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Directions: This subset measures your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard
written English.
Items 1 – 15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, you will see four words or
phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1: He _____ a beautiful poem for his mother.

A. write
B. writing
C. wrote
D. written
2. Water is nature’s big gift to man _____ it quenches his thirst.
A. although
B. hence
C. because
D. moreover
3. _____ the serene city of Italy is her lifelong dream.
A. Have visited
B. Having visited
C. Shall have visit
D. To visit

4. The fireman _____ the fire last night.

A. tries to control
B. tried to controls
C. tried to control
D. try to control
5. Dorothy unnecessarily _____ a quarrel with Bryan and left the party immediately.
A. picked on
B. picked out
C. picked
D. picked up
6. Success in this examination depends _____ the hard work alone.
A. At
B. In
C. On
D. From
7. Robert pleaded _____ his teacher to ask and give him a chance.
A. with
B. to
C. from
D. in
8. The child who caught cheating _____ the teacher not to tell his parents about the incident.

A. implored
B. has implored

C. has imploring

D. had implored

9. You _____ to stop drinking alcohol now before it _____ you.

A. must – kill

B. should – kills

C. have – kills
D. shall kill

10. The department store has _____ boxes gift to giver.

A. square cardboard gift

B. square gift cardboard

C. gift cardboard square

D. gifts cardboard square

11. The debutant received _____ roses.

A. several big red

B. several red big

C. red several big

D. big red several

12. All men _____ his will but wait.
A. on
B. in
C. upon
D. from
13. The cost of a program being implemented is important ____ the feasibility prioritization of the various
concerns for it to be able to promote change.
A. Hence it looks into
B. since it looks into
C. until it looks into
D. because it looks into
14. Filipinos are fortunate _____ the country has natural resources.
A. because
B. hence
C. when
D. despite
15. Disaster preparedness and disaster reduction management are slowly being taught in schools
because of the _____ of floods, earthquakes and other natural calamities in the world.
A. continual increasing incident
B. Continually increase incidence
C. Continual increase incidents
D. Continually increasing incidence
Directions: In items 1 – 25, each sentence is divided into four parts mark A, B, C and D. Identify the one
part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. Then choose the letter corresponding to your
Question # 1
A. I had a stream visitors
B. which kept me sane
C. but I never realized that the whole effort
D. would be so tiring
Question # 2
A. The house furnishings of the
B. Ramos mansion by the lake
C. has impressed the guests
D. during the house warming.
Question # 3
A. To lessen monthly expense
B. the newlywed decided
C. to rent a small apartment
D. in the old building
Question # 4

