LC of Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

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LC of Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

The US Anti-Bribery Law, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

(FCPA) is applicable to ICICI Bank.
Employee can request or solicit entertainment offers
(cricket match tickets, fashion show tickets, overnight stay
at resort etc.) from third party.
Can you take cash worth USD 50 as gift?

Conflicts of interest can occur if:

As an employee of the Bank you should __________________

You can use official resources in another business in which
you, a friend or family member is involved.

ICICI Group has a Gender Neutral Policy that prohibits:

Any concerns involving the Group Compliance Officer

should be reported to the________________________ .

Which of the following are situations of conflict of interest?

You must not make any payment to or for anyone for the
purpose of obtaining or retaining business or for obtaining
any favourable action.

You can offer or give any funds or property as donation to

any government agency or its representatives, in order to
obtain any favourable performance of official duties.
Silver coin of USD 100 can be accepted during Diwali ?
Using proprietary knowledge obtained through the course
of employment to make investments that are not in the best
interest of the ICICI Group is an example of:
Bank’s________________ lays down standards employees should
Which of the following are categories of Key Irregularities?

Which of the following statement is correct with respect to

acceptance of Non Token Gift?

Employee should make their profile on social media in

personal capacity and should not spread rumours or share
any speculative news about listed companies.

As an ICICI Group employee, officer or director one must

seek to avoid even the appearance of improper behaviour.
Which of the following is correct with respect to anti
bribery and anti corruption policy?

During the course of your normal work, you have observed an a

As per Personal Investment section of “the Code” providing

non-public information to family members or friend or any
person as a "tip" for trading in securities is illegal.

Any act with a fraudulent or malafide intention irrespective

of whether there was any financial loss or loss of reputation
to ICICI Group will be considered as _________________.
Notify ______________ immediately of any significant
contacts made directly by a regulator.
Which of the following is wrong with respect to Privacy and
Which of the following is correct with respect to Raising
Ethical Issues?

Which of the following is correct with respect to Protecting

ICICI Group's Assets?
The quality of our relationships with our suppliers and
other external counter-parties has a direct bearing on our
Abide by the ICICI Bank _______________________.

One of the customer has offered Amazon Voucher worth

USD 75. In this case what would you do?

While undertaking personal investments, you must ensure

that, it should not:
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Our business practices sacrifice interests of one set of
customers in favour of another and Our business
practices places our business interests ahead of

Treat our customers, suppliers, competitors and

employees fairly, Respect personal dignity, privacy, and
personal rights of every individual and Maintain the safe
and healthy working environment provided by the

Unwelcome advances,, Requests for sexual favors, or and
Any undesired verbal or physical conduct

Board Governance & Remuneration Committee

Stake/ ownership of employee or his/ her family in an

organization that does business with bank or is a competitor

Personal investment that is contrary to the ICICI Group’s

Social Media Policy

All of the above
In case refusal is rude and impolite the gift may be
accepted, reported in the FCRM system and surrendered
to the Notified Gift Office

All of the above are correct

Escalate the activity to HR and/or legal/compliance or

through Whistle Blower mechanism for appropriate action
to be taken against concerned employee

Irregularities in High Risk Areas

Compliance Group

All The Above

Knowingly withhold information that raises ethical questions
and not bringing such issues to the attention of senior
management or not reporting as per the applicable Whistle
Blower Policy
Report any misuse or theft of assets, including instances
of data leakage or data theft, by any employee or
outsourced agents of ICICI Group that comes to your

All of the above
Decline the offer, as vouchers are considered as Cash &
Cash Equivalents and should not be accepted.

Affect or appear to affect your ability to make unbiased

business decisions for ICICI Group, Be contrary to the
ICICI Group's interests and Be in the businesses of ICICI
Group’s customers, suppliers, or competitors that could
cause divided loyalty, or even the appearance of divided

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