influence on improving the


quality of translation, both translating from English into Indonesian, so is

the opposite.

To narrow the comparative measurement object of the two

dictionaries, we choose a topic object to be the standard measurement of

effectiveness and feasibility between the two dictionaries. Here we

choose material standards as a measurement medium for the use of both

dictionaries. We choose descriptive text material as a comparison testing

tool for the effectiveness of the two dictionaries in terms of their use.

From the explaination above, the researcher wolud like to conduct

a study entitle: “The Effectiveness Of Using Electronic Dictionary In

Translating A Descriptive English Text At The Sixth Semester English

Students Of Stai Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai”.

To avoid misunderstanding toward the title adopted in this

reseacrh, the reseacher need to explain some of the terms in the title,


1) Effectiveness

This is a measure of the match between stated goals and their

achievement. It is always possible to achieve ‘easy’, low-standard

goals. In other words, quality in higher education cannot only be a

question of achievements ‘outputs’ but must also involve judgements

about the goals.3


2) Electronic Dictionary

Electronic dictionary is a big plus of electronic dictionaries

is that they hold a large amount of data in a small space. Especially

in this type of electronic dictionary is dictionary in smartphone.4

3) Translating

Translation is the expression in another language (or target

language) of what has been expressed in another, source language,

preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences).5

4) Descriptive text

The context of this kind of text is the description of

particular thing, animal, person, or others. Oshima and Hogue

(1997:50 cited in Utami, 2014, p.29 ).6

B. Statement of Problem

1. How is the effetiveness of using electronic dictionary in translating a

descriptive English text at the sixth semester English students of STAI

Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai?

2. Is there any significant difference of students’ achievement between using

electronic dictionary and without using it translating a descriptive English

text at the sixth semester English students of STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah


C. Reasons for Selecting Title

There are three reasons for choosing the title :

1. Firtsly, I choose this title because important and interesting in developing

teaching English strategy in English students of STAI Rasyidiyah

Khalidiyah Amuntai in this era.

2. Secondly, because of some of the problems I encountered on the English

students of STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai campus about the use of

dictionaries for students, it was interesting to study and describe them as an

important phenomenon to assist in the development of the English learning

process and in the TBI majors in particular.

3. Lastly, because I want to take into account the effectiveness of using a

translation media in the form of a dictionary to explain a new idea in

English learning to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of English

learning in the future by prioritizing and describing the results of

comparative research on the use of the two dictionaries for English students

of STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai. students generally and in TBI

majors in particular.

D. Objectives of Study

Based on the above problem formulation, the research objectives can be

formulated as follows:

1. To know the effectiveness of using electronic dictionary in translating a

descriptive Englih text at sixth semester English students of STAI

Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai.

2. To know whether any significant difference of students’ achievement

between using electronic dictionary and without using it in translating a

descriptive English textat the sixth semester English students of STAI

Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai.

E. Significance of Study

1. Theoretical Benefits

Theoretically, this research is expected to increase knowledge in the

field of linguistics, especially in the field of the use of electronic dictionaries

and manual dictionaries for the effectiveness of the translation of descriptive

texts in students at English students of STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah


2. Practical Benefits

Practically, this research is expected to be a reference material for

other researchers who want to research in the field of language and for

readers of the results of this study are expected to increase knowledge about

the significance of the use of electronic dictionaries and manual dictionaries


for the effectiveness of translating descriptive texts on students at English

students of STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai.

F. Assumptions and Hypothesis

1. Assumptions

In an English learning dictionary is very important. In this case the

students in learning English need a dictionary that is not only effective but

also efficient when learning. Especially when you want to translate the first

language into the second language.

From some of the phenomena that I have encountered in the field

with sensing analysis some students more often and like to use electronic

dictionaries to translate, although there are still those who use manual

dictionaries. I especially found this phenomenon on the campus of English

students of STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai. while studying English.

In this argument about the assumptions above, The writer

assumming the electronic dictionary is effective for translation a descriptive

text, but that is just assumptions, so the writer will be find the fact by the

research approach in this thesis.

2. Hypothesis

Based on the assumptions that have been described, the hypothesis in

this study is that there are two different phenomena regarding the use of

dictionaries for students. First the use of electronic dictionaries and manual

dictionaries in learning English. Thus we can make a temporary hypothesis,

in the form as follows:

a. There is a significant difference between the use of electronic

dictionaries and manual dictionaries for students in the effectiveness of

translating descriptive texts (H1).

b. There is no significant difference between the use of electronic

dictionaries and manual dictionaries for students in the effectiveness of

translating descriptive texts (H0).

But the hypothesis still need facts by this research, so writer will

be explain and processing by the true data in chapter IV (result research).

The researchers can really develop a scientific frame of mind

(combines theoretical assumptions and logical assumptions in
generating variables) with true, then the researcher must be intense
and extensive in exploring the relevant literatures as well conduct a
study of the results of relevant previous studies, so that the
description what he made was not based solely on logical
considerations. For that, deep To explain the frame of mind,
researchers must refer to literature or references as well previous
research reports.7

In above is argunment about frame of mind in research to

explaining the good structure for making and developing the research by


G. Organization Of Writing

Systematics of writing this thesis is as follows:

Chapter I :Introduction, background of the study, statment of study, reasons

for selecting title, objective of study, significant of study,

assumptions and research hypotheses, organization of writing.

Chapter II :This section contains a theoretical study of the research variables

studied, effectiveness, electronic dictionary, translation, d. kinds

of text, and descriptive text.

Chapter III :This section contains research methods, populations and samples,

data, source of data, and techniques of data collecting, basic

framework of research, techniques of data processing and analysis,

and research procedure.

Chapter IV :This section contains a description of the results and report of

research, the research location, data presentation, and data analysis.

Chapter V :In this section only contains closure, conclusions and suggestions

from the entire contents of the thesis.


Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, (No. 20 Tahun 2003 Bab I
Pasal 1).
Yohanes Enggar Harususilo, Articles by
Fraser, Based on, 1994, pg. 104.
Ratmi dan Dahlia, The Effectiveness Of Using English Dictionary To
Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery, Universitas PGRI Palembang, 2011, Pg.
Hidya Maulida, Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Penggunaan Google
Translate Sebagai Media Menerjemahkan Materi Berbahasa Inggris,
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin, Jurnal Saintekom, Vol.7 ,
No.1 , Maret 2017. Pg. 25.
Shafira Khairina Anggun, An Analysis Of Descriptive Text In English
Textbook Using Transitivity System (A Case Study Of Reading Passages),
Department of English Education, Indonesia University of Education, 2016. Pg.
I Gusti Ng.A, Metode Penelitian Sosial (Pengertian dan Pemakaian
Praktis), (Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka Utama 1992), pg. 50.


A. Effectiveness

In this chapter, the writer presents definition of effectiveness1,

effectiveness is also a measure of the quality of attainment in meeting

objectives (Resource effectiveness or team effectiveness); Effectiveness is to

be distinguished from efficiency, which is measured by the volume of output

achieved for the input used and, hence, is closely related to productivity.

The effectiveness is the extent to which an activity fulfils its intended

purpose or function. Fraser, defined it thus: Effectiveness. This is a measure of

the match between stated goals and their achievement. It is always possible to

achieve ‘easy’, low-standard goals. In other words, quality in higher education

cannot only be a question of achievements ‘outputs’ but must also involve

judgements about the goals (part of ‘inputs’) Erlendsson, defines effectiveness

as: the extent to which objectives are met (‘doing the right things’).

The UNESCO definition is Effectiveness (educational): An output of

specific review/analyses (e.g., the WASC Educational Effectiveness Review or

its Reports on Institutional Effectiveness) that measure (the quality of) the

achievement of a specific educational goal or the degree to which a higher

education institution can be expected to achieve specific requirements. It is

different from efficiency, which is measured by the volume of output or input



As a primary measure of success of a programme or of a higher education

institution, clear indicators, meaningful information, and evidence best reflecting

institutional effectiveness with respect to student learning and academic

achievement have to be gathered through various procedures (inspection,

observation, site visits, etc.). Engaging in the measurement of educational

effectiveness creates a value-added process through quality assurance and

accreditation review and contributes to building, within the institution, a culture of


Wojtczak, defines effectiveness in the context of medical education:

Effectiveness: A measure of the extent to which a specific intervention,

procedure, regimen, or service, when deployed in the field in routine

circumstances, does what it is intended to do for a specified population. In the

health field, it is a measure of output from those health services that contribute

towards reducing the dimension of a problem or improving an unsatisfactory


B. Electronic Dictionary

Why should we encourage students to use dictionaries? Dictionaries

develop learner autonomy. They are a handy resource for researching different

meanings, collocations, examples of use and standard pronunciation. If

students know how to use them effectively, there are hundreds of hours of self-

guided study to be had with a good dictionary. The best way to complement a

dictionary investment is strong study skills. As teachers we play an important

role in developing those skills, and this article will explore ways that we can do

that2. Different types of dictionary, monolingual versus bilingual ,learner

training, and conclusion.

1. Different types of dictionary:

a. Paper dictionaries

These can be bought cheaply and last a very long time. Students

usually complain that big dictionaries are too bulky to bring to class, so I

recommend that they have two - a pocket dictionary for class and a 'shelf'

dictionary for home study.

b. Online dictionaries

Many traditional dictionaries have online editions. Cambridge, for

example, has an online advanced learners’ dictionary at dictionary, which is easy to use and provides examples of word use.