A. The expensive antiquity silver mirror

B. was formerly owned by my only surviving aunt

C. who in turn gave it to me during

D. my 18th birthday celebration

Question # 5

A. The students in the state college have

B. prepared a letter of inquiry to the school officials

C. in relation to the sudden increase with

D. tuition fees imposed by the school

Question # 6

A. The journalism is always updated

B. With regards to certain trendy words than clinches

C. Uttered by politicians and news casters such as

D. Win –win situation, wake up call and proactive roles.

Question # 7

A. Hydration is important so that for someone to stay hydrated

B. He must be able to drink at least eight (8) glasses of water

C. And a fresh juice daily but not coffee and carbonated drinks

D. While tea with antioxidants can also hydrate body

Question # 8

A. Manchu Picch; a beautiful tourist attraction which nestles in a high saddle

B. Between two peaks Cusco, Peru above the Urubamba Valley,

C. Was built by the Incas in the 15th century and it’s boasts of more than

D. A hundred flight of stone step which leads to temples and garden terraces.
Question # 9

A. Despite being crippled arthritis.

B. grandma Ana Moses was a self – taught artist who started painting

C. everyday turning out more than 1000 words in 25 years

D. exhibited her work in the US until her death.

Question # 10

A. For years, aspirin was hailed as a heart hero,

B. for patients with problems of the heart but experts recently discovered

C. that it has a link to stomach problems such as gastrointestinal bleeding especially

D. if one takes it daily even if he has no known heart ailments.

Question # 11

A. In a study of women who were depressed in a 12 year study,

B. Evidence of having depression are considered a grave risk factor

C. So that there is all more reason for a depressed person

D. Seek psychological and medical mood boosters.

Question # 12

A. An education really suited to the rural environment

B. can become both acceptable and genuinely functional

C. only when the environment begins to offer skills, knowledge

D. and opportunities on the large scale.

Question # 13

A. Statistics are a method used by mathematician as far back as 17 century

B. which is used to analyze data that is, to organize,

C. make sense, explain and put meaning to an otherwise

D. large amount of material or data gathered in a research study.

Question # 14

A. Most important thing in the world

B. has been accomplished by people

C. who have kept on when there

D. seemed to be no hope
Question # 15

A. There’s a little point in saving money

B. when you can loose it

C. through no fault of your own

D. and avoidable circumstances.

Question # 16

A. Thinking like a winner means not always having to defeat someone else

B. but it means that one is being able to learn from a situation

C. which would be of great help

D. To rise above that failure and to be able to reach one’s goal.

Question # 17

A. Finance statements
B. are the formal reports

C. prepared

D. by accountants.

Question # 18

A. The man

B. gives antidote so powerful

C. that any poison was made harmless

D. after taking it.

Question # 19

A. In many cities around the world

B. The number of homeless people

C. Have become
D. A big problem

Question # 20

A. Wallow in disappointment
B. over something

C. you did

D. is not productive.
Question # 21

A. I bought some

B. silver charming Victorian

C. ornaments

D. at the flee market

Question # 22

A. The tale that was

B. Told in low and mystery voice

C. kept us on the

D. edge of seats.

Question # 23

A. It is often said that

B. lightning never strike twice

C. at the same place

D. but it is not true

Question # 24

A. As a mode of expository writing,

B. the narrated writing offers writers

C. a chance to think and write

D. about themselves

Question # 25

A. Unclean water and improper disposal of waste

B. can be carried highly communicable diseases

C. because of their injurious effects

D. to human life


Directions: In this test you will read several passages. Answer all the questions that follow by encircling
the correct answer.


The knee is the largest joint in the body and one of the most complicated. At the same time, the
knee joints swing like a hinge and lifts like a liver.
It flexes to absorbs shock as we walk or run to protect our other bones from jarring or grinding. Without
the knee, humans could not stand up, walk, climb or kick. Every day, every knee receives a routine
workout. But the runners and other athletes in high impact sports, the knee receives a serious. Pounding.
Overuse can lead to serious injury. In fact, one out of every four sports injuries involves knee.
Runner’s knee complains of dull, aching pain under around their knee caps, the pain seems to
worsen, when they descend stairs or run down hills. To protect their knees, athletes should look, at their
shoes, Exercise shoes must fit and wear in orders to minimize risk to the knee. If an athlete wishes to
increase the time or intensity of his workout, this must be done slowly in a step by step fashion.
An athlete should work to strengthen their quadriceps the large muscles group of front of thigh. In
many runners the quadriceps are not as strong as the harm strings. This uneven strengthen the
quadriceps muscles. Many serious runners which off between cycling and running as they train.

1. The selection emphasizes the value of _____
A. Healthy habits
B. Mental sharpness
C. Physical fitness
D. spiritual growth
2. According to the selection, the knee joint lifts like a liver and swing like a _____
A. A. Bats
B. B. Runners
C. Hinge
C. D. Cycle
3. The word jarring bones means_____
A. A. Aching bones
B. B. Bending bones
C. C. Attack on the bones
D. Strong shaking of the bones
4. The selection communication the theme of___
A. The Importance of the knee
B. The function of the human bones
C. How to protect leg muscles?
D. Sports injuries during workout
5. What type of text of this selection?
A. Literary
B. Journalistic
C. Scientific
D. Academic


Inventions enhance people’s lives. Inventions are improvements of Previous discoveries. With

technology inventions are easier to complete. One such invention is the camera. The invention of camera
gave way to the first underwater camera in 1856.

It was placed in a tightly sealed container. However, when the contraption was underwater, the container

broke before many pictures were taken.

It was only in the 1980’s that a camera was made which is able to go deep underwater without being

damaged. Less than twenty years later, technology allowed underwater camera to take photographs in

color and to go even deeper into the water. With better technology, an invention will never stay stagnant.


