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(1-5) Directions: Study the following bar charts carefully and answer the questions given beside.

1. What is the ratio of Number of Males of City C to that of City E?

(A) 5: 12 (B) 4 : 7 (C) 1 : 5 (D) 2 : 7
2. What is the approximate average number of Males from City A, B and D?
(A) 10966 (B) 10433 (C) 11533 (D) 12677
3. Number of Females in City C is what percent more or less than number of males in City D?
(A) 55.55% (B) 66.67% (C) 47.44% (D) 94.44%
4. Population of City F is 25% more than population of Village E. If the ratio of Males to Females in F is 7 : 8, then Females
of City F is what percent of Females of City A ?
(A) 343.43% (B) 437.63% (C) 369.69% (D) 363.63%
5. If 70% Male and 30 % Female population in City B are literate, then what is the total number of illiterate persons in
City B?
(A) 12000 (B) 13000 (C) 12750 (D) 14250

(6-10) The following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of the expenditure incurred in publishing a book. Study
the pie-chart and the answer the questions based on it.

6. If for a certain quantity of books, the publisher has to pay Rs. 30,600 as printing cost, then what will be amount of
royalty to be paid for these books?
(A) Rs. 19,450 (B) Rs. 21,200 (C) Rs. 22,950 (D) Rs. 26,150
7. What is the central angle of the sector corresponding to the expenditure incurred on Royalty?
(A) 15° (B) 24° (C) 54° (D) 48°
8. The price of the book is marked 20% above the C.P. If the marked price of the book is Rs. 180, then what is the cost of
the paper used in a single copy of the book?
(A) Rs. 36 (B) Rs. 37.50 (C) Rs. 42 (D) Rs. 44.25
9. If 5500 copies are published and the transportation cost on them amounts to Rs. 82500, then what should be the selling
price of the book so that the publisher can earn a profit of 25%?
(A) Rs. 187.50 (B) Rs. 191.50 (C) Rs. 175 (D) Rs. 180
10. Royalty on the book is less than the printing cost by:
(A) 5% (B) 33 1/5% (C) 20% (D) 25%
(11-15) Study the following information and answer the following questions:
The given line graph shows the number of round and square tables sold on five different days in a week i.e. Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

11. If 2/3 and 3/8 of the round and square tables sold on Monday are wood and then find the sum of the number of round
and square tables sold on Monday are other than wood?
(A) 42 (B) 36 (C) 54 (D) 48
12. The number of square tables sold on Monday is how much percentage more than the number of round tables sold on
(A) 40% (B) 25% (C) 60% (D) 15 %
13. If the selling price of each round table on Friday is Rs.2000 and all the square tables sold for Rs.30000 on Friday and
then find the difference between the selling price of a round and square table on Friday?
(A) Rs.300 (B) Rs.400 (C) Rs.250 (D) Rs.500
14. Find the ratio of the number of round and square tables sold on Tuesday to Wednesday?
(A) 3:2 (B) 5:4 (C) 6:7 (D) 8:5
15. Find the difference between the number of round and square tables sold on Thursday and the number of square tables
sold on Wednesday and Friday together?
(A) 26 (B) 22 (C) 24 (D) 20

(16-20) Read the following mixed graph and answer the questions that follow.
The Bar chart shows the number of cars + bikes sold in different showrooms. Another line graph shows the number of bikes sold
in those showrooms.

16. What is the average of number of Cars sold from all the given showrooms?
(A)5765 (B)7580 (C)7295 (D)6725
17. The total number of Cars + Bikes sold from showroom T are approximately what percent of total number of Cars +
Bikes sold from showroom R?
(A)135% (B)128% (C)140% (D)137%
18. If the total sales of Bikes + Cars increased by 25% in the next year but sales of Cars remained same then calculate the
growth rate for Bikes?
(A) 45% (B) 48.41% (C) 41.48% (D) 43.25%
19. The number of Bikes sold from showroom P and Q together are what percent more/less than the number of Bikes sold
from showroom S and T together?
(A) 4% (B) 4.5% (C) 5% (D) N.O.T
20. In which of the following showroom the number of Bikes sold were more than 50% of the total sales of the Bikes +
(A) None (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

(21-25) The missing table below shows the wallet of different colours Black, Red, blue and white sold by four different
shopkeepers A, B, C and D.
Black Wallet Red Wallet Blue Wallet White Wallet Total
A 120 ------- 140 ------ 590
B 225 165 ------- 45 ------
C ------ 80 330 ------ 850
D ------ 195 70 170 ------
Total 700 585 ------- 660 2705
21. If each black wallet, each red wallet, each blue wallet and each white wallet sold by shopkeeper A was Rs. 80, Rs. 60,
Rs. 50 and Rs. 40 respectively then what was the amount generated by shopkeeper A after selling the wallets?
(A) Rs. 30500 (B) Rs. 32700 (C) Rs. 33200 (D) Rs. 31600
22. What is the total wallet sold by D?
(A) 610 (B) 520 (C) 680 (D) 570
23. What is the ratio of white wallet sold by A to red wallet sold by C?
(A) 22 : 7 (B) 37 : 16 (C) 32 : 21 (D) 19 : 11
24. C gives discount on some wallet. 20% of black wallet, 30% of red wallet, 10% of blue wallet and 15% of white wallet
sold at discount. Find total wallet sold at discount by C.
(A) 152 (B) 128 (C) 132 (D) 108
25. Which of the following is correct?
(A) Black wallet sold by C is 150 (B) Blue wallet sold by B is 240
(C) Total wallet sold by B is 665 (D) Red wallet sold by A is 145


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