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Labing-isa, Julius Ceazar

Business Law
Lesson 4

Exercises: Situational questions. Every answer must be supported with a legal basis.

1. A owes B P500,000.00. It was agreed that the P200,000.00 has to be given to X as B is likewise
indebted to him. Can X demand payment the P200,000.00 from A? (10 points)
2. A offered for sale to B a particular car for Php2 Million. B accepted the offer but for Php1.5
Million only. Are the parties bound by their offer and acceptance? (10 points)
3. A offered for sale to B a particular condominium unit in Sta. Mesa, Manila. Sensing that B still
needs to inspect the unit, he gave B within five (5) days either to accept or reject the offer. After
three (3) days, B communicated his acceptance of the offer to A which A turned it down
considering that he changed his mind already and is no longer selling the unit. Is A bound by his
offer? (10 points)
4. A sent a letter to B offering for sale his particular house and lot in Bulacan. The following day,
upon receipt of A’s letter, B immediately drafted likewise a letter accepting the offer. Can A still
withdraw from his offer? (10 points)
5. A is so desperate to acquire the ownership of a tract of land owned by B. B would not concede
whenever A offers to purchase it. Out of desperation, he poked a gun to B and asked him to sign
a pre-form contract of sale pertaining to the said lot. Can B invalidate the contract? (10 points)

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