Exercises 11 12 13

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38 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 2 FUNCTIONS. : Skit 11: LISTEN FOR EXPRESSIONS OF AGREEMENT 1 Expressions of agreement are common in Listening Part A, so you should become famil- : iar with them. The following example shows agreement with a positive statement, Example On the recording, you hear: (man) I think thar the hypothesis is indefensible, (woman) So do 1 (narrator) What does the woman mean? Inyour test book, you read: {A)_ Sheis unsure about the hypothes (B) The hippopotamus is behind the fence. (C). She thinks that the hypothesis can be defended, (D) She agrees with the man. ‘The expression so do J isan expression that shows agreement with a positive statement, so the woman means that she agrees with the man. The best answer is therefore answer (D). Other expressions are used to show agreement with negative statements, Example On the recording, you hear: (woman) dont think thar our history teacher is very interesting (man) Neither do 1 (narrator) What does the man mean? In your test book, you read: (A) He disagrees with the women. (8) He thinks the history teacher is interesting, (C) He shares the woman's opinion. (D) He doesn't think the woman's idea is good, ‘The expression neither do Is an expression that shows agreement with a negative state- : ment, so the man agrees with the woman. The best answer is therefore answer (C). ; ‘The following chart lists common expressions that show agreement. You should be- come familiar with these expressions: i USTENING PARTA 39 EXPRESSIONS OF AGREEMENT ‘Agreement with Positive Seatements ‘Agreement with Negative Statements So do, “Me, too. Di soy! Isn't You can say that again! Neither dot I don’ ether EXERCISE 11: In this exercise, underline the expression of agreement in each short conversation, Then read the question and choose, the best answer to that question. Remember that the best answer is one that shows agreement. 1. (woman) These paintings are really fascinating! (aman) “Aren't they! (narrator) What does the man mean? 2 (woman) don't eally care for the way the building was renovated, (aman) Tedon’t either (narrator) What does the man mean? 3. (man) Think that both candidates for county supercisor are unqualified. (woman) Me, too. (narrator) What dows the woman mean? (A). These paintings aren't very interesting. {B) He isn’t fascinated by these paintings, (C) He isn’t sure how he feels. (D)_ He finds these paintings quit interesting (A) He thinks the building was not renovated. (B) He has the same opinion of the building as the woman, (©) He doesn’t care about the * renovation of the building (D) He suggests being careful in the renovated building, (A). She agrees with the man. (B)_ She thinks he should become county supervisor. (©) She thinks the candidates are qualified, () She has no opinion about the candidates for county supervisor: TOEFL EXERCISE 11: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation and question in the recording program, and then choose the best answer to the question. You should pay attention to expressions of agreement. 1. (A). The trip would cost too much 2 (B) She doesn’t think thata trip would ‘be a good idea, (©) She woul lke t take two tips rather than one. (©) She would als like to take a wip (A) He would lke to see the elections for town council (B)_ He agrees that Mate should be lected (©) He thinks the elections shoutd take place next month. {D) He disagrees with the woman 40 _USTENING COMPREHENSION : 3. (A) She is not sure which course she 7. (A) He thinks the parties aren't loud. t should take. {B) He says that the neighbors don’t ' (B) She's not sure ifshe should take a have many parties. i tip to France. (©) He agrees that the upstairs | (©). She knows that she is not ready for neighbors are noisy j intermediate French, (D) The loud parties don’t bother him. i Cee tee eee a 8 (A). She doesn’t like this meal too much, i ode eee {B) This food tastes wonderful to her. { vench, (©) She's not sure if she likes i. i 4, (A) The man should repeat what he (D) She can’t stand this meal | said : a j (B)_ The man said something foolish. eee oe ode aa t peta ec (B) She imagines that she would like to | she has ever tasted pani ein pape | Oe eens {C) She thinks that the man is mistaken | about the car. i (A) This party hasn't been any fun at al. (D) She thinks the man has no i (B) He wonders if the woman enjoyed imagination t herself j (©) He wants to know what she said, fee youd Pea ennait att i (D) He's enjoyed himself Peuae t erat (B) He thinks that one semester is | 7 ly ‘enough time for the course. | 6. (A). She condones what happened, (© He also thinks that the course i (B)_ She does not like what the man said. should be extended. i (©) She agrees with the man about (D) He would like to take the course | ‘what happened. two semesters from now. | (D) She says that she did not do it : | Skit 12: LISTEN FOR EXPRESSIONS OF UNCERTAINTY | AND SUGGESTION | Expressions of uncertainty and suggestion are common in Listening Part A, so you should i become familiar with them. The following example shows an expression of uncertainty. i B i sxample | On the recording, you hear: (man) Do you know anything about the final exam in Physics? 