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for mines and agriculture; in Victoria, by a member of

refectory or frater-house here as always on the side opposite

second or third stomach, although less than the first. The base

character,'' i.e. in the most exalted and peculiar sense,

of the council and of the general assembly, and the annual

the hamada are covered with Quaternary deposits. (W. G.*)]

some 70,000, but in 1131 it was reduced by King Roger of

Browne, St Aldhelin: his Life and Times, p. 73.

under the forms of the Orthodox Greek or other churches. The

regions, the Barbary coast and along the east coast. (W. G.*)

transmitted the crown to her descendants. In 1268 the kingdom

plays only a secondary part in the incidents at Pharaoh's

felony. The punishment for the offence is penal servitude

sumptuously entertained noblemen, ambassadors and strangers of

to stress heavily the first syllable bids fair ultimately

subject of naval finance is one of great complexity and of vast

cf. Josh. xxiv. 2), and knew of Abraham's miraculous escape

states. The owners, agents and masters of vessels loading

ship and cargo from a danger common to both. Voluntary

Naples and the neighbourhood of Rome. He is represented

``time,'' while a has become ai in Kate, pane, &c. In,

Ba-Mangwato Ama-Tembu

1550) are preserved in the British Museum. The Scots Buik

fact that varieties of animals and plants occur, both in

earl. From it comes the earl's title of Lord St Colme (1611).

colour owe their value to the principle of unity. But such

of infinite satisfaction. Art in thus effecting a revelation


liberty to deviate somewhat strictly against the shipowner.

ALDER-FLY, the name given to neuropterous insects of the family

romances. He had, however, added a new domain to American

Alaskan Range and the Aleutian Range there are more than a

ALBERT I. (c. 1250-1308), German king, and duke of Austria,

of a Frankish invasion, in which he lost his life in 531.

out Joao Nunez Barreto as patriarch of the East Indies,

by one; but in his attempt to improve the system of granting

sometimes been called the Albert of Westphalia. His numerous

with acids and alkalies, but is essentially acid in nature.

The fragment by Alberic was edited by P. Heyse (Berlin, 1856);

formation of anticlinals traversing the northern districts of

it decomposes readily at ordinary temperatures into ammonia

of a status and character so dubious that, by the regulation

by. He was called Jean le Rond from the church near which he

midland dialect, and dating from the second half of the 14th

to defend themselves. The natives gained some successes,

1890 136.5 57.4

sights into line with the object, so as to aim correctly.

Theagene et Chariclee from Heliodorus (1547 fol.),

Travels to discover the Source of the Nile in 1768-1773, 5

English translation of the Scriptures, known as the Douai



{ in N. Africa, French } and Ventersdorp Series

into two portions by the lower course of the Drin; the

practical part of his profession. In July 1860, while on this

council called by Pope Julius II. He remained in Italy for

of those concerned; but there has been a tendency of late

Normandy. Sweyn died in February 1014, and AEthelred was

ordinary purposes and was retained only for inscriptions,

pretext that they would not give up the frontier post of

which they possess at this stage. After a time they come

of acid and local action) is a measure of the energy lost

and Orange Free State) was some 150,000 sq. m., so that the

there might be no danger to health. Dr Wiley concludes his

day. Speaking broadly, red is the colour for feasts of

it would not be fair to speak of a practice of adulteration

colouring matter and number of corpuscles. Everything was

(1759), and finally alienated the parlement of Brittany by

meter. tents. Capa- of of per

skins, rabbit skins and feathers into robes, and all basketry

composition of sweetened condensed milk may be taken, with slight

more like the object than the Phoenician @, if we suppose the

Tauern Pass, north of the Drave Valley and south of the Pinzgau

stand alone; and his foreign auxiliaries soon find themselves

after the method of its impression has been forgotten, and

was a celebrated temple, adorned with 250 lofty pillars

for philosophical speculations, and in 1830 he published his

it must have been apparent, from what was happening in South

AITON (1766-1849), who succeeded him at Kew and was commissioned

dominions of the Nizam of Hyderabad in India (N. lat. 20 deg. 32'

Potriae, seu Historiae Mediolanensis, Libri IV., was published

Gross Wiesbachhorn . . . . . . 11,713 Hochalmspitze. . . . . . . . . . 11,008

when, although the principles of accountancy have been well

vol. iii. pp. 124 et seq., esp. 212; ``The Temples

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