There are some excellent and specialised ones, such as,

an etymological dictionary (dictionary that explains the origins of words)

I sometimes use in class with higher level learners.

c. Electronic dictionaries

A big plus of electronic dictionaries is that they hold a large

amount of data in a small space. However, they can be expensive, are

attractive to thieves, and they wear out after a few years. The biggest

problem lies, paradoxically, in their ease of use.

2. Monolingual versus bilingual

Some teachers are opposed to bilingual dictionaries on principle. They

believe that learners should think in English as much as possible. I believe


that learners should have a bilingual dictionary on hand as a supportive tool

but that training should focus on monolingual dictionary work. This is

because sometimes a quick translation works best, as in the case of many

concrete nouns, but it is a good idea to foster thinking and explanation in

English. Bilingual dictionaries can also enable students to express

something they want to say when they don't know the correct words in the

target language.

3. Learner training

Here are some ideas on how learners to be better at using dictionaries.

Before beginning, it is very important not to assume that learners, especially

at low levels, know how to use a dictionary. Here is a basic task that

introduces them to the layout.

Layout activity this activity raises awareness of dictionary layout and

parts of speech. Present learners with a table of words relating to a text

you've read in class. Give a brief explanation of the difference between the

three parts of speech shown in the table and the symbols, v., adj. and n. used

to denote them. Also explain why there is an 'X' in the verb section of

'party'. Learners then use their dictionaries to complete the table. As a

follow up activity, learners look back at the text and discuss why the

particular parts of speech were used in that context. This activity underlines

the importance of contextualising new vocabulary and integrating it with

dictionary work.

4. Dictionary race

This activity makes learning fun and integrates dictionary work with

the main aims of the lesson. Write down a list of eight words that the class

will need for the lesson ahead and their definitions. Jumble them up and

give them out to the class. In groups of four, learners have to look up two

words each in their dictionaries and match them to the definitions on the

handout. They then run to the front to check their answers with the teacher.

The first group to have a complete set of correct definitions is the winner.

5. Focus on phonology

This activity highlights the usefulness of a good dictionary in

determining the correct pronunciation of a word. It assumes learners already

have some knowledge of phonemic script and that the teacher's

pronunciation is close to the dictionary form.

Teacher selects some key words that are important for the course /

lesson and writes them on the board. Learners look up the pronunciation in

their dictionaries. Teacher pronounces each of the key words in two ways:

one is correct and the other is incorrect. Learners use the phonemic spelling

to guess which one is right. They get a point for each correct answer. In the

feedback stage, the teacher drills correct pronunciation and answers any

questions. Teachers should not neglect dictionary work. Like pronunciation,

it is a natural part of any course that needs to have an appropriate focus and

allocation of time.

C. Translation

In general, translation was changing a text from one language into

another without changing the meaning or the idea that occur in the source

language. The following definitions of translation proposed by linguists around

the world will be explained below.

Translation definition by scientist, according to Dubois, states that

translation is the expression in another language (or target language) of
what has been expressed in another, source language, preserving
semantic and stylistic equivalences.3 Taber, Translation consists of
reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of
the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in
terms of style.4

Massoud in Sadeghi, argued that the requirement of good translation is

as follows; a good translation is easily understood, fluent and smooth,

idiomatic, translation conveys to some extent, the literary subtleties of the

original, distinguished between the metaphorical and the literal, reconstructs

the cultural or historical context of the original, a good translation makes

explicates what is implicit in abbreviations, and an illusions to saying, songs

and nursery rhymes, for last criteria that good translation will convey, as much

as possible, the meaning of the original text.5

There are many strategies in translation method, so explanation of each

strategy is as follows:6

1. Word-for-word translation:

The method attempted to translate the source language to the target

language word by word. It focused on the source language by maintaining

the structures of the source language when it was translated into the target

language. This method attempted to make exactly the same structure from

the source language to the target language which made this kind of

translation sometimes became an awkward translation. Every word in the

source language was translated one by one to the target language with its

literal meaning. It could create disorientation of meaning since not all

languages had similar structures.

Here the example of simile which used word for word translation;

“He nods as if remembering the squirrel was translated into diam

ngangguk, seakan-akan mengingat tupainya, one thing to remind you of

home was translated into satu benda yang mengingatkanmu pada rumah.”

From the structure of sentence which did not change, it was clear that

translator used method of word-forword translation to translate the simile.

2. Literal translation:

The method usually known as linear translation. It fused between

word for word translation and free translation. Translator attempted to find

the same grammatical construction of the source language in the target

language, and then the translator reproduced the words structure to suit the

target language. So, this method was more flexible than word-for-word


Here the example of simile which used literal translation;

“Most of other tributes sit alone, like lost ship was translated into

Kebanyakan peserta lain duduk sendirian, seperti domba tersesat, I am as

radiant as the sun was translated into aku membara seperti matahari.”

From example above the translator used literal translation because

translator translated the simile with the same grammatical structure and

considering the proper meaning in target language.

3. Faithful translation:

The method attempted to reproduce the contextual meaning from the

source text exactly the same as the target language while still considered

with some limitations in the grammatical structure of the target language.

Cultural words were translated here, but the words used in translating were

literally translated in order to maintain the content of the language. It

focused more on the meaning and purpose of the source language so that the

result of the translation was sometimes felt awkward and unfamiliar.

Here the example of simile which used faithful translation;

“because they’re as hungry for fresh meat as anybody is was

translated into Karena mereka juga lapar daging sama seperti semua

orang, you are as romantic as dirt until he said he wanted you was

translated into Kau sama romantisnya dengan tanah liat sampai dia bilang

dia menginginkanmu.”

4. Semantic translation:

Semantic translation was more flexible than faithful translation.

Faithful translation did not compromise the language structure of the target

language, but focused only on the source language. As a result, the result of

translation was awkward. However, semantic translation was more flexible


since it considered the lexical value of the source language by found the

equivalence in the target language so that the meaning could be preserved,

but the language structure was not as awkward as translating with faithful


Here the example of simile which used semantic translation;

“I can sprint faster than any of the girls in our schools was translated

into aku bias lari lebih cepat dari pada anak-anak perempuan lain di

sekolahku dalam lari jarak dekat, when time comes, i’m sure i’ll kill just like

everbody else.”

5. Adaptation:

According to Newmark, adaptation was the freest form of translation.

Also, this method was the closest form to the source language. Making an

adaptation was accepted as long as it still carried the theme, characters and

plots from the source language. Usually, adaptation was used to translate

drama or poems to change the culture of the source language to the target

language. The only thing that was changed in adaptation was only the

culture. A translator adapted a drama or poem based on the target language

culture so that the readers would understand better the content of the poem

or drama. Although the research could not find any simile in the novel.

6. Free translation:

The method focused more in the content than the form of the source

language. This method was used to help the readers understand better about

the content rather than form of the source language. As a result, free

translation was usually in the form of paraphrasing, which made the

translation version was longer than the original version. Although, it made

the content of the source language more easily to understand by the readers.

Sometimes the result of the translation was not like the form of translation

version since the target language was longer than the source language.

Here the example of simile which used free translation:

“His are as solid and warm as those loaves of bread was translated

into Jabatan tangannya mantap dan hangat seperti roti-roti yang

diberikannya padaku, Tall with leaves like arrow heads was translated into

Tumbuhan jenis rimpang dengan dedaunan yang lancip.”

7. Idiomatic translation:

The method used the natural form in the source language when

translator tried to transfer it into the target language. When the translator

translated idiomatically, he or she made the natural form of the source

language in the target language. This was reason why idiomatic translation

product made it did not look like a translated version. As a result, a good

translator should translate text idiomatically to reproduce the source

language to the target language naturally by used familiar terms in the target

language to reproduce the message carried out.

Here the example of simile which used idiomatic translation;

“he is so steady, solid as a rock was translated into dia begitu mantap,

seteguh batu karang, A hundred hands reach up to catch my kiss, as if it


were a real and tangible thing was translated into Ratusan tangan terulur

untuk menangkap ciumanku, seakan ciumanku nyata dan bias dipegang.”

8. Communicative translation:

The method attempted to translate the contextual meaning in the

source language both from the language aspect and the content to make the

result of translation easy to understand. This method focused on the readers

in general. Communicative method was used to translate the target language

communicatively so that the readers in general could understand the

message carried in the text. Using this method, translator attempted to

eliminate any difficulties so that the readers could understand the text easily.

Here the example of simile which used communicative translation;

You’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug was translated into

Pesonamu sama levelnya dengan pesona balok kayu, My legs, arms, torso,

underarms, and parts of my eyebrows have been stripped off the Muff,

leaving me like a Plucked bird, ready for roasting was translated into Kedua

kaki, lengan, dada, ketiak dan beberapa bagian dari alisku, membuatku

seperti ayam yang dibului, siap dipanggang.

D. Kinds Of Text

Based on generic structure and language feature dominantly used, texts

are divided into several types. They are narrative, recount, descriptive, report,

explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, procedure, discussion,

review, anecdote, spoof, and news item. These variations are known as genres.

