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Peachfuzz and Butter, Crocheted


Peachfuzz and Butter,

Crocheted Hamsters
By Brenda K. B. Anderson

© Creative Crochet Corner |

Peachfuzz and Butter, Crocheted Hamsters

These sweet little hamsters make wonderful

companions: they are excellent listeners and are
always up for a cuddle when you need one. Although
they are made with quite a few separate pieces, each
piece is quick to crochet, making this a great project
to bring with you when you are travelling, or if you just
need something fun to work on here and there.

Finished Measurements
Peachfuzz and Butter stand about 6” tall

• Approximately 90 yds worsted weight yarn for
MC (head/body), 45 yds for C1 (tummy, etc), and 20 yds Abbreviations
for C2 (paws, ears)
• US F [3.75 mm] crochet hook or size needed to obtain
gauge Ch = chain
• Yarn Needle C1 = contrast color 1
• Removeable stitch markers C2 = contrast color 2
• One pair of black 10 mm safety eyes or small buttons HDC = half double
• Polyester fiberfill for stuffing crochet
• Small amount of brown embroidery floss for nose/mouth/ MB = make bobble (see
eyebrow detail and embroidery needle notes)
MC = main color
Yarn Used for Hamsters Shown Rnd(s) = round(s)
SC = single crochet
We Crochet Heatherly (worsted weight, 80% acrylic, 20% merino SC2tog = single crochet
wool; 218 yards [100 grams]: Peachfuzz #29549 OR Butter two stitches together
#29550 (MC), Snowflake #29557 (C1), Sweetheart #29547 (C2), Sl st = slip stitch
1 skein each color. St(s) = stitch(es)
YO = yarn over
Work through Rnd 5. Piece measure approximately 2.5” in

Getting the exact gauge is not necessary for this project, however a firm fabric is recommended to
help the hamster keep its shape and to ensure the stuffing will not show between stitches.

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Peachfuzz and Butter, Crocheted Hamsters

Most pieces are made in continuous rounds, without joining. Use a locking stitch marker to note the
beginning of the round.

Turning chains do not count as a stitch.

Body is worked in the round from the bottom up. Head begins with a foundation chain and one
set-up row, but later switches to be worked in the round from the cheeks to the back of head.
Muzzle and arms are each worked in the round beginning with an adjustable loop. Ears begin with
an adjustable loop but are worked back and forth in turned rows. Tummy Patch and tail are each
worked in turned rows. Feet are worked in the round starting at the bottom, making bobbles for toes,
and ending with one C1 round at the ankle. All pieces are stitched together using yarn tails.

Special stitches
Make Bobble (MB): [YO, insert into indicated stitch, YO and pull up loop, YO and pull through 2 loops]
5 times, YO and pull through all 6 loops on hook.

Rnd 1: With MC, make an adjustable loop, 6 SC into loop, pull on beginning yarn tail to close loop. Do
not join, but continue to work in a spiral. 6 SC. Use stitch marker to keep track of beginning of rnds.

Rnd 2: 2 SC into each st around. 12 SC.

Rnd 3: [2 SC into next st, SC into next st] 6 times. 18 SC.

Rnd 4: [SC into each of next 2 sts, 2 SC into next st] 6 times. 24 SC.

Rnd 5: [SC into next st, 2 SC into next st, SC into each of next 2 sts] 6 times. 30 SC.

Rnd 6: [SC into next 4 sts, 2 SC into next st] 6 times. 36 SC.

Rnd 7: [SC into next 2 sts, 2 SC into next st, SC in next 3 sts] 6 times. 42 SC.

Rnd 8: [SC into next 6 sts, 2 SC into next st] 6 times. 48 SC.

Rnds 9-14: SC in each st around.

Rnds 15-22: SC around, making 2 decreases per round. Note: A “decrease” is a SC2tog- these can be
placed anywhere in the round, however try to space the two decreases opposite of each other and
avoid placing a decrease into a decrease from a previous round. Be sure to watch the video for tips.
32 SC after working Rnd 22.

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Peachfuzz and Butter, Crocheted Hamsters

Rnd 23: [SC into next 2 sts, SC2tog] 8 times. 24 SC.

Fasten off. Set Body aside.

With MC, ch 11.

Set-up row (RS): Beginning with the second ch from hook (first ch counts as turning ch; do not work
into this ch on the next round) and working into the bottom of the ch, SC in next 10 sts. Do not turn.
10 SC.

