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Technology in Education

A quick guide to educational technology

Andrew Steinman

Presented by

Goals of Technology in Education


major goals of technology in education: enhance education of students

Effectively Prepare

students for a technology-rich future

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Educational Technology Theory


technology leaders follow instrumental thinking when integrating technology


reasons to use new technologies now, ask questions later


Missional Thinking
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on enhancing student outcomes, using technology when appropriate

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Missional Thinking Example

Problem of Practice: Assessment and Feedback

Provide quality feedback in a timely manner

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Solution: Secure Online Assessments

Utilizing Moodle along with Student Test Viewer

Outcome: Quality Feedback in a Timely Manner

Additional outcomes include:

Prepares students for future online tests

GRE, MCAT, DAT, College placement tests

Going green: No copies, no paper

Formative Feedback

Problem of Practice: Need for additional feedback Possible Solutions:

Clickers Google Survey Cell Phone Survey

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Instant Feedback Dynamic Instruction

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Classroom Collaboration

Problem of Practice: Opening communication in and out of the classroom Possible Solutions:

Wikis Blogs
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Community of learners that extends outside the classroom Log of information and conversations

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When Does Learning End?

Problem of Practice: Extending education outside of the classroom Possible Solution:

Learning Management System

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Moodle, Blackboard, Coursesites, Angel, etc.


Online presence Communication and collaboration Center for learning

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Student Centered Instruction

Problem of Practice: Actively engaging students in their education Possible Solutions:

Data Collection Hardware Simulations

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Students gather and transform actual data New experiences

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The Textbook Dilemma

Problem of Practice: Too many books! Possible Solution:

Digital Textbooks


Information is easily accessible Less expensive

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Integrating Technology

Problem of Practice: Teacher / Technology Gap Solution:

Strong technology leader that understands how to research and integrate technologies, as well as train teachers on how to properly utilize technologies.


Effective enhancement of education Students prepared for a technology-rich future

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