1. What can we infer from the selection? Man is constantly in search of new invention.

2. What is the main idea expressed in the selection? To seek comfort is ma’s goal in life.

3. What can we conclude about inventions in the selection? Improve people’s lives

4. What figure of speech is used in the last line of the selection? Personification

5. What is the value presented in the selection? Ingenuity


“Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks; red lips and supple knees;

It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotion; it is the freshness of the deep

springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for

adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows

old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul, Worry, fear, self-distrust bows

the heart and turns the spirits back to dust. Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the

lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the

center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station:

So long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the

Infinite, so long are you young. When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of

cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grow old, even at 20, But as long as your aerials are up,

to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80”


1. The most appropriate title for this election is

A. On growing old

B. On being young

C. Young and old

D. You can be young

2. How would you describe the author as the describes the young generation?

A. Assertive
B. Inquisitive

C. Informative

D. Provocative

3. According to the selection, which of the following is not a characteristic of youth?

A. Rosy cheek

B. Imaginative

C. Adventurous

D. Timidity
4. According to the author, one has grown old if
A. He has lost the desire to improve himself
B. He indulges in hazardous himself

C. He has reached the age of 70

D. His child have set up their own families

5. The selection tells us that youth is based on one’s

A. Physical appearance

B. Status in life

C. Charm and glamour

D. View about life


Cyber Bullying is defined as the use of the internet or cellphone to send hurtful and harassing messages.

Most victims are teenagers. They are likely to develop symptoms of depression, substance abuse and

internet addiction, As, reported in a new study in the Journal of Adolescent Health. Conversely, teens who

are depressed or who abuse drugs are also often targets of cyber bullies.

“Understanding the link between cyber bullying and health behaviors in adolescence is critical,”

Said the study’s lead author, Manuel Gamez. “A number of adolescents are both victims of cyber bullying

and perpetrators of cyber bullying,

But victims are at higher risk for psychological and behavior health problems,

Like substance abuse, after six months of bullying. "Robert D. Siege, professor of pediatrics at Boston

University noted,

“This is an important because it contributes to what we already know about cyber bullying.

It’s pretty clear if you are cyber bullied, you are more apt to be vulnerable to a cluster of non – adaptive


I found it particularly interesting that if teens are cyber bullied, “They more apt to become depressed and

conversely, if they are depressed, they are more apt to be bullied.”

Gamez added, it is important to include strategies to prevent cyber bullying

Within the interventions for behavior problems during adolescence.

Mental health professionals should pay special attention to these problem in the treatment of victims of

cyber bullying.”


1. One of the ways cyber bullying is done by _____

A. Threatening people who are depressed

B. Downloading posts from Facebook friends

C. Sending bad messages through cellular phone or in the internet

D. Blocking some people from Facebook account

2. A person who is cyber bullied will likely become _____

A. Easy – going

B. Depressed
C. Gregarious

D. Aggressive
3. A victim of cyber bullying would most likely suffer from _____

A. Social Awareness

B. Physical Exhaustion

C. Emotional Trauma
D. Social Ineptitude

4. The main theme of the article is:

A. How to cope with cyber bullying

B. Doctors who are against cyber bullying

C. Psychological risks of cyber bullying

D. Treatment of cyber bullying victims


I ask them to take a poem

And hold it up to the light

Like a color slide

Or press an ear against its hive.

I say drop a mouse into a poem

And watch him prove his way out,

Or walk inside the poem’s room

And feel the walls for a light switch.

I want them to waterski

Across the surface of a poem

Waving at the author’s name on the shore.

But all they want to do

Is tie the poem to a chair with rope

And torture a confession out of it.

They begin beating it with a hose

To find out what it really means.