In this content of the research is about explaining the the kinds or

genres for texts by generally, so writer can explain more detail about kinds or

genres of the texts.7 Procedure, recount, narrative, description, news item, and


1. Procedure text

Social function: To help us do a task or make something. They can be

a set of instructions or directions.

a. Text organization:

1) Goals ( the final purpose of doing the instruction)

2) Materials ( ingredients, utensils, equipment to do the instructions)

3) Steps ( a set of instruction to achieve the final purpose)

b. Language features:

1) Use of imperative ( Cut…….., Don’t mix……..)

2) Use of action verbs (turn, put)

3) Use of connectives(first, then, finally)

c. Example of Procedure Text

How to Make Cheese Omelet

1) Ingredients:

a) 1 egg, 50 g cheese

b) 1 cup milk

c) 3 table spoons cooking oil

d) A pinch of salt and pepper


2) Utensils you need:

a) Frying pan

b) Fork

c) Spatula

d) Cheese grater

e) Bowl

f) Plate

3) How to make it:

a) Crack an egg into a bowl.

b) Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth.

c) Add milk and whisk well.

d) Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir.

e) Heat the oil in a frying pan.

f) Pour the mixture into the frying pan.

g) Turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns.

h) Cook both sides.

i) Place on a plate, spread salt and pepper.

j) Eat while warm.


2. Recount text

a. Social function:

To tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence

of events.

b. Generic Structure:

1) Orientation ( who were involved, when and where was it happened)

2) Events ( tell what happened in a chronological order)

3) Re-orientation ( optional – closure of events)

c. Language features:

1) Use of pronouns and nouns ( David, he, she)

2) Use of action verbs in past (went, studied)

3) Use of past tense ( We went for a trip to the zoo)

4) Use of adverbial phrases

5) Use of adjective ( The smart remarks and a bald head)

d. Example of Recount Text

“Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour to Europe. They were travelling on
a guided tour to five countries. They were going to travel through The
Netherland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and France for two weeks.
The guide for the tour was a Swiss. On the day of the travel the guide
told them to check their passports, their traveler cheques, and their
foreign cash. He told them to keep them safely.
They traveled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music, and video. The
guide stopped the coach at many famous places. He explained the
cultural importance of the places. They stayed in big hotels for the night
and ate in the restaurants.

On the way, they stopped at small inns to eat lunch. In big towns, they
went for shopping. They bought many souvenirs for their friends. They
enjoyed the two-week tour.”
3. Narrative text

a. Social function:

To amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary

experience in different ways. Narrative always deals with some problems

which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

b. Generic Structure:

1) Orientation ( who was involved, when and where was it happened)

2) Complication ( a problem arises and followed by other problems)

3) Resolution ( provide solution to the problem)

c. Language features:

1) Use of noun phrases ( a beautiful princess, a huge temple)

2) Use of adverbial phrases of time and place ( in the garden, two days


3) Use of simple past tense ( He walked away from the village)

4) Use of action verbs ( walked, slept)

5) Use of adjectives phrases ( long black hair)

d. Example of narrative text

Three Fish
“Once three fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by
the pond and saw the fish. “This pond is full of fish”, they told each other
excitedly. “we have never fished here before. We must come back
tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!” So saying, the
fishermen left.

When the eldest of the three fish heard this, he was troubled. He called
the other fish together and said, “Did you hear what the fishermen said?
W must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and
kill us all!” The second of the three fish agreed. “You are right”, he said.
“We must leave the pond.”
But the youngest fish laughed. “You are worrying without reason”, he
said. “We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever
come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere – my
luck will keep me. The eldest of the fish left the pond that very evening
with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the
distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family.
The third fish refused to leave even then.”
The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third
fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.
4. Descriptive text

a. Social Function:

To describe a particular person, place or thing.

b. Generic Structure:

1) Identification (identify phenomenon to be described)

2) Description (describe parts, qualities, characteristics)

c. Language features:

1) Focus on specific participants.

2) Use of attributive and identifying processes.

3) Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups.

4) Use of the Simple Present Tense.

d. Descriptive Text Example:

My Family
“My family has four members: those are I, my sister, and parents
ofcourse. My mother is 47 years old. Her name’s Anisa. She’s thin-faced
and she’s got long, blond hair and beautiful green eyes. She is still slim
because she always tries to stay in shape. She is very good-looking,

My father, Lukman, is 5 years older than my mother. He is 52. In spite of

his age he’s still black-haired, with several grey hairs. He has bright
blue eyes. He is quite tall, but a bit shorter than me. He’s very hard-
working. Besides that he is working in a travel company. He can even
make a dinner when my mother is outside. His cooking and his meals are
always very tasty as well as my mothers’.
Finally, my sister Nadina. She is 22. She is also red-haired and green-
eyed. She has long wavy hair and freckles. She is definitely shorter than
me. She is rather introverted.
But she is very sensible, smart and co-operative. Right now she is
studying English and also knows Arabic and Mandarin. I want
to be as smart as she is.They all, except me, speak Sundanese very well,
because we were living in Bandung for 5 years. My sister have been
going to primary school there. Unfortunately I was only 3 when we were
leaving to Jakarta, so I can’t speak Sundanese. Now we are happily
living in Jakarta.”
5. News Item

News item is a type of the text that has the main function or

communicative purpose to inform readers of listeners or viewer about

events of the day that are considered newsworthy or important. The generic

structure of news item has elements as follows.

a. Social function:

To inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are

considered newsworthy or important.

b. Generic structure:

1) News worthy event ( tells the event in a summary form)

2) Background events ( elaborate what happened, tell what caused the


3) Sources ( comments by participants, witnesses, authorities and experts

involved in the event)


c. Language features:

1) Information on the use of head lines.

2) Use of action verbs( hit, attack)

3) Use of saying verbs( said, added, claimed)

4) Use of passive sentences ( Aceh was hit by Tsunami in 2004)

5) Use of adverbs in passive sentences (The victims were badly injured)

6. Report text

a. Social function:

To describe the way things are (for example: a man -made thing,

animals, plants). The things must be a representative of their class.

b. Text organization:

1) General classification (introduces the topic of the report/tells what

phenomenon under discussion is.)

2) Description (tell the details of topic such as physical apparts, qualities,


c. Language features

1) Use of general nouns ( Whales, Kangaroo, Computer)

2) Use of present tense(Komodo dragons usually weigh more than 160


3) Use of behavioural verbs (Snakes often sunbathe in the sun)

4) Use of technical terms ( Water contains oxygen and hydrogen)

5) Use of relating verbs (is, are, has)


E. Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information.

The context of this kind of text is the description of particular thing, animal,

person, or others, for instance: our pets or a person we know well (Gerot and

Wignell). According to Oshima and Hogue, Descriptive writing appeals to the

senses, so it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/ or sounds. In

additon, a the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her

mind. Regarding explanation above, in order to achieve its purpose,

Descriptive text has its own schematic structure and linguistic features, which

will be discussed below.8

By the definition for text descriptive in above, generally text descriptive

is the text for give some information with the describing or showing the

something or someone by detail identity to present by words.

1. Description element

The elaboration of schematic structure of descriptive text is discussed


a. Identification:

The identification element aims at introducing and identifying

specific participant (a person, thing, place, animal or event) to be

described in the descriptive text.

b. Description:

The description aims at describing the specific participant in text.

It contains descriptive details or information of the specific participant by


providing the description of its characteristics, appearances, personality,

habits or qualities.

2. linguistic features:

a. Focus on specific participants as the main character;

b. Use present tense as dominant tenses;

c. Use linking verbs or relational process frequently (is, are, has, have,

belongs to) in order to classify and describe appearance or qualities and

parts or functions of phenomena);

d. Use action verbs or material process and behavioural process in giving

additional description regarding action and behaviour done by the

participants in text;

e. Use mental verb or mental process when describing feelings;

f. Use nominal group frequently to describe;

g. Use adjective and adverbs to add information to nouns and add

information to verbs to provide more detailed description about the topic;

h. Use adverbial phrases to add more information about manner, place, or

time and sometimes realized in embedded clause which functions as


3. Kinds of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text to describe something, such as person, places

or things. Therefore, it normally takes three forms, they are:9


a. Description of a people, to describe a people, the students can use:

1) Identification

Adelstein and Pival, state that identification consists only of certain

statistical information, such as height, weight and age; visible

characteristics such as color of hair, skin and eyes; and recognizing

marks, such as scars and birthmark. The students can identify the

people based on the visible characteristic that can be seen.

2) Impression

Unlike the identification, the impression may not identify a person,

but it conveys an overall idea of him or her. Many details may be

missing, yet the student provide in a few broad strokes a general

feeling about the subject. Although impression is usually less

complete and informative than identification, it may be more effective

in capture an individual‟s striking or destinctive traits.

3) Character Sketch

More complete descriptions of people are usually called character

sketch; they may also be referred to as profile, literary portraits, and

biographical sketches. A character sketch may be about a type rather

than an individual, revealing the characteristics to the members of a

group, such as campus jocks, cheerleaders, art students, religious

fanatics, television devotes. As its name indicates, a character sketch

delineates the character of a person, it may includes identification and


an impression, but it will do more than tell what people look or seem

like: it will show what they are like.

b. Description of a place

Unlike a chronologically developed paragraph, there is no set

pattern for arranging sentences in descriptive text. It is no necessary to

begin with one area and then procced to another one. Nevertheless, the

sentences should not be randomly arranged. As stated by Smalley and

Ruetten, that “To make the paragraph more interesting, you can add a

controlling idea that states an attitude or impression about the place being

describe. And the arrangement of the detail in your description depends

on your subject and purpose”. The description must be organized so that

the reader can vividly imagine the scan being described.

c. Description of a things

To describe a thing the students must have a good imagination

about that thing that will be described. Besides, to make subjects as

interesting and as vivid to readers, the students can use proper nouns and

effective verbs.