115 going to be rather difficult, isn't it? What does the woman mean? (woman) (narrator) In your test book, you read: (A) The exam is not going to be too difficult. * (B) She's positive that it’s going to be hard. (C)_ She thinks that it might be hard. (D) She has no ides about the exam. | + USTENING PARTA 41 ‘The tag question isn't it changes a definite statement into a statement that shows uncer- tainty, so the best answer is one that expresses uncertainty. The best answer to this ques- tion is answer (C) because the words thinks and might express uncertainty. Other expressions that are common in Listening Part A are expressions of suggestion. Example On the recording, you hear: (man) Ii never have time to type my paper tomorrow. (woman) — Why not do it now? (narrator) What does the woman suggest? Tn your test book, you read: (A) Finishing the paper today, (B) Not working on the paper now. (©) Never typing the paper. (D) Taking time our from the paper now, In this example, the expression why notis an expression of suggestion, so the woman sug: gests doing it now, In this suggestion, the woman is referring to the paper that the man needs to type, so the best answer is answer (A). ‘The following chart lists common expressions that show uncertainty and suggestion: EXPRESSIONS OF UNCERTAINTY AND SUGGESTION, Uncertainty . : Suggestion ist (tag)? Why not...2 As for as! know. Lets. As far as |can tel, EXERCISE 12: In this exercise, underline the expression of uncertainty or suggestion in each short conversation. Then read the question and choose the best answer to that ques- tion, Remember that the best answer is one that shows uncertainty or suggestion 1. man) Do,yow know whet ie theyre (A). She's not completely sure when leaving forthe city? they are leaving, (woman) They have to leave at four (B)_ They are returning from the city a a°alock, don’t they? about 400. (narrator) What does the woman mean? (C)_ She knows when they are leaving. (D) She doesn’t have any idea when they are leaving. 2 (wontan) T'm so thirsty from allthis (A) They should stop drinking, walking: (B) They should go for a walk. (rman) Let's stop and get a dink (C) They should walk thirty mites, (narrator) What does the man suggest? (D) They should take a break and have adrink, 2 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 3. (man) Is the exam still scheduel for 3:00 on Phvesday? (woman) As faras J know. (narrator) What does the woman mean? TOEFL EXERCISE 12: In this exerci (A). The exam is far away. (B) She knows that the exam schedule has been changed. (©). She is sure that the exam is set for ‘Thursday, (D). She thinks she knows when the testis, , listen carefully to the short conversation and question in the recording program, and then choose the best answer to the question. You should be particularly careful of expressions of uncertainty and suggestion. OY ow mens ecore noc a Tee Bese 1 Lw ‘B) © wo) 2 a) @) «© (p) 3. (A) @) © w) 4 (A) B) © ©) He's sure about which chapters they are to read. He thinks he knows what the assignmentis He has to tell her how far she should go. ‘The professor told them to read the chapters after the exam, “The man should take the pie out The man should try something else. ‘The man shouldn't try cherry pie. ‘The man should feel sorry. He knows the movie starts at 8:00. He isnot quite sure when the movie begins. He thinks the start of the movie has been changed. He will start the movie himself at 8.00, Not doing the dishes now. Leaving the house with the dishes. ‘Leaving later so that they can do the dishes now. Washing the dishes before they leave, « @) © w) (A) B) © D) «a B) c) ©) “ (B) © ) She's told Matt he'll go far. Matt has far from enough talent. She told Matt to roll farther. She believes Matt has the ability for the part. ‘They should go to the hospital. Mary should visit the man. ‘The woman should try not to break herleg. ‘They should go on 2 tip with Mary. She knows