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1. school: a place where children go to be educated.

2. classroom: a room in a school or college where groups of students are
3. auditorium: the part of a theatre, or similar building, where the audience sit.
4. skill: a special ability to do something.
5. instrument: an object, such as a piano, guitar, or flute, which is played to
produce musical sounds.
6. routine: a usual or fixed way of doing things.
7. home: the house, apartment, etc. where you live, especially with your
8. week: a period of seven days, especially either from monday to sunday or
from sunday to saturday.
9. library: a building, room, or organization that has a collection of books,
documents, music, and sometimes things such as tools or artwork, for
people to borrow, usually without payment.
10. friendship: a situation in which two people are friends.
11. music: a pattern of sounds made by musical instruments, voices, or
computers, or a combination of these, intended to give pleasure to people
listening to it.
12. class: a period of time in which students are taught something.
13. subject: an area of knowledge that is studied in school, college, or
14. household: a group of people, often a family, who live together.
15. backyard: a small space surrounded by walls at the back of a house,
usually with a hard surface.
16. living room: the room in a house or apartment that is used for relaxing in
and entertaining guests.
17. garage: a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house.
18. room: a part of the inside of a building that is separated from other parts by
walls, floor, and ceiling.
19. floor: the flat surface of a room on which you walk.
20. object: a thing that you can see or touch but that is not usually a living
animal, plant, or person.
21. attic: the space or room at the top of a building, under the roof, often used
for storing things.
22. bedroom: a room used for sleeping in.
23. chores: a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs
to be done regularly.
24. recess: a period of time between classes when children do not study.
25. game: an entertaining activity or sport, especially one played by children, or
the equipment needed for such an activity.

1. Science. The study of natural things and the way that they behave.
2. scientist. Someone who studies science.
3. botany. The study of plants.
4. botanist. The scientists who studies of plants.
5. plant. A living thing that grows in the soil or water and has leaves and roots
6. flower. The colored part of a plant where the seeds grow.
7. seed. a small round thing that a new plant can grow from.
8. root. the part of a plant that grows under the ground
9. stem. The part of a plant that carries water and food from the roots to the
rest of the plant.
10. leaf. The part of the plant that makes food and oxygen.
11. leaves. Plural leaf.
12. tree. a tall plant with a thick stem that has branches coming from it and
13. cotton. a plant used for making thread and cloth
14. fruit. things such as apples or oranges that grow on a tree or a bush,
contain seeds, and can be eaten as food.
15. vegetables. a plant that you eat, for example a potato, onion, etc.
26. water. the clear liquid that falls from the sky as rain and that is in seas,
lakes, and rivers.
16. sunlight. the light from the sun.
17. air. The mixture of gases that plants and animals breathe.
27. food. Something that people and animals eat to keep them alive.
18. nutrient. any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and
19. soil. the top layer of earth that plants grow in.
20. vertebrate. Having a backbone.
21. invertebrate. Animal with no backbone.
22. mammals. Warm-blooded animals that have fur or hair.
23. amphibians. Cold-blooded animals with moist scales that live in both water
and land.
24. reptiles. Cold-blooded animals with scaly skin.
25. fish. Animals that live only in water.

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