1) Using Proper Noun

In addition to filling the describe text with concrete details and

figures of speech, students might also want to include a number of

proper nouns, which are the names of particular persons, places and

things. For example; Arizona, University of Tennessee. Including


proper nouns that readers recognize easily can make what students are

describing more familiar to them.

2) Using Effective Verb

Verbs are important to narration, but effective verbs can also be

added to a piece of description. “The verb chiseled also give the

reader a more accurate picture of the wind‟s action than made does”

(Anderson). Verbs are used to make description more specific,

acurate, and interesting. For instance, “the wind had chiseled deep

grooves into the sides of the cliffs” is more specific than “the wind

had more deep grooves.”

With the references to this phenomenon, I feel that it is desirable to

conduct a study about the use of Clustering technique in improving

the ideas in descriptive text. This is from which the study is rooted.

Identification Identifying or realizing something that will
Description Describe it based on its parts, qualities, or

d. Example for text descriptive:

Borubudur Temple

“Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in

Indonesia. It is situated in central Java. Borobudur temple is one of the
seven wonders of the world which needs to be preserved its
circumstances. The people all over the world know that Borobudur is one
of the greatest art works that ever known since long time ago.

Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth

century. It needed more than two million river stones. It is the biggest
temple in the world. After going into some restorations, Borobudur is
visited by more and more tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists.
Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its beauty, its
elegance and the story of the relief on its walls. (description)

Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars, while foreign

tourists like to join travel bureau because they don’t need to think of the
transportation, accommodation, and itinerary. There are some money
changers around the location. It makes them easier to change their
money. But some of them like to bring credit cards and checks.

Yavuz Yildirim, The Effectiveness Of Using English Dictionary To
Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery A Case Of Year Eleven Students Of
Semesta Senior High School, English Department Faculty Of Languages And
Arts Semarang State University 2011 (pdf), pg. 7-8.
Ratmini Dan Dahlia, Dampak Penggunaan Aplikasi Online Dictionary
Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Di Ma Al Hidayah Muara Telang,
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pgri
Palembang, 2019 (pdf), pg. 11.
Hidya Maulida, Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Penggunaan Google
Translate Sebagai Media Menerjemahkan Materi Berbahasa Inggris,
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin, Jurnal Saintekom, Vol.7 ,
No.1 , Maret 2017(pdf), pg. 8.
Ibid, pg. 9.
Tommy Ardhani, Translation Strategies Used In The English
Indonesian Translation Of The Secret Life Of Ms Wiz (An Analysis Of The
Translation Strategies Of Idiomatic Expressions), English Department Faculty Of
Languages And Arts Semarang State University, 2015(pdf), pg. 22.
Ibid, pg. 16.
%20known%20as%20GENRES.(21:05, 23/04/2021)
Shafira Khairina Anggun, An Analysis Of Descriptive Text In English
Textbook Using Transitivity System (A Case Study Of Reading Passages)
Journal Of English And Education 2016, Department Of English Education,
Indonesia University Of Education (pdf), pg. 20.
Rega Giyang Girana Zetira, Using Clustering Technique To Explore
The Ideas In Writing Descriptive Text (The Case Of The Tenth Graders Of
State Senior High School 1 Pegandon In The Academic Year Of 2014/2015),
English Department, Faculty Of Languages And Arts, Semarang State University,
2015(pdf), pg. 20-23.
text/#Struktur_Teks_Deskripsi.(01:18, (24/04/2021)


A. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is a generalization area that consists of objects/subjects

that have certain quantities and characteristics determined by researchers to

be studied and then drawn conclusions.

Population is a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that

have certain numbers and characteristics determined by the
researcher to be studied and then drawn conclusions.1 The population
or universe is the total number of units or individuals whose
characteristics are to be studied. And these units are called units of
analysis, and can be people, institutions, things, etc. (Djawranto,

Population or universe is the total number of units or individuals

whose characteristics are to be examined. And these units are called units of

analysis, and can be people, institutions, and things.

In other words population is the total number of information objects

that will be extracted and examined from a study in data collection. From all

of information in population is general information to analyzing in this


In this research, I select the population with the student in program

study at major TBI on the campus of STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai.

The population for this research is specially for class of major TBI, from

class in semesters 2, 4, and 6, on STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai.


For the population that I will examine I estimate about 90-100 people

from the number of students majoring in TBI on the campus of STAI

Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai. Maybe it was the amount of population I

determined while, because for the amount I am not yet searching for the

actual data.

AT STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai 2020/2021
No Class Amount
1. TBI VI A (X1) 14
2. TBI VI B (X2) 14
Amount 28
Soure: Prodi TBI STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai

2. Samples

The sample or example is a portion of the population whose

characteristics are to be studied. A good sample, the conclusion of which

can be imposed on the population, is a sample that is representative or that

can describe the characteristics of the population.

The sample or sample is part of the population whose characteristics

are to be studied (Djarwanto, 1994:43). A good sample, whose
conclusions can be applied to the population, is a sample that is
representative or can describe the characteristics of the population.3

The conclusion of the sample is that some individuals are made into

research objects taken from the total population as a characteristic to

describe than a research population.


3. Sampling technique

There are various kinds of sampling techniques to determine the

sample that will be used in research. The sampling technique basically can

be grouped into 2 (two) kinds, namely (probability sampling and non-

probability sampling).

In this research, I want to use the probability sampling. The

probability sampling, there are 4 (four) kinds of technique sampling;4

(Simple random sampling, Dispropotionate Stratified Random Sampling,

Proportionate stratified random sampling, and Cluster sampling).

From the kinds of probability sampling, I decide using the technique

sampling by simple random sampling. simple random sampling is one of the

technique sampling, said “simple” because the sampling of members of the

population is done randomly, without regard to strata contained in the

population. This method can be done if a member of the population is

considered homogeneous.5

a. Simple Random Sampling Requirements

Terms of use of a simple random sampling technique:6

1) This technique is used if the population element is homogeneous, so

that any element selected as a sample can represent the population.

2) Done if the analysis of research tends to be descriptive and general in


b. Simple Random Sampling Procedure

The procedure in this technique is:

1) Arrange the "sampling frame".

2) Set the number of samples to be taken.

3) Decide on a sample selection tool.

4) Select the sample until the amount is met.

In this research, I will explain about the use of the sampling technique

that I have chosen for this research based on the references above. For

this research we use the Slovin's formula to determine the minimum

sample size (n) if it is known that the population size (N) at the

significance α level is:7


Notes :
n = minimum sample size
α= significant level(0,01)
N = large population

B. Data, Source of Data, and Techniques of Data Collecting

1. Data

Data is a basic for a research. The first component in every research is

called data. Without data, a research cannot be belief to present. Because

data is the facts and contents be forming the research to belief and support

about your argument to present for understood by publishing your research.

Data is something that has no meaning for the recipient and still

requires a processing. Data can be in the form of a situation, picture, sound,


letter, number, mathematics, language or other symbols that we can use as

material to see the environment, objects, events or concepts.

Data is something that has no meaning for the recipient and still
requires processing. Data can be in the form of a situation, images,
sounds, letters, numbers, mathematics, language or other symbols that
we can use as material to see the environment, objects, events or

In this research, I select the data by the specially data numeric or

number (quantitatively) from all information about theory learning English,

theory about dictionary, theory about descriptive texts and other thing about

this research, and specially object research data in major program study TBI

for this research.

2. Soure of Data

Sources of data in research are there two kinds, primerly data and

secounder data.9 In first, we will explain about primerly data by summary

and next about secounder data.

a. Primary Data

Primary data is data obtained or collected by researchers directly

from the data source. Primary data is also called original data or new data

that has the latest nature. To get primary data, researchers must collect it

directly. Techniques that researchers can use to collect primary data

include experimental test and observation

The primary data in this study presents experimental test,

observations, interviews and questionnaires when I will look for data in

the field (the program study on TBI) later.


b. Secondary Data

Secondary data is data obtained or collected by researchers from

various existing sources (researchers as second hand). Secondary data

can be obtained from various sources such as the Central Statistics

Bureau (BPS), books, reports, journals, and others.

And for secondary data in this study is about all the theories of

learning linguistics, such as specifically to approach dictionary theories,

descriptive texts, and other things about them, and use material by books,

journals, articles, and others. For detailed information for secondary data

I will present in chapter 2 two later.

c. Techniques of Colletion Data

The most important research activity is data collection. Arranging

instruments is an important work in the research step, but gathering data

is even more important, especially if the researcher uses methods that are

prone to the inclusion of the subjective element of the researcher. That is

why compiling data collection instruments must be taken seriously in

order to obtain results that are in accordance with their uses, namely the

collection of appropriate variables.


There are manything the kinds of techniques collection data, such


1) Instrument of test

Instrument test in this research is the basic data for this

research. Instrumemt test in this research is measuring the

effectiveness proccess transalating a desriptive text by two method

and comparing the result both of them.