where the children are. ‘The children have finished playing ball. She's going to the park to find the children. ‘She believes that the children are in the park, ‘The man should try to borrow some from a neighbor: ‘The man should take a check to Tom, ‘The man should work on his math, assignment with Tom. ‘The man should check behind the door. phish eee casccinicnlin nmconstionhodenemmesecoawiniinen ie USTENING PARTA 43 9. (A) He thinks the bill is due in the 10. (A) They should postpone their ' middle of the month. decision until morning. : (B) The bill is approximately fifteen (B) They should go to sleep in the new ; dollars house ; (©) He knows when they should pay (© They should not buy such a big i the bill, house. : (D) The bill is going to be fifteen days (D) They should decide where to go to i late sleep. Skit 13: LISTEN FOR EMPHATIC EXPRESSIONS OF SURPRISE Emphatic expressions of surprise are common in Listening Part A, so you should become familiar with them. When surprise is expressed, it implies that the speaker did not expect something to be true, Example On the recording, you hear: (woman) Did you see Paul driving around in his Mustang? (man) Then, he DID get a new ear (narrator) What had the man thought? / i i i | In your test book, you read! (A) Paul would definitely get a Mustang, (B) Paul did not know how to drive. (©) Paul did not like Mustangs. 7 (D) Paul would not get # new car In this conversation the emphatic form he did getis used to show the man’s surprise that Paul gota new car, It means that the man expected that Paul would not geta new car, so the best answer is answer (D) The following chart outlines various ways to express emphatic surprise: ‘ "EXPRESSIONS OF EMPHATIC SURPAISE j Verb Emphatic Form Example Meaning be Tbe, with emphasis | Then. he is here! | ehought he was not here modal__| modal,with emphasis | Then, you can go! | thoughe you could not go. : present tense) do(es) with emphasis | Then, you do play tennis! | | thought you did not play i | tennis. pasttense did, with emphasis | Then, she didreadit. | | chought she had not read i Perfect ene) hoe wih emphasis | Then ehas gone cher | Isheghthe ade gone there, eee eee 44 LISTENING COMPREHENSION EXERCISE 13: In this exercise, underline the expression of emphatic surprise in each short conversation. Then read the question and choose the best answer to that question. Remember that the best answer is one that shows surprise. ; 1. (man) Fjust got 600 on the TOEFL (A) The man had not passed. i test (B) The man would pass easily. ; (woman) Then you did pass. (©) The man had already passed. (natrator) What had the woman assumed? (D) The man got the score he was ; ‘expected to get. 2 (woman) Would you tike to go skiing this (A) The woman was a good skier, : weekend? (B) The woman was going skiing this (cman) Soyo can ski! weekend. 2c (narrator) What hed the man assumed? (C) The woman did not know how to ; ski | (D) The woman did not intend to go : skiing ' 3. (aman) [just got this letter from my (A) The man's sister never wrote to 4 sister him. i (woman) So the mail has come alread, (B) The mail had not yet arrived, i. (narrator) What had the woman assumed? (C)_ The mail always came early : (D) The mail had already arrived. i TOEFL EXERCISE 13: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation and question in the recording program, and then choose the best answer to the question. You should be particularly careful of expressions of emphatic surprise, 1. (A). Greg always comes to parties. 4, (A) The woman had run more than (B) Greg would come to the party later, three miles. (©) Greg was unable to attend the (B) The woman always got lots of ; party exercise (D) Greg would stay at the party for (©) The woman ran for three hours in i only a moment. the morning. : (D) The woman had not gotten much : 2 (A). The woman always rode her motorcycle to school. eee 1 (B) The woman was not coming to 5. (A) He had been somewhere else i school today. (B) He had been in the library. (©) The woman was an expert (GC) He had been working on his motorcycle rider research project. (D) The woman did not know how to (D) He would start working on his ride a motorcycle. project in five hours, | 8. (A) The man was nota very good cook. 6. (A) He had changed apartments. i (B) The man never invited friends aver (B) He did not like his new apartment, : for dinner (©) He was still in his old apartment. (©) The man would never invite him (D) He had moved from a house to an | over for dinner, apartment. i (D)_ The man was an excellent cook.

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