Rnd 1: Keeping RS facing, rotate work (like turning a steering wheel) 180 degrees in order to work
across the opposite edge of foundation chain. From this point on work in rounds with RS always
facing. Use stitch marker to keep track of beginning of rnds. 3 SC in next st, SC in next 8 sts, 3 SC in
next st, rotate work 180 degrees, 3 SC in next st, SC in next 8 sts, 3 SC in next st, do not join. 28 SC.

Rnd 2: [SC in next st, 2 SC in next st, SC in next 10 sts, 2 SC in next st, SC in next st] twice. 32 SC.

Rnd 3: [SC in each of next 2 sts, 2 SC in next st, SC in next 10 sts, 2 SC in next st, SC in each of next
2 sts] twice. 36 SC.

Rnd 4: Make 1 SC to shift the beginning of rnd (the purpose of this stitch is to shift the beginning
of rnd. This stitch does not count toward the stitch count listed at the end of this rnd). Place stitch
marker in following stitch to mark the new beginning of rnd. [SC in each of next 3 sts, 2 SC in next st,
SC in next 10 sts, 2 SC in next st, SC in each of next 3 sts] twice. 40 Sc.

Rnds 5-11: SC in each st around. Place stitch marker in 10th stitch of Rnd 6 and leave in place until
adding safety eyes. After completing rnd 11, place safety eyes between rnds 6 and 7 with 7 or 8
stitches between posts (marked stitch should be centered between eyes). Eyes should be located
directly in line with each end of the foundation chain. Secure in place. Be sure to watch video for

Rnd 12: [SC into next 8 sts, SC2tog] 4 times. 36 SC.

Rnd 13: [SC into next 2 sts, SC2tog, SC in next 2 sts] 6 times. 30 SC.

Rnd 14: [SC into next 3 sts, SC2tog] 6 times. 24 SC. Stuff head with fiber fill. Continue to add stuffing
as work progresses.

Rnd 15: [SC into next st, SC2tog, SC in next st] 6 times. 18 SC.

Rnd 16: [SC2tog, SC in next st] 6 times. 12 SC.

Rnd 16: [SC2tog] 6 times. 6 SC.

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Peachfuzz and Butter, Crocheted Hamsters

Fasten off leaving long tail for sewing. Weave yarn tail through each of the last 6 sts and pull tight to
close hole. Use this same tail to shape face as follows:

Insert needle through center of closed hole, through head, exiting next to one of the eyes (on the
side of the eye closest to the center of face). Make a small stitch, then push needle through head
exiting under center of chin (between Rnd 3 and Rnd 4 on underside of head. Make a small stitch
and push needle through head exiting at opposite eye (on side of eye closest to center of face).
Make a small stitch, then push needle through to other eye and make a stitch. Be sure to watch the
video as this procedure is much easier to understand when you see it in action!

Tummy patch (Contrast color patch):

With C1, ch 11.

Row 1: Beginning with second ch from hook and working into the bottom of the ch, 2 SC in next st,
SC in each of next 8 sts, 2 SC in next st. 12 SC.

Row 2: Ch 1, turn, 2 SC in next st, SC across until 1 st remains, 2 SC in last st. 14 SC.

Row 3: Ch 1, turn, SC in each st.

Rows 4-7: Repeat Rows 2-3 twice more. 18 SC after working Row 7.

Rows 8-15: Ch 1, turn, SC in each st.

Rows 16-17: Ch 1, turn, SC2tog, SC across until 2 stitches remain, SC2tog. 2 sts decreased. 14 SC
after working Row 17.

Row 18: Ch 1, turn, SC2tog twice, SC in next 6 sts, SC2tog twice. 4 sts decreased. 12 SC.

Do not fasten off.

Tummy patch edging:

Keeping same side facing, *rotate tummy patch (like turning a steering wheel) in order to work along
the Row-ends. Use a stitch marker to divide the side edge of the tummy into two equal sections.
7 SC into each of the two sections along the side-edge of tummy patch**. Rotate in order to work
along foundation chain of tummy patch. 1 SC into each of the 10 sts across foundation edge of
tummy patch, repeat from * to ** once more, sl st in first st at bottom edge of tummy to fasten off,
leaving long tail for sewing.

Feet (make 2):

Using C2, make an adjustable loop.