The translating in language there are many thing indicators and

rubric for measuring the quality of result in translating.

a) Farahzad’s Rubric

Farahzad (1992, p. 274) maintains that two main features are to be

checked in scoring for each unit of translation:

i. Accuracy: the translation should convey the information in the

source text (ST) precisely, i.e. the translation should be close to

the ST norms.

ii. Appropriateness: the sentences should sound fluent and native,

and should be correct in terms of structure.

b) Waddington’s Rubric

In Waddington’s (2001) model of translation quality assessment,

each translated text is assessed by the researcher and two other

raters. He declares that almost all the contributions in translation

quality assessment have been descriptive or theoretical and have

centered mainly on the following themes:


i. Establishing the criteria for a ‘good translation’.

ii. The nature of translation errors.

iii. Basing quality assessment on text linguistic analysis.

iv. Establishing various textual levels on a hierarchical basis and

linking the importance of mistakes to these levels.

v. Assessment based on the psycholinguistic theory of “scenes

and frames”.

c) Sainz’s Rubric

Sainz (1992) introduces a student-centered approach to assessment

of translations. She believes that teachers must make it clear that

there are no right or wrong translations and that the students’

translations are going to be used only as feedback for discussion

later on. The process which she suggests for correction of

translations comprises of five stages:

i. Development: a stage to understand and anticipate students’

needs in order to satisfy those needs more efficiently.

ii. Implementation: a stage during which students get the

‘correction chart’.

iii. Monitoring: a stage to monitor the process by teachers to make

adjustments as the course unfolds, on the basis of the

information they retrieve from the ‘correction chart’.

iv. Integration: a stage during which teachers can fill in their own

chart of ‘types of mistakes’ for a particular translation piece.


v. Self-monitoring: a stage during which students can check their

own progress in the course and, at the same time, become

critical about their learning.

d) Beeby’s Rubric

Beeby (2000, p. 189) proposed a model for evaluation experienced

in 1996 and 1997. In her model, the exam was marked out of 20:

i. 10 points given for 10 specific translation problems that had

been selected from the text.

ii. 10 points given for language, and marks were subtracted for

grammar mistakes: 1 point for incorrect syntax, tense,

agreement and word order; ½ a point for incorrect articles,

prepositions, and spelling.

e) Goff-Kfouri’s Rubric

Another rubric used to assess translation is proposed by Goff-

Kfouri (2005) which declares that there are basically three options

a rater can choose from when correcting a translation:

i. General Impression: Although some experienced raters are

able to differentiate between a paper that is, for example, a

62/100 rather than a 67, a general impression mark is not very

beneficial to the student for it does not provide the reasons for

the missing marks.

ii. Error Count: A simple error count is not recommended as a

method of marking a student’s translation since it rarely gives


points for content and does not take into consideration the

seriousness of the errors.

iii. Analytical Grid: Heaton (1990, p. 110) proposed an analytical

grid for language courses. However, it can be easily adopted

for a translation assessment too. An analytical grid allows the

instructor to set clear criteria for correction based on simple

arithmetic. In this particular case, the translation would be

marked over 23 since the author chose to weigh mechanics less

than the other areas.

According by scientifiest in translating language in

above the resercher pick up some research journal analyzer

about rubric quality assessment for translating languange in

Hajar Khanmohammad, Maryam Osanloo, Moving toward

Objective Scoring: A Rubric for Translation Assessment, and

taking the rubric quality by combine points to measuring the

good translating assessment.

Finally and in accordance with the findings of the

previously presented tables, the researchers proposed a detailed

component-centered rubric in which the score of each

component of the rubric is determined according to the

percentage of its prevalence in the tables. Prior to that rubric

though, the following table shows the percentages of each

factor agreed by the instructors who participated in this study.


Items Score
Accuracy 30%

Finding the right and suitable word equivalence in 25%

TT’s genre, TL culture 20%

Grammar and preservation of style 15%

Shifts 8%

Addition, omission and inventing equivalents 7%

Source: Translating Rubric Indicators

The following table is the comprehensive and detailed

rubric proposed by the researchers based on the findings of the

study. The total score devoted to this rubric is 100. This rubric

is a combination of the existing rubrics and the results and

answers to the questionnaires used in this study. In making this

rubric, different aspects of translation including

comprehension and conveyance of sense and style among other

factors have been taken into account.

The researcher choosing this rubric because this scoring

is simple and effectively for assessment and measuring the

translating for descriptive text.

In table 3.3, at below the researcher will doing pre-test

equivalence the level of students between class control and

class experiment. In below is about a descriptive text easy


level of vocabulary to translating. This test just for measuring

the suitable for devide the compentences by students in class

control and class experiment.

And for assessment the pre-test the researcher is using

the formula by the rubric in above at table 3.2 as the standart

quality for translating source text to target text.

Source Text Target Text
(Test) (Answer)
My Family Keluarga Ku
“My family has four “Keluarga ku memiliki
members: those are I, my empat anggota: yaitu aku,
sister, and parents ofcourse. saudari ku, dan orang tua
My mother is 47 years old. tentunya. Ibu ku berusia 47
Her name’s Anisa. She’s tahun. Namanya Anisa. Dia
thin-faced and she’s got berwajah tirus dan dia
long, blond hair and memiliki rambut pirang
beautiful green eyes. She is panjang dan mata hijau
still slim because she yang indah. Dia masih
always tries to stay in langsing karena dia selalu
shape. She is very good- menjaga bentuk tubuh itu.
looking, alwayswell- Dia sangat cantik, selalu
dressedandelegant. berpakaian bagus dan
My father, Lukman, is 5
years older than my mother. Ayah ku, Lukman, 5 tahun
He is 52. In spite of his age lebih tua dari ibu ku. Dia
he’s still black-haired, with berusia 52 tahun. Meskipun
several grey hairs. He has di usia segitu dia masih
bright blue eyes. He is quite berambut hitam, dengan
tall, but a bit shorter than beberapa uban. Dia
me. He’s very hard- memiliki mata biru cerah.
working. Besides that he is Dia cukup tinggi, tapi
working in a travel sedikit lebih pendek dari ku.
company. He can even Dia sangat pekerja keras.
make a dinner when my Selain itu ia bekerja di
mother is outside. His sebuah perusahaan
cooking and his meals are perjalanan/travel. Dia
always very tasty as well as bahkan bisa membuat

my mothers’. makan malam saat ibuku di

luar. Masakannya dan
Finally, my sister Nadina. makanannya selalu sangat
She is 22. She is also red- enak seperti masakan ibu
haired and green-eyed. She
has long wavy hair and Terakhir, adik ku Nadina.
freckles. She is definitely Dia berusia 22 tahun. Dia
shorter than me and rather juga berambut merah dan
introverted.” bermata hijau. Dia memiliki
rambut panjang
bergelombang dan berbintik
di wajah. Dia memang lebih
pendek dariku dan agak

Source: A desriptive text for pre-test

Pre-test in above is first step for measuring same as level

of class control and class experiment. The test is using rubric

in above and for comparing effectivenees in this research

researcher must be know the level of students will be

comparing to be fair in this data in research.

And if the researcher have been measured the

clasification of level in each srtudents by both of class, the

researcher will be starting make the experiment with both of

class. The class control will given the post-test and translating

by manual (book) dictionary and the class experiment will

given post-test and translating by electronic dictionary.


Source Text Target Text
(Test) (Answer)
Jack Ma Jack Ma
Jack Ma comes from a family Jack Ma berasal dari keluarga
of musicians and storytellers musisi dan pendongeng di
in Hangzhou, China. He had Hangzhou, Cina. Dia telah
lived bitterly during the hidup pahit selama Revolusi
Cultural Revolution and Kebudayaan dan mengalami
experienced various failures. berbagai kegagalan. Pria itu
The man rose, built the bangkit, membangun situs
Alibaba site, and is now the Alibaba, dan kini menjadi
second richest man in his orang terkaya kedua di
country. “I lived a bitter life,” negaranya. “Saya menjalani
said Jack, whose real name is kehidupan yang pahit” kata
Ma Yun, at the World Jack, yang bernama asli Ma
Economic Forum, Davos, Yun, di World Economic
Switzerland, January 2015. Forum, Davos, Swiss, Januari
“Nor am I from a wealthy and 2015. “Saya juga bukan dari
powerful family,” he keluarga kaya dan berkuasa”,
continued. Born in the rigid lanjutnya. Lahir di era
era of communism, Jack got komunisme yang kaku, Jack
used to a hard life. Jack lives a terbiasa dengan kehidupan
normal life like other children yang keras. Jack menjalani
in Hangzhou, about 250 kehidupan normal seperti anak-
kilometers west of Shanghai. anak lain di Hangzhou, sekitar
Hangzhou is known as a 250 kilometer sebelah barat
cultural city with the presence Shanghai. Hangzhou dikenal
of foreign tourists. sebagai kota budaya dengan
kehadiran turis asing.
When he entered school, from
elementary to high school, Ketika dia masuk sekolah, dari
Jack needed to take multiple SD hingga SMA, Jack perlu
tests because he wasn't great mengikuti beberapa tes karena
academically. Having failed to dia tidak hebat secara
enter a well-known university, akademis. Setelah gagal masuk
he studied the equivalent of a universitas ternama, ia
D-3 program at English menempuh pendidikan setara
Literature at Hangzhou program D-3 Sastra Inggris di
Normal University, graduating Hangzhou Normal University,
in 1988. This is a third- or lulus pada tahun 1988. Ini
fourth-grade quality university adalah universitas berkualitas
nationally. He said, “when kelas tiga atau empat secara
KFC opened a branch in nasional. Dia berkata, “ketika
Hangzhou, Jack proposed. Of KFC membuka cabang di
the 24 applicants”, only he Hangzhou, Jack melamar. Dari

failed. He also failed being as 24 pelamar”, hanya dia yang

a policeman. “Failure has gagal. Dia juga gagal jadi
become a part of my life polisi. “Kegagalan telah
journey”. menjadi bagian dari
perjalanan hidup saya”.