1. Which line from the poem provides the context support the meaning of the word slide in line 3?

A. Line 2
B. Line 5

C. Line 9

D. Line 6

2. Which definition best matches the use of the word probe in line 6?

A. Definition 1

B. Definition 2

C. Definition 3
D. Definition 4

3. Which line contains a poetic language that convey a sense of danger

A. And hold it up to the light

B. Or press an ear against its hive

C. I say drop a mouse into a poem

D. I want them to waterski

4. What tones are conveyed by these lines? “I want them to waterski, across the surface of a poem,

waving at the author’s name on the shore”

A. Uncertain and confused

B. Cordial and pleasure

C. Melancholic and resourceful

D. Neutral and subjective

5. The poet uses the pronouns they and them most likely to refer

A. His parents

B. His part

C. His troubles

D. His readers
6. Line 12 – 14 suggest that they want the poem.

A. To provide clues to help determine its meaning

B. To convey a transparent meaning

C. To conceal its true meaning

D. To make its meaning inconspicuous

7. In line 15, the act of beating the poem with a hose suggest that they are:

A. Copacetic

B. Frustrates
C. Serene

D. Tranquil

8. In stanza 4, the poet refers to the poem as a/an a

A. jetski

B. Car

C. Ocean
D. Bout

9. The tone of the poem shift in:

A. Stanza 1

B. Stanza 3

C. Stanza 4
D. Stanza 6

10. The overall message conveyed in the person is:

A. The conflict of hopes versus reality

B. The guidance provided by authority

C. The missed opportunities of rebels

D. A life unfulfilled and unchallenged


A cat is a precision instrument - a perfectly engineered machine hunting machine designed for stealth,

capture and self-defense it has padded feet that make no sound and muscles of enormous power and

bulk for its size. Its bones are attached to energy efficient angles that create a system of spring and levers

perfect for bounding, leaping and climbing.

Its claws are sharper than those of any other mammal and can be withdrawn under sheath – like pods

where they escape injury and wear. no teeth are better suited for hunting than those of the cat great

canines for tearing and scissor like premolars for shearing off bits of flesh.

Small enough to swallow. In the cat’s eye, the colors fibers of the iris respond immediately to the light,

changes to permit exactness of vision in all light conditions. In the darkness of the night, the iris contracts

to widen the pupil and admit any trace of available lights.

In the blinding light of midday, the iris expands and the pupil shuts down to a thin vertical slit. except in

white cats with blue eyes, a cat’s hearing is extremely acute.

Each ear has twenty-seven muscles that allow the cat to rotate the ear in all directions, to collect sound

the cat’s reaction to sudden movement or noise is so swift that it can usually threatening danger and the

little quarry passed unharmed!


1. Quarry means TARGET

2. Cats have acute hearing except the white cats with blue eyes which do not HEAR WELL

3. The cat is precision instrument is a METAPHOR

4. The selection is mainly about THE CAT AS A HUNTING MACHINE.

5. The cat is an animal which can SURVIVE ON ITS OWN


In the light of social changes, we come to the question: What qualities should distinguish the educated
Filipino today?
I venture to suggest that the educated Filipino should first be distinguished by the power to do.
The oriental excels in reflective thinking he is a philosopher. The occidental is a doer; he manages things,
men and affairs.
The Filipino of today needs more of this power to translate reflection into action.
We are coming more likely to the conviction that no Filipino has the right to be considered educated
unless He is prepared to take an active and useful part in the work, life and progress of our country as
well as in the progress of the world.


1.What is the best paraphrase of the last paragraph in the passage?

A. Participation in the work and progress of our country is sought by every Filipino.
B. The country’s progress and advancement depend primarily on educated Filipino.
C. A truly educated Filipino participates actively in the work and progress of the country and the world
as a whole.
D. To be considered educated, one has to be globally competitive and willing to take risks.
2. As used in the selection, what does word “conviction” mean?
A. Intellectual guess
B. Strong belief
C. Verdict
D. Allegiance
3. What trait is found in most Orientals but needs to be deepened In Filipino?
A. Action oriented
B. Patience
C. Good in managing
D. Reflective thinker
4. What is meant by this line? “ The oriental is a philosopher”
A. Oriental people are contemplative
B. Oriental people have the blood of great philosophers
C. They have a tendency to become philosophers
D. They think like Great Solomon