Rnd 1: 6 SC into loop, pull on beginning yarn tail to tighten loop, do not join now and throughout. 6
sts. Use stitch marker to keep track of beginning of rnds.
Rnd 2: 2 SC into each st. 12 sts.

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Peachfuzz and Butter, Crocheted Hamsters

Rnd 3: 1 SC into each of the next 3 sts, [MB, 1 SC into the next st] 3 times, 1 sc into each of the next
3 sts. 12 sts.

Rnd 4: [1 SC into the next st, SC2tog] 4 times. 8 sts.

Rnd 5: 1 SC into each st around, sl st in first st to fasten off. Stuff foot with yarn tails.

Rnd 6: Pull up loop of C1 in sl st at back ankle, ch 1 (does not count as a st) 2 SC into each st, sl st
in first SC of rnd to fasten off leaving long tail for sewing. 16 sts.

Ears (make 2):

Using C2, make an adjustable loop.

Row 1: 6 SC into loop, pull on beginning yarn tail to tighten loop, do not join, but work in turned rows.
6 sts.

Row 2: Ch 1 (turning ch does not count as a stitch), turn, SC in each st.

Row 3: Ch 1, turn, 2 SC into each st around. 12 sts.

Fasten off with long tail.

Front Paws (make 2):

Using C2, make an adjustable loop.

Rnd 1: 6 SC into loop, pull on beginning yarn tail to tighten loop, do not join, but continue to work in a
spiral. 6 SC.

Rnd 2: [2 SC into next st, SC into next st] 3 times. 9 SC.

Rnd 3: SC into each st. Sl st in first SC of rnd to fasten off.

Arms (make 2):

Rnd 1: Pull up loop of C1 in last sl st of Front Paw, ch 1 (does not count as a st), beginning with
same sl st, SC in each st. Do not join, but continue to work in a spiral. 9 SC.

Rnd 2: SC into each st around.

Rnds 3-7: SC into each st, making one increase per rnd. Note: to make an increase, simply make 2
SC into one stitch. This increase can be placed anywhere within the rnd. Avoid placing an increase
near the increase from previous round. 14 sts after working Rnd 7. Fasten off leaving long tail for

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Peachfuzz and Butter, Crocheted Hamsters

Rnd 1: With C1, make an adjustable loop, 6 SC into loop, pull on beginning yarn tail to close loop. Do
not join but continue to work in a spiral. 6 SC. Use stitch marker to keep track of beginning or rnds.

Rnd 2: 2 SC into each st around. 12 SC.

Rnd 3: SC into each st around.

Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.

With C2, ch 6.

Row 1: Beginning with second ch from hook and working into the bottom of the ch, SC in each of
next 3 sts, HDC in each of next 2 sts. 5 sts.

Row 2: Ch 2, turn, HDC in each of next 3 sts, SC in each of next 2 sts.

Row 3: Ch 1, turn, SC in each of next 3 sts, HDC in each of next 2 sts.

Ch 1, turn as if to work another row. Place foundation edge directly behind last row worked,
matching edges. Working through front loops of layer in front and back loops of layer in back sl st in
each set of sts across row to seam top edge of tail. If these sl sts are made tightly the tail will curve
a bit.

Block any pieces if necessary. Samples shown were not blocked.
Stuff body firmly. Be sure to refer to photos and/or video for help with placement of all pieces.
Sew all pieces together using yarn needle and yarn tails as follows:
Pin, then stitch head to top of body. Pin, then stitch Tummy Patch to front of body. Stuff each foot
with fiberfill, then pin each foot to front of body, just within lower corners of Tummy Patch.
Stitch each foot to body. Stuff each arm with a small amount
of fiberfill if desired. Flatten arm opening, pin to edges of
Tummy patch and whip stitch arms in place. Stuff muzzle
with a small amount of fiberfill. Pin, then stitch muzzle to
front of face. Using MC yarn stitch a triangle shaped section
of the muzzle for the nose. Using embroidery needle and
embroidery floss, make one stitch along each side of MC
triangle to outline nose. Continuing with the embroidery floss,
make a vertical line just below tip of nose triangle, and an
upside-down “V” shape just below that for the mouth. Using
Embroidery floss, make a small stitch above each eye for
eyebrows, using photos as a reference. Curve the bottom
edge of each ear and pin to each side of head. Stitch each ear
place. Pin, then stitch tail to back of body. Weave in ends.

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Peachfuzz and Butter, Crocheted Hamsters

My Notes

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