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Instructor/Facilitation Assessment
Source: Center of Excellence for Careers in Education

Check the item that most nearly describes an instructor’s interaction with you as a student that
reflects a more learner-centered approach.

__✔___1.The instructor is clear when he/she tells me what to do.

__✔___2.The instructor’s questions are helpful in assisting me in making 
__✔___3. The instructor meets class on time.
__✔__4. The instructor’s availability schedule is posted.
__✔__5. The instructor works effectively with me one on one.
__✔___6. The instructor always meets with the class as a whole.
__✔___7. The instructor always offers me options rather than telling me
              what to do.
__✔__8. The instructor makes corrections to my work that are clear and 
              gives me direction.
__✔__9. The instructor’s interactions with me, have helped me become
              a better problem solver.
_____10. The instructor always has the right answer.
__✔__11. The instructor always gives me several suggestions to 
                choose from.
_____12. The instructor solves problems for me.
__✔___13. The instructor lets me work problems out for myself.
_____14. The instructor is more like a band conductor than an advisor.
__✔___15. The instructor is more like a coach than a director.
__✔___16. The instructor is a good listener.
__✔___17. The instructor’s instructions are helpful.
__✔___18. The instructor uses “What if you ....” statements rather than 
                “ You should do this...”
_____19. The instructor is good at finding answers to my questions.
__✔___20. I always feel that the project is mine and I am responsible for 
                thinking it through.
_____21. I can count on the instructor coming up with the right idea 
                if I am stuck.
__✔___22. The instructor values my ability to figure things out for 
_____23. My instructor values me following his/her instructions.
__✔___24. The instructor shares with me his/her thinking.
_____25. I have no idea how the instructor solves problems.
_____26. The instructor sets all the timelines for meeting deadlines.
__✔___27. I am responsible for the timelines for meeting deadlines.
__✔__28. The instructor comes to class with prepared class activities.
__✔___29. The instructor builds the class activity around student’s 
                questions and concerns.
__✔___30. The instructor gives suggestions as to where I can find 
_____31. The instructor will find information for me.
_____32. The instructor encourages me to discover things for myself.
__✔___33. The instructor answers my questions in a way easy for me to
_____34. The instructor answers my questions with questions.
_____35. The instructor always has the right answer.

After carefully answering the Instructor Facilitation assessment, refer to the answer key posted
at the end of the analysis section.

Let us now begin to deeply reflect on your response to the assessment. Try to briefly answer to
each question.
1. What do you consider as the most noticeable practice of a learner- centred instructor? 
Answer: teacher was a guidance for their students. Students will find their answers
or discover new learnings by themselves.

2. What do you also observe as the most noticeable practice of the teacher-centred
Answer: teachers will give students all the information and teachers always have the
right answer. 
3. If you had a more learner-centered instructor, how would feel about your learning
experience under those circumstances?
Answer; it was so blessed because I can learn through myself and through
experience. i will be the one to discover other information and I can easily interact
in the class.

4. On the other hand, if you had a more teacher-centred instructor, how would you feel
about your learning experience under such circumstances?. 
Answer: I felt independent because teachers will always give information and
answers and they will always have the right answers. Our learnings are limited
because we are just waiting for the teacher to feed us.

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