5. What value is implied in the same passage above?

A. Justice
B. Courage
C. Hyperactivity
D. Active involvement
Passage A
One reason that so many people fail is that they lack confidence in themselves. If you think of yourself as
being unworthy of great achievement, you will never achieve greatness. If, on the other hand, you know
yourself and understand what your abilities are, and if then you are determined to accomplish and gain
confidence in yourself.
One of the surest ways to accomplish this is for you to associate with persons who have really achieved
greatness. It is impossible, however, for most people to come frequently into the actual presence of the
great. The next best thing, perhaps, is for you to spend part of your time in reading about great achievers.
Biography is a powerful stimulant to action.
But these processes will not work unless you rid yourself of a sense of inferiority and determined to do the
best that you possibly can. One of the great philosophers expressed the idea in a single sentence when
he said that each individual should hitch his wagon to a star.
1. What is the main idea of the selection?
a. Self-confidence is hard to achieve
b. Many people suffer from an inferiority complex
c. Knowing oneself leads to great achievement in life
d. Self-confidence is the key factor in achieving success in life

2. Which paragraph/s gives/give specific suggestions on how to develop confidence in oneself?

a. Paragraph 1 b. Paragraph 2 c. Paragraph 1 and 3 d. Paragraph 2 and 3

3. What word is synonymous or closest in meaning to the word “hitch” as used in the last sentence of the
a. drive b. fasten c. detach d. remove

4. Successful people are different from those who are not because they
a. Work hard at having faith in their abilities.
b. Persevere to achieve greatness.
c. Hesitate to take risk by themselves.
d. Disregard the opinions of others.

5. What does the saying “Each individual should hitch his wagon to a star” mean?
a. One should try to fulfill all his ambitions in life.
b. A person should emulate his ideal person.
c. A person should aim as high as he could reach.
d. One should wish upon a star to make his dreams come true.

6. What literary technique was used by the writer in presenting his ideas?
a. Narration c. Comparing ideas
b. Detailed analysis d. Giving suggestions

7. According to the author, what is one of the surest ways to achieve self-confidence?
a. Read lots of informative books
b. Deal with people who have achieved greatness
c. Be-friend people who are self-sufficient
d. Develop a strong and independent personality
8. Based on the selection, what conclusion may be drawn?
a. Confidence in oneself is crucial in achieving success
b. Associating with well-known individuals is enough to propel one to succeed
c. Reading the biographies of great people is essential for one to become successful
d. Confidence in the ability of others is needed to boost one’s chances of succeeding


Studies have consistently pointed to at least three major immediate factors that push children to stay or

live on the streets. These are the poverty of the family, family relationship factors (physical or sexual

abuse) and peer influence.

Poverty and peer influence when compounded with problems and stresses in the family life such as

family break – up, child abuses and neglect, domestic violence by step – parents, underemployed

parents, etc. altogether create under pressure on the child to leave home.

In Metro Manila, population growth, urbanization and migration have increases through the years.

Children are often forced by circumstances to help their family eke out of living or tend for themselves on

the streets. Most of them are children of poor parents

Who migrated from rural areas in the hope of finding better job opportunities in the city but whose lack of

education rendered them for the street children, life on the streets is a constant struggle the overcome the

various negative comments that threaten to overtake them and destroy their hopes for survival. They

work under the heat of the sun or in the dark of the night from 6 – 10 hours, seven days a week to



1. To “eke of living” means

A. To earn income
B. To live with others

C. To stay in the streets

2. Based on the selection, what values seems to be missing in the families of street children?

A. Loyalty

B. Honesty

C. Kindness

D. Solidarity
3. What is the most important factor that will equip rural people to survive in the city?

A. Money

B. Education
C. Food

D. Home

4. The selection is simply about

A. Providing homes for the poor

B. Helping street children get an education

C. Factors why children live in the streets

D. How to lessen pressure on the family?

5. Based on the text, we can conclude that street children are

A. Independent

B. Malnourished

C. Helpless persons

D. Victims of poverty

Unique to Palawan is its mega diversity. For belong time, only the many ethnic communities that thrive in

these islands and a few other daring settlers who wanted to live in unpolluted surrounding know

Palawan’s bountiful resources, abundant wildlife and extraordinary natural beauty. The island province

first attracted foreign attention in the 1970’s when became a United Nations Vietnamese Refugee center

at this time, a disturbance in Kenya also saw the transport of endangered animals from its savannas to

the plains of Calauit island. However, it was only a sea accident in 1979 that eventually led to the opening

of Palawan into major tourist attraction. According to a story, a tuna line disabled a dive boat’s propeller in

the middle of the night forcing to drop anchor in an inlet. The following morning, the drivers woke up with

amazing scenery of skyscraping dark cliff.