A desriptive text in above is the test for post-test in this

research. Post-test in above must be translating to target text in

indonesian by students at class control and class experiment.

The assessment rubric indicators for measuring quality

translating by each class is using the rubric in table 3.2 and

indicators score describing there is in table 3.5 and 3.6 in


Score point / Description

Accuracy (30%)

25-30 No identifiable problems of comprehension;

original message has been conveyed
completely to TL readers; no omissions or
additions to information

21-24 Virtually no problems of comprehension

except with the most highly specialized
vocabulary with no influence on TL readers’
understanding; some partial omissions and

15-20 Information is conveyed to TL readers with

some difficulty due to translator
misunderstanding of some parts of original
message; apparent omissions and additions

11-15 Poor expression of ideas; numerous serious

problems in understanding ST interfere with

communication of original message; difficult

to understand TT

1-10 Severe problems interfere greatly with

communication of original message; TL
reader can’t understand what original writer
was trying to say

Finding the right and suitable word equivalence in T.T


20 – 25 All lexical and syntactic elements have been

understood; precise vocabulary usage; words
have been chosen so skillfully that the work
reads like a good publishable version

15 – 19 Full comprehension and good usage of a

wide range of vocabulary and structures;
specialized vocabulary presents some
problems with unsuitable equivalents

10 – 14 General comprehension of a fair range of

vocabulary although some gaps observed;
some vocabulary misused; some evidence of
plausible attempts to work around
difficulties of finding equivalents,
perception, wordplay and other linguistic

5–9 Comprehension of vocabulary and structures

show quite noticeable gaps which obscure
sense; problems in finding correct
vocabularies; unable to cope with
specialized vocabulary

1- 4 Inappropriate use of vocabularies;

comprehension of original
seriously impeded even with fairly everyday
vocabulary and
structures; translation as a whole makes little

TT’s genre, TL culture (20%)

17 – 20 Good sensitivity to nuances of meaning,
register are precisely and sensitively
captured; there is a sophisticated awareness
of the cultural context; translation shows a
sophisticated command of TL lexis, syntax,
and register

13 – 16 There is a fair degree of sensitivity to

nuances of meaning,
register, and cultural context

9 – 12 There is a lack of sustained attention to

nuances of meaning, register, and cultural

context; no awareness of register; TL lexis,

syntax, and register are not always

4–8 There is scant attention to nuances of

meaning, register, and cultural context; there
are serious to severe shortcomings in the use
of appropriate lexis, syntax, and register

1–3 There is no appreciable understanding of

nuances of meaning, register, and cultural
context; no concept of register or sentence

Grammar and preservation of style (15%)

13 – 15 Gives the feeling that the translation needs

no improvement from grammatical and
stylistic points though one or two natural
failings might be observed; native-like
fluency in grammar

10 – 12 Shows flair for stylistic manipulation of TL

items as if text were written in TL originally
except where the language is placed under
severe pressure of comprehension; maintains
advanced proficiency in grammar; some
grammatical problems but with no influence
on message

7–9 Tends to have awkward grammatical usage

in TL and literality of rendering though but
not impeding sense in a significant manner;
some attempts to reflect stylistic features of
the original; some grammatical problems are
apparent and have negative effects on

4–6 Clumsy TL; often nonsensical grammatical

usages in TL; unnatural sounding; little
attempt to reflect stylistic features of the
original; there is evidence of clear
difficulties in following style; grammatical
review of some areas is clearly needed

1–3 Little sense of style which often makes poor

sense in TL; knowledge of grammar is
inadequate; use of TL grammar is
inadequate; severe grammatical problems
interfere greatly with message

Shifts, addition, omission and inventing equivalents (10%)

9 – 10 Correct use of relative clauses, verb forms;

use of parallel structure; creative inventions
and skillful solutions to equivalents; no

fragment or run-on sentence

7–8 Almost all shifts appear with partial trespass,

attempts variety; some inventions for not
available equivalents in TL; no fragment or
run-on sentence

5–6 Some shifts but not consistency; awkward

and odd structure; only few run-on sentences
or fragments present

3–4 Lacks variety of structure due to not

preserving necessary shifts except for few
cases; little or no evidence of invention in

1–2 Unintelligible sentence structure due to

completely ignoring necessary shifts; no
skillful handling of equivalents; no trace of

Source: Journal moving toward objective Scoring: A rubric for

translation assessment.10

To describing the score by predicate the researcher

develoving indicator by standart scoring predicate and rubric

assessment to explain the quality result by point and

percentace in scoring easer to understand by the reader.

Score Predicate Information
86 – 100 A Perfect
75 – 85 B Good
56 – 70 C Enough
≤ 55 D Less
Source: Translating Rubric Indicators

2) Observation

The observation method the most effective way is to complete it

with an observation format or blank as an instrument. The format

compiled contains items about the event or behavior described will

occur. The most important role in using the observation method is the

observer. The observer must be observant in observing is staring at

events, movements or processes. Observing is not an easy job because

humans are influenced by their interests and tendencies. Though the

observations must be the same, even though it was done by several

people. In other words, observation must be objective.

Observation or observation is a daily activity of humans using

the five senses as their primary aids in addition to other sensory

organs such as ears, smell, mouth, and skin.

Based on the opinion above, in this study the researchers used

direct observation of:

a) The location of the area in STAI RAKHA AMUNTAI especially in

the TBI class.

b) The process of using a dictionary in translation in translating a

descriptive text.

c) Various things related to this research.

d) Duration quantity when the students do the test


C. Basic Framework of Research

1. Research Approach

Quantitative research is systematic scientific research on parts of

phenomena and their relationships. In quantitative research half of the

research is a theoretical process or theorizing process. In this process the

researcher conducts deductive analyzes to try to answer the problem at


This research uses a quantitative research approach. According to

Margono, quantitative research is a process of finding knowledge that
uses data in the form of numbers as a means of finding information
about what we want to know.11

2. Types of research

Comparative research will be able to find similarities and differences

about things, about people, about work procedures, about ideas, criticism of

other people, groups, on an idea or a work procedure. Can also compare the

similarity of views and changes in the views of people, groups or countries,

against cases, against people, events, or ideas.

Comparative research is research that will compare the two variable as

explained by Aswarni Sudjud in Suharsimi. Arikunto said,
“Comparative research will be able to find similarities and differences
about things, about people, about work procedures, about ideas,
criticism of other people, groups, of an idea or a work procedure. Can
also compare common views and changes in views of people, groups
or countries, to cases, to people, events, or ideas.”12

a. Design research

In this research, the researcher is using Pre-Experimental Design,

it is said to be pre-experimental design, because this design is not yet a

real experiment. Because there are still external variables that also

influence the formation of the dependent variable. So the experimental

results which are the dependent variable are not solely influenced by

independent variable. This can happen, because there is no control

variable, and the sample is not chosen randomly. There are several forms

of pre-experimental design, namely: One Shot Case Study, One Group

Pretest-Posttest Design, and Intact Group Comparison.

The researcher is choosing form design research Intact Group

Comparison, In this design there is one group that is used to research, but

divided into two, namely half the group for experimental (treated). The

research paradigm can be described as follows.


Effect of treatment = -
X =Treatment
=Half measurement result the group was treated
=Half measurement result group not given treatment

In this case what is compared is student achievement for

comparison of the translation of descriptive texts with the use of manual

dictionaries and electronic dictionaries.

The purpose of descriptive research is to provide information to

researchers a history or detailed description of aspects relevant to

phenomena concerning attention from one's perspective, organization,

orientation, industry, or other.


AT STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai 2020/2021
No Class Amount
1. TBI VI A (Class Experiment/O1) 14
2. TBI VI B (Class Control/O2) 14
Amount 28
Soure: Prodi TBI STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai

The total amount of students in semester VI in the TBI department

is 30 people, and after input into the simple random sampling formula, 15

students are produced as the experimental group and 15 other students as

the control group. Slovin's formula to determine the minimum sample

size (n) if it is known that the population size (N) at the significance α

level is:



n = 13,9986

n = 14

Notes :
n = minimum sample size
α= significant level(0,01)
N = large population

b. Variable

Research variables are often stated as "the factors that play a role

in the events or symptoms to be studied". Research variables are basically

anything in the form of what is determined by researchers to be studied

so that information is obtained about it, then conclusions are drawn.13

There are two main types of variables in the study, namely the

independent variable and the dependent variable.

1) Free variable (X) = use dictionaries of (O1) and electronic manual

(O2) for students.

2) Dependent variable (Y) = the effectiveness of descriptive text

translation (treatment experimental).

3) Comparing the result between 2 dictionaries treatment by students in

translating a descriptive text.


