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Maria Eliza Agustino April 22, 2022

Diagnostic Test for Cardiovascular Disorders
1. Chest X-ray
• This is to determined the size and orientation of the heart, pulmonary blood
flow and any associated disorder.

2. Electrocardiogram
• Electric activity-generated record of the heart that provides information about
the heart rate, rhythm, state of the myocardium, presence or absence of
hypertrophy, ischemia or necrosis due to inadequate cardiac calculation,
abnormalities of conduction, and the various drugs and electrolyte balance of
the heart.

3. Holter/Event Monitor
• This test allows to evaluate the average rate, rhythm, and frequency of the
ectopic beats.
• To document potential intermittent dysrhythmias such as supraventricular

4. Transthoracic Echocardiogram
• A non-invasive ultrasound of the heart that provide thorough information of the
heart structure and function and another option to better understand the heart
• High-frequency sound waves are use to locate and study the movement and
dimension of cardiac structure such as the size of chambers, thickness of
walls, relation of major vessel to the chambers.

5. Computed Tomography
• A non-invasive imaging modality that provides a very detailed image of the
heart and chest structure. It is typically used as an adjunct to

6. Magnetic Resonance Testing

• Can provide information of the cardiac anatomy and function, blood flow
measurement, tissue characterization, myocardial perfusion and viability. This
test does not provide radiation but requiring stillness to a much longer time to
provide accurate results.
• Young children are required to moderate sedation to complete the procedure.

7. Exercise Testing
• This test is to evaluate a child’s condition during the period of increasing the
myocardial demand a such as doing exercise. This can be accomplished using
a treadmill, bicycle or a 6-minute walking that could lead a child’s heart rate to

8. Cardiac Catherization
• An invasive procedure where catheter is inserted through the large vein and
artery, and floated to the heart. This allow for direct measurement of pressure
as well as the visualization of the heart and all blood vessel with the aid of
contrast medium.
• Young children are usually deeply sedated in this procedure.

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