1. It became a United Nation Vietnamese Regional Center

2. Palawan and its Extraordinary Natural beauty

3. Variety

4. El Nido was discovered by a diver



1. A profile of overseas Filipino 1. Line 2 1. New generation of youth
workers 2. Definition 3 2. Have been influenced by western
2. Have a family to support and 3. Or press an ear against its hive cultures
thus need a higher income 4. Cordial and pleasure 3. Many of them still believe in traditional
3. Ofw’s in Europe, America 5. His readers values
and Asia are generally more 6. To make its meaning inconspicuous 4. Practice new and experimental ideas
satisfied than those who 7. Frustrates 5. Paint and broadcast media have a great
work in Saudi Arabia and the 8. Ocean influence on the youth
middle east countries 9. Stanza 4 6. Develop foreign values and forget
4. Fourth Paragraph 10. The conflict of hopes versus reality traditional ones
5. Families of OFW’s prosper 7. Making profile
due to a large income
The economy will remain as it is in
spite of workers going abroad
1. Chopsticks were discovered 1. To earn income 1. Homer
2. Coated 2. Solidarity 2. Trojan War
3. Point out differences 3. Education 3. Classic Stories
between the two 4. Factors why children live in the 4. Mythical Gods
4. Personification streets 5. Illustrating the despair and useless
5. Eating practice 5. Victims of poverty suffering associated with war
6. Long suffering along resolving triumph
1. Where verbs are, action is 1. Explain different customs that some DRAMA/THEATER
always present countries have. 1. The imaginative power of drama
2. Unlike other words, they are 2. It’s interesting to know the diversity of 2. Theater creates poetry, power
bound to time cultures around the world enhancement and truth
3. Expresses action 3. Different 3. Foolishness
4. Difficulty with verbs can be 4. Asian people usually say words at two 4. It is able to create poetry, power
overcome gradually different moments when they are going enhancement and truth
5. A description to eat 5. Worry
5. United States 6. Cannot be explained
7. Metaphor
1. Hard to posses 1. It became a United Nation Vietnamese 1. Theme of love
2. Which comes from giving is Regional Center 2. Camera resembles life
more lasting and permanent 2. Palawan and its extraordinary natural 3. Simile
3. Giving to others beauty 4. Human eye
4. Showing concern for others 3. Variety 5. Capture the good times
makes us forgot our pre-occupation 4. El Nido was discovered by a diver 6. Focus on what’s important
with ourselves
5. Explaining and citing


1. Physical Fitness 1. Target 1. The difference between birds and
2. Hinge 2. Hear well human on travel
3. Strong shaking of bones 3. Metaphor 2. Unfit to be eaten
4. The importance of the knee 4. The cat as a hunting machine 3. The migration of birds and that of
5. Scientific 5. Survive on its own humans are very different
1. One can be wealthy but still fell 1. Not imaginable 1. You can be young
unfulfilled with his/her life 2. Three significant grains, especially 2. Assertive
2. Ironic wheat may be lost to human 3. Timidity
3. He got tired of living solitude 3. More aggressive action against global 4. He has lost the desire to improve
4. Sight warming is needed himself
4. Most affected under intense heat 5. View about life
5. Exposition

1. The prince and the rat 1. A truly educated Filipino 1. Love of God and music
2. The rat will experience participates actively in the work and 2. Sparkle
freedom progress of the country and the world as 3. Overcome difficulties by his faith
3. Men keep on hunting him a whole and music
2. Strong belief 4. There is always hope
3. Reflective thinker 5. Love of family
4. Oriental people are contemplative
5. Active involvement


1. Man is constantly in search of 1. Often thinks about rules
new inventions 2. Irony
2. To seek comfort in man’s goal 3. Boring
in life 4. Obedience
3. Improve people’s lives 5. The importance of rules
4. Personification
5. Ingenuity

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