Students/O1/X1 Using The

Electronics The
(Experiment) effectiveness to
dictionary (X)
translating a
Test/Treatment descriptive text
(X1 compare
Using The
Students/O2/ X2)
X2(Control) dictionary (-)

D. Techniques of Data Processing And Analysis

1. Techniques of Data Processing

There are two types of data, namely qualitative data and quantitative

data. Qualitative data does not require mathematical calculations.

Conversely, quantitative data requires mathematical calculations. Therefore,

quantitative data needs to be processed and analyzed, among others, by

statistics. To process and analyze data, there are two kinds of statistics,

namely descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics

are used to describe research variables through measurement. Inferential

statistics are used to test hypotheses and make generalizations.

This reserch is using technique of comparative analysis, it is a

quantitative analysis technique or a statistical analysis technique that can be

used to test hypotheses regarding whether there are differences between the

variables being studied. If the difference does exist, is it a significant

difference, or is it just a coincidence?

2. Data Analysis

Inferencing data analysis technique is a statistic used to conduct data

analysis by making general conclusions. The hallmark of inferential data

analysis is the use of certain statistical formulas, then the results of

calculations that have been done that will later be the basis of making

generalizations derived from samber for the population. Thus inferential

statistics have a function to generalize the results of sample studies to the

population, according to that function, inferential statistics are very useful


for sample research. That is the explanation of inferential data analysis


a. Research Instruments.

The instruments used in this research are questions. The

procedures carried out in the preparation of this instrument are:

1) Planning The planning stage is carried out by researchers and subject

teachers. At this stage it is determined about:

a) The main material to be researched

b) The forms of questions/test that will be used

2) Making Items Questions/test are made by researchers based on the

plans that have been made, because to keep the possibility of test

questions that may not be right for the test or damaged.

3) Trial of Instruments Before the test questions are used to measure

students in the sample class, the test questions are first tested. The trial

was intended to determine the validity, reliability, level of difficulty

and discriminating power of the items.

E. Research Procedure

1. Preparation Stage

In this stage the researcher carries out the following activities:

a. Trying to explore the problem in accordance with the title which was

approved by the chair of the TBI Study Program. In exploring this

problem, researchers examined several books in the library and other

sources, as well as other references from the internet.


b. Complete the administration of the letters needed in the study, both

letters to the thesis supervisor and research permit submitted to the STAI

Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai, especially on TBI study program as this

research field later.

c. Consult with an English lecturer at TBI study program in the context of

observation to find out how the activities and conditions of the place or

object of research.

d. Conduct a research proposal seminar.

2. Implementation Stage

At this stage the researcher collects data needed for research. The

researchers did as follows:

a. Experiment test and observe the process of translating descriptive text in

class by selected sampling.

b. Collecting data on the results of text translation on students obtained

from observational tests that have been conducted.

Variable Indicators Variable
Independent Dependent
(X) (Y)
Accuracy 30%
Students Finding the right and suitable word
using E- equivalence in T.T 25% Effectiveness
dictionary TT’s genre, TL culture 20% result (y1)
(x1) Grammar and preservation of style 15%
Shifts 8%
Addition, omission and inventing
equivalents 7%

Accuracy 30%
Student using Finding the right and suitable word
manual equivalence in T.T 25% Effectiveness
dictionary TT’s genre, TL culture 20% result (y2)
(x2) Grammar and preservation of style 15%
Shifts 8%
Addition, omission and inventing
equivalents 7%
Source: Rubric for Translation Assessment.

c. Analysis Inferencial

Analysis inferential is a statistical technique used to analyze a

sample of data and applied to a population. This statistic will be suitable

if the sample is taken from a clear population, and the sampling

technique from that population is done randomly. This statistic is called

probability statistic, because the conclusion that is applied to the

population based on the data sample is the truth of the probability

(probability). A conclusion from a sample of data that will be applied to

the population has a probability of error and truth expressed in the form

of a percentage.

This probability of error and confidence is called the significance

level. There are two types analysis inferential; parametric and non-


This research is using parametric type for test analysis inferential.

In parametric statistics there are many kind statistics, and for this

research the researcher using t-test for finding the result and conclusion

by the reseach.

Formula T-tes:

t = t-count
X = Mean
S = Standard deviation
n = number of subjects

1) Significant level determination

α = 0,05
n = Populatin large
t-table = ....

2) Hypothesis testing
H0 = Rejected if, -t-count < t-table < t-conut
H1 = Accepted if, t-count > t-table

Dr. Sandu Siyoto, SKM., M.Kes, Dasar Metodologi Penelitian; Editor:
Ayup—Cetakan 1—Yogyakarta: Literasi Media Publishing, Juni 2015,pg.63
Dr. Sandu Siyoto, SKM., M.Kes, Dasar Metodologi Penelitian; Editor:
Ayup—Cetakan 1—Yogyakarta: Literasi Media Publishing, Juni 2015,pg.65
AMPLING-DAN-BESAR-SAMPEL.pdf (03:04/24/12/19
Dr. Sandu Siyoto, SKM., M.Kes, Dasar Metodologi Penelitian; Editor:
Ayup—Cetakan 1—Yogyakarta: Literasi Media Publishing, Juni 2015,pg.67
Hajar Khanmohammad, Maryam Osanloo, Moving toward Objective
Scoring: A Rubric for Translation Assessment, JELS, Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 2009,
S. Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT RINEKA
CIPTA, 2005), pg.105-106.
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian… pg.236.
Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian,: (CV ALVABETA, 2009), pg.2


A. General Description of Research Location

1. The general information of students major TBI semester VI at STAI

Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai

a. List presence

No Name Gender
1 Adea Anggun Novita Sari Female
2 Aulia rahman Male
3 Aulia safitri Female
4 Dewi Mawarni Female
5 Fikry Maulana Male
6 Fitriani Female
7 Heldayana Female
8 Helmawati Female
9 Hikmatul Ramadhan Male
10 Intan Female
11 Jumiati Female
12 Laila Rahmi Female
13 Lilis Hekma Vinolita Female
14 M. Rezky Najerin Male
15 Megawati Female
16 Meirina Hartati Female
17 Muhammad Dhandy Assafa Male
18 Muhammad Didi Karim Male
19 Muji Hadi Male
20 Mukarramah Female
21 Muslimah Female
22 Nor Syarifah Farjriah Female
23 Novia Astuti Female
24 Ramuna Female
25 Rifani Male
26 Sari Female
27 Wahdah Female


28 Yuhana Fauziah Female

Amount 28
Source: Rekap absen Translation B semester VI TBI

There are 28 student’s major TBI at semester VI. From the 28

students that research is devided two groups for research; class control

and class experiment, because this research is comparing the result

two methods for translating a descriptive text, and finding wich ones

more effectively to translating the descriptive text.

Proccess devided the group or class is randomly. The

researcher is grouping class to be, class control and class experiment.

For detail data come to see the table below.

b. Class control

The class control there are 14 students. In this class there are 2

gender; male and female. And in this class there are 4 male and 10


No Name Gender
1 Adea Anggun Novita Sari Female
2 Fikry Maulana Male
3 Fitriani Female
4 Intan Female
5 Jumiati Female
6 M. Rezky Najerin Male
7 Megawati Female
8 Muhammad Dhandy Assafa Male
9 Mukarramah Female
10 Muslimah Female
11 Novia Astuti Female

12 Ramuna Female
13 Rifani Male
14 Sari Female
Amount 14
Source: Modification from rekap absen Translation B semester VI TBI

c. Class experiment

The class control there are 14 students. In this class there are 2

gender; male and female. And in this class there are 4 male and 10


No Name Gender
1 Aulia rahman Male
2 Aulia safitri Female
3 Dewi Mawarni Female
4 Heldayana Female
5 Helmawati Female
6 Hikmatul Ramadhan Male
7 Laila Rahmi Female
8 Lilis Hekma Vinoleta Female
9 Meirina Hartati Female
10 Muhammad Didi Karim Male
11 Muji Hadi Male
12 Nor Syarifah Farjriah Female
13 Wahdah Female
14 Yuhana Fauziah Female
Amount 14
Source: Modification from rekap absen Translation B semester VI TBI

For the result of test will be show in data analysis at section C.

The data analysis can be describing the data by pre-test and post-test

was doing the researcher with the class control and class experiment.

B. Data Presentation

The data obtained by the researchers in this study were based on the

results of observations and experimental tests conducted on the object of

research. The researcher uses experimental tests to find the results of this

research and uses the appropriate method in the process of this research.

The measuring translating in this research is using rubric by “Journal

moving toward objective Scoring: a rubric for translation assessment”. This

rubric is the result of a combination of several rubrics from experts in linguistic


And the researcher is using online tes that media was using google forms

for taking the data from the students, because the condition is not have to be

meet to the class for taking the data. There are two test in this research,

namely: pre-test (for measuring level of students) and post-test (for measuring

significantly about effectiveness of translating a descriptive text by two


Finally, the researcher try to analysis the data from the students with the

methodology research about comparing two class in effectiveness translating a

descriptive text by the manual dictionary and electronic dictionary is success.

From the results of the t-t test, there is an interesting phenomenon, namely H0

is accepted and H1 is rejected( there is no difference significantly between

students use the manual dictinary and e-dictionary for translating a descriptive

text at TBI semester VI in STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai. For the


expalaining the detail result research we can see in next section below. (C. data


C. Data Analysis

1. Pre-test score

a. Class control

No Name Score

1 Adea Anggun Novita Sari 80

2 Fikry Maulana 80

3 Fitriani 80

4 Intan 80

5 Jumiati 88

6 M. Rezky Najerin 75

7 Megawati 86

8 Muhammad Dhandy Assafa 80

9 Mukarramah 95

10 Muslimah 85

11 Novia Astuti 90

12 Ramuna 75

13 Rifani 90

14 80
Amount 1.164

b. Class experiment

No Name Score

1 Aulia rahman 80

2 Aulia safitri 84

3 Dewi Mawarni 90

4 Heldayana 80

5 Helmawati 82

6 Hikmatul Ramadhan 80

7 Laila Rahmi 95

8 Lilis Hekma Vinoleta 85

9 Meirina Hartati 80

10 Muhammad Didi Karim 87

11 Muji Hadi 80

12 Nor Syarifah Farjriah 86

13 Wahdah 82

14 Yuhana Fauziah 80

Amount 1.171

After maesuring the competence by students in two class, the

researcher finding the result. The result that there is a little different

between competences students in class control and class experiment.

The compentence class experiment higher than class control.


In this result for pre-test in class control and class experiment

there is a few difference competence class by both ot them. In

calculating amount of result the researcher is finding; 1.164 amount

result by class control and 1,171 amount result by class experiment.

And reseacher is making conclution the level of class is similar,

because just there is a few difference 7 point between calculation both

of two class.

2. Post-test score

a. Class control

No Name Score Predicate
1 Adea Anggun Novita Sari 99 A
2 Fikry Maulana 99 A
3 Fitriani 98 A
4 Intan 97 A
5 Jumiati 99 A
6 M. Rezky Najerin 95 A
7 Megawati 99 A
Muhammad Dhandy 95 A
9 Mukarramah 80 B
10 Muslimah 98 A
11 Novia Astuti 99 A
12 Ramuna 85 B
13 Rifani - -
14 Sari - -
Amount 1.143

1) Class interval

R = Xt – Xr

R = High score – Low score

= 99 – 80 = 19

2) Frequency class interval

K = 1+ (3,3) log N

K = 1+ (3,3) log 12

= 1+ (3,3) (1,07)

= 1+ 3,531

= 4,531 = 5

3) Class lenght


= 3,8 = 4

4) Table frequency

Below is a table of the frequency distribution of student

learning outcomes after the application of translating a descriptive text

using a manual dictionary (dictionary book). For more details, you can

seen in the following table.


Interval Frequency

96 – 99 8
92 – 95 2
88 – 91 0
84 – 87 1
80 – 83 1
Amount 12

Interval Frequency Midpoint
𝑿𝒊 − 𝒙 (𝑿𝒊 − 𝒙)𝟐 𝒇𝒊(𝑿𝒊 − 𝒙)𝟐
(fi) (xi) fi .xi X

80 – 83 1 81,5 81,5 -13 169 169

84 – 87 1 85,5 85,5 -9 81 81
88 – 91 0 89,5 0 94,5 -5 25 0
92 – 95 2 93,5 187 -1 1 2
96 - 99 8 97,5 780 3 9 72
Amount 12 1.134 -25 285 324

5) Average

∑ 𝑓𝑖.𝑥𝑖
x= ∑ 𝑓𝑖

x= 12

= 94,5

6) Standard deviation

∑ 𝑓 (𝑿𝒊−𝒙)𝟐
𝑆2 = 𝑁−1

𝑆2 = 12−1

𝑆 2 = 29,45

𝑆 2 = √29,45

𝑆 2 = 5,42

From the above calculation, we can see that the average score

obtained by students in the control class after being given a test is 94,5

out of a maximum score of 100 with a variance value of 5,42. The

value of variance indicates that the data that has been obtained is

normally distributed on the grounds that its value is smaller than the

average value obtained.

b. Class experiment

No Name Score Predicate
1 Aulia rahman 93 A
2 Aulia safitri 99 A
3 Dewi Mawarni 99 A
4 Heldayana 89 A
5 Helmawati 99 A
6 Hikmatul Ramadhan 95 A
7 Laila Rahmi 88 A
8 Lilis Hekma Vinoleta 99 A
9 Meirina Hartati 90 A
10 Muhammad Didi Karim 80 B
11 Muji Hadi - -
12 Nor Syarifah Farjriah 80 B
13 Wahdah - -
14 Yuhana Fauziah 95 A
Amount 1.106

1) Class interval

R = Xt – Xr

R = High score – Low score

= 99 – 80 = 19

2) Frequency class interval

K = 1+ (3,3) log N

K = 1+ (3,3) log 12

= 1+ (3,3) (1,07)

= 1+ 3,531, & = 4,531 = 5

3) Class lenght


= 3.8

4) Table frequency

Below is a table of the frequency distribution of student

learning outcomes after the application of translating a descriptive text

using a manual dictionary (dictionary book). For more details, you can

seen in the following table.


TABLE 4.10
Interval Frequency

80 – 83 2

84 – 87 0

88 – 91 3
92 – 95 3

96 – 99 4

Amount 12

TABLE 4.11
Interval Frequency Midpoint
𝑿𝒊 − 𝒙 (𝑿𝒊 − 𝒙)𝟐 𝒇𝒊(𝑿𝒊 − 𝒙)𝟐
(fi) (xi) fi .xi X

80 – 83 2 81,5 163 -10,3 106,9 212,18

84 – 87 0 85,5 0 -6,3 39,69 0
88 – 91 3 89,5 268,5 91,8 -2,3 5,29 15,87
92 – 95 3 93,5 280,5 1,7 2,89 8,67
96 – 99 4 97,5 390 5,7 28,07 112,28
Amount 12 1.102 -11,5 182,84 349

5) Average

∑ 𝑓𝑖.𝑥𝑖
x= ∑ 𝑓𝑖

x= 12

= 91,8

6) Standard deviation

∑ 𝑓 (𝑿𝒊−𝒙)𝟐
𝑆2 = 𝑁−1

𝑆2 = 12−1

𝑆 2 = 31,72

𝑆 2 = √31,72

𝑆 2 = 5,58

From the calculation above, we can see that the average score

obtained by students in the experimental class after being given a test

is 91,8 from a maximum score of 100 with a variance value of 5,58.

The value of variance indicates that the data that has been obtained is

normally distributed on the grounds that its value is smaller than the

average value obtained.

3. Test significance (T-test)

a. Determining formulation hypothesis

H0 : μ = 𝝁 𝟎
Hα : μ ≠ 𝝁𝟎

b. Significant (α) level determination and value t-table

α = 5% = 0,05
dk = n1 + n2 - 2
dk = 12 + 12 – 2
dk = 22
t0,05(22) = 1,1

c. Hypothesis testing

H0 = Accepted if, t-count < t-table, and rejected if just opposite.

H1 = Accepted if, t-count > t-table, and rejected if just opposite .
H0 = There is no difference significantly between X1 and X2.
H1 = There is difference significantly between X1 and X2.

4. Analysis Inferencial

Notes: Class experiment : X1

Class control : X2

Formula T-tes:

t = t-count
X = Mean
S = Standard deviation
n = number of subjects

2 2
√(12−1)(5,58) +(12−1)(5,42) ( 1 + 1 )
22 12 12

√ (0,083+0,083)


= - 0,53

From the results of the t-t test, there is an interesting

phenomenon, namely H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. Because, t0

≤ t-table or t0= -0,53 ≤ t-table= 1,1, so H0 is accepted and H1 is

rejected. And then the conclusion result for this research there is

not difference significantly between students using manual

dictionary and electronic dictinary in translating a descriptive text.


5. Explaination

a. The pre-test in this research is finding the phenomenon interest. In

proccess pre-test the reseacrher is finding result test by class control and

class experiment equivalent level for comparing, can be look at section

C. Data analysis in part 1. Pre-test score.

b. The post-test in this research is also finding good phenomenon. In post-

test proccess the researcher is finding fact by data that show the class

control and class experiment is not difference significantly for result the

test by each of students by both of them, can be look at section C. Data

analysis in part 2. Post-test score.

c. The hypothesis in this research is H0: there is no significanlty difference

by two dictionary in translating a descriptive text. H1: there is

significantly difference by two dictionary in translating a dscriptive text.

H0 = Accepted if, t-count < t-table, and rejected if just opposite. H1 =

Accepted if, t-count > t-table, and rejected if just opposite . H0 = There

is no difference significantly between X1 and X2. H1 = There is

difference significantly between X1 and X2. And the researcher is

finding, H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. Because, t0 ≤ t-table or t0 = -

0,53 ≤ t-table = 1,1, so H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. And then the

conclusion result for this research there is not difference significantly

between students using manual dictionary and electronic dictinary in

translating a descriptive text.


A. Conclusion
1. The students of using electronic dictionary is there an effetively in

translating a descriptive English text at the sixth semester English students

of STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai

2. There is no any significant difference of students’ achievement between

using electronic dictionary and without using it translating a descriptive

English text at the sixth semester English students of STAI Rasyidiyah

Khalidiyah Amuntai

B. Suggestion

1. The students don’t more optimist with using electronic dictionary and also

don’t pessimist with using manual dictionary in translating the task,

especially a descriptive text in English to Indonesia.

2. All of types dictionary can be effectively tool for translating,but suspended

who the user and competence when using that dictionaries.

3. Keep using those two types of dictionary for translating because all of

dictionaries is effectively for help studnets translating.


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